thursday may 30th hhe the acton wee press pjica iucw34 ajlmomt lavdeo a man a pool the summer tuiw a rod a reel a alkrn line and where the ripple puirs and smirba tu there the p rote pn kcrrl lurk th demon of the finny dan no enemy he fars but man a halted hook a silver flash a startled look a headlong dash a htt a strike ihe reel spins fast the drmnn pickrrel hooked at last so op and down the iool he rtrivs now lettping high iow deeply d vei till on the surface listless floats and u nla raptor greedy gloats one last despairing im he gone tu never lost i it till won that battle that in life we wur youth yielding ft to wllfl a now far beyond thr river edge nursing hu torment in the aedge th demon ijes nd ao deer youth plena play the same and tall th truth for flahy atorte oft ielnted become sometimes exaggerated the sunday school lesson hi lai ji r tiui xklsmn ot it jvhifndsiiir voii ciik1st oldrn lrkl iet u lo r on an tliwr ot love i of 1 1 jno 4k if m i uk 1 1 mary aninl ju twenty years ago rasa tfce issue af use fee p ef thnwim june ten lt it la real mauom ttme now the contractors hav hen buy during the werk palntinu the water work lower tank rev j m boyd who hti bii tit pastor of the baptist church here for the past year hat received and accepted a call to iovtrcour1 ilaptltt church toronto the flrat convocation in connection with the ontario agricultural college atme lis establishment at urlph two years ago was held in memorial hull last week the defrree of bachelor of scientific agriculture wu confer ted on v brriuale mr lliiimit itumh y ha- sold his hlaikirrrltli tho r1 tu uitmr of mill p w stnel and 1 atk avenut in mi eu cowle tf kuhmortd hill r ighl nimini wn iitjuied w h n lhr rftitthmm ravt iwmnrt him lollld ed with a tiitfk nboul mvtn mill below llrnmlin on cliit mihv hie auton salr of the furnishings of thr nniklihl lmn i of the sidney smith estatr dr w n crowd from all ever the count r although the p lty w k not kiiii it il immi f he ik uieh dd f f t mks v rv iui e ful iiokn watson in ann on riirti may jhih inji lo mi unit mn u tor watann daughter i ukamrlt in aflnn on h 1 mny jkth 19 in mi nnd mr john w ommrr a wn iin stalklit at hfr con 4 kjqucklnk annie kou stalker iuon lr m4j jnul r kpoattion mk 14 5v lhe anolntmg of jeu oa uird u d befotr tha tuorr jno w it but in the art aunt here thr jew ih i4ot whlth otilnid 4 day later thn th anutnlmif u mentioned it xnne4tlon with ll be a use tha angrr of judas lacajtot at mary and at ur urrt aa ih niident that led tin me1iatrty to the be ra1 pine i kimiethini inrirwllly i u hlng in hum rvcnlnttk at lutltany dui ng tin latt wek of jui saviort life on rnith he nmr foi anolbrr rurtfr alo l nurture the flame of faith hat hi btn kindletl in the heart of man by the ieurre tinn of lararua v e lead in lite beginning of jem mn urtry how having perfoimid l fmt miradr at ana and famh bring awakened lie nfieiwaul nmr bark to l ana to qulrkrn and nourhh and nouruh and tnentthen that flth j no 4 m so here jeaut romr lak to bethany for a similar puiio jesut did not awaken fulth and thin have it to languuh and die hut lh pilnhtial tuipok of hit v ij l m tommunlon with martha and mary nnd iamiu ji u ht nt while iii wa very cd of t od mr nuo r al mnn lit wna oui hntlln i tbe wa in whlth bthnn u xki n of liy john ik wotlhv of lut v h i lnmiu wn w h hu iiiik mkl frum the d nl lleilinnv w n lit t u- h1fike in i m i i n tit of llpniu i i ir wai n nurrrliil man there llicre mi n one i lu hi 1r tln i urp lower tuvution koranailian mining ivesefil shem tlampers lvlop- 1 told ohawa li canadian mine rr m a loaitioi lo make a gram loniiibuiion to tin national walth i ut aie bring hampered b an ex irtnrl onerous and coniplnatrd sys trm oi taxation the senate natural httourtvs iummittee was tohl lat wek in briefs frum the mining in duilr in various putts of anada- loutr taxes to enrtnirage develop ment in the face of the heavy risks nvolved in uevvfoplng inlnaa wu uird in eai h 4 th bitefs presented i the wealtrn yjurlte mining assoc iatlon tl loroitto htk r xchane and the mid v est mlnmg asaoilat i mi lepivs nung salkati hrwan and manitoba a sltmlai brief wu prea- rtited irienlly by thr ontario mining avn tat i h llie mid ekt amw4lsllon brlrf said thr premnt bootit in ruining shaies la undoubtrdly provided a itreat ileal of money for mine asplur atlon but ll not a healthy condition and niual lead to a slump and sel lout limtsra itie laritr sums nred e foi drv rlopment and equipment would im- pniv ulfd tnl if ihne war irawttiatie prste t ot i nturn pluk s profit iiiib w as t lie kind tf invralmrnt mom- mln ng i1ernded lnti t tni not what lt k mmki t hysteila hie uclr gu imi avmm