seventysecond year no 28 1ntario tiuwsdav january ltltlih47 4julic hftiilc tdur lutia ilve cent 7 3- rjulk llniiiti frln r runes zmerwikbsym h reported by acton fairdireetors gate retfetpta and prize money reachnew high howard swjtxer 1947 president directors heard reports of record days at acton kalr of ims when the annual meeting of acton pall fair was held oh saturday afternoon gate receipts were jittus this year with 210 additional returns from the fair nltfht dance the auditors re port presented by mr a t brown showed total prle money paid of fiber 87 mr arthur swackhatnor in his op- eolngfettvarju dhldjillh tribute to the late c woodhall who had died suddenly in december mr woodliall had been one of the first directors of acton fall pair wliaa it was organiz ed in 1012 and had served faithfully ever since lie had been president and honored with the provincial cer tificate awarded for outstanding ser vice to agricultural society a res olution was passed by the board ex pressing their sympathy to the fam ily and appreciation of his work the secretary was to forward a cop to the family reports on various fair departments were given and were very satisfact ory some branches had outstanding exhibits and others had declined but on the whole a satisfactory exhibit was reported it was unanimously decided to hold the 1947 pair on friday and satur day october 3rd and 4th delegates to the pairs convention in february are the president and mrs swltier the secretary and mre swackhamer and mrs geo somer- villa the affiliation fees were order- ad paid nftw members a to the board of directors were messrs r r par ser john gray clarence reld and ri6ponstiofbrigad hoi dgeorgeton la 54 a fire last saturday morning about 2 30 am occurred in the three family i frame house at the comer of main regular scheduled june will be jwucdjor drlikitik and church streets which would have boon serious except for the prompt ness and efficiency of acton fire nrlgado the tire originated in the bedding in the upstairs apartment occupied by mr and mrs andrew buchanan jr and a 1j year old alep son it was discovered by hector lambert who wltllmrs lambert an1 their throe children occupies one of the othor apartmonta firemen responded quickly and the played oct february jlb-tuem- day game exhibition affair an death and ulneam cause ab sence of regular players ulg crowd iee good game in be georgetown arena on tuesday youngeht iiidiibtry adda another j nit to acton factory e mh ro plnntlis ilmltiri actonu int ent industry hit just rucolvoil another pofltitottcd gtorgotown and acton camo to nn hlaio had made conslderablo headway understanding that iho gamo sclodul- when they arrived but thoy had it 1 nlam w pur0 undor control in a few minutes and exhibition of hozkoy twlwfon the jtei flrfl rt i tu joomhlll ruerepresenting uiorosuocu othor parts wore damaged by water v wn lo the whole damage is estimate at qfc to uo n comi 500 mr and mrs charles spires wu ru iime and family also occupy an npartment averted to the status of an ex- in this building ownor is mr l hlbulon mrs matv mother of suirkman the entire building re of aclmb p celled smoke damage hut none of tho n on luc morn other occupants were forced to leave ilr oponod their premises mr and mrs buch- w drmilll btjeketsormo orr anan wore badly overcome and wcre bnd coorbclown firul nu thny helped to another apartment for the boln ontrance to th0 night it is said that this i nst the fieorgelown arena on ruesday night first fire to have started in thuap- fnn wer0 q p arlment but others had not gained l of hock d tuoh headway the police are invent- of tannb who hold thc plum igaung these statements and tho fire io soou wul b compomd of regulars and juniors and minus iii atlm town hull in polite tfiiurrm almtun jjyiiil my 7lh iuim villi mini wiim rintiil tfttt unit rnhl a inlfimil yw on 11 tlihrub nf hiivlnu lliiinr in n pum olhii thun a duutlllng lumiui uuinuly nl ai inn lirtvn i in ii tin fiiiinm y lllh iftuiril rvilurii whs flnul 10 anil iiiniu ii tiitiil of 81 j foi tii kmni iiffi me kunson for urn ilirferinii in flm h wiim glvon hy the hi i hint vnfimiih wus one of the af glnn mi mlw ru in hnrge nf th dame elan game tonight la aka jivw iktruulnbmnlhlnonduusbeliigj of last saturday momlng committee named re officers 1w7 devonshire chapter pred kentner in retiring from office mr arthur swackhamer president for 