Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1946, p. 7

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tmrastxai v july 35th imc the acton free press pack ftevxfc the siluday school leason booftat jcxjf lass the supgni arr of spiritual values goum tt saok ye first him irlagdnsw am h fall trrw th mt ctanr trass wtlansvsws t lea am amply alar bat this turn j in i a ut trass wim nature but from mass aram hat lrtint lasrry in wings what has women donkt fir m jj nftfams a ssary c uw rtwmhi pasnt- bsg sat us thus which risilia has sssbt to tto way of aortal vrvtek i rrj sar wuh tm bru f ftttti alamg samular lines ii plaasur t saw our canad ian aburun r4rrsusvg nr mort to tor utetr kaapiimlkau the cirri aw rompmt they will wni h bossv aaai vttdm was thaw first umro star them they haw tt1 th world pouting out th ml dsrs of other land suggesting thai other raualrwi ana oiint gov- amaaeals are much wiser more gen- you mattc l ligt tt- ra 30 7 lv 1 u walt 5- j337 read also mk- 7 s8 343a fny i th third com- mtatenu ex30 t tm tmrd rnmwiilwnl forbids ut lertag jehovah awful mam for faksahood or vanity emptiness i ail fab swearing id iatr 19 13 matt 5 33 kale witness against lh htgtbor to forbidden by th ninth rnmmanrtmrnl but liter it la from th standpoint of th inai do a aa iter it ta from th aland point of irreverence toward god lur i for tod la th great pita dpi underlying th law thta prtn ctpi la violated by all profane weai ta aad indeed by murh that la called prayer whew th aam of god en upoa th lip but with uitw thought of od in thr mind uatt 1 m ii a tuid to holiness iev 19 denial u th denial of aefi th word lranalatd deny means jn affirm that oa has no acquaintance or con nection with on to ranouar di lot him talc up uw cross to tak up our cross la to go a th path la frta th thiw aad th crurfaa ton that u thr 3 and follow ma waal that maaas appaar la 1 ivc 2 x31 phil i vs it hi to haw th mind of csirw jaw and that mind la to oby cod unto dath and to rhooaa th lowly path of arvir lnrtaj of th path of amn and glory th foouut aaaa who fata personal wlfar will not ata it bat lb min who iosr nxht of prrsonal latrmt for jccua sake aad th oapr will k th vary thine n uu furukra a man must hav a hlghrr aim than aavins hta own soul not tlf aavinx but alf- tarnflr u ttvr uraton of th child uf tod- kt dav al 411 ht 4th n k k mna swdm an cvuanl eouniry to quot it u aoma daatanr from canada wr havml aaurh oppurtuaily for finding acta by attt renlartr ita rurrvnry unit ta djutfrt from our thta prmka laati mna of atalravwt umr wan aa atnac thai rrowan hav lb valu uf etwoara swla haa kept out of two war prmrfd both smiw wlth am- snonltiuo and aupplwa tbua crvwiitc rtrh throurh a traardy in whwh ah had no nrttv part no on blamra 1h swdaui prorj for thta thry hav th ntt to aril km thr can aq for th hftirtt prve and th hav etry rtcht to atay out of war if thy an- ahw ta do an thta hnpfimrd with nwwfen tux with canada for ten wrs ijt of zl abnou a ihird f that prrioal front 214 to 191k thrti ran 19t9 to llf wr hji- dvv4rd our vlftartk t irr- itu th world fram dvmti smirn prrmtkbh akne amonj it indiutrial routttrvt of th world wa abl to o- yy prac wh 1 find nc rcilrnt anarfcrti amnnc bt r ixnchhorv chir national drbt nmnl up frttm s314hu0 ta 1911 to s24xolhltll in 193v not vrv murh of thu was paid oft mimi warv var uartrj acain tn j with a drbt of 15j- sdaojio and th drbt rrw until it rnrhd sllskonaono on xtarrh 01 imy thr ta murh morr to te nddrd thk docs not rrprrarnt all timt coat m a mat a cral daal f thm out of current