ht jvrtm ttt ft seven tv second war no 14 acton ontario 1 huksday octoufcll hih mmii hijht home print page five cent soil test to be made tor work of sewage disposal counhi asaku in kr track re pairs v mean club wu1 iw arena next year art on cnum ii met on monda vetting tn kulir tesshwi with coun cillor j m crelghlon w j ben- mhi w j o ukra and u cook presesvt and hrrvr i ha i klrhnes treuoed mr ceo mussitle tin behalf of the art on llram h nf the t anartian lgua asked financial tulilamv of couniil in the nil that u put on tha rata track at the tlmr of the meet pie rtttt wu ii41 ami the uranch asked council for of thit mat coun eil approved of ihe ex tend i lure but pointed out that in future a better understanding moum he required hc fore an arranenci were made for improvement hv off h lals of any or ganliatlon accounts w ere parsed for pa im nl at followi hamilton inlfmnt cap o county of halton use hiader it o staplelon repairs kred v mew ait rucking k p itowman copies of plan k k llarrop postage rti mrs annie parnell leaning w cutting mow ing giasa s snow repairing mom t 1 wright insurance pre mlum bell tviephone co services acton bram h canadian leg- gion refund mail rent raagmluatt day rspcmaeei acton athletic association re ball game uorna jral hand art on y s men s cluh re dance watson s nir mru for the hand tomtnlon hotel menu for hall plavers prlie for blrvrle imr prtjes decorations ti capt amlirwi unif t w hand hrrorli i tl treasurer alton llov llnnd mallahoi cnstunn r rt ntal m s itoxs stenographic xn n i iuxom stenograph acton fair draws record crowd ol 10000 people vetera sh and acclaimed best fair in its 34 years african war hold inure h parade here v 41 mls j ijm a jo 7 in 17 h id 10 vi 1u 75 1 11 0l 1145 73 00 put no 11 in mis ihfo 14210 io no 210 110 ww srrv 2 ort jll7hj mr k 1 wiifcht ix n miru of the pn it in hi tiu mt- nil b th corporation ami n i nmervded c n am i nances i mim tllor i r ightt n v as appolnlid to nui t mr rlgi l and after onference make n kport to count ii 1 he mint for in nwl coverage on the arena since it had re verted to it oiiglnal tine w ns approv ed the clerk wax instructed to prepare the h taw for issuing debentures for preliminary mw r raitr work and mec ognltlon dav expense the b law for licensing puhll halls was left orr for a future meet ing the bvlav covering the collection of garbage for thr ear was read as required nd jasaed attention wns drawn that old car hod ex and furn aces were being deposited in th tlump these were to he removed council decided not to pun hnm chlorinating equipment for the spring after inspection it was frit the filter disposal did not endanger the mun c- ipal pipe line council decided to hold court of revision on october jmh at 710pm council approved of the pan of new subdlv ilon leorntw opened 1 heard more and co the agreement for repairing the roof on the iiirl ng ilnk wa apprcvod h council a letter from alton s me i a cluh emlomh hoouc for jll a f n- al payment ot aiin rental tho cluh gae notiie th- would rerc i ihrlr opt ortvtf ttntwmg the lcs for nevt masin beanlmore nrvl co nktd ihrmtt alon to i lose aiiow on tuolph st anil fc a imilir trip at an other tocitmn lh lerk w milh- orijed to tnkr lc ntj i ivil invn 1 ings- l ettt rs re 1 f i m vmttrnn anderwin and lo regard nn ewage dlspcvsal plan tjioosed w a a quot ation from imntld inspection co for making sil ure the ccsl wouvd he from 1500 to jljiv depending on the work entailed a motion i passed authorizing the work to pro ceed the work was to be completed h october 31st a letter from the tvpartmrnt nf municipal affa r drew attention to an amendment fix rig nomination and lection davs b baw the blfl was to he paad at the next meet ing setting the eectlon on monda december lfih and nnmlnatlofts on fridav november th tiik cltapmanwert