Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 13, 1947, p. 5

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thursday february 13th 1947 the acton free f ress page nvk mr and mrs g a dili via i ted in toronto over the workcjod mrs john wood and mr warren lad vlvlud in toronto ititit week mr h c schrloter of kitchonor vidlted acton frlendu yohtorday after noon mlrrf bcrrtlco hold of tho gonornl honpllul staff guolph wan hamclils wek wr v at lluwiley und mm mi miihtors have returned from their trip to new yoik the fceawngftftown wedding in toronto united church i st clnlr ay united church toronto wan the liettlntf for the mnr- rlagb of mln tloreneo nilxft belli brown daughter of mrs tohn a brown to mr lloyd clnrenco deai- lnjrtoronto non ofmimid mrs n a doarlruj orton ont rev tz kewley conducted the coromonv nnd r s joyce played the wedding mus ic during the nignlng of the reg liter mlsfl hlla o kenrn anng given in mm rfagc hv her cousin mr john h chlilett port hope tho bride wore n gown of dipper sntin made with fitted bodice nnd graceful nklrt falling into n long train her veil was hold b n headdress of white chrysanthemums nnd rosea and she carried a bouquet of tho name flow ers mm stuart unmbden in a costume of olive green velvet made with low neckline and full nklrt was mntron of honor sho wore on olive velvet honddretli and carried tnllnmnn roo- eu mr stuart lambdon tlllsonburjj wan grodmnmnn and the ushers were mr jofwph gibson toronto nnd mr hermnn dcnrlng fergus a repept on followed nl dnlfren manor where the brides mother in a nnv en semble nnd the groom s motlioi in blnck received more work or more leisure by r t deachman dr robert m hutchlns chancellor of the university of chicago has boon telling us latel rhnthouri ofwarjc w ill soon be sharply reduced we arc drifting into the age of leisure what will happen then humor based on oxptnitnee suggtsts thnt satan llndfl some mischief still foi wklhnnds to do so in- the dns to rome wojholt sin more nnd uork less n rntliei un- hupp poitcnt foi the iuturc of man kind 1 here is nn nt ed foi alnrm tlilo is not n prom am fm tomorrow or tho ln nftei in the united states tho government has cnuod n confer- iue on piotlutlit it will bo nooded- prodm lion lap hi tho land of the greatest enpaclt in great britain u i aboi govunmtnt nsks for mou pioducllon pei manhour in russia they iinvt i tend d the hours of labor tin it will hi no shirking there ih v oild is desperate l pool en now it nin be gottlnirponri it is too i hi 1 to turn from work to jo in senuji of lelsuit the chances are w would lu bond stiff if we fmmrf- mnnklml vttttrfr mjuhrlj at canaha j acton ontario the friendly church rev a walter rosbukv bju mwiater p mo nnk bower avenue pm official rrldny fob 14th 8 bonri mooting sunday february igth 1047 11 00nm morning warship sorm- oh uubject the higher loyalty 1215 pm church school 7 00 pan evening worship sm- mon subject godjj humlhty and man b greirtncw mon feb 17th 815 pjn district training school tho lord is in ills holy tomplo lot nil tho nrlh keep lulence before before illm everybody welcome jltyflbyttriati elurrl iti kattaba knox clwucth acton sunday february igth student from knox college at both services 3 00 pm sunday school and junior bible class they thnt wait upon the lord shall renew their strength chqttrrlf at l xlbau tljr jtiurtgr quinnuageilma sunday sunday february 16th 1917 1100 am holy eucharist nnd serm on beginnor h claw 12 05 pm church school 7 00 p m evensong nnd sermon a w tho first day of lent february 19th 1sm7 9 00 am holy communion 8 00 pm combination service nnd qclrlresn fcairttitf uibitrrh acton rev w h wallace putar sunday february igth 1100 nm morning worship 12 15 p m sunday school 7 00 pm evening worship a welcome to ah iii foot