Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 20, 1947, p. 4

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page four the acton frfe1ress iiiuhsoay ffiirwauy join imt neighborhood news intaarastlng itcuut concerning otlw central and cnnuaunltle in which many of our reader are inter everton my and mn mhr mlend of tor onto vlnlted thn laitvh jmrnt mr and mrtr wlfl ubbdmhoh sunday mr hud mvh cut i koh h and tuinu spelialdo ttpout sunday at tho home of mfr and mm a boimk mr and mntxifr couling vll d sunday al the home of mf mul mr i hamilton mi nnd mn bh pnuinmim guejph trond wpont sunday with mr nnd mni w ii hortnp mr and mij rtftiwrl mfcutikvon llrlduopoit mr and mm harvi j leu tin nnd bobble vihiiim mr and mih h klnftxhury sunday mr andmra dnrnttt nnd mn ioi- onto vihiumi mi nnd mm ilnrry hnr top sunday mr nnd mrs ionian ihomphon nnd mm it c phnmpkon tuelph vltltcd mr nnd mih hdwdn barbei sunday mr nndmm lohnaiinn mr al bert alton mi and mm rtvhert pnt ten cjuelph vlnifed sunday with mt alton aunt m frank wllkc iuon aldomhot nnd mi arnet walk- 1 nnd mrs wnlkei rurllntnn mr nnd mrs a ruler hpent sundav vcnlipr nt tin hnmi of mr and mis arnold winon spt odttlm mr jnmi tountnln has take n a poult ion nt city rattciv oiulph cedarvale mr 1 d smith hipi returned homo after initial with filendu in ioonio cnnfcrutulhtlonh to mr arid mm rout knrteuuon mo qrmit khieu of ohptlntfo on hiejdft of a daughter mouirw inmik i5olnnoy and aithttr oiiffln nnd ml i nrl jiiokton of rruhane fittnndod the ciop im provement awinclatlnr annual m- litl nt klnurdwand hotei in lotnn- to l1mehouse i in wms nut at the home of mrs cochrane in ccornetdwn on rnmutoy ewnin m uoualilou nud the scripture h njtnn mrs ii nor ton the pinyer nnd mrs c amnion gave n nplendld rrvliw of thn atudy hook on indln chnptt r 1 jftr 1jl pull hum an interesting nvlcw of tin hint 01 of out i inn hoiisi hurih tollow ink tin ticnt diction mis t ochinm and mrs cnmnron m rvnd rt fn shments mrs cnmphnll is visiting bt i cousin mrs r lnrjc mr and mis im nh cs nnd jehildnn of mil visi tlu bui ton s on siintetit mr i os si oil is improving fl low ink a hout of hlood poisoning in 4ilvhand mr nnd mrs it mulder vlsihd mi and mii r fulh i trin on sunday mr nnd mrs it u ski 11 i hompunn visited his partnts at i nurel on sat urdnv mi and mrs mt lit n visited his pamnts hik on sunday mr nnd mm alex ii ndcrson of oninkovilte visited htr hrother mr nnd mrs ftussi ii thompson on sun campbellville a cood crowd tittindid tlu altn tun ho sm hi at no 10 school on i hursdti t m nlni sponsort d b sk nu mbors of tlu w i mcsdnnn s jam s mahon ui iiiiis 1 invd cinufoid inold cantt ion mi l in hooil nnd nassagaweya i in hympathy of thu rommulty tjonfi out to tin rlatlvih or thi lalo mr mnletilm llnlmikwho pamwd-nwny- juddcnly last irlday mnrnnn of n hnart nlnck a mn tinj in onnoi lion with the worli ia of praym will bf hold i n l he nnkhauaw yn ti i nhy toi inn chunh onitridnjof hdiiaclk owink lo the hlockod rpnds the hi tlnnink of liy1 wnk tlu fnim forum minting wns innrtllcd and tlu mnll roundh foi a f t w da phnri wiih a wninll nttinclanco at i ik fnim foi uni mutiny on monday i vi nlnp of this wni ic mi and mis iti i wilson nnd datiphl i of a ion visited rrdatlvia and frii nds nt ivdatc hhult insl sun da c onkijituuilion nu t tond d in mis naid wllsnn of darhvvhln m iilchtatlni hi r 00th hirlhda on sun- da nirtoaiv 0th all wish hi ma iy niou iais of haalth ami omfoil ebenhvhtts i nufitt kinpr