ukiin in atton iiaitisht church aiiihi hapllmt chuic h was 11m set ling for itve wedding of miss wllina s4u west eldest daughter of mr and mr- l k west it it 1 atlon and mi john vmiiiam kiank oiap man sn of mrand mrs j a cliap- nmn alton tv inland a frego r lmmli otflcialed ne hurt it w a decorated for the on aslon w lilt auliihin flowers iiven in ntartiage h lit r fattier ln t ride wore a flooi lingth gown of c mtf i ti- mndc on princess lines her long ceil of tnthroid red i nil ii fiimii a hnlo hrsimom sl m a gold nivt it- glfl or tltr k and airlnl a mtuuel of iel itiii white k lad oil tip ho hrid snial 1 m k llflm wst ll i of the hildo was gow ned in tiluc iiepe mmlr on mlmilar lines to thr 1itts vcllli kiioui dri hiitttlt cell of llu tulle tclth w uln dim nit it tairled a lmtitn t of pnk gladioli tips mr william klelds was hroontmiimt mr rrncot we i brother of the bride and mr i ecu ge williams tousln of i he groom w ere uaher tlte w ed ting musl was plavetl by mlsa jean matheson miss jesne coles sang o perfec t ai e before i he reremonv and during the signing of the reguter kor you alone following the cercmon a leceptlnn was held in the hs sen tent of the church where mrs west recelrit the guests in a two piece gown nf navv i rejte with black accessories and a corsage of reel roses mrs chapman t aulte1 wearing a hlack and w hlte iete enemhte with bla k accessor le and a t omage of ted roses ror he wedding trip to ottawa th hi mr those a tuniiole rre dre ccltli secjuln trim mllh black short ccwit and accesimtt h and a ttrsage f f aluntnn rones tn their leturn m ind mi c hnpitinn will m ilile lit a iwt out of tocn k u i i v iii fioni loroitlo i u ll tn i mmi ioisl kirst ikr siioiv not oiscourmik ij who ii not win v m vinr suwustm ural her ireeted the october i mr to make art on a mm mui lh ktl jullin s mctinjr place fivr allamu skow drew iaricd hmim- on h wll kiiiarree and rrulay night lutfiirmt mldnay at any of rural vuir ihd hu s d mond and nmd hi tia i lluaineiw lvway and saturday rsrea had a luc kalry and vkt- d star n n ut j to klnwhea kourhre traaw were oulatandlne in the lleatv s luira hln two i lands lruvtdd the mtvofml prncra mr j i i- mai k whltelork officially opnd th ims kvent l n r a mnft ahtlt bmtmilrl li kolilnsixi lllrl iiu rl llr a a1 iimi imr im j 1011 11 lrrt t a li iu umi l j ml urn nl mi anil mi- r ino r ma npii- ailin im1 lvt uitd- i itf eai mar supper served at lupiiat church acton lloya lund ld the parade it lrkit of id- aariline i si i ti 1 1on hlih had iitl 1 1 i tcl with lis utual 1 low ii k il the n fine pi v i mi i and k again in the i tf v m aitna with it douhle altrahlona th fat offhers and directors were deter mined to haw no mlone unturned i m niiatu im tin alton fair inlo lead m1 i m a sph mdiil an ulltd ftplrndupv ihhlp i het hnd lh in aity n ilnllolt of loven iiiul ouillkllr luiumiliimlmlyiill tftoiu u e note ihnl minnie- of lln pllflli sl ii m ith the event nrcir in 11k tilclir i a a- ion an inn of clrnilar sle had a inldv im iiil mi one this ai w it nun to rnundt a m hc i lino vtirik orwhlilai lmtt i it aiwt all lln long ikt hi i litdsmc at a ten fall this ear ni thg plnix kdiii imii i and w hn glcn lit the dallt pre- nl fnmi liveou thnl oulil i- inmilol lni lilimht e fncor lit lallrr flguie totihlo ceclkn usd thlm m ti mot to i to nd hut ta- that est hn n v did n good hulm s fnday itlghl ale on the total of both iias i iit m unlll after on o i k ih xhlhll in thi hail slumitl tin h est a i lay effect of alton imiok out of th- 1 till lot k i ante in drones in the dejtartmenls foi four witra mattv ol limtdiv and more midway om t ihi iuu urn llghl hut it was al i tloni and folks from far and n ar wi r noted that inui h of i he woik wit innklng ai ion fair tltelr ntcllni new tin mlioil ihlldiens pla plaie when all were