i thursday august 3mh iw the act6n tree press pack tfbom of interest to women the bowl lullo hnnwutn sooa us ehlid- r will bo back to school with dot tfcat stand ww and take easy car colon should b rvalstaat to fading ahrtakag siiould b low and ulgms tfmpw uood wool jmry and spun rayoa ar washable tn aw rin rnuh u cat of several developed to control shrinkage look fur rolr in oulr doth which u1 ton in with on basic col or baceus ih nvorf they ran be iwtt chad around th nv tiu ilk tham tak a bruwn skirt thi buy m good sweater yellow or orange d pending on wheat her she is brunette or blond thrn a grn or honey col ord blouse lopped with a brig or copper colons thoril coat hi eurplua of man on in rtmpui this year will nukr fresh blouse and good shoe a muil tner must o simple wrll cut shirtwaists tf lh girl 1 doing laundry a ay from noma and while shoes may be smart they must be senmhle for unjiui usv include in the tracking a few ac- ceaorle w hlch can b domed on a satin ho at the neck a frilly jabot an embroidered animal for ih pockt an applkjurd flower or 11 th with a monogram taur a tip a new garment dearve a good atari iut in tack and arm shields protect hoys new t route ra by aewlng retread irsvmc in aeat and knee for a iwm coat make shields of matching lining cloth hew them un der th arma and llury will lake th mains and the rub on et days protect your voo clo the with an umbrella or raincoat if wool clothe get wet or muddy dry them slowly at room warmth never cloa to a stove or radiator when dry brush them ua ork and sweater form to kp laundered piece in shape kep clothe mendad stitch us time save nine sewing is accomplished more speed ily and easily if ou place a lamp with a strong electric bulb nearby ao that it shine directly on your work oojln plitoiso be 2 cup milk j cup cooked corn 3 tbsp melted fat 1 tbap sugar up salt thp pepper 3 eggs well beaten add milk corn fat sugar and sea ontngs lo rhc turn into gressed casserole and hake in pre heated f ectrlc ocn of vu lrg for 45 mlnu tea ror nct add before baking choice of s c mated cheeae u c mush morn w v r chopped ham tkliled rktth ntatsest 1 cup elder xlncgar 6 whole clocs cup water v up salt 3 tkp cinnamon cooked beet iloil ingredient together mean while park hot pint jar with skinned auced cooked beets tour boiling vln- egar mixture oer the hcctsnto top of jar seal tlghtl and store this make 1 quart canned hi cootas11 use corn cut from cob and green lima beans or green o beans and can according to instructions for corn canning tomato roup 1 peck ripe tomatoes 4 onion al iced 12 aprlg parslc 2 bay leaves 1 tap celery seed 1 tap clove heads removed 2 tbsp aalt 1 tbap sugar 1 tip pepper coma wipe tomatoes and quarter tie piece in a hag boll all together gently at first until the jute flow th 14 steamer for u hour strain reheat bring to boiling point fill star luzd jars to overflowing and aaal at one us for meat fish or vege table gravies or for aoups tiie huoukartson box praaarv naofiar article sprinkle rainproof thing with talcum powder before folding to park away o not fold unlet necessary htui in a cool dark ttlace you can wash rubber gouts with soapy water but rinse thoroughly with clear water then pat dry with absorbent clothe a glrdl should ite rolled in a heavy towel lo dry i m- of shoe bag cuu going away lo artxkol find a alio hag vrry handy out iwily fur hit hut for leaning rluths at home duster brushes ii cans and furniture iiollsh ate handy lo rerh in a shoe bag hung on a door t are of shoes put trees in shoe before pulling them away 1erlodu ally air them outside to rlean brush rleanlng the brush frequently aa you work apply polish in ihln coata but karl grows fine grain tftled canadian farmer uajjuat kefftttmd seed ubemt r ijmontotn ft one of th finest aland of registered seed wheat barley and oats in alberta is growing on a farm just a few mile south of calgary it it located on th 900acre farm of the karl of kgmont and the 100 acrw of registered seed grain is expected to average close to 0 bushels to the acre the wheat la ited bob the barlay u malting type and the oata are victory atrmln the trl was born at prtddla alt near his pre farm and received his first farming experience on hta fathers ranch he has been keenly inleremted in all phases of agrlcultur all his life me still operates the prlddu ranrh as a stock raising ten ture but has recent 1 advertised it chronicles ol ginger farm mitl- wrwiia hftaaihy fa tfc aata pva ptaaa r owsndotlnb p nhimf lat friday i think w all fu ilk saying firing out tit band run up live flag we ar through with harvest yea all is