Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 11, 1946, p. 7

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thursday july nth imc the acton free press pacsfteva uit cotes on x utu mar tired at clot of day a little leas anxious to hav our way a lutla wei ready to scold and bame a wttle more rare or a brother and so we are neahng the journeys where time and eternity meet and a little more leisure to alt and dream a utue more re the thing unseen a mil nearer to those ahead with visions of tho ions loved and dead and to we are going where alt must to the place where the living may never know a little more laughter a few more tears and we aha have told our inctvat tng years the book it closed and the prayers are aald and we arc part of the rounllivi dead thrice happy then if some uul say 1 five wuw he has tased m w v iuiikioai llget the sunday school lesson stnday jllv 14 lb twenty years ago raa the leaue ef the ktms press ef thursd july uth ltx the merury hoveted about 10 for a day or two during the week bannock burn uumr institute held a garden pait at the home of mr a clarrldgr on wednesday evening there was a hlg celebiation of or angemen at milton on monda when 2500 memtiers of in lodges paraded mr c w irvln or aldrn n y arrived here last week to lake an important position as an expert with messrs ileardmorr and co mrs ir win and sons john and paul joined him on saturday the united church sunday school picnic was held at hullonvule park last wednesday with a large attend ance the presence of th acton citizens uand enlivened the days proceedings greatly a safety first measure adopted for the provincial highway sylem is the new stop street system it will become effective w hen stop signs have leen placed at n renjry mints mm mlltlta suddenlv ds afternoon julv er albert murrav i 1 mh ross at his mon r hum 1st llti jnni horn it 17 fwlnv m h jesus demands loyalty to god coden teat no man can serve two master for either he will hate the one and love the other else he will hold to one and despise the other ye cannot serve god and mammon matt 6 m lesson test ex 30 36 josh j4 16 z2ja luke 14 25 77 epoiuon i onl one cod ex jo 36 trie second commandment is not a pi oh i billon to merely make any graven image or any 1 kenesa of any thing that 1 in tieaven r1 it pioliibltion to make and bow down to them ami srv then ud himself mm tit rk elsewhei- the making of fijvui k ami likeiirs- il t 17 7 17 1 sum 1 m it foihuu the woi fthipiiik o jthnvah llitumu umler the form of an image ik 3j 4 1 kl 1 jk jud 17 3 itie serv ice of art in connection witli religion is alway attended with great danger lite in v ikible and tpiritunl alway give wav sotmer or latir to the visible thrth and mmiuous i rue worship is in lh kptnt noil h lite spirit jno 4 j4 ihil t i itd la a ealous d le id- will toll rate no rival in tlr kuiin i plan in man s affet t ions ita 4 h luke 14 cod is luiinm- uitd infln it and he should hold u plan in rverv man h art that no one le apprtwii hs and mr de mands hint plare not only the tinner sufft rs for nil lnlult hut his ihililnn anl rem te tosterit this ma at first glance mem unjust hut il u in reality both just and oenefu ent a mnii and his descendants are his own life prolong ed what our fathers did we did illeb 7 9 10 hut cod is ready to turn the miseries that come to us front our father una into a blessing it we yield to lllni kik is 2 o horn h j8 moreover this law of heredily work alio the other w ay hrlnumu men to the chldn rt nml ilcuflirtiinli of ihctm who love cimi and keep his commandments in the i nse of the evil it is to the thlnt nml fourth generation in the rtm of ihi timid it it to n thousand eener iiiionv tlcut 7 m p in- h horn 11 1h jin moreover in christ td has brought in i new iniirmm f r nil whet will hivt him l om 1j and make him merely a world figure- now jesus knows ail this and applied a teat in hi day which la still affect ive popularity la not the teat of disrlpeshlp neither la family pre- llge or wordly success- the teat je sus applied is a supreme love for himself and conaaquenuy a life of selfdenial in his redeeming service disci pleahlp means separation from the world 2 cor 6 17 18 from all wordly ties which hinder our pur de votion to christ even family if need be nothing is to be allowed to come between us and our lord gallant warship forces reprieve from scrap pile duxiter ajwintboinr mrrla kit- luikrjvd tin i teach of lnnce edward inland t hahlxrriktovvn cp n um e proud i analian flotilla leader akaimttoine sold almot a ar ago ttk a riikinaiilled hulk to a toronto firm for lluuft in bea bed on the anl iuat of 1nme ldward island hie deal ruy er st ripped of her uiik cumpassi k attd antic equipment hixke the atj es towing her to an ig nominious end at sotrl que tail and ran ashore rjfovta to die- loilkt her slnie i fi n have falletl lite luronlb firm hit 1 bought the ijrll m airel hull for strap just a i w months ttefore the asaiiutxiine had a bright car eer aiulrd frim hr tajn in oct ober phl a the ki rnjtenfeldt she adopted t he name of t lie manitoba itlvtr itiul lei um a flotilla leader in die