vac mx the acton free press tlluilhilay may vxh m8 i fifth with radar bc fmurttm already imng dtvv wueh iaamae caleh the week al ottawa by h deny hodobon rnrff pre wr through most ol the week with var ious ministers defending the govern menl paltry in the face of ttaavy rtilli lun from the opposite side ul i h omitvons o it aw i i iumlllng in i a1iv1 qut months tre shadov m proai he vwil latwt m nut ii sled n i i1 it lab- r pi sui ti nn allltu 1 iskmk tun hi tl ii ft rtr would 1 n i nit wu 1 ii v nl ink lit hit vttl miii nn eut u kwifc h ur in i nrtisly t lw ml pail illi victoria b c cp bnush columbia nhrmmi are showing ke n lrteret la a marine supraonlc dc iwonur described as the radar ol the dmp the recorder demonstrated on board the ifool fishing wml r iwin 8 ownm by r w smith awl his 1 eons is expected to prove a valuatle aid to navigation anil tahle tiki i men to know immediately when their vwrli pass over w hoots of fish ilustiml nllii n ii the instrument weigh les than hoin in m i lf lit pounds measuring jo by l in in with a derth at e loot ii is lo at ed in the mhmlhout amidships is another device known an a transdur ei a stainless sieel asinit containing 16ft sensitive crystal r tghty if these crystal liensml elrelrlml km pulse downward to the bottom while ui remainder receive elect r i al vll rations after they echo hark from tle ikottom the e hoe by m ans rf a highly terhnlnl system are then transmitted to a aper chart in th recorder fly this chart fishermen ran deter mine to allhin eight lm lw the wal 4r s depth the ctetlinulng hla k line on the c hail is an ea t record of the seabottom eontaure anything that came between the bottom of the ship and the sea hot torn u auo immediaety recorded the device is so accurate and mm it iv that on small fish passing under the ship will he noted on the chart salmon ami tuna fishermen will not have to covt r ureal area with their gear out recorder will tll i hem if the fish are there and thus save much valuable time one fithctman w illlam burgess of vancouver said hi atrhc in on month with the im of the recorder had trlded a man pound of fish aa ware caught in nmik a ai im rter the old methoda cloudk and th lilmr fiont nk1uit an ominous tittal a summer ap- mkkhtll d lh lt to 1 mt1 mill ulw i f niajos null m mi ll t lirtnk alllt will l llu llr pakithe fott imhiltvn tstapsrsaaaaital rarsn nawa in rnenl ear th- nirncc f nut lit ion has disclosed facts which have greatly lmproed poultry production in all its phase that equally rapid improvement will continue to lie made l harm to he rmtcd since arh lntlonant step forward hi inir the saturation xjlnt t loer efflrlvnr and quaht rathrr than quantity of production will take on fresh importance under hear condlt ions in that phase of production which relates to efficiency and qual ity tn growth the suhject of pasture is of first importance says h s cutterkbja ioultry division central exparlmental r im ottawa th object in providing iasturr r two- fold first to substitute con sumption of forage plants for aa great a proportion i the more ijkr man ttr ottawa ni na thew d the infrrenrr- lkwern lie mlnliln an thfi represent alive of the tatger anadian congiesh of ithor unions termed a dlsappnlniment by the un ion offl lals revolved around the icovet nment w age price policy the t otigrrsji made these iv oni mrndattons 1 lroilon for uuluii wide iatli i lhan i lant bargaining amendment of the wmkc contrtl i riler to allow auromatu ialor hoard approval of wage hour agre menu res j ming in lakevhnme pay ot not more lhan h r enl more fur a 40 hour week lhan was being tal1 lor n 4h hour week 1 piovulon b the federal govern merit in i ami- in w ii i h no agieement u reactid of a tnonrd nuthfitred to dimuss wagis in nor telatlnns and prices 4 avjttrptloo t the fill rsl gov einment of full repontnillt tor re ralushlng negotiations in htrtkes il read slnrleal with i hi lmnu i udg nk its noninn e mr mill hell nilng said v nnad lank were i nterlng the last round in our tuittu agalnu inflation vvitli heaw demand and limited iuppl of iimiumm goods the stage was set nflhllon moie dlnmklrou thnn that which followed the last war a i if aiute of w ngr control w s nnts fcary to price control 1e ongresa srgued that turn w akr inrrvaset as increasing taki home imiv up to m m r hrit for a 40 hour week rould not te lnflatlonar inflation is ivnsslhle only when tot al purchasing power in circulation ll greall in ecesa of good current union proposals merely call for main tained purchasing power plus a mod crate compensation for increased liv ing coats already permitted b th wartime prices and trade itoard mr mitchell said he had heard a rtaln public statements said to em- nnate from