ritat kictrr the acton free press thursday august sttji ims i l airtka ibntltm nav rmliitll u iki nlma wt dkn j mn nriiw ftuaiw lalliri w pmtrr- kearmr and un john m 1 aaaotutf tb birth of thalr ton claa john glrn l u culph cwwrml hoaplul on llonday auguu atov 1h johmtsst k h 3 aeton iuw to wnounoe u blfth of uumr klatrr or jove anrxd rnc at th nunlns lionw cdeu slrmt artun on august 23rd ima roazellmr nd mrv elmr lto- awll anon wish fu ainounrt thv birth of diughl latrteia gui glctr for wayn at lh nurung liom guvlph strt arton on augvut th i35 ixxsxsxes jjcommunityg unity thos gartorth vickbiman y x word has bhb received o th a hynopmp of various sport q death of thomas carforth vlckarmaa and ausletie artivitiw former resident of campbeuviue who n n vhv i for many years operated a woollen and blanket mill at spaadvllu ha passed away 6 the kulrhaner-water- lloo hospital wednesday ejterooon of last r mr vlrkerman suffered heart attack tuesday oecessltsung his removal to hospital surviving are jhls wife the former matilda sauder and three sisters mrs s stager new dundee urt william slm- monds call and mr jacob cook of zlon ham acton wuh to announce birth of a son ihllip john a bro ther for carole ann and david on august 24th huft at the nursing horn iueiph mwl acton school bells ring main on twt- day and pupils go bark to studlaa kail fair- are just around the corner with the first of them this week t 11 ram pt on mr ceo kumervllle ha purchas ed the farm on no 7 highway whsre tha lair archie mann farmed for so many yiars cement driveway ere being con- atrurted in tha grounds at tha heard more co plant from tha main drive way to tha offlctr th judge for the beat horn and garden con teat in connection with arlon fair will be making his first round within tha weak adon uoysand clrls hand pres ented a fine musical program in th arena on sunday evening a good crowd enjoyed the varied program at a meeting of acton kalr dir ectors it was decided to have trotting classes at thr fair this year and purses totalling 100 will be offered uruce c marnah or milton who i attended tha canadian school of atns- balmlng at the llanfing institute in toronto has recently passed tha ex aminations qualifying him for a lie- ense at an embalmer and funeral dir ector in theprovlnce of ontario an international rmwlcl yacht n gat la will be held on the reformatory lond over the labor iay wwkrnrt yachts entered in theme races will in clude the marble head class the ft- metre class averaging fio and up and the class a arhts 70 to 8fi the finals will be sailed on mond tv afternoon by johnny gray diraeur t pliylaj ruswaaa sad rerratla tat artava thats what the fellow said this col umn should be named after he was told it was to be a sort of bulletin board and newi column for the dif ferent events and activities organlvd under the present ymca program and the recently established acton community keoreauon commit tear mrs whjjam clark k llioth tlieae groups liave the same o- mn henrteita jane clarke wlf of tve in mind and that is to pro- milllam tlarkr and rider daughter of mole and organise reireatlon in th- the 1st william and catherine community for all age frn thi ilank tasard away suddenly at her unget to the oldest home in hanie on iwtday august tills column will carry bits of new jinn ot everything thai might le of intcr- mrs clark had tteen in her usual i est in the way of rwreatlon an good health but complained on tuea- jrvery time mr ullls pilgts an issue of day morning of ma feeling well she tws 1ssi siaa we will try very hard did not consider her cndltlan serious to have a column long or short if though she was suffering great pain i you have an thing to offer or any a doctor was summoned but before suggestions to make just diop a line ji arrived she was beyond help and care of this column lu tmk rsss issaa in a few moments bad succumbed to well be glad to bear from you heart seirure it was just half an j rt acton tennis club has had a tune of twelve to one which was the final score at tha and of tha game tha acton boys being the winners later on the band arrived and- a very nice concert was held in the large tiall mr charlie mason leader of the band ran a little singson g half way through the performance the band taking 4ha lead but it waj question able which of the group ware tb loudest tlie band playing or the hoys singing together they ure raised the roof and a good time was had by all j mr ware wgs oo hand ta look after the boys in trans portation and general care he gets resl enjoment out of this service hour from the time that she first com plained of not feeling well till site hal liaised away the funeral was held from