twojtiday way sou uet s the acton free press fiokhv mle joaa kumley of taraeue u kama far the weekaad mr jofca euurwaak toronto vis ited l arloa this waek mfc as mr ia tmjrlar uul uie holiday visiting la pittsburg pa ula margaret mruoaau of tbran- lo u home lor th weekend mr was t nlehol at ftlmcos vte- ltd with friends in arton this weak miss helen hroag af toronto visi ted friends in town duing tit waak and mr george jicaa ol aurora had wtlh hu parents oar the week end mr end mra evart ianny and ljola motored to kincardine for tha weekand x mr and mn u hanuckar water loo vtattad with arton relatives over l ha wi a ula mildred lloillnger and mr j ark houlaiar of toronto were kama for tha weekend mua bertha browa and miss zalla cart spent tha holiday waak and with mua rant brawn mra edna snyder mlaa llauel campbell or toronto erteat tha hol iday with mra jan aysatea mr brur alhaaon and mr ron beerhley of hall vultad on sunday vlth mr and mn e iluftnafat mr u a dills spent tha liolldsy weekend with mr c ii llarrleon at ikwarven in llellburton district mr jimn lluffnagel ol lotonlo was a week rod visitor with ms bro thers anlhoii and kdwerd llufl- nagal mr and mi s j raid vultad with mr and mr austin held at thrli home in slialfttrd iver thr holltay uwkrnd mr and mr cordon llognvelson marilyn and lull visited during lha mrnl with friends and ralauvaa in oahawa and trenlta mr and mra w d roberslon dav- id douglas and uobby at toronto pant tha 341 h holiday at tha home of mr and mra v anderson many trtanda ara pleased to see mr parry wataon homi again and im pacting in haalth following an oper ation at lha lockwood clinic in to ronto miu mamie malnprlaa i toronto pant tha weekend at her home we aia plaaaad to rekt that mra w mainprise who has been 111 is im proving mr and mn nathan merttn anna and ilold ol mlmlro mr and mra fred campbell of toronto via- lied on sunil with thalr aunt mn e t collier and family mlu ethel stren of toronto mra herbert steen of wlnnlprg mr cam steen of cooksvtlle and mra nrlaon f moore milled over the weakend with mr and mra will lane of ort- un and called nn other ulntlxrs at illllfthurb and krin ml viola slraniia llnrilr lie and mia s blwild of toronto mrs veo johnmin ol hamilton mr end mrs kiunk lnhtwid uf iunn- tllr mi a j m lonim f wtn- liipei mr nntl mis anrtrtw uilni ol london wrrr rvnl tuenl of mr and mn nell mclxinalil i engagements mr and mn victor mcoallum streetivllle wish to announce tha i ngagrmrnt of their daughter mary jane to cordon gibbon only aon of mr and mn george gibbons acton the marriage w til take place at brampton anglican church on katur- la june 3ah at 3 pjn mutt cuettftfl rf cutuan flifaa itabiilr the rrtaadly ckurek- kkv a wavnm koattkwy raraonaga bowar avanua june tncl llmd sunday ii oil am i tlaon u a morning u preailar si the hev s wonhlp rueat w iat it c a k wis pm church school evening kervlca withdrawn berauk tf lgttn arrvice at i 4s pjn- at hiu ctiunh o worwijilp th loid in lha beauty of lltulnraa everybody walooaaa pfhttthaii utttrri hi xaoaa knox araoi acrom bv roamm t jlum igaauat maaaa wlllsw stram sunday school anniveuah sunday junk 2nd 1 1100 am morning worahlp com- mamoratlng lha lolrd ajnuvera- ary of tha founding or th sun- nay school herman the choice itefore iii anil lufore our chlld- lan 3 43 pm legion churth service iueal epeakar ueul col sidney lamhert o h e no evening acivle they that wall upon tha lard shall renew thalr irangth- vatittet jlrairtri aoton xv w it walxack sunday junk 3nd 194 linn am the mlnuter commun ion service to follow ronrlyalon of settlce 12 11 pm sunday school 7 oil nm lnenlng service in charge ot young iroplea mr sid johnston toronto moderator y l i guea ktekei thuraday may 10th h xi p m spec lal young leolei meeting ftev larl cameron llrampton guei paker lllltmlturg young ieoplei almi attending a welcome to all xgarrli af fx xtbu tkt glgrtir the sunday aftrr aacenalon ay