incoro swd- om diracted brr floit to ootr thinx w by fore of circunuxancx had to co to war in any rompariaon allowanr ahoukl b made for vary- jims 1a 1iij t1ik hh1it ust ok th sauuat1i cudn tm itiu u th day which th lird hath mad r will rolr aad br tad in it pv 11h j4 won irxt r jl h uk 1 j3 uall 1j 913 ui thu order t position 1 lhe fourth com nuumiment k ju k tikr luurlh cmn andmrnt rm manda a- da woik and one day a ix j rrt lhe arvenlh day aflrr ui das the instruction la an amplification i work ul nimhrfr tlie arvtnlh of the trn cimmandmenta with aotne daj uf the week though uiat u what add ikonal details it la to b noted th luaaii otwerved but no on that each lauructiou u followed b i knowi tltat it was hm- atitlh day th deciaratmm l am the lord or the oiinai week a it began in ja z am th ird ourtod in the en rni it lite sahtkatli ul jehwah th tir chajtter thto atatemenl orcurra il all umk a loi tttd lii i yi fifteen tiartrs in thee the flrat and m rv citmn ic nk if nr second ornrnandmenu are implied ruil and mcic but it wa mfrf a would he lmtreaed with u h pielid b hr fct in the light oroda repealed affirmat ti that jehovah u known tlutiatter malt 12 bh 12 our id how wonderful it la that mk 2 m 21 iuke 11 iu 16 pt- the orator of ihe unitiv la out reaakn hei len for the law la r kedeefner and ori for jehovah is f membrante of the j itrallt ua ihe tlttr of thr second person in th- followed by th rrrhh day of od tnnlt and mean our lord jesu ret tod revt da hm lruken t thrut lie to our iord the tbjecl of ll entrance of alb and alnc thn i ur adtralir and f our unuuealh n nl ha tx n enjtaifd in niliiiiit than rtjbremoniea even thou that carvmobia be of drvtna npp god will hav marry and not aaoif- th phajiaaac utmka aetad up on thia pnncipl when lt coaesraad abaa bttt not whan it 1 oonearnad man they had mat lamrjabd that a anaa la of murh jiaor valu than a shirp a good many hav not laarmad it yt th phartaasa had no ptty for thr poor fellow with in withered hand all they aaw la his misery was a chanr to aatrap cnriat they war very religious grant stick ler for th letter but withered in heart there are many such today jesus waa angered at them aad griev ed at the hardening of their hearts iuk 3 5 lit la juat th aam to- i day 1h pharitees attended to the minute and neglected th mammoth uatt 23 23 for th pharisees f all agea 1 cor 13 ia especially ad apted jesus did nothing ii simply spok th word of prayer j i ills enemies were completely baffled i they could not accuse him of work ing on th sabbath day for if thei was any work done must ha don it jesus had a mply spoken siul that not contrary even to the pharisaic interpreiatton of th sab hath uw ng i uatt 23 h jmv 9 t53h jfc j9 rom 10 9 commencing with 1 weteecnsit holiness aa rtghteouanes in action in this sm- il i nrvrnmr i r var rnu that la required and keepiisg of ihe ahbath lite ftkirth and firth t ivt vsndnnt mi ph1 litaue llw hae tn iommun thi element cf irn in r tani 1 jaintk 1 of nuirm uaumrd that thc are god ami wortli of pro niiwl btfic1luti ami trird itw vahoaih wa ihe ds f w irthlp limjnl ttl lhu in hxhor and church there i to br maniei true rrrrriit to have urh rmi rr thtrt niul he prcxailint rithlcou ikii 1 lon anil i hurt h family and uc wok j no b lb 17 it in 1 1 ut nwioni we ur lliat the xaboalh een mote than the otht r commandment ntt fur thr jew ilvut 5 1 jl is it u not lilrral binatin on a lcntile t hiltl an u ol ilk it i imj llun i a k at nn t iplr umlrrlxlng it that la man nrvtl ii onr da k ict in min nmt mint mcd of uuirl frtm work for