kathed in was a fine exhlhn and inn h admired twtn tissi nn htsmi folks were a as was also tlte mellon giver over l in hied in a ton 1ars women s iimtllule exhibits flow e in llie uirade moved off from the and fruit exhibits wen affec led by th town hall shor1l after on o io- k later date f ne industrial exhibits i t a ion lto and iuli llaml wete made h wcmii combing orj ill inlng hi tl in the parade otnllnn and haxter 1 nlmtratories in ituss1 aihh john kin her aint i itonnhl f llloll mill ltef1 decorsld tuiggh wie th m of shlrby motion and i tier i xa alhh j f rule hiw- million tmhni loccn hand hiou up lite rtnr nn1 ersone tens holldnc im nt i t an hi in suit h th hxil rhllihn in foi itit ginndslniot iml i h n n nil the area li std nl ait i ur s at k banter w i corned the friends to the fair and ex- prbscci appt e latlon on ih half of lln of flu is and lit ii ton s ii h i lie flit c ociiei allon gtrn io ntnk h n mi i oi timing ih pioginm thi n ut nl jtlxo innib the unnu tn ih wmnerm in i lie in tc di par imeiit of it i innlin improt menl out til ion i lop il vc nt io win witll i f i rtll nitii olln ml oil ttith hoitomill ntlon nc ltd- io w nt i inbtfi igh ii o lto- in i m ison folks bimd itmii n k in o i li n ot ion f in im t nknl lln pirn to the doors and ifl is ii t lo- vcn l 1it1 fo the ids ljtst si hoi d k t isxttcd it mom oven is iii out iskll ti lib io il s it ill am ion sec in khnim i i iii 0 lllllg 1 illoltll k loltlinl iii novel lo ailon fair mot inlrotii mi i f whiilok llnllon aryw bti i dntikht r of mrs ladv m ihioalit trill tnwlei one ai iii lan it of mrs allh ii i i ulpl 1 i- t mm i r sit iii lit hs tmii b it e and lto bns of mi mid mis man ii ills a i m h oul l f ih p h as v hitlt bainlleil ly alon hot and nil itniol and f in iliu e i ioam hand of i i pey altei nnl- and kt ii fair llcely all nil iiohmi 1 he hvesiink pa in i mao n aln a hit f nlun or the fnlt and riles rt wnl addil as f inn r mikinrton al thr rnltophnne aiinouniit the nwiti rs as th itrtnlit ihelr prle winning slh k im on i he giniidatand and a- mil ml ttie ahow i uig it w as mr mi k i nn on who mad the annoiini nttiilb and krpl cenlb liurrlng along in ihe hoise jtnt ring all aftn- n on hie hoard aga n used the it ciil bound equipment from kllrh t ner and had sp endld results llie p i mn atlndlng the fair fimn ihe ifientesl rtlbtanie was mjs j ilovnr r lkelaiwl allfornla we ik llee the nutemt mnn on lite icroundt was mr ilikeilrik of toronto wtio is nl in i v mi b old it was ifelllrtt itaik at the ik after in mii a pint ram om ludil hut the iiocct staee1 until the finish whf tli ccre voito rum arrldenta fix jure onithl hsls r hi pit wlnnrs in it niiou- hdill w ii t foutfl h th ml ii is loin i ontinu on i nre i hn e fits td di rm 1st stlor whales the name t tha honk ou are reading 2nd saunr lt entitled what 0 million aomen u anted j lit sailor let- seo if the i pel led j my name rtght i l iimnu nt on ks iiltli sms ot i ullt li hi h tier sin it is tins tn d w nnnot publish thi uttr but wi d our txst lo imirt the ixtlnts nske i the letter is in referent o to the at nen improvement co npetltlon of at ton fair yes the orlgnal plan w is to ha e one lot of prlex go for the most im i roentent shown this year llowexi r w h n details w et e f innllv completed it was too lale to sh w an lmpro e- ment in cardrns this ear therefore this xear s prizes wei e aw anted for the best gardens found at ihe time of the xislt of the judges and the awards made on that basis next ears competition is explain- i ed quite full in the imr prlxe iisl onl those gardens entered during ihe period stated namel from now until tune 1st 1v7 will qualify if the discouraged ones wllll rend the an nouncement in the prize i 1st we be lieve von vs 111 be quite encouragec knter vour six gardens and youll be mirprised the