Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 13, 1946, p. 3

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minuday june imk 1m the acton free pi ess rxam luus llomakrs th etwrfr of wfcee to eat on special occasions u usually decided by the jlggs of our family whwi we ar lareu on a th onmtr rlty hotrl dining la ovr favorite place 111 nr viae at th table u wonderful but the mao u amaalag and often confustng because many of the items r foreign word and phrase for that reason w looked up th meaning of a fw tarau in common us and list tham to keen you in the know fteauf a la modi is hef larded and pol roast ad 11 a la mod l pie served with tea rram au gratln baked wllh a topping f rumba and often grated cheese blanqurtte while meat in cream eaur thickened wllh egg cannelnn meat stuffed rolled up and roasted com polo slew often applied to fruit cooked in syrup kuir paitr or cake shell filled wilh whipped i rmm th ulrd fyapfv irnd 01 froten gateau raw i haricots veil gtcen string lmns jambon ham jultanti matthllkr strip of veget ables ragout a thhk tilghty maoned atw horbet fiutcn fruit juices veloule velvety or smooth tahk a tip along our hollria route we sit ed homra where flower arrangements created a distinguished atmosphere hare are a few ideas we garnered certain flowrrs rr brat used as in dividual specimen the illy wllh lanra leavea and a large bloom or th thick bough with many bio oma can make a balanced nuture along with a china figure or candle soma flower look best in large iwiatk such as panties asters mlacs nasturtium and popple arrange thaat for alt her small centrepiece r larg bouquets balance flowers in a vasa placing th heavier mass in th centr and th smaller blooms on th sides con aklar tha length of stem and cut it to suit your purpose lon t crowd larg bunch but spread them loosely in an irregular design oast colors for vases ar neutral a vase may detract from perfect nat ural beauty narrow neck bottle do not let enough air in us a recept acle la keeping with the textur and color of the flowers a coarse woody bouquet does not look pretty in dainty glass vase us a pottery ptc jetxikd meat ixiak 4 tbsp gelatine 1 up cold watr 3 cup boiling water 4 tbsp salt 5 than grated union 4 tbsp prepared bona radish 3 cups mayonnaise 8 cup cooked diced veal 4 cup chop ped celery sprinkle gelatine over cold water let stand 3 mln add hot water and salt and stir until dissolved chill when mixture begins to thicken add onion hores radish and mayonnaise than beat with rotar beater kold in meat celer and additional seas oning if desired turn into loaf pans dipped in cold water chill in elect ric refrigerator several hours hea food halad 8 cups cooked boiled salmon 4 cups chopepd celery mavonnase paprika salt lettuce flake salmon with stainless steel fork combine with celery dressing and salt to taste serve on lettuce and garnish with paprika combination salad plate 4 pkgv gelatine 4 cup cold water i 4 cup boiling water cutu diced chicken 1 bunch parties i tup diced i tongue 4 cups cooked diced carrots 4 cup cooked imu 7 cup shredded rahhaga this pi lure u ho an as hi intuitu and chlklrsn whohav no nr to wear than this utile baie run into tit iiutwlreda of uumisauda in tlte wsrlcvafttatel arras of urope tliey iveed errvleealj used clothing win u ro li mitnltm to them through llm nathmtnl t lilting coluntlitn fir uvrr pru rrltrf to l iwld jun 17 w uiml r 11m apl of i anaduu all i ihm litis rthy rsinimifin ill be mi j i uj on a nsltm hie basia mir druftit ofthrfmurr may he woman tknty of job vaiubu ror vo- gftmi invadirur what va our allmale fhu lumonton tu u hen ou drop into your corner drug stor sometime in 1000 don t be surprised if the druggist la a woman with more and more females be coming interested in pharmacy once considered chtofly a mans field dr mcrvyn jlouston acting director of pharmacj unurrslty of albert says it s more than just a possibility not all girts are interested in run nine their own drug store many plan to become workers in hospital dispensaries while others hope to special lie in cosmetology hut whatever branch of pharmacy they choose it doesit t look as if they ii have to worry much about get ting jobs there are definite opport unities for women trained in pharm acy dr houston sakl at the recent session tha univers ity or alberta had 11 girls in first ear pharmacy 14 in second rar and 1 in third ear if facilities were not crowded by the backlog of re turned men and women there would have been man moie to become a registered pharmacist the student must complete a thrw- ear university course leading to a uachelor of science degree and serve a twoyear apprenticeship in a drug store under a regtiterd