Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1946, p. 7

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thursday july utk um the acton free press pag kvt h- ride th wrathful greybacked but talks el a dooryard butternut tre aavta his salty hrowa hu ye a itayfwld cut and mirtiuil afcua h squints at th mut from th pluusgtng prow ftd a th spar as a creaking bough his feet arc planted upon th ocean but ms minds oecrned with tre country nottoai of havinf a hedtoe bought to wat carvad with hi name and ms birth lac 4ta at on an empty fox tracked grave far from thr sound of a breaking wave h stamps th- wet and rolliag deck but fcla heart is dreaming of salt in sacks and a clapboard house with a wood shed ell anchored fast to the side of a hill the taste f he k bark tlln his mouth there s rime in hs throat but hl lean flanked youth la warped to a hrotkhed and rojed to the trie where the dier drift down with d h catawlsnv fruit feawhlrgtort p the sunday school lessen wsdav jitv tlsl recollections of acton back in 1926 ream ue lave is tswrsawt jsvly ree lrea of nd lt the spirit of true worship golden text cod 1 a spirit and they that worship hm must worth p inspirit and truth jno 4 j4 exposition i warning against forgetting d deut h 11 14 1b- jo move is led by cod to warn the israelite of a process of weakening faith as they prospered materially it it a grievous fault in human nat j ure to so enjoy material blessings i as to rttt our security in them many i nations have risen to power through die ipllne only to deteriorate through i a elf th and ungdt uu of prosper lt ihe people of od are not lm iiiune from thee t evident le many a man lias allowed his life to follow the rourv of 1ot who first ramped toward molotn en 11 w then en terrd sodom and finally sought np ulanl in sodom although its wuk ednits vexed his righteous soul day by day en 19 1 2 pet j 8 is raet mint thr uiv of material el f sjint and orfflpuon in sjute of unto warning tlaa 1 2 7 tha hrlitlan hurt h face ihr lemptnt ion to follow lie world v w av ol val i ing itself b h wealth pn mlge tint learthl grandeur rather than i oda spiiitual rule it i mmh again m ii kt v t 1 1 i hi e liorlali n if our i out u tie only uim and vafc rule for the individual linlian to follow matt ft 11 kev c ring t f u alkerl n prearhed in ihr ii i it churrh inst sunday after mvnl enrs of irrommod atlcn to the pub l the anhdlan sat lonal hallway has deemed it neres aar lo close normal station hev james a mclarhlan m a of hamilton who was pa tor here thrty atina of youth ilelng years ago will preach in the united not r lo hr e churrh sunday th hoard of kduratli gaged miss margaret macdonald ii a as prlnrlal nf atton high school i tort four mills is the tax rate set by artnn council for lfjfi notwlto standing the purrhase of the new mo fhl im wwry to lmatt tor fire truck l jh k in christ ihls weariness the first annual dinner of the hal j leaves us- we feel equal to an thing ton rifle was held last w edncadav that i- in the will of od phil 4 ii vaallln liuin od laa 4 to 11 oiest verses rlmiax a reniaikatde rhapter in whlrh the prophet isaiah reveals the weakness of nations and m n and the majesty and power of i iiki in the mn on under consider i ntim he draws atti ntlon lu the limit teary does u ihe spirit j whlrh is exhausted although the body will feel reaction and often does has ain there is a spiritual wearireas an which the oung ran feel as well as the mature is xi 16 14 in 11 m it wax to meet this spirit ual and moral exhaustion that jesus grocery sales doubled those who have wondered why there are not more artldss on groc ery site ves these day will possibly be suutled to read that tha praaidant of grocery uaaufacturera of america announces that retail grocery saias ounibed from 10 billion dollars in liu to tao billion last yaar using 100 as a bass- figure for 1939 the following increases have been shown cases of fruit juices ibs frozen foods 2a3 canned meats 471 carbonated beverages 167 prepared mixes jio bab food 7uu and bis culls and crackers 183 part of the increase was due to higher price but a large proportion u tonnage increase in spite of the 1 initial shortage while these figures are fur tht t nlled stales tt is kuahl safe say that a slm lar imiesw has teen aj own in c anada llieie ai- reasons for this k0011 mil oodiltoin wirtf not loo pn perou in lufj but thr war bioukhl ktea ly work mut h of t at ovritlme i tie plus ttiglti r wagts i eopli tould hpriid mote iwhuum the h1 in if to hpend so v hen m e iumt 1 urn v omh r wh rtu te gritttlliit are not available 1 t us remember that twice a mu h v im ing m hi ni ih ft n the war ven with pmlti rduttion there is in un 1 t nn in the face of tut h a trein n lous i iiiiii t kimn rl s hmaijjjt 1k1 1 amllw n qui h 1 salmon it re taking he fl in uatr- al ik ih nv pinirinula and hav if hiil ur nlonv although ttu run repot till kimtller than lavt an old tlmefts views many people o they farmars workingmen or small builieatman have com through a similar exper ience and will possibly