Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 6, 1946, p. 1

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o ht jufarn jfrtt tt seventy first year no 48 acton ontariorthursuay june 6th 1140 fight home print pe five ceflu 3 aclon takes gameriie empire day i awards made by from oakvlle by 9 5 last night tkn wlrkh i at lly uknthore tmb rut failed to stop ldovtiiihhire iode drainage and building problemsreviewedcouncil uiiuidinu wim1 jtrini- i in tanner- 111 in softlrall basettall waa in the limelight o gossip leal night whtn arton trtmme1 oakvllle to usher in the imc lae ball season in adon park he iwi light otarner alt raited a lark rowd who wnl home happy after watt hlng ft bat tlnff bolster u trtplr a ttw trim the lakeshor boys thus awng ing the trimming they rec ived pre vtoualy as umpire sumervllle railed play mra hall langwey the firat oakvllle bat tar stepped to the plat ami atru k out to ryder on the mound for a n davison was walked and post follow ed in the unw way markrv then h l m single to fill the iimh llh il bralth to hat the latter atrurk out and plcard hli a fly to lindaav with oakvllle going out on 1 hit and no put tun mi llendersnn hurled for oakllle u the first inning walking waterhousa and brush and allowing masalea a nice hunt to fill the base n mor ton was hit by a pitched imll thus forcing the first a ft fin run 1 indsay hit a short run foiling brush in h waa niblied at he plate to ptil ait n with three men on and one out rnot- itt wftt walked and masalr rea hd home to make two run 1 he next two hatter and it morton both struck out with the score at the entt of the first 0 in the totals favor m dowin rey laced mend ron in t hi half on the mound for oakvllle oakvllle hit the aenre sheet tn the first half of the second when snow ball and it rern scored mcwan hit but waa tagged out on aecnnd the next two ojkvllu batters wrre ehm tnatad on a nice alrh h o and a atrtke out in the scoot d half ol the second arton scored on brush run to make the score 12 in lhl half waterhouar on hli way to third lase i he dokt of devonshire chapter ihr iode met for their june meet in it on tuesday evening at the home of mrs n ilelrd with the regent mis matthew presiding in tht business pet tod iheie was a ii w utsion re tuxaer committees fin l he haiatr in hepternlier fur the nat lonal lathing drive june ithh vil unteer helpers were named ihr dn alin of hildren s books for the lit raiy wa d trussed the members to leave tame at coopers drug stoie oumlllorsw j o oak em c uok lor fteruaal by uhrary board commit nm w j benson were present mun te i he two loiifc members ulda night when alton i oum il mrl in l he children a aid so i el y were ap regular aeasion and heeve i klik i torn ted luvmaly mrs matthews and n pielded mr fred slew artmade inquiry re sample of wale tn fairy lake kvj suitable for bathing liarpoam knlnr aalicd lu make uiwwi on complrtink of walrr srviw cor srmr slrrd uhcr hum or monday a sr- aton polltel puahed iiraixt f dakville oft the base line who taking it as an of fenre bellgerenll pushed twti k at ter much blckrrlng has umpire iol ito put walerhouae nul wllh a warn ing oakvllle pulled out us ulg guns in the third as the scored three runs lu lorge ahead v3 aclon was mireleai tn this inning with kyder getting the only hit in the fourth inning oakville au rumbed to the locals in quirk ordrr and arton followed in their fooutrpi in their half of th frama oak villa went out lj3 in the first naif of tn mh inning as the locals played raal hall tha aaa team from acton then seemed to blast mo- gowan out of the box with lindsay coy and morton scoring pollock schrody final arrangem weie made for tha kmh annlerar dlnnei itte program of the evening waa mmmwhat different in that the incut ixis nr piltlleged to heai the w innrn of trades six seven and ighl w how t kiays ha 1 he n pi a rnied ttn y nipire day hy the a ion st imw1 hie alxlh grade win aa llrlen krrlar her topi i he tmwlli of the canadian mount td police i tie seventh fiaor win ner w is ronnie crtpps ht topic lla- mte stoiy of wilfred liuihr i tie fjuhth drade wlnnei was dh k xn1 his toplt sir llaiold th imuunt a v until i tti ae wludt nts showeil mnikett nhllll both in the i nnimtltltn nf l heii tka and tn thtir preaenlalion of thni their clear i ut num lajlitsn pmvetl ihem good i uhht itcakers ihr dukt of ivonshlre chapter of the iod1 pies nts two yearly jiunnis to each grade of tha pub it s hool in arton these awards are usually hooks sultnbly chosen by the rduiatlonal secretary it will be of lntrres1 to fref jnu mailers that on kmplre- da the fol lnwing students won these