t vldtwa the acton free press thursday slitkmbek 5th 1m6 dr artmt jfrrr jrraa puh 1 j t iat1 1 to wlvte aui vkj 1 m isi oil trtf nl 1 m i t- r a j slt 1 1 n r 1 l 1 ii v i 14 1 i 11 al 1 vi i ini i i ih i itn ij ftcid immunelcra staly heard thetf stories too and were supposed to br shuddering in fear of the great wan ho was described at a prima donna a cold and rklhjis soldier one brigadier is said to have fot so nervous about the jailormade problems that seemed to be arising that he pessimistically called the tour operation disaster before it even started one aflir another the stories were spiked soon after his arrival the famous soldier summoned a canadian press reporter to his headquarters in a halifax hnlil and told him he was hurnlied at the stouts hi wanted women barrid from his officii functions he liked the ladies and hr thought can dian iin women had hem tr r rifis uxt icrrihc 1irsuis smoked in his ihxiui and he made no otiirclion iirsons loughid in ins room as thiv talked to him and in didllt bat an or as for ins dut he cits a plain fare beiause of noiu too rotut hullo the i soils of tin trims of 1 list mi x r 1 oiuiils allies irinuej lu toil ot ill al 1liltle lit olir xtho ll id jlliielellll iii tltsi uiti ii kini ut llalilax us mjkii i os i ti s i i ol tl oi his in i iti i t is in ii r iii do o tit is i ik ai in shop is ond ml oi dt i ol ti 1 1 tit tut ml hi aiil in i ill i ll o ik i ll mall hut is e ii jn ilu list as li ilu t oi 1 on mo n in s ii i i o i tutt in 11 iii 11 till i 1 s ll ii t it is 1 i it ii 1 fill i lit to tl ill til ll i ih i i t i 111 t ri tl 1 1 llil it ih ll ih km j it u il n in i o i h ill h i i i o ll i il ul i mi in hit ttsr kail fair soon will 11 polltlllll ii tollltlllll ii i ii ii moult ll is ii ll ii it i hi i in i ii dot 1 i in i mint lliit o 111 1 ol ii i t i iiiiiliitls mil ll t mini him whal harh nf t h ihfs i lh i lll is stlt llldllstlt 11 lluul muill iii tin ins iii s mi iii htlli si it ilirlih mm ii on in n ittint i ilk lu tin r tlue limits irnik aliilli i the idia ol iimit i tl and uldt j mil initiiitui it k il nil so in nit ilsit ill di ns is heailtiimg to si tins natuial inlnniil ijuilitu lh i j to will tsptssid in tlii lall funs now nikmi plm bind liiimiiui iiij tin oijmin niii anoss njj at tins xhit us n hiii lh mnk lint nix jdministi iiuitt n u ststuns tut issu l liidom to toinpili mid o ilu n md m j11k iin ji lillli good unit ss tin n is sum tlit jim i in lull ii n ii ii id lo pioiliiii anil lit ixlnluls at hindi u 11 oil on tin p in ol unlit dual pi that m aki mi pi 11 un pnssihli should point oii il w gt owing u i opnlion ol our nil ind too lo tin htm tit ol tin si who elmx piohts tin iisii mid it is siiiprisng hit tlnn is still no at in tin pnis olliiid tin i it mi ut i pi olit also ml s hindi ind ml i h iiuh mi ml inn is iitluli the pit tint but asil iioiii all tins 111 an muhid to w liit i u ll l us dots whili ntillt sonal tl iin s hi n i pi limn i githir lo sc ith do so hull ihout it it liani totisn i pioj l ui tin ii ilui ol igiiiiltiiii xhit in tu do- a hikir sd i tin in on tins lall lius dimoust in ih nil mill ni dun mllilln nliiini uilhikit ind lilt ott n indiisl t otiatic sal m his iiiuit will t i tolnati i i nx miki ill ill mod is 1 i in and thin tan in no inglni iiijtiiin s al in iwikiius in nidiism should hi in i dnuotiit in touist than n ilu- anniiil i v inhitioiis sou hint l 1linl silhshius i hnij in j hlmd bum wai is iii ih fans an liking i lit li isi oi ni ss on tin ollur 1m limn iisni du latin sh p lift all distmi inns an expanding lilt until hm lh biisnii ss on ii i n libit oi ilu liinlt is mipining at 1 il lhs lall and the nation il ineiklist lib im lion i 1 nlhi nil on will ht in lull swing ul lonin to nt xl xe it i limits ttiti rs oi lutlmm is i m d tli it s light ttll who mon ban all oiln is