Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1946, p. 3

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thursday muly imh 1m h the acton free press pao bowl hell hohmukwil food free mm luu ul appeal u 1u tfc sjueilty and th quantity of your gardaa produce h used to dvat a if you kp food froth willi wmiwr weather creating field appetltu plan to orvo th asaaon fruits and veg tn winning waya wfcat oal rtrrt thr u u crisp eajada la clear sparking altta chiliad fruit cups luscious trod daa- earts and frosty beverages to pride yourself ik i ob wall dona nvww th method of operat ing th ourtrtr refrigerator wtdra 60s such big job of maintaining food freshn fmcsu toafuo ralad prepare crisp salad greens tomato wedges paperthin rucumtor slice and onion ring- tom thoroughly in tart french dressing and aerv in in dividual solai dishes rubbed one with garlic noooijc ftaju floll 4 nunrt flat noodle in a large pot of salted water until tender drain rlnc with hot water drain and oo add 1 rup teach finerut cler ami giated raw mmrt with sliced iat ii hopped ph kle and scraped otiioo to tail thlt k aaad dressing mm 1 1 per serve with headrheewe rw it rauum drained gratefrull and orange iwi- ions folded m tin hake strawberries and wmppr1 ciram mayonnaise smf in lellue or individual utlad plates or tn a hlg aalad bowl with sprinkle of chopped nuts white rrrm cheee or cottage cheese mlsed with diced rhubarb steeped in syrup and finelychopped prse and mounded in lettuce co ver wllh slrawherr halve and jar niih with orange lint brown mils or biscuit make the perfect suppte- mant llme ell tine nested in errs filled with sliced strawberries and garnished with nutcoated balla of cream rheeoe iotobikx frntauimun utc rkam refrlgeratee method m cupo crushed rip straw hen les v rup fruit sugar 2 tsp lemon juice 2 egg whites pinch of salt h eup corn svrup h cup vj pint whipping cream add fruit sucar to the herrtee and combine thoroucht add lemon juice heat the egg whites with the aalt until stiff hut not dr gradually heat in the com nrup beating after each addition until tha mixture stand in peaks whip the cream to the consistency of custard sauce and fold in the corn svrup mixture then the berries turn into freetlng tray and freere to a mush with the con trol net to gl the coldest pnaakhlc tempemture scrape the mixture from the sldea and bottom of tray and beat until smooth but not melted return to rafrifaraiar uaul hard aa- etigk- far aarvias tha turm back tha control xtmh paint whaea it will juat hold tha itinnrt fraaia racipa mahaa a quart of dauhoui fraah fuvorad iro craam rjuuc or automatic 1 charh th tear gaaltat nihhar by inaartlnc a slip of papar in tha op- onad door ooa tha door if you can pull out oaally tha faahat ass as re- plarins cxi and raaa ovaa flafar perspiration damagoa it waahlng n rraquently with ralld aoap and waur will prolong its ufa 7 keepth door shut aa much as tftsalhle never let it stand open plan takeoula and putawas so that you wont havo to open tha door any more than nertsa 3 allow foasda ui cool before plc- inj them in rfrtaralor neer put in hot foods our refrigerator has to work harder to absorb tha heat 4 awas cover all rooked foods before you put them in the refriger ator this bell keep the refrliieral- ir front need ng defrosting freiuent- 1 and fces the mechanism from ov- eimiirklng it savea vitamins loo t liefrtmt when the ice on hie freeilng unit geis inch thick heavy friul rr1uce the drrulathm of cold air fi keep tentperature contnil set nt noimal exiept when ulck freetlng lei making ice creams as soon aa pnsxlble after qul k freeslng bet hatk the control to normal 7 don t twerload the refrigerator 1ave room around foods to let tha cold air clrvulale overloading ea- petlslly in hot weather ts a frequent caute of breakdowns 8 air clrulatlon around ihe refrig erator is important keep the refrig erator 2 inches from the wall and al imm a clear space above it hon t pile on top things that cut off the free circulation of air 0 neer use an ice pick or knlfa point to remove ice tras or chip frost from the f reeling roils you may sar- lously damage the unit to prevent ire tias from sticking dont fill them full wipe off edges and bottoms cf tras 10 tv ice a vear disconnect your n frigcrntor and clean the condenser with n longhandled bruwh attach ment or mir acuum cleaner brush attarhmtnt see our manufacturers tllmlinnit to lot nt the condenser an on n tp elextrlc refrigerator mi hnntmn should 1m olletl according to