awards iiadr viii dick woods shirley y rer radr ii row n radr vii ronnie rtppv june ercna johnson tlohht ikr ikes hetty rvelyn mase ilernlce knocked for three hit and two runs making the score at the end of the firth inning 5 the sixth inning was without incid ent aa far as oakvllle was concerned but in the acton half lindsay scored u snyder tingled to make the count 03 and to dampen the oakvlillans spirits in the aeventh inning the locals puahed the bow from the lakeshore out of running in alternate order thus deflating the sails from their boat to win the game iks batteries for oak tile henderson p mrcowan p polio k p mark y c acton rder p goy c the score by innings oakvllle 0 j 1 0 0 0 0 acton 2 l 0 n l o kdcr u 1th eleven strikeouts came out with one of the best hutllng per formance vee teen in some time iiade shlrle wilson 1ae daw kins rndc 1 lennla radr ii r oshury rade ii sargent i rade i llobhv andaborough loce mccullough kindergai ten raymond braldi margaret dennis at the close of the meeting lunch waa served and a pleasant half tour vpent over the tea cups roll call showed an attendance of 17 members and six visitors acton junior farmers learn of yarding the ofenlng of a street fioni main street to hla property at lh rear of the dominion hotel lie d aired to ere t another liuw no th lot mjndl asked mi stewart to set uie further informal i n itef iif ait dt laion could he given attttunta mir pakmtl fot pam nt us fu lows i- owdle a j ailiptx ii it kmwhs tonlritl irtnt ollffe inslallatlnn he ntlial lolleta at arenn 47 u y s cooper supplies 4 mrdlial wtlfare hoard 1 ij yr rtr o dut iml 11 1 ii w ltaxtetlid of mrallh supplies i ml notion motors ma aitount 1 it w tilling laur m ml ilaxter ilioratortrs salt list ite acton r it press ailver using 7 7j 114 io 7 trensurer v i urner retjuesttt ft on i ounctl a rt solution attesting to the permanenrv oi his position whit t would give txemi lion of payment of unemployment insurant e count il coud not compl wllh the request aa the position win und r the control of the iuhll- uttlltiis or imlsml on a letter from lh planning and ivvt lopntent iepartinrnl waa read regarding approval cf the llenrdmoie i o survey council asked that tl t plan he presented nt ihe n xt meet ing a letter f r m john c mat krnzle ollh stated he understood that ac inn waa planning construction of n new s7mki0 hospital he asked advice regarding whom he could con i net tn utilize his eivlcet as hospital con sultant council was not able to give the information aa the proposed building was news to them another letter from the depart ment of planning asked information regarding the survey of the crlpu subdivision they asked passing of a bylaw regarding estrlction of one house on a lot i a letter from kills rognvaldson asked for rebntt on dog license as the dog had died the council polntvd home improvements the arton junior farmers held their regular meeting at lome school on may 10th dirk van coocen act ed as chairman for the evening dor othy ewers rendered two vocal sol os and donald van gooten gave two musical selections mr lover landscape gardener from theontarto reformatory was guest speaker and gave an interesting talk on home improvements and how to slip all varieties of plants mr chris robinson guetph then followed with colored pictures of the improvements to beautifying homes and gardens in the city of guelph cake and tee cream was enjoyed and the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing knox wjwk and ywa citests at meeting nassagaueya wms ivrhapa oakvllle wearing ihsloff loronto maple teaf uniforms following in the wake of their idol it sj georgetown on saturday mr thos jones elected chairman of ytcx board out that no rebate could d made cording to by law provisions councillor benson submitted a re port regarding the samples of water taken from fairy lake and the ex planation of the tests made of the water in view of these tests the water was considered suitable foi bathing purpoaei but the munlcliwi officer was to take satpplea of wate from time to time i the clerk reported that the county grader could come to acton on wed nesday for repairs to the streets j mr j mrmullen requested council i to divert the creek running through his property down main street to the i reek passing near the bridge the present tile was filled with dirt and flooding his property mr mcmullen requested assistance in making a driveway to ms property on brock ave council explained the usual procedure was to supply ihe tile for uh driveways mott of the hill approach was on the strev however he pioposrd to bu id two houses on this lot l unci itirecd