Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 13, 1947, p. 6

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ja sicftiky ir c vy ct six the acton eree pess -z- ihuiuday fhlllluauy 11th 1m7 recollections of acton ff l 1 back in 1897 from the ii f tv i thumky whnmry llth ih rim home of our elwnvd cllltn t i jt f ill merchant lui been tin seem of n iwippy reunion this week ah number of tlu family wen horn mri di i owry guelrdi mis c s kllmnbtu port unwan inm s g mill toledo chns w hill mun roe mich r chuttw t hill ch ve innd ohio henry t itu ruffafn n nnd john c nnd mss n lln who j eiide in the home here mi nnd mr iiui letlled in a t in on april jnd 1r municipal offiifi grnhnm has hcei l e ngitm for nnolhe r jtsr at nt a salnri af 54j5 iindf is to supplj actop s hool wth wooil wrt 0hiifd nt the rotil d meeting mr tohn a coidon is to supply thii ij rords of lrce n bodj wood four ft el lonj mnsllv jnnpii delivered tfr skk mr ii p moon attended the an iiual itjuliib of the cnnndiiin prtsv ammu i titto n til toronto last we ck i ht nanus of mm school report nt s no 9 nnssngnwova were e si coat minnie nickell kntie nickel albert wilson wllhtrl dnib roi haw came ron rnmshnw goorpc knox mii camp pred williamson allnn lctahmnn herbert carroll al r wntson mabel wfllinmson jenmv bortnwitk- minnie i mvrj gertie nellis alort7o carroll i izzjc loishmnn mnbcl nirkell willin wat ion leonard mollbj jennie agnerw victor watson ieonnrd mlrhir fllnl wntson chat its watson mamie oakviixe mus barbara munco has wn hdded to iho oakvuie pomk attic ktafr in plactt of miss murll kennedy who ha realigned a new pier tit ihfi fait fciov of ouikvllh n harbor to replace the pirsm- ently hazily damaged nnd incomplete idructijre will ih built this year the rost of construction will be nbout t14o2o0 under the hc the chief con table jojin derry stnuft that during the year oakylhc wh free from nny crime of violence res ulllng in the death of nny individual and had only one major crime n cne of shop brcnklng and theft from a c h nning e stnbllshment record star tiicsunday school j lesson htlnlay mctummkly istk georgetown council nmcndi d the salnrv h iiw to rend s200 for mnyoi ind 5t pet mcetinr srkcinl and iti ufnr to ill c mim members c until nl o accepled a plan bj mr hnil brampton architect to r model the ufatcrutoiui building for a mun ipal riiiklifii nnd instructed him to rcpate jttnns anil aclvertihe fot tend near symon bros advertise canned com 5l innd per lb uc uiimon hk pick les bpttle 10c coal oil ptr riillon 17t ciiecko per pound 10c anj person purchoslnk 10 worth of joods foi cash in the m t month will he riven n barrel of choice apples mm mason in acton on satuulnv tth ft brunr tnink ounj st son of wm mason atc d 11 mjiis and llj months mr joseph aimtronf had hif riiht hand badlv injured in art accident it the allinnce paper mill estonliv mornini when hk nrnj vvns enupil in n cnllander lc was tnken to toi rnto cnernl hospital where it wis found necessnrj to amputnte pnits of the iliumh nnd two lingers si eorke ohurch choir were en toitnined at the home of mr nnd mrs w r bradley ln pnda evening two choir members uho hnd been on active service with the nrmy oversan- paul bnrbcr nnd thomas wnrnts werer presented with lent her- bound hvpnn hooks hornld erin jksus the lxcan of tlie would colden text i nm the licjlit ol the world he that followeth me shall not wnuc jn the dnrkne s but hhll haxi tno iikhtnfiifc lsuon ivxt jnd 8 12 k li ir 1 j time octolmr a d 20 place jnrunkm j txjw5itiori r how to 1intc7hi ht of lire i2 lfi what it moiobenelltiont llian lirhf it illumines revenls clieem brings life health and hnpplne s leos 1 nil tfiese tttinrs only b the nalut yx enn we kee naturally onl bv je vos tin we see spirltunllv without itfht there is no vision without je