Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 11, 1946, p. 5

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thursday july j 1th 1m the acton free press vxatrvht un j a nowat u visiting with bar ha dr hf mowat of copper cttit ulse viola waller u holidaying at north bay with her sister mr la callsis- mrs j wood is vacationing thu riik at bruce beach near kincard ine oat mr jaa taylor u holidaying la at the noma of mr and mra j h taylor fruadj of ur lswreno wieck are pleased to turn about again ataee hi operetlon raava and mra chart lurkneea and catherine an holidaying in tha braxefcrldge district- mrs rogftrty andrew of new york chy v visiting her mothar mn k kelly uhn sl ur and mrs john uorton are vis iting this week with relatives and friends in buffalo n y ur and mra tad gewecke and children of lenvlew 111 vlsted ac ton friends this past waak mr and mra norman becker and family of durham are visiting with mr and mn ian macdunald miu ihjia j ilsnirn 1b spending a wrek a a leader at glenmor lret vtrrinn t amp on lake simroc mr and mn w wood and daugh- tar knthlrm of islington visited mr and mr j w o k ovi r thf week end mr a 1- jaikon of guclph and mr it jo mson of uothweu visit ad with mr nnd mrs a it r ord on sundav mr and mr kobt hall of wing hm have brn upending holtda with hli mothtr mti w j hall urork avrnut many friend will regret to learn that mr a ii milxan t a patient in urlph lloapltal and all with her a prompt recovery mn norman daniels of gait and mrs m nchol of simcoe spant a few days in town last week visiting with relatives and friends itev 1- a and mrs larchman of llstowel and miss wllma humphrtaa of guelph spent saturday at the noma of mrs alex macdonald church st itev j ii and mra dampler and daughter ih ills of johnson city tennessee returned home after visit- lng with his sister mr and mra jesse mcr nery mr and mrs e 11 sutherland and daughter merv of itmouvrr u c mrs u stroud nnd douglas of tor oqio were the ku ts of mr and mrs ii wnlrrhouso o or the week end mrs oster hoiks mr lornc kon- c mr nnd mrs douglas patterson and ch idrcn j hnnie nnd tal inn of toronto vuiud at the home of mr and mn f amlenon on sunda mr and mra klchard ulaxc rich ard j r and miss r m ijn arrived sntur- da night to spend the summer w ti mr thos humlej and other relat ions in acton auo at their cabin at burks alls- mr g a dllu attended the funer al in st mary i last rhursda of tha late lorne a hed editor of the- st uary journal argus and a part president of the canadian weekly new spatters association mr h frauler ha returned to ac ton having ben a patient at chnst- la street hospital toronto for tha past five and a half ears he has been in i he canadian arm holding the rank of q sgt twj and for aome tlmr was stationed at german prls oner of war camps in canada mn lcter mclsaac and mr and xirs mann attended the funeral of john mclsaai dr ton on sines- da afternoon the debased was a cousin of the late peter mclsaac jaa and ale mann and the late mra t i watklns mrs watktns pasted aw av at her home on tuesday mttttrft curttnif at tenth tha rriaodly cliurei- kv iwuttf rmxmx parsonage bower avaaua sunday july 14th 1m6 1100 ato morning worahlp sarm- oa playing tha game 13j5 pjn- church school 70 pjn evening- worship serm on the relation of faith to itaajui- o worship the lord in the beauty of hounaaa tw before him all tha earth everybody waleoina ffmbstfftam uurrl tit ttuufts knoxcbdeusl a090h cev pouurawoitton ujumm i engagements mr and mrs russell johnson wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter ethel lubeu to mr thoma bonus son of mr and tha late mrs t bonus sneyslde the wrfdding to take place saturday july 30th ur and mrs u m fulton of syd ney n s announce the engagement of their youngest daughter mary irene to thomas elliott watson son of mr and mb r p watson of ac ton the marriage to take place this month mr and mrs we wylgwa r tt no 1 cmmpbeuvlue announce the engagement of their eldest daughter eileen annette to roy mack lam bert son of mr and mrs j lambert acton ont- the marriage to take- place at the brides home the latter part of the month uaaae wulew street sunday july 14th 14 10 00 ajn the sunday school 1100 em uomtng worship the sacrament of baptism- a fsth- era wuh for ilu son 7 00 pra evening worship the eputle of jsidm chapter two they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength saiilut 2tnirrrj acton rev w il waijjkx sunday jui y hth 19tfi 1100 am morning servhe wis pm sunday s hool 7 ml pm rvnlnij srv1ie a wthome to all 23 acton women complete red cross nursing course mrs d f dewar district leader for central ontario presented mem bership cards and pins to the 23 wo men who have completed their train ing in the acton ked cross nursing class last thursday evening in a brief addrvasv ura dewar congratulated the teachers and stud ents and reminded them that what they had learned would be of great value to them and their community she also commended the branch on this new department s department ready to carry on in peacetime and whose members have qualified to be of service wherever needed some will serve in their own honvea hatter qualified with a working knowledge of personal health and home hygiene some will give voluntary service in hospitals in aiding the public health nurse home will be of service to aged folks and shutins and in ctin lea mrs dewar stated that canada u health conarious as never before and urged the reserve member to main tain that consclousnaaa by giving volunteer service wherever needed she praised the t mtre provided by the local lied cni branch and spok of lit value as a loan centre a place wherr supplies rtiuld be set ured for lllnru in the home anything from a i m itat bed with special frame to two areaitior school formed in erin township gnat of s3w ku4 to powellaa of axvttluijchw luttd of at lir uturr of h alius tljr eirtgr minday july hlh 1di0 17ip lourth sumla aftrr trinity hul am holy communion tot p m y trnsong and sermon better glasses at moderate prices iraikh made by mail e p head registered oitometrists u rt obororru sq uiieu1i rimm 1 5x9 for appiatjnat iistd 20 ears nicol bros monuments and cemetery lettering associated uith a j corbctt mount rorcbt ont rnqltres w coles at arpif coal orin rilove ltf acton gregory theatre tj tliurs and vtu jury 11 and is dolly sisters tchntcolor bott arable john payne cartoon dlaneyln dutrti chapter 8 raiders of ghost city j n ratluday jvly is blondl lucky day penny singleton close call for bos- ton blackiet chester morris fox news uqvday july is tll be seeing yoit ginger rogers joseph cottan shirley tentpla cartoon mousey- come home novelties south of monter ey house i live in it unt urtrd thnl the arlon ltm nv4 llranth nir tn a marvrllous iimtill uilon hurl lto n mmlr- durl tit ar of unr and hit u port of lit itrmxti ui nrwtrt f r the ai- um hftnilmf i nkniin aid to vet irnni d ast r ru f water sf t nulrtll n junl r ll rs oulptt h i itnl kmiu of s krikun equlpim nt i ik t nun linn ieope look to the red c ions t r 1 nd rhlp in a world thnt nei1s l are nnd happiness mr mlrtdl tcn knritary of the llrnnth was rhilrman and expresses apprerlallon f r the work of the staff and thntikeil the nunwi who had liv en of their lime and knowledge i1 spoke or the rxrelh nt nootd at th ilranrh ami wt liomedtte nfw mem ler mrs t kent on ln a i officer in charge presented the clas their pins and cards she thanked all for their cooperation and stated that the at tendance had been excellent well mer 75 per cent mrs cullen and mtvs tblxini unit leaders also spoke of the interest of all the members and the value of the course dr buchanan dr arret t and miss hant srlumil nure snve lecture to the rlass mrs richardson on ttehnlf of the class presented each of the leaders with a cnrsikkt of rtim and a gift in appreciation of their services miss m i fo formerly associate director of the department of home nursing first nid and the reserve and orrtnier for hlid ilmlcn for ontar lo division n a vir intirektlnn nddn k mrmurn of the clnsa lncludetl ml is mar m ichi ii idlth llfntrire iimtwrt rachel mullln in n mclellnn rella m roaell