Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 13, 1947, p. 4

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fj ii i page volur the acton free press uumtday febftuary 13th 1mt neighborhood news interesting items concerning other centres and communities in which mmriy 6f our readers are iriterestml eden mills mr jydshty nurfcows linn ulft his pi oporly sio mr j fvirkth and mr and mrs burrow will reside with thtlr son n punlnch s or and mr gordon stevenson of montreal vlultod in the home of mrs sfevenirfflns parents mr and mrs james gllborttfon mr and held n very lajcej t fu1 sale nnd ii retiring horn faimlnr mr nnd mrs i ouhorne who ha o been residing on mr o mclean a farm will mov to tho- form in the near future mrs 1 d lawtie aeeomanpled h mrh sindy mnrljn nrtd little daujeh- tci spent hut week with mr nnd mrs prank lemon ut irnkeviewont mr spnowh of aetno is drilling i wt nl the presbyterian church who mild tlwre wnt to bo vorv little snow thin winter all nijrns fail nl times limehouse milton th loves htilleved to be the game fean who enteied the streolvllle creamery curly tuesday mor made nn nttempt nt the ilnlton cream nnd fiulter compnhy hero nnd stoli nn ostlmntevf- 4 v pounds or butter t tire nt hlitlcv 1oekem milton on o idny evening en used eonsidernble imoke dnmnne nnd nece filiated clos ing the plnnt for n week until cleaning nnd lepnirs could he made beth r relationship with china w as the tbenrk of the nridretff whirh wns given by dr r gordon agnew of western university chengtu to thccanndian club nt the january meeting canadian cbnmplon campbellville curtcucies and values st david schuirh heldrrhetr ar r had to jn nol only the exchnnge but i he ilntj bonrd sponsoied n euchre nnd dnnce on ptiday evening when eleanor spitei nnd fied brooks held high tcort a and rovs norton was winner of the looi prl i hev plnn n box social inter this winter congr to tmr nnd mrs tod brown on the nrrluauolnjiujflllocatlon of t w tie daughter owing to inclement wtathti church kcivlrcfl were cnncelled on sunday thirteen attend d the febi uarj w t ttipmlnp il the home of mrs nohl on thursday the roll rnlt wns ans wered by naming an artlch in aur home nnkv the place in cnnndn wheie it wan mndl plans were discussed oncoming tht fiftieth anniversary ten nnd program it was decided to mil h communit meeting to dlu uss thi count health unit this was- to follow the nation il film board mo mg pirtur s w hen horn cone would hi available to lend thr discussion in preparing for n pi ing baza n ach lady was nski d to hi ing an apron to the march mutting cunent vents urn i fad bv mis glshy and from convenors of itnn ding- commit ts i hi motto what oui institul nunl meeting in the sunday school room onfrlrtay evening 1 he pe rations werf conducted by the minis ter rev 7 c macnoil after which mr e d mahon was appointed chnir- mnn the secretary trensurer j r mcphnil gnve n verj satisfactory re poit of the finances of iheycongre- gallon all obligations were met nnd u nice surplus on hnnd to begin 1947 all the- organizations were in q healthy condition the missionary met and all the other missionary or gnni7ntions exceeded the previous yenrs giving 4 all the officers were re elected in nppreclntion of mr mncnejl q sen lees it wni derided to supplement his salary by two hund red and fifty dollars at the conclus ion of the meeting the usual cup of ten wns served nnd all enjoyed this fellowship together the grnce mission band held their pehrunry