Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 13, 1947, p. 8

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j jt- page eight the acton free press lu 1 notice tot blrlha v dmthi am inr4d in ihu column without chvff la utttnorum hotlcp pc ant ioc pr luia worn macmurdo mr and mm c mnc- murdo of gen willi am a wuh to an hourice tho nrrlvn of minron anne nt io maternity homo february gth u hltttor for mnrlenv both d- ing tine l med moouk aitor n short lllns ht bin hon dundhs out ore sunday february oth 1947 charles herbert moore huhband of jesil t cannot pottur and on of the into mr and mm jitm moore of ac- tbf ontario in his fioth ywir in memorjam crawshaw in loving remiember- ance of a dear hufibatld and father john crwnhnw who pnacd nwny february 14th 1041 rest in pence- dear lovlng-fnthr- six long year have pnftfid wv vou are gone but still living jn the henrtx of those who lny loving fwrnemboroel by wlfonnd enmity cahh af thanks mr nnn mrs rnwson wish to thank friends mid neighbors for their kind tiesfl enrdc and mowers sent mr raw con while in hospital mr and mrs frank crump toron to wuh to thnnk their many irlendi for their kind mebsngen of sympathy during their recent and borenvement in tw lots of their son ronnld george aah wednosdny next week nnd the start of the lenten senson tomorrow is valentine dny nnd a busy time for the post office only two home primes in the in termodlnte schedule before the group playloffs fergus la here tonlght nnd elorn comes mondny night guelph ngnln contemplates n new hockey nrona with artificial ice to be ready for next sonion purchnse of teel for the structure hns been np- proved last thursday in the mercantile hockey in acton baxter laboratories won from the junior formers the nunc night ti j farmers play ed in norval and won b n score of 31 the world dny of prayer thh year is being plnnned ifor frlduj fobrunry 21st nt 1 o clock in the presbyterian churh all ladles of the community are invited to be pres cnt nt tills mcetlnr y the regulni meeting of hnlton county couhctl which was to have been held inst tuesday won post poned foi one week offlclnls snld the road conditions throughout the county would prevent some members from attending mbs c g klliott comber out lite following 6bltuary u from thtf comhtir horaud many trndk in acton will extend heartfelt aympatly to mcwltu- hilton ijnl hnrold elliott nitd the fnmiloo in this tiuddon ber- envemertt hie village of comber and ur- roundlng district received a distinct shock lout friday jnnunry 31sl when word wan flashed around that e m bitrlce dodflon beloved wife iof mr c g elliott bnd pjirwd nwny sud denly from the effecu of n cerebml homorrhrtgo in hot g9th year attiouk us she ranked an a woman of culture n kind npjghbor nnd n truo friend her home instincts were rtrong and her affection for friends nnd kindred was tender nnd abiding life will nevei bo tjultc the sumo to those who knew her while those who were nenrost to her will long fpr her with unutternble longings i for i i mothcls counsel and advice and a wlfeseonuc and loving sympnthy n moving mother nnd n devoted wife her huubiind 4indjhrce chlldrcnmm mildred crensy nt home hilton nnd harold or actbn oht brothers nnd bisters ermn mrs charles molluc detroit anhlo mrs geo hewson toronto george of comber nd arlhur of tilbury wegt nnd six grnndehlldron the funeral which was hold on mondny afternoon was conducted by itev c d fnrguhnreon ot her lntt home nnd was attended by n large gathering of sorrowng relntlves nnd jends followedby intermcnt ih mc dowells cemetery rural vouth arrange jnsntuction you new voters adt flrtitt profcrim 6f citbconiihlp trnlnhig is being undertake n by n committer ut up by the hultnn county junior far at the february meeting of this oruahbuition a brief wan present- enl by tho president georj s atkins mnphnslzlnk the heeel for such tt pro gram flmtly hecause very few people who come of ago oaclt your know the functional of government imd understand tte duties if public of ficials they oiiter fnll to realize the newly nceiulreel reuponslbllltus they must shoulder aml the duties char acter itlc of n gooel cltljxn secondly because since there nre concerted ef forts to instill nop democratic