june 2nd itma 10 nil ant church school linn am holy kucharui and ser mon 12 13 pjn senior claea 7 00 pjn- evenanng and sermon hiiowbbs or gifts vou mude and gbooii ijkl wmk ula kuth uaruanam wu th rwijkunt of many buuful gills wn an friday nifht at tl horn ol mn brt llowat th lrtiuli n4 rtvtgiibuis gatltrd ami pfttt6 itrr with mlr41anhm showr a hunaottuus ruxrani pncaoa an4 a llasant nlni was enjoy- by ail on wj4nday rvniii may lmh mis llrtcn llulmra ud a ititrmn l tower fur tha bitalto tw kolui- inc a novl ruarani ht asknl to aji tha rah whlrh provtwi to rirlala ihvrjf useful fthowtr of glfta on wdnday vnlnif may int i leorn hrhmj th frtanaa and natjtv uin of jark iuma and th brll lou aalhcrod and irvctntml tham with an artdr rnimlb gnd wh- and kjynad m bhalf of th group y margarv maaalaa rnrnrm ut ihall it u ikatldaon lir many ttaautlfut gift r thmt rtpnx1 m1 lhy tlltli it ih wlmin in wlit h jark is hld tn his horn rommunlly jak ariad his apuaiailn for tit- and lh ry oavamani wantitg anangvd fur tham tius week v a e rthjrtmuj -nr- reaai buff wrmaa a floyd smith jeweler watches clocm jeweleby 73 quebec street weal fiuelph ont brownuwrru wadding at home of brides parents the marrtuge of mabel jean ball daughter of mr and mra robert bell moffat to wilfred broanlow aon of mr and mra george brown low milton wai aolemntzed recently at tha home of the bridea paraata rev mr benny duart friend and former pastor of the groom per formed the ceremony under a canopy of pink and whte atreamers while wadding bells and ulaca in pink and white tha bride given in marrlagv ny her rather wore a dressmaker suit of turquoise wool white shear blouat black accessories and a pearl neck lace tha gtt of lha groom miss audrey ooodf allow t toronto niece of tha groom wearing a dark reef suit and cortaga of rosea was bridesmaid mr iluasey was bail man the reception which follower wai attended by s3 ralauvaa and friends on returning from their wadding trip to midland sault si made and windsor mr and mra brownlow will live tn moffat s u for your itealty water rump wooeta farm kquinmedt weatlnrthovasc appliance wtkintl txintkaltb bit ob small mceachern electric imuhw 225 mill st acton mrh joijjcy ih iiikkiint f tiik iiannockhintn w i flkr imxmlna tof ltnimt ktmin w i w hd at in htmi of mra winnie hfmoll tn fulvowlna tfflr- tl vr lrld ful ttv yr rrsdmt mra joltay vlr lraldnl mra cray secretary ltna morrison liutrnt rrrrtor rltlh mrkjrli- rrn lrrtora- mra i mivirtson mra s untuay mra d uuasall mra m cuim mra j brook pianist wilma coua ilrgatrs tn convention mi jol- l y itana motttson mra d huasatu wilma calra itlorir jaan kucaall cimvvnnr of lunrh mra k kvan onvannr uf lrogram iaobl mr- donald auditors iydla krr and jan 1ltfh a wry vlamty lunch waa arvad by th hoataa and har asalatanta and lh matinit clowdwilh gnd sav th king i1alton and peel hoiahteln lutrrirers to stae fieid oav tiic annual f l l1 day nt rh llalttm nnd lloutiln and jfrsry ilrcwl- rrs is hfmlulnl fur hit onlailii au- rtrultural illrur urlh nn hatur- day junt nth thirteen hundred at- trndd this tvrnt in ims and it is an- iiciabtcd oaw attendant racord will h ofttahllshskl this yaar at 11 it m optional lours will b mad to thr smrlmnlal plots dairy barn and inni term pastures poultry di- aattmnt campus and grnhousia nnd farrn marhlnrry exhibit lltr group will im guests of the col lege for lunrh in the college dining hall the nfirrnonn program will in- rludr an address of welcome from w it itrrk acting iveldrnt of the 6 ac judging competitions livestock arndc and a snrts program for ounc and old tuileclriir try thf tii nienu of those who hse been tuirllr- ipatlne in this hg ecnl in former rir the tuff of the oac spar no i effort to make this nnnunl pllgrlmnge dn long to be rememterd native of irkiaam markss lunimlwmi hiktiinav lst weik mrs matairt plckey celehrnted her lisnh hhlhdny at her home tn muffslo y the dauglttor of the lat mr nnd mrs