1046 ex pressed appreciation of the cooperat ion and help of all officers in making the past year so successful a motion by the directors expressed appreciat ion of mr swackhamera conduct of the years work and the splendid leadership he had given officers for 1047 elected by the new board which met immediately following the annual meeting are president howard swltier 1st vicepresident clwood john ton 3nd vicepresident a robinson s c b swackh the meet ina alsctdiscused appolnrr ment of a pair manager to relieve the secretary of some of hla onerous dut- continued oh page pour the final score was 54 in george town s favor hut they won only through a fluky goal beforo the game opened the crowd wero told of the arrangement and tribute and the january meeting of tho doko sympathy to the mario brothers was of devonshire chapter i o d e waa observed in a minute s sllenco held at tho home of mrs james sy- the black groen and white ofahe mon with a good attendance in spite tanners flashed back and forth of inclement weather rhe regent twlxt ends broke up plays of iho mrs matthews presided georgetown sextette and scored goals the rouvno business was taken a thu wm accomplished with a scant care of followed by ths rtsatng of 2 nlno players in uniform letters of thanks one was from the georgetown imagined they would teacher of the chapters adopted rough the actonlans with school gratefully acknowledging the gracious ease and what i a surprise christmas gifts sent to her pupils a v found bgod ohstac- letter from mr cameron stewart wt not only blocked the majority principal of acton jjfih school was ves but went out on for mother dies from ghoclt twenty- s p ii aj o extending congratulations to these the korvlcoi of throe mario hrotlurs hour hours after song ormer nuldents and iiest wlshen for death many mora happy yiars together also read expressing the appreciation of the staff and pupils for the schol arships donated by the chapter the empire study topic for the evening was taken by mrs wolfe who read dr charlotte whltten s article on ontario taken from the christmas is sue of echos mrs barr ably occupied the chair in charge of nominations for the of ficers for 104748 the nomination committee was chosen as follows mrs lain m stewart and mrs v hltham afratt ony the hostesses mrs stewart drydale and miss wallace served lunch in thle nrslperlo port4iomvrm only i ages of their own through the george town defense period beaumont rap counter end put georgetown ahead ns thetnnncrs at temped to organize a system in which they could give everyone a rest with the three other playera interchanging chrlss and riddall were the only pen alty holders in this period and each received mlnors- the secoml period was listless until i indsay counted acton s first goal to wt up nloiiuiilio tho flint miirhlno vu rt the vru m in iho plnnt which i- now in oporailon nitu utl n irlnk1 jt hour- n day on orclr roeolvw by of lhi lmtl lhn thhrum tha comimny for itaproducti jt w 11 f u in tiamv ww kit boforo tho niw mach- inu l in full oimtrnlloti it will doublo iho prtknnt mpmlty of jtlio plftnt trovlnlon in miult lit 0n prwnt bulldlnu for nnothor mnchlio when tho compnny proarmteii further new power lines hnvo iwnn inatnlttd for th t qulpnit nt nassagaweya boy killed when roo oi barn collapsed foitmfu aitonianh mark thehl oldktm wkddinc annlvktmauy mr find mm tnrun lit tut t form rly of ath chhrritcd lliilr kldn woddlnf itmilyrmiry ut tho hom of iljulr kum tn toronto nvor lhn wpftft- mrl mt und mru arthur kill and mrs w coiih alton vultiul kinm on thin mtrihlon mt mid mm llrltir nlno hnvi ono dauuhtir mrs kudrt u u who nnld a in c oteouru i hy wi rf n ldont of ai ton fr mnny yfitrn whnn mr urtitti wai inwihu- tr ut uifi uowllnu rip n and lnnlx wn jon with othir fhndu j aeton lucjuktries tsllofwore eleelric power om llunwrtihnlrri otlhhe- utllltlh vnimlmltut lor 1im7 i tin imuiiuuiui ifiifhinu of amoii luhll imilmhu uitiiiiukiom foi ul winr lit hi mi monday i vcnlmu irilimloiii iu m iimmuii mid i u mn arthur nnd itfwvo k 1 mw ut- thhh wft pri ttiitufluttl ltt ifitiitloti of uttiiii jvitu utnurlhst v on motion of mm artliur and mt- ui hwiri f omniluailoin r llanui n wuu apmbili it luilriniin nnd j u mhi arlhur di puly linrnmn iho oiumliutlon jnlni d hit onurlo munli iitrii f rh aawwtultofi uhrl iniiih niriiiiiii nn nln to itfffriri ttii finvr miioii in mnn ii a i j or