encouragement xou will recee of course the full benefit to j the romrminitx will not be reallre this xear or nevt it is honed that- 1 or i fotr ears will make acton noted a beautiful town mrs i h kinds vy i hosttms for meettn women assotition ihe worn ins as it on o a ton i nitt t nurc h m t i it 1 ti sd t t ttie h mie of mis i h i imbu when mrs aor precidm and mrs k i 1 duwt mi ti id hlite of the d olloi tl i r i viinlt citrt is soctii n inter ts r ulih e mrs 1 tnd si teas nsxistitjbn mr mnxbt nd mrs w 1 itcnt t in rxtii tun h vn c nl time vets njnxel toronto motorist in ix1ujsion with train on crossing here on frlv night hairx minn of vj mortimer ave lor into m in cil- 1 si n with a tram on the cm ii rnck t the mill street crossing in acton it api irs mr mann did not see the trim on the rroxsing and nnhed nto the side of t i he biistalned injuries to his faw- chest and bnth ifps and after recelv- ng medual attention he was tajcen to tlu- clt h another motorist the car was vmatbed up chef hirrop invistlgited the accident j p friends will regret to learn that mr dan taylor it 111 in the oncril hospital in ouelph all hope for him a prompt reeotery i i m 1l tie li imp put up i k hhi train t h s on vc i for f t ruis hun foloccid iti inv i a it f h ms slewnit moldlnt mi moctttl itnd alfred w int n nitrhs taking thi prles in 1hnt null i 1 hi juniper s had ilncn fine en ilex and ioinhi tlon w ns keen no i provided some good exhibitions ihe hunter lass wan won b all farms stewart holding lean otw land and stewart holding the high jump was raptured be miss lean fiowdlc s t ntrtes for f ft and tccond place and ai1c fntms nt i third tohltion the knock down anil out lace hnd entries of miss lean cow land in fit t and second place and ai1c faims n third mushal chairs for ponies had five t ci r i id im s til itl l ffn p to i ti tmt f nlr l veto i hus art in hn piornm nvi i v i- hirnxx a s lie nt mhktinc hv s h wi fun i i rakm r m heih 1 i its c n inns- slirltil in a t d in 1 rs11 a bun i in milton hetentlv 1 to 7 i ivc liul llo mine and 1 i hth wnls vit h it teas a rnn e forums of the i ounlv slnrti i tciib ih ii iii blop of mil i i i thi ftis t t th unit ion ii nil man it ad kim tc i- lhs mllon on xxplrmler jtd h ilso kn vnl nt i i h ntr es of mr i y ntaiiff i ilrlghl ont n somervill won ltst n muhi i bre r prex ntatlv e on ihe and lihn llnmillmi of f i gus third lv m feculivi akliessed the in the nniin tin nnllnnal film mi i n nit far m f nrum organisation lloiid shoevil movie pictures dm mt n rompllshments ihi afli rnihin and mnnv attended this i tie piritnn o ltixii hoxpltaliza t vent i n n was d si usx rt and a rommtttee of highlight of tin lonvv linrx nig win named to or tain information on ecre the four borx li xmt a tnd tin 1 ins- ital at ion i ns and bav e it f tir hnd four nf tbexe teams an i n ulnted to all ttie farm forums in everxone of ihm were of lop qua i hilton for the i is uslnn this co-n- t x it w is a sitbt thai lovers if ng b ison hnrs nrii atl iptt pnrtlrtilnr de-llcr- j ommlltee nrmed were maurce ax thexe sixteen fine hores vsere it end hi nd mrs perry ijimb mrs shoes n in the ring i ceo llrnwnrldge mr milton hrown in the saddle horses pei formam and it s heath rlnutnn delegates inss keg frid s entrv unn first with were anpnnted to attend ihe cmfer- mewart jloldlngs entries taking see lme at ilrinlford on vtober 2nd mog the prize winners t vctton fair a ion hna teen many taradrs of vet i an luting lie pt twenty five y ai b hut w lo it i iitiiiiti vein tns ol ihe rf atinaii war of ikfllirr d i ile1 to hold thli annual iiiumii mil and par mie hi ir ii si i t ed me- nori s of th turn of ihe enlury and nnlle1 that many ait l ipanu of the hot i tc o tcais ecie not imi n s in n ih -m- men i ced h empire artd w i n ih rimlloital anthem cbmb 1 m1 sute h ltl