mary rnpillon helen west doris wil son idnn krer lien trice ralley jenn mathrson mrs pnullm srnon mm irene withers mrs dlndys price mm mary mccoll mm d richanlsnn mm dorothy weaver mrs r vrldhuls mm j hargrave mrs norn papillon mrs i- hrad- shaw mm donalds swltzer after the- exercises a supper ami social hour was enjoyed by all pres ent the acton ro i lobby club und- r the direction of mr claude gray made a very useful bed side table for the red cross room erin township council luutburg on june 28t ail were present reeve a j swarkham- er presiding council la committee as a court of revision resumed aa per adjourn meat of june 3rd and made the fol lowing changes in tne asrassnaant roll of im mrs jane grey lot 28w con 7 reduced 160000 on duudnlgs fred gray lot 3w con 7 geo aj pine uot 37k con 1 and edward lne lilllsburg had dogs struck from roll bert awrey hlusburg had dog entered oa rail the court of revision having com pleted its utk rua and repurtad the aasasament roll as revised now at and for the yr ima hurt and wheeler moved that a by law be prepared u include s h noa 3 m k 10 13 and 16 in a township school area and to dissolve the s sections concerned that the by law be given a first and arcttfid reading and left for furtlwr cunsidetatlon on saturday june j9th at h u clock pm standaid hme and that the seiretar- lis of s no 7 and h ite notlf ed hy the clerk of this action in order ll at the fiufcteeft may present the wktf of tl motion with mfirmce to i in matt r i anted a by law was lntrudued and fclvcn hit nnttkmiry raiiinjn for the pur hkk of d t llik wllli sub set t ion 1 itmfi or herdon 2i0 i mo llmc or the mmiu mil art if ontnilo authorutot that i ow iikhlp i he jut t 1m signed by tin ttiasunr nl said b law to i nn into t ft t i mi and aftt r july nd lu i mi iimmhii unit of tht ttilrrnt ion of ajiiltullure was io sum of gloilb to enable it to carry on the work of the edcral ion accounts paaxel and vft red paid win as follows general accounts jlfjhjh rrltrf accounts w ftti road accounts 3jft s oumll sdjourned to meet aaln at hlllsburg on wednesday august 7th 19ff at 10 o clock am these devices save paltm labor y among the farm labor saving devic es assembled or invented by the en gineering section field husbandry division dominion experimental farm service are many items of auxiliary utility quite apart from t he plans and fcpeclflcauons for heav ier arm machinery for example full information with detailed plans and specifications may be obtained for making necessary articles for poultry- far e ample s range water oaf self watered aad trovgn water fount mash feeder feed mixer range shelter and s roost and pit for s there are single and double feeders and for hogs there are e hog ores ding crate loaning chute feeding troughs for all etnas of pigs selffeeder pig creep weighing crate green feed rack alfalfa feed rack hog feeding platform and harrowing pen among miscellaneous articles are a harrow dumping device a breeding stall and bull pen for cattle feed alley cart home made anvil hamktaovmx swift current sase tcp horse cooperative marketing as sociation limited must be too lug and complicated an address for tne average citizen letters arriving hetw intended for the cooperative have been addressed to horse pusf home pickling factory and even horse factory k floyd smith jeweler watctmm ttxwai 75 qiwbk srac wait guelph ont pursuant to a reolut on passed it meet ln of council held on june 2s re he formation of a school area a aelal meet inn was called for saturday june mb of the ratepayt rs when the question was fully consld ered nine sections out of fifteen in tht township signified their intent ions of joining a school area providing it was divided into two arras one in the south and the other in the north the council after due consideration put all the school in the town hlp into uo area to lv divided a follows area no 1 s s sos 1 4 s 10 11 nnd if area no s s noa 7 fi 9 31 12 cittrell i nn n orton m t rjt onrnfrnxa nnd y rtn a hjv law was piumed reqmtmi the iepattment of fmurntlon to ap prove of the same crop