Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 3, 1946, p. 2

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u pack two the acton free press s thuitstmy octodelt int ims xlp actun 3frrr jjrrafi atiit j u tl li tlttc 1vii st hwtiniin watn i tan u utm lji 11 t itf 1 t ha twlttiwaa i 1 lx 11w l 1 1 l 1 tl 4 1 t 14 uujil i ij t vi lu c l t n u 1 l llr 1 uku r j 1- d 1 1 r i iii v 1 v j b f fiwilua v 1 1 ii c m aki r mi l t i 1 i i i ii m i mit ou at thr mr thi i rida and saturday a ton i ir prisuih it nnuil show window of the agricultural elimnct hut the fair this car will be rruiinimcnt if re ir years since the arena is again haek into ur and tle hall exhibits can he put on displa again it took a lot of loyalt and additional effort to earr on act n fair during those ar cars and the board and vi ors were sometimes drsappointed with their attempt t hut now this lh ccnt is almost rcc from war lime restrictions i oiks hac a first opportunity to visit ifiain in the home community on hir day at tendance records at other 1 airi indieite that all ir taking advantage il this uppoiiumt or attendim fairs again and so on i nda and saturda c ii sec ou all at the i air ranted kd eathcr ou ii enu cvir nnnuic of the program iirrineed i rrrvuur the iaut kecent excavations of indian villages in the vie i inil of waubaushcnc and ojillia onuno arc focj ing the attention of archaeologists and people gener all on early life in canada the d scotcric will throw more light on a period of history about hi n loinparativck little is known because surviing re cords arc few and at times inaccurate ktcoustruit ing history troin ruins is a painstaking tak aod at f best lacks niuvh of the detail a written account could 1 furnish 1 cn so these districts will troni ro on draw nian visitors ho un he directed to a concrete an scr for the frequent ejuesiion what is there to ee in your tcin all plaees are not fortunate tnouih to have the imtion s j ast unearthed at their door hut many hac the ir sj ols ol hi stone inteiem e ii and runutu iilt marked leihas mm old fori inik 1 lie days t lionti i lights ith he injiail oi the nwliies i id liitl int u ni mno si me nionuintnl solium itn i ute s an undent hi hi m t f ihjj 14 or trmtuiy l rinol ill dis eile i e lvt li m dju un j it toiled mle uile til is treet slitiie ot llun otiiijiis h mu k 1 m n if he si i itkirnu km i has lu in u i f i si t tnj fuiiuan inlercm staiiied ii n t all lh s mi js i in an tu an j it is r in mi v lint tnv j lave lui i neeis li ke cu oil i f f till in nl h is a tin nun n i in li hmihj i he ii iii t i m iiv il ii tli i jikttt j an i in on j i i i tl i lit ii i f dee d that iii ike j till hi jt d tie lei li i i at r j i he t kls h ulj t t i i je j t i fe tiliu 1 li is ttu ml lit die i llllj th i flu tit t e mini 1 1 ml lout the tietion f fhr lir i elllitell the n le f i lie li s nuelklt lo ufnic ileal se if gi e i nine nl h uld ii it ro r mlcly murke d un 1 tire ill tevi ids kt pt l lon utehises to supple meni the ncetssarih brief public tabids i 1 lit hisioiieal sices and monuments hoard anada plas a big part in the setection of importiint iimtionid and international silts but the history ef our country k tts much in little places as in bet ter knon centres what is our town doing to j re serve und publieie the history of lis he a- v real estate and insurance ocean steamship tickets us alter s by fire the ncwkpaper lublic snanl october i s imti bus been s t aside us nutiomtl ncspupcr week it is most fitting thit i time be set aside for the newspaper te remind the public of the s r ices which it is constantlv performing for the benefit of the communitx too man people accept their nespnjer nnd the benefits it brings m the a of information nrdent support of vommunitn projects c unpaigns for bet er government and efforts to improst the tntrul w i fare as thev accept all of the other itnl necessities 0 f taking it for granted that these things h long to them as a right without h reiiluation of the fact that free people have such rights