Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 13, 1947, p. 1

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a seventysecond yeur no 32 i acton ontario thursday february mth m7 ribhf llnme- 1 print pukcft- five cent j tann win irom thist in stormbound fergus went aurtrnd the umtf way lo northern town and iane only an hoar ijile clowe decklon of 43 with winning goal in tmul few minutes rvrgun here tonhzht and elora comeu on monday the cimpbolu could be coming an n1ijiniiii on monday nluhl inst but it wouldnt hnvc helped 11m fergus phfcttcw liny for hi a tiinneru exacted n l3 win from the frrguslt- eu on that eve nnd even the wall of n bagpipe couldnt linvo stirred the ljlilbblenspicltofthcriiljitleamoro tlinn the locnla did on monday journeying on pnvemeru nnil bywny that threatened to close in front nnd behind the aclon sepmd managed to reach fern ui despite snow nnil wind io rnck up their fifth victory of the seasoajn rroup competition wlui the absence of nn o h a ref eree reported to be lont somewhere an the road probably in drlftu a fur rus standby wns recruited lo the whistle blowing chore nxnl s tod by herb woods of arton wtio acted as- linesman- finnlly at unit pimt nine nn hour late the first whlntle inaugurated the opening neridd with n sprinkling of fans present aeton worked to perfect ion plnyn tlint netted them two ronln in the first stanza lindsay lot a bard drive flicker from the blue line which f heal cnwthrn in the fergus net i hlm nt n easily nnd gave the tanners the in itiative whilst dang kontner wns hnnlshed to the sin bin the wonrl tnlly wns credited to norm morton who skimmed through the defence nndhm fl bringing the count lo 2- 1wrs eaftl ivmitkrt hostess to acton womtens institute thir february meeting of the aeton wo men j institute was held ut the home of mm karl ijimlieil the prchldenl mrs u i- davidson pres ided general piihlncsi included fur- kparlment of th thei plntm for the anniversary meet ing notice of federal ton and county fee wuv due was received ami the cameron avenue district routine business at meetin arton public utilities the logulnr meellnt of the actor public utilities commission wmh lield on monday evening chairman m iliinpn presided lind reeved f mo- cuicheon and commissi one i it miicarrlitir wen present a lettei frotp the wallaee tlenuy cnmpnuv confirmed the nider of the chlnrlunloi tuuler tile oojulltlomihtlp- utnted hi the commission mr heiringtnn of thft foreilty he ll f pc of ontario was ptescnl to djiuliss the remnvil of certain trees th the mill street this iiml- keeiotaiy instiurlod to pay thin no- tor wan left with reeve mecutchion count also cash donations of ten and couheimoi w j coon chali man dollars each were voted to lhe nut- of the streets and- walks eommlltee loiuil initltute for the thind unit the suporjtfcluient witain wns to plaee china relief order for ft ml ft of hu ineh water the proginm was arranged liy main for the eyjtnhlons on peel and mm hunter publicity eonvenor ami j a ll streets 4 i lie roll call wan answered tiy some- superintendent wilnon repotted thing otu institute has done oi given that the jimi power line bad twen in to out community cm rent events stalled lo the mlewpiiihtlo plant a were rimid h mrs w denny the pole carrying thi transformers had motto thivwiiy i have a friend immti broken off below ground iive k to be ono was taken by mm i some lime ajo and a new polls to by re kins and 0om sent ouxjcoua y we wcw- inforpied ny coiimllkir ctelchton to day fhat ji of the hnisr preenled by tint munlt iuilfly of aclon to fhe wervicemen anil nerft of kin of the warof itlliti have bim mitlllid by relnteied poi fifteen enmpnelsullahly enji nved ham been mailed at tin same time to the wom- ei ft om