Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 21, 1946, p. 2

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utwo the acton free press thursday november ii 14 treasurer and tax collector hull be at tfee puce of i township noanitiationa at least one hour be for- the aoaaiaatioaa opca in order to prepare the required certificate wit artim 3f rrr jjrrbfl mil ei tvsmtjf ata4y omvt iulru4 um l t tubtiptun batis l- a4 auu 44lm u aal swath t allawaut hi miw 1w oa ik ifitirlt itiai at u ls1 fatal la ataaf t at 1 a r aan ai 1 y utilaai i sawflaaaaa uj wl fc 4vlm tfft w rmaaa f itw j t tw r it atl- auatvcj t l ajthiu 1 m k awim ua r aktj m aa tam4ua am ta is ii ml at ammj 4 m4 14 tv tni 1im m utvwutf fcu tw4 wat ru lk 1u vt j k aav1 m a t lat vmxl it i- hau l alliir dtlla autta tatwll am 4 m a iaiarunt yuv altttj muoicipat election time la here again and with it the time for citixenthip responsibility and when we uy that we do not navrow that responsibility down to the few who express a willingncsa to accept tnun icipat office if you know of a allien nominated fur office whom you feel would jive creditable service to the municipality do not hesitate to tell him so and lend him encouragement give cntniam if ou will but five encouragement and help just as liber ally both before and after elction the neit few year will be important ones in moit mamicipamies the war cars and the car following have left a shortage of material and im i provements accumulated for attention hcn supplies are available these improvements ma not be pos aible this ear but certainly houtd gel omc ionmj i eration and planning then too citizens have by vote endorsed the in ttallation of sewers and a disposal mem again it is impossible to my if this ear can sec an actual start on this project but certainly the project will require planning and ill be part of the municipal program of the next three or four years tndorsc ment has been given of the project the time for tart of the work in mhole or part and the purchase of material arc things that will require due considci ation for the best advantage of the municipal it will come under the consideration of council in this ear and the nct fc ears there are man other items hich ilt appear be fore councils beteen l47 and pm which will have a diminct bearing on the future of acton and similar places and thctr continued grouih thtse arc times of eipansion in favor partuularlv of municipalities so situated as c arc to secure the best for our ton we need to all pull together as good citizens fleet our municipal bod us no remember thev strvc a citizens tton t trv to push them around but let s all trv to orvv toward improvement of our ton as a whole and build together mur aiul uar far lava aj lm there as once a time heo we thought that free dom as all c ncvdad for democracy then w de cded wc needed freedom plus an cnduiation and then freedom plus an education plua wmc pretty nlf anti trust la today in hngland they v ctdcsj they alw need nationaluattun vs basic induat rics what can we do nest to make democracy vaorkable and vf ill keep democracy the truih is that with freedom more and more people tend u take les and less icsponsib lity for their count rv and this willingness is something that educatiitn ta and nationalization do not seem tu supply onl three tiling rouwr this ill ngitr and fan it into anything like ragexnr one is a ummun dan grr the second i the promise of reward in monc power or position the third love of od m hen their country is in danger men still volun leer to take responsibility for it tut e don t ant to hart another war to make democracy work iay men a high enough salary or promise them a powerful position and they ii lake fctf onsibimy hut bribing men to be responsible can t make detn ocrac work there seems to be but the third alternative l we want to keep a nation and a world free from compulsion we mutt rouse in men agam that love for something bigger than themselves something which makes them willing and even eager to serve their fellows and their country when there is neither threat of danger nor the promise of reward tlur gnatrt scourg of srhuulax ttiiurvo u khthunatle favwr aa a d rult it