Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 20, 1947, p. 3

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thursday february 20lh 197 the actontfree press i page 1hjuu 0fintere3i towomen the bowl glf5v wbhziu hullo homomttkorm brldoe from other- countrle who lire learning tho crinndlun wny of cooking muftt not only ttdjuut tholr cook inn methodh but auo their cooking vocabulary artic led of common uw in kltcluma hore havo names which differ from those in tho homeland term nnd equip ment will gradually hwomr fnmlllnt hhd genuine homemnkem soon adjuxt themolveti to exlntlng clrcumntnnrp chimrfully every now cnnadlnn iiouncwlfo whether she comeh from nnother land or whethoi she h taking that big ntop tram office to home mnnagomont uliould ttllirt by rnllertlng good bash roclpos these might be kept in a card index op in tj handy indexeet scrap book clauti menuu under brofikfnst lunih nnd dinner according to months many experienced ooku coiielt 1 he mixing bow i recipe s top i hey e hp therolumn from the nowapanor cut out hit hints and re i pes nnd pntde these on enrdn you will jieed thref- lyflvo inch cards nlong with n roolpe file box nnd dividers available in any ntwflnn store and if yon buy two sets oflndlidlvltllriiyouuinjbu41lun two separate lnsulflcntlons uotec tneh utter of the nlphnbot such n sysiim in adequate to file nny numhtr of re l pes nnj deilre d alphabetical group can be broken n- lvj thrr f ur mu rtmartfi ananiaj mkaf jloajt 1 pound round or chuck ittcnk mln- eod hup wilt tup poppet mt cup quick cooking onts 1 cup wholewheat bread crumbi 1 tbsp chopnd paruley v tsp niige 1 trninll onion finely cliop- ped tbspy tomato catsup or con demned tomato rioup u tup worcest ershire snuco 1 ogg wellbcnton combine all ingredients in n large bowl mix thoroughly toi m in ring ahnpa using hands or pack into n ring mould place in n greased baking dish bake in nn oven nt j2i ilegs for lj hrn i ift on to hot plat ter till cehtr of mould with green puis oi cnmblnntlon of pi ai nnd cm rots ffrnlnh w parsley yit id i chronicles ot r i ginger farm huh- z writfen hcmxtelly lo tta aotota tr imm by owknhounk i oljlttkk 1 to r ju rvlngn claitrot c1ifimr raijl51 1 tup eottnf tlucm 1 tbsp hop pi d pnrshy salt tip flni l t hop pi d onion 1 up oonrsel grilled car rott lettuce or other greens mn onntilst or pre nj h di owing t oinhiru cottage cheene pnrale y a little salt fnhout eighth tup and onion drop nnoonfuls of this mix tifn into crated tnrtot ronting even iy nttn imping lnn bull sorvc on lettuce oa other greens whh nnlftd dresnlng or lfwleelrel line to gnrnlnh n mixed snlnd pinto leld 2 to 4 si rvlngs i1p8idf down bread pi1idiv ions toi example mnke tlu flnet divider a title card c ikis candles cheese cook ie b ihtn ci inkes fruit c 2 calces lai i c- enndlos c4 chocbe c 5 cook led scnld 1 pint pr milk loui tiifu li sllres of stale but no hnrel bread broke n into pieces add u tsp salt 1 cup sugar and 1 tsp of vnnllln it it stand about five minutes beat uh n spoon so there are no big pieces of brcad add 2 be eggs butt r n casserole spieid jnm ir mmmnlade or preservi s over the bot tom of the dish in a good generous layer pom the pudding mixture nn top set in n piyi of hot wnter nn 1 bake in m eleetilc oven t0 digs nhntit nni hour or until n silver knifi insetrnrtln the rrntrr-rrrmft- out ch ni not milk remove ft oni jjiijuitujintltjiill loonn around tin idgt pf tin easserole nnd turn the pudding out on a plate upside dov n hie things we eo and hear nnd do nre sometimes really funny son bob wns nt n houw in tins country whore nn elee tiklnn was busy on n wiling job fhc e lee trklnn wns working in the nttlc when the flooring which wns only benwrboaid gave wny tho poor follow tnken completely unaware fell through nnd inbr few rtvondh found hlmsi if stand ing as stialghl ns you plenso on the lobl in the room below wns he sur- pi isecl 1 he n the o r day i was grinding nt the post office corner talking tet n rhnd when n ttuek diewup and parked nlnntlde the prwt office die n a nice shiny new car came along add parked behind the truck and its only occupant got out nnd ui n up tho street piesently the truck driver wanted to move on ile i oiildn t go nhonil beenus iherv wnsn t room o hi stnrted backing not knowing there wa