Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 13, 1947, p. 7

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y i v thursday kebkuahy 13lh 47 the acton free press page svsm hilites of the week of sport a ports ic cam era referee gives mercantiles one goal margin to win last weeks georgetown herald carried a column by sldollnor who exclaims that tlu aclon tnnnera ar tajdhc on a georgetown flnvor with orrie of the player thnt sport the tanhor uniform the plnyers slde- llner mentioned were lindsay ev- nna and illddall ed and lived in acton years before he was enlisted for n reason with georgetown and then he was residing in toronto find travelling like tho present dny mercantile players to aid tho fufrihllnfr piipermiikrett nt that time evans in n native of milton nnd migration to the neighboring town of georgetown was temparary this year he enme to aeton to piny hock ey for the tanners realizing the fut- lien efts of further time with the bung- llntr papertowners rlddall was a resident of our nearer neighbor hut he fancied arlon as who doesnt to georgetown and has plnyed here slne hlfl return from oversea bui where is the georgetown flnvor on their own home tenm not rhod es shropsmrq chrlss storey pcott exenrd etc who play mercantile hockey in torontt p its game in georgetown ijwt thurs day had packed arena as tan- msra made vfetft ruwi brmh ha collar bono broken an hove token georgetown given 11 penaltiea k marzo drew ma jor for airing opinion thai mtehl not have been iir er ror umir35innni3rtmhcrednr43zrcr era thompson the genial and am i ling manager for he halls from the pp- crtown by the way whatever hap pened to kempshend fnns entering tho edifice nt john st on thursday last surprised to receive progntms ihanded out by custodians nt the nearest exit glnm ing inside nnd surveying the contents of said program we were nmnzed to discover thnt the summaries nnd in troductions of the different george- town plaveis didnt correspond cor- rectlj with the inside ilneup w surmised that the inside pnges hid been printed at an earlier date and jierefore the almost complete re- rfersal in the lineup was duo to the inability of some georgetown talent to appear glnncing nround tin aiena our fears were dispi lied for then won murdoek nnd fern two well known stars cnstlng reproachful looks at th players hem h tn furthei investig ation we gleaned from jpic tutors that the two men were rend and willing to pla but the fl us x tho wowould hiuth lallut uw ten onto plnyers smile nnd hrokt off conversntlon henumout patterson nnd flrndbur had belter wntth out tlielr hocke dns are di awing to a close if georgetown uses thb methyl of selection j b the wa what wns the pro gram for nnywnv the actoo fnns knew tin loml plnvers could i have been thnt fitoigetown suppoi i back in tor opps i menn geoi ge- town last thursdn from ihe toron to mercnntile loops if youbelleve the credit valley fnnntlcs but up here high in the ntmosphere where the nlr is clenr nnd purer thnn in the petite hogtown there is an ent irely different story elrculntlng nnd we are more inclined to ngreo with this unbiased version especially since thnt is how the gnme nppenred to yours truly nnd the nonprojudired of georgetown nnd acton fnns as the tanners skated to theii practice session and the usunl cat calls greeted their first np pen ranee couj thnt later turned to cries of nd- mlratlon for actons 1917 squad iwo white sweatered officials hit the ico nnd inspected the premises cntcnlls faded into silence when recognition fit niixloutfnrpfor one of the duru ws none other thnn referee patter son beloved nnd renowned in the georgetown district as the champion plnymnker of the mercantile plnyers who exhibit their wares in o hjv groupings plnymnker mennlng he endeavors nnd in this case succeeded in iwihdlng the tilt to georgetown with ihe old of lnd lui k pntterson proved his loynltv to