Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 14, 1946, p. 2

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aoktwo the acton free press ruuhsdav november mlfc 14 stlji arton jfrrr re bb alkmwi 4ul vt iwhitaml hbw 4j ab tiw lv i l vjtilt bant 114 alula bl wu ii lwu i l i u tjt m mb i m t 4 uavu l utrtj awtua4m tol jaubtbab u tjthimi bj vila bh mf i lai htbfj ltt- vl w j iitw s t- vr v nil i aiu7 imilv fcln uwcr cost ilmee needed while lack of material and akilled labor to emu houses arc the chief factors dctenng home building the ability of the average man to build a home at current price i another item that it deterring the construuion of muih needed hornet a quit a of estimating the value of a home that a man could afford to live in was fi lake the eekl age and add to ciphers thus if a man a making 40 per week he could afford lo lie m a 4000 house lat car omc ma000 canadians paid income lascs i leven out of cer tclc of thtm earned less than 1000 annuallv almost half a milli n earned between j ooo and 1 000 a million and quarter from 1000 to sj 000 these nadian comprise the dominion s hie need and the big mar ket foinunisinf the can t afford to pay an thing like 000 to s0o0 for a home and it they are forced to do so thc and the hole count r arc hi a 1 ing for manual trouble later on ihtrc in a disptratc need for more housing and to get ctcrans established in homes of iluir own but e must find a a of proijing these homes at a vost hih the an afford to pa perhaps the answer is not in single units and can be solved b building two or four unit homes tmt crtinl horn must be of a osi that is within the reach of the average man tiuhe neaw lttk the hon mr justice dal too wells coratttiauoner appointed to enquire into the production end distri bution of milk in the provinceof ontario idled thai the com tn tiai on would commence ite sitting on the ihih november neat the commisaioner propose to sit first in the city of toronto and to deal first with the history of the relevant legalatioa and con trol of milk and milk products and the operation f iho milk control hoard representations from mt crested parties in the toronto aree will not be heard at i hew frclimtnery sittings but a further oppor tuiui will be given at a letmfate after the time for hling reprrsentations has expired a formal an nounicmcnt in another section calls for briefs to be submitted to the secretary of the uoyal omnii sion at gooje hall by the 2lst november 1 he immission plans to sit in variuus ontario idilrn sclented with a vrw to giving the fullest lonkidnation lo any speiial lot a i conditions teni atitrly the plan is to sit in hamilton london m md mit nvith may iori aithur or i urt william ottawa and itellrville 1 he una public hearings will he hrld in toronto this itinerary has not been finally rt lied anil will ol oure depend to umc etrnt on the hnr which are submitted 1 be commission emphasized that the cnquii had been auihoiurd to conduct the fullest and mokl com plete investigation in this mailer of great puhlu cuiicriii and hoped that all interested parties would take full advantage of the invitation to submit rep res illation on relevant fads to the commission a our rure el the peer table several men with different ideas of life sat down to draw up an agreement one had gone to sunday school as a boy hut grew up to believe that cod helps those who help themselves la it profitable- heiamc his standard another as a boy had gone to very select schools he grew up believing in being a gentleman is it cricket became his standard a third had no boyhood he grew up all of a sudden in the school of hard knocks and called him self rmlistii e believed that his ends justified anv means political expedicnc became his standard lbse three nun naturally could not agrci the li id m common standards something verv like this