ailments treated miss ahn reg chiropodist treats foot nilmcnts for both indies nnd gentlemen open mon thur and st evening till 0 oclock all by aippolnlmclh rhonamsooj 27 arthur bt guelph is not so lnz ns some seem to think avsumi foi a moment thut this almost w oi klt ss aic in rl ed to- tuomow and that we have n four hour ln from s n m to 1j noon w ith fifteettmiinitlhuflut 10 to foi a spot f coffee how will tlu editor got his pujum out will it bi ntissnr for him to emphu two stilfts ahr por- linps a mat him will wiltt his editor- j mis and bring in tlu mw- tlu n what o tlit mlnlstu of tlu cospel who ih livers two sunums on sunda and utiimls to tin nst of his minis rial duties during the we k rionu ntar lm it n watson lhls will h woiktd in two shifts iwo pa rolls to meet i hat will in hard on tht tongngnt ion if tlu u is out lift b t tint tlmt what about tlu farnu i ih must neoi up lot 1 d out of our planning m i mi n ow s must lie mfllia d alt n ft il ilu on hard spined the gis athtitd tht huubatot regu- jtsi nnd tht hlldren put to bed ph i it nii sonu tlnns wbuh t in t h uiin on n foin houi dn on the whan yu ckook glmtai b iur hl rajt or spud t vuskrv d and giv three bifl advantagau tone lite cute off the danger ous ultra violet royi that other wiscyench your eyes tone lite admits all other royi useful to vion- oakvillc juniors again take actoi by scote of 71 last night tho acton junloru trnv- ellod to oakvlllo the lenguo loading squad the lakchhore uoyil again nhowed tholr rlvnl that a woll pract iced tqnm in n winning team fay de feating the locals by 71 fast paus ing plnys prevailed throughout tho go minutes with oakvillc taking the greater pnrt of the piny ingle ron- on in iffe aeton net stopped rubber from every angle and played n stand out gnmo for acton tudk in thooak- vljjo not nlso ptoved good on mnny of actons rufdiei and brenkawayt much to tho surprise of the acton tonam oakvlllo played n pretty clean game with acton followlng likewise only two sonnltiofl wore handed out both of them to onkville hnmnuuy flist period cameron oakvlllo r onlliaithonkvillo 11 00- cam eron onkville 15 30 pehnlty w curi ti second period davidson oak vlllo 100 third ptilod cameron onkville r oo w currio onkville n 30 somenllio acton 14 20 pnttornon oakv lllo lfi 00 ponally bnllnn- tyne referte mccnchern line ups acton rohson gonl mcphnil du val def mnstors c arjoic rw tow nsloy lw nltornatob mnnnloi somorvllle znjnc pnpllton kentnor allnn onkvllh tuck goal gnlbinith c cnmoron rw w currle ly law rence smith dof alternates bnllan- tyne leslie j currio a currio pat terson davidson n 1 1441isijhifflf thk all world and a m a news hjmiur ili ii i i i i n mt rrfrr drinking carousal story unfolded in milton police court tho aftermnth of an allday carous- nl in hnmilton nnd burlington bev erage rooms vns a story unfolded in milton police court last week when n mnn and his wife wore charged with robbery u ith violence on n lonelycountrj rond near burlington last jnnunry 28 arthur cowe 24 and his wife m ichnel 23 nppenred before mag istrate kenneth m langdon nnd was acquitted on the chnrge after spend ing a week in jail before thir case wns heard accor to tht evidence of sidney bounnot simc oe faimer lu met the now canadian jot tho cnnndlnn fnitory of a v uoo ltd is liuhy on n new jet fighter piano which will 1k much factor than the glortor met eor holder of the woildn apood re cord of mb mph dotnlhi are how- rver htill stcrot parachute safety tlu ubo of chuttaj to loap from crippled ncroplan- ctihns been chtlmntcd to have tuivcd tho llvet of over 30 000 allied flloi during the nix yenrw of war jnst completed atomic ah oi aft a contract his boon awarded tho tnlreliftd comp any by the il s army to begin ro- aearch nnd experiment in the use if atomic power for