Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1946, p. 5

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thursday july festk 143 the acton free press paom rtvt mr htwiri r oram of ttowano vwm acton frueule monday mr ralph pajlant of italllm vuud laat mt with mr vnd mrs m pallant tlmju k uoauremim wn iw ii vollinc mlk mr and mra a t brown thla weak mr and mra amae maaoa returned tfcla waek for a vacation at uu eot- tat al suadrtdie ur aad lira roland ramahaw of detroit midi vlaltad relative la aetoa durtaf lha week ur an mr w j baelty and ur end mra t 1 sail vlaltai al ova sound over lha wl- friend rerl lo learn thai mr win onopar la iii and al cuelph gn- rat llnaptal all wlah him romp recovery mra ckaeter matthew and mr waaler wolf were la praaloa laat week attending lha funeral of mr jainee cal ml of tw- wllh mr mr aad mra william iiuu oala apanl lha weekend end mra henry wit muriel and llalana ol haulufad mr and mra t carney llyrne pembroke and deep river epenl lhlr holiday with hla parenta mr end mra t 3 flyme church street mr and mra m c therholt and jerle toronto and cren tohnlon ere apenfllng a couple or weeka al red lodga manltoulin uland krlendi fcill he pleaaed to liam that mra ii lto wanbrough ol to ronto who tini lren arrloukly iii la now roveilng tatlsfartorlly mra u w kullnir ol hydney n s who came lo arlon lo attend lha wed ding of her daughter mlia irana ful- ton returned lit ndney on wertnce- dy mr and mra frank day ol lk- wnnri mr and mra nelmn trecr ol hamilton and mr and mra henry tlkln ol urlph tiled with mra lu a wankhrough mra henry ililli and muriel ol llal- llnalad apent a fc dayi tn toronto lait rok muriel hatlnu her aden- olda removed in the slrk children a lloapltal and la gelling along nicety mr and mra john mcllvrlda of welland mr and mra uoyd nartlett and nillle and keln llogue ot port colhome vlalted at the home of mra e t collier and family on friday mlu nora kenne iln ha com pleted her courw in public health nuralng at welland and haa leen a- polntrd kuperxlftlnr nurae in rharirc of the nevl organized lleallh unit in lluffeiin county j engag emcnts mr and mr cnortr simpson wuh to announer thr engagement of their daughter helen irene to henry theodore ton of mr and mrm gforjre blttorf elora the wedding to take place saturday juty 37th the st dknisiuulnkuak wedding satitrday in st josepirs church on saturday in st joseph church acton marjorte jeanne an ton la brunei laughter of mra william osborne and the late joseph bmnelle was united in marriage to m auric royal joseph st dents son of mr and mrs r st denis sudbur clen in marriage by her brother samuel brunelle the bride wore a street length drets of white fsronne crep and cxirsaffe of rosea the bridesmaid alice russell wore a matrhlne dress of yellow and a pink rose corsage rev father f v morrn officiated the hest man was albert dcchrne the reception was held m the station hotel wherv mrs charlcn rushmere aunt oft he hrlde receu ed faring mnui prliite1 jerve with hint k ir- esortes mrs stlvns who assist- d chose white vilk jeme with con trasting niivsorles and tvrsnge fir travelling hie bride wore a cherry wool fcuit with white aixenorles the couple will reside in acton the lrkoklon i1s1iino rcix a dun1 purnom- fishing reel which represent a considerable advanie on prelous tps u now being manufact- j ured b a london firm one out- standing feature of this reel known ma the loncast u that it is a pre cision article modern in conception and using experience gained in tha production of prevision parts during the war it is made from duralumin and haa an anodic finish which ran- ra it corrosionproof against freah and salt water its other advantages are a welldesigned slipping clutch which permits the use of fine lines without fear of breakage a large dia meter spool which gives a rapid rec overy of uoe without