mimn i l iresi numoiik wen lhal of 1 oo imlat mltttnu nnipantes ini orpornt d or ii ensed hi qu t rovlnre up 1 i i lhi onh i mild ih uon ove nom llv ii i i 1 foi nt h bio kht m h i th tm lo lulk vtl i of id- john a tung htatt of ji u dl mmi shi above all otheix i kit hilpnel 1 him unlerstood him bcllrd ami hived out of thr wtnlth of her love she had purchased at a cost of flft onr dollar a largr turn in those d i h r whole trrauri nn alalmiktrr citise of ointment at put it alde lo use it upon him when the proper moment came she had understrnxl w hat none of 1 he i t had 1 hat lie was actually to die and he but lft kbo had not sat at hl fevt in vain 1 10 mary had not aiopjmvi in mltutate i thr xst of thr ointment ahd w he ther she might not hettrr savr iait of her money tor future nerds love nrver cavulates it glve all marv j uncalculatlng love of rmj proved n i siifer guide to ondurt than thr nl rulatlng prudence of judas nnd the rt of thr dtsctple matt fi h marv s nt t w a looked upon with sua i pirion ann wmp ery wise criticisms weie made upon it judas iscnrlot urn the leudi r in th tin is h cntlclsm ttie ucorlolh ukiinlly ire the u adei t i th trillcisinic the acts of others rnvy the goahead farmer knows tha lav at the bottom of the criticism the demand for hla products in peaothev could not undcrstnnd mary will be just as gremt as they were in art not bocausc it w an below them war ho knows too that if he la tu but because is was above them mary p1 n futl lr ln meeting thu in- to have sufficient comensatlon i demand tot t tnr th mllrl th dtwiples in he 1 m i lltn slo k 1 i t inke brief il lie in llvtn 1hh1 i a rosi ond in 1 r uld nil i u rn mhl lo vi 1 1 t 1l1 1 1 i n i a it nit on 11 1 tlllol t tuitions nlll r m tit 1 1 nl 1 hm d iwiut mil ti stt onln ii influ m ill i i it i qu hi btlrf si point inn fi r ri lief lt our goahtuul farnirr gets grip on the eleetrical future kloetrica inprovtsncnta kinancvd n lrywcoftt invmuncn plan cfwaaad demand ror itvwiiiutia w iu larm must b electrically prepare fur i he approval or the master t i ii jeaus in a home iuke in he knows his farm must b adr ah4j quately wired to derive full baneflt sjot rrr0 in thoae days was ao from ail the modem electrical power trm to receive jeaus into their appliance he knows also that he homes as was martha she was rich- should own theae devices so that hla j repaid then and afterwards mary production is efficiently cared for i too npr p t jesus teet tfs i ha will concern himself loo with urner there is no other rtc so hla familys welfare by providing them with the benefits of electricity tnth homo good to learn as at jeaus feet there she heard his word ll matters utile at ihe feci of wlial great theo it urkil that i ompanle it i io im ini n ernnn nli nnd munrlp aiiii ttr allowetl n n de1utlon frooi niiilng tiefore bkenirnt for iom itiinn lax iuiktes hint thr lomlnl i ullton handling rhniur of v enls nn ounci re itin ed to actual market ln cot to the novernnient th it the mihjcrt of drilrllon he given careful ilud with n view to ndjuit ment in im tales m thai during ihe ftrt five nn of la paying life mining comvanlc lie allowed to nrduct from rarnlnu liefore tavr depreciation up to a nialmum nf j3 per cent in any otv yrar tjie mulvvest brlrf cnlted for re duction of taxes which enter into pioducttnn costs rspeclallv the sale tax removal of the excess profits tax on orporation earning jeduhlon of rorporatlon income tax removal of double taxation on corporation earn ings allow ance of flexibility of cap ital writeoff so that the amount charged off do not exceed operating i roflt and allowance of averaging earnings over five year invtead of the pies nt three n plea that canada encourage devel- ounent of mining in every way pos sible from sidney nurmnn toronto financial writer recently returned from a trip to yellow knife n w t h de i a red the area held possibilities of being one of die greatest gold countries in the world hut that its development required ilsk of great deal of capital the ncesar financing for all of j uigian we have studied if we have these highly desirable improvements is readily available through a low- coat initaltnent loan at the bank cf y much taken up with service mn montreal 1 4 19 many today are so taken up the goahead farmer is quick tujwllh their working and wotryinb for understand also that asking for a loan jesus that they miss the privilege at the bank of montreal is not asking 0 ncartng him martha was occu a favor mr v h clavton the pt vvlth only one terstm martha manager knows well the potentials- ronsequentlv was distracttsl marv lea ot the future and is anxious und vva at rest many today are dis- willing