mnnufneurer s fllrectlons see tbnt jhe i wit l in rood condition nnil not 1oom if loose or worn have it r plncitt u when tu go awn from hnc fir onh n few da ot cold control nt low and keep the refrlkrmtor run nlng if ou will be away some time turn off refrigerator take out per- khnblc foods and empt the tras prop the door open chronicles ol ginger farm tlmt it rraataa a faattag f parman- nry for ou and pocathly for dancing stanley park erin every wednes and friday modern aires band upwells limited for immeaiatc inalalutionom oil burner for hoi water heaulnff if interbtl jrt in touch with urn also get your ortfpr in for alberta coal this is good burning and available at present coal will be more scarce than ever so fill up those bins with deep mine albert coal or briquettes and assure yourself of a good portion of your winters fuel also some stove and nut coke on hand coal situation is very serious do not be too pickey we are agents for hoover vacuum cleaners and have our first one in btock phone 127 tks aaaaa praia by owawdouns p ojkmmx whan a person has lived tn a neigh borhood for over twenty yaara and haa had tha same neighbors aast west north and south far moat of that it rraataa a u for ouraalvea the neighborhood in tanaral tha man ar arcuatamad to vhang work with tha same neighbor year after year the woman visit back and forthwhan they have time at qullt- ings meet lags teas or perhaps only on a telephone on washdays aa we hang things on the una we nolle our neighbor have their washing out too and it all helps to gv one a com- rorlahle feeling a sanae of unity with tie ret of the community rtiat is how ii haa been here any way insofar as we are ctmcerned i must admit we have not visited hack and forth exy much hut et wa al was knew that should the oreastnn ail as indeed it has a few timea that we had only in ask for help and it would lie given urarlously and will- inuly of course ihere have unfortunately lteii kaw left in our nelghlmtrhond by the umk of the creet iteaper but there has iteen very little voluntaiy moving a ay fioro tlte district and now like a ut from the blue come n mi that two of our neltthbors have mild ttteir faimt it tckes one n flutter linking feeling it is bard t t gel used to the idea that in n few short monlh these same farms will have differ nt owners and we khall have different nclhhois what will they ite like ttiese new neighbors will they lie of the dirt farmer school or wll they incline towards ultra modern method of highly me chanlted farming will they be oon- genlnl neighbors good mixers or will they endeavor to live unto them selves end to tie a law unto them- sles those are questions to whit h onl time can give ihe answer at the same time we ant help wonder ing and with a utile trepidation twenuw one s nclchtors ate so im itortnnl eelall to folk who- live in ihe ountry and the people who are moving wa in one cane the place was nc- uuired hut in the other the lady of ibr imhim ttas lived lh re all tir ilie one tan onl imagine the hemtnche it will im to pull up stnket and k i am sure that as the dav of ilepniture g t nearer nnyone w pi need would ii nd ei ry tree every shrub almost every nnil on the wall hml some sjerlnl significance the well worn path from the house to tb- lnrn nlong which m mnn wcll- lovel feet have tiod the pump oy thi klti h n door which hn provided watir summt r nfler siimm r the view from the kit hen window nnd oh so mnnv things such tittle j thlngx that mn never havo been of an grent importnnce up to now hut to lenve them ah that a differ ent stor hut i in t that ihe wnv of fire somrllinci we must lose n lot in one illrim hon to gain n little in nnother on the othrr hand if we tnke a hnnce we sometimes lose n little but 1 kfin n lot in the mmnt me trier is still se-is- onnl work to do on all fninis having lo finish w hi nt to cut and sp nk- ing ofjheal i have minli tlmt hlnh r cnnvnss i referred to so lo inglv lrttt wnk hut i iltdn t mend it v ilh mwtlle nnd ihrt nd tills lime i pittid th pitili on the cnnvnss whither it x ill y n success ns et lt he proved i mn hoping t will le he tusi it n n lot his work nny- wn this wtek end we thought we tvveie going to he nlone rs n tu- nllv hut around l thlitv saturdi i night the telephone rang and a meek little voire said hullo aunt oven tan i throw mv hat in for the week end of course there was only one answer to that question hut then we didnt see much of our visitor be- cnue on sunrtny afternoon ilob toolc her to toronto to see