acton win w ei e on at tjve herylei they hhotild i em h ihe-ii- elplents in a few days ttte were in the iroup of preki-nt- iiiioiin twelve ilnth whieh wen- re jet ted by the comal it tee and have been men hlirk to the manilfarturei to have lhe defeils remedied before l foi winded it ir epeclcd that these will tie teeeketl shollly and will he rttailed to thosi eolllhtt lo tecetvi- li in eramosa coiimu appoints assessor council finds 63 mills necessary lor 1947 taxes newsprint has ttlbkn mkihty scaime with us in 1m7 now i tiiiv be tld 1017 hoh fo dale iwen h himlh one in ttettlnj jtuji lutinriown pa pet to you each week a shipment of paper due for the first week of the yeai failed to lit live and eaeh week hlnre then we have u en u ini lvn nrrd thete enouwlt foi eaeit etlilloo and rottlntr it juiit a dn oi ho before publhalinn day tle shlirinnl has jmti lost entire ly ft luirdk leemh pohtlhle thai two lnn t newsprint could just disappear without h alne a liai tint kik ii th uve case we tt lt- told tv w ail other lot to ifplaie lhe lost loi from tlie mill lakes time hul finally the hist kim of the new shipment mm hunter this wnn enlnrced on otliem nddlnu snmethlht they con- slderel valuable in a true friend mrs reelon n merolhirinj3cucecojinty for mny yenr wns n visitor and spoke to thememhers on the work carried on in her own branch ml- thompson supt ofthe child rens aid was to have addressed the m butwhunftil to lu pres plan he installed shortly i the following od for payment llylr0nfiiwnt acton free fress nupplles iiithwny larnve kiis maedonald klectrle kupplles ilne xi cable acceskorlek hup- i plbs c llne m inls kupplles can cenetal fleet tie supplies james it kiirney otp sup- eouhtnwerj pass- 10 ik r t henemndet n bulky frokusonliin caught referee pearsons wrath and left the ire for a minor penalty tills seemed to inspire the thistles to jrrentcr efforts and leis oni man thej scored twice within 2h seconds both goals were scored from a melee around evnntj uttiey nnd hllnt o were responsible for the markers and they were dnnerous every trli past the blue line ann in in the second emtio the tanners look the lead as i miirvo cashed in on cluiesples pnss from a continuous scramble around the tliist- lettet cnwtbruwilsnic vtllutohe tanners chose to sacrifice hut caw- thrn just wasnt ready to let the puck past him and no amount- of persuasion with puck showers could 1 ht 01 7h t 10 will im mnde to lurvr intet date a hearty wine sont was enjoyed of ohl time sonts i p clnslnc the meetlnj by slnulnt blest repress and tranhport be the tie mini binds a social time wns enjoyetl at the i i 5177 s7 clow nmi mm ltal expressed thanks waterworun lenrlment to the hortera nnd thow who hml fun hriihs co i id j20 ti asftbed in any wnv mrs liunherl pmvci and heal al sprlim 7jol alsti offeree hertmmi iurlnn the month for a euclue two dnink pay riiuvs of 75 in arton court u in on tuesda in acton police com i william harold iech paid n fine of sf0 and costs on a eharje of heint drunk in a public place he attend ed the dnnre in the town hall and created such it disturbance that be had to be lodged in the cellls foi the nlkbt charles jukiello llillcrest slree acton paid a tine- of 2fi nnd rnstt on a similar chaise of belnt drunk in a public place cases were heard b majtislntte- ijinjidnn and chnrjes laid lt chief harrop acton arace operators r halton county met in milton the februaty meeting of million couni ilranch of the janice operal- iois assoelalion was held in the odd fellows hall in mil ton on monday i evening febiuary trd ptenident red i wnumslej presided an aiulitors re- port was presented by pat pattefson brine down his umbrella of defense afialn nnd atrnln arton stormed the fergus end nnd again nnd okatn