n car hehlnd liim the sunday school lesson h bvjnijavrthblaftv a 3rd iksus itih crooi sin phi rto coidn texl i nm the good khep- iterel tlu good shepherd luyetli down his life for the sheop ino 10 11 iiion te kt jno in 7 ih lime octolver 20 a i i pinem jtiusalem i xpadtori 1 lesua the door 77 9 anyeme who him ks access to tho 1teep n nny other wiij thnn by he door i e ny chi lid is a thief nnj n robbrr 1 hi sheep can nlwnyi tell tlve dlfferencexbelwion the true shop jure nncfthe reiklu r vs t a 20 7 clirlst s sheep have six onarotorlstlci tl they know the shepherd s vole v 4 i very sheep ip th ifthl unlen be is siek retognics his sbeplierd oiee ns soon as he speaks tveij orfb of chi lslm miee p rec ognlet chi 1st voi detpite a the destructive erlt thtm he hnu trodden evory tp tit the wny that we munt tnke h cnr- elh foi the mhifip v 11 0 l-y- tli down his life for the nhe op v ll ib u0 olvoth eternal nnd ab undant life to the kheep vs 10 28 20 it stir hn iihep oulnld of israel v 1 when he hnv brouglit them thoy will beeomo one fold t ph 2 14 1 on t 2fi it is thiough hear in h volcev thnt they are brought i he laying down of h1m life wu a jw rfe e tly voluntary act on jaau pnh h wns pet formed in obodlanc to the fathp h will of fl id a serlnu lmiwdlmont to wr wowadaya in the lncrolng difficulty u niipporilng tj0 government ani wife on ono ihcome les 2 hie sluv p irai bin voire fvs t they not only know it they h it th isone of the sur est tests ns to whoilwr you fire one of christ s sheep are you hcvrtlng his voloe o hie sheep follow him vj a 27 wherever the sheep see the nhophord going they will fol low mntt 1c 21 the wav may si i mtflnrk elnngnrous nnd difficult bul they follow illm 1 i hev ki ow not the voice of slrnnters a true sfioep witl not follow a strnnge olce hie ohe may seem soft nnd silwi tt mnttiis not ii is not the olei of the shepherd i hose chilslnns who nre fn revet running off nflei strangers just to in at uhnt the hnve to snv me npl sh ep ei a stieinger will they not follow naturally as jto b ho j i vfefenlly manj firofrsmd christiana puuitdtlic cm bnck too htt batkeet nre noi htu i p tfh ttrry wit nnd hnekeel nnd the ear wns right on io the mnln street hefore nnyono stnrted to shout in nbout two min utes lint the chief of police was right there on the spot where be enme fesn4-4kw- 1- k pnllrnmnn rnrtnln ly have nn uncanny wny of suddenly nppe arlng from nowhere i hat was also tho day when i made my second tt lp to town in nbout six weeks our lane nt inst beinj nnvl- gable i int ndert going down with bob nfte r dinner but when thnt son cf mine cami home at noon it wns not in nur enr but in n grent clumsy old aims ttuck well t sllll wanted to o down town truck or cni what was the difference as to thnt i soon found out the diffe re m i tor one thing climblnglnto the contrap tion wns quite a feat a kitchen stcp- from him jesus is nlsn the door ry wliti h tin she p pass in lo whnt is he the dooi 1 lo salvnllon r mo if nn man enter in he shnll be saved tills makes tho w a of snlvnllon very plain nnd simple just pass right in by itsus hi 1st tin door is open to nil nnv man though a man he the greatest of sin ne rs the door stands open 1 tim 1 1m lie is the onlv rtooi a 4 12 neither the lnw nor tin t hutch nor moralit nor baptism nnj a i rm c is the door t nm the door ilils door wns ope ned bv his atoning death evs 10 11 cal 1 n rph 1 7 hot 1 22 wo inlet it b simple fnlth in him ilnm t 2t a 5 rp 2 s ae it tr 10 anone wio intfrs in b lesus chi 1st will ho saved no one else will 2 to lib- i t t spka alfnuak i in ptiminion rttoniilnglc nl iil niitoiv ine hmd out has i sued n sprnv ealinda for nursi i stock put it eovers apple luilded stoi k npjdi see cllings phims jti ntb swlll itml sour die tries miinrd storl p ni hi s cut runts nnd goosebe 1 1 rs with n recipe- f i jinison btilt foi cut weitm control grtlinil bank loan often good busiik loucoil monet when iou need it reimuilile rti liwlnlmcnt strawberry profits with vigoro j eicpccicncc i proving tff that it pays iht grower well i o feed strawberries with tt ladder would hnve made things ji lot i iisle r one f inside ih iiccnmnrtnt t sbn11t and ion lift much to bo desired there i nere ptnnci of lesils bails not to n nre two low seats which are sepnr- j lifp