anmllan flet i in august im j under lt cmdr j h sluhtts who later went down wllh the tbslroyer athaltaskan in the 1- ngllih chnnn i she rammed an 1 mink a nal kuhmarlne off newfound land pie engnkelnent rilled with bunt of gunfire wa among the moat ieclai ular of the canadian nnvv iluilng the war triumphant return adv da later cripple and with rumpled txw she entered halifax hniikir wllh flag at half mait for one of hi r nw klllisil in the nrllon am id wllii ovrttorik hindil prison in fioin tin inki n v mn1 willi tin i n1 of ihi wjtr the 11 vim old asnituutim mjih pnl off and consider atlantic shrimp fisheries slkttutw and rviuftcw hay soon bd evryuy par halifax cp canadian house wives may see shrimp on thelx tables frequently if plans materialise fos the development of shrimp fiahariaa off nova scotias atlantic coast capc j l beck skipper of a scal lop dragger the mary e kenney recently brought the first shrimp catch into halifax and being some thing of a pioneer in ashing capt heck also brought here the first scallops to betaken off the province a atlantic shore- unlu recently scallop have been aught in the hay of fundy how ever now it is predicted that a shrimp and scallop fleet will operate in at lantlt waters 4f the industries prove profitable i uiu uit ruojrxt vancotjvek iit hie ii t aine t ommiskon and unlvriblty of llrltlsh columbia have started a jul n i n wart h project of wild life in the fovlnte miti has put up 1jwhj with a view to nvvelopng wild llf- lawilrfkrais not cahcht lour eimitthb1 iioim l 1 in onto fivhi i nit n trove inert llv long n soilhirn onlatto rtad in the trunk t the car lay 17 pickerel still in valh itetlrie the plcki rt i lay two hlhv ilhjiml buss for tlilm w aa arl juid and the imu m nsnn was nut e1 sutttrnlj as they rounded a curve n iinm with a flag stepped from the hukhes along the road side the four i h fishermen thought of game warden and of their loved ones and of walls and iron bars the driver ntieleratcd and the car shot down the road se ends latrr ame the sound of a dull explosion they looked back lite road thy had just ctoswmi over now wa climbing lazily into the up- i r air they gaied at each other w ith wild surmise ante overseers wenr uniforms te purtmint of hlghwnvs employi ex do not i he printed word ctmx vnokjt cm sydney australia cp a food coal seamu believed to axiat 3000 feet below the city of sydney and e- tand beneath the harbor until 1b3tj a colliery was operated in the sydney area at balmaln w t patterson ho btmuuat la r giiml imi ohmw 1m wvhdfum wt aobuph- compuuly kqulppri gibtmt wiliw utbtr bbmn real estate and insurance ocean steamship tickets hkai estatk uc havt a nuinur of dwilllng for sale some are owner oorup- 11 nml nniui41 ul iwm on fclv en others tenant occulted and kuljitt to lit hi of tinanu under 1u nt control hvgulatlona soma diuir fuiuik for kith laig and smnll at reafce insikance hung j our flit itk u i ame up todale by adding new beneflla wlole the iokt f itullding has imiramm from 40 to 50 per ceviu tn- kuiante ralek are tower automoltllj- insnhanck lh not di i r without itikutnmi 1 he ontario rlnani al kespon- kilnlily ait ha tieth n it n w inh n nil truiks flnarx ed ljw rates- sti uh in fori you bu jour apaysi r raolhate returned men for further information apply to f l wright realtor and insurance rilone 95 iunk manaer astonishes cl stomeils ii ft l of i of till spn the mr ii t tylon nmn n hank ti monlittl pnvs lint hl ptisonnl limn rutoinei surpilm whm hi tt ms them total charge for n lon ii hank of mimlinl is onlv j7 nt er month for n sltsi loan itpavnhh n twelve monthlv instalments it li so low sivs mi lntn that it i hi it ir htn m r there f 1 m ln of m ih 1 in wllh f ii 1 1 j i ii ln is i 1ls u smkklwllllk2l iuwawiiuuakuttwmiuiwwmmi th ncr ount when wl against t hi innvini readv monev and the ensh dt which the wive use of mne earn when vou have neel of money meet un ciittgonrv or to lake vantage of an oppoitunllv mr v 11 clayton will be readv and glad to dis cuss your financial requirements with vou i 1 v 1 itn 1 m iv hint ii lmljnt oil iii si i vl ll it iii n di mi n h lllm il cor jl jti it ns n most n itsontil h tit mniifl tlwit hi made it would hnvr teen an act of grow in- riillliklt on isnit i s purl to hnv i limi in the ltht of jt htvnh s snvin hmmiiu s lt fenr nml siive lllm n i i so great hnwrvcr a thi refusnl of to i nnv man today in the light of the ml- t nss to love nnd serve cod i he people averted most ioltlvelj their choice of jihovah nnd thnt thev would not fornki lllm thev gave four reasons ill jehovah brought us up out of the house of bondage jno h v cal s it i j jehovah did no substitctes for vrint grent signs in om mght jno 3 2 14 111 o jehovah preserved us in 11 nice hutchison of the winnipeg al the way where in we went 1 pet to s i h i iiflml lot lo n a a- un olm tim i i ot it sht was lit t d nnd sht v nt ishin sht l m lo tin ront of tin sett cuul lure ton dn 1 im for null a g tl 1 mt fihling ship n nwn fit ri sting im i mnv thi v mut mo her free piss who appnrenllv has had something wrong h his eyes so that he had to quit reading for a while