Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 4, 1946, p. 2

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fc the acton free press thursday july 4ul 1bu u3ijr artntt rtt vcbb avtkaru4 w sibvu1mion uahs f 9m 4atitat iwukl lt if a to 0tiio m 4i utiw alih a ik m4i4tf ataa a4 taih uf 14 luimlmmi fuiall rt i lllllllms tjti 4 kilidriil ii j f lv kt ii will liu u1 luwtl kcu4i hum hiii t irutld mb vtlllkf l m to t1m ft ft bmu h idlffkfl j ik wh iiim vwd t whim ikrivu mk4 m fct h v mi toimiw b th fr hall 4 twli funtil ol t it 4jtr ikfmul up uhj uit i it vkww tuprtl xf atur mil v raio wltat gam up ivwanl always coaae down there hat been little cheering from any quarter on the budget presented latvt thursday and mall wonder when wo much was anticipated a year after holt ill tie and big war expenditure had ceased vhat pending bodies government have become it ttill a wonder of the age when it i taken into conideration that the continued high levy doc not meet expend iture but provide for an approximate deficit of 260000 000 when members of parliament granted themselves ut year 2000 of tax free income the average can adian had every right to expect that every other taxpayer would receive similar treatment it was therefore a surprise and disappointment to ec in the new budget that for single pcron a 90 increase to exemption of 7 so was given and married men rcc eived increased exemption of 300 some other items marked as highlights are in many instances merely a duplication of concessions that were granted in the budget a car ago many of the so called highlights are what oung folks might term dim bulbs to top it all off little consideration has been given of the opportunity to gne wage earners more takehome pay and help the present labor unrest aince none of the measure become effective until january 1st taxes come down in reverse form to their imposition we appreciate the troubles of all governments and the stupendous task of pioiding funds to meet more and more demands from many people and pro vinciaj and municipal governments who still seek government aid and expect more and more of it but j tans the budget has failed to show leadership in unr- elling the high priced cost of government and rclcas ing its multitude of experts and bringing canada back to a peace time basis citizens were glad to meet taxes in the ar emergency but have eer right to expect a corresponding decrease when the em ergency ha passed ited kingdom ihvu expressing the thoughts of thousands of canadian ho served on the little is land fortress- during the war for war brides their canadjan husbands and other servicemen ho grew to admire britons for their courage and patience it was difficult to realize that belts would have to be tightened still further now that peace has been restored to their bomb bat tered land nine ounces a day the basic ration established by fcod minister john strachey may sound ample to canadians who have plentiful supplies of other food but servicemen will tell you that the ration will cut deeply into britain s scanty diet one canadian bakery official estimated the av erage canadian eats only four and a half ounces of bread daily but the average canuck also eats all the meat fish vegetables and fruit he desires in fngland where the meat ration has now been increased by iwo pence to 12s 4d h cent a week hi different story canadian soldiers recall that in british home where housewives are tired from standing daily in the long queues fur their meagre rations folks satisfy their hungrr with buturlcvi bread and maybe a little rationed cheese or jam u hen the govenment ask canadians not to waste bread it doe so with the hope more food will be maje available to those in i urope who suffered the horror of war while we lived in comparative comfort care less tistaurant patrons still waste thousands of loaves a day hy nibbling one or two bite from a bun and leading the remainder for the garbage canada s fighting men know plucky britons will pull in their belts and grin once more but if those veteran could issue a joint pica it probably would be please save food for those who helped to save your homes the canadian cltiwrohlp bill the canadian citizenship bill thursday received royal assent in the senate the citizenship bill sponsored by state secretary martin will have these effects 1 i stablish and recognize canadian citizenship formerly the only definition of citizenship was found in the immigration act all canadian passports will carry the words canadian citizen 2 women will be given the right to decide their own nationality previously women automatically assumed the nationality of their husbands a canad tan woman who marries a man of another