the unions ou represent that a decision had been rearhwl to follow a itollc or striking in di fiance of government legislation such a course ha stated would cause dcla confusion and chaos and place the lintfipi tn a p ukuuto i tosinitkrf jamb akn gndwtfe are luiumed oldcwl ilwivmbsilhtitvi lgr liuasnluo tnt ih jacob alii n m eai old llmksmlth wh nnllv woiki m l tit joh and hi hm ini i id w ifr n 1 hrlmm wtio can nod it m mtkt n pnvll tins tairv on vstial i piotuihl tht oldest blr k miihlni partnership in ontario alhii rvplruui tjiai wlti i ip i im ituium he couldn i ge aiitm i i- i tn y all waiil v tents sn t in f i sitting around nnwt of it llnir uhllf ou d hie wolk at ttie i el i w till keep the iron hot llien ihen t i up and hit a touple of blows tl m wimildn t kill a fly irn tara ago il ht allen hud in nut his fust anvil 1 lmat it right down till ii warn i art irood any mote he said hi woiktng on h s second r nil lie ha been swinging a t annuel mis wrists aie thhk ant i on it 1 1 it have tie n i tier oni at i ls kmiiith approaching alien s age who tuvr t 111 iteen in huslness hut the vi lhen putterers allen said he k on hie joh every day and he does not pick itu soft stuff kor a ioiik limi tie hns been trying t i get out of hiiklnesii ills clients won t lei him ili keep bringing the sluff in allm said if i could get enough hi lp i could retire lr i known throughout the dlst rh t adjoining the sis nations indian lteseratlon where his shop is located much of his hukinrss has leen wltn the indians ln year uko at hie tender age ol hit lu gave up shoeing horse lhey were getting too much for me he said i just handle he re- tialr sluff now or make a new piece 1 ad was in a spot so 1 had to come out here hi wife e plained when be told mi he couldn t gel nn help i said to him well dad i it come out if ou want me to and i ii do what i can 11 didn t like the idc at first but later he said okay maw well see what you an do i must ve done all right because i m ttll here nttavkr menait 1indsav on cp the heaver may be canada s nut tonal animal but he s just a pain in the neck to r idun lownshlp count i t ounclllnrs are complaining that bemvrr dams are causing water to rise and flooding roads in the vicinity itm1mnk mtiamaty ii waa beautifietion wnek said brown to his wife ll a pity thafths 1timthk i tuldn 1 lie persunded to do mmttiing about that gardt n of theirs it tikhamr the wn they st let it run to nd it kioiw w4at x mlglll till ihi iiivitillr effwt it nil the hark ards in tin distiht i think i ii spek th 1 ull 1 ii 1 5 u lnl id i vi ai nm u gml ul uie far 1 iulpok n lv it tin 1 it 1 un lit ll dill mail aft nt t in ml ik mi en mi l i k ns w hdiu ng ui in i wmli ng mu itlomii ilm kll ot th ftp st 1 it n mv i in 11 ill i n i 1 w 1 ill lief i i lx u t i 1 loimtl iii ul 1 uliwo 1 1 i mm ahtllx to hi lljli ki limit ktl l 1 an 1 ntiuinu up hi it ld m lit int nn f 11 no nl sh ut tr w 1 kllitf llltitlllg iii m 1 f all ik mini m mid ki iii y im nn 1 e kt1i d faretlously hut u mlhi 1 1 rt e in uoriy miy itei with thai lov a1i h i f uimh s iiai tr and hi k n wti1 k 1 1 ad all nw r mir inn k hm n htftavvhksusv cltor up jukiik t 11 quelle s heo ttrnwtmrt i amounted to j 50- 4wmi u4it for u 4tal viue of t6s tmi i he tiup re lest tiled nn in i i raw ov i last yeur harvest of i 1m4is itusrt vhium ut hjqtmli 1 it ton oni it i t n iiulliold herake r twin kmi pttl lt ijtvriin ihi 1 h bus i i in i i i wo i ur irievi tn hve ullichl 1ic wtio lens r ik i ii hlaftil tllicred dig i ki w i uii chum iii iso rpyifan m laihh raltl illtr sask mtt hit le cntl dfkliod si hi rae thirteen load of oni heve and hay a itarn sn mpt imnary and a w on the laim wi mtli north i f hcgina of iuv boater tillnd vrlrrin of the klrsl iml wsi when iiiesjlonl ion cerntng id loaa mi rotr smiled iee itilngs sometimes happen rfifl oi for the goahead farmer 4 v pensive protein mineral and vitamin iwki m pcartw nditamullytirh kr rtpu nnr lh ai for hydro lamps a y hydro office well what dyou know i rvery t snsdlsn farmer sees nruinerliy ahead ha knows the world is short of food ea4 food is money ttte ursimn ami fsrsnert are silting today is lluw can i get say htre ol ihsi pmsparire sucwaser thsi calls for eutpmnl mtxlsfiaisstioe possibly new gaugett to mechanise some of use isstsirtgnolili of hsndlshout sroundrhefaraaj the hsnk of mom res i resdy to tttr ilsa necessary anancisl aid so giwafcead fsme who wish to improve or awsdernlse their farsa mu nillll equipment buildings snd lands my hann lilymrhm smsvager asefey imscuss youf fjllunilh m u ja t m h helplui remember when you ask for a loan al the bank of montreal you do ao4 ask a fsoafe o i lomui l advertising auppl hjglenu conditions for tlva growth