Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 19, 1946, p. 9

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thursday december lath imc v the acton free press a paoe ww ram gvhowg htajr arista the eastern firmament a star shone forth that nig til and they ho came to find their kirj were gujd b its light the star moved until it stood above a village shed and there they found the babe they sougtlt calm in hi mane bed in low tineas th prince of peace into the world was born in humble guise he healed the tick and counselled the forlorn and throughout all ensuing er that arch th span of time tha star that guided men of old ha guided thing sublime rekindle then the lambent spark thai kill lie deep within a tyrants power failed before to find the lowly inn and though a selfmade j u idler fif strides olympus now soon man shall not before him rinje and none before htm bos christ mas still brat her wuh oy and love as on thai holy night when wue lfn uw ills guiding star that glramd ui unritk aini tarlatltt and wlir rrttn now still sc- the star men of rad w til on ran it and children glad eietant learn the story of his birth henry ayneewurtli llrlttoii the sunday school lesion m wav deckmbeb ttmt ll community unity a utisagt of iovk ichruunas lesson ulden ttm taanks be to gjd fur k a synopaia of various sport and athletic artivilw i by joiinnt orav intended for last week jtw- junior badminton t tub at the i is rewng lol ol interest for mart of the tn ijrr in town this group usei the gym floor nrojur- day night from 6 10 to h j then the v mor tlub lake ovn from t here on th- junior tlub fi 1 that within the origin of salvauon i rmr lfc0 or lhrtr nion the huuld be read ti tak on uroi oth- ti juntoi luh in i om jar tiiii mi thurda ieinlrr lth ii the s mii hi trltlli umr llirr lit and that reminds u that thr yi gararr mnitnr return offimv f for anotlirr yrar ttw annual minting and le llvn nf i i i fficer of hm rtjr ojerrator as m mm lallon ha i ion iranrh was held famil i the kalarntncnt in iluitn1on on iwttnr monday evening iwwmlicr jnd the unit meeting ws chaired by the president lumk mr hot uaumsley seventyfive tl still members from llallon wi tjjjorth and toronto llrpi dinner i ik unspeakable gift 2 cor 9 15 luo text jno 3 16 kpb- 3 14 21 kspuautaon- 1 the iotpel ierfrvrt 1 imwined jno 3 16 itu erse has probably been used to the saltation of mora persons than any other vert in the liable it contain the opel in a nutshell 1 lite need of salvation should not perish od lose t3 thm ground of salvat lion the death of christ xve his ont begotten son j the condition of aalvalion believeth in him ti lhe retlpletiu ol tajvauun whoso rer tfci lit reaults of sakatlon a kjiuuwl not irilfcli b umjuu ttave tlernal life ii tliriktian akplratlonft 1 ph m j iaul ksp ptuft- tiiiniril n uw attitude ul praer with knee timed uito ttr falhtr 1 ukr j 41 ai 7 tu j jit m 1 kjiiii m ii i i il id iaul eak f 1 l whu f pr m ola hia rlin n fi irf uh li in lhrufc as thr rather frin ul of ntwin ihr lmlr faiiu ill- wi1 i i iiilt la rtrm il fioin llr vtiuil for falhei i in hav tn anil on ai1h n naltiod iaul luf- njitjrit all tiol ik ut in hraviii n nil on j 1 1 li 1m ifnj m to onr iri it lltr in vl ft uplr k i mill it hu i i iiti r r 1 h ieular v mj on ta u miu 1 11 ilk mm in ind 1 ii th it ht if kr llalton wi tjwo pn he aal dpli ordint after an exrellent chii ken dinner the aerretar read the mlnutea the treasurers report ahowed the branch to be sound financially mr iat lat tenon introduced the gueat sfieakar mr a it haavkell or the toronto iletter tualnea ilureau who gave a very interesting talk on karketa and fighting fraud in buslneaa he rentrad his talk around information and mmnlalnts that hu office rerelvea in connection with the automotive ind ustry he was ably thanked by mr ike iynn a few words were heard from mr i en walker president of wrnl worth branch and mr o ilitlon nreaktant of toronto branch mr kd wad ham of head office brink e for a few mlnutea on matters pertaining to un ions he emphasised the necessity of ha definite recelwd thr lol spli very member lending their support it been sealed b him a tlmy in to the activities nf the ii ranch stating kpheaus had trh 1 it h it is mill that there still were msn many right to prn for a tarrcr miasurr of things to be done and that the onlv the spirit s manlfetrd presence and way to get anywhere was for every- xrner llr has mmr to err beh ujhi ol ir runs thrauji e tiavt- a lar r un hie iiieasur ar iaul asks od to ltrant io ihi h pheavlan is a iral onr llulcal amrillnk to ttie rhhea n his glor tlhil 4 lj what lr asks is that l bey ma be st i rn1 tirneal mlth mar lite irnar imtlfaatrs oometttink to in done at a definite itoinl o i to tut it is also an op rat ion to hr oft repeat et at dlffrrent d f inlte mtlnt of time litis strengthen i nit a not to 1m- m rrl out a ml but in the inner depths of their being in t ite in wain man llilerall into the in ward man rprntini the spirit as inking his might rawer deejter