Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 11, 1946, p. 3

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w a thursday july 11th ims the acton free press vust taoual chronieles ot ginger farm mwkmooumh t clabkb bowl w haw juil ai to lut el our young torkrb that us lut of th first hftlfh w atlu ksv plenty of mill bird ruaalaj around o wo wont be to for little whlu y- wo ar aleo njoylng our first shower far about thro week and oh dear how wo needed ii- by the way x am referring to a slower of rauaot of bath water rh ground ta terribly dry there doe t em to b any molatut tnyhwvi th utvt on th tree ar wilting dut it has been marvellous haying weather to dale not on rutting of hay has been spoilt 1 ant rfiw-m- iwr anything ilk it before this ear for us the mmr iwmi to moull vsrekenda i mean with i in- various memter and near member of our family ronung a i tut ii rnv mrrk end ilk homing nlgeons uv have no sooner salt goodlive than we ar saving hullo youre here stain and when they ram theie is a wild 9 ramble for old clothe iint shoe overall shirt slack nnvthlng at all that tan b worn in 1 h hayfleld half i th tim nohol knows what tjelonga to whom ant th result oftrn a general mix up saturdav afternoon llert uu turning the house uj lot- down hunting for th overalls h hart worn th week hfor he insisted i muil havr washed and put them awa i mi equal mrr i hadnt for th simple reason thai i had for gotten about them whll we were till arguing jo and th mn cam in with a load of hay daughter e- rlalmod immediately look tnra berts overalls joi wearing them and she was sh vtaa also wearing a blouse belonging to daughter on pf my hats and a pair of aneaken which dob had routed out from some where daughter is not quite so tramplsh she general tv has som kind of an outfit at home to change into uhat ther it of it the dress paradr on sundav morn ing is also quite characterise tart- nr and tlob shave bathe and qullw natural i get into something other than work clothe hen th cltv slicker ahenluteu refuses to alia and nndtilt the jir lo seal run huo homlkersl you havent murk lima to talk on th phono whan tli barflaa ar ready to jam nalthr have 1 tt man any roquaau for information to mo lit b glad to anawr by return mall anyway w your taking down instrurtloni thy may b inrompleta so clip this coupon ana paste ii on the filing ards of your recip boa to-day- nat mm making uead juy 1 ulackberrtoa gooseberries crab applea tart apple quinces and renberri easily 3 cherries strawberries piarhea pis and rhubarb requite a pectin or jet nth combination to give the est lesult kor example us on psit of un of the fruits listed lit na 1 to j parti of on of fiulla listed lit so j dr a tomnutt lal edut tan in umtl 1 kiuit ahoulil not b over itpr and should t nref umy iranwl mar urr nil iii or nh trull and kutini i tul h- loill luphlly i h loin pnmrvlng kimli- to prc- wnt inhiiiviii iui1 ktir coiutanlly a jell llifimumelri assutvn ou it n khmi jiii tir jam niul pirnit nilult ii if tl amount by loo muh np4iinlin 1 lu hind ilrmti- la hung inolili- na liquid utitl to hgl tuol ihii it miojd ilfirw it ik tint to miur u you ajii fklin jll a lh- 11- ui1 ulls 7 hen ou um- ioniinrlal itln ulhtm the inatrudiona on th patk- plulll blaackhrjiky jam 4 11m black lmrrtta 3 lbs of gran- utated augar julc of on lemon ljuok owr blauib rlaa cars fully ana wash if it aooms adlaabl 1ut lilai kbernei and sugar togothar in a prvssrvtng katua mix and let ktand tor aoout 13 mm or until tna juico ii partiall rxtrat ted thrn ook irntl unctnernl atlrrlng uftrn un fit a few drop of th jam vlll ihlik- n on a cold plat add strained irnion juu and cook fr s mlns longi r i l tand a toy momenta nml sklni thrn tlr rtcforf indllnc in- tu hoi iiiiim1 jnr over at once wtth n thin film ot hot paraffin tthn ioil jmur niou ciy hot ar- nffin around the cdj of thr top delight in wcnitni orall and an old coltnri hlit ii a he ha to iha and ai n tie nil cr da of hit life lo do jut th oppos ite l hm lda of relaxation iartner on th other hand cannot rrlnt tin less he flmt its out of hu work cloth- j full when old iir in jr or tie down willi plt nitkjtrkkv irkant jam j tits inlmut one nnd n half ulllm hlui hi mux lbs illmlut i iiipi vhiht t 1 1 uiiimi curronl hw tr lillle lit iiiinulnteil iiirnr undine pi i put id lilueurih nnd iiitianls add siikiu imk mixture with frcquenl kliriinj unlil