Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 6, 1946, p. 7

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thuftttuy junk ftb imc the acton free press bar tk edaj of darkness mm waken a artadee wait tnir aignaj i ad- wait car use order and the dmim lad kmow themselves encircled i temkeat vat usy hill hope when the strong eauhji la tjtafcea tltat stteaswkeee far beyond artillery eejswfcfaagsd guarded netted down ui may ha oajaruvae that no man i ulaea tker ataada th city peace and fair houses not built by hand but built within the the wfcaw no atone hungers and trees are kind and fen liana a cause the very whether mjnge or truth la garrison ad there eleanor welu twenty years ago praaa tfca lw the free prase ttnf liy jam 1mb 1h4 thia la fsrmera weak at tha ont ario afrirullurel oauef the annual aermon to the member of aden lodge ioof was preached last sunday evening in the dapttat oitirch by rev j w boyd in the afternoon the grates of deeeeaad hreutrea were decorated at fslrvtew cemetery all tha waterworks arear have been collected since the accounting baa been placed in the hydro office twantyala british you tha ranging from is to rt years went into resid ence at the onlarto agricultural college thla week after a month there they ih fo to vlmy lttdge farm on the outakina of the city be fore taking positions on picked farm throughout ontario majuued bkssynealt at the home of the brtdea parents third line krin on wednrtds june 2id 1926 by rev r it zimmerman ra wll ham e bessy of illtlsburg to myrtle viola daughter of mr and mrv harry near swackhammt dfmmons at guelnh on phursdav june 3rd 1w6 by ewr j shield wilh fled youngest daughter of mr and mr john ivmmonv 1o herbert ralph swarkhamtr aoti of mr hiram kwackhamrr arlun hendrrsov at hn home maria street acton on saturday june sth 103s jsme llendersm tvlov ed husband of janet smith in hi 81tt ea ramsi1aw at the famtl homr xlaia st act on on tuesday jun hth 1mb morle beloed a n of mr and mrv jamrs itiruhaw ngnt 25 year home improvements by thr personal loan wav baying for vmh made simple wttli iiuulnmt repayment plan juat became you ma not have the ready money need not prevent you from undertaking those improvements you would like to carr out around your home if your income la sufficient to en able you to repa the coat of thote home lmproementa by instalment over a period of months ou ran borrow tha money ou need at the bank of montreal yon will find the coat aurprtslngy low suppose you want 300 to do tha job and plan to make repayment over twelve months the use of the money coat a you juat 81 cants c month that u you repay the loan in instalments including interest at fsfil aach moirh t vou can borrow more or leaa than this for longer or shorter periods tha coat it proportionately the ffgana ii i si f- ti the sunday school lesson wndst jt mai j measurably laas attachment can m 3031 daut 21 13 mat 1 3 3 jno 13 35 rom 9 13 jasua christ hlmatlf must be the suprama and solitary object of tha christians af fection we must be ready to leave those who are dearest to us if loy alty to him demands it- it you hae a steady income don t let tha shortage of cah hold baik cur home improvement plar ta cuaa your needs with mr v ii clayton manager of the rank of montreal for this and a wore of other useful purposes he it ma king personal loan to people in rr ualk of life at the lowest cost incentives to improvement ok homes working with christ golden tnt ha that doth not take his cross and follow aftar me la not worthy of ma matt 10 38 i rtann test uk 6 713 luke 10 13 14 3537 espoeulon i the twelve seal forth mil 6 713 two workers for god working to gether always have moreihanwice as much power as one whftctone shall chase a thouaand two aha 11 put tan thousand to flight ttieut 33 jo th two uniting together in prater in tha real unity of tbe spirit could claim tha promts if i two of you shmll agree on earth as vauchteg anything they shall ask it ihall be don for them of my father which ts in heaven malt 1h 10 they could also claim that other promts which is eeti more precious where two are gathered in my name there im i in the midst of them imstt 1h 30 to the twelve as he sent them out our lord gave auth ority ovtr the unclean spirits and to thus he sends forth today he u ready to give authority over th un- rleaa aptrtta and auch authority from god la greatly needed in our day the deity of jesus chrtat comes out clearly in lilt giving authority to ilia dtactplea for he must have been dlv in if ii could beetor authority over unrlein aplrtta upon others they wen to go forward in their work uholl dependent taking nothing with them for tha journey the rea- son wty they were to take nothing wu heraus he will provide for ilia own laborers and therefore they did not need to make prov talon