of fear and constraint but to tho i nted b a large part of the bulging perfect hbvrt of a child rom 8 tv moloi which accounts for the snwed ft to soeuilt ibis loo is found inj off nppe ni ane e these tiuckfl nlwnvs the go in and out the one who re have half the works be inc inmde the j nllv enleis b christ is ole rnnll se tab ihen rob stalled the mntoi itre fvs 2h 20 1 to satisfaction nnd what a racket and what a ride shall find pnstuie there is nn hovveveif it was a new i perien i i uch pasture for sheep in all the and ns such i enjnved it getting out orld as iji one who enters liv les of the truek wni- almost worse thnn us finds i he p ls grc en getting into it it was such n long e ps ji 2 it is ijnnd and fit wav down to the ground i chdn t i f- j- i u 11 et tm in 0 101 1 dare look around to ste w ho wns never fnik rev 7 lfi 17 1 he watching mv pe i formane e i am orld s i n host pasture lands ar nfrnid mv sistet ir she had been ole ak ind birrenw ildeincss in com- iif nind would have thought me just parlson with tills clirist is the inoi as h pi le ss as in the das of mv to other things not mentioned in tie vouth hs on inn 11 fi lib is till as i said before oili lane is no v r 1 2 he b 10 10 op n at least it is supposed to be sol j sus tin ood stadia i 10 is what h i ns as t start tlu milk t sus is not onlv the donr he i- itit rf7p- real estate and insurance two iamiiy hodsr iiicnl location ont unit well ten- nntcd othlr side vncnnt nnd rindy for occupancy well cuiimi uitiu v hrillc nrw rmrf w r 3ltangdi- rcdlcocntcd douhk rnrnc this is n new listing nnd quick actipn needed two storey five rooms prnmc owtllinr nnd stable well ttnnntcd rood size lot excellent residential district one storey five rooms kouph cnst dwcllinr and gnrage kirht on mnin street presently tenanted bathroom and nil conveniences ocean steamship ncketk- we me now booking sinftlc and return tickets with choice berths our clients know of our long service nnd knowledge ot routes ships nnd ports assistance with passports it you nre thinking of taking an ocean trip or bringing anyone out keep in touch with us some ciiouk faiims jtfo delnprditecrropcrtiesart handled onl those we know and hnve inspected over forty ciri experience in agriculture building and finanec see f l wright realtor and insliralvece phone 95 etitug a loan fiom lie hunk is fi n ood husin vs illtam cln ton local manage i of the bank of m mtt t al sn s conside ruble snv ins c an oft n hi e ffe tt d hj ohtulnink tt tniit nhh a hen it tmenitnr il sue h times thai tin b of ms per wuiial j mm tjluu intibt most bxlplu tin b of m ofte rs p rsnnal loans ie pav ibli in twe lt monthlv instnl- nu nts f n tti surprisingly low cost of mil pt i montl for tmh sloel hitinuiil lutgti ot smnlh i nmetunts nmv b iieirtwici foi binge i m short il p nods nl i pro ortiouatt i est v hie li am unts t n nun than 1 pel eni mnnv t pie are availing hum si ive s l i tills j p i tunii v to us ie ich i nsli wlun it will diuu no good mi ci iv ton nddi d ti i 4 vigoro commercial tt grower intreaied yield earl maturity full tfavor quality arc a few of the o ft dvantiges many grower jf are attributing io vigoro hf if commercial grpwer l ff 1 hcie are advantages hat f spell extra profit investigate ahhmmictemrswm ttui k enme in nnd g it tuc v rmr lie ing aire ndv nwa partne r and i did our one good deed for the dn h helping lo push it out dining ti- da a ft w peddlers found theii w i m nnd out hie following da second wdfti uiwwwiklgdiiii ern moining ietung lobn who use i ti wotk here drove in and stuve i n ettiuiei srjttrtnv nftyrmon fnttht ind a e ni load of ft ie nds desci n led upon us and staved f 1 supi e r sun el iv evening saw a g lie r il e s ullts afte 1 w hit h i artne r dioppe d e ff o sle e p an 1 i we nt b u u to nn bo k i h it b k tht e 1 1 t f dav i hav e b e n sit ite lung t v e r nun ut i 1 mild s an and rt idmg fai nit the night to livi in nnothir world atoth r woill which his been opened to nit through the medium this wondtiful book i hesun ik niv untitling h mnrgutiitt stt t n it ttmphitl ako herd false chnsts nntl leaders hat e ome clnlmlng to be shepherds but reallv thieves and robbers the i hnriee w re such the nnie to steal anel kill and d stm but ttsui mis ms clo ions i crime t hit t he v ni iv 