Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 29, 1946, p. 7

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uix bix the acton free press thursday august 2mk 1mb the hawk and the fish com with me for a few minute to atetifbeach it brief period for bo long a trip but in imagination one treves far in a thort time metis is m little burgh about four hundred and seventy rv miles northeast of ot tawa perhaps fifty teas as a duck sli if a duck ever dosa fly straight xnow get your geography right this plaue u situated on the south bank of the st uawreace river about forty mile st of tumouskt which ta the u port of cavil for out going stammers on the st lawrence the firt place they touch on theirretu journey the lowti and 1u neighbour 1es boules is about three miles long and one street wide with straggling nous e on a higher level the populstko u three hundred all the year round with perhaps seven hundred more during the summer season leople come here for a holiday throw thnr worne to the winds dnnk in the salt air pnjo the sea brwwt the tang t spruie and edsr trees and then t bark i umr frelng like a million do i lart s nler rrt after uh thry felt motll it a x urse metis ltea h s t on tle se tl r m s on the st i aw fen e itivei strain jour ei as ou ii ou aum i land on the other side n e tides tonic in at regularly herr as lhe rt m the iman shore ihe ut er it salt jtwre are gulp and fun and toiki xh rily afler un up the breese moves in from live uslrr and all i1 long ou i ave a matin sun an t a omji lietie iu feel very happy about 11 1 mperaturt s in the west ere running from ho to u7 in ontar io from h to x odd 1ms while down there on the shore of the st uurrmr vi and 7 it la slianjt how quickly fople in a tare like this forget ti e trouhlrs of the ofld mi their own they tt and wt h the moods of the river and the tides t he lay golf do 11 with enthusiasm quite lmpoltile in leu moderate climates phey make side thui to other places umls to the n shore drives in the ciuntr to other towns agriculture in the taspe is a rather peculiar task spring comes late there is lltl e growth until about the middle of june when it comes with rush in that way it reminds me of northern aleri i stood in a gar den at vtvtu a few- days ago where rows of garden peas stood eight feet feet high there were all the common vegetables and flowers also some small fruits and gooseberries the largest 1 have ever seen they looked like i lums one day i watrhed a sea hawk an ospre i think plying his trade ner before have 1 been so close to one in action at metis there are two r three small islands lylnh short dls tance from the shore ihr are en led the iluule ltm km t h belter the waters inside the harrier ahd present io the sea hawk n fine fishing ground he patrolled this terriloiy nt n fairly low level moving from side to sins matching for fish dlrettlt opposite some n t jui feet nwny h iwick pait died in the nir and came nlmoid to a dead sto he hnil seen something h w anted in the water be i iw he went up n lit tie higher still watching i saw him stretch his f mt out ti full length flexed and unflrned his claw as u hsr seen a cat stretch it claw m while sitting before n fin xuddcnl 1 e moved out in n wide lr le straight ened out hekltnted again and then went down like a plnnr shot out of the hk his thidy cutting the unltr like a knife he was up again in a w hi l f set ondi a fish in his claws then was lmethlng wrong the fuh ma hnv im n too hay for the hawk or him graxp was not sufficiently tlkht he flew at a low level finding it dtffkiult to rise higher with the bur den in carried ills hold weakened the fish fell hack into the water his ttmper was rising now he cir- eled again and again hesltntlng from time to time m mid air turning his head on one side looking down he asntthtd hi lch he opened his claws tin n heoaw what he wanted and with nine ntwtr in his dive rxtause made from a higher level he hashed in anil out of the sunlit waters this time with fish held tlkhtlv in his claws outwards he winded towards houu kink kin h dioipid hi tlsh but this time it landed safi 1 one more he i in led to set if th re wer iitmtes who might dispute pos session i hi n wre none a tlsh which a few moments h fore s med aecured inm almost every nem bit main nnu the dinner fir a tuh hawk security is not enough in telligence it needed without inti 111 gi uce security is of little value to either tlsh ot man a friend of mine remarked one time that youth should take lis hoi dav in the mountains age shoud go down to the sea there is inspiration in the one there is comfort in tha other fortunately in canada e can make wide use of both the seas an1 the mountains are assets of ever in creasing valua ta the nation in tha years which lie ahead the web it ottawa isjav ottawa cp as the second ses sion olind 30th parliament drag ged to a close