the complication ol fearing the spool u so detigned as to prevent the line piling and be ing badly laid on added to tkls is the simple design which permits all components to he readily dismantled and adjuhed with no more trv a screwdriver or coin tm mindly cfcunfc kv a waltkot foimw taju avd ml ii r paranaiafa nnwar avaaua sunday july 28th ims llxlt in umlni worahlp only w m s in rharca hpeakar mlaa m z bannatu 1 is pnv church srhaol sundays august lh and lltk rueal mlauter rav run dav- idaon ii a pllcnm united churrh kamulon former r c a r ckanlala rvarytwdy walpmaa aaabbmmihiillhmmbbimhaxhm p qjigfi hi ttauin knox cmvmcm aisum bv mwaa willow straat sunday july 28th 1m 1 1 uu a m munilni worahlp tin iaat lreant and future tvnaaa of salvation tki pm kvealnf worahlp tha kplatla of jamea chapter two li-m- tiwy that wait upon lha lar4 khali ranaw thalr atramt- aatrttat ifjurtl atyon bzv w il waijjtrs sunday july 2hlh itw 11 no am morning servlra 12 is pm sunday school 7 00 p m kvenlng servtra a welcome to all ohorrti mt l juhaa liar furtgr sunday july win imfl die sxth suniuy alter trinity k to a in llol coniniuntim 1111 pm maltln end holy llapl lun 710 pm kvrnmin and sermon sunday auiust th ims 11 11 a m matilni and irtmiin ser- lie la rharae of mr k 1 hen uih1 if urlph no rcnlni irn ire autfuht 4lh chimneys millt and rkpaired rijsterinc rkpaiks mad siuncung reaaoname chjjte c hoover ol 10 con 4 krin townahtp r r 2 arlon fridays storm left havoc in acton district oeatutued from page oa itome two windows in the summer kit chen on the farm were blown out complete with frames but only ee glass damaged articles sitting on the window sills were not moved the luaa ot the building ts a serious on and friends and neighbors regret the loss suffered particularly at harvest tune jerk stewart was hauling a load of hay with tractor on uaia street at the cnr crossing the wad upset the whole load and tamed the wagon over lightning struck the barn of ool will 1wlr fvrtm about 330 friday afemoon all farm implements were lott two cows and a calf 100 rhlk- mm it u helleed that the farm profaerty was well covered by insur ance about the same time a holt struck the barn of norman urlean luth conce fcrtn township the barn was burned to tk foundation los of this farm included v page 30 loads of hay 100 mitten and several lm- plmans and tooli the house wit ad by the rain kiim all over the dutrlct come re ports of damage to tretta grain hyd r and trlrihon llns the norval rtiktrtct bad lntthy telethon- and hdr intirrupllon where brtweapn 0 and 4 ptla wftr rvxrtml down art- dllhanal rftotl of lumar will he found in t ha- cmtrvpnnataic- fntnt crnlis near art tin oakville a gr tup of oftlrers from the he ak staff cndlrce torvnlo in chargf of croup captain mare annl chief inttrumor njoyt a conducted tour ctf claikmin hrflnery on slurtl t l r colla-a- a trnmr of i r i kc was played hy uktllle againm the strong west si calhatlnos thr wlnncrm hy a score of ur in hi uhllr kladloll on the altar and in i he chancel wai the setting in si cuilitwrts anfillcsn oturch on satur- d fur the marilat of jnl gert rude jeff colt nd trmgar wilson the bride li the daughter of mrs rlorence jeffcott and the groom the son of kd- kar wilson llurllnston and the late mrs- wilson itecordstar gregory theatre tkura ri jury t a m tars and siars alfred drake janet dlalr mush herbert comedy woo woo sport chip and iulti chapter 10 ilaldera of ghoat clly hatttkday jixy it tiie under cover wo- man strphanle bachelor michael urowna ujht ok ou santera llo itoeera fox new mom1av j1ly ii walk in the suv dana andreui illchard conte iland mutlcal norltlea artoonlloha for shoe- ktrink thur tt ausuat 1 i handit ok siierhood khrest ityvhn color comcl wilde comedi beclns cartoon snap happy trap chapter 11 raider of ghoat city mtiidw alglst j -dakota- john wajne vera