Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 8, 1946, p. 3

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thursday august 8th imo the acton free press pack tors bowl hallo folks in the park down by ih river or la your own back yard movi out under the sky fur an orcas- loaa pirnc tor there s ease and good fallow ship found in eailng out door that jvisl cannot hai prn inside four walla if it possible to have a small fire taka welners corn and roffre tlie boy trout of toda or eterrr will ajoy balplng n this rooklrux venture u can build the fir while jfa pic- nlc cloth is spread out an tli iffmiad supply of dlshe arranged within ev eryone s teach tite reat of the meal can be old fashioned potato talad cucumber slicks unall tumiton the bottiea of mustard tail and peppar and the desaert of fat ginger rookie and fresh pearhe you may forget ton purpneei the augar but a bottle of cream for the coffee la a treat by the mb vse suggest you leave on the inner huak of the corn and peel them bark far enough to rub oft the allk and pull back over tha corn then wrlners and corn can go la aame blark iron pot here are wm more picnic idrai i llologna healed in spicy tomato aaure tl red thick and served on toasted bdyu with corn nlblet 2 hambuigrrs are a natural plcnl feast make them into patties at home carry teteen layers of waxed paper 3 stuffed es have many variat ions to drilling them by an old recipe ml olka of 4 eggs tsp salt s tap mustard up cayelinr 1 tap vinegar and 1 thep aalad dressing rill halves and stick to gether again v ar by adding prep ared horseradish minced meat and parsley 4 apples onloo and potatoes taste better cooked ouldoors for a chang 6 man tired sandvv ichea and plckl e c favorite square of marble cake there s no worry about r rumba or tarta kremh frutt it alwa welcome 7 sraloped potatoes in an oven proof dlah w th mushroom soup ahould be wrapped in several thick nease of new vper and carried whenver ou picnic to stay hot b after peellne toinntori park them in a u ide mouthed jar and chill in elettrlc refrii tutor wrap the iflr n paper to ke p tnmntttc ool a mctnrxitl sal id cook one 9 ox j kg cltvnw mainronl till it mono liolrl undt r mid wnirr a mnmnii then dtnla add 1 r implied sweet pickle 1 chopped union 1 1lred cue umber soaked in r rem h dressing 1 sliced hard cooked j and vnlt and pepper to tivtc 1 x topetl er with aalad in mng and t h 11 serves i 10 if it a not too into for fried chlcktn thirr nothing h open skillet 11 ion t forget to put out the picnic lire hv j mini in mii nnl urn pine it ns de th n pouring on more watr trace n spirk and put out am uni mi mr ring smudge 12 ienve tht jik an n as ou would want to ace it when ou foun 1 the etlintl requested ueelpea riouro uitoir rrjsrth cut leaves tff j lha tender ounu beet leaving i irrh of trm an root rnd ah thorough cook covered in lulling water until just tender about v minute l p in cold wattr peel pack in hot jars ctinihim tup vln tup liht or dnik ttiin vrup 1 i up water and j lap nlt it nt t mtlin iour over lnel f hn jjirv nu 1 from ti li h in s m tlinj wait r bith m iki 1 n t lh u mi i n tin i t i up ir iii watt r 1 t tl j inna n is thke a umt bv k j dcaoiman our friends the americans are an stmazlng people they are like us on ly more so a group oftiemorratkc icepublloan senator have exempted meat dairy products poultry eggs and tobacco from tlia operation of tha nw twiea regulation now up for considaratlon 1 am not now discussing tha whole i roblem of price control but it there is going to be price control it mast apply to wages and farm products as well as to other things farm products are mercurial they rime sharply under prruure fall wfuy at other times hi rate of wage a fator in the coat of prod uction i bur totals out persutently hat increaae in i aparjty to produce minimise this diffbuilty ttiat is to aay if laoor produce more it i en titled to receive more it furicets thnt increase in oapaclty to produ e u brouaht about by tlu installation of new equipment which itas a tendency to make tabor the leas efficient mstrument of production inat is machinery displace men the united state however with t upend ou faith in it own power feels that it can ignore economic law go its own pare write ita own story here la another paragraph from a leading new york dally surves of holt i directories show that the increase in rates rang gen erally from 13 per cent to more than 100 per cent since pre war days rhia refers to hotel accommodat ion for tourists during the summer many inns which were abandoned be fore the war tiecause of gueat short ages will reopen and will do capacity bualnesa with rates as high aa 930 a day for two persons here is a para graph which shows how things move a hotel in the adirondack form erly x up a day for two now quoits rale of 20 to 10 a big summer hotel in new t ngland charged 113 to gm n da douiile before the war it m getting llfi to 30 this uatnn an i thee new kngland inn which was on lha verge of rljoing in 1011 is f lied up with gueata pavlnr u to 28 a day for two persona what will be the uphot of all this rhe newrch will patron ire lham deafvlte mat but thtre are ions rnd score of mllllona of americans who cannot afford to pay 30 a day for an hotel room for two nor even m quarter of it and so their accommod nton will develop once more the tourut i thin will come ttack some lioti u now harming exorbitant prins will be closed people will find the k mplt life more refreshing i njo nnnl iiim not nlmn consist in pn in mort for n thlnk than it is worrh tncr idtifc vtftr hm ii would be lik in 1 hit tit ther tilxut i ut iltwn in i in ttiiuinn lln nil ion nl m omi of the inltetl states untuning mth th mr mi jimpd tin n lo rl tti lonwiulive nri t 1130 hit vtirumth in lul ni4 1 ir ii i hen div did this h total pop- er chronicles ot e ginger farm wrttlaa hvwteltr iiwekdounk f claim mhbl uiitn iplui in i i ii in an tin com of 1 inc on tr bnsn ol ll i iiunt t hun iriml nnl ihr i r i il in iiuonu ujul i lir iliimoin hi t r iiiii ntrntm lmr in ih inn lil i iii ln i 0 i all of utifh ltn iom- iin li n n nn lo th ronoliimon ihnl ah nul olil thnt r1iiitn or n ih mi ft put it ii i- not nlli- komc hal tlnrlh avnnrmitl this ph iiim l iim hut ktllllrur hfhts aerivi war uunst firm wlblk ujnr j t u s i l nittn thitil on lirk 1 tlivj film tlntk 111 of ruul ml tun stkik 1 1 nitii in t v 1 lmo po t 1 f i mmeit 1 il fuin i in i i m f r u r sju lloln i dm nt t m r t r an 1 tt 11 1 ii with jo ears p rlt in 1 h dton it idt r k i rnv n tlu ilkl uultiiiil 1 1 1 r ih nl it n r lane mr ts 1 i 1 ijnu the binder is bark in the driving shed the wheat is in the barn the spring grain is tut and btookod and the putt putt of threshing machine s heard one attain in tike land imldentalty it is the first week in aujtusl li ttw r of the month u v und weather ermltttng harvest will be a thing of the it and that fc is worthy of note tcauae harvett mmi to come earlier w th rath sue feeding ear twelve or fifteen ears ago farmer weie quite sallsfled even if harvest ran w 11 into september now they feel something is wrung unleu the work is all done in a couple of weeks on many farms including our own tract or are used to draw the binder horses are hitched only for tutting the first two rounds in esh field then they aue turned out to graxe again so far we haven t h art the horses volr any complaint about il how glad i shall be to see the last load of train in the barn glad because of jartner he will woik hard as long as there la work to do even ihouijh wa beg him not to nol that i try to persuade him to lt down and do nothing hut there is a differ nee in working and stopping when uu feel like it and working against lime on a job that ou know mult be done it take a stubborn 1nklshrnaii to work the way partner s working rlht now and speaking or rngllhmn ilob was driving a ceitain gentleman to malton to catch a t t c plane the plane