agraa with use views of mr a logan who has rec ently retired after many years as a weekly editor he is how 84- for 30 years edited the wlartoa echo then sold out and bought tha pem broke standard observer being there forthe past j years in this vajed ictory he says it about breaks my heart to step down and out but i have already sad that my early associations my bringing up do ogive me the out look upon the prewnt day life that may be ivxeijuiry for the position of an editor one who started from uratih tame up in the school if lard knocks worked day and night for all that he possesses ran scarce i v believe that all this paternal rare of the gos eminent s today makes fur tlo b t tpe of canadian rlltxens in the world of the r dreams the re v a r d pr urn lnl uu r f ortiears t he ulonnrrs of ontario must musa and miille at what their present day sue ettsort tall hardhhlps and the spoon feetllng that thr rrtulre tfiaaa ihr i tadle to the grave one who has worked hard and saved cannot follow nor do- he want lo follow the trails vtti h lhcm sk mllatx have hi are 1 lien t withe earlv life of th t tt r if he made a dollar it was im i v ii to lav there is a fellow v lit nnm f iuiev in ottawa w h mnir mrsled a dollar in tils buvln i and ml rlraws more out of it fan i do pits is not the wav fot km llliirnnw to treat andher mvwxsftukkd vaavam brisbane australia cp southwestern areas in queanslarw are reported in th grip of serious drought that has affctd shp grazing lands- some parts of queens land have go without heavy rain for thr year faiat kxtaj40t- chapun sask tcp although his ens of slues is not accurate un thief her beuevas a fair axchaag is no robbery h toft a rusty bsryel whn he stole tom rudys ibm mad- el automofeit from in front ol ma horn night at the halton olf nnd country club eorgrtown turns spihrs a1 atl n lulv 11th llt lo mr and mr sj ire t prr low n a dauih1 r c1i1shoi m at a t i lulv ii th 1 1 lo mr hkt olm t n imn wal ih at killiiit v ihda lulv ml li wnldlt inmnh 1 hti aix t so the ruth of i 40 11 be come an experience in rense to t or ftitini iitin oil lie word nn u men no m w n vv of life is inl inplnd wltli it indue mint if tht ll iv spirit m uint small 1ntkrkst liahiks in itk personal uans mr v 1 ittyton mtinnt i of th llnnk of monln ul report m that tht lowa of itrrsonal luans npm nl fctronly to all ttorrowt rs coming to his of f h e it is a very plrasant aur prist to mnnv tin inl of intt n t ii tnlv hi half of om t tent n r month whlth is equal to 21c a month fur a jus loan rtpnahlr in twelve month instalment ioana taiifc fntrn vv to 1 or rnon it ou need it t ting n uiv mil lonn imm mr ii inwon is n st might forw ard i uslni m nffnlr for ni ht 11 tell you whin vou nsk for n loan nt the i if m vou do not ask a taw t sis itkitain ml st ruoihck skkd oil uniks pi iroductitn of tl l on hi it th fiitmi imiiii rr induvl mil ami inlihle pui pom a w n fumiaxi l hjmnkii nt a national iittmei i nion t hi fere net lllteit mtalhster ijilnr me mot r of parliament for kutherglen said ii ws inipcintlv ihnl hrllam sltoul t piinlncr n ctnaldirhli quantlt tf her mitutr nl and odlhtr oils i nm confident ixjierlments now tnkirij phitt on nmn llrltish farms will lend to dixeliptntnl of large mnh protludlon of oil hod nop within a ft w veai hi uild real estate and insurance ocean steamship tickets rkal rstatk ve liave a iiundrr of dwelllnt f r sale somr se owner occup- htl and immed atr mikseas on guen l era tenant txcupled and uhett to rigiil tf tenant under i ml tintril e ulatit ns bom t ho ce farms for sale large and small airfare lnsuhanc k llrlng your tire insurance up tt dale b a 1 1 ng i rw teneflta wlille the nt of inillding has ln i easetl ftom 40 lo v per rent tn uniirr talis are lower utomo1lh issl ras h l n t tlnvt m ill out iiimiinih t 1 1 r out art hi ant al keapon- ihilttv att t us itelli n ll n hi nnd tru ks flnani eti ijw rates s us 11 f r u t u kent ur ssare reaan to returned men ior further information apply to f l wright realtor and insurance phone 95 mmiuluiuamirainikiuiriviklviihmwmuiwmviinminmuiuimmvvauimimx- un- aisaaa mojuihtj- on iiihn im i liv u llll i u ii i i lif i run an 1 ni not vl tl it uk i ls6 taken frntn the edit inn of thr r ree pretsa thursila- july itllh ir1mi beartlmore and co have lhe fram work of their new irrn storr rol ling house and drvtnj vlln prettv well advanced the arte ion well nt the sole lrnlhtr tannerx has b i n drilled tn a drpth of h2 fret s flow has et leen secured on tuesdav june toth an nccldent occurred in the gravel pit on t obbe i ih ml i v iv r ml n il nnd snlilmirs nti m mini nnd ml tint i u d iv t ti n wc v nlk nm m d rvtup nnd d n mk ih i rhnrt 1 1 t ii 1 u lit nfuv 1 1 im a i whs lltpu ning of jt suv n mnttficw o ti ni t or pie qui stlon ihi nnswer man a first 1 in ii ht isknl n tjvii it trl us thnt hi did tt ttt llim malt 2 oi w n in import in t nt thoroughly i nnv tnt in tlulv l to totl our dut lo oil la kunimnl up in one word lo what iv loxi to love nnolhcr is to have a i cslrt for and dt llht in his welfare it is