and rieerier into the innermost receaases of our itelngt tlie st renclhenink su to he through the only ageno that can imwrt real strength ills spirit iai 1 n it is evident frxam this a tr ttial it is ilkhl to pm for ttte spirit il uke 11 n ac 4 11 h 1i ian evident that iven after one ti ml a it w ffll ihi aton lat mint on cluh m t to let ii a i ut u niul io im it- th f tltlhll i f maklnt n im tt 1 shmlnk in tou rna iih nl iihs 11 nn v n rvlilent last ai io fnlhtrtt ii in motive ii vsas t it1 that jt hn l ta ul1 ci n i fm pln rv mi tmi a skv ifll s 1 in of pl no t en htmolk mlht u volvil iii lilt a mas arriil out it no ha orov 1 14 so cess ul ttiat th a 1 n tut 1 n lit erai w slkeil avsa wlh both of the too man ent m hev one tn pitch in and do some nf the work mr jim ilohertson provincial treasurer conducted the election of officers mr er and is rur coming more ful al ua in connection with pravcr manv rlorious remilts would flow from this strencihcnlng w 1th aowrr nuld ulid to date i hr fit si t u rna merit v a j laed wilh lliampton ami wis lrht at th alton m a on luraoav tveninr i tei hiimt iffrt lh opimtsltirm uu trnns snil d spile a set let of r ii low t knmeh the llrampton tram was overwhelmed h the stratebit lsv of ih home cluo a wu ltalanie1 prt nt tv b a score of 10fi after the final kame ol the evrn int the so la i convner if t h arton ltadminton club hlta mattl took charjre of the profrram and j roduced frtm the ion r aanclumtof the kilcli n n reall maknlflcenl luncheon hits was and alwava w 111 te the high spot of an esrnlni hut to narrate onl of i lie finer ihinpv n y rida cxenlnn iecember flh the acton huh travelled to fuelph where the ptavetl the fac j utt hadmlnton luh of the ontario i acricultural college once acaln tbf uperti com hliik of johnnv cmy and the unrannv tactics of the team officer mr in mrklndley char- e e spirit tit christ otterbeln and montv m f ka mifi r- n their heart the ward for captains helen tltlerneln and monty man or the nominating committee mlrnnt nn n koote bore rruil and the profewvora recommended that the entire slate of xrr rong one it means ell down or dwelt deep tn take wrrr imc officers he returned for anoth whacked kt nevertheleas er year am there were no nominal- u lh vnno abode the tense ions from the floor the entire aisle th idlest ei a was returned b acclamation mr rtetnitr art in a definite point of fred sinclair was nominated to serve mr mn rnmr n dtt th r on the itovlnclal hoard nf nirectors nt m u hpn cnr oom to for 1w7 he will replace ln mr- dw n our hrnri bul hp kindle who is retiring aer years niln more and more full the of arrmce to the rranch mr pat h hr w hof lnnpr tmrn mlnrt patterson and mr jack cain were c ne the ab- nele of the thnt the anointed of on ilie indvxclllng la through the prudent reported that he was fnilh he t cer rond to come in strict i opposed to the hranrh having nnd dwll but fmlh opens the door any surplus funds at the end nf the nx hold n him and brings i urn in year and for this reason had recom- jt thcv would n rooted and mended that a free ticket he riven grounded in lor paul uses a double- to each member to this meeting figure first of a tree sending down the aecretary reported that despite n ln ltv of bull1 all his efforts the attendance at meet- ln ulh ufoundtkns laid tn oc an avnage speed of 100 mph but elected as auditors luh showing more kportmanshp has vet to te ncountcreil it is onl fair to aa however that the two t clubs which acton has plavrd so far have had comparntlvrlv little prac tice this enr we enn onlv hope i thnt as the ivccomc more proficient we too shall wax more adept with j lime y the acton hadmlnton tub hereh dexlnrej an open senson on an and i r 11 other such clubs in this district max the belter club win aik f3ctoxkm i rnshtmrcrs hctxxctn llrllaln and l amerlin can now fix the atlantic at ings wan erx poor nnd that it was particulnrh dlfflrult to pet nn af the memlwrs to do nnx work ills chief comptnint was thnt the mem- ivers would not fill in nucstlnnalre and arrtw er correspondencr mr laen mi klndlcx reoommended that nwrv woik should in placed on committee lenx imk i writai fre to do bi work a floyd smith jeweler u atciies clocks jewcleky 75 quabac stryal waat gitelph ont tht in loxi is xerx emphntlc in the iiroik ill i hex xvould im made vtiong to oppri hend sxhnt la the brendth niul length and hi ight and licit i and to know the love of cltrist vv tmh pnmth know ledge all the inngunge here points to the intnmput- iihlc xnxtnesx in excrx dlie hon of tin loxi of the christ hut though it pnsa th know ledge still in the spirit power we max know it it is witir nil th milt in fellowship nnd not in wpni nt ion in ourselves that we apprehend this love no one i of us mn apprehend it b ourselves tn the xvould he filled unto all the fullnetv of d r v tlie a v rends filled wit hi nil the fulness of i iod hut thnt k not what paul said net xcnr even fatter aircraft will be put into scrxlre the air passenger of im will haxe the option of