l n- box were tuviut ifull dtmrnttd and snli s wnio hlb mi tdwaid mahon was nuttintuti i i ii s foi pioitssivi tuthn win to mis tduartl parsons mis c hostti st r t t mr ralt ink4iw and mrr vvulii r ttnhln mrs prank u hoellhnti is visitlnt tm nds in chatham this vnk willi im rolu rts wh i vas liad ihi t w k s vncntion start d lunk on the i 1 it mnndan hit ijidtts aid of st ia ids liui h i i id tht ir f hruai- nut tliik at tlu honin of mrs 1 k mahon w lit n two limits wtn cjullti d tin for oiriis nut om foi oiu of lli nu mlw rs 1 hi n wils n abort hvimiit ss si sinn w lu n ftiorts wtu r t ivrd a twnn u ound tio of t lothlnk has u t n si nt to a famlh in frnnn nnd it wis di cldtrttmwnrt ntttli link a 1 1 an mm nts ut n niadi foi i lit st patiuks siippt r also foi an otlnr iiulltiiik at tht man h mntun hit mitinr iltteid with tht ml7nnji mis ti i d ardlnt i vlsitnd for n vm k in joronto ilccntly i hi man frlonds of mrs norn itobiitson will lie hoi r to loam slit hns in i i n tin n d to i ik lonoral hospital inn iiil suffpind nnotlu i hi i i h art nttn k miss ada icnuns of acton spnnl a wiikind rnunth in the home f hi r pan nts mi and mrs i jpnnlnnh mr ild dankn has liml uk mis torttim to frnrtum his wtist llu nu mlii rs of thf lonal worrton inst it ut had as tin ir iu sts tht mc m- im rs of utoluv itinnth in thn hall on ihuisdn i vt niiir to nommnmorate thn 50lh annlviisar of thn women s instltn oi nnd mis cordon stevenson haw nltiintd to their home in mont- injil aftf i spt ndiiik mvtrnl flays with mrs sltwnsnns paronts mr and mrs lami s gllhejtson miss pnt nunn of unverral coiict loronto spi nt thn wcik i nd in in r homi hen mrtoh pirxnshv of tofonto spmit sundaj in hie home of ids partnts mr nnd mrs w l4uih plans nre hcini made to obw rvt the worlds dn of prnvtr in tht home of mrs norman thomas on rrldn milton on i ut sdny of tnut wt tk u pltiiwtnt i vt trrirvk wan njoyt d in tinicfi chuith simdu thonl liny when n prnwn- tatlon wau madtfv on hehnlf of the fontfrihllnn to the uov 4 a kirk and hlh fondly in nppreelntlon of their pltndld woik in the pniuh durlnu the khht live yoniw with a number of frii nd and r atlveii mi and mrs kiank peiiw n titibiattd tin it 4mb weddlnu atmlv- isjiiy al their mill stunt homo an pebi uaiy stb llu itecarnlvnl inht wedn wlay f v nttik jqumuniied hy milton utaneh of iho iktnn m uplte or m lament weatlier wan a hiietesh the tohtllmlh tt tinunu would have hefn on n pm wlliribftn orttvndo-c- bad they lu i n more colorful hot for amattuis thy wme veiy well an ovotlnaled fuinnre cnusml nbout ytoo datnalje vllu n ire bioki out m rdu wliool inst ihuikday mnrnin r a few mlnute hnfote sehoot wan inli ed the hltie whh dliuovered by the feneher hnivild lluek who willed the milton rit- nrlkiidi anullmi huhlnofit ma rhungi d hnndu that or mi paddy wllnon who has opeiatedn hutthei shop in milton roi tlt pnsl thliticn ynarw mr wilson h ix purehnsed thn commerclnl hotel in smlthvllle- foimerly owned hy mr c atinmh wbhb he w op in the nc nr future ills butt he r hiihlnc sh has been unld to mr w i robert son of slmroc onnndlnn hnmplon burlington kennr th s olt n foi mi r nn mbi r of tin local pollio force who loft ntuiut a tar npo has born re onrapnd as a polln mnn luri and will stmt hlh iliitloci nt om i mo will liicl the plain nf t onstnhle olkrr who has re sinned nnd will linv thn muff on mnr h 1st lo i llli i in tnl huskni ss with his brothc i i he s s acualnnla on hi r lust nfflilnl loviinmonl atlant trip hnd