prevailed nt the pans pi uc conference the nations meeting there hate i no eommon idcologs sonic have no ideology at all ilhiir judgment of what is right in international itlfairs is warped h their ideas if what we live f r hut whut v111 nnvhodv do about it j the ordinate man has no ptuce at ihe peace table or has lu sup ose vt u decide what vou arc rcallv living f i votirself profits pride of race or breeding darning vour own ends- or lo set up moral ordi i in the wotld as lrd intended ihen run vour life our hi me our busnusn and vour politics thai w a if mi make a great mk leess oi it other men will follow our whole nation veiv likdv will m tunc adopt vour idtologv oih i i uiitions will follow suit then thc can sit down tocuher and ugrccwmiand pence will hnallv h pos ible no srcorm chancr though there is alwavs room for improvement canada now supplies its children with educitional tavilities which compare lavoratmv wiih those to t found almost anvwherc else in the world but on of the troubles with education as the windsor ont star remarked in a recent editorial is thai hovaaml girls jo not alwavs realie the opportunities that are theirs during school davs students who shirk their homework and fei 1 vhool is a dtudgcrv imposed on them hv an tin feeling souetv are not ncccsiaril lazv but the aie mistaken torn the ant age point of e vinm oulh there see ins to be plentv ol time for list about ivcrvthmg and no particular hurrv nevessarv in tu jill matter ot learning hut the short formitive school veirs are soo i ever and a student ho has not puked u a sou d background f ediujtion is mt a t to continue mt high school and ast that into universitv or if ti- stujctit eont niies he w ill t nd him si if ope r iti i i tide r a hand ap n the upper mi at a n t idviikctluml to hichel cdieltion l s i ebiiei ii j rin ir eduatkn the hab is ot thought jiv re d u ide r vpaamc ii kilns in tho- id le ve til veus aic niuvm v tor vlvir adult ttiiikin it oik iievf- gctsvut vt grade s ol one st 11 mav uarn to cmov s nu i the subtlem ot hiosophv and the loft est of poctiv t t iu his the nutar loun ariv n of appre ation students agnin mav aiguc there s no tnnu il advantage in spending ears m school that could be emploved delivering parcels to make pocket mone thais another shortsighted mew manv emplovcrs nowadavs demand high chool or even unieritv diplomas there s nothing dishonorable in manual labor but its not alwavs as remunerative as the kind hat involves brain work everv effort therefore should be made to impress on the voung child the value of the education he is receiving and the longrange advantage of the work involved thousands of servicemen many of whom never graduated from public school are back at high school end college desks this postwar semester they realized what they had missed end were wise enough to take advantage of the governments offer to give them another opportunity for study but for most generations of school children there is no second chanoe i ilnnui huilding of ilouww in some quarters it has been suggested that th dovirnnunt could help relieve anadu s mite hoiis ing pn hkm bv honnsing the building of houses a first thought man well meaning citizens w ould t et hups be disposed to approve of this plin not o k j henchman an ottaw i student of politic il cconoinv w ho wriles hut mv friend wants to bonus housing suppose we let him w hat w ill happen the bonus must conn from the st ite but the state has no mnnc tvcm what it gets from ttves and so taves must go u this round ibout wav we are as m father used to put it hf tv ve us ago busv be i ling the de l iiound the bush he s pre 1 1 v hard to eateh mv friend suggests however that it wouldn i be nu cssarv to tax evcrvhodv that is we should limit th i iv sti fctl to the upper elisses te those who h iv ihen whu happens- l restrut investmcnt