Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1946, p. 5

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1- 1 thursday july lath imc the acton free press pack wv ma rnuew ww of toronto wi liiaail for the w aa uultr bob rumley laft last meat tar vacation en meahonha island mra barbara soper ipent laat week with frteade la preston and cah ur aad ura r- ft araam are en joying tfcelr vacation at weanga mr aad ura cordon rogaveldson ax marilyn era kaudaylag at ktaar harbor utaa wlaale wataon of toronto ta vtaltlac a fw daya with ur aad ura ta- t brown ura joseph hunt aad aaaa era hohoaytaf at their aummar cottage oa kites satis rognvaldeon aad david dule epeol ikt weekend at honey harkar ur aad ura wm baldwia of sault me marts visited with mies u 2 ur ered uardoaald and jack at new toronto vlelted yesterday wtth ur aad ura wm evaaa mr aad mra david llutfheon of call spaal tha weekend with mra sayan and ulaa clbbona ura otaa mcpharaoa and ehildraa at toronto vuated with mra sayan aad ulaa clbbona laat weak ur and ura w duval aad family aad ura j oltnakl apaat uat waak haltday1n at fairy lake ilunlevtua ur and mr a papulaa aad family aad m and mra p duval holidayed laat week at fairy lake ituatavwa mra m w mcdonald and aoa john angui edmonton alta ara la town aa the gueeta of her mothar mra j w elliot ur hullard mrcallum of toronto epent tha weekend with mr and ura llanry itllta uurlal and helena of dalllnafad mr and mrv d p henderson of buffalo n v ara vudtlna thla waak with the lattera brothar mr grant mardonald and family mr and mra alan macdonald and baby diana ara spending their vacat ion at tha home or their parents ur and mra grant mardonald and mr t wataon mra r f johnitone mra erw n and mra waller erwln mrt gurata of mrv junn svmon and other rel ative on wednesday mr ami mra wm ilrneon and wajnrj mr and mra l mrkerele andtcnaa holidayed the pat two weeke at the tlpnaon college at hone harbor mrv geo deaaun ault mr john mcclure and mr joaeph hunt aro apendlng a few daa with mr and mra ljvcrnt f lnrlr of ur and ura robert n allan tha wedding to take place the latter part of july mr and mra peter 11 lloa of har- rtaton wlirt to announce the rnsege- mentot their only daughter ihjllla klleen to gilbert lfm eldeat aon of mr and mra frank llomphf acton the marrtsgr to take paie the latter part of jut mr and mra e i gsrdlner of ed an mllla wish to announce the en- samint of their onl dsughler udrey trene to mr ulod beule aon of mr and mra j ueule of r r 1 campbeumue ont tia marriage to take place in eden mills united church july 29 mttttrti olewta at ouuka the rrieaitly church mcv a waltdt romnt ju eu- in i i if reraonngebower avenue sunday july 31 it leaf 1 1 00 a at- worship sarmoa eub- jert cfcrlallan walchfnlnita 12 15 pm church school no jrvenuic aarvlca until seotsinbey watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation everybody welcome er ttfcttrf a tfl dluujul knox cmaum avosau bbv romasm mhhon sla bj to uaaaa willow street sunday july 31 at 114 11 00 am uoralns warahlp will u lo know- 7 0npm evening worahlp tha eplule of jemee chaplar 1 10- thay that wait upoa tha lrd shall renew their etreafth maptttt dhtrrli aorohi ucv w h wallac sunday july hit 104 1100 ara momlnc service 1x15 pm sunday school 7 00 p m evening service a welcome lo all slamk a h jubaa iv abhsr the fifth sunday after trinity sunday july 31al 1w4 1115 am holy eucharlat and ser mon 7 00 jim evrnaong and sermon the feaat of si jamee the apoatle thuraday july 5th 1000 am ii ly communion chimneys hhi1t ami repaired 1isterlnr repairs and shincunt reaaoruvhle chantea c hoover iot 10 con 4 krin towmhip r r 2 arlon li foot ailments treated miss allan summer comfort the discomfort of hot weather la very largely mitigated by thoae who dreea tor tha hot daya and wear as cool clothing aa poaalble thin and short underwear reduced about to its lowest terms helps to keep tha body coot it tha summer braaxes can penetrate sxrrhln ones outer clothes tha heat will not eaatn eo bad probably the reason in many casta why people surfer tram hot days u that they still wear too