mainh by r tue of their constant defense b the newspaper the slogan of national newspaper uttk in 1 no i a rrcc press voice of i riedom onardian of lihcrtv no other single instrument is so apth named world war ii might well hae hctn avoided had all the peoples of the uorld hud the newspaper as a oice of freedom duardian of libcru vt orlj war 111 ma be presented through that selfsame means th slaujrmt f the innocrnu one might almost come lo that kmhiiim hi udymg the record of loss of life of children as contained in the statistical heort of 1 ire losses in hiiijii i us prepared by the domimi n i ire ommisstuitr it is m implied thiit patents deliberattk sluub dr thijr children in this wo but the results are tbe sjitiu nx t find that over the ten year period 1 l i 4s i ju children have lost their hes hy file in anadii in i ms ti sulfered this cruel late twenty im died when the ir home s caught fire in the absence of their parents 1m died as the result i i laing with mulches se e n were bur ill to death when their cl ithmi ignited from siosts 1 iijii c ceied fatal burns when gasoline was used to light the lire and fourteen w henhrrtisne was snnitirl used leiurleeii died w in n trapped in burning build ins and ten more by smoke and gas sulfoention and the uiumiiik story continues until the total of ii is made up who art the responsible parlies in this slaughter of the innocents irt prttntionists point an lie cusmg finger at the parents and say if they had htcn more careful with tire it they had taught their children the clenuntar principles of fire pretention if tht hajn i k out and it ft little children alone in fhct if they had applied plain common tense or had fulfilled their responsibilities as parents shoulj most of these children woutd hae been ahc to da ranted that accidents will happen in the btm regulated families there is no need lor ttk appal ling toss of life among helpless children let us hope that canadian fathers hnd mothers will awaken to nnw what lo ou think their responsibilities nnd put a stop to this march of a subscriber who wants us to guess his name in death parents the remedy is in your hands rtph to an editorial note which rcctnth appeared in this column sends us a clipping he had on fk which appeared in a farmer s magazine it js headed this rnrnur is hard to please and we are quite urc the incident didn t happen in ontario but hert is the item tnir reader asks us to republish in our editorials to prove that bis wife s ehugcs of crutlt and hon t know whether it was indian summer we had incompattthilm art without lustituation a defendant last hiiturdnv but it etrtamt was summer weather i in a diorcc suit at a count scat told friends of his unusual kindness i and consdcniton for his wife stanjurj tnu on he recited that eerv night during ihj recent col i unj rra makts rtrft sltms ht thlinkf spell he had brought the av in and stood it be ih j ltnn confuwon usuai thls mr fireplace so that the cold handle would not chill his wifes hands when she cut the breakfast wood he exhibited their store- bill where he had allowed her i professor l joslyn rogers provincial analyst 25 cents worth of soap evcr three weeks and recall speaking at guelph the other evening said that liquor ed thtt he had batched for three years before he uas the chtef contributing factor in at least so pe was married the last time and that 25 cents was t of major highway accidents murder deaths in more than he had spent for soap in the entire three ontario are as nothing compared to the number of years highway deaths due to liquor professor roger- a ear ago when she had threatened to leave hm told his audience a driver who bad consumed only a unless he quit tobacco he had advanced her 1 50 for i p 0 dcer should not drive a motor vehicle a new drew to win her back to humor her whims j he had confntcd that the dogs be excluded from thj fireplace room except on the coldest nights when i our thatrkr to the many readers who expressed his wife uid up last summer bv a fall frojn the appreciation