of the vounc stink having regard particulatlv tt the control if internal parasites some of the fat tors whhh must tn rcnsldered are to use krass w hlcti are not loo wwim to m lhtn in quentl an thai ttn will remain u- culent and that varieties flitch ai ivalatable to kiultrv shoul i l umhi short ireali growth is more paint able lower in fibre wul hlhi r lr pnteln mineral and vltnmlns our ing the iciitkl of the wartime mhii itv of proteins woik in tonne u r with poultiv ftcilx ut tin tiuiun division ontral r vpciimciilnl 1aint show id tint levels of pnl in tonsul ciablv tnlow rcvomnu n led retiuin itlptltx were bttlhttrv for growth if even nithit tuit l itkml pitiue un avniuhb iuring tin r cnt ute 1 protein short nc this finding is apphc- nble and various tmate 4iggvi that jit to a ikt tll of the cost or lxnrlng nay im saved lhiwtig4vjudic tous use of gthht pasturt annual permanent and roationiil paturvs all have their place accord ing to the rcquliemt nl of the indiv idual enterprise slated hrieflv an nual pastures are most oostlv both from the standpoint ot aetd and cul tural practices but are particularly aatlafactory for limited pasture areus anvvjfor the soil cleaning value of tin largsf amount of cultivation required permanent pastures are moat fruitful and have a negligible coat putlay for cultural pracucsss butjn the rase of established paraaltum there must i e plenty of area to aet up a three or four year rotation of permanent pas ture if the paraaltlam u to bat coi- lrollevj rotational pastures ii whin poultry are on pasture in one year of a regular farm rotation whlch cultivated and other crone in the rotation u without doubt the most aaltfacory considering all factors immigrants wantkd mullona of people in hungry eur- op are anxious to emigrate to can- svdju and while th desire may be mot ivated by an eagerness to get to a country where food u plentiful and llvtab conditions are infinitely belter that u no doubt that there are many of exceptional ability and fine ehar- evcttrr who would make exellenttfch- jijuisvlachute quo watchman- nn nl could render assistance i he latnir miualim n the wcik n led ht id ample muse for concern i llrltlh olumhtn s huge lumber in i dutdrv wax tied up h a stilke which i ih iuki 7 ot unrkr ullli the i i inadlnn s amen a inlou thrt uli nl ii sinki of union m niters on all lake nnd on si ul snl inu june 1 to mforce ts d maud or nn h h ur duj instenl j i tlie pnsnt tj hour shjtl sut h n sli ike would btlng the ienl ijik s li invpoi tntlim svstim to n standstill m i t nit vital ui nm nhipniints linn h i tti n hungiv woild ihesltuition til lie i tu ii mill w is mui it mote threatening and ill istu ilfnih if tin nto nd solt ion strlk n luld crim tmpl cntton- loi i mind i i 1 tonslrut tl n mithm r 11 m tol 1 lli v i nuuoiis th l s id t lopim nl hindi n i d fui 1 niluiil- i u vt r mu h wo i in tht mvm wmks ii mo pnl 1 to mav v i inndii had import t i onlj ul iw tons of hiluminous nml cximpnred with 2 t7h iksi in tin m- rtiondlni imiiotl inst m nr llu jjoooumon deficit ncv would i ise to 00 0tx tnn if the situulion nmnln el the same until the end of juili mr how said evetv posiihle stt p was being taken to conserve soft coai supplies hut unletut thi sit uation improved soon the central provlljces ontkrio and quebet are threatened with nothing iras than t lalamtt and our people and our in dustry may be faced with hardship and distress on a scale never exper ienced during the war ears the liberal government survived two motions of want ofconfldence last week dealing with its pne stabilization policy a progress ve conservative motion called on mem bers of the house to express the op inion the government s price cejunj policy was discouraging food product- ian and placing on food producers an unfair share of the burden of main taining the price policy the ccf mm i an also defeated asked member to express the opin ion that rocent unjustifiable in crease th the prices of steel and farm implements had placed on the food producer and the worker an un fair share ot the burden of maintain ing the price policy debate on the two motions ravad to see canada again and you can plan to see it now to get away on that pleasure trip ong deferred because of wartime restrictions 4 step on board a canadian national train and go in relaxed comfort youll find new pleasure in train travel and canadian national service as courteous as ever ut cn mils piam tous tbi at canadian national nearest ticket ofic theyll tell you about the place you want jo see arrange train retenranom and other detail make travel a pleasure all the way drop in and talk it over with canadian national oimaoian national v r euettvuiubbb 11 riuini evirywhere canada