Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 4, 1946, p. 3

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v- t j v thtmsbxy jvlv 4th 1m the acton free press pack ran m bowl hello ifomematters the teacher at the red rhoolhouse may be on hol idays but mother ku her hand full mother u a great pathologist and guardian of children playing indoor or outside during thalr frdom out door child mui b warned of eountlaa thing they cannot do thro of th moat important thing children must not to are 1 children muii not fir air rifle t th glaaa and porcelain insulator oa hydro and telephone line theee gist knob may b broken by stone thrown by thoughtless ihlldren to make repair require espense and time 2 i hlldren should never rllmb hydro ioiror eleiliic standard 3 lng a kltr made with wire dan it rous if ii txhomi tangled in high vollatr wlrvi the electric cur- ma burn th playful hill j he mi nevet get a straying for thla kind of mtb hv ut ixi nuse the it rrlble el ect r fchock may tontine him tu led during his wholi vacation wu may haw n no t in r w ay of uaihlng him how rnxt miiui to bl tut plea don t tort t iti tlniik r of ur kit s broken rlii nit iivluios and bare el ectrlc wlr and now lo aiuun our itijueta how may t wwriii be tanned to invent nmt m and to n tain thi r original coloi ll pic cooking fiw five minute in it rup thrn allowing the barrtea to stand in the iup for a frw hour before talking in jan and process ing aftei anmng utore jars in a daik place to retain color of berries mom long should jar l ho led tu tcrlliic them we iihommcnd washing jar in hot audi kmee jar thoroughly place in pan of clear walir with folded cloth in bottom of pm wl on elect ric element and ikji for at least 15 minute ma fruit be tanned successfully without sugar c h uinj water in place of r up in the hot waltr bath method of processing j u all r fcht to allow jai to cool in the wattr no the ptntlutl will ih overcooked and rtiltiln tvj of spoilage may d clop tlut to klm tooling t dropjmd in delighted touriftt stayed in laiiada former llieyefe ricer now u chief llooalc- of sukalrthrwan vuur undijotk sask cp rroof of canada allure to united stataa rttuens u a3 yearold hurty fait on man chamber of rommtrc who tame up on a hunting trp in 1910 and ha mad hi horn in saskatchewan ever sine a former prufeaalonal bicycle rider and telegraph operator from mason lty iowa mr kelt visited th can adian rocfcle on a hunting espedlt- ion and on hi way back lo tha us stoprd at saskatoon to a lomi railwayman friend he e pressed hi pleasure with canada and was asked if he would like a here within five minute he wai working at a telegraph key i- or 14 years he has lived at hnd later imputation fill about to mil north of mouse jaw w here he ti klatlon agent for the anadlan nat- hmtal ickllway aiiylng tin a ternal game con m rvnll n program he est i ma let he iiai ient mme vvt out of hi own jxwkel f r crows antl magpie egg ami irh for whith lie nlvi one cent nh iont vkt till pltj he aumrlvd tin hunllnt eimtltloni of six u h nilllionniieb who brought their prlv- ntf rnllwny tar to nearby lluffalo ihiihi ukr hie lait of the million nlrr ilint alxul two years ago and now mr 1ht runs a lodg at the lake not al and muil be if if n jnt tpretd li ti have to im ivkwd tht full leiikth of unit just what should be done with the unseahd jnr will di pi nd ukn th- caust if tin tup or lid is at fault and hit produtl m frutl simply n- plan inptrltd with nrw one anil proctss in wnlir buh until pnhliut reachri iwlllng point if it l a nm acid food it should be rcprocpsscd approximalt ly one ijuarter to one third the niutar proccs pertiwl it the jar is defective the product should be reimckthl it is doubtful if this will be profitable slnct the processing would ned to be of approximately the same length ns a normal period for that particular product few foods will stand up undi r urh treat ment how du you atertmrr ubi with me taj band and the attached rings pip lid with compound gasket into boiling water how can flaxor of brine be pre- tmted in canned peaches long standing in brine gives tally taste and strong brine saturatta fruit uu 1 up salt to 1 qt cold water for a bath to prevent discoloration while peaches art being prepared ar how do