the stock ford funeral parlors the burls taking place in ilarrie cemetery mrs clarkes minister rev hare ttt the rather busy and interesting summer with a number of tournaments being played both at home and away against other clubs sut h as fergus kitchener and hrampton the home club tied he first lost the second and won the third that u in the home series whl georgetown hob hason suffered a painful in- jury last week when he caught his hand in a coating ma hlne at the wuvlncial paper coating mill after serving with the canadian postal corps in ottawa duilng th war captain harold marshall is bark in town and after a furlough will rv- rive his discharge from the army mrs lkle ie vrles is sailing for holland today from montreal ail will visit with relatives there for the neat two monttis mrs fwrltta will make the trip aboard the prins wll- lem a iutrh freighter of the oranre une whhh docks at rotterdam at a sjieclal meeting of eorgetown couik i on monday evening a deal was closed with mr y b 1 yers now owner of cedarvale farm for the pur- i base by the town of a block of i is farm which was necessary for the building project for v veterans homes herald uuto qtantt rcmrtuc iiubbarzxs n5 cp a turtle weighing more than 1300 pound be lieved the largest aver landed in the maritime was harpooned by a tuna fisherman and brought ashore her the giant measured mors than tvb feet in length w t pattbbson ro kiveimuas la rye ftaiwifwihf ortkaikst lsj wyntmluf irt oiclpu pus tlm completely equipped offlcea balow maher shoe store dancing stanley park erin every wednes and friday modern aires band upwells limited baptist church conducted the funeril turv p the return match with service giving words of comfort to r h were taken by the op- ihe sorrowing family as he spoke of her quiet christian character the fnany beautiful floral tributes and numerous tokens of sympathy showed the loving esteem in which mrs- clar ke was held by her friends the members of the rebeora 1odge to which mrs- clarke belonged had a fit ting service at the grave side mrs clarke leaves to mourn hr mwmm loss her husband william clarke and he trh son harvef just lately relumed from tennis courts auction sale position this week they play the re turn match against kitchener and i later on the one with hrampton and now that change in the weather whlth makes the nights a little cooler is just a gentle hint thst summer hai hsd its fling and fall is just around the corner pretty soon the enthu- lasts will tte plavlng the game knee deep in leaves which fall offmho iave surrounding i after a couple hannah sundrldge mrs mellow ell fdltm dundalk mrs cray liar- hara avlmer two brxtthers frel vv ilank rluffton alta and chester o plank rockwood burlington the many friends of don mccallum will regret to learn that he had tho misfortune to break his thumb while playing lacrosse with the hamilton team on friday evening last will bnng up the tennis racqurt for another i ar and e more than likely lake n lmik at the hndmlnton rariut mnte n couple of practice i kw ings jui to get the feel of it 9 i nnd it wont iw long now tefore thoe t featherel bird stnrt getting in jour hnlr i could almost hear some of our intermedins hasetinll plnvrr sv to themselves after saturdn game against onkvllle well thl 1 mv j inst ear not tmcause they lot mind juvt 1 tint some of them llure finals in acton softliall lrapir for championship there have been some hot games in the acton softball league the past week and the team of baxter i-abora- tori re has been eliminated tonight thursday force electric and beard- mores meet in a game which will an swer the question of which team wilt meet the canadian wool for the fin als ijt thursda bcardmorc s won from foice klectrlc b a score of 0ft the w knntng run came in the nlnh innings on friday canadian wool emerge on top of haxtcr s by a 43 score on mondnv canadian wool took their vecond gnme against bax ters h a 11h ntre and titnight de cides whhh two teams will meet n the finals the hard lall luumn ma be over for adon fans but this omball wind- up is giving ime fine nim for these late summer evenings itic day for centgnnial faij ka1b at ibor2ktown plans an well under wav for tho centennial fall fair at tleoigrtown on frlda and satunla septemler 6 and 7 a plon and flagou com memorating kx1 ears svrlce to ag- rlculture will le detllcateit b the hon t 1 htiuuhl minister of agricul ture man featurf attractions are being planned and the hall exhibit will be an outstanding one this eaf tnclud- ing a display by the dominion de partment of agriculture ontario hydro arts and crafts junior farm- era and institute floral displays and school childrens exhibits