rcliue s i mls nd w he n these nu n mm ics and invent lss thcte is i rcstrution in he volume of bus ncsv i m i me mv estnient ot creative c ipital md i inn t it i n ot the volume ot cniplov ment it is k mil ovs r to olve mv hum in problem hv uviril peen le to death while hoping that in sonic w n tk 1 1 e lleeitr w ill skip us what is vour answer to the question- how k we build better housing for the anadian tee pit mv answer is that cflort and thought t ught t be direeted to the problem of lowering the cost of huil 1 ing lowering the cost of government reducing tax s getting more done for less bonused housing is move m the opposite direction government has its tunctions to perform so have we the more s tr to load our tasks on the government the heavier our burdens wilt become r kuitokial notks the highway department has faith that winter jwill come in due season and with it the snow and consequently the snow fences are going up f h brown financial adviser to the departmenj of reconstruction and e superintendent of the head office of the canadian bank of commerce has been appointed deputy minister of national revenue he succeeds freicr elliott k c who becomes can adian ambassador to chile ziu4 sa1ada cjwet2 a complete eye service wbl suaoa ro will h at tk biaistm of a t iujown kiiiiri lhlum tf l swkky nl ihr ii sr irvu offw miij strkkt acton iiosk 20g every friday rnosk abovr yiw an apruinrurkt hours 11 beans r2 peas 29c c1al tltmu mr beets loc aiimti imm ra avaiuascb ubs ivory 4t carrots isc w iu j v e x t4 hacaioni trcs mo ued 17 hawes floor wax s 9t if 4e nsc ctbl con caknb si u boo rooo i tim mt oobntlakx iu jirrr reamidoi 17a babo crea53issqlvinc cleaner spkciavl tfvs moms s sblt auisiw i i qv4kss 1 scack c4unin mwiiu mimhtm riot u ma special california oranges sue 344 dot sweet potatoes i lbs fresh spinach lb no 1 macintosh apples j lhi 25c 29c 5c 23c businesg directory uk w g l klnney hiyililia ui toiiii ihiiirnmir la t j a uenlmai oftln u symaa bloc uiu btwiu aetua ii imiim dk i a oakkett rmwiuh slrt artb kufurrly or nvuiuci t uffle n 1kxx m dental lk a j i1ucmanan i iteatal thtfna fium lialuij illo uui kxjvaa iff lluur l aai lu pakv x hay au it ikjiiom iu dm loll a blkkb mill mrtl r ilrrlk itttuw llwutt iiuu to j0 aa 1 1 ijhuhl is tmai i- lka1h1 11 ami ii a vaitiin auuut ua luurtuf hitvi raaaio usur ui uafiaa ufaaa kvaulrar ui lllillia krir la laaauia twibv tl lktw ttiilian iu 11 r cdonsayi i lancdonjtaylbwomth luitiun lulmuaa ru i obka 1 a ion uor llullllng k uarlnlyn ayuoorlk d-a- i aiton obs 1 law nwn iuj ruravluin rvaury tlatr builds rhoim in li vi l llokin f lauharvd anuuataju su nviii iu j nhish a iiatuil i hj mlruhlri ultlif 44 ituflb il luiufilu t- l ml il i 1oum v s 11 v sc rlarlrari ntr tilftii- hum kwlt 1 tilailu i ioim mill 1 1 11 r 4 i dakl s s 11 be rtrrlnar niirkum off f miii i ti knit arnim at lull i l illr i ui ukai tstair u ii i iiuiih1 i km al ncy liikxl mjiilil i ftl vi in iniu llnl olfin k nl llliltf lurunto i 1 m i i m illmllvm tmii llrwman ihwim imramlvwb mt timk tables iuw oacii 1inics ma hhs uavj atln iiw1 kiit ha1n time kavstbcmtrd vi 11 m 17 40 am dig tun 11 1 mn m 4 46 pm 63ft lin 1ii m till 11 p m llmtbouad nlo ik n in 11 41 m 3i0 pjn i 1 1 i in 7 u 1 m 6h 1 pjsv u tt pin 11 m m lo mraitorit a in 14il 11 ti s h1m nu i i loll l only s liittx fsm titus 4ud itojl il 1 1 i il i 1 1 t ln n km1w s h 1 it- ui 1 1 t h 1 1 is 1 1 r it m it tv i 1 m i i i t lrr mt 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 i i k v t m 1 i i 17 am nl 1 1 1 uh 1- i in 1 uly f ctijt s n 1 1 1 1 1 1 it pm 7 10 p ti it in li nit w in i lyrr at 11 i i s 1 r s inn 1 an i sunday it m nicol bros monuments and cemetery lrrtering auociatrd with a j corbell mount forest ont enquoucs w coles at actrt coalotyica piionb it alton

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