crossing the or an asleep in a comfortable tted in a lumirlouslv cuulpied aircraft at n sm td of tjjii mllen per hour or of hax ing less comfort nnd no sleeping taertb but trnxelllng at 410 miles per hour as tecentr explnlned b mr j j trlppe ihr president of the alr- waxt amitmiatlon in nn nd1revs to the intet nntionnl oinmher of congrass in pans this sped xx ml later be m- t r nmct still further i jt ilimi 4 jl h 4 cor 0 phil 1 1 j 11m 1 u heb 7 and what i od able to do nnd tt is not nearlx ns vast a thought all inn we iuk or think es above as his lo fill a thimble vxith all the nil thnt we ak and think ev abund- fullness of the ocean is eai it can antlx atue all that we mi ask or be done in momrnl but to fill a think ei extetdinglv nbundantlv thimble unto nil the fullness of the iihoxe nil we ask or think 1 he word ocean until alt the oceans fullness is l in the thimble is impossible but is what gad proposes o do t rough his spirit with us fill translated think does not mean im agine but to perceive or under- unid uf matt 15 17 a v and k v kph 3 4 r v and a v i all j yofjr eyes tike swhi ct of the only cyw you will ever have unto all his own fullness fill us until bur petitions to clod and all our alwhls infinite fullness has been pour- thought of what he can do will fall consult s mbell kaguttxrsvd optomaubt pkoita ttrls ed into u icf 1 cor 11 12 r v col 2 9 cf rom 8 17 jno- 17 j2 r v but when will all this be the tense of the verb indicates something done at a definite point of time tim and time again there ulll be a defin- i ue fitting more and more toward the i final goal at the coming of our lord when m a definite point of time the process shall be complete nnd we shall he like him cf 1 jno 3 2 the do- olog begins with a phrase of fre quent occurrence in bible dooogla to him that is able cf rom l6t 25 r v jude 24 fnlth nlunys h ltajlll lu unon god p matt far short of the real it but the pow er hx w hlch cod is able to do these un- thinkable things is already at work in us vlt- the power of the hol spir it v 20 cf v 16 rom s 11 col 11 it to this might god paul ascribes all the glory for to him it all belongs his glorx is manifested ln the church that in its ultimate form will texeal his attributes nnd glory and in christ jeius r v in w horn al- yd dwells all the fullness of the octhefid in a bodily form tcol 2 9 r this lor to cod in the church and in christ jesuit will be unto all generntions of the age of the ages j ir v mnrc power shortage critical save electricity southern ontario tmetm a severe power shortage right now evay home farm atore and industry in the southern part of the province mutt aave dectridty in every practical way if essential services are to be main tained during the present winter period and rationing restrictions avoided hydro therefore asks your sincere cooperation to relieve on urgent situation the daily period bttrillw which lavwoi should bs effected is between jul amd pm amd conditions jute particularly acute between 4 pm and 7 pj here is how you can help in yhi ttimf all chmima ieorativs itokhng until uwrtly dacafnbaf 2 home and mqmm fte ianuaxry 1st 1947 tvrs 1 19 ms wm no rsu4rss1 us a mimiwufn numbf of ttyhts tn tha tlvlnofoom cantlstsnt whh good vision usa urtticolty heotsrf tvsws sfsawingly and check tasking hot wertav taps da not ut rang alarnanfi on high whan o lewtr haat will ssrva and turn off al laments as taan at possible cook avan maals as aftao as patslbl and avoid th unntcstsary uto of surfac alamants turn ah varsnash and otha ouid lights turn off all ana ii appjiancat oi at pottlblo da not wta alactnc air haatart and grata in vvwts himieaota all chrtstmat docoratlv lighting bfee dacambar 31ft and offices 194 and woaln oftor january 1st 1947 flimlnata fha us al alactriclfy tt tlns and stoea window from f a an t 9 pws tum all all ugms whan not raowlrad uto tucricwsty hsotsd wotar tpaxringly and chock leaking hat wstw tapa do not usa auctric u hoot ar in twuch from day nlghl oporssllons w peacmcabi industttlts turn hf factory oftd oftlco light whan not naadad ttfm o wtop drivon twc whan not roaulrod and hoct othar saving wborovor pottlblo r4d two tfo o4 nnn o o ughrtngu do not vso olo spoco h tbi btdioelectiic power commission of ontario busy beavers back on the aru asain the grolnjcajiadlan pacific barvn- vfftol ait cargo hlpa carrlml jooix10 lon ol loodituffs and other canadian produrii io britain rturlni th montrral hipping aaa ion above the hravlly laden beavemltn paaae under the jacqufi cartlrr drldgo bound for london on one nf the cpss ulllngi durlns the lummer inut at top how the family of george nlcholli form- erl of london englaad arriving on the beaverburnio wltle in canada at niagara falla bottom left roui nan of a large hlpmenl of egg being loaded on the beaverlake picture at bottom right ahowa tome unall engllih car arriving in canada on the demiflake uhen he reached montreal on her maldan advertisers meet the mostpeople

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