to consider the proposal mr j v savage askod permlsahm is- to cut down a dead maple tree in onfroni of his residence on main street ttlr could nrrange for rutting the trve without damage to lines councillor kruix church arton wms and was ht w auxiliary rotetved a towl- j ml invitation to attend the 50th an il ivtrxarv of the naasagaweyn pus- hvterlan wms which vav held wednesday may j0lh quite a number of ladles went from jfclh societies and enjoyed a very oakts was to view the location itefore impressive ervfce the thurch aud- permission waa given itonum was tastefully decorated with mr fred hunter asked a reduction i flowers for the occasion ion dog tax on an animal that had to the regular meeting of the m the president mra wilfred kan- w destroyed because it had beconu c a board of directors was held on nedv presided and opened the meet- vicious when it was tied up monday june 1st and election or of- ing with a call to worship and pray- f the clerk waa instructed to secure j ir and extended a welcome to the via- information from j he engineer re- amos ting wmas ladies the guwt spea- gardlngth completing of the water w was rev forbes thomson of ac- mains on scene street ton who spoke on the ufa of ptul a special meeting was to he called ijcttkk wiom rek k mum thanks for ijotium sent 1oltowiiik is a it ttei willten to mrs y j t aldwell whtth was in t irek and wu liailslalttl li her grandson hob aguew m agnew hail put a name in a tiutt sent in lin ked t rtwok dilvr for tloilus last fall it tells its own stoiy hut may w temlnd rtatlera lhal ughl now theie anoltiei need fin more clothes your t cuitrlliutlon will bring o to a nredy t ne just as ihe oat did lo a it at ht i in i et e wi it ten from nnuoaswt i marettor la reere may imh at t ortbiik to m pari nts my teat h is and n1st the st fvangellnr 1 m laught that ii is n nttessmi y dutv lo glv thanks lo them that do m k it is ihe same in your ase in one if the mn krs of ihe coat that waa stnt to me hy unhka i hy t ham e found in it a h tier whlth imlh atetl voui addttks i lhank you heartily foi uur gift a gift that sbowa ipiov tsi the klisilneaji tf your soul i nin a teat her receiving a aalai y h itmud hy the gov rnment which is insuffit l nl and flnant lal help la absolutely nett asary for me to im ktwilent v e have nl completet gotten over ihe ffet ta of the invasion of the hum th italians and the hulgarlans w aie finding ourstlvts in a reall dep loiahlt ttmdillon 1 thank you again for your generous sentiments i hope that happiness and health will new i iravt vou ami you will nlways wrlcoiiie at my home 1 have ihr honor to ttmit to kimw you onslantlne i pllkladea t eachei nauose macedonia rttete only one aine in ttie softltall lea gut was played as a talny apt ii mulf mlkmement in the liaa lutl s bed ule itie tjiile last week i ut flay night canadian w il pullrtl lte wool ovot t he llrtintiuurr tram to i he i um of 114 i tit anadlan wool liad ihte- t iniiiiirs in the mttmd thml an 1 louith ftmn s to tun up trn tuna mie i aruiet s never revered from the tlhuf and at til in ihr ihnl and fourth fir a iota of four run t inadlan wool uid lo hits an i i mint while ihe laniitrs wrf- h l lo lour hlls and t halked up 7 eitora monly rtmile made the decisiona le hind ihe tat and sammy snider was tn held playa rrtdav night lour frlettric ami ilaxter art scheduled to tangle and i uema itaitillp a ffwiir up against h ardiriime a dir lalla are well linrd with siietlattira and i tie mifthall nines titt- fir ling mipuhif events uhr a w e k in ihr i nrk lutadas nnd hillik air mifmall nighls in a t n annual report of ymca shows centre is busy spot work of mm gray omsnended and johnny gray welcomed hark from overt the annual meeting of the murray memorial ymca was held on j- rl- day may list before the business session commenced a scintillating ex hibitlon of table tennis waa put on by members of toronto west lnd y president wolfe thanked the mem bers and directors for their cooperat ion during the year he paid special tribute to mrs mae hrsy fm- hr t rhiends showrh glrtk on bridal ol pijioemktwrkk on wetln sttn mny i ill ml- ittta allison was tin ttiphnt of mmt imnutlful glfls w hen n miikci i lanttttis stiowtr was held at lh hoin or mlu maty iaplllon for lh hi hi lo he i ht nmni w its dtt oiled wllh pink ami white xtieameis aiwt tin gifts were at ringed in two large taskt li plncet on rat h aid if a laige doll tiud ns a bride olga dyrlw rend ihe adtln vx and presented itetn wllh it lov t ly hrlde a hook the biide thanked all for tlir many gifts and for the many kludnesaea which had been shown her since her arrival in alton