onto triblrik tlontt w r huiuf d ijrln- tinrtfnl wltjum to dlmoiiriit u nut hiilhim in utrvuth iu pr u toot ion ti y l 411 in i an unfortunate accident saddened tht- hoyno of andrew lalruc who lives thrtp miles north of moffat last krl- dny nluht when the younsest boy bil ly waj almost instantly klllod when ho was pinned luneath tons of snow nnd ice ns tho roof of his fathers bnrn collapstvl an older brother ieonnrd 15 etuaptd injury and death as he dodgid into the barn jrrannry billy nnd leonard were in the stables d6lne chores about five thirty nlflont mlu florence kaunders vice piidny nlflht as they entered ttie president mim murlnl ilolston lu- drlvcway of tho hny mow portion of cordlnmecrctaryilus flhlrlpy el- heard a liott correspond nu secretary mrs leonard mishion circlk formki by united young mfiq at tho home of mrs caldw ii know av nun taut vrlday night a number nf young indies of thi united churrh mit to oruanb- mtsston rlrrlp after tht rievoll nal prod nnd program officers wor clacted is follows mlts liorothy hlmmoni prfl le ytufi 411- in arrnarn i it days nf l r dlu ount ttttf wr to bu tut off without furlhwr not it mr i ltld and mr ipwtm nt mli ro ilabtlfs wr prwnf to rijsuui hut insfallutloh of n smw powfr iln to run u ntw inufilti ttury are in stalling jfmporjry installatlofi of trnnsformi s wn to in rnsd until u h tlmt ii u dftrldd if nor uimi wjll in nwdnl to opralh thu tatttjry nnd inn transomit will tw orfrd lo toki can of lh fulur dimand jt was itffjd to orrtevr 2t nw wn- t r mtlr to tat raru of rtrpu iruriis and niw installation mupt wlljn rirlv1 tlwt master labfiratirtk hha rrfulid wtwtmn 10 and 2 rrior ttnnuniwiir as th tninsrormr ffidlng otis plant wr 1jndid to rapbihy nw utik wr tn n ordered to instill in hi powr hunk feeding this industry thv ot iutv in rvlff will b ud to improve i lie powertr wi in oniernwi t the town r i- barn they suddenly c mnklng snapping sound scene of tragedy near moffat stewart mrs b from there on in as george- town attempted to again gain a lead rus brush played about the full 20 minutes this period and what a gvp he played rushing blocking check- jf hanning brush had th green and red of the papertown fearing for their lives everytlme they managed forages evans was also a bastion of defence as he smothered looe pucks tn protecting arms but it v- in the third period that the gameliroke through intofull bloom and here is where we should readily hand orchids to the tanner gibson brnoce the ice at 321 to put ceorgetown ahead 2 1 hardly had he scored uhen lindsay twinkled the jifill t625on a hard drive- from the blue line furiously the lads from the mercantile league stormed ens anxious to blot out the shame of an other tally from a tired squad finally at 1046 gibson pushed on behind enans to makelis2 acton broke through the georgetown de- tense andhammered shou at rhodes yniill55broufht down the house ettdthecv lindsay made i etenlngs fete into a hat trick about a minute later to put acton tn front by 43 acor the reserws that the papertown tceon the game for them and held tn mor m tsusapi- mnde a grab for his brother and call ed it s coming down the older boy wn unahli to rench his brother as he dashed out the frrmt doors it the moment the roof collapsed 1 i was nhle to get into the granary when the whole room seemed lo fall all around us the boy recalled i billy was unable to get through the i two doors which seemed to separate as a portion of the falling roof pin- nod him face down to the ground the father who was not at home douglas priestley treasurer mlts olga locker pianist afterwards mrs caldwell served n light lunch lnat thetime ofthe t racedy blamed- the heavy blanket of snow and ice on the root as cause for the accident his mother said she was preparing supper when she heard a crashing sound come from the barn she sad shearried at the gate as tha roof r cpming eventh anamiaia of utia dm cvrta of ihhmr evvata wir ibia hcsdlnf thipf i inl t imm wits a mijittiuim hargr tt mmt iinouatmmi nl t ilejhrerifenl wlisoh rcpartitrf that last year thr wer mjzhjtm i gallons of water purnpd at tha spring 1 to supply thr tfiwn approximately million m r than la year the following accounts www pt for payment hydra dprtrt ijell tojtohone cn of can services xwsft j k ardlnfr permlu 9ju artjvn free press adv 4jw highway cartui um oil tr 1hijv7 irving smith ltd mdsef 90z cmn ch romaloit cn