meeting nt the home of mrs mcphee with the president mnnna hood in the chnir the scrip ture lesson w ns noad by helen ag- uv it j ika6ilman the exchange pioblem u not dif ficult if we apply to it a bit of com mon tumuc when wc buy goods in canada wc piy by check that saltles the obligation wc arc dealing in money which has a common stundiird ol value nil over thqlminlon tho question of exchange doc not enter into- thr probtehft when we dcnl with firms in otlilfc count rleir wo hnve to calculate tho price we pay in our money for thclr money when wr dcnl wtyh countrloa hnvlng different forms of currency wo ioo quittf clearly the ncttututy for this when o nre dealing with the united stutf we feel n dollnr is n do inr no mnfter whose picture is on the fnre of it this however is jot true tlie currency of coch country must stand on itsmerits what follows we have hnd to pay a dollar and tey cents for nn amer- ienn dollni this incrcnsed the coat ol american goods in canada we pny for tbf goads we buv bv thc we sell so we had to give the amor- icntthuvers 10 pcrccnfmore of our goods in order tp pel their gfmls ex- change increases irfic price wc nay for the goods we import hence wc dut on the exchange when oui dollnr goes hack to par tl m ans that wc get moie lor our effort that is the story tju exporter lose how does this affect exports to tho united states where the situntion is levcrstd 1he must now pny pract ically ns much american money for our money as they pay for their own thtwore nlmontinteyhtnn enable- a canadian shipping goods to the uniiedetatvb paid- inamcricat dollars when he deposits his amei- ican dollors in his own bank he re ceive 1 10 in canadian money for ever american dollar that is before tlohm re- to par he- v the pmvilege of voting ailvfrlurnfnl u il tictdlatf h cttali wltti orur up in h ort ail hiuiiihi wor u ic i r wtrl ll i kali ilopa h i rcnnlpiny klvr t hull ild ii l rrnmiany tli ilvr pr wonl kllltoiiat fir i ii wnrj ivr i miijm uml tacrtlona kjc a very inrge numtcr of people in this country rarely or never vote nt elections it in for tho advantage of i the country to hnvo a full vote- come nut also to make the pooptft to havfe nn idtcretit in questions of politic and gowmmfmtf to rend up on these sub- jihts nnd form their opinions on thestf istuhl whnl cn be kpld to induce many of those people who usually do not vote tn make the effort to fnmlllar- l7e thcmselvcb with these question nnd to make it their habit to caafc m bnllot nt elections it itf not difficult to learn ojmut these buiues the newmpnperu kyc full of them and they- are frequently ushi oyeathe u kf rt w mdlo people can talk these quwttlom m wltuo thl y for this week over with tholr friends tito more they nn mt uaned rinks lighi sus talk and rend the keener will be their sex hint k auslrnlorps o riohfti re to par therefore loses to some extent but gains in other wnys newsprint and gold the united stntes is a large buyer of canndinn newsprint canadian producers are in n very strong pos ition the demand for paper is ex- trumelv henvv so tlte price of can ndinn new sprint has gone up the new type passenger cak produced by cnr a new typ of pahsengei enr which hai juwt imom cortipleted foi the cnn- ml in n national hnllwnyu ih the com- pnnyu london ont shops hnk just gone into vrvlce it is the first of fourteen to lw const ructod and of eight expected to be ready for service o handle the- chrlutmns rush of holi day travellers tho nbw caj wo designed by