ou prrheat for cannlnr elect tic oven yvlth automatic control which registers preheat broil and hake set control at bake and preheat lo 275 dega cuhku hay cmi pok ifwitry keki pint of the nutrir nt and part of th mi of fiettlng poultry may im met by utlng rlov er hay according to ioul liy authorltlet of the ionilnlon ic jmitnirnt of agriculture hay i ke ginsm u a gnid conditioner and iirl keep poultry in g od health and plumage coarae tough oei mnturrd hay la of no use for poultrv piey cannot eat much fibre ij e suitable foi ivoultry rlov r hay must be cut early and ecla11y prepaml ttie hav should be rut hi nudh a pin ar and in fore bio iminis liiw two or throe week lefore noiinnl utlink ttim tlie procetlurr li cut in tin morning anil leave in ftwath until hnc ijunrter dry tjr hi in nixt v n ntl over tlrv ha in tin now t li dtpth of on i foot stow h in n i1r hill tcilutt hnndllut to n i nun i mum lci miv tin li nvi s ten i i i in i off fiuni r i ul tin m in th nliik put it up in vmnll cocks o llnnii up tin m l niornlnj and fernon tiki in the h- beware poison ivy methods of treatment nam tl oil tiikik ifid the cvtrn la- i r t tit tlil k jusuficd 1 tin i pen uil u t t if tm ol tnim il lur h uttrv all fret tiiulilu ami hiivi si nil in it lain d anil ronisc film ki j t l n minimum hny thus matunil mn in fcil in hulk hopped or ground fi cdlng in bulk im ing the mm list and leant cwnl method home store training hki old sound adv1ck i homas jt fi non author of the ameiitan ihrlamtlon of independ ence ami lnsident of the i nlted states from lhol 9 wan a man of definite opinions moir thin a cent ury njo he made a set of rules ap plicnble to dally life and they art as worth of considt ration today as thf wen duiing hi lift time here is his attvict i l nivtr put off until tomorrow j what you inn do today j ncvtr trouble another for what you tan do for yourself i t never spnd your mom lief in i vou have it 4 newt bu what vou do not want ik t nust- it s i heap it will be deal to i ou j li ul costs ut more than hung- i r thlrm nntl cold 6 t can never repent of having tat n too little 7 nuting is troublesome that- ue do v iltlngly 8 flow much pain have cost us the ivlts that have never happened 9 take thine always by ther wmooth handle 10 when angry count ten before vou sneak when very angry hundred j the essec county reporter ug- geits that all can profit by the exper ience of thi famoua man if we take heed of hi saying life will become more pleasant it 1 a valuable experience for ioorle to work in a good retail sfhte they learn through sale work how to moet the public how to please itis tomers and how to help in meet- tag- people s needs the owners nti managers of such concerns become extremely skilful in sizing up public needs and they render an enormom aerviee to their hom town in bramtponthe soles people- are trained to meet the public with un failing court e and the most carv- ful attention with tho desire to reri- dar 100 per cent servicer to do everj- thing- possible to satisfy peoples des ires and to take care of a great number of customers in the shortest possible time such service in our store makes the work of trading in them a very pleasant and profitable one and people leave these stores feeling that they have been well served and that the best notfflblo car has been given to their needs henderson hi charge at cjty hal woman boshes hamilton hamilton ont cp controller nora prance henderson will praetltt- allv be running hamilton singlehand ed for several day- this month the mayor and two member of the board of control will be in vancouver at tending the canadiansmayors con ference while a third controller will be out of town leaving controller in choosing the locale for a holiday i amp or a plcnlr or a temporary rest ing place in a day outing tha pre caution should be taken to make ur that no poison ivy 1 around hi unpleasant we run glow anywhere but is rarely met with on t ulttvald k round it may be found in dtim- pjtt he about a fimt high or a a kmall lump or as a climbing lant twining atuund ti- or i rawlln along f ffini itie ten v es are in group of tbtar gloty vnn aiwl in ilia fall assume autumnal cidois in june the flower apjear itiey ar kmall grrhlah and hliklrn by thr leaves in winter