association try experiment with weed kujler the halton crop improvement a soclatlon recently added another pro ject to their already long list of act ivltles this consists of an exper men with five different types of the m 2 4 d weed killers this has been presentation to the uatson family at itanmkklutrn nannockburn school u filled nn monday evening when friends and neighbor and junior farmers gath ered to sp nd a social evening with mr and mm s h watson uols and uurt and mr and mm lloyd mc- ir n ry nee irma watson mr r n ilroan was chairman for the even in after ralllnr the gath crlng to order they sang the maple icaf mlssek margaret rrown and margaret somerllle played two piano duets mr and mrs 1 loyd mcfnery were then called to the front mrs stan ley morrison rend an address and mm s matthews mm j sprowl present ed thm ulth a tri lite floor lamp and magazine table on behalf of the nan nockburn communltv at the same lime mm w timer davidson and miss laid down on the roadside in front irene ajtken prvaentcd 4hem with of the w a marshall farm lot i in m seel inn eous shower on behalf of trti line of fmiuesing as a result of j the acton junior farmer s club roth this iperlmnt it is hoped to deter j lima and 1 1 oym thanked one and all mine the effet t of this new chemical on such perennial weeds as chicory wild carrot etc and also to deter mine the tvpe of 24 d most effective and economical the association is also conducting a field meeting on fruta evening july 19th on the farm of geo cur- rle lot 6 seventh line of esqueslng township a replicated test with 13 different varieties of oats and barley was laid down last spring on the currle farm and prof jaa laugh i and of the dept or field husbandry o a c guelph is scheduled to be on hand lnjhe discussion the halton association is to be congratulated on the excellent and comprehensive program they are sponsoring k includes in addition to those mentioned a competition with long term pastures teststxrrh hybrid corn for both silage and husking purposes tests on both hay and pas ture with notrsprlus a new nitrogen fertiliser annual pasture crops hay and pasture tests including such grasses and legumes as reeds can ary grass ladino brome etc a t woodley of nelson township la president of this active farm org anlntlon for the lovely gifts and good wishes mr and mra shirley watson ioli and rurt were asked lo occupy the chairs at the front and mr chris moffat read an address mr jim mann presented them with a silver lea service on a silver tray- miss doris harding gave lois a pair of sterling silver salt and pepper shakers and clifford mcdonald gave burt a gold tie bar all made very suitable replies they regretted leaving the com munity but wished them to give their buccesssors a welcome and invited all to come to see them in their new home impromptu speeches were given by messrs jas mann sandy mann jno sprowl manse nellea wm mcdon ald murray coles and gordon leslie ah expressed deep regret at losing such splendid friends and neighbors but knew that bannockburns loss was another sections gain mr and mrs watson and family are moving this week to a farm about six miles west of guelph lunch was served and a social time enjoyed muslc for dancing was sup plied by mrs laura early and man- sel nolle upuolstsung dont discard your old furniture have h luuphoktcrei iuiur tku m ranytar t0j phone 87 for estimate dick nn vnuiumcus daisicing acton- park pavilion every friday night johnny iioyi and his orchestra every saturday night starting july 20th modem and old tune muaic immi martin and his orchestra admission soe vacation and susnmesi weak sun tan drcshcb c hamhray and seersuckers several styles 399 to h- shorts vi hue navy 125 to 2j9 blouses prints spuns 125 to 2j9 seersucker dirndl skirts floral patterns 265 navy slacks 125 to 195 sun suits 2 to i years 35c to 125 special one lot ladies homespun bags to clear at 139 boys cotton shorts 75e to il25 ankle socks sun bonnets straw hats etc boys cotton jerseys 2 to 14 years 39c to 100

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