rockwood htr ciuntn foi huillnkion and dlstrlrt throe personnel wo a w barnes k hacker avenue seivtd f veins ov ihciin pte a i hn7ell wntnrrinvvn lh sc two soldlms ynre seheduled to atikf nl thn unlvisiu armoj los ottinto on sunela nt f 1s a m but the hi aw snow fijls in the cast up set the timing nnd the trains weie hours late nirlvlnr another inter esting arilvnt for burtlncton was n ladj who loft the town with lu r two duurhteis on a visit to her horn town in 101h to roidn l miles south of pelpri ndt in uroslavia mrs julia hi nak had rompleit d hni visit nnd uni pr pinnj to tu 1 inn to at li on on italian liner ss rex ihnn ow inp to ilnlv s intervention in the wni she was unable to rpt rwnv and was eompi lied to remain in hni home town fionilou till octohc r i01f mrs b nak eommnnmd her jnurne from rorda on october 10 10 if ms be i up fnj shipping at naples from nov ember 8 until tnnunrv 1 lolfi arnv td in- southampton hnrlond on tnn- uiuv 8 and on the 10th leffor can ada on the ss arquatnnln mrs bt nak jiad lo leave her two dnurhem with ulatlvts and thtv art now awnitlnf tin dnv vihen thnv will be able to join their parents in burling ton on7c ttn etftlnl whih moloilnu fivmi arlhui to lilu hnnil in tiaiid vnlliy i wlh myt m l collided wlib n inri tuinw plow- no on unu injun cl and thn uuto- njoblji wait only ttllubtly dnnihul at llu royal shin thorn i lub kln luld lu the wlnfei fall imlldlhu in uelph on tvhruary tllh ilruc rhtihct of i iln lopped hut fumnln sni tlnn of the mtk with a twelvtt montbh old hiirer selllnu rot uum i in toji hull h rtwty rtf tliftwp stmi stewai t utdph hold for 200 0v mi i mi nh 1 c c ti r nt tended thn standard hrwd urotterk brvedni aukdclhllon noeiflli at tlu royal york hotel toronto on wi dneijdity of laid wtek mr leetnr ivpnrlb an evrellent rrnrrnrtr bwjiijt etc lit sldi k being intnrputed in thn m tlv- itlih or the ansae liillnii he reprew inlitl pi in akitii ill drill society ami hojw k his i fforts will hi inc n tutb- sianllal kianl in he fait aclvewate georgetown ilmft of he sum of jfiii from tlut nnndlan irlnn rooms tuesday momlne is lu inu inventlbnted by con stable jlobb illnehs conti acted while m rvlnn with lit cnnndlan at my in i nslnncl proved fatnl fo melville n ierni 27 yenroldrcsidentoriiefirkelcvwii wd- elled in iiiinmc stieit hohpllnl lor- onlcr last saturday a n hidt nl of lorktown since the spline f 41 i mimrt i mnijwood is lenvlnj this wt i k eiul for surhcx new biunswlck when hi lias nt iplid a p sltlon with the piovlnclal c i rlnai st i vlt e a local tilth will nppini in milton ourt this afternoon charged with nt tempting in break into itobb s oruu store early snturdny mornlnr tim shtvt door at the rear wan maxhrd and nn unsuccessful attempt mnde to foi i tin he aw back door tlu noise was heard hy a neighbor who i ii lit d onstahle mecvin rnlb nnd the vounu man was picked up shortly nf tirwards in the vicinity herald oakville mrs i wwrl hull mii pn mldont of t htta drsh ulou was honoreel at a metlnu of he auxiliary on lift winy ttvonlng when nl ft nrtlved i hi paid pvd- iiiih badue at the hnndu nf mle drltivl imnurttown one m repro- hllnllvn rttl ikhhlf o ill hw knlxlttj of the auvllltuy mrw chnilns tcatt tuvh iitnl mm hni i with mrwlnft cabinet mthh sidney momhmuie dniiklitor of cnl and mm w n moorhoiuts net a foimni welt known oakvllle uliljs die subject of an illuatritud nitlelc in a m enl uhiie nt uio hal- lfaxljotiilnntl mnll mik mooi- houiie hum rtvntty einrtllfled nj m