su thnie is no spiritual vision with it mrht we know not w hithei vp are iromr without insus we i rope in uttci dnrkness rvtf v rnvf iiriii i of t rut li ot holiness nnd love cimes fioni htn noeilklirlit in htm rt no dnikntss at all 1 ino 1 r n jesus thls iirht hns hecome inenrnnt innd finm him as he lived nmcuift i men strenm firth rnvs of truth niid jjoodncv if qu would see what i absolute truth is absolute eoodncs just look nt him ie is the hprht was tesu mereh a rood man if so this utte ranee is increcjihle he who can sa truly i am the llpht must be divine nnd nineteen ccntur ics of hislorv bnve demonstrn d lesus iirht to sa i am the ilht note that he did not snv i brlns lirht a man could snj that he says i nm the licm onlv ovl can sav that and of uhnt is he th likfit of the world i icht went oui front him even icfore hi incnr notion jno 1 1 r 8 stj but bv his inrnrngtion the llrht was em rack in 1927 i roin the isuut of thr i r pre vs cvf thunutm iehnur 17th 1927 a new hirh se luiol in wenlworth county to le located al i i ii m s uncle r consideration st albnn s bibb class hi id an e n j alli bkiriiiiil pat ivttniie home ol mi nnd mrs vnnoozen on mon eiav e vcnlnr 1 ht war t lans of acton a id tuiutv in 111 ii limliulhl njnjilill organization chnnei in the town hull here last wednesdnv evenuic col mcknv of inronto was tin t hie f sj ftkl i 1 he i unis stjuim of tin unit d c hurt h obscivid ialh r and sin wiik with a baneiut t on j ndnv ivtn ill ih fum t on was h ii oi e d w i tin pns nn f i arl i mil nst hi u tin i r nu i ef ih old 11 n 1 u it line ill of ontai i dr charles burchlll- hns receivefd nn appointment ns senior interne on the medical sen ice of toronto west ern hospital c l garnei was reappointed clerk and trensurer nt a salarv of 150 00 rp mith wns appointee assessor nt n snlirvy of 7 00 two rinks of local curlers attended a bonspeil nt oranrtville on monday i7 w n bush sk j f steen l jjilmnn hnrr mckinnev h a creor sk c ounj o i hurren i a catherwoott the former rink won t bird posit ion mil kitchen step inu- tiers on mondnv whin mtssrs ill nee baibour nnd ceorl davis win drlv infc on the nmeih line north of the vlllnrc two fois atttmpied to climb the snow lank and lt t out of the path of the ai one of the animals failed in us effort nnd the cir inn it tin dow n the pelt w nsin prime condll ion and besides brother fo won t molest ne irhbonnr chickens next spring advocate cigarettes twice as popular now the nveine cinadian now lights up iwo tigaiettes for ever one th it i oi sh smol id 1m fori the w i 1 h numb r of c ijnrs beuik sm k d m uu eihinlrv has als shown i m u i i d im n asi in ii re nt t nrs onlv i it smol t rs have fatltd to in re a e tmvoicci in a rutin lhnr n tl cou nnd the incarnate jesus became the light of the world not some races alone but ultbnntelv ill rnees shall receive light from him not merely from his words hut from his person rrom what life is fl ukp 1 tfl 79 isn 12 fi 7 10 fi go 1 2 ii hew to be fiee tl 1 hesc- words were spoken to thosi w hich had believ ed him if they nd7hdee d lielie ved on him tlu i uoultpibide in his word he b 10 30 man helieve jesus i e ixlievt some things ih snvs who do not be tie e on him to those who h1 i lit v eel him tesus stki that this farl did not neeesaiil make th m di 1 cipu s tok trnl his dis iples tln must abide oi continue m his word the true disripk fivis in the ntnio phe rt of christ s word the word is the soil in whuh his lift roots itself ps 1 2 at0nu then truk n dtsrtple of e sus lesu makes two furtht i romis to those vi ho abide in his woid il o hall know the truth i i hi truth shnll make ou free knowledge and llbett come from continuance in the word of jcsua jno j4 15 17 26 1g t213 that u not all mhetruth thus known khali make yoti free then u tho uveit thai men