slink to tin b in it i line mil i f n ni to i il in r pi idi i iohls an tin ins to miki i tmiliil to ifinspm iign ilu biiltlm the tindlisuk niikn and ixnthodx illlturi willi biggel anj billet annlill lulls no e 1- in ills it ilu 1 lu si n lllillgs i n b om 1 mine prattull s i x ol k ipmg up to d hi is afford us tin do 1 u do not int lo h a h ik i lo im n id lotnllt ll in in gtttng logtlhet iniitlst 1ms ink llus kind ol ititin in lb luill ol nsntdii impltmtnts tuld tiops handle nfs nt fall fairs snutx alton i an will tins tun b lulj on otuhr i and mlt it pnndis a sple ndid upportiinitt lor tin tnnn of a mlfllmrr town and niil us di ills o get og tlier a gnat hint i hi binlis ibs inida in dix is tint or loiniii isidnts to mike n liuiiie t otn ng and s held bx the nunisrr libu it s bung in idi the progiiss ha is bung mndi anj met old fin nds inidii ht the bnmge 1 iiniust imism undi lis lb lis l lb out ol door itruts in on winlir hh he must work kits ni with mi ins tiixl tisur tins nir thin ills was shown ittiiillt in ml lliimi linf mil lor ih pisis sx xais at on lir should bi ilu bills nijui hlu ilu lndiisiiiil id i hums ulllr i mil in tin dun us lini bi n lnimitie i imd imnj lliil liimut it tint nuidliilil tin nt lis niids ind in tanning in tin luipns 1 i iiliulii nil on i rmnpt jttimjt txeiit thai will siit ant oritur pi ese ntatums all xtill in mad to bung ftbmit xthit i an bis desnl ot tin pn w ii i null liiu biinbrmiglitbitkini mii1 iiiiiimii nl nix litmus 11 thill told new txints will ni ike it a ii atuie all w ill w ant le at i in- ting 11 1- l tileginns mint il tlun in mid il in now to sp ud tin inst wukitid i almost idintuil tirms limn unions all mei iii oittibtt n aton ian touuiit and ill di noiiin mg bun lor soiiutlung oi othl xrfmolv in ma ix iiihln mill ming t do iluu lint w i till llislit i m lis w1 bik in s11 and kll w ill ihout tiiil kltgianis tilled wh i siaiud on i in w linn ol si u i us in i i its i tl i iii in ds inl x i litual ion thtx i e ilu i in he 1 1 1 dn ui mi past xe ii idx itutd the m i im nt ol the ill nit in gin r the si n dels ind the ie petitions mow si i xe s no t i griidis nxt m dsimun i and i xainiii il mi ton lull i urpese txttpt o nnieis the ntiniu t tlu mat look i long n oil ill the inmilbs mtittinin nligiilh oillp inns will soon slip hi md listing im will omi limit d highlit u wionglx md tin gnu in n ot iigan ui w s student will eile thillu i mi l li llle wll sat i ghllt lh i linn mi i studx in i si t liindl d it n is ins i td u sm i s nu i i s h is s u hi in i nl mud til it i i i tin i glu nl th ih h i ni m1 dihgiui in n koiitiol is not i ss t it without a n oiinjlle nnasiii ti nt on is g mi wm k i in tin list its m t 1 i tin i di i u tu w u nai- in lit i ihioiigh ilu iti n k 1 i ii s m ng i i in w igi- h i 1s iht uli s in 1 in i eiiiniiii n iiitili h in i i il t i inii ii s i h w i did n i i s t in in im hgg g b t is 1 i bllul it tl x t t 1- i te is h in alil i t s s n i is eln iu i i nu h limn h lis i- th s wli wm k i i ihli 11 l all it ii i t it ll t 1 t i m nut wii ii i hi e s m kill 1 oki u ml iks nan i nu ii it w 11 i luitlll sind the he it miintx wins vjiain tuiil r mill i nt dstiox iuii id b k s i in m nig 111 x ilu hi idluiis md it e lgin s iju iu b 1 hon i i i iii me ii tg ill x e 1 tin hi id it lis md tl e 1 gi ll s xa e i the soldu i s si and iii lite ait 1 is i is lutir hlllllx tollll le e l lough teir too lliage i lluel m tei jippidse lnm nd the mthusiastn appioml tn a weekend tup in online w p tss 1 thus tar in x dm atxix lp his it dax toi i thrivlva uiinuiiii whn the two innels w e f induatis this li t 11111 w 11 b out- of his easiest mud links house and tbilisi in mouse it x utoriexs 1 1 wanted to step oiei m th it town mf ntgl 1 hetme his amxal tanadians had heid sturs whh would xuu boose that he didu 1 tiki wonun that