he- tsnml anjteur radio operator having pahmd the rlftld ti sta sat hy tho d tmrtmvnl nf trnnruit tadlo divim- lon wldch include proof of ability to nnd and rettjve tin woide n nil nut -a- by morse codt and entail tonutdonihle knnwlelite of radio operation ho- t nrd star dont do this tnnf ul vlaut bnrb harmful ayi anil liar ivcaullifyarnwlcalely llnlftl they mnwi with lh compleuloa anil at the ume urn kp annoying arul harmful dlorf from your yea aur ut alioot tone lite leniet cecil a carlt hfttana othlil h ixiimlaa si ta 101 cueltih out tj qassified ads aitvttflitwitii uti ii- tlii tiillmf ii i all with i i r lll it k tootil- ltlliimt wutlt ir ir mb i l mti tl n t atrrttupaity llw aivr fcti 4 it tl imtottii iwr i lilt rtrt f r a u w rl mtllitaetint ihlvrlloha lajr for 8mj r 4al1- 7 hiiiwll piiw alh1y fnd cray it r j ac ion phono mul town 117rfl for saii c itial vkdilf hat ttiy radio eomnlete 10 apply 1 n rtldi r r 1 ac ion a in hi rwtlltj-vtui- wu maid- uum i h am i with nttae hnu niw in hood tondltlon xll vhcmi 22 iw tyjtt sai i c nnlihil rollm- caiuir- lh fir male roth siik rs and henu all- in pi hut i ondltlon and reason ably iirleed mih c a haley sr i amphillvlllf out 13 till dance saturday february 22 and eyerysaturday night town ham acton iib jordans orchestra admlnsion 50c t rray ila1xii1 ity ban dnj old and mtaited csmhikim mul a limit tl iuhii tlty startrd 5 bh kn and pullhd8 pretty wedl ttold oit or e bh ks hut vhi y my have bonn iviillabh this 411011th w d sujiki t von e ontjic t uu xoon mul or di r now foi lad 1 sprlnu ih llvnry ae nt eo c ltmwn ii r i nerval you sai i day old imlci n i lwi itnlmrwhtlnrhitlnsrf nr t hw wnu- nnd next baind rim ks i ijht stn sex rhu k auslinlorpm rifht suh si new hanipshln h n w i lamp hhhth x ritnel rim ks mttbt suusk rarncl rch k in ft w iiiimprhh s 17 ass irlti j iviih i ft while i 1 j1iiih i oo pi 1 hundled two wtik olds mid 1 ihi dim viiik obw vdd ii ik per hutuln d i iiih ml vi 1 it si nu nl puint in e iinpnny your mill 1 to n 1 ki tin sj pi h 1 s i ip nod b hh ki ils c in l h ontnihi 2 2 wanted wan i i i itooim is h hi wt it in uu hi add furnish d showi 1 i phoni i mt miilh n h at ton wan 1 1 i m hi 11 a lhih pinm ihoni lkui 01 mih en kl i mnlaln am 1 n si at ion wamill an oipoltunlt ia- tnhllhlii d r111 it wntkliih nut rd t iivntlal h if hi aif oik slvi luld between tlu jij s of hint is linve u 1 an w t nn 1 1 ivi i outfit this ih your oppoi liiultv to u 1 1 stahlislu d in a profitable tnisliit ss of vuur own i 01 full latutiilnrh wnlt h1ii lo llu 1 r watklns onipiin iiiil oa 0 j177 mus on s1 monti al vjin to rent i ok rini make tdd doors look ilk new ri nt our iiikii iptid llojr smidt 1 mid 1 dji 1 i w rati- milton ll irdwai ph mi 1 1 mlldm ci 2t ow ftdlww n to a strol feb r h mi 1 dw in hnr ris of niacin a on lbtl nkt passtd nwav 111 ottnt hohial in t ibuts da nun nuir rtilicial liflit ynd eg yields ihp sliniulnllnp t fff 1 1 nt artificial liht lin lone noon rprounlod ni ft aluahl aid to iiikik r i kl production duilni tht uiritii pprlnd but nllkt all hi tit liif lli nn llu l m applied itt mr nr luhn i hams of lik n r bcm re wood and in hk 7sth tar h is sur mid h ins son citorit of klikland iali ills first uf pnist d iimi in utlpli 1 nt nil hospital sunt ftut tins ij o ht fplloii d at tin nomtnlorrnsiu rlmmtal sta tion halrow inviktlkution into the alut of llklits kft on nil night hns shown a rpuatt i friquency nnd por- sisicin of hroodimss as vl as a tin mirdt nnik buslntss