tin pnpermnk- ers cause by tnking matters into his own hnnds and claiming with out justification thnt n gonl wns scon if bv one of his charges even when an irate goal judgi and mil mnj orltv of fans who saw the plnv insist the puck stopped on the crease flick ed past tlu cornei burned itself undei jumbles of plnyers until flnnllv ilio bio manro swished in over ihe blue line through the defense and mndt the count 4t i h finol honk of tin horn actual- iv a hoi n saved tin night fnj the credit vnllej foi acton pressed so haul ha tlu pa pert own threatened to split nlrendv bulging senms it was dm lng the last peiiod thnt atton suffered its greatest mishap russ brush one of tlu finest defineonun in the league suffered tr fractured eollni honi and this probnblv will cil thai the puck had rlcachettiel off menu bi usli s retirement fiom line k tlu gonl post no red light flikoreli tor thi season aftei plav ing a the goal judge refused to sanction bnngup defensive gnme this wns of beaumonf and co to keep pace with them rhodes was engulfed in pucks and only dame foitum was cnpnbte of mivlng his face mie did just that a striking i nmplc wns leno mnros nttempt to store with nn qpen jiet nnd n loose puik giving him the init iative am leno hnd to do wan push it in but some twist of fate inter- venedito shove the puck prfit thr km on i lie ncgifrt4vo4iniloft he-goat- ii wnji here thnt georgetown broki nwnv and scored to make it 40 ihe forontoriinns irien every un derhnnd trie k of the trade with thi iden in mind of preventing n puck in behind rhodes but nothing could slop the nvnlanihe of rubbei thnt is sued mm the aeton end townsky found the twine nt lsjo to make it 11 as grnnt gilhsph gnve him the putk in a lovelv rush nrond de fense georgetown haft a peek over then own blue llncfni n couple of mom ents in the last stnnn nnd thnt ww onli in the trek of penitents to the penally ho townslev ngnln bent ou rhodes to bring the aton total lo he 2nd stage rhodes wns leap ing for pucks from eci jingle nt this point in the frnens and stiil ai xoru- uu emildnm bulge that twin to- community unity s a synopsis of various sport arid athletic activities our cnnntllnn winter k grim at times but with nil the trouble h gives us i don t suppose we would wnnt to lie without it fiom year 10 j ear lust imngine no hockey ir fantlng or skiinf or sleighing whin tl pomes to hockey nnd skating bunk i iolmoccuru hat his problonu 522 pntterson s judgmepl evnns pro- ttstil to tin ref but to no nvnil patterson w is imaginative enough to so it tgiggh now and this wns proof i noilgh with a deiision hk this confronl- ing tlnm tin limners weie momen- nril stunni d and fluring these romp- lnliung moments srott and gibson w plottlng tha- ton hiihtion to bring to three the pnpei town goals t his first episode wns georgetown nnd patterson period but frpm then on in the gnme belonged to alton ask even tlu georgetown fnns and tlievh tell ou ihe same nil that ii ept tlu ones that froth nt th n outb or do thev nil t zooming down tin lc to follow tin i nmph o d iouuhkmj i i if v wl iw 4 he w so the still won i for five of tin fntrobid plnyers nevir appeared on the lie and probahlv nevei will an jtem on tin front over of the program caught on evi tin be t team mav not ilwns win but vou can i lose eti how tnu this is it was proved on ihuisdnv night ovei again the loss of uuss brush who suf frrred n frauuree ollm bom in the georgetownacton fiams will inde d be a blow tn tin liunl deft nsi al though now residing in ale rdow 1 nnd not ibli to in pn se nt u un game riks wa a statwart on tin- blue lim and dn tenor f foragtpg the fnsiest man on skale s the 1 nn- nirs showored rhodes with piu ks puising onh to jnugh al tlu nttemn oppos lm ev ei u i hoju 10 s i him h u k as well and valudih is isirvel and he ird in tlu rt tow n an mi arte i tlu rinu sda game oiliitown father what did vim think of the game