idenls in people who fall cosy prey to them some definite program must h un dertaken to build up immunity to such elestruetlvo forces hie program which will ha carried out du the month of march by tlje ci t izenihlp ilomrnlttee ul imp flflllllll junior farmers will consist of n ser ies of five meetings held concurrent nl three plncih the- county totvhlch w he in for this yoor all slteiefvstomodtn ththon- jasper leroy cornell j l roy cornell of lot 6 con 1 north dorchester twp middlesex cou died suddenly nt his residence on fobrunry 4th 1047 born of u e l stock near sheffield he was tho son of the into mr nnd mrs hnywaid cornell or rocklon in which vicinu he spent his enrly yenrs on the farm in 102g he entered the lumbeilng bcmntess nnd cnrrled this on nt cnled onin and northern points in 1012 he purchnsed the fnrm nt dorcheslei on which he died nnd wns oiko engaged in exporting timhei to the british ninrket in june 1027 he mnrried frnnkit florenre mullin of acton who sur vlves him funernl services weie held at thefkonndobdonleauie lognn runernl home dorchester on nges of 20 nnn 25 any other who ne interested may attend thecourwj in- cluding any new canadians who wish to nvail thenrolvc of this opportun ity at the conclusion of the course a suitable citlzcniihlp induction cere mony will be held at which these new voters wlu be formnlly recognlz ed nn cltlccns they wlh take an oath of alleglnnce to their country nn1 will be presented with certificates of citizenship to mark their coming of nge nnd to impresg upon them their new recpanelbilltlcr and duties as cit izens of canada in succeeding yenrs it is planned to cat m to those young people who will be coming of nge before the date of the flnnl citizenship induction ceremony ns well ns nny new can- ndlnns who wnrttneriotmnrtraratnk ized before this dt the three series will commence nt the palermo school the evening of march ird and nt ashgrove and lome school on the evening of inarch 1th and will continue once each week throughout the month tlie committee in charge of ar rangements for this progrnm chaired by george atkins includes helen spencer palermo carlo toccnllno treemnn marjory mccreadv and ced- rlc hnrrop milton john mcnab nnd betty ruddell ashgrove ednn ait- fm -aoton- prop ross cavers to address halton poultry producers thursday nt 2 10 pm nftor which the remains were conveyed by train to the johnstone and rumlcy funernl home acton burin was mnde in fnirviev cemetery acton on frldn februnry 7 nt 2 10 p m the pallbear ers were duncnn wnldie denn les lie george somorville steu art el liott d g mnclennnn nnd j m steele rev john wnltlle of london pastor oftorchesterpregbylerinnchur h officiated nt dorchester and arton mr cornell attended nnd wns nn nc live memher of dorchester presblei inn church of which he was also n member of the board of managers tin mnny flornl tributes from trie nds nt dorchester acton and oth ei points testified to the high esteem in which the deceased was held a special meeting in the lnte rej1 of ndtwtrvin co ty is scheduled for the farmers bliit milton on puesdav februnry lbtt nt r pm states agric rep rosentntlvl i e whltelock prof ross onetj formetl of the mnnltoba ariliilturnl cfollege but now with the poultr department at tlie ont nrtti agclculturnl callage- will be tin tihh inl speakei nnd will dent with suth timely topics on the central egg mnrkrtmg sltuntlon foi 1917 and ivis brooding and feeding of cliuks pall handling of laving pullets turki man ngement etc in brief this imil s like nn t eel jtnt qppitrtunlt of securing an up- j todntt pie tuie of the piuillr siiat ion i meat poard chief totvbpress haiton seed and bacon show ovt town luhofjls all tin p iplt if a t minuinlh should ht till i n si d hi tin d i lop nu at of tht t mil 1 hi interest vhoithl uot he limited t the itiuhis of the eonimunlt hut u tialee i i ilion nnd i upfmh f h t i u penrwill o b e secretary and manager of the meat board for cunntla w ill be the ape cial speaker nt the annual halton seed fnlr and bjien show slheeluled for milton on milled 11th nnd 15th ilu eommlttte in ehnrgt feel they hiue made a ilii strike in iking able to secure mr penrwtll who is le in nil h reeonized as tht beht nu thotit