Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 13, 1946, p. 7

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thuttsday junk- 13th 1u s the acton free ps ess paoal kndortwiuui just a old od tired man tagta the nut somttlttc tun of long ego atea ykmg tiro with taoping toe travelling days ajl done wm eta know wtut thoughts ere hit rreajttiag all day long youworo hands enfolding the med bandana en hii knee omrwwt deft and strong hwy- far hi emit u kind qthtt the rugged brow if the road iodwumm was rough ufa still bresgm him joy enough var sweet memories now olive anderson snyder the sunday scboolf lesson mndav juke ictfs twenty years ago assign tfce lou af tit fv press uf ttmrlar jswe nth ifffd the weterworka lower looks real bright in its new mat of paint acton cltiiant hand gave their first open air concert fr the wnuon an wednesday evening and on ttiur day evening visit w milton and play ad with the ullton band the women i institute tseld their nimmar meeting in the parish hall and entertained ilannorkburn llme- houae and dublin societies the apeak er of the afternoon um uits jean cameron smith of iowhuan rev j w boyd preached farewell sermons at the haptltt hurrh on sunday mr boyd is going to ioer court baptist chunh toronio born dills at an on on friday june 11th 103ft to mr and mra a dtlla a aon kenney at maple crtk saak on sunday june llih 1036 to lr an 1 mra a a h kenney a daughter mauukd kilty thompson at the united church personage on wednesday june 4th 1dj6 by itev it i- 7jm merman da jeaale irene daugh ter of the late mr and mra c thompson to william aon of mr and mra thomaa kitty nassaga weya dikj mcdonald at the residence or hli daughter mn f a williamson toronto on fridav june lllh 19 william mcdonald aged 71 year the farmer unseen friend canada a luarloua frulti and egei ablet meats dairy products and cer elsal of the food product of the nation farms are soaght eagerly in very corner of the world they are ready money to the farmers of canada but how to get our full ahare of that ready money ta the question riding with the farmers of canada in tractors and trucks is the unseen friendly bank of montreal ready to halp them to participate in the readv money that is offered for maximum production mechanised equipment m the field electrification of barns and homes can increase tremendously the farm- ara output and revenue the bank of montreal and ita ready money for the goahead farmer are inved- ins lha last strongholds of hand labor on the farm mr w h clayton your own bank of montreal manager knows howto make an applicant feel comfortable and at noma his attitude is when you ask for a loan at the b of jr you do not ask a favor poultry marketing a major development in tha poultry industry has been the improvement in faculties in the preparation of poul try for market states the current review on agricultural conditions in canada during the past few years now mechanically equipped plants have aaevt built and the old ones im proved in ims there were 173 poultry killing plants in canada ulth a dally capacity of 236 vo birds rapid strides are being made tn establishing the sale of all poultry n a graded basis consumers in such cluea aa ottawa winnipeg charlotte town summerside quebec and mont real may now purchase poultry in- dividual ly identified as to grade pre- lously grading and inspection were required only for export and inter- provlnclal carlot movements the adoption and making effective of dominion grading regulations b the provinces for the retail sale of poul- trv la one of the most const ructe moves in the poultrj industry kays the review altttuua provides sweets for britain sidney australia cp austral ian children are sending british children a special shipment of cake and sweats for tha peaea celebrat ions tn june tha british aircraft carrier implacable will maka a spec ial fast trip to land tha sweets in britain on urn there are mora than 35000 quarterpound blocks of choco late 10000 package of mixed sweats including glucose drops and 381 drums of fruitcake collection of tha gift was a major task for sydney woman who are still doing tha bulk of organising and con trbutlng to tha food for britain j fund woman have combined their inttvtdual organuauons to work in tha wraatvs field committee which couehs food ami donations from all over new south wale sharing jesus kingdom purpose golden tea thy kingdom come thy will be dona as in heaven so on earth matt 10 lesson text luke 0 2334 read also 4448 3703 11 1-4- 17 302 exposition i teat of dudpleahlp luke 0 23 24 the time was alio now ripe for je tus to declare to ills dlsctplee hu approaching rejection suffering and death he tells them he must g to jerusalem must suffer must he killed must be raised again i lhere um an imperative necessity for these things why mist he lie j no 3 h heb 0 zv ua m fe 2 or 5 2 al 3 11 1 pet 2 jai bui thtr is another glorious mukt must ite iaied attain itom ii 4 4 f 3 9 jno h lj mien follow the wondrous words thai sft foith in the clearest and mol w ar h j in- way the conditions and