Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 11, 1946, p. 2

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ee yitz 7 itj tjrv the acton ntbb press thursday july 11 ik um 81jf arton 3p rw ln8b ai pulhkkd rrt m4 m iistfcirtmi at1 i w ul kl uiiust su fcftd mlmi umiu1 i ahvrtimn alls ul rt4t wtwta lavjtfa tkrf it will hmauui oiw bid fejcftfdlati buyer of our own products with b9yf frow titt united state it will wetfl fl savin wbfl w want to visit our relative and fruad to tbo aftttth tho good effects of too wove will horo than off set toy bad effects to tbe average canadian or citiioa of i ho united states a dollar is a dollar and moat will welcome thia day when its the same no matter on which aids of the border you spend it tka veterans coese luek men and women who have doffed the uniform of until a fighting furces are showing in peaceful pursuits the umo initiative and resourcefulness that won them woilj wide aitlaim during the war years v ilhuul txhtlling in any way ihe cqorinou ben rfil ihcy have derived from war gratuities anj utrrmiirnt it hahihtatiun 4ltrm and the m pathetil consideration given to their prohlims hy a grateful puhlit it t true that in the main vcuiau have pulled thcmwlvea up hy ihrir own loottrap 1hiiughuut the vountry wc find thru men and toiiirn buckling down with a sttiing dctrrimnaik i lit kutterd with civilian ot it i naliual that mhiic should find the problem of rcadutiiirnl unumiallv jilfuult but they aie widely uuinunitu red hy iihim whu hate taken obstacle in their stride and whu i ian lor the future ate fauly lumrttr ihe jifc hoitrm toil i no longer a klia i hut a lavt crvatiltty and ingrnuiiy is he nig man ifimed mi all vidift b both men and women as th y st k lo sai new i a ret r v hcthi r ho t ipciatm a mrscinc i wrtvur iopetlifig lor gold or oitup tug an cicutii pmju n with a lonstriiltmn unnp m the ntteran i drawing on leaaon inventive and ji- i lniar uarnrd in the war nuih no diuruih instances aie it giun ot oung men and women who went into fhe wrvuci from the clasaroom atarttng in the buftineh world with a dtgrcc of self confidence virtually unheard of before the war in the less tangibk field of education there i the slateiueut of or a 1 kerr president of oalhousn top heavy plana it ii generally conceded that in these days mdiv iduata and municipalities hive too many permits rcetrictfbnt number et lo make the progr that is required to meet conditions we arc quite agrn j that tome regulation over municipalities and tnclmd uals it necefcvary to keep an orderly plan properly functioning but anyone who haa limceed lo council j lnucrwly lhml thc kcncr veragc of achievement problem over thc ear wll agree thai the central 1 clcrala rclurnc lo lin work umsidn ued control ham now gone too far the other way and my h hin hat non vctcrnv thr mbk that the central board set up are bogged down wih jmn msumma lt u bc ruc or tlc dominton s problems or indifference to their jobs and retarding progress by failure to give interpretation and lead erstiip on centralued ruling v ucp flf s much of thc indifference to building of honns mighr bc traced to an otcrdi sc of permits that usual ly convey jiothmg but an added incior to make one more worry for the home builder actually it appears to day that small municipalities can make no move without bene kintrinud bt a n lulntion from some centralized bod tio cftcn tlu untritl ized authont sh ws no desire to cw thc quctiui from a heal viewpoint but ajhcrc irnth to the book c heard of iau the other dav of builders if houses adjacent to ro inci il hieh u s tn lounl out after t niu n s cll unulr a tint the must secure a permit f rt m the hil1i nt depar tnicnt u muke such construction none of the pr pcrtv owners cn aware ot thc nil ing until visited b one of thc arm of inspectors moit of the builders then had more permit thin material to get water and scriccs to new building sites approal of a couple of centralized boards has to be secured mortof these matters could be handles better locall where thc conditions arc known it may be that our post war plans have be come so gigantic that the are discouraging housing is onl one of these centralized deter c k i i i t more required than thc proverbial fifth wheel to rents every business man knows thc multitude of i