a dt llrious lunch wtvrd hy ihr hoaleaaes cllntaxed n in ml tn joahlr rvenlng on mondav mtty 7th frit rids and n ighhtrrx gathered at ihr home of mra a hill to honor norman hralda and his hrlde to lie itic evening wns spent in games after which the brldo and groom were asked to lake thrlr i places in the living room whirh had been beautifully decorated for the occasion miss georgina mitchell pre sented them wlthan address express ing the good wishes of all present rhe many lav3tyxglfta were then op ened and norman expressed hla ap preciation to the many neighbors old and new who had arranged such a pleasant evening for them li col s lambert speaker at legion ihurch service parade held lie fore and after servlr marking nflehith annlveeuary of itranrh a i ii llranth of ii anad at i i i ion vm f itunatr htdted to have 1 i nt l sidnev lsnitmrl o it e tflummi the ctiiigiegnlltm on ttw or- tasion of the fifteenth anniveisary iliintli iuf of tiie hiinrh in knot hun h on sumlay afleinoon a vet ernn of ihe first world war und i idle at the hrutle street hospital line i hi i wai he la lot mate with misirnm ii and lolls a sat red plare tn th ir hearts on niinilay aftei nmm h rhot sf lu suhjet the tlrvenlh chapter of itrhrews hut now i hey dealt a bel li i tounlry i leut ol tmbert dot in t prra h a wi num fttn a teat itr told of tlie men in hrlatie street hospital some of whom haven 1 got hi me yt l from the first world war he gave his hslnted hits of humor lo i lh veterans and dnjve home a frulh i he dldn i mince woida when he said lint in war some folks put all the hart in it while others at itark ami lo k nil tiny ctiuld gel tiul of i hut ntxive all n nail a is n gieat country w almid while the iwvs and gill tie nwav lo nimke it i he tier coun tiy for tli in on ihtl return but only h fidowlnc the tianner of rlghlettisn as an anada or any other countiy ik made tx1ter a lllnt l the serv h e on sunday nflttnotiii wt r lt x a w kissbory stjun nm iatler lit v s w pallla- on of tht it a f itev fnrbea th irnson nnd rt v w ii wallace i he i oh wa ommd ot ex aerv ice men wllh s rgt led hanarn at th oiktn hit rt wn n splendid congreg iilloi ntti i id inj prior t i the m rv u e n parade was h hi front the llon hall on main sueel pist the saluting nose at tha y m a w hei i leut ol ijimhert took tht silutr ihe jiarade waa hi iidrd h tin lin stota band and n rnle up of legionnaire aerv ire men legion auxiliary duke of devonahlre- nnl liktoile t ha t iv of the iod r high school cadets and ito st out a hli paradr formed again after the strvlre and were briefly addres in t front of the i eg ion hall by ijeut jol i ambert before dismissal ta imratle was marshalled by j m mr- ionald fleers waa held as follow honorary presidents mr mason mr w j beatt president mr jhos jnn w vuv on mv iii o rmm- i a special meeting was to be called yieeprealoent mr- jw wolfe rgnd broubhtrm orthwnehrmeiy1by t reve tor the purpose of cbn- scrtarymr e s cooper measag to all mra poole and mrs slderlng recognition to thos oh act- treaaurer-wr- prank terry fraser aang a duet entitled whlaper- he service program chairman dr douglas ing hope uhfftuu jouch enjoyed f council considered various drain- rev charles henderson of prince age problems for handling surfae e- s edward island a formar mernbar of water naxssgau eya presbyterian church bogn- brought greetings from his charge grvetftg were extended from at j w andrew church guelph and a vote of thank waa extended from each of mr j the vialting societies a dainty lunch waa served by the ladies ot the r p church with mra mcneil and mrs poole pouring test mr garrett finance chairman force property chairman mr g valdson membership- chairman mr wolfe special events chalrman- greer pubhcuy chairman mr bean athtice for javwaxkkrfl prince albert sask cp jaywalkers here can exptvet to set quick justice if an amendment s approved by council pedestrian traffic violators will be asseaead 50oant fines by policemen onthespot cellent leadership during the past lour years on behalf of the board he presented her with a cheque as a tok en of appreciation at the same time mr wolfe offic ially welcomed johnny cray back to the y m ca mr gray has juit re turned from overseas and is planning on getting back to his position as y secretary very shortly mr wolfe also mentioned the ex cellent service rendered by the three retiring directors mr w j beatty mr thos jcnes and mr h jl park er in the election for directors dr douglas garret mr thos jones and mr frank terry were elected by ballot mr j clreer as treasun r presented ihe following financial report receipts membership fees vwiss