pharmacist man students serve the apprentice ship period before enrolling in unlv ersltlea soak gelatine in cold water dis solve in boiling water chill until it begins to thicken pour thin layvr in a greased pan arrange on this piaosa of chicken and tongue add vagvtabje and remaining gelatin mixture qui in electric refriger ator sbv portions in lettuce cups if dasirad sen- with fresh fruit allcad and arranged in circular fash ion- -e- fatesh fwst 8 grapefruit sectioned 1 box straw- barriaa hulled 6 orange sectioned sarv with french dressing gatbfiliiafts invade victoria a c tcp this years epidemic of tentcaurolllars la leehbd by w downea dominion sjovernmsnt entomologist as tha worst in vancouver islands history he said however that this year would j tha worst of the eurrent cycle tjetura cycle last frohvaevan to ten jbnawi meetings in england to review research work in agriculture a deli gallon from canada left re- ccntl for hngland to join wllh oth er count lev of the lirltish empire in reviewing r mplre agricultural re- senrth of the kt ten cars and to outline additional similar rcscanh for the tuturt lhe delegation of lx senior offklau of the dominion de- par t nun t of agriculture will attend met tings of the imp rial agricultural uuivaux itevlew conference in lon don cambridge and oxford from chronicles ot ginger farm te arts a a v ovvknimhjnk p cxjlbs june it to july 31 planned to assemble every ftt ears folloulng its founding in 1927 as a coordinating agency for the ex change of information on agricultur al research the imperial aglcqltur- al bureaux hav met in conference every five years until the recent war this summers conference will be the first of its ictnd since 1938 there are imperial bureaux for each of the following subjects en tomology mycology soil science an imal health animal nutrition anim al breeding and genetics plant breeding and gentlcs pasture and forage crops horticulture and plan tatlon crops agricultural parasitol ogy forestry and dairy science fin anced by contributions from ins brit ish commonwealth of nations each bureau publish an abstracting jour nal and special bulletins on agricul tural science for bttarnatlonal dis tribution an extension of these ser vices and relauoiuhlp of tham to tha food ianh agriculture organization will be considered at pie fohhcomlng conference lufor sitting down i writ this column i thought it might be good idea to often the hatchway and let my little chit kens out for their first run judging by my early hicks who took about thre days in pi k up enough murage to run in and out freely i was sure this brood mould trait in just atuhit the same way hut 1 dlrtn t know my r hit tens it really wsint such a good idea 1 found out when 1 went ta k sltout half an hour later there were auiut thirty of them mil in the run end iw others basing around the im kai d u it is one tf the hlg chu krrts as an emort lite little rasi als must have aqueered through a knot tiole ttre was no oilier way the otuld itav got out lite nekl thing was in atrh i hem if you haven t aliendy done try rati hlng little chirks run nlng loose in lmtg irasa it is quite a klonl ilv i he time i hsd them lorntred the hliks were still quite active hut 1 was nicely out of breath itien ii looked like rain so 1 dw hted it would lie letter to run them ail imrk into the ten muff said about that itille job and to think that ten abort days ago those same rhlrkei une innocent looking eggs thu particular breed of rmkena r hybrids a cross between new hampahlres and itarred itorks the very first time i have eiwrlmente1 wllh chickens imher than llamd hocks already the female of the ape les look like regular young pul lets i expect they utll be laymg eggs in a week or two at the rat they are maturing it is far more fun watching this bunch develop than just plain hocks they even seem to have a little intelligence which is unusual for chickens itut something teems to tell me i may be in for a happy time just the same and from chlckeift we come to th combined subjects of ars manure and a finger wave except that th order should be reversed ft was like this i was sitting under th dryer at the halrdreaserb and thumbing my way through a magazine digest when my attention was caught by an article dealing with products of tha soil which staled that farmers wer using too llltl manure and too much commercial fertlllter and that as a result a circle of vitamin n defic iency was being set in motion be cause insufficient manure was being used on the land cattle grazing on pvslure were not getting their nat ural vitamins this meant les h amlnt in milk beef and butter hens kept in close quarters and fed com merclal feeds and on grain