hive tmutcht for earnestly the- ceertt exflllwrty know ledge pf the truth rtvlvcd by corilln- unntw in jeflu- world many to day reject jesuil iwcnuw nn they say they wish libertv continuance in jesus word it the way to find it from whnt tloes the truth make free from the power of sin from tin fear of man from the fe nr of death fiom nil tinxlety from the dread of cla 4om nl hint mnn neeels freedom from wp were never in honihge to nnv mnn hey resinted the implttatlon thai tho were slftve blit tlnv we r we speak of ourselves as n nnlloii of free men what mean then tin e slave- of drink we see upon the stree ts tin si sljes of pleasure that thronr oui tivntn s nnel liall rftoms hiese ilavesjor many that sell their souls at the e i ae k of th whip of their slnemnsjir reed for i ohl the te ws could eh llj the ir bondage onl hv rlivsing i heir eves to lln fni is and that is the onh w i in which men out of christ to ela can den their bondnge ti sus announces n law llmt hns no ejveeiitione cvcrvoiu uull commit tetb sin is a- bond sernnt of sin does pnvon curstion the truth if that nssertlon tiond si r tint of sin if we re shs we tan hnvt nn t nnt iiuiinr psie in t s house i old iv ii we shnlf not ibidc in the house foiever i here is one who noes nhlde forevir the son nnd nil uho oeeome sons b receiving hun ch 1 12 and being set free by him ttiere is one vv ho ins power to free nnone the son of c oef when he sets free we are free indeed the conditions are imple come to him ch fi 17 continue in his worl cvs tl 12 hi receiving sight 9 15 lesus pmsced by great things mn be expected to occur when jesus passes b the case of this man wns nbsolutely hopeless no humnn skill could touch his case but jesus pnexcd homtalization surgical benefits incxmeprotection a how at wm r bracken tirn5 rtitk wd atrromottiik unfitmannn mijl trr acton iiionk x bj that changederything when men ennnot do jesus ran jesus is ever passing our wnv in these dns so we may constantly ejtpect wonder i ful things to happen jno ia 12 this blind man is n suggestive illus trntlon of tnr unsaved sinner blind el cor 2 11 he never hnd seen he was bevond humin help 12 his rase wns hopeless humnnlv speaking doubtless he himself h id given up all hope oy e ver see ing hi was with out human svmpnthv suspected iv i ilespiscd vs 2 ii be was poor a beggar but ill his need was onl nn opportunitv toi gods nboundlng grnre in christ maflvmctcvr owi mngnlficent white owl wltli n wingspread of five feet was shot a wee k ago hv cameron ireton of drummond mr ire d covered the bird wns molesting wild ducks and interfering with a sports man s pirnriis so jie took the first opportumt of disposing of the bird carlcton plncl ont canadian manning electri agents for frigidaire refrigerators stkomukim carison sparton stoves ralios- wl service everything we sell the new 7 cuhic toot size deliveries are improving tracbnrotnrordernow phone 20gj mill street acton i 1 a i suuiill i ijjtl islam s ulmntt i if alasin nil ml t t tit itl i n al s u i nd is i mf i iici ul tlu i i tl i i iliiln hul i i 11 mull n imlltn titpt n r m i is i i i inu ii itli 1 i i i mi i ml- i ii ii in mi- ii i wish u l i i ii 1 s i i i llll i 1 i i i 11 1 m nil i i i i llll 1 i n i iii i ii i i i ll like lon in tlif bank tju oftn m llntikor slrfssf need f tlern ids on the i urni iinrinl tin period from aj u ij lb i t i nn on umj tl in of c igar it i si fi m i in i i i u d i g us ii ra lis ti 1 lh hi futsutr utintk njortid li ill di trtment f 1 i itlt nnd oiititu res b n a mn 1 i 1 1 i i mi u n nt i nl i i uni ntnl i- irm ottawa 1 il i i kiu tin i in i 1 i t i tu ti t i 1 v i i i t di i in ill t in i i f i toll nemix i nn i u u i t ii i i ii i v n i v 1 f t 1 li m m i v i i i tl 1 1 r 1 1 i t i v 1 m kk hm i t n d i i o i in t it tl nidi i i haiikt i hi