worship and tr tual tud pir nabtuith wit a klt f kiit io mo t a nrcil not on 1 f ttr jew but of man mk t7 itm da an lntcllikrnt 1 ntlinn will k mill 1m the truriwlinn 1 thi uni iti of tu wk itom 7 4 jno jl 1 19 1 ac jo 7 l or if j i 1 li and ti vtll not kici thit thunh mnil rkhip are to retcal pur- in a icnal w of oltwrvlng daw and it of life in 4 fale worshp and monthv nn1 timcx and rm inl religion are iimtl againt uhlatry i a penifctt nt un a men and wo min turn iwi from otl a rut ifai ntalel truth in chnvt the turn fooliaa and often matcriallvt c auh- ntilutek- nik h foik cannot go un puniwhed j pel j jo2j te third jikhlh and ninth ommandmenta are in ttcw tin ii 11 stealing lik and profanity are placed m th same category this is often true 11 it kbt i of th sahttath mk the dim jr wre not crllukned tie 1 tii- tin plut ked nnd a pprxpr lated to themvrlver grain belonging to an other which was perfectly prrmlible b jcwlkh law but lecaum- thiy di i it on tiik saiiiiath ia which it fclnctly forbidden by rabbinic tradition on the ground ihnt plu what strange mirds aome people have twenty or thirty years ago few canadians nought for inspiration in other lands bui now when can ad as a lewder among nations whea eei m there are words of aston- aut praiar for our accomp- here are many whoc aarnds roam tvr foreign lands seek ing for means to discourage n their thieves and liar are also generally m nr kran w reaping and rub- profane showing by their irreverence wn ou m tnr hands wam ihresh- how debased they are jude 1013 ng na no wojk must dont thtf added are these wickedneae dt- sjijtn j answered by bringing fraudlng a neighbor and keeping m comp mfc of scrlpfure against back the wages of workers fraud m ormk q scripture he ia put into the company of t h even fchm a y cnonm pres- llars and the profane the manner cr muat give away before the in which wt treat the deaf and the nwu wh they were ord blind u made a religious duty in nmtd fo j i iilutratmw of principle showing how holiness a tnla jnu bring forward th case of expressed in pity and unfortunates hi purity of speech malt nice to such 5 xv i oh yes vet us hear about other rouatrtra almost any nation haa i aoan things which others might raw but let the semrrhera for help rset ciar a measure of detachment a re gard for the rami ties of the thing they are discussing strange ian t it how few migrate to these distant reavrfu when canadians leave home they crosk the border into the i nttcd states auvtn crosa a well known canadiaa vumaluu mentions the caa of a w oman now an xi p w ho years a itd new zealand with the tdes of making her home in that rountr and her careful tud of cofkbtavis deoded to return to west ern csuuuia and settle down at nd- tbort saskatchewan avld tj that the demands of temple services were superior to the prescription of the general law matt u 5 6 he himself was ivrjurv is condemned isually the krmtrr than lh temple being the term refers to the statements of wit- trm n whom i0t neases in courts of uw there is also uau 12 s cf jno j and fc a thnc a perjun in runversat thr as only a type ton or in the writing ofn letter th sabhath uw must therefore give whatever we sav or write that is not wa h h ncesitha of t hrut- true ts perjurv cod requires us to uf icr mn lm principle be aincere and true in our speech u tn mmd tn chrtstlan service from time immemorial men have uwliv l1t furthermore he show- upported their utterances with oath lm ha mf w mor ih ucn heo ih lrv 1 1 rhrv u- cv mml fcrrmonial demands mut ku worvls as so help me cod or wli before ihe