officers of tlie compnny s mtm hanlealand nrchlteeturaldemitt mnts tlifn is the first pnrloi ai in crtri- ntla tp have n private room it is furtvuhrd with a comfortnblesofa pnil chnlrs for daytime rest nnd jmw its own little prlvnte- washroom annex it is finished in n light imlge with the upholstery nnd diapes in rust and the cnrpel in tones of ruaut green and black to match a fenture of the room is the new one control heat ing nnd nlr conditioning system per muting passengers to ndjust the tem pi rnture to suit tin ir own comfort the main section of the car is equipped with 2g rotating and re clining pnrlor enr chairs of a new delgn in an attractive two tone tur quoise cnloi a bookcase qnd n writ ing tnhte incndescent lights nre install eel over each sent it is finished lo light tones of buff nnd cloud gray with a pale green ceiling to match the draper are in three lone of rust 1he ends of the main room me fin ished in mnhognnj with ornamental pnncls tlie ladies lounge hns a dressing tnble vith n three wny mirror a purse shelf nnd an overhdod light and a swivel vanity chair the room furnished with a tutone green if people can think of these things i n m nh n 1 1 cqvcredlqungc sent ntlfl nlsoiihnrlghtatogo tfttliennllq nnd fnve inrrnn rr classified ads for sale for alh 7 tube rogers majes tic ttndln in good rondltlnn apply mrs john smith main sl for salk 4ry film wood sound one foot lengths dellvondto acloii phono irl i aeton for sale lnj old ii k rel iwt i i glu siu ni w hamp inti rest in these very important mats x new tlampkhh ters ond the more they will value the x k l vj su ri n f i x barred hocks i ms new i mpli r privilege of voting t i vs assoitisl lleuvles 1 whlte ihcy can think of bow the privilege 1 1 1 uhoiim 1 cmi per hundn d v o has the new zone control heating andair condiuoningllls finished in a bright pnstel yellow with n black tile flooring the fixtures ni e in stainless steel another inovntlon is tyek modulntlon the nuto- hcatlng and new and the m b prajer was recited amencam pay more for their paper in unison the children s story a canadian paper mills are not harmed bell for bnbv biother wns read by i b teturn of our dollar to par the president a nice little recitation i tills adjustment would not take was given bv marjont ware rhe i p arc in refold to gold i he market neav study book on india was intro- i pre of gold is fixed b the price duted bv mrs menzies nndo hope which the anunrnn govtrnment is will be ei- inteiestlpr the birth- i ijling to pn for tl the return to dn song was sung foi manln t jmr is a dueft loss to canadian gold rnnrtr nir conditioning control from the time thjc porter or the conductor flicks tho switch to set it in operation the sstem mnmtntns the inside of the enr to within one degree of the desired tempernture even though the weather mnv nrv r degrees within n few hours a new typcof baggnge compartment is also n feature of tlie pnrlor cars of cnstlng a free nnd unfettered vote would be valued by the people of countries where tho privilege is den- led to such people the right to vqte secretlylo discuss these issues freely nnd to express their 6wn inmost thought in n vote would bo n wonder ful boon j 1 hey enn think of how the patriot jioom fathers fought nnd mnny of them died up o dat in the offort40 en ate this freedom mmpb t d nntl give t hepeople the- right to ehooac their own rulers and select their own form of government they can think how people in inter enrs hnve strug gled