lacking in vitamins were also affected with the result that eggs were less nutri tious than those that we used to get in the old days when diddle had th run or the bam ard and scratched their time away in what were con sldered as the most undesirable places now what i am uadlng up to is this the egg business has become n highly specialised business indeed to be sure of obtaining first grade eggs the hens must he kept shut up at all times the formula for their feed is prepared as rarefultv as a hah s they must always have clean littira in which to scratch clean water to drink in fact nothing must be left for them to get nt which u ouul in anv w ay contaminate the egg which thev produce the result is lemon colored yolks which is what the graders demand in a grade a eig if the yolk is dark yellow then it is classified as heavy and put down as grade n one wonders if in our desire for purity products we are swinging too far the other wny ik irving alwas to improve on nature an we defeating our own phthc nu ments of healthful living just recently partner has been prett busy with the scythe cutting down weeds and long grass which he has gathered up and thrown into the heni and how they love it they are never tired of picking at it but they are eating far lea frying- mash as a remit we are now get ting eggs with almost orange colored olks eggs rich in vitamins and min erals because as everyone knows there l no better source of dlseas- resistlng qualities than fresh green grass the hens are getting it pass ing it along to the eggs the people who eat the egg will benefit but we shall lose out faecejis the rich darklooking yolks wilt be put down ar grade b eggs but partner says because he knows the grass is good for tha hens they are going to get it rfor a few weeks anyway private dont you think miss smith looks ugly in that low cut evening gown pfc not as far mm x can ea andy clarke hum mind on trout although weekly newspapers and ell th news they carry ar primary inleresu in the life of andy tnark h s fish that get th hadlniea for him once spring arrlv and th that s why ontario and qubx listeners to andys neighborly news ar hearing a lot of tall yarns the sunday mornings about prts catrhe and the lucky fishermen who caught them andy broadcasts over mid east st a i ions uf lb c1h iran sda network wvry hunday at hi ft m edt keeevilly be has tieen ooluctln storle of brook and lak trout for his radio friends and his elbow is tvtllthlng at the thought of thus r lnliw hlru plsos are now afoot to tiave andy vlsll a number uf towns and broadcast his news during stopovers it will probably rum ftttout ii lsi mr 1rke lite fishermen will be twitching his elbow on the real thing thi a trip tw mad last month to his home town of ortmsby history reial that fish were for the moment completely forgotten invited by the rlmshy independent to broadce neighborly news from his old hun town andy laike went down for the hlom festival and fruit was his suhject hut that was in may now its june lor andy laike thai means only flkhln farm imrijcmkntdejiate hy r j i bio fli tn of mill iiimhlnery hn i one up 12 er ivnt llilrty s vrn liiktrs limik mirt in mm llotiw f i i mm him ihwic on the pi it it tinw le imftlt of ihe argument wnt ihnl this was a prttthn t um hy fnimeik and regmdless nf i isjng ctals t pioduclhmi and a more than w pr cent lnnase in wage rates thru fchoiild lie no intrease in price uf fnrni implements unless prtrcs f farm products were raised hy n equivalent amount when in doubt go hai k to the fads nte carefully certain rhanges in i rice prices of fully and rhiefly manufactured goods increased ir enl between 1010 and 1w3 thai mime what cryptic figure means that f i k in 1019 would buy a volume of manufactured products for which in 104 the prtc would o si js this deals not with agricultural imple ments onty but wllh th average price of all manufactured good in eluding of course agricultural lm piemen is what about farm products on th same basis farm products for which the farmer received fl 00 in lft10 brought him jim in 1045- th fract loni ar left out in these calculat ions now don t rush to conclusions for yrara f ami products have been desper ately lour in price agriculture has gone through a period of debt and disaster hi rough the recent price increases it has literally dug itself out of the hole and it has been a mighty difficult task if governments and business men are alive to their own interest they will make agrlcul lure the primary concern of our ec onomic policy without a prosperous sgrlrultur there cannot he a prosper ous canada hugh cltcinpiin wins itipli honor nutlth weanvly ntwafnig- aa btaalloi iveasviettt itteewea hmortry degrea lonix1n