h t k k- wi m r- a coach members of thc house of commons arc inspectors for whom he is obliged to maintain records now receiving a total sessional indemnity of 0 000 of which amount 2 000 is tax free if only a handful of the 245 arc required to bc present in the house when such important announce mcnt arc made possibly the handful would do at other time certainly canada needs no more mem bcrs m the house of commons to become a further camkn yomayftat cannars of tefiutoea and tomato julc will to required to hold a part el their 144 oaelf for lunwual our poaaa arcontlng to a rrwwnt announea mant of th waklma irtca and trada board kine july 3 tomato and tomato julc eannars whoa 1u5 peek am ountad to mora thaa 10 000 raaea of totnatc or mora than 30000 eaa el tomato julra aauat rwlaln is par rwit of ilklr tta 1tms park or en- nad tomatoa and rannvd tomato julra for alloratlon by th ituard lo priority usrra to atttx votton ivy kodium ehlorata sodium ehloriwa turnara fual oil ano a watar while kro4ru wtr invaatlneted aa herbt- rid for hi eradication ot poison ivy by th ixvuuon of botany and ilanl lathuluay hrlance urvte titunintun iprtmnt of agriculture i olvn ivy ran ha aradlratad by aud turn rhl4rl if treatment u paralat nt and tlturuutfh ummun salt and furnai oil wr not cvn6rad aat- ufaitory watar whit karoaane wlirn at piled ai m spray lo th fol- lage rivmmtt n value in tradlratlng j luiti ivy hen hon mr 1ku made the nnpor uni jin luuncciiunl in the house of ornnions the other d i rclarduil the rate of exchange on american and itntish lunds the rums despatch stnud the re we e nl a handful f numbers in the ituasvnnd ui llle the i ri mil to increilse t tic i c re si 11 1 ill ve s l nnother six numbers ihe tinted st ites congress which c rr j on is to the t iiiiadnin h use pf nimons m le j ivlatixt hiiictions is made up of 4u minibus this is uk re rcse ntatim rotihl for iur 12 ihh pi opl hen in anudt the house ol ommons has 2 represe ntati es approximate one tor every 4 soo pcrsens if canada s per capita representation in the house of commons was based on the proportionate american figure our popular chamber would bc re duced to about vi members it ma be nudity ad mitted that this sparsclv settled and widely expand panded countrv could not accept as a representation basis the american per capita but few among thc average citizens of canada will concede that an in crease in our number of commons members over 24s and contribute a tax two wars have seen a lot if centralized authority if canada is to build end grow these days of peace should sec decentralization of authority and more encouragement to individual effort buitortal notes twi how canadians noted in 1945 the detailed report on thc voting in thc general i burdcn on t federal election of last year canada s 20th such event just issued b thc chief electoral officer makes interesting reading and will settle many an argument also the distribution of thc ballots cast sort of gives an added lift to our importance o of almost seventy million electors on the lists have our canadian dollar on a par with thc unitcj over 76 per cent went to the polls forty five per states bill x c eel ccjual w ith thc neighbors again cent of canada s electors are on the rural voting lists a study of the details of thc report reveals the fact that the liberal party is strongest numerically in ontario where it received over 747 thousand votes quebec coming second with 722 supporting liberal nun the maritime provinces cast 274 thousand lib eral vote end the four western provinces 429 thous and s the progressive conservativeparty alsq received its largest support in ontario 75 thousand but ran second to the liberals in ontario outside the toronto district and in all other areas the ccf party had substantial support in the 4 western provinces 4s8 thousand and made a poor showing elsewhere independents scored 2s3 thou and votes mostly in quebec a dollar is a dollar canadians stand to gain in many respects from the quick move of thc dominion government in plac tng the canadian dollar on a par with thc umtd states dollar lt means that coal andrnany items imported from the states will be lowered by ten per cent and that the price rises that have recently oc curred in the republic will be offset by this amount the