in tin niagara mm r kk i monr hlrds under nil nlsinit nnd at nni unit had a fruit nl llc thc nms uherc fnmi a fiw milis tut of st cntliai h pmodtd to make n 11 hour mis i ttiious tt it mni koi ki ood i t nhoul lx hi opialid the ihoppuik m tl r l nre used in the mor- nnll inn lion miiud in vv ii hoi i sunr or kot on nftcr top up marntd ataln mlss amu mlns cxl nil edlng period caulfi id of l utlph in whom lu s u hou ninkts no amrn nee in suriliid ulsolhrtt hrothprs- willinm r of ini rt ast both sterol nn ntwt hit liiiil fkm kukid andchur n up improve ut of oust u mlli mar hamilton llll llln m di d tht hlids nn in lh fun ml took pluif saturdij k od t ondltlon and iul f efl is rnourh lawnmowers oil heaters if von nn in n id of i nlv lawn mower plitctlfc your order carh uhilc thc insl l hvc a limited numlur xf dispose of owing to steel shortage mowers arc likely to be in short suppl i v l h ie a stn ill and a medium oil heater in stock ct in touth wjjh us for quick dcltverv it interested also ti brooder oil stoves just arrtvtd tirst here first served these art in verv sliort supplv so tre i lectric brooders so pictsc ht advised nqcordingl mijton district cooperative ihone 127 milton ist iioiini rsi hint k mil whllo imlh tan in ul ansuiis to nam of llki ill nn mlllnn will i fs i i ist wi dnewlaj on ja1 line trui k tall iaik undir plenhe notify a i mi imiai it jt i arton 1 hum 17i misceulnbolls why sufful the ntfnny f rhou- mntip ialn srlniiia i umhaifo when humacnpa will cive you quirk wel- lom n lief haxtirn drug storff 1 pmimnlvo and heattno hi at nr and plumbing uppll of all k nils stovt i and furnncen clean- d nnd retini ii it o staplfton phone 22fi c hurch st i amis hum ihat kit hi n mtxl i r ii 1 mil nl n it i with iniljt in a ml l pl i 1 ld li m onr j in nk room ii rnmli ii d with nt w slu t rrltinr ri mjhis i w wtkhl i irk anw i lit us uu u a f ri i si mill ii iinv rinihllllini job vou 111 mt in latuij m l v m mullen 112 ht nt clu lion a di ut lous lunc h h i str d nntl tnjovetl bv twtlitv ont ladles f 1 lu ulatr w auxiliary held t li ti ithiuiuv mettinj ut tlu h i in mivs shu in ltluunv with th pnidrnt mrs win mahon in tlu hair hie siilptun it sson was umd 1 mlss iauia iliuk mis tirtiudi cmiiptuu n id an art i u ftom ola i ndinjrs writtt n hv mks 1 ilv simp on telling of the work sht wies dolni nt nr jhnnsf inftu chrlstmaa miss i in lla vuiisuklt 11 ad putt of tlu op ntnr ehaptei of the in w studv iwink low nnls a obrntian india hu nutttiik cliwid wljh tlu mlipub bn h tion pnlntv tvfn shnit nts w t s tt t till bfmttssi mu young 1topb ssoru t nut in tl sundnv stlukvl toom on sundut iu itir mis rltuk tlu mkasuin ai- convnior was ip chari of tlif pixigrom lu mr mil nt ii tvt n intenttlui uddniu ion part of the hook of isaiah missionarv slides on thi pbu field in indui wt i slu wn nti- tin st i iptw is n ail in mrs ria 1 llu pu tun s wl mv new and n fin otl i t iklnr i art win miss jo cchp i an i mr win million at i thpclnwol the nustiiu libl ulitti m nts weti st i vt d fioni ins latt h nu with ut v 11 lovil hui lies of st audteu s chut eh of fk latin and tntt run nt in tlu it m i ti i v adjoining pall bt at i rs vit n fi it ads and in ihbors of tin dteinbtd a ft w floral wunths in spoke tlu h h i tttm in w hit b lu vi as lu id on t eti nd ovi r the t tra time as the prk lav ink for thc day h u- uallv finisht d bv lad iftcrnoin undir an i t ivnkiluhtink sv stern closinn tho ntsts at tltrtime of the best meal of iriuh kiam which