cost of reil dlutplcahlp tl let him dny hlmwf heal mlflenlal he dn laj uf smi lhe word tranlalil den mean to affirm that uiiu ha no ncuatntanci or omniclion w th inr juit n lilir d n iil hl 1nrd mrlt jf t2 i we ri m lo deny self thtn it in my to self w hen ii t nt torv nul wlh lis lalms h d mand it- intereuls ll dfklrea its opinions ha strength its anthlng i don t kn w you it is lo renounce aelf with all that belongs in it its ideals hopes plans purposes jwmhltlons strength all k2 him lake up his m k i h i rosa it the suffering and shame trmt lie in the path of loyalty to od lkti ral execut ion on a rroas for jeauh nnd perwo utlon for all who ett 1 ilin 1 12 io take up our cross is lo gu right on in the iath of duty and meet the suffering and hhamc ani ruclflxton that he there to coinp rnmlse with the world to avoid theee u to refuse the cross and cease to be a dlsctpte 3 and follow me le lo have the mind of christ phd 2 v8 1 pet 2 1921 jenus went on to show how well it paid that a man made a bod bargain if he gained the whole world and in doing it lost hla soul or life ii the would be dlsclplr who did not count the cost of follow inn christ 57 ta the man who nme to jeus in verse 57 was a scribe mat h 19 men of his class a a rule were not favorably disposed toward jesus hut this one hmi been awakrncd by the displays of ills power which he had seen and he had turned lo jesus with thc promising declaration i will follow thee whithersoever thou go- est this resolution was n itnelf a commendable one jno 12 jfi matt i 16 24 10jh ino h 12 10 27 28 i rev 14 4 but the man who made i it had no adequate idea of how much was involved in his promise have moat of those who sing so gleefully nowaday 1 go uhere you want me to go dear dord any more adequate idea of what they are singing than this impetuous scribe had of what he was saving jesus soon brings the scribe to a realisation of the meaning of his hasty vow v 58 it means a gobd deal to follow jesus whither soever he goes ll means to recele thevaame treatment from the world that lie received 2 tim 3 12 je sus made this plain to those who would follow him and we ought to make it plain too there is too great a tendency in our day to deceive those who would accept jesus by de scribing the path of following him as one only of rest sunshine and iapplness iii a wouldbe disciple wished to delay until a more cumenlent season 59 60 to another man jesus next turned and said follow me how short but how all inclusive that com round this man was nlrenrty in some senw ft disciple of jesus malt 8 22 the man seemed to hae some real tit ion of whnt the invitation noled and was ready to accupt it but he wished to do something ue first 50 ah thtrr is the trouble with main a man he wit indeed follow jesus but not et what this man wished to do fust was a wry proprr thing in its place but nothing is micred enough to put hefon tlit lalms of christ jckus mutt he ab olutel first matt 6 13 10 17 this man s father apparently was l y i h h bean this- man would haw been athome alread attending the funtral for the dead were burled the same day in that land he wanted to go and wait un til his father dlod and was burttd and then take up christ a commlssior man a one called to follow jesuxj called to carry the gospel to foreign lands is lingering at home until some loved friend dies leave the dead eph 2 1 1 tim 5 6 to bury their own dead iv a wouldde disciple who is not willing to cut loose from the world 61 62 this disciple also has something else we would do first one farewell toou at the world and old associates is all he asks men oftentimes det ermine to follow christ but wuh just one more look at the world be fore they do lots wife stands out in ucred history as an awful and im- pttxslv example of the folly of tak ing ajfait ungarfna look at the world- leaving behind luke 17 32 oei 10 36 christs answer 1j dejfely suggestive v 63 fiveday week fohfahmetts by lewis millmaj are you in favor of making any provision to give farmers a forty- hour week that is a question pui by h c a hervey an alberta mixed farmer to employers and labor union members- in a letter to the edmon ton journal mr hervey who claims tj be a veteran of two wars says he was surprised to read that tha quest ion of a forty hour week was to come up shortly for discussion in alberta and he suggested certain other quest ions for consideration assuming that everybody would be in favor of a fiveday week for farmers mr hervey aaks will any tie of you produce or invent a cow tltat an b persuaded to take a milk ing holiday from rriday afternoon at five orloik until monday morning at t tght o do k i7itn there are the pigs and mr htrvey wanls to know if anyone ran i roduce or invei t a lg that will not muial and will 1m- perfectly content to do without being fed all saturday nitd sunday what about the hay and gi aln t onllnues this jrpleed farrrui will someone arrange to have ttt ra n held hack on saturday and sun i a what alxtut our buys who after ears of overseas service have n turned to our mixed farming arvns li an