n few dtop- will thnken on n t old pint h1 vlcjitlv skim tin n lli fill hot nteilliid pnn nnd rnl tinamn aliik jfixy lh apphv kiiknr rt ftd colnr- unz i innnnion cxtinit wash apples do not pan or cm cut in eighth nnuivhn med nnd wiyi somrlimea i keep mir family i htenilikhes hjiiih mver with water on th moe sundnv afternoon forl simmer until soft strain instance 1 actuatl uggettm a lir thiujh jelk has menvure julcv reconnoitring ttlp and oh dar h t hollini kltn ndd cup what a disappointment thr m unr for nh cup juice stir until hardly a brr anhrre whether mii this 1 really another off amn or 1 vt whether the hush were jut killed r jo v1 irttml f e- ipisn 1- 1 o run n round nnrefintt nnd ltuthltr v it to d s tl 1 v he pi easts lloh k idea of rest is to ti not trior thi 11 five minutes in om plae nt n tlm and tn rtner nnd mln well i- think it n good idea lust to unalc h a few odd w nkt vhen r thet e happem to it n little qui inrm in tt houm put not alw a no n it n out in that patch i don t know ilut wont tt be a trairod if there ar no wild herilrs to pick acnln thin ar on th w a home 1 thought of an- ot her patch that w mluht lul to find out bmt we utopped along- tho nwd for other renson firt to look over a rr modern houm under con- nt ruction and then to mbit a oung mother and hrr ttxldling daughter after that- well jou know how it is time passes all too qulcklv with en attractive youngster and so we didnt find an more berrlci well wftl it must he thundering and nn livvoh ii cook until a rup off spoon colnr with rnl otorlng klntor with a few ditiix i innimon ixlrmt pour into hoi stirilod lsvs inraffinmnl m ike- fotii iiiunro glork f kkwt jam sllcto koi it ihs of rurrtnh to 1m made into jnm auo 1 cup while inenr nnd z ttpi i eat h w hole cinnamon tnd clones tiest in t he e lnlli cook i he pti e wilh the currants and miliar ritm jam srirrcn kor 7 ihs plums to be ued for jam allow i tup white vinegar nnd 1 thsps im h w hole innnmon cov tic the ipici in cheese- loth and simmer with the fiut iiikds havk a past most lover of the outofdoors are i rvauv to idmlt that hlrdi are among gain- ttppv has just pushed the door opn anst gone to hut hiding place under the kitchen table i wonder u hy it is so many dogs ar cared of h under to tell you the truth i am scared too but for the t m mtv simple reason that a bad storm might i natures most boautlful creations how reault in our wheat crop being levell- j man oe u1 won are aware that art to the ground that is a tragedy at at om time in the history of the anytime rjut this year we ar crow- world not w wry ago geologic inc registered wheat and that make a speaking the feathered creatur- ui doubly anxloua did not exist in the royal onur- whuh reminds me i have a binder to museum you may see among th canvaa to patch and that my dear frundj is not xartty my tdea of fancy work dihafltcb avebted swift current saak lcp perfection of dress at an air cadot inspection was threatened recently when a youth appeared shortly be- fore parade tlm wearing brown shoos rather thnh regulation black h was whisked into a fire hall where a generous application of black polish saved tho day mural decorations representing pre historic landscapes tllusnttloni of the oldest birds they appeared at first as far as the fossil record shows about th middle of the age of dinosaurs which dates back over a hundred million years only three examples of these ancient birds have been discovered they differ from modern bints ery distinctly in that they possessed a full set of teeth this characteristic links them with the fly ing reptiles the remains or tho skeletons indicate that the blnlwag about the stxe of a full grown crow the week al ottawa by ii dknt lloooaon fini- proa matt wittar ottawa tci th canadian government has put us foot down canadian tonuiny already widaly divergent from dial of the united states is striking out on its own com what may in tlie u jl here the pric celling of tlie of fir of lrtc administration went by the board last weak canada will attempt to r leave to th pile controls she hld during the war actually last weeks outburst of price control devslojimenti is not a tudden event i1 situation growing anee the war ended has been i m teas ing in serloutneu du to these three fat tors i inflation pressures aused by hit h i wages and piues in foreign i o untiles infullonaiy tmdenries within the i mi 1 