raliton caribbean mysrerv jamea dunn shalla ryan pox nawa monday acoc8t s duffis tavern ed dardnar bins croaby and coaatj where the pen notice to creditors in tiik matttji of ike ftate u vattiiinv mm late af ike town kin ni a la the oeamty af llalta rarwer ilwelul all prnom halni claim aualnat i the hutate of matthcm joh inte of the frwmhlp of nnuafiiwe a in the iounu of llnllon knrmer dcceamsl who died on or alioul ihe 12th da ol june lolfi ntv reueftled lo wnd ilia amc to tlic undfrtijrncd sollrltor on or liefore ihe l1h day of aiifttikl loifi otherwise ihe entitle u ill he du- trltiutint wllhoul rckard to ihilr i lalmx crymrk k kiiiott milton ontario sollrltor for ihe kxccutora milton jul lth 1146 1173 w t pattbrson ro hpeelallat la ejr biamlaallaai ortkaatut u wtndiiam ht attelpil rkasa sim completely equipped office dalnw maher shoe stora s foot ailments treated s miss allan treata foot ailment for both j ladlea and fcntlaman a oaaa han tkora mm bmt s malan uu aalaak all ky ii anpalal pj fmam ixhj si aruilir bi j gueipb a this week stvvtamunta vox cm is emaji wis toronto cp rain and hjht- nlng storm wmch duruplm cpounua- uatloa and power tin la maay urn o ontario and qubc uu lut week were blamed for four deaths in oirtarlar the storms struck alone a wlda front early friday evnlnc eatandlns from windsor in the wet to ottawa in the east and for a eotu4vu distance northward tvuerap snunleatlona were threwn out of kil ter for soma lima until aervtoaa war raatarad the ratna accompanying the hfht- nine brouarht an and to tha four- week drought in moat section of the prov ince at mall on airport near toron to the weather observatory recorded a peejrvwlnd velocity of 73 miles an hour at one time wind of hurric ane strength at acton in ltalton tounty 31 val- ushle jersey rows were killed when slruck by lightning as they huddled beneath a tree other olnts tn the province rsorted flrtm were started hy live storm burning down barns in which hay crops were stored in some areas hay crops were dam- agd estenslvely although on the oth er haml totato heneflled hy the downour itadlo statlnna in lite tomnlo area went off ihe air from seen mlnut to two hours ttr to static charge and power failures tul there was no general mwer interruption the lldro electric iniuer vmmls- klon leleuraph and railway official mild ihe brunt of the storm was from kllchrnrr to jcftrirmaiw n however a ilmnh hleeple at hi marys was klruck a famplirllrord family was foiced to mi u refuge in a chit ken coop when lightning struck their home new regulations governing ihe sale of leer in hotel nnd rluh itever- age rooms in ontario have been tn- nounnil ly the iiuor authority control hoard what one hoard spokesman termed peddling of leer in leerage room it tn he discouraged by a rcgulntlon rculrlng the ter be onurrd before it is sered other regulations limit tn one bottle or one glass the amount of heer which may he served to a cus tomer at one time the new regulations which went te effect early thi week reduce the hourai beverage rooms stay open hy ih hours a day new hours are 11 to a m t p m 4 to ft 10 pm and h to 11 p m while only a few heverage rooms have been open in the evenings due to prohlrmi of supply the order provide that em h authority holder must op en on tuesday and thunutay evenings and arrange hit beer supply to remain open for at lemt an hour on saturdas and public holldas lecrnge room are not require to close in the afternoons the ijabor trogreuilve party in a ropenl statement said the party tak es no polttlcn orders from either ot tawa washington iondon or mos cow hut 1ft program polities and political decisions are hammered out in democratic convention by ipp leaders and members the statement said that thr itoyal commission in its report on espionage has undertaken to judge out of hand and to convict the ijihor vrogrem- le