the dominion s troubl ed labor situation drew the main at tent ion of the common lest week after prolonged debate which attacked the labor question from all sides the commons approv ed the report of its industrlsl relations committee formed a few weeks eg to investigate industrlsl unrest which hss more than 50 cio workers in can ads idle one of the main problems the com mltlee fsied was the government l stand that increases of mote than 10 cent an h ur woud probably be dls iilroui io the prlte celling unl m leaders on tended a is rents an hour inirt-su- coud tie granted without en dangering plirea ihe nimtii ttee was unat le to ease tie strike situation and failed to come to any ront luslun as to just how far wates ould tie permitted to i le without shattering the crillng how ever 11 made reommendatlons isbor mm ktr mitchell said would te help ful mrltflv 0e riturt ropmil tttst the 1atn r minister mlkht condut t a vote i s r i mill i where a slriki threat end or on in proxies to di i ermine whethrr a maj rlty of workers wished ti k ae it condi rnnil the mltcy i f mime unions and m nir employers in disregarding the machinery provided for adjusting wages and settling dls i ules and tefi rrcd to hreachi s of the aw of andn b the us of physical f ini or i ttjt rwk ii also uikl a dominion irovlnrul labor conference as soon as possible to consider framing a peacetime ns tlnnal labor code recommended thit s me form of union seturlty he gran te1 a union onir it is certllled by a lobor nlations board at bargaining n presentatlve and said a reasonable measure of wage control was esset nal to price contnsl ihe sugfeesiion of a government conducted vote on what her the em ployees wished to strike or not was welcomed hy the lbor minister ol thoukh somt opposition members fell his would be destroying unions by going oer their head mr mitchell also heartily endorsed the reference to unions and employ ers who disregarded the machinery provided for settling disputes he ad vlwd thoae involved in disputes to avail themselves of the machinery set up by the overnment for the adjuca itlm of inlior disputes and said that anyone who advises to the central y in my opinion is not rendering a ser vice to th employers the emptoyeea or the nation itself at another point in the debate the minister said in my juilgi merit some of these so called leaders in this coun try have delllierately set in mntjon ikiitclcs designed to destroy the re conversion cffoits of the canadian peo le hie c r or posed adoption of the mmittee rejiort m j coldw 11 iil lendi r saying he voted agnlnkt it as a means of expn sslng his dis- sntlsfartlon at the failure of the coin mlttce to deal with the current strike wave arthur smith iv calgary west who hnd moved thnt the committee be forme said the government must lay down a definite policy as to how far wages could advance without injuring price control he was not convinced of the logic of donald gordon price hoard chairman in setting a 10 cent limit the fact that there was no dir ect union between the administration of price and waget control was a mat ter of major criticism while parties other than the ccf voted acceptance of the report it had done little more apparently than glv the commons a chance to air its views on a general labor situation which was crippling construction and conversion the industrial relations committee had been called at the requitt of the progressive conservative party when government attempts to settle the steel strike had fallen through- the government had jumped at the oppor tunity to shift some of tha responsib ility to other political parties but the committee report had in effect merely tossed the hot potato back into the government hands- cabinet ministers remaining in the commons last week were acting uke supermen prime minister mackenzie kng and three toprabinet ministers were abroad and the heavy last min ute work of piloting estimates through the house were left with the few who remained defence iflnler abbott took over onerous duties as acting finance minister in addition to his own work whll justice minister st us u rent doubled for prime min ister mr king was attending the parts peace conference where he finally left health minister custon in charge of the canadian delegation kfhanr minister ilsley was attending the gen eva unitlta conference and studying displaced persons camps in germany was in r nglsnd preparing to attend the kept jid conference of the food and agriculture organisation at cop enhagen hijykru ami skijjcus people are more likely to patron le a store if they have the inform allon shout the goods which the store is selling some ian is very helpful when it brings the buyer and the set hr together and suggests to the buyer it at ihe ullers store is a good place io trn le in it would lw a very expensive plan f r itw setter to send salesmen