1 n ion numsi hy higher iimiunkr hjn nil iij himi i si a i city of goods nnd pit kiutri for wag inert l ivpmlon uf the ltlie hoard stittl t a iiumiim r of top adnunutrat- le men who intuit lo leave after tlm w in i iwled i ur iik the wnt anadn kept pi l i down hut thr wat wa over nnd th s thie- in loin weie hill ling li titi ntitliikt pi ii e ittn- lrili hi hi wi i e met doling the lonllh t i altor minuter mitt hi ll tefrrin lo tlie mien of ameilinn nnrg- ent rimilrol likllit on on nil controls est epling nunnr ninl in the com mons that hie untied states may h mot lug into nn inflationary spiral w ith the lnv liable ol lapse after- wardk nt on ould predut what would hnpjken nn this continent while cad attains tried to picture the irohable effect of lha u s act ion in this country prime minister mackenzie king rose in the commons lo stale flatly the government intend ed to hold the price in rents ration ing nnd price of household necessit ies controls enisled in canada before they wen adopted in the i s mr king said and canadian regulations whll similar to tho in the states had often differed ijull widely in their form in other word in canada have lollowed our own course which wo ivellev is well irtnptcd lo cnnadun oiulition nnd to the ctnitdinn ecoll- omv we slinll continue to follow ml- i les which we uieve to im in the k nernl hit rfst ntnkng from time to time mii h 111 id fit tlinns as seem to he moulted in the htht of int run nnd itiinnl coiullliims ns the deelop 1ints hoard chairman ionnld ion ilmillcil the lifting of u s ojitiol- hi1 thr luct piohtem his idmlnlstinllon has fat d nmr is foiiimtioti in lhl hut the t s sit nation wis not et ilnr and would l ike tunc lo t rkln11 e tithei souices said canada had i km n nitixdn irnluilly awav from tin i s in it- prh e kih during the lit or cilit monlhs and had done things w tilth had not iwen thought possible hofore the war 1osslhly sht i mild pull through lite i rlsis on her a in id this general aim tsphen of ansietn klnanci minister illy nn- iiouittil four aggnssue stopi b whlth the gornment hoped to re align the ihtnitnlons statu zatlon pro gram they weie 1 adjustment of the cnnadlnn d dlii to parlt with the v s dollar j issuing of a long but simple ami tleir list of gtodi nnd services on whuh price contiol dfinitet contin ues to applv tlies im lude all art- it le- of a gnklcnnce on the house hold budgpt 1 continuation of pi ice control on imported articles these wilt be pric es on the hais of the importeri landed cost plus n pi esc n bed mnrkup which will he some what lean than the tnntkup noimnlly obtained by dlstrib- utors of similar domestic goods 4 continuation of the policy of paving subsidies to prevent undue uureases in price of articles of ma jor importance in the comtsmera ctvt of living or in primary produc ers cost of production actual effect of the new moves primarily the canadianu s dollar parity awaited the add test of time however it was pointed out the can adian farmer bulng u s farm mach inery now would be freed of the 10 per cenf exchange and whll gold mines would find a drop in the value of gold they too would be able to get machinery at jo per cent lew the average canadian would be abl to travel more cheaply in the u s and find american goods imported to canada in many cases retailing for 10 per cent less mr haley attributed the balancing of the exchange to the need for cush ioning the immediate impact of hlgh- vxunlted states prices and added fiut whatever the united states allerta woman is crwk shot mrs attn havajf win of many otaavidoaaltipsi lkthiucllol- alta tl wluta it rumes to handling a rifle mrs anne ha v age of lthbridg la rlua to being a daniel iloon a cratk shot sh won the 11u5 luminlon women s outdoor shoottag championship and now is getting ready for a iut jierfuimarue this yesr in the 1m5 championship mr savage outscored sum of th beat shots in canada with a aoor of 70 out of a poaalbl u00 in th opa tlaas which required th contaatant to fir 10 snot at aarh of two tar gets in lb proa si t ling kneeling and standing positions sh shot sight targets with a poaalbl 100 for aarh the ha v age ar a shooting family air havags won th dominion grand aggregate iv class last year but has snlce become too interested in am ateur radio to con tin u shootlag the 1945 championship was not the first shooting award to enter their liousehold thirty