cnwthrn thrust ihem hack tlten the thistles broke loose one break away in this period to let henemnder scon on evans with onl 2 seconds left perhaps we should explain that in this stanza acton hail seveneighths of the pln onlv onw- thrnnl unbentohle in the net it looked as if there would have to i a rjmi 107 of the canadian hjljnjvejumejrioibvljcn-llh- nnir t tia n hinmiciik ql poktmitlfi1oiilikttv tthioukh last fihfay and we had mi- tl 1 t 1pi lltftl v ititllll orient on liand iwo weekh with r lhe balnnee hliippid from quebec if only 10 per tcnu of taxe aw in arrearh other iumh of the towiwliip ruulnwh well ome wood was mohii town it shaw r r named iissehsot ship wlierh lhe itok- krn- niiuil met in r01 kwood town hall for tin hlular febri iniy nulin i hrei acton hranch of canadian legion elects officers in whit ii tie stated that the books had i been kept in a verj nent and orlerly 1 fashion and he conipntulatcd the 1 reiikuror on hli work ijiti mckindley relliltij director on lhe piovincla board presented a re port on the annual meeting held at the royal york oh jununr 31ht he i stated thai 11 was by far the best meeting ever held nnd thai over 1000 j altendetl from every part of the pro vince the meeting was ver educat ional and also entertaining hi point ed out that the association had ex panded far beyond expectations and j ltr he fell that 1117 w oijld he the best was requested iiplli allonk wen heard for die posit ion the olhet two were albeit so ho and john ii nightingale hi- lei was let at s1u foi eai h otnplet d assesmitent 1 oil annlhei iniitoilant mallei dltu uhs- ed al the meeting was a pioposal to earn i a biiildiut l lav foi the town ship polite mllaees would tie ini hid ed in the hyliws pittvislons ii with decided that the village ii umteen he reipiesied lo siati ilielr t1 1 at la i loan tinofai as the village was eon i rned hiifh sftfiupn wa appointed iiound keepei leplatliig ionaid flewelhng cnum il endorsed a warble flv ampalgn propohed b vnikaih faim toitiuis lhe i lei k wiik insliutled to advertise hi nee of lhe ampulgn iiirglng the hto k i ids i to putt base lhe millet la and hit i n ipnle in n gen eral leanup about hi per cent of lhe taxes weie in at rears and the ireasuter wat in- 1easonahle to cxit i hie dlfff- i nil nit nation is nvii pf7baps renders hae notlrel thm the papei is not out usuirj tptnllty antl linlsh liiese fisl few weekh as a matlei of fat i if hah lmendlfferent eneh week incident oily in n arl lldlly yearh llilh h the ml si time hu ii i hltuallon blh in sen ko that we tannot be too tiithal of lhe railway tbnrtost-ttte- rhipmrnt inly oitteir hn ii a lung time fficis jnamrd in hog proiluprs croii for llallon at an tir jonliiion milling held nt the milton lmul house thuiwlny it hi in i keld ueorgeiown was elind pniideni of i in mwly formed llallon hot- prodiners asmm latum a iwmrd of iliiei tois t onsihimg of membem i reiesenting tlo four townshiph itindti lhe leadeishlp of ml reld bi i 1 in en iiriyiag on teiuille lor sonril time in tlie loteients of iii hlilton hog pnuliiceis i the organijitlon now t onu f four dint tors fioni eai h townfjilp from whiih ilujtttuuiuaa t-xwsuw- stria ted to register all arreats against pm pose of the otganiation ir to the ijropefilej conrerned of a levy w oi k jn conjunction with the ontario totalling some h ooo there remains r i uh ptmlincrh marketing board arrears nf4 5o712 luhlch is operating under sim-ilaneglii- on motion of messrs cox and i will h wiu selup to protect rutherford the couik il accepted fin- i producers and unlf the marketing of anilal responsibility in regnrd lo heir product the packet h n fjntanci are er-opti- welfaie assistance giyen at iondcin ontario ro a township tesident thehalanei of an account