other relations and then the house waa ah quiet x could not alt it illor was it because t was reading a wry disquieting art icle on the soviet union and article which proved beyond a doubt that communistic organizations are un healthily active in canada and tha us a is it any wonder i have strikes and yet mora strikes farm imphovkmeoth by govkwmknt loan through tha paras liunrovaisuaat loans act of tha dominion oovara- mant a farmar may borrow up lo uooofor any of tha fouowliuj pur- tl purrhas of agricultural ua- plemanla t2 purchaaa of mva atock lit purchaaa or installation of aarlc ultural aqulpmant of a farm alactrlc syataai 4 altaralion r improva- mant of a farm alacutc aystaca 5 tancing or drainage eooatrucuon repair or alteration of farm build as tf genaral improvement or da velopnvent of tha farm only a farmer may borrow under tha farm improvement loan act which raatrlrta thaca loans to a par son who la in aiasaatlon of farm and whoa principal occupation a farming the uim farming uukidea llvaalork raising dairying fruit growing and all tiling of tha soil tha loans are paid through any of tha rhartarad bank of canada and tha interest rata la i par cent almnl inlaraat atrnagamanta far repay ment ar made ta suit each tarasars individual raqulrsmanls tha repay ment periods may ha from on to tan years depending on tha amount borrowed and tha purpose for which the loan u obtained the object of tha act being to provide tha farmar short term and intarmadiat credit short term and tntertnad- lale credit simply mean tluit tha credit is for one or two years up lo ten years this type of credit being midway between tha short term seas onal loans usually made by the banks and longterm mortgage loans which usually run from 10 to 30 years kor further particulars regarding tlte loans a farmer may interview the manager of any branch of a i bartered bank in canada al htuaija rxtknim moitwoou rijintincjm mkijjouhnk australia hi llie victorian government will apend more than juuuu0uu in tha nest 10 scars on softwood plantings vl toria before the war imported ivj 000000 super feet or softwoods timtter much of it from canada the government now alms to produce this qunntlly locally avon an if fief tfwk n ywjgctmomsttvkfc at thi sign of the big m car uitti cans al ysur pessani car irt a ism ttasi mat b a a ar ava awlar caa ssauy a van ijhaw iniaas veasr a stolir uaesa noalag chsnea iu iwlstl and aaoippsj s 4a ma mawmgh hind of saul oa skat su fcais eanr car rwaaiag tasff wny absjiibbs f sauts rtisi att war caaaaa hae coasa sa esly ea svas srisadly arvk snd ausitry arodoc voa too rsa slwsys hay with raslssare m ma siga the hi a a nm wnv petlliss tnvi h lohua norton motors imionk 69 acton ontario not usflpttoop charlottetown dp pouca court officials were annoyed because soma witnesses have been kissing the bible too enthusiastically when iworn in the court bible was found to have tha unstick imprint of a wom ans lips over tha ninth verse of the 140th psalm which reads as for tha the mischief of their own lips cover bead of those that compass ma lt them r whunr wiammoukui bih ft is not sclftihnrtt hut the rrjlizjiion tint a community if ixrttrr no sounder than its aniens 1 lie utlljtt ol our lomrjiunily cjijjjs dcpcnji nut jioiic nn thiti tlufcrtj wiih the govcrnirirnt oi hut on cjii of us ciiucio 12 uui0 tiji t liar wrlfirc is mcnjrj lj the ilaiirir ol ii lljti in mi idy niilliotit in inj ic4jtcj by wm vutlir misery hcuute o ji iiifuimtti to the citucn mcjiu nnply lew snj lct taluc for his dolur his living n n ojr si free siul i j re i civ ipcnjing drives up the jtkc of g kxj itilt in h rt tupplf v srslnsvi bring the thrcst of inflation in im wlc onlv the j rujrnccof thcpcojjecan leepit in thci1 e ho mjinlr by convcrv nmn ly 1 u inc only iluoc fi mkii w tilth are in fair lupply ni t y savinr money fur the dy when txxu now in tluirt tupplr will i svtiutilc tlui helps to keep price ttcsdy to keep your dollir st us resl worth 1 thu meant ihit if uu arc s no 1 atiien you will ricidlv soij black market purchases sou you will save money by huiuinv up mur siting account a kcrpine up your insurance buying government honji anj war savings ccriihutei hohling whatever of these securities you have bought this u contcrtation the tuu requisite ot personal security the fust attribute of good citixenship bank of montreal sertief with csmjtdums a rem aw fhfftu we- advertisers meet the most people rttaa mmmmm k i lrr

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