nlrcrnft propulsion reluctant ghuikns tho story is told of men of a ghurkh leglment in india who were told to jump fjom plants over enemy territory at a height of 300 meters the chutkns renowned foi tholr brnverv thought n whilo nnd tactfully suggested that maybe 30 meters would hi high en ough for n start and then they could woik thoii way up to 300 meters iheofflcei in chnrge explained that 300 meters would be snfer as it would give their pniachuten time to open oh with chutes is different the ghurkns benmed then we jump nst week duo to n tvpogiaphleal erroi tlie rate of climb of certain modih wns quoted as 300 ft per min ute this should hnvo read 3000 ft per minute or as fnst as n spitfire a m a news biggest news this week concerns the contest which will be hold on ouc laet meeting in tobrunrv models muntrbc tvifwle by the onlrnnti them selves nnd rince it will be nn indoor show must have nwing nren of 10 sq in or less the nlrcrnft must lise off the ground under their own pow er nnd the time is taken vhen they actua l vo t g fusuliige mn be either stick or otherwise nnd no other design features mo bar red three good prizes will go to the winners ns well ns tho distinction of being ama champions our meeting next week will he on wednesdnv night again due lo othei ntlivitlns in town on fnda night so come along and get some prawe foi the contest nnd see whnt vou may hne to compote with a touch of iiumoim the gentleman bad sent for a plumber to fl nn upstnlrs tap and ns ho and his wife started downstairs pali alonji with nnother man and wo- ithcy met the plumber coming up tho mnn in a hamilton beverage loom on gentleman snld tlu dnv in question after tlu puh before i go downstnlrs i would closed uu proceeded to the ro k like to ncqunlnt ou with the cnuso gardens win re a snvnll bottle of of the trouble liquor wns consumed bv the pnrtv i the plumber politely removed his j part trrrn vvrnt to burlington hat ntlii murmured where the ttnlng wis spent in two ixvcrnge rooms on tin lr wav home tlie live got out of the cm and thfn the two men jump d on him stealing his wallet containing f a watcir gloves and otlu r articbs boui inot i old tlie court 1 hey ouleied m into tht ear nnd cowe drove nwav after ni turned on tlu highwnv ojr lights failed nnd then we weic stop ped bv a police eruisen- witness plensed to meet you maam ci faiiino auction sale in wisi arafraxa v p 1 i i i- stxk k imillmknt ii it ain hoi sehoi i 1 iwts ftc sark 1he snowy owl chhnrfa tind the northortt iv t 1 i ates spending th winter lnt 3 tleanett acton twn lv along the shorea nnd in c 7 jr m wnj pur- f r hnspd by ootlnn bfekon of bronto one of the mol beaiitlful of njl canndlnn owls is tho hlg snowy owl which perlodlinlly invndon tigrlcut- turnl cunnilh from iu arcilc hitwd- lngjroundh in hummer thefteswts uuhulat largo ly oh lommlngh tunnll arctic rodents the lemmlngii fluctuate lu numhnrft from yonr to yonr nnd ueom to ho ey cllc reaching population peaks about every fourth winter with tho crash 6f the lernmlngc tho snowy owlw desert their arctic httme nnd mlgiate deep down liito aouliiertt united slat tho mnrahoi the fipmlns country during omo flight particularly last winter large numbers bf these big prodntorn npiond thombalvon over the settled pnrts of canada nnd tho northern united stntes wfnny wore shot bv thoughtless persons forget ting or not knowing thnt nn examin ation of their food in southern on tniioc mado nt the royal ontario museum inst wlnlr icvenled it fo bo 08 poi e ent rodents rats nnd mlc mosu amonglhc worst onemlen which the fnrmer has to con tend although poworful enough to enrrv off poultrv nnd ducks tho snowv owls seldom exhibit tho nnc- ssary inclination oi ngillty to go af ter thnt tvpo of fnocj a flight of minor propoi tions com pni ed with the