safrly gathered in but not without incident flier were just about 1 or seven mure loads lo get in when in drawing up the first bundle on iliuraday morning th kolld oak tem to whit h thv trak tt ttatlie4l splintered and brok crash intc ilm inlo the mow over th swing ixam of course a hugr bundla tif iliars wentf with it laitner w ah halfway up the ladder on his way to the n w when it hapened had he brrn in the mow dear knowa what would have been the result a it wi no one was hurt but it meant i i i ul eklta wnik pitching ahrae trnlkl tt tun the wagon into th mow of niurw the trarlr can lie tutil hut like an many othrr rnalr johs the qurttlon l whent on f rula we t rlehrated the end of harvest by taking in a show a very appntpilate show and coming at an oj portunt time state fall it s a long lime since we enjoyed a movie like we did that onr it dldn t mtiti like a itk vie it was just life on the m reen which after all is w hat a good aiiow should be al though many are far from it or are they i suppose what i really mean is that stair ralr is lire aa w ilk to visualise it whereas lost week v nd may be just as true an inter prelallon of ii f but hardly the kind to give one any satisfaction or up lift as i sat down to write this column that can happen in one week not just on this farm but all through this or any community take this dis trict for instance a shower was given for a returned man and his h ngllsh hrlile a oung mother was operated on for appendultls a little bsy was badly hltten by a dog a wrlldrtllet moved in and ttegan drilling for water on a farm where it mri urgently ndcd all that within the space of a mile to any nothing of the louring the war vrars he operatm things that un jx mil that i know the big faim without any outside help nnthlnj nhout and et aomo folk uliik marhlncr and the mmt moilern i ink nothing nrr happens in thr fnmlnj equipment this vear how t count rv actunltv n v hole story could air njn n hlntl man and in hr woven around rarh of those in apllt of thli ih sns the operation of i ld nla a sti rv that would ik chock the fnrm is n dawn lo dark propotl ru of human interest tion hut tmi k lo iner iaim it li hie tirl became inlercite in the nnrl n month iinrr dnurtitcr v kiow nk of rckkiercd seed grain aorn home and the nnson tnr trouble vrant ngn and m his land is ideally i wns tnlklnk to dntikhtcr jrnterdny suitcit for this purkiw he believes nnil of course i sukkcd train r that rhan land and intensive cultiva- hu service a nn alternative oh mi ther wan the nnswer don i su gist it onlv nn nurginc will mnke m trnvel hv train or bus again for a while it is n nllv awful ih n 1 remembered t he renson ijt lime hcnnd irltrkl bert cam h hu iloh took them down to ihc queen fllzattclh nn a bank holldn return bus from thcv stood walling for over an hour while bus after bus jammed in the door went whizzing bv finally they stood on the highway where a pavlng motorist took pltv on thrm and gave them a lift to toronto so thnfs how the got bark that time neice joy does a little better coming up from hamilton although j ester dnv she had to stand most of the way it looks as if the next few weeks around here will be like a game of washington post thursday means elt for hetlv salurday joy finishes her hospital field work in hamilton and will be here for an indefinite hoi ulfl and after that mcolli for her i sometime in september we expect an i other nelee and after that family comlngx and goings are problematical come to think of it there seems to hnv e been a redundancy of females mil summer doesn t there i have been telling jov that while ihej here i think i will leave th fnmilv to hi r tender mercies and tnko a couple of da off mlf that is on lda for a holldav hut esterda i hit on another i told them if thi would nil go awav and knve me at home atone it would be just as good the onlv hitch to that plan is the fact thre would still be cows to milk and chltkrns to feed come to think of it i don t really want to run awa from work i only want les f what i don t want to do and more time for what i want to do if ou know uhat i mean tion la the secret of succesful farm ing coupled with moisture at the rlkht and in the proper quantlt when his father nucceeded to the till about in1t the present earl ac- tompajiied him to f ngland he re mained there until the- death of his father then deodnl to return to al berta to engage in farming in prefer- j nlkht to ralrh th ence to n mainlng in r ngland and hv- j there thcv stoo ing the life of a land gentleman just before the war the earl sold avon cattle the 4 roomer aneetiu home of the karli of