itumt flv tusr as many deaths as w hooping cough man- ligllift maja dltahthvrta scarsvl frrr ajhl uilsnuw parajxsu rumhla 4 krtunnat ar un khrumattr dl- rsfcm nsiicvasl liaajth aulhortu mik txnjiunt uawa with ttt fuuu laiysutaji to drorct sign uf truuhu lai l iiitlunaa mui4 ta travlad ruxiaj if 1 ha tu id u iv b g rtghtuta irw brfuf liter dua tl4vfca ttih4 or kt lv what iun pajwjuir si rug uf tu ut gro iltjf a ik in llmlf oulg oasat 1iv in rut w th vry algu for wudl th iihyairlan aaustwaleit- uavoy rmam of rharumaur dlmftsm iu ta caaasda aa4 madiraj pto4a know thai frevr ward el ctjldfrwa iotiij at fiud with than bfcav- niaillt frtrr u m jrobirm wbkh muat tar i klt vljcmuciaj if llvapc u to biifiinesb directory nru cheuvaaou a1jjuihjj cjwa h- atlon of th nami kanvaji olhoue laaiuj u m 4tt wllh kv frwav rrt aiuot au asruh jatmu haa fav 4u tkiui i i r- iv tarw paxui cuiu 1m 4uu f amulr- uk w g c ktnnev liij alalia aaj aargna lucasmir lour j i ucnlvwaj ofrvv m hiimm hux uu1 boatac xclon utfsaa rma 1ft uk o a cakkett hanirew ffertinc municipal elect tonii i i hanris in the clictn n ad this vcar affect more than tin d itt ol municipal clictoi oiu f thi nta changt aflits nonnnativmis spcihcriflv and states that a person cannut he nominated for to or mri elective oftucs and then uait until lust before the nominations dose the following evening to decide whicrvadjr wishes to contest a cnndiditc munt mak his or her decision imincdiatelv alter the m minat ion tthcrwisc the first nomination received will onlv be accepted bv the clerk for example if a person is nominated f r mavor the hoard of r- ducat ion or asa candidate for councillor his or her nom nation for mavor will be first and the onu one con sidcred unless the person announces intcntuin after the nominations the revised act reads in default he will be deemed nominatd for the offiee for which he was first nominated another new procedure s that the lists of nomin ecs for the various ofticcs must be pdsted by the municipal clerk immediately following the nominal ton not after the closing period for qualifying still another change in the act states that no person can legauv be declared elected by acclamation until that person is qualified that is that if any one person i it nominated for mavor or for a vacancy in some other elective office the clerk cannot declare such person elected bv acclamation tas has been in the past immediately after the nominations close i there is also a phange n the elections act effect ing township nominations now persons nominait ed for elective office in townships must file cert- 1 lficates to the effect that his taxes art paid this is the same procedure hich has prevailed in cities and towns for sqme years in the past township nomj inee only had to mike a declaration that his tas were paid the amendment also states that the the quality tea salada orange pekoe llerea ww you unm n lat year in anada well over s 000 men and wo men most of them between the ages of 15 and 45 died of tuberculosis this appalling death rate which more graphic ally represent a loss each day of appro imatcly is lives can according to informed medical opinion be reduced to almost insignificant proportions hv then if smli unnecessary waste of human life can he avoided is something not being done the answtt is that something is being done in fact a great deal being done liut victory over this age old enemy can never be accomplished unless eer man and woman in this c unty individually cooper atcs tuberculosis the most communicable of all communicable diseases is a germ wriuh medical science alone cannot fight the battle against it re quires the help of everyone one of the most tangible wavs of helping to wipe out til is through the purchase and use of christmas seals the annual sale of which begins this year nov ember 2s i very cent raised rnrough the sale of these seals is spent on prevention and control mcis urcs a unique tcaturc of christmas seal campaigns is that the money raised remains in the couny from which is comes therefore in buying seals wc know that wc arc financing health measures for the bercht f ourselves and those about us halton county would be very unusual indeed if it