w hour week are they to he i nld for 40 hours onl or are they to im i mi id time and a half for the other 4 hours if so who is going to pay ii m and from what source is the money coming will a 4hiour week on the farm mean 2 shins will 2 shifts me in w m r tnt inrreas- in the farmers ioir if mi will you thy hoys agrt to iay the farttiei a ir t to over thlt imreaftcd roit vt iii you pay 6 a pourtl for gotxl lx- f 60c a mkjnd fur buller 7tkr a lound for hirnn am guarantee to take all the fninier produce at these prlcea ihe trouble with mr hervey is that lie asks too many questions of which the above are only a few he knows light well that neither employers nor labor leaders can produce or invent the kind of accommodating cow or i ig ht dewtiibes and that the mighty tower wielded by a john i- lewis rt uld have no influence whatever on the weather hut his other quehtlons are by no means rhetoiual he sskfc for in mancr if the coats of processing are increased by the adoption of a 40hour week who im going to stand the in reuseo cost whoialhrre to stand it except the producer and he wants lo know why are we farmers so dumb a lo sit still and see thli developing right undr our noses are the farmers going to speak up or are they again going to leave 11 to the uftual dog fight between the proces sors and the professional labor lead ers it would really be too bad for city people if the farmers were to join in this labor union movement lor a 5day week and it would be a nat ional and international calamity if they were to go on strike to enforce their demands but they have just as much right to do that as the labor unions it is fortunate for the country that the average farmer is a man of common sense and la not easily led into extreme action by wild promises of something for noth ing mr hervey concludes his letter with the following words of plain horse- sense as one who has seen some thing of the suffering in europe i am worried as i real lie that we will find ourselves in the soup unless farmers industrialists businessmen employ ers labor leaders in fact all of us cut out a lot of this nonsense and wake up to the fact that work and hi rk only on the part of all la the basic solution for prosperity and hap- plntsa klao taiwan quebec cpsqubc city oeun- ell at s recent meeting adapted a res olution reoommeadjng that tha do minion government adopt a canad ian flag clearly rapreaeatatisa- of tha canadian vationalmy to the ex elusion of any mark not essentially national can a floyd smith jeweler watoa clocks jbtwclexv 75 quebec street west etjetn nigotbrosti monuments and cemetery lettering auocntrdwjth a j corbett mount forest ont enquires w coiies at afm couoffltt phone 11 acton love or tine hu prince rvpert b c cp bwijamln j csdvui 5 rmlnd htfethoum ltpw trim wtehd hm pullk 4ufc llsll ul tacky ulmmd v oftu fi1i for 33 yv u looking for a horn vr1ookljig tfc mm far hlmulf wd hu wll no ub4 lorlud horn for m h mid hens and felacawu glirkhmd ll wriou iwlwlt f turkry wid if not witclwl eniiliy uid imlmdlat itp uka l eoatral it an quickly wlp oat u hn flork bmiu bvnyard knt uy b cutim of burkhm uw tvtwy flork tfioukl iwvr b lowd to ails with nne t canadas most modern foundry pie xt war iiertod kivi protilemk f ir 1 mnd l ttut miwm hnrru is attacking with rharart mtth nrrgy wan are no lone r wajei with ti in t llty um kltll mjikttl with iron and sleet and the rtrnt war ha ten an out iwuli ni d im n tiw in tu jadry tujimity dos inrrruv- 1 i ndly rok t miin lf t nii ioh til ion and tt e winnn w ill nr linn- mih mn test apply niodrrii in hniu- i ltd um tdure t lh in hut ar tf fo iihimh itie fasw 1 in rni nrnwrr u he new ulti i in h1 it ium 1i it it ir vrnly w rk llrnnhord a jl twmml amwr sine a foundr rnutt handle ltn of nwiterlal kr hitifkton mirl and iron wrap pig iron and moulding sand o pifmtute a ton mil lion ite r i it m i ltirl one of met lianlalton f inatiilul iiantllmg the local newspaper maintains its influence how of tfii a sinvsful executive far from his smalltown birthplace main tains his contact through repilar rewipt of his weekly newspaper there is nothing quite like a small town weekly for neighborly news and intimate contacts people in the advertising business talk about selected audiencessharply focused circulation they havc from ex perience that when a publication is espec- ially edites to appeal to the specific intcr- esta of a smaller group of people its op portunities to make sales are multiplied many times over the weekly newspaper is that kind of publication whether its circulation is a few hundred or a few thousand it repres ents effective circulation gather the townspeople and farm folk around on when you advertise surround yourself with friendly neighbors deliver your advertising message through local w eekly new spapers 582 of canadas population live in places of 10000 and r lesm 1 hese are weekly news paper markets the home town paper for acton district is the acton free press a membekxrthe canadian weekly newspapers association

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