Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1946, p. 6

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s rust tax the acton free press thursday july 18th ims the week al ottawa by h tutst moimwon tth1- pre huh ttc big tourist toade now r in ontario th rush u on canadians in the tourist buslnaa ran now look forward to what from all inavatlons u coins to ha on of in moat prolllbt sen isoni on record 1 and ontario stand to reap a large m share of tha benenta attracted by ottawa cp www debate en th provinces beach and woodlands v iivsme ulntster luleys 1wmt bud- i atorkad urwrni and faculties get du india out in hoi weather abnoat all summer sports amer orurd pete rent and rationing con ipewrhea the issue of choosing a ra are hocking into ontario in troll esplred and ur king said that distinctive canadian flax has sudden- numbers reported to exceed th prsk jh canadian government felt that i emerged as a nujor political con postwar days the first opportunity should be taken lro which yel may piove the although merrhanu late last wk to assure parliament and the country importaat development of th traim j parity of tha amertran that lr iso intention of aband parliamentary session mna -hi- dollar might injur in enlng similar controls la canada described not so murh as the tolrltl tmt lrat m proved d4vlaanvants aliening prices in -choir- of the joint parliamentary no dterlmnt other countries earticutarlr th us commute but rather the remain lk rud sut ar of coume not without m dsl ter i otlrs a i foruvr brut ncjwl th art upon canada our nolle- eliminated th commute ub- r i have la tn past and will in tha ud in the commons a recommandat- th tourist future necessarily continue to hae n lh4 n national rlax of canada ensign ptuc controls to e rktainsd in canada following th statement in parua meat by prim minister king utat canada wul retain har prie and rat ioning control irrespective of the united states anion a broad pro gram toslrengthen this countrys antmaflauan bulwarks has been out lined oh june so the emergency legislat ion in the united states which auth eucn developments tn mind we shall continue to follow pollrle which we believe to be in the general inletw making from time to time such mod mention as seem to he required in the light of condition a king state a four point reallgnmenl of the countrys stabilisation program was outlined by finance minister islley in the house of commons as follows 11 the canadian dollar has been adjusted to parlt with the united states ctollsi- etfertlte at 9 p m friday july 1th should be the familiar had with a golden maple leaf bordered in white replacing th cnatofnrma in th fly this final action by the committee internal and sternal wr voted 21 1 on its final reeosn they develop ur rnendatlon brought about th inevtt able showdown on the basic question union jack or no innaieasue conservstlve were on record as willing to compromise on any flag design as long as it had in ii a union jack krenrh canadians had offered no obstruction in tli holce of s design as long as it idldnt ronlsln a union jack 121 a long 111 of goodi and services u llh the tabling of the report the which continue tuhleit trol hat hern established price con a number committee irfl the mslter smack on i he floors of the ommonx end senate of leu imnotsnt srtlrles have been as long as ii could it hsd ralered t noih suw and the rinsl eltm nair was a flan ktnsnred hy 1 ivajieau national ronusset suspended from i he price regulations 1 all imported goods of a kind subject to price control unless aiec iricnll dealt wllh on another tiasls mn while hlanklcri wtlh will lie priced on the liasls of hie nt maple leaf in ihe mmil c poller landed ciwls plus a prcscrlh i mlnkstir mai k cd maximum msrk up vshi una irmilel nnxloii it subsidies will conllnue to ssi1 in order to present undue in cresses in prices of si tides of im portanc to the convumer or in prim ar producers costs of production are flocking la at every point of 4a grees th most continuous flow s over the rainbow bridge at niagara falu and the peace bridge at fort en at then points bridge officials reported last week th traffu was