demands f the ruird do thus unto me if it not mtox and rtm 4 that the he so this support for pergonal sabbath was male for min vt 27 ind therifore 1 hi sn of man wtiu ikhtors bet the food short e capetown cp zulu wjtrh- dortors found a new way to beat th food shortage before a consultation take place th patient has to pay a fee or bestow m sift when th malady has been nplatned the murh doctor says that he requires certain portions of a goat r sheep aa on of the ingredient for th medicine if the patient brine a goat the witch doctor after taking all the edible meat for him self us the gall or some other ed- bl part to mix with varioui herbs and roots for th medicine irh witch doctor has experienced a jean time he tell the sufferer that th first animal was bewitched aad aa th medicin will thartfor be wmimi ajjcs far a second animal patients agree to whabrvar demands ar mad on them mad rarely argue truth cornea out of the s tuatlon rv- ated hv popular ivinj or evagirernt ion so insincere is the sinner heart that hit kpeet h is flavoretl with de or subtletv our ijord btvts us to ijek the un adu terate truth and fothld us o rert to the practice of unrckcnerate men trie word of a christ an shoull be as potxl a hts hond it ought not to oe neceaary fair a man of cod to ihi mvumniallon ini henl of the race w ik ionl evn of the atvhath ih a lvst pnnil le t one the scoe cf u hit h wi not ful t vm pre hend cd until after his death and reur- reti u as lord of the sabhath ji- ku la tntlnlv ahrgated the sev enth da sahbnth whlih waaihe shadow tf things to come col 17 and w hit h belonged distinctly to have to find support for hi pergonal lnr om ianun so now we have no moralitv outside of himself not n to judge anvone in respect to that all oath taking is sinful but if th sabhath day tcol j 16 17 a we must wear to our testimony it christians belonging ta the new rre- must be in a manner to the glory qf uon with christ col 3 i iod peut 10 isa 45 23jr vsv keep the lord day r 1 10 4 i 2 we may be sworn but wa th9 1inx day of th week ac 30t must not swenr in th rommon wick- resurrection day rd practice of the world ncr trust our religious affirmation be mad with artificial whetnence for this will bring down oq us th wrath of our god matt 33 1623 the christians speech should always be seasoned with grace and truth col 4- 6 ps 57 30 34 40 9 i0 tv what it means to sen christ mk s 343 vers 34 git- the three fundam ental conditions of disrlpleshlp tn conditions ar of universal applicat man would coma after m ar 1 m him deny himself they self m jesus evaluation of man matt 12 913 even after hi conflict with th pharisees jesu went to th ayno- gogu it was rha custom to frequant th aynogqgu on th sabhath tluk 4 161 her another conflict await ed him it was introduced by the question is it lawful to heal on th sabhath day thl question was not asked from an honest desire for in formation but to get material for an accusation but th question was un ion there ar no exception if any port ant and rcivd an honest answer recoixecrions 1 of acton back tn 1926 sauflv problem ma lw sohrfl iwvelufi new varieties uf insteci ueaaaant wheat 1 i illltkilmi alia ull new vurielie of ji f1 tsilint hrit ftn ntoie p4 tacular hart keca ue and tvprttrd to te on a i with i te twsi lnad making whrata an lev lopmg on ioinlnlon m urn ental farms tn the canadian prau a w ilatl in haige or plant hmungat the swift urrent ener un nlal station and creator of ltwue u in il lom faiiixix alkul the lie iiirlit at mm innunl ft id dn kh i iiiiik on a mhei ilnn nlal faim nt n nrliv