to help anv goahead farmer united abxiut much serving of th- to get a grip on this future iord instead of living nt rest in thr lord love prompted the srrvu i hut thi iv was pi ide in it i h mu ii servlo was unnccehsnr lesim did not disnv the git nt dinm r mnrthn w is hustling nlmiut to pr parr jevui den irvd i omm union communion is oflrn crowihil out hv inui h s r u indeed at this vry moment marv jesn rt tl square uancinc makes comeback lokl cltflmt on icv suntt dam tog coming bvk into ils oven according to t george w ide of jort credit author of three hooks on tle mmul ring more aubject and regards as canada s jm han w xurln best thmie taller mr wade a raklwnv vanlmasti i fats been calling doseedo s ituc the age of 2 and his voice has a silky sonorous boom which has no difficulty in cutting through the mu 4 and the tramp of the dancers ill ontldtme tn jeu jno 11 i t llielwjhnnv hivme now knows stikness niul its actompanving grlet it is i axiti us the brother and the man bf the house who is mortallv ll where shall the staters turn square dancing la on the upswing to jesus the messenger carries their all over canada he said in an inter- prayer thev feef thagu that i view not just in small towns but i necessary u to tnform jesus h montreal toronto and vancouver i matters not that he knew alrea 1 not just old folk but young people too including jitterbugs and -bobby- sogers t ha estimated that 140000 parsons in canada and the united state have bought copies of hla books how to square dance jigs and reels and old time fiddling tune we don t talk gibberish we make every wod clear and sharp aftd i believe tn using infinite variety i often t never know what i am going to say next u itll 1 just a second be fore i amy it this keep tha dancer ky- out of a rut you understand i 4 the sisters did not know that but they knew jesus loved both lazarus and them that is an im portant lesson for us there ore many things we may not know but we can be sure of the love of jesus as all believers haw been encouraged to believe jno 13 l gn 22 3 pa is a heb 12 6 7 rev 3 19 isa 4- 10 thar u seldom any change through chance we face todav change by choice or change by force corrosionfroof steel plate iondon tsc hrmtml and fo od manufacturing industries hav hitherto encountrrrd difficulties en tailtd by the furl that steel contain iik an liable totrolun nickel has often uen mbst itulrd for mee but tht was onlv iosihlr in cases where tbiv value nr the arthle justified ttu use of iui h expensive material th brltili industry tins now smeeoded n finding n prnititil and ntmomli il solution to the prohli rl lhe u rl plnte it clad with a inyir of pure solid nukel aryink between and m aitording to 1tuaggregate thlck- nt ss of the plate nnd the service for whlth it is required 1 he pure niik- el lajulltd on to the te i plate- at a tenimrntuie high enough to ensure it m nimnent true and sound bond hincr ihe ctef f it ients of thermal ex panlon of stetl and nickel are prat ticnll the same shese plates can be usm nt maximum temperatures the use of these nickel t lad steel plates instead of the pure nickel means a saving in the coat of nearly why postmen ring more than twice johannesburg cp postmen in harnsmlth orange free state get a headache every time hey visit warden st the first house 1 no 3 which u followed by 7 and 0 af ter that cornea no s then another 7 followed by 15 no 31a neat lei be tween 140 and 4j when the local council called for bidders for numbering tha houses they accepted the lowest bidder and only when the contract waa complet ed did they discover that the bidder wu illiterate ghosts in your attic your rightofway to canadas market canadas weekly newspapers are an es sential link in every marketing and iner- 1 chandisiif chain the most thoroughly read publication in the imalt comnnin- ities they give you friendly access to more than hal of the ronnlry consumers they are your rightofway direct to the people who do 582 pr cent of the nat ions retail buying for it is in the towns and villages of canada where local interests top all oth er that the weekly newspapers top all others in reader interest they are as it wen the community centre an influ ential force in the lives of the millions of people who regard their weekly ae our paper bv uing the weeklies you reach con sumers under the friendliest most- sales- making auspices m vou reach dealers too secure their cooperation by giving them advertising mipport they can see anil by which thev can profit consumer goodwill and dealer goodwill are a surefire result of advertising in canadas weekly newspapers the acton freelpress amembeu ofithe canadian wejekly newspapers asociation usjvl