uohert storey aha was horn in county antrim tveland may nth lblfi coming to canada in j867 shr spent a few years in arton and narbyvtlle ihen gnlns to buffalo where she has real dart ever sine at lb birthday dinner held in her hon or there were s generations preaant also nell black or arkell and mrs alfred wilson nasaagaway tokonto tci ontario farmer tehortly 111 rmi w000 ehaquea rjm lh iottilnlun gmarnnunt aa their tier bushel payment from the ontario wheat equalisation fund the payment at three rents a bushel will b made to producer who delivered ontario winter wheat in the lh4 rh year on tle basis of mtfithly reports reelved fiom el wvhr agents in ontario tit tjurlua arising as a rault of ltissuallietlm fes collected itn ot1- arlo winter flour and other wltetr produhs smfied from that nop af ter allowing for ailmlnlstratlnn coat ami the estimated cost of making the payment totals 1 wr34 tt ontario farmers slso will particip ate in mlono13 being dlsttlhutad in barley quusatum payments to sll lrodurrs wtto delivered barley elttt er tbrihjgh country elevators or by farm to- farm transactions in tha croft year 104443 the barley pay ment is being made before the wheat distribution approstmatrly 1 w000 barley cheijuea are involved covering total deliver- of hu4a3tj11 bushels with the payment per bushel set at 7 s cents lite its r ley equalisation sayrnenl lepresevits the difference between the sdvancf equalltatton taymenl nnd the eduallfallon fee cnjlected for itarley esintrted aftrr allowing for admin istration costa and the estimated cost of making payment the payment covers deliveries made itelwnen aug i 1044 and july 11 1d45 in the case of deliveries through country elevators tlte cheques are compiled from information submitted by the handling companies where prostucers made deliveries to more thsn one elevator aeperate cheijuos will tte issued one for each of the companies to which deliveries were msde the chequee will le forwarded tn the elevator com pan in ftr dislrlhut ion when ornpleted but cheue cov erlng the farmtofarm transatlons will it dlatrlbuled by mall from ot tawa it is con side ird probable in ot tawa that wheat participation certl- tcalea nn the 104v44 crop will he ready for hie mall in june tlte shortage of barbed wire a hsndlrap to farmers during the war ears is expected to continue for same time until dell vert of steel from the united states am back normal barbed wire production in canada amounts to attout 1000 tons month and this is distributed on an equitable hnsls throughout canada between 1010 and 4w0 prisoners of war will be available for farm work in ti least the early part of llio summer accontlng to the federal min uter of in i mir humphrey mitchell altout oho have been allotted to the ontario sugar beet area the period for which the labor will tc available is dctendcnt on ar rangements with the british author itles no assurnnre can el im- ktvei yontl the enrly part nf auuvl mt erman prisoners already hme lnen kent to brllnln where they me to um1 tn reconstruction work gregory theatre tkura frl uajr mb tlsl ijttlk ilant wlth the famous comedy team abbott and costello sport arcard up- n cartoon unruly llar chapter 3 raiders of ghost city hatumoav junk i maunea hasuntay at i dangeb slflnal faye emerson zachary scott musical cams of tha ocean falsing parade stairuay to light pete smlthfatn at hyde park j fonewf momdav june ird yank in t0ndon anna nesglo rtax harrison cartoon exterminator traval memories of colum bus auction sale in nelson township impixmcvth llolhciiou tt- rlxtn ant the undcrugued have received in structions from rladbh to sail by public auction at his farm lot is nelson con 5 base line on krtsdav jllnc 4th commencing at 1 00 oclock p the following 3iectlon harrows hoover potato digger ill h cutthrow disc 14plate low wagon m ii orchard sprlnit tooth 3 scufflers mellotte cream saparetor 390egg incubator m ii root pulper garden