henvy influx inst yenr has again reached southern cnnaih nnd fnrmets nnd sportsmen would do themselves a fnvour by nl- lowing tho snowy owls lo spend tho winter with us unmolested for they constitute one of the best checks wo have on the undue increase of h hntcd flcmous j- high pklcesifaid at shorthottn sau5 op the royal club lugheit piko nt the list annual sale- of shorthorns of tho uoynj sltoi thorn club hold jn cuolph wu paid foi n twoyenrold bull owned by tlnompaon stow nrt ftf kvortottj llio buvnr wns geo l ijfisby guolph mi stewnit hnd ficn forced to bo ii a mnjor part of his held on account of lllrfovs second highest individual nlso n mull was seotsdnle ailstocrnt im- illglu st prltf paid fpr a femalo nn 1 boo paid hv a c mdermott of goodwood opt for gijen grovo sliver rnse n yearling holfor owned li malice rietchei of fi in new telephone directory krsoed for this distrfct 4t- moie than ifiobil copies of the new guon oloiod telephone diractor for alt uelph kite henci nnd district nrtnijvv- being dlstt ibulud wis of lu m slnted foi subserllorb in ac- ion according to i i sanderson bell leli phone ninnngi r foi thin nren y mr snndctsnh polpted out thnt thef new hookcontnlnb moie thnn 11700 new and changed listings n number or them in the aaton section in v lew nf lhphuc ndvles subscribers to look in tho dlr- ectoiy for now and changed numbers and stresses the importance of brlng- ihg memo nnd deqk pads uptodate thusav calls to ulang- num- order your for spring now due to the rcmovnl of tlie government subsidy prices will be increased after february 15th helen m cullen mill street acton you cant afford to buj a new chesterfield if jou have an old one yonr prcacnt suite can b r upholhtercd to compare favor- abl mth new ones dick the upholsterer phone 87 one weeks delivery slated iio tod high irrr ti m i lu undt rsifr stiu lions fioni iii ssku martin i i s u h auciimi at his farm lot t h ilf of con f west a i oninu nc mi low m 1 o e 1m k t lu xe lite addatd your appear uncc iwcouac its dclicutc tint blend with your complexion y nd and fit tone- lite lcmb cecil v carr ktt ptlej h louglaii st guelph ont farm but h n u i haps tin if i iii woik slu vxoiks now luan know luit tin m wlllpiw h r tin n j kin w i muld tk tin ftii m pmbli m nm tin farnu r pa for two shifts uh woimhk tin four hmis ts if tht luumnit i niadi to his wifv islon two nntloiih iid b stile i in i ondltiitn- in both ait tin nnniv mi pt that in om tin work four hours a la in tin otln i tho work ikiu bonis hat will happon i am in re avsumlnn that all other thlnu wll bi iijual avi that in one tl ir is i w mi to w ork and in tho otln r lint for lilsun in whhh land will tlnn ho tht rtatist h ipplnovs is thon nmthlntf from past hlstoi whiih tolls us that me tiiiss tni from u isun la tin n not mon jn in work and m- imnipllshnn nt than in indb v idu in is i in ronl puiort of tin nu aki of fr hutfhuis k that mankind ninls n in w i rusado homo unsoliwh pur- ptiso into whirh tin lift of humnnltv run ho pounil wbon it nmn i uo shall hai moii work u h islire bill thoi will b i niltatlon in th- task lif will bo mop worth hwnjr than it bus nir bihn iwfon gregory theatre thnrv ami i rl nl const libit ian sprnet court he had to trawl at of spud to stop a eai witl whtwllo pt opli wue rldln o miles noith of koekwood htmrilunk tho ewnts the ronstnb till itsua it5iiri ajo imh said boui inot was prett drunk and w in n tjufstioiud about his drle r permit ho asked to lit touldnt find hi a ilunfii in r markod io beon lobbevl const spirit tr sjild ht found tho purse and two oru dollar hills on tin riht s of tin ear v ht ro tho othei man and woman had rottin out and disipptar i otl inotlu daiknoss isi mil of tin two m list d at tin tel 1001 i i ohrt station fail d to disi i s ti stolen artitlis