left at nine orlrnk but mr illank wished to le t the airport by seven at the lat 1 st ilob said to me i mr illank an v ngluhman i believe si 1 answered i though so was ilob 1 crptlc remark no one but an fngl shrnan would want to ret there two hours ahead of time hob i might add hjn a great re pect and admiration for the fngtlth people as a w hele cl at the same time some of their tradition and chnrnctt ilsll s frnnklv gel his fcont naturalu we have a rood manv yam llv nrkumcnu nu n revolt which cen 1 rnlh wind up with each of us st rk inc to our own original opinion whin daughter comes altmc we lav ni re m k hut grnrrnlty in tht innii siitmli n i hn n r in ir i i r m tl tt u deflnltelv in fnv r f mr ike n tit n hut she does intinl thnt i it ir doesn t jt t a bfunn dtil ml f course slr has ni in sjiei fl t ns to prove h r jh t u hut n lies tov and ii it mn with u nt i fmm them w t nt 1 vlnii tntotnnti n rnttt than argument lo is d inr fi 1 work with the wtottnn oi1r of nure it ilnnult n and through fur we are itn mi i iter nctiialnted with tl ltndld work for which that or nniiition u riiionaihlo ihttv inn come hi ri stralrht fr mi o f ur wtk vllt to n mining cnmi i near nl p or in quetw of which ilr datl hat rl nro fmm her we hitrphntv of llv nt irle ntniut i i nnoe tr ps troulle in cettlnp tamp okv diflcultlrv on cncrslnc with i niltn 1 fnmih who ijit ik m 1- ng 1 i h the fun of leci in in 1 si t j tnc 1 i nv nnd the li w of th m t r lln ai t c nf uts 1 n t m nli n i urintlv th nlv t 1 him in th ld s nffht nnl pijer retites to life of ease canine campgl4ytw of cowt tt- ifiaeet k jovernsjfcfnf eto- ptoyt victoiux tcp piper wauace k s7000 leads a dogs ufa nothing to do but spend his reclining yaara in the cloistered luxury of government 1 louse here and dream of day cf marching with his regiment and fight ing in faroff corners of the earth hut then it should be dogs life 1lper wallace is dog the iso- pound st bernard has wen seven years servlca with cana da s army as a mascot of the can adian scottish he has his own of fit lal number medical sheet dog tags ration card and service ribbons llie latter include tha canadian volunteer service medal and the hat tie of hh tain decoration also the shaggy eght yerutd vs4sian has a next of kin just in case ii s staff llper wee andy mcfteorge with whom wallace has served since he joined up hardly more than a pup in kngland he bet am e the mbol of t an ad tan ixhood and was feted rov ally wherever he went all is not si it and uliah with this regimental tooch however and he understands some commands which are not found in tha k ngs llegu- tations anil order i- or instance ha at instantly when mceorge soft scottish burr bids him to sit doon git oop lak mae out tak mae hoom wee andy affects a reminiscent twinkle when he recalls that last command has come in mighty on oc casion och aya nir giinmov johnn gikkletl when tht tt acher read tht story of a man who iwim a rivet ttirte times 1m fore breakfast lou do net louht that a trained sw i turner could do that d j ou iked the teacher no sir repl ed johnny tut i won di r wh he didn t make it four ltm ami gt t lat k to the able where his t lulhes were in 1 ems machine to cucan grains dauphin man c p a grain cleaning marl ine which separates wild oats from cwru grains has been invented by w a s heatfy of mak aroff mon a few mllea west of here on the haskntthrwan border ihe machine is called a blanket t leaner rho grain to be cleaned is injured on n iccial blanket which levolvia on rollers ike a table on a binder the blanket can le tipped vnriouv ankles and aa the grain i i nvst s over it the wild oat stick to it i i lie t it nn knln fnlls to tht bottom of the blanket nnd the wild onts are tnrrit 1 to tin tit lit r suit w ht r a jftnts of fin win a knot k llu m off ntn c ntainers i he nn t hod nt resent ln uat hy farmers i to hu rekktired set d si ve eh aners will not fcejntntc the w irirtir of st ed lie iinuphin set lion