nohlrfoid he trrnietl ihn very proniljnk and said one or 1 two apmar to have i uall i irs n v h 4 tt h itf v rb f t h nt mr piatt nvc a n i w of th d t in rtl of it or over five w he tt kinerat ion i br i intr nlat mih i 4 rnml in vjiwfly covrr smut root mut roa i rot rit and ottn krain turk d v i id nnd im n i making lunhtir of diffrrrnt strains ir xnnitnft 1 a rhun of mntlott in nnadn vtll it itr tmh intmiinl t al- o o rntink llnmivrr mtor lirratl ninkny quill iiicn havi reltkntcil itrwm to a im ln- in lli xitmntion ttf nillli r lut ihr swftt urctnt wheat dodor loll ftintir it im id he iitd to ad vanlik where thr uai n sawf1 proltli rn ii woul i rriluc tin af populntion in two or thrtc vnrs it a nnnl w in ti n m lurn nmld br mnd io ttlkber krnd of hi nt monday actons civic holld a a ijy culph police ar having motorists wlo drive past th stop wen with out stopping promptly lined several bees have been engagrd in aslting jjk john allan of thr seond 1lnr wllh ha farm work utrl his injured foot u slowly rr cbvenng liallinafad defeated s ram ot ball players from acton last week by a morr uf tf to 4 the tarpefitrrs are at work on tit nrw refreshment booth at tl park fur ihr uuntrai institute hie uvtn social upder thr aupl tf knox ljdie aid was favored wllh ideal wralttrr and a toad atlendanc pat ion if rd the rvr nt at thr home of mr and mi w masalrs mlrn sauillt i sunday jul 1kb lj1 at hikprlri ihr krv art ml i a sawder of si ahmii hurt li ait im a daut in back in 1896 praas tm i arm ot sw v vaa w r it jaty tsed um ul murray of havt- aiwohaj trrwfti thr i- thurasts r ef the i ree prew august sib ista ihr vkhtat hnrvrst has nimmrim rl i i kni ihltvn vlitrl lh- poultry tmili of mi 01 mann hrothrr at i la urn khuin luot sat u i da nnd stol loll tiv hf itaptui sundays i pastor o mr ut thirty dfoi- imm tlkhl ck ik ont ci when william mclknugall s dog was chausl by a wolf it led the wolf right past mcdougall s home in thi village 30 mile south of north bav mrdouftall rushed into the house for hs rifle and kill id thr wolf with the first ahot ihr iongrrkst ion of ihimii was favrrd io willi m rnioiio by a i k lok of i km k vtas nilituti t hei ttlli hk itrfoli thi presf nt itn ihunli nldlte wna ere trd iti watirwork and hdro tlrpart itirrtl will lie oirialrd und r 1 1 hdro di stini nt until a voir i- inkin at th rrwl of thr vrar al lll tae ml i im ld at the hiliu uflkl splrndld tiwili attrndiil t lie 1 t holiday noiniii in tlr park on mon dnv hir kddrn juhllr of ihe lliillil huii h whs an ihi ntinn ot rati hs lor i inlrtrxl in sundav and mondiy miniktiis f r thr dav wrre ite i mlirt mo r 11 and id v o u 1 ikn on monday evrnlnk fl i in iu i wnn irrt when tin four i n n t m tiers of thr ctum h u i i nn ntl rs w in n tftr i hun li w o oh mil ui n un sis i f it ui r itn tiki ul bv mr i homai i lliolt th i 1 h 1 m iiiimi of ttir conkrt kntlon i mm nl makkii l it ii 1 1 iia w llson at knox nlli i hlth i i on n to on i ues ohv um t trd plt ir lami rduard manllira of wet hum vsk to mai kt imiim i stuart diiiikhtrr of thi ut r j i wit min nnd mr wilson into of arton iirj amillm i 1 at hi home in eorgi tow n on w ednchdav july vhth 10jfi eorge c campbell aged t1 year nicki in at st liula mo on monday august nd ltjf irlward ii nli kiln formerly of acton in year messrs ward l acta glove works partnership hev hugh a ceivstd a call from th coarecattoa of knox oturch arton three new barna were raised dui- ing in week about iso men took part at each event on at thus elliott mr james ibfaans and mr john cordon s at ordoo hall uwn social hld