nnd endured to maintain the country of how milluins fought in the two world wars to protect this price less privilege k olds add ft ml thru week olds add 11im wr imndnmr ihls ml- t itisi mi nl must ac 1 ompanv ypur oidir o rncivi hum prlt 1 s lop notch ohhktihs ru lph onliuin to reint and boarp moth in honrdlng ikium just lehig with 1 show t 1 bnths inrio wash loom well lieaud good beds mals c tt appl now llniikd num ber pimm fui ai ion 12 2 wanted pnrt h this extremely vital business of elexllng theicoplc who arcto mnke nnd administer umjawn it would seem to be n priceless privilege they would be sorry to miss the chance to take pnrt in these mighty decisions wan 1 i i an opportunlt 1- nvnllahh if ou are nggn sive and tin at s of 2 nnd r have rtnnauretrnxpl outfit this in your opportunity to get established in a profitable business olyour own joi full pnrlhulnrs vvritt toda lo 1 he j r watkins company dept oa 9 j177 mnssun st montrenl que w t patterson ro hperiajlst tn rvn tcnmmlnatlnii ortboptut 13 wyndiiam 8t gueijmi phona 210a comph tcly equipped offices below mnher shoe store dots to promott pntt and phntv in moom i he mt t tmg was c losed with miners something ma be dont by cnnndn was tnkin b mrs smith praver h mrs mcnrirs after which adjustment of taxntion to an extent urst mrs s kukpntikk tonvinor tuilt hlmks win stwtd mrs mc- which will groatl minimize the loss of tht dav s piogiam ttad her papt r pht t ntillexl canndinn lndusii irs i ollowlng thi national anthem thi hosttss siivtd ufieshments meitarb aili wright and stuart wiwson of inronto sptnl ht wetk t iid w ith tlie w right s miss ii h a t v u aux was homo fioni hamilton fm tin wnl md id a nice lunch which all even if some of the poonr mines nrci njo d ulnsed it mn impiovi the basic sit- tho ll lit nlnttntlonwoiilrt bemore dnn- rockwoou s 11 u suit of stiniv v 1 at in suiidav t hun h si t ic s win tc t rnhlv eurtmliji id owing lo mr i djni lihuion ti uc k ust d foi snow plow mi hi nu hud up fm npaits during last wttk 11 1 al 1 plllai ti at it 1 vv ith sutm plow attiuhed was luouiht m 1 tin villus siiturda tji enpt wi tht itiwnslup tnm mi huum wi d snow i in township snow plovs was on tht j th s aftt 1 a n w mot i w i mstalh d and u n unit jol in vp n inj up alh v knad w in 1 h id 11 hi t 11 atttndid to foi a m nl 1 hi nist from tin 1 11111 sin m 11111 w 1 puslu d up on it in r suit f th 10a 1 u i and walking 1 nulltit it nunl nn povd mi and mi i ii uis t ml l it daughti 1 w ho ii i ti n it si i n 11 ulli knii 1 sin i i isi miitii tvt intvd i ktl ti in 1 w tin tli t 1 suit in rutin t mnmhiv iwniiik un l 1 h nnt tl tin k h kwo 1 i i omiuui t 1 hit 1 vi 11 itu 11 i tl m ii 1 un sii w wl ih id in it 1 i own u ill in i m t ni i tl i tt i tu nun i i 1 nt nnivnijirv meeting of womtns institute was held at the rhous to tht mining industry than home of mrs finnk quinlan with the tin ntuin to dollnr parity president misk jnne reld in harg it has been suggested that uc in- roll all was answered with thirt- tiodmr a fitt mark t for gold that three members telling the plnre nnd is offer n to nnvnm who wants to iar of their first institutt mtdini uv it is r itht r difficult to ste whit thev attended l fit this woud be w e might mrs thomas illlson npoited for m 11 to muntrns where thin is viol llomt itonomits mrsttows mtush entmflntion and where we would reported for social elfun mis tas rttuvi a ti hth pi hi for it in in- mahon reported on citii nshlp mis flnlid jmi 1 mom of the