did not have its share of tuberculosis when you arc called upon to support the i mo christmajslal campaign do so as generously as vou can hnstmas seals bought to dav art a substant lal insurance policy against to morrow mhtokiai ntrltos tofaliianan steps is when more and m ire peop tike less and less rcsponsibilitv for their country or ci immmitv municipal eledion time c nus around again and with it the cit nship dutv of hill iiil i ur on com munitv to keep prt pressing 1rtttv luid lor most folks to recall a finer fall thin the mi this ur when winter comes wc can have a 1 n 4 recollection that it was dclived i vr plcntv tf hoards and administrative bodies thec ds but t m lew who can or will render auth cntjtivt dec suns for the guidance of the public municipal candidates will have a two week s camp aign this vcar in view of the remuneration the of fices bring we doubt if the extra week will be greatly appreciated prcttv difhcult to say whether old man u inter or old man j ihn l lewis holds the most terror for wc who have to have heated business place seven months of each year there s certainly a lot of merit in the request that residents of cities be given the privilege of voting on whether they want cocktailjngemestablished or not wevc had too much liquor legislation foisted on the public in the past few years without any vote or approval of the electorate its always helpful to have some one do the ex perimenting and canada is fortunate that our neigh bor is trying the plan of taking away price control perhaps in a few months we can hope for a decrease in government control and the lightening of govern ment payroll jiawurtrh sust acta frutumrty ur naruun a ufboa om i i com xw kawhtana u dcnt41 uk a j buchanan lsataj burg bu 14atumb ulcrm ulu off jitmirw a am i aaa x kay jls llthonfc 14 oh ctokck a sikks twaial ikwgaai sim mtwrl ounrr kiatsarlote orr hour sou as- u sjo n iumionk ta mcu4x hospitalization surgical hfnfit1s incomf pkotfction isaw ai wm r bracken 1jft rtur aa atrrualuauljc inhvflanck uix st a1ton riklnb m c v ltathtklano b altlin bantolar aaa luuhlaf naawr rmi lauir of uafiiaa lliaani ktnrei ut uml uarnagaa taalaa uffla ai langoon aylstorth cavilou f i g s l e araaysaa a s7 cauroawia arajcots a m tlhii riaciii staa rmotrrr tax saui quakes huptet a t7 mirveb wheat 7 mewfokt nvwn lb watattl kaiuaic- cmtaco lb as rumiui avtjoatt aoar j caaaa u lomtcmratts tsa rtnal kdin chan rolisi almonds lie s vavsaawtmm cherries j5c molasses 17c mustard r 9c 9e i9e kibble oats c c sauce ixtiacti caapbmnra n a hot iauci cainir uval r pkwki s carroll wuiaa1mu aaoowiata grapel chofetrcd empcrw lb spanish onions no 1 cinule deuciols apples urg 88 size grapefruit florida size 96 ia sst art 14c sse 32e oahrttbu f4ft ploub mwm bast foods 1 ssc custabb am ftaaa wax aamub lamaaaaar rltma omem aitun uupvr llullittac it marlnlyrw aylivaorth ba acton um i1s rtsttma nrriin itaj iwilbn crvgory thvalrt buoatf ptsona u ii vi k hosktn laawrtaral apauatajte slil1aaul id jfjsu1sm a iiahxi ll mrtruft i un llld 41 tlrtufu m luiuntu 1 jim nruinav it i hun v s ii v sc rirlaiasri mura orflr llro kvillv ontario i honr ml hon 1 4ft r 4 i t oaki s v s ii v wtrlamr hurgnhi oftuv ami itrtmdrn knui avrnu y alton i liuttr 130 kxai rntatk jmlllougmiiy fakm alncy itryit auntlirt aknry in canada i lltl okuv knit liltlg loronto aftrrrtuun i itmntatlv tn itrwamm lln tvrgaiwat us time tahles ki ouii links i ia iiks i h av r a1tn iiwi iiiit ka1m timr raattwiuad m 11 ant ii7 4r am 0 1g sm ii 1 nm f i m 446 pm 6m i m km pm bll 11 pm mlintultt nl is n in ii 41 am 230 pjn i j m w i m bhlrt pjb l i m 1 1 8 m i i stralfor i a 1 hnl n i sin1n nit i licit las m only s i h 1 1 1 1 sui ta and hal i kit 1 1 nrr t nii n n tiomai kuiuais 1 nslth uni l it n in 41 i m 6 4f pm i 1 iv t n i i ni lit hjr at il all hi 111 wattkuid in 1 r rj t t nla 1 17 m m ndn i ntv 1 fi a ni itall zcapt sundae mi am i 4fl pm 730 p m saturilav n1 jlfi pm flyar at urijh rstrit saturday and sunday fi ii p m 19c 2 b 15c 5 5 nicol bros monuments and cemetery uttering aaaociatrd with a j corbett mount forest ont enqlmes w coles ai amr couoitw phovk it actom

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