amount ing to 10 for st hool kiunluation wns ordered paid on motion of messrs hutchinson and cox the nudltots w port for the accepted and mr reld to dlvid lhe cost f 1lcl was tied 33 and onl five minutes left to play in ho third pei iod- there rould bne been if townslev hndnt rtahlh i mmvospass out and bulgetl the twjne to pull the tunnels in front in one goal this tally reg- 1st e red with onl 15 secoatl of regul ation time remaining in he game actually the tilt wnsnt as close as the score might impw foi example rmt cijlesplc charged down the length of the ue witli onh the nel nilndci to heat he failed mlsernhk lont get tlultiea he was lie onh one who missed an oimmi net foi all the tanners had wonderful ehnmys and it swms to ih that jllumlnated wi ivxnitnlmnv- goal mjth would have inerswd the- ullinli jnnu juvr oudt apienl krorinje summats- mr nmt mn rgc ajtneu now ftrt p h on co t meeting nnd hanouct lit tne legion llallon tuesdav evening of last week arthur pndhurv was installed as i president of the brunch- with fd foolllt kfpnsldent and ies dpbv secitiul vicepresident treasuier ieo mussel le secret nr albert mill i after the itanqucj supjiei was prepared and serxed h the ladies ausiliarv a genet al business meeting wns held and plans fot 117 were list ussed mk and mks j agnew mark fhtieth vein yet b lm ttttrrinniev wtt elei ted f serve as chairman of tlie ladies night committee to succeed ike lynn who resgned to 111 health morris tut net was elected to this committee tlie secretary wns requested to contact mt 1 c fairs of the dept of highways uad trv to make at- rangemenls to have him meet with the board of directors some night during the week of fiili 17th in ord er thit the question of rentage ih ensing might be cleared up a ret ommendation to raise repair rates to t nmpensate foi inc reused i osls in opetation hi ought forth maiiv ideas and it was clt thai it was up to t individua operator it set up in i tlie audit among hi trnttlt-t- various township atlng with the qntftilo hg prcntu ers assoc laliorr wonderfully said w k tummiin secietaiy of that body in his address to the motin i xplainlng the new marketing sch- m he suggested thntratif method of selling for the producer would lie more siitthfim toiy inslc a1 of ttie ihre nq prifimfi m ag on motion of jvie luidsi i acloth morion i at ton i t fergusi bhnt o fergus so on i lvnnl nttievt tt-etn- r tsi l too 16 00 ih 2h br m henem idei third ivruul tow nse llnelps foi gus ciw thru go kelh defense lttle nbseied i heir goltlen wedding anni- veisan on i uesdax with a duinei with tin m iluldieii hait teotke and vernon and their eight gr mdcluld- ren join with oiliet arton ft tends in extendltu tdncratultio nn thu own r ite imperial oil lid presented two motion inclines on the thaw evped- ttion thtough thete show s w en and edut itional of imperial oil w laura m mm il a patterson i hi middle east ei inferesling i repnsentatlves int i odui ett h thanked h pit j purchasing the hogs then is nlwnvx hutchlnsnn n chance for th parkers to mnnlpit and cox dog lax amounting to s2 j mnr we aie iryin improve the marketing methods of our province whieh is a big industry in our province and we must apply good business to ninke it n surcess he slhied- adding the hokjndi worth c to 70 miliiooijjloilars a ynr was refunded to l w chappie nnd dog lax s amounting in 14 14 we- struck off the tax arrears register no nction was lk en m regard lo membership in the ontario associat ion of rural municipalities tin on tario cood lioads association and the association of assessing officers co i r spondeiit i fromtlie planninr and development department corgi cmthers ltd hungerford and fambli ie wm polls estate toron to general hospital n indlgient pat ient and