nationality will be able to retain canadian citizenship if she wishes 3 women who marry canadians will qualify for canadian citizenship one iar after establishing residence 4 a native born canadian a british subject dom icilcd in canada brides of canadian servicemen and all those who possess naturalization certificates will become canadian citizens s non canadians uho hac served in the cnnnd tan armed forces outside of canada will qualify fur citizenship after one ear of such service t the bill will maintain the status of british sub jeet with the adantagc that canadian citizenship papers will be supplied upon request after the legal period of residence five years 7 naturalized canadians will lose their citizcnsh p if they remain out of he dominion for six years or more without declaring intention to remain can a i roginayouth makes his own rfh plains 17 yewold mode builder vmh secret formula for jel- propelled aircraft moosi- jaw saik up rubber hand ami gam it riven modrl air plan r art- not lur 17 ar old jark t ar n lr o natality klngivtay iark lie u r rmktt ropulftlon with tilt own r t inulurr win n llitltr rtm ktt tmmh jkn rawhini lirto tendon ja k o lal till ii in mini i khoulil ltac mjiitr uni ilai uur luiiik hln kfil 1j himifclry lu frm uf ttft of turn omii jv k rrut- i a foimula fur a mlxluif wlil h uiiulil ftio i lil mictrli ilie mli tun ln1ul mtautum lilrair and if inn uwm in adit lion to a few iitiltalk whlih he wont dl 1 w i or mixwla arc inalru td of tal mm an 1 tmts k1 nrv thi tulr which hi id hi hplnftlttt niadr of llnrn mil i tavy iclu lane u tlifii lntd m a atapult attout 2 vi lilr and laun htl at an angle of 4 dfj a lon lllr imrxt ja k flikt nxmlrl vrrr ntilprd mllh lifn hoi he found 11 mt tl itliluii n lino waa loo irfmt sotnt of 1li itnl1i rt a h a d of 4i milt an hour ttnd vll fly th ltn if n i lt hlof k of ihs nm rani imtwritt iim il a montti nii nnd hr wrnt to h llnl with hurnt hnnd not r lirw hut thr mldn1 dldn i dump n hu t nhulnm jm k sav h kn t lnt itmrd i lit lit now in making hl modrla fly innu dlfttanrfm hr wnnta ard whrn fu tinol h over thla apnnf hr plana to join tin mrmanrn forc of thr it a y an a pilot ll atrrady hat a ft m noun flyfhg ttmi kiix potato tops to control blight as a rvtult of lnvtjcatlona of late lotato bliaht and rot in the 1945 crop hy th liominion plant fotliojahcj lburatury at charo4llown p e- i tutxr inferllon may- h prevented altnut ntirrly by killinjr off tha pautatu lopa tustartla th latter and of thr growing uasoi and leaving th rop nn thr ground fur at lraat trfl da imrtng th prriod th tpora i ir ami rannof eaua infrrtloa evr f thry arc i arrlrd on th tubrra into torag if otr arr no fruata it is imtunmmih that thr uvtng plant a tr kprad with a aultablr and quirk nilnk dtrmvral aurh ai wrrj killer in any iih- tarrauxr of th almost rtnin jiirmnrr of late uauta lai nrtion fainwr arr urged to adiipt i kllllni m an etr late blight tnjrot lite reatnn why late bllgtit tuber lyt ur in l or age although n t it i pjirn1 at digging time haa puxzled ninny irowrr lioayavr it mmly evplained uyi it it hunt in ihaige ttf th- oiarlottetrnatn iabra i i atull the i4anta tiave turn nlta ket hy lite ulght fungus which i nlu t a great number of iporea i ti w in urn contaminate m crop mi digging time germinating and f fating ttie lulati in ktmnge damp toing- on1itlon favor inferilon but f kw en 1 1 la lion la pio kded ani ll tfat h k- t ramanatit dry ti i i will lw ke l d vn to a m nirnum f i n t uly u i h fungua iiorea imjinir ni i tine for germ nation but ttiry ui kl dry up an i di in dry li inn i tlr heavy dfiimnd of tin i umng pikgrnm the limtxr admin i tralor if ihf irire lioard haa an nouikeil thnt rvrtaln manufarfurers lit agreed in rrune production of l lie hollow aah or mono door of plywood tonftl ruction it i enpect ft itajti of ther doora will become nvnilable ench day business directory dr w g c kennev tsurrtmnr lo vr j a mcnlvaij offlm la symoa block m1u sum acton ohm raxaw it bnhiatl rtm iu ok d a gakkett frwurtck strmt actaa vartnrrly dr nvuon otflca umr ituui 338 itmldmu ms dkntal dr a j buchanan oaalaj bartaaa u01cluhjnaa ii lor k ultl atram offic llur s am ta paa x ray gab tckpiionb 1s ur geurge a sirrs mill sir ronitr rrwtohck urrir lloun sou am to 5 jo rnjjiionh i czoal kditoh1ai- ntt our cutin on world sccunl no man clas race or nation ill ever be secure except in a moral orld a vorld that is free from fear hate and rrecd and hence from all the human misdeeds motivated by these passions we spend therefore far too much time dibatini whethci w hi se tin ttest be achieved through organizations alliances armaments treaties or com missions no one of these is more moral and hence