should be about two hours bt f in tlu llrbts rq off nnd tl ms n im th stuff if hla to lw n lh of brood ami ca sumll station kirk mul i nkt whtn his sm is tmplovihl mt rob rt williams m si bold a i i u iiik aiu 1 1 n s tit list w n k his son u dit 1 1 r lias bought tlu farm of w ii shaw jl iatiosa mi oswald mimlws had tht mis- fth turn to lost a v iluahlt i m lati h mr huarcm crispin alb road is abb ti irit ground sirm his ruturn fnim c ut ipli c tneial hivspital mjs cnspn is at n st nt confintd to htr horn due t illiu ss mi and mrs rnold hw nts t ts i av t rtv linvt tit nvt tl suft lv at hahfis ihtv it ft 1- t i uar 5th mi nn 1 mis t mccow rtn of to run t mi nut mrs ii wmd ssmall prs tin mi and mis liul ihibv of ml i mr ihnis 1ninurt alton mia i itithv sinim his of ton win in t w n m ntlav mi u ibmil h in i nturntsl horm mon tnv tvtnttu aft i attndlnc lis hfothtrs untinjl sntuitla mr lbi h 1u is visitnii htl s lit in llihph r x ui anions blrdk width aro predls i osi d to tlu trouhli h e uust t hu kt ns llkt most other birds have tht instinct nnd mt ans to ship i nnfoitnbh in a j en h the uii of u dimming dtvkt with teninc libts pnnidts the signal to si k their n st ink phut in nn orderlv manner bt fou darknt ss comes whtn nn automitu switch is used to turn the lights off t nrlv in the m nunc nntl thiblrds nn allowed to 1 1 1 ir with tin sun scratch grain ui piovidt warming food and exercise sl mid hi pjt in tht pens after dark during the period prior to rhori time llu following rnorninc as a kinttal tub the feeding times should bo udusttd to tlu bngthtnud ia to offw t tht dankirs that may itsult frepi tstmdid pt riods without mention t x u d u t f nd of uur ulfi lut ht n t f cl p irticularly sh whin ou fond of vours if a snow plowbulldozer si sltn 1 iplu toot snow plow blacks ti loot bulklocr blade l iiivirsil will hi all niaku kim rop sunljrtl harm inijustrul trutors sturilv in unwriiilion 111 uk his im anjli iosiiiiiiis will handk itimof sunn in j slmrt timi rm loin illuli ideal or cirjiknj 1 tscling and 1 trr itinj immediatl muvuiy buy now its fctrfcmrl low osr makfs as compromise with the problem of ssow rfmoval invxisi- and l nblsintssi ikr acton garage mis street phone i3 u is lut threo and m horsf tuo- wheel c kdes tkactoits htllnnoiln kkiv dihorokba at luni inst dcpondahle relict fiom tin iti tunc burning irritation nf i rvi ma isoiuakjs leg ul- rrns h lmouiuioidji athletes tool and mnny otliir irritating smn dlsorl r ihwsnuuys bc- rtma idmfdy is an all nurpan oin rmfnt that no home ihouldhi without rit n ilnr of ijfwsburts ointmpnt nt your diuigtust to- rtny gir hat iulk comfoi ting re- lli f you lone for lou muat he iat- lsllifl or money refunded 1 it ts dinthint you nod ask fqil lirasm itv s at your nittjotiist tf notice to creditors am otiinis iii th kata-b- of mariarrl mrllonadtl ml i rvun linvini hums utmost ii isiati of mntkiirt t trl late t ii ill ik if anon in thi county f ii ill i witlnw di t easjil ulo dud nn or il ut lit s i ntlidaytof sov- mbtr 1jiu mt iifiiuaouliit fll ii m r trsnm viith ttt undirnticrwd i m ut r on on u for thi hirhlh 1 i of man 1 1 vi atir whu h dit ih tstnt ui l dlstrihutttl hulni- rt iara onl l th via mi thin filial mihial ton this sinatonth i is of h i runr 1ji7 t i- lathirlund ixnutor iii aim ontarl w t patterson ro mfulallt in r ye tr alllrn oruuptlat us ivvmiiiam ht oi eijll ium jim i ompl tilv lquinil offuea bak llaher shoe store i

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