son a tint li fill fan siinlilud his uu and womlorisl ailon should have won don i vou think lanu tin cu rv a noij of tlu in ail mil tlu two gmspttf h mi md 1- ft i ndv i uck s rewnid to russ and tin limners and it wns onh hei intrusion thnt saved georgetown fiom deft nt we hnd mentioned before thnt the queen cltv plnven hnd a list of fqul triiks nnd verv few of these were noiued bv ref pattrrson nnd his ns soclate who mhumhfd them off onh ii times when it should hnve been n moii of t sl tlnili flid lho- innntrs suffei a trip to the penalty ho and one of these wns n miscon duct pennltv h mnro just informed pntte rson w hat he and the other plavers thought of him off for lo minutes he lie red patterson lineups gf org town rhodes goal shrop shire chrlss tlefense storev centro beaumont teiird wings altemates gibsoi si oil bertw hlstje pntterson t lying to give all the teams we have in this nron time on the ice and nt the same time keep the skaters hap- pv but busy ns it js down in the ar- e nn a big skating cnrnivnl is being put on h the acton branch of the legion the dnle is to be frld iv fehrumy 21st nnd i understand n very good program has been plnnned with some very talented outside sknt- i rs taking pnrt along with n lot of locnl people this is going to be n night of fun nnd entertninmenl so keep the dnle open although there was lots of snow ovei the weekend most ski enthus iasts stayed on the inside looking on the outside ii wns just too told we see nil kinds of hockey in a on rigid feom intoi mediatedown fo- the bush lengues but if you me wondering where the hockey plnveis of tomorrow nro coming from drop down to the arnn next sntuidiy morning or any saturdwv tnorning nnd vou will see four pee wee hockey teams playing hard foi fhst pinto in their own foui tenm if ague diest hos are all of age group the i apl uns don ande rson bob rum ley ron cnpps and jackie davidson are suit working hard to get the u ttnm on top of the league through llu week these teams piny tte odel da after school saturdav alier- noon tin it is another foui team league- of si hool boys mostly high school who hnve their own foui team league the juvenile team w is elected from thl group and to i ntner hhn done n in nt joi of l hlhjttlh so wa if then- nr nny chto enthuunsti in acton we would sure like to hear from them i here are already some who are very anxious to form n little club nnd if anyone intotctcd would cot in touth with jcohnny gray at the v he will give your more inform ation it looks ns though this little group will hold their get togethers in snndy m l nns old hnrher shop i mippose some of them will get a ti immlng hethir they like i oi not angvko an lnsuinme ngent was trying to jnvinee n piospoctive tustomei of the mt1tr of life- insurance he ki nt light nt him whv he snu in surance rs the grntest thing in tlu world no mart should be withdnt it right now i carry n 50 000 policy payable to imy wife its too much snld tho hnrn st d prospct what possible e use enn you give for living hockey standings t tory town alton onimifvlll ii rkv- i lorn mihon onkmlln mlltnn t hot ijrtnw n a ton ii 1 so 22 15 1 40 12 11 1 1 0 27 38 i t fi 0 4s 4t 2 7 0 40 70 junior p w irn n o o is 10 r r in n 5 m in i o a sun bohfvtltutks mntcvold wont her mnuci sun-hath- inu altrifull nml slmf novortlielnu thi minihlno vltnmln la norossiiry to honltli nuthorlilps nt ihp dcpurlment at nntlonnl ilcultli nnd wolfursl ol- imn recommonil ilurlnj colli wea ther suut fnod n milk chooo ami llili nm where nermiryi lomc fish oil in the diet lo emure intake of this vltnmln gronpshtrifratortrr tluirsdnv tnnunry2 falay tanunry- 3 monday tnnuary 6 monday january 6 thursday january 9 thursdnv innilnry 9 friday january 10 monday jnnunry 13 lues jnn 11 feb fi tuesday january 14 thursday janunry ifi friday jnnuary 17 friday january 17 mondny january 20 date wednesdny janunry 22 tliursdnv jnnunry 23 