for them wlvtf though they carried ao little with them jod never suffered them to lack or go hungry luke xi 35 th time waa abort and the tnuajon urgent and they ahould go unem- cumbered while thr letter of thla does not hold with ua today aa we hat already seen from luke i2 t and following the tpirlt of it dm the oirltllan worker u a aoldlrr 2 tm j 1 and ahould not carry any imneceaary baggage man a nun li poitrd for the work because he u ao encumbered their flnt thought on entering a home ahoulil he for the good of the home and not for th com f on of keif tmatl 10 12 i uke 0 5 6 thr wrre lo pronounce a benedutlon uxn the home imatl 10 1 h ii 1e svfnl s n i uk 11 1 2 jtku nvinllr wa halenlng li mard it t loae thcrr wn mui n ground to coer vhr harvest was plenteous and the laborers few and jrsua ctvnimikkloncd the sevenl to ro trforv him and prepare the w orkrr that are mnt forth totbiv hae the yimr mission to go befor- jeaua tnto the places whither ik himself is artout to cotic it mut have been a great comfort lo thew men if the had n jut sense of their own limitation l think thai jr u hi marl r was coming after them they went two and two which ik the constant method of the bible mk 7 ac 13 34 40 rev u 3 by going hy twos b the mouth of two witnesses eery word could be estab lished two could put ten thousand u flight deut 12 10i niul lhr could offer the irhlted prajer that chrtat promises to aniwer matt is 10 20 n before sending them jeus gt t them to aee the urgent need of lab orers and to pralng the iord of hit harxeat to aend them the one whu is praing christ to send them into the field ts being prepared to go him- lilf matt s 36- m 1 the harvest u plenteous el the ua to get the tight sort of laborers is to pra for them jeaua ts the lord of the har eat who vends forth laborers into it matt 11 17 40 ac 21 2 15- it a laborer to b of any value must he sent h him hie urgeneaa of the hnret should drtvr us ftrt lo prnj t j aetond to go t christ a words of commission do iioi sound encouraging uhen lit ut mm ir i lambs in tht mldkt of wolves hut as we luten n oie shnrp- l the are enrourtntng for he te- fcins ll hold i send ou ilmt i h- ough if it is he who arnda e nrt wilting lo go m umh in ihc mdot of uoke rht christian worker ought lot lo im disappointed if hi- n not w i reivrd with hoplt1it round produced patom ught waves on fiij4 what makea the sounds you hear in a movie th music dlalofu cart bonking factory whlatws and all sorts of mtscallanaous noises a trip to tha sound department of tba nation al film board clarified thla process for ua incidentally ue are told the same process ts used n almost every film studio first there la recording th music which hat usually been cumpoaad by on of the beards musicians th orchestra assemble tn front of elect- rtc microphones the conductor fac ing a screen on which the film u pro ected he must watch the film carefully to make sure that music and action are timed exactly the microphones convert the music into rlectrlcal energy which is transmit ted to the recording camera here the electrical waves are changed inti lighl wivn and photographed on a spool of film thla spool known aa the sound track negative is developed and printed just like a snapshot taken wllh an ordinary earners the dialogue or anything spoken by comrpenlator is recorded in the same way but on a avparat gonad track negative then of course there are special sound effects in the sound library at the national film board thtre aie a great many bound effects recorded and ready for uat at any time everything from bombing berlin to a bird a song one filnt may call for sounds of a crowd 4 herring and later on for an enplos ion lath different sound la recorded on a separate sound track all these different sound track timed rftactl to the at lion of the film are sent through special sound equlpnu nt together a single sound track emerge a combination of all the sounds in the right proportions ihn final sound track it printed be side the pictures or the film when run through projectors in the thrat res the process which recorded the original sound aa llht waves is re versed snd from the light waves on the film we get sound u9a aieeta momshts and aoa yout g smtmrmlly youre walking on air ever since the whispered that magic word if ever there is a lima when a man is entitled to disregard the laws of gravity it is during the dreamy days which follow the popping of the 64- dollar question however if voull ntt ilimb down irom that cloud fur s minute wed like to suggest a very practical step which jou should take before the wedding bells ring out this step is to call in the north ameri can life representative arid check over vour life assurance pro gramme likch vour new re sponsibilities call for some if the awrage home in oinada hi imprwed