tha 1st- j ter drew much attention at last years how as well as radio comment in front of the grandstand will be a grand horse show lad harness meet whan soma or ontario bast show horses will bs on hand to an tart a in the live stock exhlolt will be a large on as will also b tha poultry show par entertainment tha stranger shows of winnipeg with three ridn will bt here as well aa other mid way attractions to mark this special occasion tha eaquettng agricultural society which ntensora georgetown fair has issued a vary beautiful pictorial souwnlr program you cant afford to mlsa attending oarvtewns ontannlal fair tha fair of tha ear assessor william rennle la busy ihe re gelling a little loo old for the overlng the town for this years as- kme il some of the young fry sesxment and he reports that present i ta it and to a certain degree indications are that there will be a i right and we have some large increase in assessment when the ung fo coming up i mean re 1 roll is completed oung fr bfs thirteen ears of age j cordon blair has bewn appointed under we have hoi whr hy the deputy minister of agriculture to represent the insecticide and fung icide industry on the agricultural ad visory committee to the ontario re search cfimmlsslon coming along in the juvenile and junior class hut i speak of these bovi at this time beause the are going in pln agnlnn a tram from weston this saturda afternoon in the acton at the final meet of the ontario iark this age group being the athletic camp for junior high school ungel in organlied baseball its athletes which was held at the camp rlghll named the prewer league at lake couchlchlng don macfar- and to sort of wind up the baseball lane of the burlington high school season a little world series has been finished second in the 100 ard race organize between weston george- i the time was 11 2 seconds jtawn nn1 acton if ou uaat to see at the regular meeting of the town e good baseball plaed bv thee council on thursday eenlng last thel fellows come out on saturd rounrll rxpreed themselves as be- nn1 cheer for them who knows thev ing none too faorahle to the propos- m their flrt game rd dance to be lield by the rehablll- swimming bad n short lived session latlon committee as a final social or this rnr hint is n far as the pond grand weeome to burlingtons retur- t a ion patk wns concerned this ned men instead re craig was mvslerlous thing ented polio put instructed in carry back to the com- the xkuls under swimming for the re- mlttee that ft large outdoor welcome mnlntir of he scuson but good res- be extended at the ljfns park cnz ulls were atlninetl in the lcarn-to- ette sim classes held during the month of july and the list week in auguol in the girls i lasses held twice a keek twrntv ranging from the ngci f m- en to llflecn enrs were taught a miscellaneous shower was held in to swim none of these glrlt limellouse memorial hall on monda evening for mis helen meredith and mr km- manuel knrn hnde and groom to he tr august list mr john newton wav i bnlrman for a short program n in whuh the following numbers were nrd piano solo b ivorla mltched r reading bv mrs a j smethund and viknl volo bv jnctiuelnlne smelhunt i mr newton then called the oung t ixtuple fotvvnnl ami qulteh number t tif beautiful gifts were opened and t pifmcntrd to them after lunch th rimnlnder of t he ev en in g w as spent h ih dancing dorothv mcdonald visited mrs huf fman it r milton last week stroke before thev started in the hn t 1iisms auo heli twite a week llflecn were taught to swim i tm group tin luttetl tmv fi om the nge of m low as l up to fourteen a number of bo and girls who could areadv swim when the clasvfs stiiteil intprovetl their mvle and abil- it after a little coat hlng nnd pi n hi llesldes kvvinintlng water safe vvas taught to nil ihnt ciime out to the 1ams willie we are on the vuhje t of swimming we had one of the old timers bm k heie fur a svtm one morning nnmelv a mr hojell he came over during a da tntroduied mr and mrs dave bonner nnd himself and told me it was just fifty chltdnen of toronto visited the nob- enrs ago since he had had a swim les one day last week in the acton park pond at tht master peter mulder spent a few time he said there was what thev davs in hamilton with blllle camp- caled the quarter way stump the hell j halt way stump and the three quart r mrs mr adams of toronto has been way stump those who couldnt swim visiting mrs ijilerhy wry well used to head for these dlf- 1 mr and mrs harvey norton and ferent spots for a rest and in this j plilm susd ih11utry tlie undersigned have received in structions from alkx hjirjuukkh to sell hy public auction at hts farm it fi con 3 