department of agriculture n wiid insfuc to nubsidv was pn s- enttd to rnujrat and ftll ai counts nvriountinu to s2119 11 presented for payment nnd ut nto t maid 3rd tux ii air 1 1 to ontario othi r offic ers letted were percy m rrv hornby via president robt mllhu eorgftown m-cxetary-tnns- urer lirure re id district director ivan rictinrdston campbellvllle rep resentative io the federation of agri- ulture fw nsfiip directors trafnl- fiir clavion mav and perry merry both of horntn allan clements nnd iorne fiolbrittth both mipon snvtn gaweyn ijnrlsav ferptisnn and j mtsrdn ori tiiaayni iwrld- w o clear th slab for 1947 nnil vae uuh xute for year inmaeh ituiin mtmu j on sharif u tb toxyrr ot- hr item ill tuewelayvmidnlirhl shition i he is- weie adding mat hlnist and slimati shit is hllbu he count u table on tuenclny niglit wbenfui foot hxilli h rel ve i jnux il ei k and tlmlhlliet i milplliul lhe ehllmaln foi ph7 and at mldniglii mihijh wlin a tit mill ins late wild b will im a net mile of uj mills to i in talepnyii will a one mill piovlm la i subsidy tid is a new high inie oi atron but feeltng of vitiixll was that ii wns bent to meet hie cfttlmilteh fully in tlie yeai nnd be able lo hlarl lite following yen i wllh a h ilr slate iptiense in the inle in du tn lower receipts 11i inci eased rale nf 15 mills can roughly be onountud for by fmr milhrntdlttonnl thin year foi m lmhl4oklm mllu lo fwy reiognillim gifls t th returned jei- vlc perwinnel font nnd h tinlf mtllk for watt imnln extensiomi t new- luitding kiilmllvjsionh and three mills int tens on saint lew inc hiding two i xlia men on l he polite foi iv i he ie ik wnh led to pie pare n hy fit z covei fag this net i it of hj mills and coum1l will pas i al the nexl leihir meet mg hie mime dales fm payment of lalcen in aptl lune august and clolwr will hi used foi payminl of instalments an nigemenih we ie mrfde to durnp tin gathage in a spot in tin ark for a wiik ti st until the i oad to the n gujai dumping ground wnn htied i h in culling ollettoi of curbs ue showed 4oun il i hi inn k ujalrh he had to maki to maintain the fcerviej this wlnlei h ahkeel cojineilb e on sltjerntion la t in se unumtnl elnuin- slanies council agned to pay half tin i ohi of thi nc iepnlis nnd ruldll- loixl liboi amounting to f40tfl mi uitlng was ijulle nntlsfied wllh tills in iftngement tlieie were two idreett in town that tsnuld not be cleared by pbw ilrork nnd church htret a plow e ngnged had not in en able to jo through mrmnnntmrwns present tndbicuka w ith count il i lie nmplfying vystein in the anna he felt the inatallat- icjn bad bun left loo long to make an t xftontirp mr manning wnntid n muk the inulallntlon satisfactory it was nrrnnged to try ttw etulpment in another location if thi wtm not uniisfnetory council would nwy for iwo p mi4 nker at n cost of 30 all the council were pn sent at this meeting anel reeve f j mccutrhivjn presided some oi her item were dis poned of nt i hi special n etlng be fore council could get sctthd down to making the eslirxiates sieial nlftlff classes for polish veterans sine in cmghl classes for polih v i nins emfifoyed on halton county farms g t uncl r way on ruesdoy ev- februtyy ihtii ifij tsutl- ii u- on basic kngush and will 1 id in the miltoniublle sfhool ev- ry i ui sday we k evening for ilr- next 7 m trvlgllsi v jactoni thi men eiltri mad- nil nc wviy n w ings alteniites fleming montgomer fuller abbott i acton lxaiis goal uiliss i mnno defenm gillespie centre iv 1 marzo vvings alternates kontuoi luddall l matio lindsav towiulev n morton oi i loi nianv ais it eorgc agn in 1x71 and is iluldjon of t unbelt agnew toiijlucttd the i1lllt w 111 itients of a u lia no mor light to t onsum hnppinevs without producim it thnn io iinsunn wealth