friday jnnunty2t mondny janunry 27 tuesday janunry 28 thursday january 30 thursday janunry 30 friday january 31 mondnv februnry 1 tuesdny tebrunry 4 thursdnv februnry f fridny februnry 7 mondny februnry 10 tuofidny februnry 11 thursdny february it frldav februnry 1 1 visiting team score home tenm stow georgetown fergus at ton ornnrcvllle llora milton georgctowrt fergus at ion orangcvllle elora ornngevllle georgetown georgetown 0 ft s s s 4 j ornngevllle milton elora georgetown oranirevihe aeton fermis elorn georgetown milton aclon fergus milton klorn milton acton niora fergus ornngevllle feigus georgetown milton ornngevllle atton milton floin aeton i lorn fergus milton 3 j 1 11 h f a 4 0 i ornnbrwlhc g4oriretown georgetown aeton ornngevllle arlon flnin i- loin milton oinngev ille fergus ft rgils milton acton georgetown mt l ju ite group s junior c schedule lint iuilml i nni si nrl illnnii v nni hrnre 1 rul i innu u milton 0 oikvllli in v nil n innu u a ton ci orietoml monti t innu lr itmi 1 o il mil mono i i inn tr t n tik tow n mllion 3 viilm m i 1 tiui in h oikuii- 10 11 it tov it 11 wiiliustliin jnnunr milton 4 ai ton ti mond i innu ir n a inn 3 mlltnn 1 mondn 1 it tntrketovmi 4 o ikmlle 7 vimlnedn lnnuar 15 oakillo milton eilnestlni jnnunr ir ieornetown 4 at ton a knlln innunr 17 oikmlk- g at ton 3 monday jonunr jo milton s geotnotown 7 wihliuhda innunr 12 onkmllo 5- ai ton 3 elniala janunr 22 tuortowll 4 milton krldnv jnnu ir j4 mlllon onklle vrldl jnnunr 24 leorretoia n a atton 3 weln8tla jnnuar 20 oaklfu- fc ml 11 on 4 welnda janunry 20 a ton 3 t tirjtot n 7 frldn jununr 01 a toi oak 111- mondnx february 3 oakwlle ii rit tnetott n i mondn februarv 3 alton 3 miton li thurulny february g mlltoji 1 alton i tueadaj february 11 fruln fein uar 1 1 milton 15 ttoi etott n 0 tioiltlaml 1 oiktll i raui attonrvnns gonl t maftw briyt liss defe ns gillesjue centre t mm i low nslev w logs- alternates brush riddnll ke ntm i lindsay l mnro mercantile team s m ljm frida 86 0 tanntt i ist pridnv night ihe manners ind i j u st fmni tlu mtnantlh i i aguis who u isiniu d aeton m thrt iwtn- i minuti louiuls iw a mmh of s 1 in ui st w is tin ii wood it nni of i in into oik of hit lit it i i am- tfmi- qurtn t mv- industrn ion s ii noli mount i f rniir star of tin lo ill s until wa am ui tin rost r i i i il in hi ii f s i nm put on uv i h im was it fast and hi iv all in tti length of th si minttits nnd tlu chemists urtit i carnival sponsored by branch 197 besl in the acton arena friday february 21 8 pm sharp specivl feature figure skating by icelandia troup from toronto n ikhi ih h b n l n 11 i vm t 1 iii tin si in iuild in s ml 1m the lai tors who ttirw awnv h iti ys riu ind it is tin divi h unlit d i in otl s n t el mind rs of 1 oh 1 mis w ii ni a sp il iiuliii riiinwl nnd i w is inuiiilv iim t i the ii ffmts that the lllklfs 1 th moii slut dirtn i ovi i flow mt riding ont km t anil swe ping tlu nt f n th puck one of harold mooin s favoril aitions aiiiod t itj ojtni n from the lanmr wno wtii linking a bit of ioior until j tluv follow tsl hit t nmple st bv the mtnantilts and piikiuteil an iih t i ieplki of tlu sjime truk onlv in a nuns amat ur mnnm r i he locnls wtie not in a ihtltgerent mood pri- bjihlv thiiuisi of the grid ling nni n nigltj pieviimts but thev wt re the riunl of the loronto teim in iph j and passing plavs prizes lor comic cohtumes best adfrtisink cohtume racot i irizr in iciianilia for best pair katiii to iiiumc midget hockey pee weeall star red illueh broom ball ieougetohn vs acton tgn in the window of n piano studio in the downtown settion of san triinsisio i mn no lesons spi i inl pains given to beginners dare devil wilon barrel ti own dance time jumper band permitting programme will start at 8 pm bari oid liappointinriit be on time two door irtxtw adult 35c admission v cwldrtht 15

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