party of complicity in espionage antlvlty f a floyd smith jeweler watches csjochb jsmxlery 75 quebec street waat guelph ont roland hams sand grttd 1viwau and mi oaaent ud stone work phone georgetown 113r4 georgetown st oorges tennu club luu opaa- d us first season of play sine war- tmc day membarahip totals about 29 at prgaant including both senior and junior ct jim ioodlt ha started rartloa of an addillun to hi main street hat dw arestore the df of un john h camp- hell wliich occurred at bar home en kdlth street georgetown on sunday july 71 h ha caused widespread sat- iow ammg itri many fricmd n uu ditlitct i ttte skirls tlut plpea u not heard in the park district thae evenings with the clru itpe hand off to the ijini conventon at pblladalphla crossing from the old country the at u it an la mrs charua boyle ar rived in oorgetown on dominion lay in tlnm to celettrat hermedallng anniversary with her huahand her last sunday mayor harold vave was chosen president of an organization to make plans for a welcome bom and prav entatlon for oorgetown service at a ituhllc meeting held in the uun- lilkal hulhllag on monday evening tim meeting was attendevl by some s0 interested cttixena many of them rep- teaenllng organlrallons in town ilrrald tmkr resfmnsslhlllty oti your iintuld- ers and it leaves no room foi rhlpa- tic wise about your eyes consult roblr hamilton 73 u gtmt st- gtmltakoaab pkaaa 1m4 far ajl nicol bros monuments and cemetery lettering aaukiatrd with a j corbel mount korem ont rmq iar w coijch al agmr coal imrir fikink iii aftun iiiiioiimaung donl discard your old furniture llavi ii t urjmatlafval a maw pvraltava taoajr phone 87 for klmlt diob nrx urieourmuat for better hair care ikkaianknts siiamihm hnj3 waves kcaij tokatmiits facials ulnkrih pals beauty salon call us no and arrange fnr your summer pcrmancni piuisr aitdv ii5 rem appointment please note burlington work nn the new school on nicn- wood axcnue in nelson tnwmhlp is proiirtlnk cry singly and the rai- ette lrarns that the main hold up is steel on monda evening last a the lome ot kleet captain n k vinton a corps of supervisors and life saer um formed ny the burlington yacht club crnnt ivart iis a of ottawa a former hurlinuton lm una among thac nwanbd the oh k in the kings honors on jul 1st mr peart is the administrator ot fcrtilucn and tcstlc- ldesulth ihe wltu montmorcno cherries in this dist rict are at their tnst right nnu and knmm are reportlnj a good crop nnd pruts outdoor tnmnlooi made their appearand lart week and com manded a price of 1 00 for an eleven- quart basket iluildlnr permits in burlington for the first s months of 194f have reached an all time high building in spector urn metcalfe stated to the gazette this week figures for tht first six monthi show a total slightly in excts of 200000 and this is not only a record for any six months per iod but is almost as great as the total of all permits issued last year gai- ette kingsway cleaners will rrnume their weeiily pick up tnurwuy auguat gtli garment picked up thursday are returned to your door the follow thursday spick and span and ready to wear kmgsway cleaners dyers toronto eit spajue tub knife pare laaa and apara mote lay nutrition axperta at ottawa whera the panartment of national health and walfare remlnda canadlana that it fa wmiteful to deal veeatablea not only doaa it mean lots of food but of actual food valuea whan mullau an reported to ba ttarvlnj abroad healt authorluea-imlthauraaqpnortun- to point out that vafaublea glva be tar food valnaa l cooka unpaalad midtuxflit 3attce at huttonville piirk august sth hal davis and his hislilonders direct from the hichluatb la gait returned for one night only after abeenee of 8 yean admission 100 pes person dandnx 12m 3 aja mart kenney and liis western gentlemen

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