five year old mrs savage was on of the lmjo man itoba ladles championship team the 1444s ladles rhamjlonhlp learn and th mlsed manitoba rhantlonshlp learn the aain year in 1im2 a year after hi husband first misuadml her to try competttva shooting she won the l lass lad les 1 htiiilnitui haitiplonshlp slid sine hen has lirrn htlligtng bom awards mrs savage iltf utile pretltlng 1 just sbkd ami lne for lite itrsl he ns ltlui ukahml aukiukk s tioiihle to lloli blows adoin if lb this glowing gi in liit i woin ll rub huh the july tlrthstnna la the in vmul of the mini lal ioi on diiin colunduni innks in vt to dnm- nnd in hardness n ipinllly whb h makes it jtnrtculnrly deshahl as a tone for ting settings hie ittiyal onlnilo museum has sv rnl esampl- n uf lorundum in ita hm among them a ruby itohles com essentially fnwn the oriental roun tries tlie famous min es at mognk in upper llurma pnwtuee the finest tpjallty her rubles ot- i urr in a granular limestone lht forma th suis or th hills these llmrstnn out ropa erode in time through weathering and iuantltles of rubles are washed down with doe- tt of tiny nail gravl into the adjac ent rlvr hetla a handful or pebbles from the river gravl shows all colors of the intnbow tiecause among thm nre to 1m found not only fragments of the many colored corundum gems tifct also sineu anil tourmalines oen- inllon after generation of natives have sorted ihcse giavels iwlng ie- wnnled wllh nn occasional deep tolored ruh b highest stnnditid of coloi is n true pigeon blood iunl- t whhh is n shade of ril wilh n sltrht inlxlnre nf pmple ikfks modkkation in thkk iiannim w inmii cl lh i should le modiiatloii in liti plaiilui n in all thimgs sn adermnn lames hint k nf julnnipu ind be doosj hesitate m d f nil bis opmbin at cnumil me tings it all stalled when a ptitbin for tue planling on winnleg a thorough faies iame lnfore a council commit- i tee alderman it ink aaifl them were i iimi nutn lrtes already on lh street nnd saul nrfield whlth runa about two miles is one of the nicest streets i in i in dty and hasnt got n tree on 11 1 we should have modern ion 1 tiees he told ihe committee at i late trees haatomlng meeting iulti- n problem ciliens ttcri itelng plagued by tree roots spreading under their projetlv trees were plant t so t lose together nn som narrow streets that the were crowding out the gmss and ugh nnd women were afraid to wnlk alone on thrm after dark 1iayimj hl alcllynal sisk kti itte drummer in a heal dame orchestra uoesnt approve of cutiimers plnving i his ivass and inare drums during in- tt rmissions ii hauls the instrum ents to the celling on a special pulley when thev are not in use ma do in the future to revive the office of price administration and restore price ceilings in the united states the divergence of the price levels of our two countries had al ready gone too far to permit the con tinuation of what had become an un- reallitic exchange rate the bureau of statistics was not without aslgnlficant word on the proceedings itreported the cost-of- living index hit a new peak at 1236 highest it has been since price ceil ings came into effect and 336 per cent higher than in august 1030 dur ing may it rose 1 it per cent canadians and price eflntwljiulh- orttle watched th index wjthanxt lety would it skyrocket or would government controls hold it within a reasonable bracket t outstandingly good salada sir ebai you may never sail gas to us motorists canadas tourist business is ypvr business touaiit snoney sprsiali around ta the grooar the fa ewer 7 bud r anelts directly or lads- raotlvtii tmnul industry it suiltalle l srnrtb rotortlna rjacssuy this year iwti ut wipmsamn amariasn visitof s take hsi 1 with tnasa will tnflav canadas tihiriat iodustrj tkroufli all ui years to oosaa canadian tfavil burtau oaapsma a insje a horse racing acton harness race meet sat july 13 2 i m lnil r ausiicis aeton mrincli 17 canadian legion besl 3 r ac es 3 first trot or pace 228 sivnnil trot or pace 222 tliird classified race 2m fr each race knlrin clow july sth 1916 twilight hardball league game milton vs acton general admission 50c inrludoi race meet and ball iame dancing at 9 pm- 12 midnite admission me for fah mformatim wrfte- r m aylswortjh secretary racing committee acton canadian legion advertisingrfoutsti a ttiiiwua aiikj yi fti ili n i w ait- m

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