hi didittwaut smok- nig in his presn that he didn t like ouglnng th t on labor dax tui e some wnkd at tasks h 1 he was tus about his tood and spcxial menus were watitd to atmupltsh some telok pan in holidn rtiuued that he wimtedto get ott the miurentania progiauls and st went xisiting but none fontud aheild ot the aihhishop ol tnnterbui x and that he puadex ti nipiss tllloii ituens that thur wax wis had ordeid theie be 110 urtillerx salute when he ar- the 01 ix light wax liiuig 111 a small somnlun 1 meel in hultlax j has main smnpensations tor those who liketreedom istuft lltitcers who had not serxed on the lantous eii 1ud111duil axtion j real estate and insurance ocean steamship tickets kkal kstatk u 1 t m a numu r ut ti hliij f r i1- jinr if onr ccui lt aiitt liniiil al jm v n film iriinfij ircuild ani tiiitj 1 in il titmrits uiil 1 i 1 nl miliul liikultlin son 1i11111 fniiu fif ml- lf iil t11 ml i bimwt insi hanci mine nr u iiitiinii iij liuii t 1 1 i 1 n iktw tmrirfllt it li 11 t i i 1 r i ul till in ln i1nr11 ti lnm 41 to vi jkt rrnl in ti tin t int 1 art im 1 ltommllh ism tm i i i x a t i ii 1 i 11 t 1 i 1 ii 1 1m i li i i 1 1 1 lull lutu k imi dim iois ok s i ti 1 t i wi it s v n i t v 1 ftth lt nt ur m lu rrliiriico mrii in tin 1 f 1 ll f 1 11 1 nil 11 ft j j t to f l wright itkailxih ani insuhanck illonk 95 business directory ueoic4x dr w g c kenney paiyalalf ajai hurgwaai isueevaaur lo dr j a mcnivaas offler in symon liluek mill stxt aeton uffvm pfcema 11 himaait cfceikji st pkaa iu uk i a gakkett ivkilctaji aaad hurgaaai 1nslerlck sirit aeton kormirly lir nelw ufflc older 1leir z3x 1ltjiinoa i4j lirntai ijk a j hucmanan urnlaj hurgroa ii 1- lilumii tllmk mill suam ijtlt hour j a in le b pox i al ias ii i kilikl lin lilt 1 olitl a blkks ii nlau isurauu 11 li i 11 1 i it ll aiu i 1 1 u in to to pan mustard 1 o z e k t a lie jar rubbers frosty mix i 19 molasses i cocoa xi 14 14 prune nectar ii camp calf fi x7 4e ch1u carne x4 ion i f sticks tomato soup a red hot sauce wool foam pol if lor wax old dutch pard doe food x quaker muffets x 17 boiled dinner xtc snack sacks spachetti sauce pickline splee baby foods beef broth 2 i4f i flour iii x7 49r loc xoc loc 14c xc macaroni t 17 bran teav j7 olives s4i 7c i5auce xsc ou quick spic and span vineg arsil itr iskin n i ill kl ini tlnions 15c herta no 1 ilcutlks sjieclal iriei ju ex jlitnriiia okancil j- me is iiii kresh itunlam dltn 1 30c 38c i j 1 t j 1 1 u ft l 11 mi al 1 hi am li tln iu tt lrt ital sail t nlaf lutl l i f 1 r 1 1 1 1 on xlllll a ii ilirtl 1 illth- 1 1 t trail ltatlr r- iu 1 anion a 1 sukth a ton il hull lint it m litn auuith 1ia anus ontlv llw iios itmldml hftj ujk rtify llntatrr uuujg iiioiii- hsw i i i k lioskin lutrurtd amjiinaiiu li l it jfnhlnh a i1ici i i u mi lio hliiii itldk ii n ton 1 ixmii 1 ik lti ht kin mo li i ohm s iv st rlrrinr mirirun lfi 1 ii ii ntni iu i i ii mill il i li r 4 dakis s ii s ririkr surgeon i kmkl 1 kn a a ton 1 ixii 1 ut hmi iatk vllmumin i akm atlncy 1 uuv1 i ol 1 aj in in cnad h1i olfii k nl lilli juiunto im iiiliin i n iitrxkr tnni hrmiiii j hone lirnrirloun t timk taules lltw much links t at hi svl a k aflxin i l klll in t1mf laaatlmttintl m tl ii ni 17 tl ii 111 0 1g r-to- ij 1 n m in i j m f f2t in m im p in hi 1 11 i 111 hraltmhind ilu ts h 1 1 11 1 1 u iu j m p m 1 1 l m r ti m tn 31 pja i i in 11 jh j n lo slialfxiil 11 ml 11 i numlfim iiikl lllilas only ijuk rikjt siimlni and iloll- ljk 1 1 kill i i ik 1 nii n iionl hiias si iiii iin u i 1 1 i i hi 1 t n ni is 1 1 11 ii i iu k ll iii li i m 1 it i ml 10 it t 1 x v 1 1 ix am 1 il 1 j ml hu ll ifltl 1 v v t st i 1 4 aaa concrete blocks i mtintituvuii j h i iikitknimm ion- ckktk products llarxfy walters t soii acent 1hiite vrtn 37 1 blocks mtnuiacturej to rnrct tlu- torunick blaw spitcifications i i i i aefc i4jj i