writes no one can suspect how dependent be is on new spapers bks and magailnes until they are taken from him the radm helps a little hut you 1 is jude 24 4 lehovoh drove out from before tn all the peoples trph fi 1012 these were absolute ly conclusive teasons nnd every one of them holds for our serving christ joshua knew how lightly people could make an apparently earnest revolution like this nnd so deman is quickly find thnt all the jargon of tho that thev consider what they are do- commenlatnrs and news announcers is ng he rmphnsucd the holiness of a very poor substitute for the written tod tlv f 1 m he is too a tod who word when you cannot see it all w til tolerate no rival in the affections the- radio programs lumped together j of people ex 20 r 34 14 i make only a vague shadow of th petit 4 23 24 since god is holy news a series ot headlines any if j he will not ihut his eves to or pass you relied on them you would be like over the sins of his people vf a tltan looking at the itockv mount- l course he does on the ground of the i alns through a fos you would never atoning blood pas over sin when one see or suspec the wealth of treasure i repents and believes on the savior j hidden in them the individual shape horn 1 m the people still of stone and tree and blossom persisted we will serve jehovah i after listening for a week to the joshua was a thorough denier with lt hop iatf mil hhitcxlkr que cpt i he rqstrrn lownshlpt hay crop will he alkitit n uok hstrr ihu year than inst venr while metllng operations havi uen retarded by about three wmk according to n spokesmaet for the lomlnton 1 hilmentnl fflffn nt in orhv lennotville f miniature fhhrks teij african story joliannfsisurr ci using soap wire pnnr and al sorta of twkl materials mrs l lltlatlenden an artist of the african museum is rreatlng miniature figures and tiny replicas of historical furniture as part of the museums plan to illustrate early south african history and make it more realistic to both adult and child visitors officials at the museum have found that this method of making history more realistic has resulted in children taking a keener interest in the past radio i have come to the conclusion that it will never teplace ihe written ing around y walkytalky machine in his pocket apart altogether from the fact that the radio gives only a digest of the facts a kind of sugar- aouts he was not satisfied even yet he told them that they wen wltnesa- word even when every body is onrrvio against themselves mam of iu are witnesses against ourselves profess entire consecration to god but we do not practice it in view of their resolution to serve jehovah toil edplltttn ere see to h a eur pjoahuademandetl thatthcyalgnce lous communication in words a con- put away the strange god that were tact of mindi in print which cannot among them he conveyed in any other fashion iii the love of christ luke 14 shakespeare would be only another i 2s2t radio announcer quickly forgotten if j when jesui mfwa treat multltlude ihere were no prtnltnfcv i following he decided to apply a test aa mr hutchison say the radio is the jews of his day were politically no suhstltute for the newspaper tha minded various leaders and patty press is sometimea crltlcued for intn mecslahs had arisen and enjoyed nub- euraey hut in this respect it is miles he support for a short while jno 10 ahead of the radio in fact the 8 the hoof of the jews was that a radio may have increased newspaper leader wouln come who would throw hdlng- for having heard something the romans out of their country mls- oer the air tfee hearer turns to the takenly mcfiy of the jews looked up- t to bt the real factor a i on jesus ai a political figure on more detailed account besides you occasion the thought of making him can carr around n newspaper for n king jno 6jis1 when he taught ytrence which vou cannot do with i them that he was a heavenly and not what b corns by ear the radio of an earthlyravtorono cofmov thoy course has use aulte outside tho 1 turned nuny from him jno 6 16 realm of thhwspaper but a a it would be so today even n grent dlssemjnator of general news it is in a part of the church does- pot seem to distinctly inferior position the godwnnt a savior from heaven they eiioh sagnaestar lllke to kocibimd jews humanize him milton welding electric and aclylwi waubai hdpalr welding of all typo portable bqtupmant phone ms atmntov tca id chum nothing said nothing gained the moral of this statement is a fact that will be of importance to you nepaper fpace is valuable in the free pre it is eaerlv read ly hundreds of families in and around acton you may not have as much to sell as you once had bill if you do not wish to let your more and name be forgotten use space in the free press to tell your story most business firms have a greater res ponsibility to customers this year than ever before shortage of certain merch- andise substitutes new products and reg illations must he explained to patrons tell your story through the columns of the acton free- press 1 bbipit r aawhhbbbi iyiimm mttaaxiil

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