en alul of ihe fmpoe oiimi tee is nnd i lelr fl it od i alte fiimii i m onto h ihartti- hu on sunday af 1 r roe n i w i fiv i eg i men is vtrre leprew nt d iii th if r up a 1n vetrr miib of ihe war an w oles who mad i he an ang nn nil for them to mine heie w j old hsrleswtii rs frtd jigglhs and wm parnell i in were nlitalned al a sieclal supper served in ihe itaptut hurch he he indieb of the ongregatlon mebrx frnest oh and orvllle itrown were in ihsrge of kid hen and b tvlrtg ihe ftueala wire mrs mrmul- len miss 11 onnver mlsa jean mat- imumi miss helm wrd and mlsa jes sie oles sakeb following ihe supper were iteeve c i kllknesa itev mr wal lace it ol hal arttyne dso a padhuiy prisiibnt of a ton flranrh of th legion itev i h mrpherson se retary s a vefeianb w j fouwi and hill president of ihe s a v leraiix ih tiunh parade formed at the i own hall and led by art on doyv and rlrls hand paraded tn mhi slraat and wubel al ihe tiddlers morfument vclor iteeve kllknesa on behalf of alton a pied a wreath which was paert at ttie base of the monument lh haptlxt hurrh was filed for ihe servhe and ervires of the i nltel i him li was withdrawn and he mr foshurv attended and assisted in tha mjtio mr ti ester i tank also as lcte in ttie srvl musical numbers no hided n solo by m sa lessle i olrc a male i horns by messrs c klrkness w llurton a hoblnson w coles muss ih and id hans n a vlnli sh b tnmrade young a native ft wst into who fnusht in west afri- m 1h1m nn south africa 1hot lottt n ijunrlette number hy mesirs c kirknexa led hansen w nts and reo musselle of that routing com- index song of hope the s rmnn was hy capt mcpher son who baserl his remark on the i arable of the nod samaritan and who is lhy neighbor he unr- all io forget petty jealousies and h good neighbors liiylslnn among vet erans rhureh and nations was not hrlnging a belter world he urged a forgiving spirit and a living rhrtat- lantv and warned that if our way nf life u not altered we will have an other war in which man wilt extermin ate himself tteformlng again after the service the parade returned to the town al and their special bus for toronto the hoys and oris band again gave the stirring marches for th parada the veterans were moat apprahattve of the service given hy the band under mf c w mason and regret that an opportunity was not made to their thanks publicly before the turned to toronto hejr ijost am toes on one foot when calght in machine whie work ng on a farm near bal- inafad last week chaa w burgees had the misfortune o have his foot caught in a corncuttng and lost ap fixe toes on rhe left foot he was taken to hospital tn cuelph he ha 1 just received his discharge from the- irmv tn august after servinf overseas for some t me coining event- asa tatfcbbctls at unmbsfi t m o ikr kvsats sbxui ihs imf srs rhrest t esaic licts virk ssiatssuai rksrg ft cb li shows mr ed pearvn with the crnnd champ on shorthorn bui from his herd of shorthorns at the fair mr cpearen has been a prize vi nninj exhibitor for manv ears il is an action shot of mr stewart holding on kiiiarree as ha clears the hurdle tn one of the jumping classes mr holding li another welknon exhibitor at acton i3i j mckav of georgetown witlj fprst prue road team in 13h and over class 4i barton job rrr 1 acton with a prlxe winning suffolk in the sheep ci gases bazaar and afternoon tea in the tnited church on october 19th aus pices of tha friendly circle acton lo l 467 will hold a euchre i in the hall at crewmons corners en thursday october 11th cart wh leave elliott store at 8 oclock iv- erjbody welcome wiltards ontario panorama radio 1 show broadcast by cordon sinclair and alan sayage town hall aetoa october 18th at b pan admission sse and 15c proceed ladlaa auxiliary canadian- lem acton bay band jtnd mutlca1 numbers by the mhoa children 3 l