s stem w it bout i i u k ok piupi is hkt ihnnim vour hut without t ikuik a bath ii i mir ol acton notice j ih municipal c nun i f tl 1 1 it- of t n will ifti i tl t i r iti n if on mi nth fn in th d it of this nc tict t ike into i nm lenti in in i f a b law to stop up nnd closi t vllowuig 11 1 it i rn hi or liuii wwiie 38amtngt i all u im fir mn or parts it i of ilitli s i t ill it n imtln 1 i ti i i n i l it i i ts 1 in 1 b ic mlin t i i ml ln it mm mi fr mi u l li m to ik n t tl ii k 1 nn i irn f i 1 in 11 il t mnt n it p tm t i ii 1 n ilc t miti 1 i t olic t i i n i ml 1 s t i it in 1 is f k l in j i i i o ii i i i i ii i li h 1 1 ol i i iii 1 1 1 i i 1 1 f 11 11 ii ii i i 1 i ii 1 ii 1 1 ll iii uctiosvle op uoistfin ws ii v rv itiitk tgtlpmlnt hll in lql 1im nt 1 tl ii ui i in m i t 1 i 1 fi il i n in i h h ml in hi ubiiih fn m ti pi ixlun i ffu ii ntl rr xiuct- hard to g th twsc p i in out f a faun un i ss it is aided tu ttu mode in fit m mm him n avntlnhu l divv ud tlh nm 1 1 ton lot il managi i f tin kink f montual in dimuihinj thr kirnnunts tann mi i iov1 ment j lan i nh vs a fanm r luus such ma hnutv nnd lulp u k i l pi iv mi hmist if and his f tuiilv if nun ptvctliu bent ikts and higher i lotits main faini it in i mtmuiit at minting tin si higher pntits baaval iiv uhiiimimv of this low intirtst f um tni i hi nu nt loan 1 1 in in this i tnju i the v ate abb to i u itf th iik tlu i r farm neeeu awd in man i ixjw tin i an out of in ix is 1 i iii i suiting f i ni uu n a nl pi j ihi ii n m clnm m wttit on t snv that it w i id ih pluuid to list uvs nn tin niulal p rob i im j ot unun niouu with an frnii is usliin to do so hi addtd that bis customers knott- that w hi n t ti x ik fir ii 1 mn nl tin it m tluv tli not ask a favor youreyesf v proper eye examination j is most ipipoctaiit consult rm uenr t reuistered optometnt phone 22rl2 ii ulll 1 11 t 1 in i ii u i ii i is iii f 11 koit n 1 erin in n in n ut jnirnt b sound niotlnts tlln nnlll l im mullli un hilton welding tliolrlc tlnu a etylwi wslchnj riliblr wultjtni of all typua portable kqullimnt phone 348 sllljl sx m11ton i ii i n j u i 1 1 t i n i t um n l l c ii i l wi 1 nn j t i i italai ii wfjimsiiw tuutl ll l t kl ill toll inniii t 1 k k ii i t ii l inn u 111 lll 1 itll ii 1 ll ii inn milknik jusi tllhi 1 k j ii list iii v onn hi fur ii inn ii ii i 1 1 foi i l k n itll i nt nj1 ii m1vi im ilvl 1 list summ r i ull ts uiniiic ttinils tlttiu urotid il 1 i allk sin lu r bl- i j m lultus ss imirs lvisdeis liuntiiiii t 1th 1 t n imitliv hun it a t irr t imiiimims i ix autotrn i ru t r n i ulitu r intl i inn ois sufl1 t jlti n uftl i o tlhltll i u li n hkir si n famjjithni ilnrs n fmnm ulkuik ll n 1 tun nn u liking pi nn liiam sipg ui i it tt ijillirs qunnntn it uu w ii n t i i iloirs i j k st uirt nn aiming t um r s in 11 i 15ns ik hxs mlmla l i nn l us i a is i 11- in ms t s in nis i i irt nn uhir sul nn 11 1 lilt uii tt i i iur r s i i irjuiii k ii ii t ii1m1i i n ami h i ioli 1 au tlotl i extend bu a long is ahllsum coiiipain fimls a nml to its capacit a nun with a sound ijta md an oh ious m irlut dccidt to laiiiih a ni hustness aiding mattri lib ill ht mxded lumhtr mil mill hruki irtd nuirtar contrite mil pi itir arihitixli tiul inuraitor ituy li lonsultcil hut the hisu muiiriil is iiuiiil and thujtrst lonsultation is vith tin l3bk whin thii hanl is i hi banl of no i siotia crutivfr hinkltlk uiiuritil tppr uses the pi ins measures the needs vitjhs tht irohihilitte if thi ireilit lusttir is favourable ircuini hiiikini adsamts not mil inuiuv hut tht continuing hilpfulm- of sounil fnianiiil advuu and husuiiss forisihi natisi hanltn iriali- ixttir business for canada ll ilit it topi tin r the batstk of nova scotia w k graham manaoof acton ont

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