of our editorial last week headed he hav wagon he haltmilked the cows hemself and taken pn most who serves best and agreement with the hoc and kept the garden free of weeds he hope opinions and also to those who may not agree in- his next wife will be more appreciative of kindness cidenulh most readers took the same viewpoint of the item in our column which brought forth this rice to the community which we expressed and we cliddinc was no woman sftns a philosopher reallv hl the liquor control board should require n makes a fool out of a man but she sure can give him complete analysis of what backing the application an opportunity to develop his natural capacities has both in the interests of the bmnch and ofacton maybe the philosopher was right as a whole editorial notes there is i lot of difference hctwee i what and sound and what tncrch sounds good good ukai kstatfc vw tsr i unit- f vl 1m lid fur uilr s ir iir twivr qccud- lut an 1 in mill lt vmmim t ott rn i iiant urruimxl tivj uljet i ml f itriinl unlit it- nt ntretl itrulauona heum et iir taunt ful mi 1uh aril m all uut insl 1mnck hilt i in lit li uiiu u i 1ntt ly nil k new larftflt l i llr i l il lul on i a li im i fr in 4 lo ju irr rttt in uini t inttt nit i mir 1 tomoi1i1 k ivm un h 1 i 1 1 v v i i ml ail i i t ii i 1 t uf ii ei i 11 u i flu llim all rvikmt i li k 1 1 1w ratrs iiok k itllldint uns ttm sk i iii i 1 ar i r w i m tvu ii u it iio north i 1 i ui i u 1 1 i i i i e unit uur fiar rhmii u rrlurtud turn v r fut it i i inf rniatl n ly to f l wright kkaitok am insurance 1iionk 86 iff aylmeitv soup 2 wl7c beef roth 1 lc eef noodle x asparagus soup oiiin pea soup x atlmer onion soup x muffets x- 17c cornflakes r ar puffed wheat r 11 r 7c jello custard oxo ihqkadiid peas nl patk m tim mtc rv pulvw ul bjtoaa prune nectar no i cooking onions special 4 lbs or no i wealthy apples 6 quart basket sweet juicy california orangfs size 344 dozen fresh large sizecocoanuts each fresh grapes iceben leuure cauliflower special wfcelccnd grlech 17c 49c 27c 29c raduhm business directory medical dk u g c kenney ftlfialat huflm sucrsur to dr j a urnlvvo offlcr ln symun uleck mill trt acton offu lhm tlbildiirr 0mn ht ptwtw 1u uh li a gakkett frisxlcrick mrwt acton ronntrly dr krlfwi offl e 1 t ne i lttucwoc 3m ukntal ok a j uuuianan lstaj hurgom ifl f llsljoan i ilex k mill slr ott ii llout j a ui tu 6 pjtt i ay as liil hmiunh 14 lk oktl a blkkb liiaal hufgsmui m ii tiitt i ihr tl k artua till i llejuik jill a in to 0 10 pjft ii 1 1 hum li 1 1 i mill i1 am h a ai ins lurruur anj pmtlliitur tilrr fubu luur i hi tell nr ijirliwa li t ii hi k minion lraut ortk xt i tmiirt 1 andddn a amswokth iurtouri hollrltvra ru v oniin ai ton m mi mull hug s it madntyr alsscurth da actus 0tu llftw itwa lualdmo iiil feiilein lrrxury thratra buluif lhoiia hrtw li vi l mobkln krtrml aoujiuuiu su ithi ik li jrhlnm a iiakdv 1j0 mrtrui 1 tan lllj 44 vleloiln m iniotilo 1 in j 131 vrtrkinaicl h i uuimi s ii v sc kftf iiiih killr ontario i i un milt i 1 tl r 4 oakis s li v sc rlrrlnar surgrun i 1 it ol i in avrn a tin ii inr 1 u ilkai rstatk vullougmin iakm aglncy lirtfikl mtitl olid i aknty in canjul lt ad office krnl 111 ijj lorooto n rjrtiun i iiim titatlv tom llnaon itivn inuivrw lit time tables ra oach unks xat llh i ya t acton lautflt halnu time ksuumhuui xg3l am b7 4fi am qic aa 1 1 m n m j k p m a jo p m 039 i m d0fpm bllllpm umthotllstl nllh nm 11 11 am 2 30 pjn 3 11 p m 7 11 pm bh 33 pjn x t m 1 1 jh p m 2 lo stratford a lo iindon u sunelavs ami llulllai only x dat un 1 1 sundab and hall d 1o kltt 1 i nrr naihn national railways l i ii t i i m i i n h 1 j m si i 1 nh i l i m in k lrr t t e li it wsllkunl 1 i l i i t m t ln i t am m ntix i nl lifi nm lil rxrej1 sunti mi ami t it p m 7 w p rn sturda nnl v m her nt m h itril fiaturttnv and sund fii pm nicol bros monuments and cemetery lettering associated with a j dorbett mount forest ont n n evq11kes w coles at atife cotlortic phone 1 acton

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