around to thi homes to onvlnce jieople thnt r store they n pri s nt is a good i lnre to trade in hie newspaper per- f irms that service for the store for a a vi ry small price the advertising thus printed is effective tecaus jmhipie read it in their leisure mom- ints when they have time to consldi r the- ideas that it gives they look with groat interest for that advert is ing as it gives information which they want and it helps them save money haiijno hiup wcixomed halifax cp this city wu hack to a four masted sailing ship recently at the crew of the ilrazlllan navys almlrante saldanha was fetted on the ships arrival here on a good will cruise valuable tests in swine feeds among the many important lines of work carried out by the animal husbandry division fxperlmenul arms service dominion department of agriculture is the distribution jf breeding stock to improve the live stock on canadian farms and at the same urnf assist tn advancing scientific research recently a con uderable nutnber of pigs was used rn the testing of their dams in the advanced registry policy for swine and at another time 16 of the division s pigs figured in a co operative project with the chemistry division science service in deter mining the digestibility of various swine feeds in addition pigs were supplied to the animal diseases research institute iomlnlon iepart rnent of agriculture for experimental i ur poses in another exerlment with feeder pigs the results have been made known on the relative value of pro teln supplements of animal and veg elahle origin in the f ceiling of grow ing snl finishing pigs protein mln era supplements containing t3 so 15 and jo per cent animal protein feeds that is tankage and fuhmeel were lornpared 1 lie r main ler of e h supph merit w as made up by a fetd f vegetal h origin unseed men ilii initial results indicated practl inlly no difference iwtween lots in the rate of gain feed economy or car ran quality in the exjierlrm nt as related n the follow i year the results in n gem ml wn cnnltrmol those of th prtvloiim list iliere was a slight advmilag in the rate of gain and nnaa quality for those pigs fed the higher lercentage of animal protein w hlli feed economy was est in the lots where 50 per cent and 13 per cinil of the protein supplement was from an animal source the results of the two experiments indicated that up to v per cenl of a protein mineral supplements used in hog feeding could be made up from a vegetable source such as linseed oltmeal the remainder being tankage and fish meal without lowering the feeding value of the supplement or seriously influencing the rate of gain or the quality of the carcass produced wm r bracken kkaltsvayb ksokw i fir and automobile inuirmne m healui and aetuent iivuranet 0 tk mdukj imm l othb lt us vrrmnjr yuur morlgax loant on uiat nrvar houia phone 26 acton ont dancing huttonvliif park every wednesday stan eobtlil and ma i0pl orefctata saturday evening johnny iioyd and hu 10pi ordtwua adrabstan w per paraon bes ure and not wamr an tvrd proteins concentrates arc at such a premium log and dairy ration will be almost nil in the very near future we can supply dairy ration for immediate shipment let u hear from you rcrardmr thi- matter it is urgent that you order your fertil izer as soon as possible some raw materials are still very scarce m c await your commands order your wik oil filters fur your tractor from us we are stocking tins line for nil makes ot tractors milton district cooperative phone 137 we specialize in attractive printing milton weldinq rlectrtc and acetylene welding rwpalr welding of all types portable equipment phone 348 mux st milton ru new amove iumouski que cp the ulm- i ouskl airport property of the domin ion covernmant since its construction has been turned over to munlclpla authorities who intend to stablus air links between tllmousvl and north shore points between the saguenay river and sevtyi islands ontario parents can take these recognized precautions against the possible fjg threat of polio it is in august and september ihst poliomyelitis polio n most prevalent during these isst weeks of summer thoughtful ps rents should observe every nils thst will protect their little onct from this ditesic in our province compsrinvcl few esses of polio hsve occurred si vet hut io some section of the united ststes infantile barslysit ss n ti more commonly celled hss reach ed epidemic proportions tha ontsrio department of heslta therefore urges every family to keep in itep with the common sense precsuuoas outlined below read them carefully eacoursge yovr children to practice them daily gaard your family health during this particulsr period of the year tf ytmr dumb hi aj a fcaafrah to a asaavejf ewvtoo department of health for thi province op ontario j t mm- mb bvm m suaaast kasay mi

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