tnii a weekly and a itoel on a university platform lo receive the honorary degre of ortor of uwi from th university of westtrn ontario it was hugh lis r lea fmpll of ihe fergus ont newr itecord end his companions in lu4ed tn ii crerar former i ihiinianrter of the i anadian army oversea sir ivmplln received tlte degr in recognltlitn uf ids work as an editor as president of ihe anadian weevly newsitaiwr association and for his solvit ik th university in its estsb ilkjintrnl of anada s first course in jtturnshuii t ne tf a number of anadian nw miwriiien clwmen to make wartime tour of hrltaln mr iemplln s oluerv atlons f ihe hritlsh war effort hav appealed in more titan vw anadian iaiers ii has i teen equally acltv in th af falls uf his community and an edit or lata rampagn in the news retold was largely responslbl for control of flotu on lite rand hlver and devel iiments of the river in the fergus are str le n lln is the sveimd weekly nrttfciimr e1lttir l iw honored hy an mil a i to university in rent ye is llie late iavkl williams received a timllai award from ihe university of loronttt in ithl as publisher of the olllngwtmml mil r n let prts hullel in vviulrox siwmt vtlnlnary st lent e has talked up fiimlhrr i milt linrnt agalnsl ihe fos will let fo s have been a serious fmlur in ihe sprernt of rahles or hyd iohnma in more than 14 of tha un ited state during ihe past year so cording to me amerhan veterinary metllt al aim ir la lion normally wary and elusive a fos with rallies will at lark viciously arid without fear pas lured live alock are particularly sub ject lo rabid fox oils- while foxes skunks and rivet eels may all spread rabies stray dogs are still the most ctmlimon disseminators of th disease in anada through th alerin of the health of animals i l vision iom inlon ivpartmant of agriculture con tagious disease ilk dourin and sheep scab do not exist in canada no case of glanders has occurred for seven yra nd in th rase of spor adic outbreaks of hog cholera anth rax mange and rabies step for er adication are at once taken mkwjeh10nb fob fathers sunday june 16 to rail ik fuur of uijr ow tu rto him m in plullr uuui it la iim riu i la pluur 0 uala- n mr la ii u mm arm iua4 lahan u tit mm riaa bark 1 ting ii- lraar lbl lb k un maa klaa tua ii u dm maa haarl rklru iji u mm waaa pau bfclru ua u llil maa ralfclai hull f i m m maa kla naaaura ii la mu ma ulkabraahar jaahau i m u u m man tralaff llawaa taa u maa imi trauvn ii if u hn marl laala iiin la iiim maa it kail mtnw llata iiuu uu maa kilbtvn a laain ii is la till man ha klun lilt u it t maa uo oqr m4hbmi of imn tri eisen s clothing store main snirtt nkxt nru ttiptmone alfllulart wllh iprfl dapl stora ualph heres the story behind the words oats and poultry the only grain in fair supply thl ear in canada is oats and oats are an excellent food for poultry and make for sturdy growth in young stock sprouted oats have long been conukred an admirable feed for laving hens and according to trad itlon oats have some virtue or stim ulant denied all other grains fresh iv harvested and not thoroughly dry i nnlx are considered lesfdlgestlble and i less nutritious than thoroughly dried grain in ireland for fattening purpose cooked potatoet are added to th i ground oats in the proportion of about onethird and fed as a wet mnsh in susmsk count kn gland where poultry raising is an important indus r oats have aluays comm uted an important part of the ration for noilltrv not only fr fttjpg th feature ifi alloyed b ttt atcrst e ra peer lew moaor ou tiia se niperi- onrr its th process that transfers topqualify oil ito th au lobricsa ohsainahl fta pl motor oil u m refined far bayond ordinary srsadards then it s alloyed n vxrloirv ba process thai gives ihu great oil its ahiltr to stand p better in service 1 wtthsbsad condrttons that would cause ordinary oils so quickly brack down into sludg and varnish it will pay you to inn on ra peerless motor oil because it snakes any car or truck but longer run smoother chans so ba peerless the tough ol it u a change for the berter ita peerless motor oil is matched by the friendly courteous service of roar fva dealer iut also for growing slock and adult birds oats w er considered hy early feeders to be the most wholesome i and palatable of all grains poultry j are fastidious judges of oats so in bulng supplies the egg and poultry market report points out it is well to remember that there are both light and heavy oax milton welding elmtrle ii aratylana wauls hapalr wamlaf af an typa portmbl equipmabt pqonb s48 v mix mewtaatt norton motors phone 69 acton ontario auvertisingg atmaifcfcife lj awafiiiiriitei

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