country i dward parsons np rtntfoi tin tin vhm tin puirhtinr lles hut- the antt tommittttt and it was d uh d pap r mom would luivt n ltv un tti havt gtoup jftirut s tithei m tht rtam ilui st m tt it would not si hoot 01 in lit honws m- miss rnd lhanktd the hosttss for lais tin only thmk thi holder coultt iti hospltnlllx j1000 was d mitt d do with it would hi to invest it in tt tin suk chlldnns hospital it the ountilc in wlmh the gold has w 1 dtudid t m t plans tm a torn he n sold i do not think many can- ntunltv ball to si t if one t uld hi adian havt nn dlsiretoown invest uutiu jirui i tmtnrtiv mi nts in nm to on the continent t of r un pt to di salesman wanted ixaihmi cvnadian life insurance comiam hs an oiemm fou a uepresentat1m in this icinitv we require 1 betltr than nerace man who desires bolter than a erase earning the man selected htost he a worker amliihmih and receptee 1 1 thormijjh trnininr programme in idjition lo llllknt rlniuncration iil uill be protcctj b group i mir hill hi spmili ition ind 1 liberal plmsioii pi in write statmimiill del ills f ur personal nnd business histor to box 10 free press mtftnrapjbotts nackaciiks go qrilkiy often nftrr first dosi uumacaps two- way action attneks the tnusi relieves tin pain baxters drug ston c pkumrino ani iikatinq ilentmg and plumbing mpplle of all kinds stoves nnd furnaces clean ed jind repaired r o stap1ceton ip phone 22fi church st c aii is havi that kit in n mod- 1 rnii d and enlaigid with built in uphonrds mw plash i 01 hat your living loom ie modi ihd with nt vv sliu o t tilings r may l in w wood woll anyw iy it t us givt ou free tstinintt on any rt uiodt ming job vou ut 1 onli mpl llinu i i mt mullen phom hrt at ton 12 2 sninnonv 8ktv disordeiis at long i ast dependable rahef fiom the itching burning irritation of rrxma psori asis leo ul- fplts iifmoruiioids athlrmfs fooi and minv ortn r irritating skin disorders ii wsburvs hc- tma rrmpdy is nn nil purp ointmpnr that no home should bb without rt t a inr of dfwsburys ointmpnt nt your drugoist to- slav t that epiick comfoi ting re lit f ou long for you must bo sat isfied or money r funded if it is oinimim ou need ask for diwsbuin s at your druggist s tr a shit id fr thi mumuii isiii u of kirih to dav with thr evllpuii hal ton f holland and tin scandinavian mrs i hnd ciawfid nvi tin his untiis nor would investments in tnix of our lust i muling vv h n in hn hina i fkm nv more whin and tin first ftittt cuinnt 1 f pi fill tvtnt wen liv11 tv mis wall thr tourut traffic itrrii mil in t 1 un it t i i vm otht i idn has hi en discussed motlnk lit met ting 1 is i wilt hi tffit of llu alt r d v slue of oir tin km aft l win h i irnd t di 11 tr upon our tour st tradt hi 11 fashuut i t is units was tonelurt t d mi stt nm s a malum 1 k l ih mi in malum h iw s n i u ii jtii buili ftirht and itij i t k putt indus ir mi o moisj mis r mi n it s m i miss linn m i h i 1 who aw inti i tin pni t mis j ilti t i- en u i d ilni kin h w is s t i l f i f it m ml i ii i til i ih 1 1 willi- itutl piutui ui ii n 1 p it otjri i n i tin iil nh i mis i ia tk qu nl i ta it bhan ii ftt pai t t 1 i 1 i i ths mnf mav havt brnuvjt sonn am i ru an mom to canodt hut u is diff u ult t si i w hat part ulai ad mtnp tt ij w is n rov idng thi jtu ts at 1 wtr jrues a strvlce 1 jt h w is mini i vmt in pi it than th v ould i uv it hmi trtwil f a hntt4kaih f t lit dnll ir was hi 1 w i ai 1 otht a nn al for a dollar ten hnd i lull hi ct han i g t il mrs irnik 1 i k m