at cedar creek farm the home of mr and mrs jas u warren was a derided success itvuar taking part were solo oy misses llemstreet and nick tin anj mr stark and quartette by w ihtam a cjuartette lub aton cornet llard upplied a good muui al progi am a r urnry a o advrrtlsed 20 lbs gran ugar 1 2 bars soap 2 lkltlra pkls tc 2 cmn freit salmon jo- itir ball of thr ha ton agricultural sorrty st milton w a burnrd to the kitiurvt lat lliurwlay morning th hall was unlrtturrd and was valued at alton a tax rate was struck for th rar at 17 mills un the doilar ti rusted ripta for the sr wrre v i n and rsmaditure of th iajor aniourtt fthe 17 mills on th nwtirnf of tjlifi ihi wa to rur k ul m lae ttnr to hr ollr1rd in two itanornt mr i ro llavill was iters r in two imatrtaall anir of ihr w rk milton wort froro a ton 9 and in iph xlaplr lafs by a scor of m aiin irani wax trail v u in haiiwimrfl w la is i- itvdrr i- kidrr lllarklock mcdonald g- lark iti funrial of thr latr iji hlan m mil an latt r itday wasvrry urge i nttindcd i hi rrv ice was cin duded by krv i slrachan of hock wood trukrn mciihn at kokutnl on morutai juu iifh to hr ami mrs a son alammtn in nassakawrya on lucklav july loth to mr and mis jonathan ailimxm a son mariurrj mrvjrm itallam on i uraday x mrrwirx mm1 of j iiii tin i iraxurrr to m a rnum iwilh f ampbllvllr iiifo miti lnwit thr ijmm f thurwtay f thr rree augwsl ath lasw his ii camhnw th nrtixt hut prned imvilr hvi r and will nupplv i k it l in tn r hour imirink ihr mtsl two months rxtrn iv inn r timiii and adtitlonx havi li li imhm nt hr ilr iralhrr nti i r f llintdmire a o hr v lt hp nrinr nnd thr wo po re doing n rfect work no 1 tflx bnvi nil u n reputesl n w 4 im h kbaftlng a fourth k mm hlne ha tmrn put in the mi will win suphly an abund- of watir manager mcrall is i rmid of the ii wllh roll i ll nnc4 jllfll itrferrncr was inadvertrnlly omit ted in thr rtport of the luptlat gar den party last week to the excellent recitation by miaa mlna walker alton tntltled only a bunch of hows miss walkrr takea high rank as an amateur elocutionist the milton reformer haa been ad vocating that the new govsrn mm erect a post office at milton cpho a ailors lnairs jor lomjort tfprixrt r ni t1et it t lawful to do good on th sab hath day mercy and love ar mor fit the body i setutww anambu of s947 mraon in tested poatur wag th hasia of thaaa suajrr hollow ehalratbaat avsr rttad for comfort which th canadian padfle atajtway 1 faiataluna in tt now airconditlonad in eoacheaon which dallvery la axpaeted aarlyfii 1947 bunt to fw with body curves and dutrlbut walght properly th now chair la omatlmaa rafarred to as thehooton chair becauaa of research don by dr earnaat hooton of har vard unlvatsity who axnartg took tha maastir- bianta of tha battar than thra thousand eoiubtaara in railway untiinaja of two of amarieaa laygbt dlirj for ahoaahaddera an kdjrjiuma foorraat la provldsd tnat it having baan daunnlnaa- womn lilc to rid in atocklag ft aa thty nap coat of tha aaw dialra alona will ha mars than esoo000 with thia flgur balnr jart of a four mlluondollar appropriation tha flrat largv passan- ffer aquipment order it haa baan poaglbl to make alne 1939 with doubla badtrootnroomatta ears and expraaabagirar ara as wall a paasepr coachas ineloded in tha appropriation tha canadian paeiae ta tha flrat rattway in tha dominion to appro the now chairs and it will further plonaav in tis 85 new coachea with tha tnatsllstlon of hm flrat laettiesuty refr i g water coolara on a can- ahuw i

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