heavy or too many clothes or garments that cling too closely to tha body tha women look cool and eoratort- able in low neck dresses custom may wall permit tha men to remove- their coats and open their throats to tha cooling bream treata foot ailments for both isdles and gentleman opea hex twara aaj flal evealaga till eetaek ah by pbaaa ihaj n ariaar tat g uelph i a floyd smith jeweler watcraa euou 7s quebec street weat guelph ont gregory theatre tlllrnda sad friday july ii and 1 three strjvngers geraldlne fitzgerald sydnoy greenttrcet peter lorree leon errol comedy tvin iluabands cartoon hare conditioned chapter 9 raiders at ghoat city saturday july 1mb letter for evie marsha hunt john carroll senorfta prom the west- allan jonas bontta cranvuia fox news mondat july tsaml strange illusion- jimmy lydon sally euars song op mexico adele mara edgar barrier trsvehslk land of the mayas georgetown a fir la th nrtlscblilf auuetur ol uu hepc t uaowvu ciua 40mlnuu hydro latswniputmi in uu una which sktrviem gortwtown aad norvm m utwttay rvilsj about t30 kit w a abthmy has ihmmitl of hw atu stnt prohriy in town pons ot th hjatrdwar tosr oo rupud by r h thompcob and p f blacktiunu mtms wfr ur thoap- aoa ha pttirhawd ih property last wdaday vmilisji aoma auty umttfi eathkd la tha aud- ibviom of tha old ton hall to of- bciauy op- it a tha rjntr of rt raatloaal fxmtu la tha town oa txtaaday avafiias juaa 25 tha niambari ot tha loral oouahl of wo- mhl mat at tha beautiful homa of ur w f nodwvtl to cujrat tha twanty bfth antuvarmary of tha or- gaiumltoan ta thu town tlv downttmiyn buftlesm fratamlfy ayi toodbya lo aaothar nnbr thla u and walronta a itfwcomfr with tha ajinounrrmtmt that ur 1 itarhlla has told hi clanln anl prraalnji buvlivaa to ur uorlaad don llarraaar itaram mil ton ta uillon irl ouldaa will ba at camp at tha mroutguvda camplac round from july 10th to 30th thl u ihrlr rirt oltlctal culda camp thay ara axparttn or 10 culda from pott ntfeon to o4n thani orar th wealtand th wrathar waa prac4 on sat urday july th for tha 13th rauakm of tha castla rami i y which was bald al lha hibtna of ur and ura aarsa f gastu lrarvllla lr and urs w j uccutrhaoa and family hav takan up raaldanra in tha housa formaly omiplad by ur and ura j w paara and family oa victoria ava ir urcutrhaonj in th madlral prnftaalon in toronto tha ornish w i bald a vary an- joyabla ilrnlr at lloyna school on tuaailay july 2nd wtth almost fifty mmbrn and frirnda altrndlnji ilacaa and rarilrtti rrt tha main faatura of tha aftatnoon and a picnic uppr brought a plaiant ending to a happy day on saturday j una 30th a vary pratty wedding took placa in hatha united church when lott katharine uerry daughter of ur anal ufc ivrry w merry became tha bride of james kenneth medoujjalt ana of ur snd urs c kenneth uedougad of milton csnadlan champion krin mrun s mrkinnon and on r- mntly wild their cldeidle stallon critft kmmrit lo noiman mrljichlan nl mnnnetav an mr nnd mrr kdwnrd llnltun of hirrt1on hne purchnpi1 the dvrl tng nnd haker from mr and mrs lturtaell rund and irtmrw inking pomvlon on jul 15th mr vmle copelanrt ktifferrd quite a had cul in hi- left hnnd on mondn mhen uorklne on a wiring job with the w w kreer and co lie will be obliged to he orf dut for a time krln township and krln villain acltxe service iteceptlon committee 1 arranging a program in honor of the returned raen and women of the tuo munldpallttes to he held on sun day and monday august 4 and 5 on thursday evening july 4 uev s w tattlson former padre with the r ca f for five years was in ducted to tha pastoral chart of erin and illllsburs united churches when a large congregation received their new pastor mr and mr w g charlton ware honored by the church of christ disciple on sunday june 29th which was tha anniversary of their wedding m years ago mrs charlton was martha n black of acton and mr charlton was in his first pastoral charg wtth the church of christ in that town advocate more dairy herds needed in europe liitfwriox july 14 1c4s us cartew ave toronto dear ur dm attar reading dlifereat ham ta tha acton free prssst coaearntas