canadian weekly newspaper field lastweck lost an outstanding editor and citizen when lome fcdy of the st marys journal argus passed ti way cry suddenly at hissifrnmcr home at tobcrmorj mr ecd held many prominent positions not only in the newspaper field but in church and commun ity he served well his day and generation in support of its contention that the real value of income can be measured only hy the amount of goods thc money will buy thc ottawa citizen points out that the increases in prices since 1039 in various countries has been in canada wholesale prices 43 per cent retail prices 10 per cent in great britain wholesale prices 73 per cent retail 31 per cent in australia wholesale 39 per cent retail 23 per cent in sweden wholesale 71 per cent retail 43 per cent in other countries price rises have been much great er since these figures were issued canadas whole sale price level has risen 2 per cent and that of great britain and united states over 3 per cent if contin ued pressure op wages and prices are allowed to break our present structure the result will be a lower real income and a lower standard of living states the citizen iiaiy htmev fn tie ueai fiihei at the r u j i imrtrtisl ofv itiln only v ihrjr lr holm makrt j lf m itmit to improve your mr urllt jmr tir farm no iiirnpiiuntliitu jmljrr quit for a mi icrrltc t no filtirr o ahra rumrr thargr whatrvrr rt ymr mrwi1 ii of m mmgir bank oi- monikul my bank mm 1 summer baby cheddars inoutou f cauu cream cheese 16c kraft dinners 17c frosty mix i9 rimm mustard c iak 4 1 wan ca mast mile tin chill m carma 14 aylmeft rancy tid bit pineapple hakbt mum lemon pie mix h1 avaic4ru use twpwr swasrao is tan c a e j uni pom dtknca stave savoy peoducts rmicv jtrrsoven lloamiia oravt c c sauce 1bas uaaort 10 lit is lie certo stt age parowax ixe can saev cfttbvaxa k istipictin raa run ekb ar i rm ar- a- saocb ii raaina t t aatxaoo i haw wrrsn ahrm raau whiat m main esaui ar aat taatraila soup s5e o ckab rvbhituss polish ti 11 ch4 tw coat ktlmsa soils dinnii il iii haskt ak a rsuiv a c i b 114 muittu rxavosiilo extsacts ik auwkmt ws as ontario new potatofs 10 lb nc cabbage per lb tomatoes dmportedl per lb cajlflofr large head 48c 6c 25c wc business directory oh w o c kenney b lo of j a menhwii offlr u bymaa block miu iom4 artoa ok i a gakkett wiyslsun sju bu vfimrirk slrxl artoa kurmarly ijr nalsrjri s of ar hfl i imtfia 3 llasuulu hi iienta1 iw a j huchanan uaatsj hugsi orfi llajimwi lllork mill rtrul jitkv hours dam to 4 pas x kay as iki kiiionf 14 ll i okii a blkhs isphaaj ruirtaoai mill linl iimi t4 actob ofll m iiuib uln am to 3 30 blob ii i i 1llrink 111 rsjm i i i a f iii 11 and ii a aitox nrrwur ajul hlirtlr nalat ftjul luurr 1 mamasa urarum itrglairar of hirll sarrlafa imatha ixrtna ii ihaaaa maiulsll iu ianion aviswokth barrtsurs haotrluao cta omira artm mr llullilrig ii morlntyra avlawortf ba- aiton ottba lltw naau uj raoratitwn fraiory ttmstr duocfg ihona wiw li vi l iiobkin artard aorauatbjita su ak r a to jrnkinh a iiamiit ivlc mrtr lltan lllds 41 vlilolla i loiolit mil jill vrtruinaiiv it i viiiini v s it vsc wtfrlnar paursran iltl r lli h v llr i i i it m i 1 h r 4 i oakj s s it v sc vmrrlnao hurrn off r at i i all i hi a avrnua a t i i i r 1 hi iikai rjitatr wiilouciihy iakvi adbncy lirii at ami oilt at akriicy in caasda i i if ail offi hfi i lit in loronto fr rut n i rrarntatlv tom llaavaoiallitana acirttawvj ttt time tables kay oalii linkh coa ll3 i f at acton davijiiirr havivo tiue kaulkmsirl xfilt am bl4d am 910 sjb ililim 1 lis p m 3 jr p m 3k pm oocpm bllll pjn wmuaaaad aldtm am yll 13 a m 2 jo pjn z31tpm 733 pra bh33 pjb ajil pm yll2h pm i to stratford to london bsundsys and holidays only x dally vxcepl bundayi and ilab- days- y to kllchenor canadian national railways mtandakd timr olng cast daily except sunday 6 00 am 4ham 6vpm sunday only 81 pm dally myrr at eorifrluwn 1011 p m rolnic vrat daji except m nda 1 17 am monday only looam dally sxcopt surulay 9 01am 63upm 7 23 pn suturday only 1 t pm rkrtcualph dally except saturday and sunday 612 pm concrete blocks manufactured by cheltenham con crete products harvey walters sole agent ptwim acton 87 blocks manufactured to meet the toronto bytew specification i

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