no per cent over this thn last year th number of trailer attached to visitors cars would indicate tha am ertcans intend to atay a while llorder towns are hardest hit by th tnftus and the invasion has taken its toll of scarce consumer goods llest aurants and clothing stores are feel ing the tmpnet of the thousands or united slate dollars tourists are mvndlng wh le residents are feeling the shortages occasioned by ihe tur- rhasr of these essential goods owen sound tourist camps are us uslly wetl filled for many of the visitor stop off iherr before gotng j to northern onlsrlo resorts was if roil ge ilearh has tuosxomed into a boom green own h unprecendenled popu isllon u i uriel midland last waek a king lei nnl was let for the issuance of although iskc thefston tmoki lo isll new flag w itll him io the i arts lce mi of lle larie resorts are hooked wrnncr lat r ihk month foruse1 for the a avon there is still attractive atltnt on on the issue at a uhrral sccunmodatliu available wrt cau u mr hlnk lamred the i and according to reports iran the ivd nsi maple icf des gn lrder ciller our american neighbors llowser lloni arscnaull lndend are tolng to he dropping in regularly nl mimlior for i quelle cimstltu one restaurant owner reports a win allenlsd the liberal cau- uslomers rrmaik if prices remain ass n ported lo hase pleaded ihe way they are we will he coming with ihe prime minister for more than lo canada to est all our meals ciic the war ok iukas fly vt ilifcp of luiikwoti t- wr of irt4- it nvoui inmcj 1 rhnftr hu m an1rm mthorty r lulr ht unmportin tnnovuou it u nonr of th- ihtnem ii i rrnl i h txgrtlntc cftk1 ob and dr termlnm the ihanr of ihlnr- to romp an da tmru a if a oun1 it run nach a mtlli n mlnda it can itir inflam lhm ml i hem ablaxi- itnipir who hip rr on- an thnn ha nt bn rpluit b an idea lroplt vs ho don 1 tand a chantr arc prnle with no id xtcmt proplr lnn to tr jill out for wilfrid ijirrolx uhrral mrmbcr for j montmorrn who wa tho of ha- say rich oij kkkk rnxrr in th- 21 1 final voir walk h johannksiuirc out of th commltttn tn a huff after c ha ruing that thr wlrction of a dm i inn including the union jark had hmn a forekone mnrlulon actual form of the pinoarrt fla w at not derided by thr rommlttee whlrh at the ut minute added trte white edging around the maple leaf a an appeajement to quebec metn- berv nl was the rerommendatlon the nation nt flag of cagmda should tvomethlng ldea can he potent and thf jnnurtlan ued fnign with n thr ma be either got or bad they mb i- nvitumn color in a bor- bull i thtmaruea into a philosophy j vred tmrk ground of white replacing and become a national t reed a nat tn ro armi in the fly the whole opal faith for which men in th cuirri to he ao proportioned that thr glow f pattiottm will die 1 ntje and poaltlon of the maple leaf in m ltace shall rule illation to the tnlon jack in the can m lais hall rule 11 identlls it a a uyrnbol dlit lloth idea were born in mllernrv mctlxe of canada as a nat on nour ahed in pasxlon and lit loo tn fur they became ideolotzlet and nnt ivhate on the budct around three lnnal faith the became incarnut nnln points it income mx chanpen in living breavli and malk the wotlt ii proposal fir t- r- ment with i iupect them of being trtcnt in aatkable edition of i want i recog- nlie them to te of the bro of montrr i have written of and writ ten off a malcilmiim but we do n t fight win and conquer material tun u writing it off ou t annnt t in r it root and hi am h 1 f ire ou t an onl d feat an ult a b a b t ler id n ou inn nnl outmarrh it b traelhng fnt r and achieving motv ite chn t k between good ani iil iikht and wrong ilod way ant m n it l the mlc trugi1 in wh h evetbmlv 1 a part and a lsiin it k mnile up of the mul tfiu b f detimn made cry an on all kin is of kuet m hau ml 11 r i tin r uniilnh i i it is k inllm it inwv hi i est ft i u nl in i flhs i r tl t lu n ill it i nil i t s all ind hi 1 nl tli s w h nii uimslm lo tili r wim i i tin hrinm f rtttl ir ani i m l h i t r lorn n in it is tli m hi tint nn tntur both mann ment and 1ah r rem h and inilih huinesnin and farm r the on great pnvnlllrn idia thil i an chani dtre i ani unite