1 ave life itnl m i lm it abnndanth an of us then quuk purtiuiss or eniergt nc ies ot n slom that is so fninnntlng and w ith inii kind- wlun moniv is miulrvd bu h n utn of historical datn ihnt tlu bank s pi rsonal loan plan is meet onp othoni mg 11 ri al neid cjuuklv nnd effntkck and ut the lowtst tost ovaltnblc mt tlavton or mr hull the nc i tun t tint art anxious to nsstst people in tin it jm rsonal llnnnt ing in n tboi eughlv prattlcal wa mil naeltfo e eding bf lw vond mcasiir have ou tvis sup lahundant life so mnnv hav such 1 thin thre id of life how nl nnd mt w mn hiv life npiienr in tno 1 it rf col 1 11 ol 1 l l i 1 h 1 ir in thin nn tlai rr it cl el nation i im tie ood s r l r 1 ti11 b st exits t on of ih ise mint ve rds is th nn von w ill gi t upon vour kne e s pon u r ing hem turning tem ovei and ovtm rnntnntk lookinfif toiod olei v u into their wealth of meaning it is not onl n wonderfullj comforting thing thnt t stu sas here it is also completed absorm d in n nmnringlx daring one in th old lesiajnent tehovah is the cood some of the incide nts are er shepherd ps 3 isn 10 10 11 t rudt nnd do not mnke for plcnsnnt fre k h 11 1 hie 1 sup wvs i 1 tading but how could it be other- nerw tike tehnvnht pin lesus ha wist when the tuiekground of the nhlindintlv proven that this in no foactop ie ve cto standard tune iurr o axs notice bturj conctrn the slae trade during the uth cintur i the moie i nnd of this book the niort i rtalls the ttemi ndous pio 1 lems tonfrorttmg the i nited nations avm mblv problems not onl of junce trentiis and intt rnntloruil boundaries but probums anting from tht differ mus in i ai il 1 ium r 1 lht municipal council of tht il lagt t alton will nfti 1 the expiration of one month from tht date of th s notux take into eonsldi ration nnd pan a by law to stop up and close the diffuulties t rop up eir little w till following at ret t or highway or lone httwem th whitt and c dored rat t or allownne for same or parti on ink 0 it tnkt s time t rnduntt such d p seated prt ju thtrtof in the mi id illage numtr ijint txtwttn lot a untl lota nnd u m ordlng to rtgtstt ttifpla 1 w- running from t ue lph bt to tlu nortlurk boundnr of plan 1d- and tonvtv tht same to hiardmoiia and 1 o lamm d i lik nntue 1 gui n pursuant tti sittion 495 and aw j th munuipil att h o 10 c hupltr u iaii i at at in ont irm rnis lhirt first dav of lanuurv alt im- c v i e utlu tlun 1 il 1 munit ipal cle rk idle and blasphemous claim that hi makes tie has prov en thnt he h indeed the ood shepherd nnd so has prmep that he is tt h ah man tfe st in thi fli ih if we nsplri te t tru sin 1 herds wi must in re nt vpn the same if nt the mjirtnin of danger we nnd rmci it also mnkis leave lb she e for out own antt understand wbv these i an hireling nnd not shepherds 1 pert s ji tt sus knos his own ind ills own knm him ven as tht fi thtr knivvs him and h knenve tlie lnth r wli nn fithoni th de ih nnd lnlimncv f that know iedje then is hf an i te rn il s cuntv n it tn 1 1m 1 1 1 1 ten greit i lrtln about the ood shfhtrtl ti ti kniwkthi shiiptv tn ns the twifher kmwnth him nrtd h thn kutltrri in his h rnnl ntt restjta in i shf i ind d ils with t n 1 ix du illv ilts it t v nam e n i i t 1 ie th them out l lltust full the 1 igi ird shesp iv i el overhxks n all his lll t h 1 i tu th tx fob niie oni might almost dt spin 1 f nn iniitubli ngmment among the natiiiis wiii it not foi the f at t tl it the visit of the he nl ku 11 h t 1 afrn 1 is pr of positivt that we hai nath ir real itrogre ii along th s rv diffit ult road think of it elarl s fpi 11 shut and sl tv trading tilui r e n nutv and n t orduil relati ns anil th 1 ml i un ilv vtfiitiiig with the git ite t oni iiu m th- fiinidllnehs tht 1 1 pie totorot v agjll am 446 pri b7 16 ajn t2g pjn 916 am 9 06 pm 1151 un bll 11 pm 206 pjn x to kjtrhnrr only ticept sun ami b to london 10w a mv 7j3 pju xl i ii am b38 pjo i 50 p m xa93 pjn s 1 j pm x1128 1uh t slmworj b suit and llol only bls connections vt toronto for north ha1 montreal tlttaha at ijondon for detroit t hicafo liss aneles fares are uu rouhd tnp tmx lncludtd toronto li0 mmtreal 1755 detroit j0j5 t hirauii jlj 10 ik aneele sn95 north ita si4 65 ticket and information it harold wiles ihoiw 5h

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