of the mnnlt obn vederntlon of agriculture unnn- i inuhivlv pnssetl n motion recently nuk ing a frm to manufacture the mnch- in ivlt kntta to the met ting had tried it nnd jokc hlkhl nf it ef ft ctuenea mended for quality salada eggs wanted hy khc grading station free weekly pick up cac supplied prompt returns piiutton lovt mchucm ml lloi 35 vn lraw offie i lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll dancing acton park pavilion every friday night johnny boyd and his orchestra every saturday night modern and old time mumlc hoij martin and his orchestra admission lllllllllllllllllllllllfl soc t please note kingsway cleaners will mumc their weekly pick up tfcunuu uku1 hth gaimcnts picked up tbuday arc rtlurncd to our door the follow thursday spick and span and rciidv to smr kingsway cleaners dyers toronto notice to creditors it li h i t k ll m tl f r i it t n nn 19 ii i t h tn well tl filk u i k t nt ht i i t l i iv u- t tl 1 i i m ni in tllr matter ok che fstale of mattiirw job ule nf the town ship of nshssnrs in use county of llalton rsrmfr isetveaaed all pi rih hnvlnc claims nkalnst the h tnle of matthew i oh inle of th liwnthip of nnkxirnwevn in the i ountv f unit m r nrm r drtntel wh i tin d on or nl ml tl e kmh dnv of hit llt ntt ntuelt1 to nd tie sjim to tin und riknid s lit it ir en i i f r th i jib in of aiikust 1 mi tht iwv u i rik mi uti i uttlmmii n ud lo tht r 1 1 m t ni i mt nvri nt ill n ontitti r fo ut ilia lll 1 m it t m 1 i lull i ii i i k i ill nil lo 1 unit i 111 1 i ilk n 1 in h i nli r it r di iln ill ii in i 1niu rtn4 xiicar i lliil ii i n i i il nir ruunn nnil tin just lint i ilinin l lnirr uit i nun nut i o in n iwti s nitm r 10 mln kimi hix hng aill vvalimiil in rind sim mrr unlil i nr 111 h nriluhl jr lo s liwh fioni top soul mak 1 ilnli nnii trrjv tivmvto iiikiks suh mill ftnt k i innliv i lie limn on pk in tr llnil jmrv to tii h uuart add i clo ffnr- llc 1 talk iflfn and 1 imn hoi ppr comhlnr quarli iiater 1 hurt uiifinr 1 rup ult cook s mills nu jr lo s inch from top add 1 hd dill to nich jr sl i in l 1 iii ii i mind i nk in i fin illi kill i i i 1 i i t i ii u i i i t i i ii i i i n i ni k r i ill nn 1 11 n i i rl it i i su th tnln trip fn m ill ii r m 1 i 1 in hi it i nc in in llul i 11 i nit i ii in 1 i i li i mi 11 ii i i ioun is to tl f e i it 11 ihii im u in ill ii mil i 1 t l ii u ii ii 1 m i lint hut il iv k n p iw iii f n i mis if a miki ci i laifi an 1 nil irnln n i- i 1 tl 1 i th i or ntn i i ihnll hm i irp i ko ii nt i llilnw inl milton welding h rtrl ami a ftitpne uclrtlnj linlr ujdln f all tp iortahlr liulpmrnt phone w8 miil st mil ton akfi cv k tn in all nt axl op tp mtulti ii ik- thit felt he with the manacir nu kb it injtlihman ltln com on the cot for th tint time bow boy wltr sir eniushmin i u old thlnj fill it uptutla ln f tl inturnn jmrrapli r jvrxitm 11 hn 1 k 1 h inu uhal it the ihould talk it in i ow ire tiring her hie manager m d tlnltel pr- turhed weantmhr b he moaneil lou knou wed never get another rlrl to take hor place tlien i xilution dauned on him iii tell ou what he auffeited print placurd to htuj on her when the mkeptng at her dek siv when ii- ink in time t f 1 h k n and lk iupirr for two humx men ber a mctlvr on mink ritll r2tus tijifiif mont ct mrs bui ruht hand person on heufna osbtnie la her husband s mink ranch when a brown bear tried to break into the mink pens she left tha cake she was baking nd shot tha marauder u duln t get nervoua she report 1 m v y many mora loiir distance call are tcnif put tinujli titan our fanlitira war on pin llv tlrinci ttt luiiitlle i njir uur urn tit cntru turn program u eoja pletei the vcratvr will al 1 1 men he slow ta anawfarinf oftrn lie una hie to put jour long distance afl throuph while vuii im11 tlie line but you may 1st lure she will call you hark as soon aa ibraur sbe will alwars lie prateful for your patuoos ssf msderatandtng ass

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