they tak the form of hard round whitish berries how ever no matter what time of the we have rrsvun to be very thank yar the plant poisonous in evi y ful in this lutrirt having come to iart leave stem and roots wtiiih i be nd of s mml intent and u j are permeated by an ot on break loiiifortable hi- at wave wiiimiu any j age of any part of th plant the oil bad wind or thunder storm following j released and cimtact is made n ita wake ai one hot humid day i ha initial it age or puluwilng it a kucceitd another i think we were all m itching senaatlun followed by ttie chrwiiciih ol ginger farm wrtttaa hava4ally visa aaiaa r- praca s owknimmjnk f cubhb little afraid of what 1t end would be eie4ially w ben every day we lira m1 neta of tornado- and iwui ers and earthquakes from first one place and then annlhr h the way al ourtney w hf rr the brunt of the earl ikjuake warn frit was where son hot- war hit development of blisters which henmi lainful oocing sores itilaonlng may alko result through anything that has loui hed the ivy lothlng kit sftoe la es toolt plinic task- is or even a iet dog or rat many limlminli have in pmpinrht and uwd hut lot of time during tht mtaslble hie lmnietlatr rub the army of course lie read th- n w and then said dlsguttedly i h up alw nvi ha i pn aflet 1 have b it n jdatv ofinlly twnklnt i have very iii lie vmmtthy wllh strikes and trtk ts hut dm inn n hi st wave it would no it himi nt all t i no on stilke myself afti i all man is the only living thing who ft rili- on jut tt uual in th mldl or inti ne in at it u don t immivi m- jintt i fik aroun i an t f r oiiru if ne time the mirtiirv hits the hlh sjmi whhh henvin forhld will nil he a lilt i w h le t i h left to l hate thenietves ill lunib ci rat met ahow a lot m ie wnv than we do w hi n it is hoi mv i find thi ctiteit ot in thi paslut and thi re they ttay thrntigh the hot fett part of tb day cttnlentedlv fleeting or hew ing their cud ami the hena antl chickens what dt they do during most nf the m rnlng thev are a huiy as an he eating scratch iiik drinking and in the case or hen lav ink etgs the chickens out on the ran- e n re a ian continual v on the move hut watt b for those ame bird after dinner nnd you will ha id lv see a hlrkcn a round anywhere tin an ither sleeping in the cool of the rhlrken pen or in some ahady njvot outride ihen round about f vf ii i loi k cow i nnd i hicki ns come to life ncnln hiev are up and aout ffretr huslin s whith for them it kei ping their stomal ht nntl cr ipi ml i up llnv nc ohwrved thev dumb crent ures take n look around nntl e what most of our two tereiil wise gui are domi vi ill flmi men in the hnv- f id lofcknk into the work with thi hot sun lcatim down upon them or u nun n the kllrhm some tf th ni with a fire on canning ironing or cv rr houiecli anlnr you f nd men an i w nmi n tin working in si ores of u s ind fnctnrlit right on through lh li it of thi di nnd then just as itt iir gets a littli more bearable tin qu i ft r the d iv hecnuto it it sl oi ivck i link whw an isv pi innt life fl would le if iviryonc ltsil fiom om to five during the hot ummer afti rnoont and then worked again from five until sundown quite in idi a isn t it nnd it could be done ex cepl for the fact that we are uch irentuns of habit that we have tr work bv the clock instead of being guided by our natural impulse of course like everyone else we ki pt right on working during tht awful heat not only that but the jobs that had to be done were hot ter and more tiring than average the men were busy lh the hay field and the hnv was particularly heavy then ii was more or leu of a worry trvlng out the new horse until vve where sure what she rould or woiill do nut v needn t have worried for queen apparent i has the normil stnnlth nf n rrorte with the disposit ion of a inmhwhirh is realk some thing for a six earold i am eert- a nnlv jladhe is quiet for i am back to my old job of driving the team on the hnv fork and there were herrie to can but not to phk thanjf goodness and one morning me od 75 of our chickens and believe me it im t the nicest job in hot weather of course we had holiday week endersand i fed them oh salads and fresh fruits and cold meat daughter had a en for a pie bui1 told her pies would have to waft