drill and vvhecl hoe 2 circular saw pack sprayer grass seeder scales hay fork 3 corn planters lawn mower brooder house i0 x 13 3 hot bad sash so qt berry crates 1 ton scrap iron pulleys forks shovels etc 5 kitchen chairs rocking chair bed spring mattress gramo phone nnd records small table 1 aladdin hanging lamp 1 aladdin table lamp coal oil lamps so ft rubber hose coal oil heater bread mixer household scales egg scales 3 dor sealers guitar elect ric radio terms cash d hunter ft asmrm auctioneers j robertson cleric b upholstering dont discard your old furniture luv it p mfcfawejmsl suttee laaa saw frealan tabay phone 87 for btiaste melvin beaumont hani and jttavh htonk and loam aavait kment luixvkh oijj4 wiixiam liumw 102j gawrtatowii girls softball takf m all ladles and iris interested in sufiball and desirous of having a g formed in actnn arc invited to attend a meet my in acton town msll on friday kvkniimt may list at h im acton athletic amhoriulion t ai s continuing in the gospel tent on tin- nw sitr vkthikia and miu st south hitxial skrvuim nhjiitiy at h lvituy kvrntnjc pmrurulvly for i toy a and irin laoriks day at 710 m no ollctinj will be taken ut any of thcc service aija hkartlty wkuomk kumrlimlpi joyck and cuatton hothouse hats keit in heltox lutston ci llnthoiui hnu uhicu bloom nt a rfhuurnlnrl tv nntl nr kept in the letbox ulth ttw milk nt ntyht art t lie newott fitnr i in summer headgear thr hats which establish a n htfih in eheapeau y i amor are dtslgn- 1 ed tor the vearir and are the oilnui- otloh of kiplwior onellt a hostnn l florist uith a flair for the unusual miss oneill has levied upon sclent r in ths crtation of her hats sine shs tjnrialles in design i ni chapeaux jor annienatie nnd dates to be rcmem- heid and to do this must be assur ed lit hlftasoms that flower on the datt the trust timer wants th hat 1 hrse lower ate brought into bloom with a new- device which main tains constant heatflow srlantliu w ho developed the mechanism con ducted tests which showed that the flowers could be made to bloom at any predetermined day thereby as- surlnc mlaa oneill of the fragrant materials she converts into hat the festive bonnets sell for 10 to ho and will last for five days provid ed they are paiked in a refrtcerator at nlsht flower hats provide a new and exciting way of expressing the wear ers personality say miss onellt if she la the glainoroualy fragile type i use such flowers aa gardenias camellias or carnations in the pale thades if the is a girl with many dif ferent personality facets i combine the flowerm using some that are ex otic and others that are more simple perhaps a white orchid as themt ral flower with two or three butter fly orchids and a spray or tro of white buddella for fragrance for a sout american brunette who re minded me of carmen miranda i made a tiger illy hat and the night she wore jt ah waj a sensation mlu oneill says the rarely makes two hats alike every girls person ality is different i try to express her individuality she- explains real estate insurance ocean steamship tickets insurance now is the time to renew your insurance aad bring it up to date value of proriertlea and content have increased insurance rate on ire hive decreased and new benefit added real estate we have a number of dwellinc or aato some are owner occupied and immediate poaaeuioa to given other for inveatmenl soma choice farm f aate large and unatl acreage seven mourn house bath ano furnace mouse well built near peat offlre and business owner occupied possession given t artistic brick ten rooms well built besutlfully located well tenanted good floors steam heated could be converted into duplex er small institution solid bnck house two storeys new furnace newly decorated well built all conveniences hardwood floors good residential district well tenanted rent your sparc room to returned men por further information apply to fl wright realtor and insurance ph0nb 96