on the meat situation of nn man in canadti u e umle i stand from c l s palm tr pithieltut of the hnlton crop im piat nu nt asmicuition that the bn- eon sliow nnd seed jnlr are open to all halt n farmers and nls to th farmers in tht ndimnmi townthipn of i nn and i ranuimi i ntries for the union mi m el s on hhtunr list 1 host win f e t tu him a hog i mat ke t b twe n h brum j 1th and mimh tul ate uitd to forward tin it enti u th in ultutul office mi- t in on ei l htbtu jlst nearly 110 w10 t conndlnns are suf- erlng from tuberculosis christmas semis help to finance methods of find ing these coses bo that trentment lending to restoration of health enn begin without further delny cueanino auction sale in trin township of taitm stock impijpmkntst i1a grain iiohsehoid el iects et how io you susprr while moiit people look on a good right m ulobp km their just duo after a hnrd ilay n wot k there hre many who xrldontnre able to njfy this experi ence fhey nrltte in tho morning feeling no more reted thnn when they went to bed medleal kiithorltlex ndvlse thnts itu not the nmount of tdeop you get thnt countti but the kind of sleprperr hour here nre itfcyw ituggettt forts to fol low if you flnjl it difficult to obtain restful mleop taper off mental activities beforo going to bed if y nr tt buhlntnl man for lnsinnce don tnk your problem home with you planning yttfxt days activities and rehearwinbt talks with cuntomi rs during thi even ing nothing is mor nuiely chhulat- ed to drive sleep nwny uhlenlnfi to quiet music before retiring rending remlng escnplbt literature will slow down the mentnl processes nnd dispel tension try going tombed nn hour enrller than usual sleep will be rander as well an longer once in bed firsttense each net of muscles and then let them gp limp putting real effort into the operation paradoxical ns it sounds dont ne- oe t n m usolo from bond to toal ihohc nl the bnckof the neck are especially important 1ruthls relnxng process a wide lied induces moie restful sleep thnn n nnrrow one thirty- nine inches is the nnrrowem desirable a sopnrnte bed even n separate room for each sleeper is n good idea dnrk shndes on the window will i produce a restful ntmosphere and j the window should be open one inch or ntare to keep the nlr fresh in w months a wool bunkctj under the bottom sheet ndds more warmlli uinn nn extra one ontop nnd n olds exeekiilve weight f top covers wlnxea jokamno specinl enre in kolrctlng rorrect light for working and tor reading when inside n gront deal during th winter monlhu is ndvlied by national health authorlttfc at ottawa they di clnr nroh r lighting is cheap hoalth insurance eyektraln due to in adequate light can cause hendnchcm nntl mhny othvr nllmenth a llttlff glrj looked up at hejr moth- e t nnd snld mothor how can i but ton my dreio whtn tho buttons art n tlnybnck nnd im in the frontt fantworth memorials ckmftehy lsrrninlno mont tu i coourr oueuii on i special foultry meeting faniierbjjn ilelin m tuesday feb 1 8th del i ms p hi karerropessorhossjcavers pqlul o a college guelph urjegts gencrnl egg marketing situation tor 1047 nnd 48 brooding and feeding of chicks t fnll handling of layanppulicts turkey management all arc welcome tell and bring your neighbors ontario dept of agriculture j e whitelock col agricultural representative haltovrgocunty r the hon t u kennedy minister of agriculture the undei signed hns neelved in sti m lions from ojiford ntilt io sell iw nuetlon at his arm lot thjhjjiwnerin jowmhtp a miles south tf erin on ntloav ieitfu auv 2lnt 1p47 commencing nt 1 o clock the fol- lovutng horses re peichcron mare 10 ears old blnck pe it heron mure ti ears old bn petchiron mare 5 iiir old b ctldlng tlsing j rs bn geldmg iimg ri cows jerse cow 8 rs old due fell jh arslnre cove r rs old due feb l cre cow s r o d due in april arshne cow 5 rs end cnlf nt fonthowtftnl f yji r old hat e an t h utnt n u il t lulp luiilii tin own anil imk in its promts ss h n ii slllli well in s lie l tin lit tin niseki s fni mip nor s i nt w hu h he l s ill nctlmtn of uu home town h i the oiltniti h ihits if n ntms ntui nl r ami ufi nn fiom i itteiui lltler throunl the streets the i 1 maintain i u in tivn winn the help the it pviient take mr of th