rentals fixed tth on mlsct uamous rentals 1j4 no ionatlont vm 75 miscellaneous 57 41 kindt rgartrn 100 00 tiie rraidaalusok wedding saturday in st josephs church j the maudemckinnon wedding saturday at rockwood parsonage at ihe united church parsonage hock wood on june 1st the wedding of audrey lorraine only daughter of mr and mrs ketineth m mcklnnon v1101 s aiv j70j5 441 ss 75 j4 112 so 25 00 4q5fifl 125 r5 cttfi 34353 on hand may 31 1946 lfiq2fi mr e 3 force presented a report of program activity the following figures from the attendance report disbi unfmenys snlnrit s light and water coal audit and printing insurance nat council building maintenance program sur miscellaneous u nolle kisi th u a busy place in- show that deed regular classes junior boys 1409 intermediate boys 736 junior girls 1376 intermediate girls 1354 nurs ery class 3177 senior boys 380 sen ior girls 399 teen agers socials 560 girls tumbling class 1 j months only 152 boys tumbling claas a month only badmjnjon 1305 card room 1468 display practices 300 special features trips ho parties 631 tournaments 349 dances 1007 suppers 307 display 640 miscellan eous 134 total 14818 i a very pretty wedding was solemn ized on saturday june 1st in st joseph s church acton when reta victoria allison daughter of mr ben son allison and the late mrs allison of truro n s became the bride of norman joseph braids son of mr and mrs r ugene braida aclon the altar was beautifully decorat ed wllh white gladioli illy of thc-vnl- ley and red roses with baskets of i white iliac and splrea at the altar rail the nuptial mass waa celebrat- 1 ed by rev father v j morgan with armand and lino braida cousins of the groom as altar boys during tha mass the choir under the direction lof mr s dideio of freelton sang o 1 sanctlxsima vent jesu amor mi and panls angellrua accompanied at the organ by miss irene mulhol land ihe bride given in marriage by mr a sauro of toronto was lovely in la floor length gown of white muslin de sole fashioned with aweetheait nexkline long sleeves and full skirt shv wore a gold cross the gift of the groom her full length embroidered i veil was arranged on a mary queen of scots headdress and she tattled a bouquet of american beauty roses and bouvardia from which fell jatnamers of white satin ribbon and rose buds mrs geo hennlgar of truro n s in a floor kngth gown of rose net over taffeta was her al tera only attendant her headdress i was a matching shoulder length veil i held by a semihalo of flowers she carried a bouquet of better times roses mr n braida was groomsman i for his brother mr kino braida and mr ray arblc served as ushers durin the signing of the register the choir sew ave marie at the reception which followed the grooms mother received in a navy blue dreas trimmed with rose navy blue accessories and corsage of bralrs- cllffe- rosea the house was taste fully decorate for the occasion with red roses tulips and sweet peas for travelling the bride wore a grey ahortle coat over a matching dress maker suit white accessories and corsage of pink roses amid showers of confetti and good wishes the happy couple left for a motor trip so points north acton and kenneth flmer youngest son of mr and mrs all maude of hock wood was solemnised the ree j ward officiated the bride was lovely in a street length dress of pale pink sheer with shoulder length veil and wearing a corsage of red roars miss margaret ryan of toronto was bridesmaid she was dressed in pale blue sheer with corsage of r rosea m r ronald davles assisted the groom the groom s gift to the bride was a pearl necklace the bridesmaid re- reived a gold bracelet and the groomsman a leather bill aid following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride a parents for the immediate relatives for travelling th hrtdf wore a wine wool dress with black accessar ies on their return they will reside in acton coming events am11ukmiri1 1 mtifa cnm em or fnlwi kn hadia art charml m raaia ptr una wit a mmiaauaa iata in anoucaaaaat ol aaa furhre and danc limfthouaf hr- onultiini friday jurwtlh rhythia itubci curd 11 os r euchre friday june 7th latian hall 8 30 pm admlulon 23c lunch auaplcva legion auxiliary boja band canton party in acton park jim 27th featuring run cnlghton and hla variety entertain er 3 dance brookvllle hall tumday june 11th iponiored by buy baa wllh calbnuth gorehaatra hot dog and coffaa in booth admlialon s0c 3cton junior farmer tormarly upvpoi old bbya reunion at lorn school monday july lai wal- come horn and presentation to re turned sarvlc man- dane la ing i t iiiliiii

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