not n mi re emotion or affection huu causing the death of charlie but tin altitude of the whole man to 4ueeaikuiir e love tod with all the heart and soul and mind and strength is to have a supreme des re for and delight in tls glory so that evrrythlng it secondar to that matt 72 17 38 to have fulled to do this is to have commlttid the greatest sin a man can mikslhl commit and at some time in our life all of us have failed to do this and have thus broken ods f rst and great commandment so there is no difference for all have stnrml and come short of the glory of od uom 1 23 if at an time in our life we have failed to put od first in cvrrv thing in huxlnrsx in oui pit a ure in our studj in our pollt les in our domestic life od first even thing then we have broken ihe first and threat commandment and there is no hope for us except through the at lining blood of christ hcb n kom 1 2j j6 there ts a second law llkt thelct its central word too is love it oh ject- our neighbor oui filw w nun this second commandment requires that we have the same desire for and of acton public school for the fact i delight in the welfareof our nelgh- that everyone of the pupils from i bo r ax we hnve tn our own welfare ac4wiwt aurcessfu1 at th recent theoond conimandmnl is really cameron eldest son of thos camer on farmer a large quantlt of earth became loose and fell upon htm crushing him against the wheel of th wagon the collar bona and several rlha were fractured the parents feel this sad event most keenly of the three sons in the fam ily charlie was the only one remain ing the official report of mf w m clements returning officer in the county of halton eneral election is henderson j412 votes and aldle 2x2x votes majorttv for llmderson 100 acton hall tram will plnv canada a champions the maple ieaf tuelpil on tuesda afternoon in acton park th public general l will be anxious to see this match the oldest orangeman in town on mondav was mr roht mills actons oldest resident he is in his vith year and was initiated an orangeman in ireland r0 ekrs ago much credit is due prlmtpal moore entrance examinations after an illness of a little over a weeks duration lachlan mcmillan of lot 32 con 3 eaqueslng passed away h lived at gln williams for a number of yesrs and settled an th farm where h died about 30 years turn 1u leave a wife and four children two of whom are married last wednesday evening at tha beautiful horn of w h storey an ai clovnt occurred when a family gath ering was being bald while th company uu seated at tea without any u am ing whatever th heavy platter cornice fh alighting upon th table a niece of about forty pounds struck mr storyon the shoulder and had th fore of the fall not been broken on an open door th result would have been terloua the china and viands prepared for tea at one nd of the table were crushed into a conglomerate mats involved in the first for if we love ilod whom we have not seen we must love our neighbor whom we have sen 1 jno 4 30 21 it la nonsrru for a man to pretend to love cod if h does not love his neighbor for love to god involves love to neighbor th scribe who asked the question was a man of spiritual disc emment he assented to jesus an- wr there ar many today who call themselves christiana who lack th clear moral and spiritual discs eminent of this scribe jesus pro nounced this man not far from the kingdom of god to see the truth clearly shows that one is not far from the kingdom when one tub- mlu to the truth he la in the king dom w it taket seven ton of raw mater ial to produce one ton of aluminum it happens every dsv thsnk good ncss tome voung man starts out in a business of his own hanging out the hrsr open for business sign it a hir moment a time when a man needs and deserves the help of all his friends it s a lime for sound thinking and vtars ahead planning time when vour north american life representative can he a big help ihcsi he likes doing business is to help an ambitious young man 4rnep a practical savings and protection programme and wuh both the voung mm and the programme grow and grow as th veers roll successfully hv noull find vour north american lifts representative a source of help and advice when vou re start ing s business getting married takingover a home or during snv one of lrfvi digger moments north american life jr toltinsse ptukvbfwwa howard graff representative nothin said nothing gained the moral of this statement is a fact that will be of importance to you newtpaper pace is aluablc in the free pre- it i eagerlv rd by hundreds of families in and around acton you may not have as much to sell as you once had hut if you do not vvish to let your store and name be forgotten use space in the free pnss to tell your story iness firm have a greater res- most bus ponsibilitv to customers this year than ever before shortage of certain merch andise substitutes new products and reg ulations mit be explained to patrons tell your story through the columns of the acton free press ipmssbiag tmbmsv

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