township of nel son s mile south of ijiw lie on tlllrhuay htpirmrkr lllh iai at 200olok dst the following horkks 1 lielg and per gelding 1 r od suul 1v0 hm 1 hay clde gelding 11 r od atmiut mm lbs 1 dnik brown gen pun gelding age1 cows 1 reg homcin cow s rs j tnllklng well bre1 in tune 1 holmein itiw 4rs milking vv ii bred in june 1 l durban cow i is mllktiij well bred in mnv i avrfchlrc nnd i durham cow 4 vis milking well bred in mav yolni catt1f 1 lte1 durham heifer k monlhv old 1 blnrk rrom hrel heifer 6 month old 1 blue croi brcil hiiftr h month old 1 red dur ham stc r 7 months old 1 fat steer is venrs old i fnl heifer is ears old 1 hlnck and white fnl steer 1 r old i keg houteln bull cnlf 7 mos old plts 2 fat hogs rend for market 10 york pigs fi weeks ol yoi k pigs 10 weeks old iouiiry 50 hampshire pullets mos old w hock pullets 4 mos old wt lo k ockerels 4 mos old v it h venrllng hens 50 leghorn enr- ling bens 50 two ear old extra heaw hens tfrms cash no reserve as the faim is for sale k readheail clerk hindi ky and kliiott j h k auctioneers auction sale of tows stockers veal calves and ark lings tlie undersigned havi nceued in strmlions from um nllirijs to mii b public a int ion nt his fnrm lot 10 con b township of nenon 4 miles s w of millon m tii1rhi sritkmner ma tftlt at j oilmk ds i the following lous i bonn durham heirtr fieslj j week 1 ltlnrk llolsteln heif er est- springer 1 itnndlc cow with cnlf al hide not bred naln 1 ltoan diiihnm cow uil nt side not bred again 1 ho stein cow alf at side pasture hi e1 i blue cow ralf nt side pasture hied 1 bonn cow calf nt side pnstuie hied 1 llrlndle cow i nlf nt side pnstuie bred 1 red durham cow mil at side pasture bred i ltoan durham cow calf al ide pistuie hfed j llolatein lleifets j vrs obi pnstuie bret 1 houteln heifer 2 yr old lose springer 1 while durhnm heifer j vrars o d springing i bo in heifer jenrs ol c spilnging j hereford heifers 2 venrs old pnstuie bred opng capiif fnt steers about isw lbs em h 2 babv beeves j ctossbietl stkkts ntxnit 750 ihv 4 durham sto keis nuuil tisi u ii durham and ilerefud stockers about un lbs i houreln hull rendv for servuv 1 houtcin bull calf babv cale s goxl veal calves yirk sows and piis 4 sow tarring trd litter bred j mm 4 young sows bred j mos 17 shoatx a gimid thrlftv lot a number of wvnner 1 york ling 1 earoll tfrms cash settlement with the clerk da of sale absolutely no reserve as proprietor has no help and la selling all his stork hinliley klliott auctioneers e readhead oerk b change in garbage collection rffccuve pn ind iflrr hlltkmiim 1st i mr the girbafe collection in actun will be mide over the whole of the munici- pility in two full dys each week insirtd of the four half diy as at present narbake collection days after the above date will be tuesday and friday ok kacii wk kxk tiik uuoie munichaijty hy order till municipal council a caiaiia standahi bred three- yearold 7mmm0 flltuhities trot and pace dufferin park toronto 2 rm labor day admission including tax l0 bandstand rree excellent rest a i r vnt service children and mrs r lane visited in toronto on sunday mr and mrs v i newton rf barrle have been visiting his parena here miss helen shelburne and diana manner eventually get to the other side he asked me if they were till there and i assured htm they weeent and if they were anywhere around they would be down at the bottom i although the boys in acton sort i spent last week with their sisttr mrs of look down on soft ball and he- ray powell at lowvitta i ueve that baseball la the real game a rev and mrs wm j lane of softball team org an lied and along mjayrortfie sask are ataytng with with the acton boys band went their cousins mr and mrs a w ban- down to the west end ymca camp ton while vultlng relatives in the at norval ontario to play a game community rand pay a tuna or two for all the mr rae scot and tha ellerbyi young lads there tha hoya playing spent sunday with mr and mrs dow i softbsvlt and they were all thirteen nea and family in cjuelph jand under beat out runa to tha matrr farnworth memorials mamnnate at mlilirata rutaaa cemetery lxttxrino clara bjl at ciimlar gobxpii ont wqwfrmr it is the lead ins arms ef lctos who srv the rsinaiatent ulvertlsers in this newspsvprr tfce nialatain tkelr lesvder- ship susd busineaa sorces bv living gresvter vajuea and better service and telling ol about it tse reeegmlse the fart that timas af the free stress telrgfre ejiu u think for thitssslvsssmt sjnalllril te snake taesr set svrsrtasia tssss la why a4eetjfsea bring ysva taulllgesil tratkted farl- oal tsvis ta their vv svrtssissg salaiaaamia lhat la always vsuaaoe ta ysws tbe adon free press acton ovtaiuo