tha proagrasa of the artoa boys basu do you bonaauytmak tha peapl of ao- ton aad tha aurrouadta oonuaualty raajisa tha importaadst of lha pra these boys have made uader tha lad- ersjilp of ur chartee uasaa aad how vary fortunate artoa ta ta havtaa charts masoa oa who takes audi a great latere at la tha boys naad it ba meatlonad how aacaasary a musical traialaa la la tha shaplna of thaaa boys cjhararter aad of keep- taa them off tha areata of waieh w read so much every time v pick up a paper i hav aottevd by tha paper of tha artoa v uaas club helplne aad enrauraglajt tha hoys on differ ent orraaloaa we hop ihu year to get to arton fall fair aad to hear tha tmprov- inanu tha hand has mad in a year and i an sure artoa will say in a few years how turfcy they are to hav e band mad up of our own home low boys- thank you dorothy and jim o hourke cattle herds hav been preserved in nott kuropean countries and empha- i li now being placed on the import- snee of pro idlng mourh milk to mnl her children and other clauses of population regardlen of their fln- nncml potlt ton it thui appennt itat- en acrlculture ahtiwl1 luued by the kconomtc dlxulon dominion depart ment of agriculture that the main effort will continue to bo crntacd up on increasing the dnlr herds with the piwnt feed grain short age which i ukel to continue for at least some years to come tt is pro bable that beef cattle and hog out put will not come back to normal ns fa as milk production it may take lateral year before the pis herd is replenished in europe eg production may recover more quickly in europe with tha exception of a few western european countries poultry is a sideline on general farms and largely subsists on offals in countries now under occupation th process of rest oral ion la not ukely to get under way until the return of mora stable conditions it is estimated that continental europe excluding the soviet union wul haw produced in 104516 about s3 lo 57 per cent of lte average an nual mealcheear and agg require ments andlabout 63 par cent of its whole mtlk needs for fluid consumpt ion eden m1ujs ur and ura noel crtc and famliy of sudbury ware recant visitors ta tha ham of ur and ura ordon black lock misses noreen and mavl ulao af ualtoa spent a week in tha homa of their grandparent ur and mra w ulno ur and urs john thomas of arand kaput uuh era vultlna with relatives in thla district ur lluaaaa plana to remain for th summer month with hi alter urs n ii spence and ur spenre mrs d mcdougall and daughter arrived home un saturday from lha coast a very mcreuful garden party was lie id in tha new athletic ground un der the auaplre of the rbylrtan church the program was supplied by the william davtea concert co of llnmllton urs will currle and children of toronto are vliiltng in tha home of mr and mra jeorga thomas tt many frlrnd of mr charles klnstur will be pleased to learn ha i making good recovery from his recent accident burlington llsrld wilson manager of carroll ha- re hat urthavrd a summer resort near v inrton and with mrs wilson will hae town the end nf thl month to tnke oer the manngemenl the annunl pirnlc of the burling ton c a v lluh um held nl the home of cnrljlc c browne cuelph i jno on xnturdnv nfternoon iml nnd out is mrmhiti and friends attend ed from ovrthe county enjoying the garner and entertainment a fine af ternoon was enjoyed wllh a picnic lunch al ihe supper hour the new truck recenllj purchased by the town is a credit to the council especially for garbage collection tha garbage i placed on the bark of th truck then dumped by power into the truck which closes automatically when the material is dumped into the enclosed body and present a very neat appearance when closed the exceptions ty y dry spell has made a big run on the town water system almost every day in july this was revealed from figures pres ented at a meeting of the public utilities commission water depart ment held on tuesday eenlng the pumpage mark every day in july with the high point being resched last saturday when 11657000 gallon of water were pumped and along wtth m0 000 gallon taken out of rea- irp