more effective than an of the others ue ma need to arm for self protection but let us realize that this is on a stop gap till e ork out the real sol the troubk ith tht world to dnv millions of mc multiplied simply the cik end ucathcr was aptly described as i sizzhnr sundav followed by an ict crenm monday it wasn t winston churchill who said on fndav morninu after reading the budget highlights nccr did such few canadians grve so little and take so much ll seems rhnt every ear the dust on the streets keeps ulii ahead of the application of the material put on to iillcmnte the nuisance and this cnr is no exception ution and then get immediately to work upon tjjit a public that clamors for mnn of the things real solution done without during six jenrs of war begins to is there a a to end fear hate and greed in the wonder when strikes will allow the post war dreams world we have heard people a th used to be fear to come true ful and are not afraid an more we hae hear 1 them sa the used to hate and now arc sorr x t have heard them say thev were out for all thev could i i he ncwcst in fur corts is n mouiortw1i7cti is get and are living now to see what thev can give and glamorized- shcpskin but good news for their actions bear out their words husbands is that a 0 coat of mouton compares this change is usuall the resntr of finding real- llkh t or heaver eoat it in religion theyfind that atomic cnergv is not the onlv universal torce that can be tapped and twentv six per cent more electric refrigerators when the cut in on the energ known as the i bu apnl clinajll fhn wcre power of god the find v does things to the courage to their sense of responsibility for other people and to the aims the had set for themselves to cut evcrvbod in on this same great force would produce the moral woxld which and whieh alone can bring lasting world secuntv ured in march s little patience fewer strikes and goods will soon be baclt on the shelves again british lleltb tighter when a war bride in toronto said she felt heartsick for my people back home as she read of the british cabinet decision to ration bread in the un- the free press this week enters its scvcflt second vcar of continuous publication ma we pause at the milestone to thank all correspondents advertisers readers arid fyends who have helped through the venrszokeep the newspaper of the town and dist rict abreast with the times weve enjoyed working together through the ears we hope the enjojment has been mutual avot pectin riuitjall jab uno tfi jab vlllll jomkbt s m 1ft cat rmm ibb n ty nap wax beam 1 i ml rbuit acib re 14 himttu1 bxtbacra ul utmeta all bbah t ra sla i ice ckeam mix 14c catbixra ipaoncm r h a c a a o n i bpaoatmn sauce m i4t atuocb bzep b b o t h b tin bsc 3ie vmunb i- nectar lemon juice xise grape juice 4c boiled dinner e matt mai chili caa carne x4e y leathhrlanl ba at ton luiiutr aaj fuuhtw nrntn pausa iasuvr of mamaga ijcanaaa llrgutrar of lllrllt uarrlafm imatha oftlm n nun baillian iu langdon aylsworth barttatua tuimiiia baa offlras acton coour ilulldtref it uaclntyr ayuworth ba acton oa1 llsw pkaaaa artlreil ilu oaoriatowit grcorr thaatra bttoab phena 8s lever hoskin csahr4 aaeauataata succaaora lo jcnkinb a jiakov 1308 mtrokllln illdj 44 victoria st toronto vetciunabv b d younc vs b vsc vvlarlaarj airgaaa offlca nrookvill onurlo lhon atlllon 14a r 4 f g oakes vs bv5c valartaary haraaa offlca and italdcnc knox avenua acton phone 130 heal estate w1llougmby farm agency iargat and ousrat acancy in canaila lead offlca kent uu tomato gaorirvtown itcpraatntatlva too iliana paaaa q wt time tables ray coach lines coaches lxave actom daultt ha vino time xg11 am b7 4h a m 0 1ft ajb 1 1 m a jn 2nnpm 53k pro 3 pm 0 06 pjn blul pjn j diced reets lie awai ma ouii m aav iuaxti i a t4 bap oovreaab innuvau aa luxa large r pe watermelons ljch spaghetti z17c 115 29c 2 b 29c juciv valencia orangfs size 34 s ripe imported peaches fresh green peas cauliflower cucumbers conteloupos banaiu special weekfend prices ntfllh nm yll 43 am 2 30 pan z5n pm 733 pm bh33 pjn xoj3 pm yll 28 pm x to stratford a to london h sunday and holidays only x dally axeept sunday and holi day to kitchener canadian national railways mtaxdard t1mr otnt et daily exrept sunday 6 00 am 48 ii m 6 54 p m sunday only 819 pm dajl 1 lr at roruuown 1011 p m olntf wt4t oally except m nrfny 1 17 am munda onl 1j09 n m unity except suivlny plh an 0 5t p m li3pm alurda onlj 1 m pm t ltr guelph tail except sntuidny nnd sunday concrete blocks manufactured by cheltenham con crete products harvey walters soie agent phone aeton 37 blocks manufactured to neet the toronto bylaw specifications

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