during recent vears it may be asked how this has happen- d for a numoef of ver the count r was plagued h depression and msn families uer short vf l money to maintain their homes in t first clnaa condition during the war period labor and materials have been scarce and it has often been difficult to make needed improvements tli answer m b that modem conditions have made peopl mora ronadcus of th appearance of their homes- they take automobil rjdes and railroad and bus trips and se cduntltas fine appearing homes and communities when they get home they ar more anxious to make need- ad improvements on thalr own dwell ings however ou mi account for it th standard of home care abpears to b rising and people enjo making improvements buck xhaar robinson in back in wit boapltal private yeahhe took 4 sudden turrj for tha nurse tit conditions luke u j5j7 we see the lmmn poputaritv of our um arthis time in the multit- l udes that went with him but the multitudes did not reallie what w as i involved in the true following of him the sight of the multitudes and the reallistlonfo their motives led him to point out the conditions and cost of real djsclpleshlp jno u 26 in comparison wtth thetme w beav to him our attitude toward those who are most dear to us by natural ties shoutd be aversion true dlscipte- shtp of our lord does not reall jes- aen our love for those who are dear to us b natural ties enh 5 23 28- 31 a i- but in comparison with the lov that w bear to him it is as aversion matt 10x7 phil 3 7 8 ps 73 25 36 deucsm- 9 13 68 aversion means turnlrjb away from and ueshould turnau-a- from fa ther mother vylfe children etc if necsaryro turn to him thewomdhatela used elsewher in th bible in control with tha word love u tatting forth the im- l r t c in vo l a n iifttipinip nt c l lans oull fine hira well in formed qn all aspects of insurance lor voung married people he has fielped manr a voung man to line up a sound life assurance programme which protects his fsmily snd tits neatly into his budgcu j north american howard graff representative houseraising bee brings home pronto shorti of labor failed to keep twa- owpiaw hnijarshaa winnipeg cp bui partdaaob and charua starke 11 of winnipeg pro babjy have beard of the united em pire loyalists and their houseraising bees perhaps thats where tjiey got the idea of building thalr new homes with the aid of friends and neighbors about id years ago bill parkinson and his wife bought land just outside the city limits and designed a dream bungalow the idea was still in the blueprint stage when 14 r parkinson joined the navy early in the war following his discharge he obtained a new plot of land under the veter dn land act then he persuaded some ol his navy buddies u help him build his new house today the bungalow is completed except for inside furnishings while the work goes on mrs parkinson does her housekeeping in a nearby chicken shed charles markell another n ser vicemen also raised his new house in building bee fashion he and til wife with the help of fmnda did all the work themselves eirrept for the installation of chimney and wiring mrs slarkell says the toughest part of l he job was cement mixing shingling lie roof was a snap i canadas tourist business i is your bsia b si tc the monry tprnt by asnerwao vutturs fillers into every coaa unity it puts estrs cah in the porieta of canadians boosting butw aesa for the farmer the tn mer chant th city hurler ft s tu every bodys intetest lo protect this pruitt- sbte businaaa psrturulsrlj us this critkal year when friendly courteous irestmrnt of our guests ill pay big diviuvodeia the years ahead cawaatan ttavlt euifau the local newspaper maintains its influence how often a miocrwul utiv far from hi malltown birthplace main- tain his contacts through reilar receipt of his weekly newspaper there is nothing quite like a small town weekly for neighborly news and intimate contact s people in the advertising bumiicsg talk about selected audieneessbarply focused cinulation tliey have learned from ex- erienee that when a publication espee- ially edited to appeal to the specific inter ests of a smaller group of people its op portunities to niake sales are multiplied many times over the weekly newspaper is that kind of publication whether its circulation is a few hundred or a few thousand it repress ent effective circulation gather the townspeople and farm folk around you when you adertise surround yourself with friendly neighbors deliver your advertising message through local weeklv ncwspaiwrs 582 ofcanadau population live in places of 10000 and lesa these are weekly news paper markets the home town paper for acton district it the acton free press a member of trle canadian weekly newspaeirsassaclation assswsmmamawavbsi

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