until i had an el ectric stove to cook them wttn they all helped in the hay field and all fin ished with wet shirts and sunburns friend bert developed such a red nose i told him anyone looking at him would not find it hard to believe that th ontario liquor ration had been doubled we found a grand place to go for a swim we listened to atomic bomb broadcasts and now the week end is over and we are already to start work again with a song in our heart because the weatherman has promise ahlgh today of seventy i ing of the contacted part with strong laundry aoap will effect a mire if the hoap hna been use i fore tin ill has penetrated rle skin a i mini n liralmint la daubing the nffrtled jim l wllh a threi r tent s dulion of potassium mrrrnangnti oi mm t tin of lihtlne oni- hlutu low in i n formed all tubblrit should avoldul if the attack la vevirp n il n l i ahould be onulted are sh mid im ink n to lixnlle infii li n l ininlhi limline round tin t ft of mhi or v using compitajwt mnkiil in a two per tint mitutloti of nlurnlnum c inle or ny other cooling substance ilk sixta or tmirai i m id hwiii r no ap i t atlon simmjiii im maib whin ihe mir s are oolng liecause they may seal ovi r and aggravate condition urrrnih mavobh nionrrv aljoaitv cl tlie city rkin i imv stipulated that a car for the mayor must not cost miin thin sj kx but itotmrt markay aujrlnl endent of the city a electric utm n i jmtwer depart mi nl wi this la imi low lie feel the mayors car should have outstanding dlnlt irvl re tmmend ihe purchase of a j ii j mitnn mkn aix ntfz bame rtie street car had been delayed by a truck stalled on th track and thi i jmratm wai trying to make up the t nir at a stop an elderly lady am bled kowl from he curb to lie ctt i lease hurry madam urged lit j iterator we ve got to u t al jng m oh you nun sighim te old lady bj ns stie put her tiiket in the box you lire all it e same vlf by i ve n h amlng for you for nearly fiftrn s foot ailmenta j tsbatbo 2 miss allan tru tool imwitj far totb jj udlm and cn opra maa than ul b valat uu t alaak am y j pkana innutra ismj it arths tiuelpu lasaaabbb hms wm r bracken hkai efftatb uiwis ihr and auloawbllr imurmiw llrillh and arcbunt inaurane w tka muuml lilm aasafajww ml raa4a ivl u airnngv yimr mortfaaa i ni nn that nrw houaa iikink m acton ont new ikkps immkdiatkpkijvkky wiijvs imkisai jkkisarr four msrhlnca in en molnr car ijkhl truck trarfor mobile iowar unit on saia today tom hewsorcs thoni mv mil i si 1 oki town ota a mp aaiiv port alfhed que cp xlmiir lty in a recent roforendum oled for the continuance of prohibition tha vote at 0311 in favor foe many of oar barroria cnitomrra aaviog 2a ttul tbc prima oooaldararjofi for them the tunc to borrow ia eqoallr the tune to cave borroaruur ami lavis fo hand in hand j thooaaodi of oar borrowers have citable bolduiraofvictoryboodaaadwarsatiofa ccrufkatea which thejr leave with as for cafckecpine indeed a good many have sabatanuel caih i in their saviarv snronnrt whjp then do they borrow trom the bank t smmfft ftctmti thj uml f iw tklir ttrimpi kust m4 these people are performicuj a real service boc only to themsei ves bnt to their fellow citiiens afld to the coon try at large f by maintaining their pro gramme of regular taring te our cmsfmm us oeat borrow nnlctt too haw tothut il too need sanaey for aama mnfmjfmfvt by all menu get lean bom the bank they are guarding againic laflarloa howl by conservation conservation in personal financing ia pra- tited by a large proportion of onr cus tomers by l for some naefsj pur pose and by making regular repayments on- their loan they are in reality xsvaaf for a useful purpose and increasing profitahla production for the community mcanwhilaa they are keeping their savings intact this is wise spending wise borrowing and wise saving these people are good customers they are- good ddsena and their personal financing u sound this m conservation the first requisite for personal security the first attnbnea of good citisenship ibm jwatalfssf fm imi st bui wt slit xtr doa t sell your victory boodr if too need cash are a iowkoic iota and pay it back out of future earaioa bank of montreal working with canadians in bvbry walk sincb tait

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