without producing it ton iv was limn in ai lah irn of a familv of nine e mto mr and mis w ho fot main earv doinlnnm hotel heie iht onh suivivois this famihare vorgt agnew and lohn agnyu oi si 1ears mvrried svtlrday hartnev lhirgi mamtotta agnew spent nea i lv elayki action mtinuel a negro a arraignetl be- fore the justus- of the peace foi as sault nnd hntterx u in tbd ou beat up that othei negro manuel questltinet the judge hifaeuert me sumpin jmge what did he fill ou he called me a rhmoccr wth a hllhxis a rhino orns when tlltl this happen bout ihu vtwirs ago jed bo limv wais ago then how iliil it happen ou waited- so long to resent il manuel lnwd jelg i aint nevoi icon no rhuukvi- os fill dis mawning life in aeton until moving to to alnnit nine oars ago he j some oat s a member tin board and for 2t vears serxott all his t to ron vas foi srfllo s clerk i of the division com t he uorked n 1 glove tutlei foi mnrp vears with the storev clove co and fur nine ixiirs was station agent for the to- itntt suburlum railvvr in 1st he married miss jtssie posiolv daughler of the late ohristo- pliei besiobv who was born in i l cot getow n mrs agnew took an it live part in churvh work at knov chuioh here leing score an of the hopes uul and a toucher in the sun- i div schotd she w as also active in the omens iiufttute and music festivals of halipn wilson both hfn kwood ciias thorn p- sfjn arton jan itlchardvin camp- bellville ksuesmg rotyrf mlllft- aril brute ilejt georgetown a brain vonnl neuon stark milton nhson knim- cuntiv tansley glen 1 1 a raphe ii jiov klii nton fred dixon all of milton brute u id pi icy merry and roy r llentnn wen c hosen dcvgatet to at tend the rgnvention twing held at tor onto vn marrb 7th i his kjntial cfurs i bein held in c oojee ration with the adult kduca- tion board of ontario e w fouler principal of the mjlton public school wijrte in charge hie clajuws which will be rriore or texj cf nn experiment huia thriefokl tjtijeltivt- lj to make ihem polish veterarm of crest r tatu tt t7n ir7irniir e mployem f27 t io niakej thi m happier an1 more- con tented and ii jo give ih m iufficient basic lnghsh anl sufjrv ision wlilrti will result m lliem developing into betti r canadian cirum hirtnii farmer- pttipfn t vteranv are- keenly intonated and in priciwaily nil rases have volunteerfl to providq the neceary trnnporta- tion to and from the caicg acln mr and mrs john a smith now residing with their daughter mrs wm mcdonald in gilt vvjll on nnuiday mm k the sixteth anmvi rsai of tneir winlthng w join vc itli manv other at ton friends f tins couple in est ending tongt ijtulalioius and lst w ihes foi manvuiore happv ais together the ice cwrmval fyr acton arena peatlre next ueek the seasons nctivitie at the acf arena thi year have to dale been hoc ke and skating but next week friday 1st will se a feature evervone will enjoy arton branch of the cnnndinri legion have arrang ed for u erifnd ice carnival and have lieen fortunate to sexure a group ot art lit s from icelandic toronto as a feature there wilj bo fanty skat ing costumes prls oroomball and tlownk and many oth r features that w ill make a big program for the arena that night ticket are now available and with the admiion coming events ef evrnlt uflrf htksi to rrnli tickets two detail i 9k imo prize be found- are offered uewbere in valentine tea sale of hakta and apron booth saturday february 15 panth hah at 3 oclock 203132 dane brook ijle hall friday february 14 th under the auaplce w i ciood orchestra prtxet ad- mikifon 35c 352b 6kle tme and modern dance at town hall acton friday fvfcruary 14th dancing 9 to 1 gtt jordan and hit orcoestrm door and soot dance prize admluion 5v 3 w

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