them in joilannksnukg ici citizen of johanneiiiun the oolden city vuuallre the day when they will btff olm about their hualnru while 1mv feet below them men will be mining the rich ore of a gold rf which runs approximately through the centre of the city w ii auret prtchan1 a pioneer urvrer bellees thai ihe gold reef dlrecll below the clt it extremely rirh and could be mined with aafey at 000 feet in the early dat nt johannesburtl due to lack of fund the then repub lican government was often obliged lo pa offh lals for their aervlcea by granting them utandi which contrary to exportation iiecam extremely valuable in lati r enrx at that time they varied in price from 100 pounds jtod for mandx in the proximity to the gold reef to x a xtand in tin more remote parts of the little mln ing- camp town plan n lag expert hae often ntlclred the earl planning of johan nesburg thc forget that in those after tttlvi flnnninl critic ran- bv few pp- expected the aeniat red lak district pegged end to end gou minbur ahivity lncru in naliwtiero otturio ar iiku uakk 9nt th tvewri of peace was like the ringing of an alarm dork in thli mining cantra normal activity which had gtvan way tu wartime quiet for wi year sud denly rturned and the para in- creaalns many veteran ara folunvlag lha urge to go north to in foldfltldj tn6 they ara a riving dally by plan from sioux lookout kenora and wlnnlpac old la tha ufa blood of th paopl who lv in had lake tlia man who muck in tha dark oapth of th mna tha engineer pnttpartora aayr gfwlostatt and offle worker all hav thi nanunun topic to dlcui in thatr off houra- alln and lumbar workvra hav an advantaw over evaryon tlat for th mine and lumber ramp provld llv ing quarter for thar employ for other th houalng altuatlon h trim far wont than anything in th crowded citlaa nawconur usually reallia within an hour of their mirtv al in town that thry ara out of luck thar u money in ited lake but it u difficult to tell who the rt het men in town ate that habby un haved protspertor acrou the treet may be pointed out a- jack who recently aold kume rla mi for twooo coat of living 1 high freight i flown in at ltt a ton and tie supply situation it precarioum llii tprlng ttreak up present further problem lo rrldent for a aoon a crack appear in thi frnirn urfare of hed ijikr tkt iijulped planet bringing food mill and other necemllle can no longer la mi until th ir ima nhrunk i hough to permit pontoonejulpped nlriraft to land on open water in ptte of ihe unci rlalnty of ob taining upplle in the aprlng n 1m5 i hey hnd to le dropped by nrachute ited ukr ha been staked almoat rompb tely clalmwnen have staked the surrounding country until it al moat brtitles with jeg and in aom caae their claim run into the town taelf itsks ok irammak it i rt market that peoples mis takes in grammar are overlooked whrn they offer to pay money or or der gnoda it it different when they are applvlng for a job of clerical work or one requiring thrm to write letter a letter with many grammat tea mistakes would look aa if a per ton education had been limited which would not help him any it is one advantage of completing a high school courne and going on n college that the grammntlcal mis lakea to which a person is addicted would be pointed out when he hand in hi themes and compositions thus he would get the habit of writing correctly and hi letters would get n flnlxhcd apenrnnce and suggest he hnd thorough training all a mtfltajce v ukiina cp plrrnn rarad to an alarm boa her tentjy and dis covered an apologue visitor to th city who explained h had brought them out unnacestarlly by attempting to mall a latter in th alarmbox watcslv awaatenok regina cp waurlng th cfofeat lawn has a distracting ffet tm osh promlnant hegtna eitlata watti a friend ha i lad him ha turaad to raply and put thesiocria of th ho water full oninto his poekat wm r bracken keajlefstatk nvohn i fir glut autanafebut- imutum s9 ilmlth and aeeutat iwurabtw f tfce mataal ufa smuim f lat us arrange your mortgag loans on thai new house ihone h acton owf v id in 5tar petntolulrerl y 1 1 mit aw answering crery call keeping pace with steadily increasing telephone