tho t mstahlt stat d hnth an usui dinixl taking th iia ai in us oi jumping on tin eomplaln int as he chnimd 1 in v both mil hoututit wis wt drunk and luid asktsl l nv i lo dt hi mil km taken b suiirist wlnn in aieustd tht in of rohbt i 1 in i i iwn f imiltiiu is n t t atisf u toi hut it is i is w t a ft i i i onsidi ml u dt iilkinj t m in is taktii foi i nde 1 hi n is no ti i ml 1117 foi b is ami 14 rlndlzwh s with me vv 1 i m u low i 1 d in ml it mus m snl d e u ta ii i aji i unit i h iptt i sall ul 1 miui k i matinese at 3 note xr peole tsi 1 b oi mli ni loon ilh i- i tli v n ws monuu i 1jiki k 17 hlie dmiliv in it v nti i lairinii jil 1 in i a id i n i i i ik 1 1 u id n lloijii muminl mi iiioi 11 1 rr un t d crown alt r h onus s on tt i i tin itii about is driw r s s s aif ho did i k it ri pmt ltrs lo frtw willi mil ill loiiljiojn c lui limi of sil whilt o nillkin mi briil dt jl lluirni fo nulkinr ai ii hnd nov s ltoan tow mllkink will on nl nov jli hid tow nulklnj bnil illmk cow fri sh with cnl il i ol ilu si lows art a kooi sli t h d uddiiv iiiui h inn nulkid hi ic 111 u r- ill i i lint h i st is nl ml i his i lluti in i hi if is alniut ill llus mum i ill 1 li ni in u si is ii htlini hi ii is nil i ilv s j nini i alv s i li s ik s i i i inn j l i k s iw i ml i in milk s v in i inn 11 mini s in d h li j ii llintlv v hunks il int il his l i linllv l hunks ih nil iii hi 1 i i tlflv dlullks illkllll ii hi 1 ii i i i in i rl i 1 i 10 i n if niol mimil h iv lmj lius of vj l ti its i i nn fl hi i si j m i us mis i i i nn lii ihs f 1 d i i v i s il i inlilv of mnn ids i i 1 1llllv llul itiwk lullils l wl notice tqqwn of pigeon notui is hcrthv k tl pik- lotiiul in the 1own nrlliabk to t shot h tlil sptti il polill who hiivt htlti duly nrr lor this piirpos if vim ilm our hnjs kevp thuni shut up h i iimckoi liuf of iohce supporl st john viiihulaiicc vt urk v iii 111 llk i 111 iii 111 ii mis l iii q llllllll i ms is that i mlvsl in ii ram nn v a m k c isivv ii i ii j 1 1 v i as anil in this ui is sa llv in kuik ri mil wluw s mi f i liffli nil to ivlln rtiiiund tin in vi r is f 1 ttinu mis if h i is li irj1 lu ul lr 1 i inn m imll 1 ml n 1 ilu i i t ill li i ul i oi k i ult 1 i till willi siass s 1 iss v 11 iii s 111 ii ii s s l n in 1 llllllll i ik sj i i i i in ssi i sj i 1 m iii i ult i ii in hal i im i i ins in i w i i mow his i inlii i li r ill i mil i li 1 i li i mn s v i i iki i ii c i kshuli m min ikins urltx t it i is i i hull s i r to the ltlll hisckllls fish r bank when nut d man flih- kl a i iimi w nr li n w n ins in i lists nlnns a nv in i uni upon a mldd in for i at fish vn ou havtni anv lu llavi n t had a bitt rmun what kind of halt arv aski illliii off u r w i ills i u sh mid trv honu otl s stid hi wardi n 1 hv flslutnlaji dlrtittd ji itart- v tsl ui at flu w aril n md it pll d ht i k niin i am t iunnln no itf- ilinu hiev tan nit vvoitns or go luinnrv w is i w i ii lull i i u i hul ikltis 11 vv hum j- s i ns n w iulili i in 1 w w n ii s si ikhs lu fv ii iv ink orn ha ii iv i- irk i- uks so rod if n ln s i ks k vok hi 1 lr- l nm l ii its lint si mn n s i f h 11 if si ik lu nsked pit d thv flsh- slnit b it bu 11111 i nn u i in 1 1 r i isl v 1 i i ms tuiululur nl ih kiiin finish nut hi ii irns cirk- 1 mis isl n dr ni in 1 i thl if i i i 1 il is 111 i l win si k uul unpl i 11 1 sfi i 1 ii l u i jj- i in i nl v i i kin ll i mis plion 1- i in i ii i 111 ul i i si i f i i unit mis s lli v i i i i nn ii i n it ii i i s h i i uil i 111 ii v 1 i id miishnl li it ii a v 11111 au viuulitv i i n r i i 1 1 nl l an i i is s n in tl i i ol s f th ii il ii f wlutli i is i i uul ilhu m in pill ill of v ii li mi n uul nl alkh 111 i is kt tu u i v f ii 1 mill ipm to i w il tin utp ul i in i t

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