kgmont for jjooxy he retained a number uf other properties including house and farms in ireland and farms in fng- land he ow ns 50 acre of land adjoin ing ihe famous race course at epson dow ns how to know a good roof cement in ihc pickigr will not liver nor will the filler settle to the bottom immersed in water shows no discoloration of water indi cating insolubility exposed to the weather evaporation will be no more than 4 indicating extremely low voltilitv of vehicles subject to below freezing temperature will not become brittle but remains resilient indicating pliability exposed to tire will not flash or burn rapidly indicating resistance to temperature effects all these qualities are found in the old reliable american liquid hoof cement fully cuatanteed by an old honorable firm makes old leaky roofs watertite as newoncs make sure of what you use put it to the test write or phone h e mckeown specialized roof maintenance service gov sijwl uffhtitlna rod ifuuuatiori waterdown 56w he asked for it squamish b c cp c a good- erham dominion apiarist cam to squamlsh to challenge the district ttngte bae to sting him they did it has been found that someone had imported the italian tpa of be into stjiiattntth and these foreigner conquered the gentle honeymaker and taught them to sling only trace of the st in filet strain remain canadians lower down cannot pay more to higiies4jps the canadians who will suffer most from th current lawlessness of a min ority of labor are th people with small fixed incomes and th millions of worker who work longer hours and ft lea pay than tjaftsfyiker for equal or greater ski if and effort apparently no evtdanr was pro dured at th hearing of th industrial relation commit t to show th f feet of th strikers demands upon th lower paid peopl of greater worth la canada economy no on seems to know definitely how many of thaa people ther are or where they ar in canada- it is possible indeed probable hat th amount by which the real in rum of ti lower- income roup will be rmluced by increase granted to higher paid labor will b sufflh ent to depress th whole prtr and wage structure of th iomlnlon if these millions of lower tald anad lans are cumimlled to reduce their purr bases of slsel rubber el trtcaj nd various other goods thr depres kltm will set in i1w decline of em i luiiient will accelerate as wage ret es of the hlgtirt paid workr rie itie upturn will not orcur until un eni l nient lijuldation and cheaper 1hiuiiiuji limr brought rlres rluwri to the jint at whlrh th tn wagft of the lower lld workers begin to rise is it not plain common sense o hold thr higher wages and prices until volume rodu tion and increased otikuinpllon hate raised the real wages of ihe iropr lower down who then will raise with their purchases thr real earnings of everone else lie fore any more ual revolutions reult from strike of snails i lie ler paid workers with resultant prlc increase ihe governments of canada should learn how many t anadlans f eual skill more industry and greater economic worth will suffer income tuts if ihe demsrirttof ihe higher paid short hour workers are granted phis information is vital to sound decisions the lark of it is resulting in destruc tlve appeasement the hce school stanti soon ttau to get year ready for quality value asd beat selection of euufeea ele- tkea akob at flnrna yes were the tops and thats why ith first to eisens unit to school eisens clothing store main street next to iteu telephone atfulaue witk hfrtr iwpt dun mpk the quality tea salada orange pekoe con o0 c y 10oo but what is it worth little you care how muih silver is contained in the 50c piece you take into a store what ou want to know is what it will buy well that depends very much on ourself ourselve and the millions of other like us if free and arrless spending brings inflation your 50t piete will buy less and less as prices rise how much less no one can say vpu can guard against inflation and if you arc a no 1 citiien you wul how by 9nimati9n in our personal finances here arc five wavs you can tight inflation hold on to your victory bonds buy only those goods which sr in fair supply sad save your money for the div when goods now in short supply will he readily availahl avoid mack market purchs s keep up your insurance build up your savings account this means wise spending and wise raving this is conservation the first requisite for personal ccunry the first attribute of good citizenship this is why ue say knfiil bank of montreal wring mlh coivun m ntrj irali mj ht timet 1817 at foi tou5ttfan0yqu savt fo canada advertisers meet the most people