ltd md it a fore elect rir prod maut at llna mt fuhla arcaaioslts cabu sup- crashed x called and cahetl bu there wasn t a murmur she stated dr k v waller rockwood who i waj called said the boy dld irnm suffocation caused as the roof pinned his bjqdy and face in hay and straw sufroundlng thedoors euchre friday january nth par mdse ish hall 8 pm auspices st alban federal wire x guild admission 2fic i pliea marponald elertrlc the scnut and f mothrs as- i supplies soclation is sponsoring a st patrick s sv hardware hu ene i th tu i miuji 14th guelph male choir connert wed- jls n lis ry22n d s 15 oclock acton admu- following aninvastlgatlon by prov incial constable e tl lemon crown attorney w i dick and coroner dr george e syer decided an inquest w as unnecessary further sorro was added to an already sorrowing family when mrs andrew laing mother of bobby col lapsed and died immediately within 24 hours of her little boy nesdsy 1047 united church ilonsqc dance brookvllle- hall friday january 17th auspice ot naacag- weya w i good orchestra admis sion 33c 31 2b minneapolis honeywell rg u la tor co supplkrs parkard eletrtc supplies mlfrn b pstmut 975 27ft mil stamp transport and vxprtm mtyh rervatons tun 24320 ulfjfi 2j7 aojy theresa ul be a r meeting in the presbyterian church januao 22 at 8 pm for th purpoae of alsctusins a call for a minuter w h cunmncham and mill siolu pert7tbtat nx a nrtng 571 u c7j0 oakville t shortly after many of her riends had left saturday evealn mrs lalng colupsed her daughter willi thought u was merely a fainting spall but she nev rallied ttie doctor saidul uas caussd by sheer athantt- lon and shock the daugiitifr dded- a double funeral service arss held in eden miiu pmbvterun church door prtzes s3 and x2 aamuaiob soe at nsva 3mtn heejaucrun ot- last tuesday service for billy was 393 tewa to hae been held on monday and la- 1 ter the ftnllv ihrmrf yam servtre dance lo bob xsrtln and his oreb estrs town hal acton ewery ssi- urday nftkl dancinff 8j0 to 1200 naval headquarters feas ajutoaaged admission soc amplrei lexloo tt i prtnodon of comsiuuder orflaat capcain hoch v ptilvm ojuk old tyxne andmodro aibcm tcwsrcn to lb rank o- r r kail acton friday jsxoiir- 2u puiun sok cf mr and mrs trm3 gib jordan ajid hi orchestra luctcy puiks ss dvertoe of vaeal could have had player retler ilurtt anilmurdock would not have scored in the dtn minutes to forge ahead ind win by st walt till we meet on even terms in the postponed game f lindsay played a standout same for acton followed by every other man n rhe fee wearinc the black aod creen- three stars would be impoe- vlble to pick and so we salute the 1m tanners lineups were y acton evans g brush ro riddall ix cfllkpu c lindsay rw cor lw alternates kentner towasley and bayuts oeorretown rvdm g patterson ld cnhss rd murdoct c runt rw gtbaba lw alternate ward oertwhlste bradbury beao- monjl 1 srrsmixo p w a ni yel old bay billy lata bed almeas instantly when tha roof of hu fathers bein at alotrat eollanaed and pinned him be aealh tons of tee snow and tunberi hie brother leonard escaped injury by runnint tale the crensrr at the nam photo shows leonard pointing to the spot her his brother was planed beneath a portion of the roof photo by roes peuea ceorcetoun acton oraneeviue milton qora would be held bulyi school s s fo 4 vassaia- weaand friends from the surround ing countryside fathered to pay trib ute to the sorrowtnst family sch pals of the boy bore him tt tj while other children were flower bearers they were clarice moore jack gtlbertxon uoyd ramsey george hewer who assisted wtth freeing binv crushed body donald early and garnet sorrtsh neigh bors who were pallbearers for mrs laing were john milne herbert ctt- bertson thomas amos wtlheas black stanley xorrlsh and ebas easterbrook rev r w ptckengfo minister at yt ebeneser lnlted church and itev williams eden mdls chrfrch con ducted the joint ssrvlee jnteraaeat followed in edesi mills owiury mrs lamg was bora at turtle mountain to yeexs ago she east wbea 19 years of age and resided la the dhtiia sbce usg kill dee her are twe daughters lallta wto and two sew leonard and wed also winlihssl 1 her aged father john r whys who resided wtth charles kingsbury ef 1 earl morning saturday fire pta 6 4 0 0 aetna fare b tr 1 niern anew 13 tw eewfiwe iwui apextswhu on htans street wa p pa ug tne uanr tawekgk the wanner and smgers ther week