in the reservoir made a total usage for the day of ltoflooo gal lons i the town council hate just com- i pleted the issuing of a splendid book let on the town of burlington set ting forth the many advnntacet of i the town both resident ialk anil in- ilmtriislh the booklet is a sixteen mtzi nffnlr and tlie first page gives an ideal lew of the town from the ilr ihe early history of the town i briefl revewed on the next pas while page four head with a map showing the strntrglc location of the town geographlrnlly in relation to the importance nf industry offering as it does the widest possible market and the most convenient source of labor and materials gazette nassagaweya aa na 7 vr and ur wm frank catefcratetj their goldaa waddlnc aaahwramry last thuraday evening at rookvtu ilajj whan 235 fneads and ttatghbors and relative gathered to etehrai wtth thaas th hall was nicely daoratd with flowers and slreners tha flowers were really beautiful in win dows aroujkl piano and along plat form a table covered with ttnaa tablecloth and decorated with wad- din rake aad candle was plsacad at front of hall to srv ta from early in th evealaa a asuaical protraas was give that produced food talent ur frank who to over so and a splansud violinist ta ms tfay puywl a medley of jig and reels that brosscht loud applause ur thoa aasos act- eded as chairman tea waa served and catered by th bury be club dancing was enjoyed for savril hours by both young and old- uuatc was supplied by e fjllott a frank j black if lun t lllahtlorfc miss a frank and ura j evana ur and urs john frank and eil een attended a miscellaneous shower held in honor of their daughter ura chlsholm unt at dublla school last tuesday evening she rvrotved a number of lovely aad useful gifts a few from this section attssvdad a miscellaneous shower held for ur and urs jas wallace who ware married overseas at no school oa saturdsy night congratulations and beat wish ara estended to ur and urs huaaall urdonald upon their recant asar- riage urs uexoaald was tha for mer dorothy barvica daughter of ur and ura wm service af this section apple pi is ihe nasi treat oa tha menu raspberries are ripe hut aren t as yet very plentiful la this section- late winter tuffneu sasic cp most of canada has benwjoy1ns spring wa- t her for weeks now but tuffnalltaa are still waiting their turn recently they had their hav lest snow in year it drifted front 3 to 7 faat and lay oa tha souskd from 13 lo 15 inches thick be wise about yon r eyes consult kobl r hamilton 72 si- gwgve fla- gawiajgowl paassa 1m far aa4 nicol bros twnwffikts and cemetery lettering atwkciatrd wuh a j corbatt mount lorrl onl w coijs at agart coal offlre p1ione it afton inuolstebing dool discard your old furniture iut it fupuummi aa aew rarahare teoaj phone 87 for esfaule dux tiatt imioumxat notice our place ur htihinrm will be rloaad ram july 29th to august 6th lo penal our nupioyrea to njojr a well earned taralion the georgetown lumber co ltd acton ontario for thorough eye examination optoaaatrlst i quebec weal guelph opposite y m c a phone 80 formerly with the lata a d savage wc maintain our oan prescription andrcpair laboratory for prompt service attractive homes some people who have recently tak en extended automobile trips say they have been impressed wtth the generally sttracttve condition of the homes in small cities and towns and the spaces between these towns they thought the great majority of these homes seemed well cared for marty were beautiful by planting shrubs aad flowers and probably tha majority of them had trees sround them in the larger eltlea of course tha great majority of homes are alio at tractive the people of canada show how they value their homes by the money they spend on them and the care they give them- pejnranally floodlight wrestling eden mills ball park eden mills ont fri july 19th 9 pm main bout the panther vs exserviceman maccllough plus 2 other peaiipw boots general aritlninn j3e- rbiesue 15c extn at park la tte event af rain shew wul be held fttanday jaly had ima n fclh 1u s i

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