if nn aim n an did the 71 1 dil sum ti ndi ring nn ann rienn 3 hill 1 1 s 1 w uilil mt 1 k sl the humor m ltd iti in kthut 1 he menrnn f 1 iiofiml 1 sin bill would gt 1 1 k li in nmdian ni nt v wh h in 1 in 1 in his a hiu r lunhikln pwir tl ui w uld m in mer t in m n v in i 11 untrv 1 1 s r is d nn 1 f r n tt ji v si nil r i a n t i al lit thr t tijin f ut d ii u t 1 ir if ur 1 tl 11 w mil is nm i 1 tl 1 m r 1 in i llnr wt stt nil fit is nun ti for t s n in 1 usisl tl t prlii of it kt 1 fr ni tj 1 nts in ann r in mm v t a grr itur change il 111 it it n 1 1 i e an id 1 it is an l t it i tl il an a k m tt 1 1 iii n tl 1 f 11 1 f tl pujch vuim t its t ms ir in tndi nt m t t inn i nlit ins a h j eful sln f tt vtturn t v normal timi s m ir v r tin nrt an in 1 t stlon thit ij i ir h k nn n to find out tint n h pr idmti n h hiri work enn v nhulfl tils shnttind world iil ij s thf mtii r of th pri we ui nn 1 hint still tj piv msv sav in w rl i fi m anotht r war a hihl row s ti man itluinttti h- v nd 1 is mt 1iik n hi in 1 r m it tin w a floyd smil jeweler h atciieh ciocks jewrijoiv 7 qulbcr slnot wiit eijei en ont ear lifelnauranc sir 0n11m v i jit tic l ru rati ak nt fur the kmpire life insurance companj 1 or inroniiauon i iw arum n riiuiif mis llrampton j vi ii41k all llrainiitaii 1 1 ll it 1 it nt 1 i a m k lii ii i i f ii 11 ni inl 01111 s li 1i1 1 1 111s 1 s stitl ii t1i i ll i ml i j s i i v 1 ll i 11 i u 1 i 11 llll ii i lill link iii lllll 1 null 11111 i 11 in hb 1 i t us tu 1 is ill nnil w k 11 i 1 li s ih ii i 11 i 111 mi ml m s mill 11 i lit snn o h 1111 ll n mi nil 1 mi i h kii i ilnls 11 ii mult 11 m lili 1 n ti in 1 111 1 1 1 1 i 1 s ll lilt u 11 i i i is t i ktl i i ll 1 1 llll llll 1 i iss 1 i i 1 1 lllll i 11ik ll llinlk i llll 1 kl i 111 ii 1 ill ii i i i l i it 1 1 sill ill 1 1st in ll 11 ml s milk m s 1 1 j n 1 1 k s tiu in h mistll sins- hrtflnit mil tr ill l ll s lul 11 1 t i i mrs 1 ink p i sis tli 1 il 1 in hnlliiluili 1 in k 11 ii m 1 1 mis f iiiv 1 vlv i 11 1 lo mr win ilullnrl mi c hrn lm mi mis 1 i n u li ii i 11 11 i mis m 1 11 1 1i1i r kllliikl mis n m is 1 1 1111 n i 1 r- v 1 if si it s iu 1 1111 c nil ii n 1 11 s ln ulti s mi it f in i 1 ill 11 1 1 ih l 11 11 s 1 k 11 1 i llll i tl i i i 1 i rll i rf m 1 is 1 i s 11 n s iiunla m ii u m lh 1 1 s n i n j i v 1 isit ilk fi n 1 it 1 1 1 nt 1 mis jmiuis n k is tt t 1 ti un 1 ii h ti r f m vs t in 1 mi 11 s ii 111 1 i t n tik 1 in 1 ft in mun i i ink 1 mirs ik ills t lis ih toi sollts sv i win i pl4wkkh in 111 ill ui if 1 injdliiii sis uta fi if 11 mw iu 1 lmteuiii sispm 1 1 sill ks il- ii s svoufs of hoi lin lm stit ini1 i ninth hulhj 1 t aiiuill ui s mt in n lnunr is ot t ii i whim lh hti inin shpimt 1 h irniimnl sis u c litis to m uis ft lust rsato 1 kp coin bfijjt 3 spac your cti s avoid ulfuag 1a 4 civ r qmnlmay h il 1 1 s li n ll ill t hunt 1 p tun n ttv- wall 1 husj a small i st uiti naiumt t ns ihd leadt pltte f ailln siv w tn 1 tin hm l lln niiiiliin stout ift 1 uk r- to in mitih diivi tin nail thnunh 1 lac tt l h dtstruvnl tiv nazi ot this 1 twi nts wall from rntklnj i u ithm fnn this yiaraioni vc r penthnr v00w0 o that imtrr farina u ill har trlrjduuic with fewer people on rarli ltn for the ht trhplune arrvir rmembr th master ruu do unto otbar you would uk tbrm to do to you ant doit firtt tui iill tiliphoni company op canada we take pride in tahinf carkff l k uytuvh piionk 272 vanwyck cleaners vcton

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