home grountis nul kit limn xr iss and nu nit n plts in gehml thev ndtl t tht tunutn ct the town t he m ln ortnnt s u akmj the ninnli n preigre vj narvrr th mng rporler h id bet n k tureel nb ut padding his steirles get ting in toe nuieli uninteresting detnlli so when n fatal nnuunt took place in tin high it building in tow n he reporteel jit this r btlt walker tin jinltor loeikrtl up the uvator shaft lit tht jonus building tlni morning to see if the e legator was running it woa age 2 kunt rnl lttsda morning 1130 lhi uir m i uitinst to fornui tiis the wiltsimis ft im the te i best h ijs elite nil will bt ludullt out f r displnv purj ise s and tin eiwni will eilill rehee il i e ish iiwnri in a 1 hu ti iltslure s fi m five fnul t hnlton lti nn 11 s will tie tin displ ij and an t hlbit sliow inj tin it 1 iti nshli ih twin uiu half tf a h u eirmv ant ti willshte will als bt i h4ii ih in liistrat il ai eeirellllt t stallstles jllsl rt le used h tin v tli tnl lt i art on nt of an druie haiti n hois jraiud lightlx oti 11 p r mil as in lvuu in com pans ti to 1 m r is nt in l and li jet is nt tn im i lhi ivttle ieientam as for ont at lei m lmh w is u jk r utit and t r l lnuttu i 1 jh r unit mionn to ukx1i ltkomxi ont cp lh nloil v unit 1 1 f n loronto detpurtmt nt star wan iilmnst in gue teel durtng a stot kitik viitt w lu n weinun shoppers niwlm eurtaitis on a tuarb ooun te r lt took t ele rks more thnn nn turn i to sell the iji palm of n ions old enlf at foet blue cow 1 eild inlf nt foot jted cow 1 vrs dut h eh l fte d ow 1 rs old dui leb 2c ked ikiftr t rs old nf tat foot iteni heifer i jrs old tiue kb j1 pks ork sow bud hie 1g ot k sow hie d inn 1 1 chunks olm ca th fr durham a r stun heifer ms old re st e t ms old rid sttt r j vt old hoi stt in s1r ts uld r stitkeis spnnj ciiims lhirham blhl is mm old r hannrss port tp t rqnp mini sit tif bntehinj hnrnes sil of plow harness c llu w i iht susse hi n lamiij v ii biood r h us 4ll btntt broe di r r e hit k si 1 n t kj in id atoi t i- at te mm i i nti lif r h 1 ain 10 t ms f m d iml i i ml ls hill lit ut m ut m lssi har 1 u 1 n ifi n i i st n i t jn k m e r n 11 h e pull ii j i itl i1s n ii u tie w hit ix i nk n nt cu timitoi li t jot h 1 drum steel 1 hi i i o k u t 1 n ut si i id i 1 me irum hn i oud r i udhopt ji u is n wam fin ii i kii k et f he n 1 s tjjhs h im r i et ito ip i -i- 1ui v flit i e i 1 w 1 walking plow eittului mw ou fir st mot r st 1 t nd binj i nt t r klnte b inninj mill iml ib s ns b hldr hn ierk b t of siiii ms of nitt ha kop su at kettl s sit m bo if mil burl win towb t- ut tn ft n tr i- nn r stoh xtumt hoiss anil barb ite sirtehirs ilhngcnani s uiftor t rai i btis i otat ili s st l u luffh trt- koki s i oi s ink chains forks lioisjhoin jpihrrs uiu fniniel bed w tth spi injs rn ishstnnd oal oil stom eit m kun ka ston t hum oik bi n is trtunt i i alls lars ihms e st n da of at ni 1 1 s i m o t hi pi oprie t it is k nit n f iniurij i mis u ill f t ears hi mm i ami i 1 1 iot am lionet b it h n i don plwmi 1 rln l u 1- ii n r c ib b sser t e pennies that never come back even once in a while you hear a man oi woman remark just see what i got in the eity isnt it lovely nd you se how much i saved for hhame you who buy clothing things to eat and wear articles tor home adornment and comfort did you ever stop to think what end of the tope you are pulling when ou pendour money out of town 3 bad pennies are these the ne er come back to show proof of the good for which they were minted so tar as we an coiieerned we people of cton and vicinity ls lo ou ever stop to lliink of the ex tra cost of the tilings on buy outside of cton such as the express or freight charges or your own personal transportat ion fare then theres doubtful alile pos sible loss or injur toinerchandise so bought tilings to he considered- if oure wier our hemic mcrclntiit carries titvloael for us and he should hae mur support to the last pciuin spent lor no matter what for those pennies are the pennies that come haeetand in inestimable figures thc circulate ensile- biishits add wealth work and health to our own community remember its ti- pennies that eoine back that eeunt the acton free press

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