demands her devotion and skill have kept delays to a minimum and always unfailingly her yoce is the voice with the smile competent friendly reassuring you kna she will get your call through the minute she canl the innlmr nnd the general uet i n of whet hi r or not the government was being extravagant rogrexslv contervatlve member till clwd the government on all three i ounu t m macdonnell progress ive t lei the i udget t unn vlitv unn al itv tn its di frrred tax relief in thh facing of def cits ard in failure to no cintunte ircduitlun nnd make nn all- i ut attack un the citadel or trnvng- anec easy does it ial growth of the south africa largest city in hi common purpoae the new world d es not lietn when pent ins i ihe signature on parchment at a peace table rhe new world be w whanuod inscribcx hu will un the hearts of ordinary men and stajrutuvn mil 1 tl e rime minlti r offer of nt w flnnnciil agreement vvlth the rotncx unt n jh tkn substitute fr compromue nnd nireement nn 1 snld substantial tax reductions could ii ti come whtl the govirnment eval etll the problem of reducing wartime i vpnditurex ihe govirnment pollc- l swin dl mrik ng j r mluctlon itie c c r jmrtv intlclnm the iv rum nt for fftllur to n i ise in i ime tn imptl n- sufficientlv and m k n lief pnrtlrularlv for 1 w liuomi bnnkts it alo crltlt lzed failure to provide ttn lal securttv mi neurit n its offi rt to the pmim e and to recognize cooperatives as n m i r iflt making organization i the c c f view was summed ap bv anvils marlnnls member for van louver kast who charncterued the budget a looking backward to es terdav not forward to to morrow roland haines sand rarel topiioil and fill cement and stone work phone georgetown 113rl toijtiist information j canadian tourists going to ihe un ited state this summer may take i along butter oteat andpreaere up to the alue of 3 according to an an nouncement made b the wartime lrice and trad board export p cm its are required for quantities qf uvaratloned goods exceeding 3 in value and for any amount of sugar yer 15 pounds an export permit must b obtained before any dreaaed poultry recardlms of the quantity may be taken riut of canada amer ican tourists going bark to the unlt states will not be permitted to take any dressed poultry out of canada price board officials urge all tourists to acquaint themselves with regulation on either aid of the border to avoid difficulties and delays in crossing prime minister mackenzie king will go to the peace conference in par is this month and take with him health minister claxton two mem ber of the diplomatic corps and a member of the external affair de partment sending of an all party delegation wa decided against because the pari conference la not to be con fused with a peace conference to de termine the final settlement with re spect to germany said mr king the preliminary discussions would concern such matters as territories and boundaries tn which canada could onl try to help countries prin cipally concerned to work out satis factory solutions lb intimated a conference directly concerned with peace problems would be attended by an allparty delegation mr king also announced that fin ance minister xlsley win represent the dominion at the unutua confer ence at geneva beginning august 5 milton welding electric and aceulene welding hepatr waldlng or all type portable equipment phone stt st mhton it ust have bten tglje inpranilfalliers uy thai every siirressful humivrsa was the lengthened shallow of one man i olsv us more likely- th projection of two or more partners including that efficient hut exofcrio partner a great hajlk in many rases youll find that partner is the v bank of no a scot la like the partner at liie other end of the two- man saw pulling in the right direction at tlie right time the facilities and experience of this bank can multiply your efficiency and simplify yourprohlems and that understanding helpful nesa isas close lo your desk a the manager o our nearest branch lie will lie glad to discus tt with you leis do il lorethr the bank of stova scotia w k graham manager acton ont

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