Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 20, 1947, p. 5

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jhorsdav pebrtfarv 20th 1917 the acton free press paiitrtiflc frg mim uranii mcdonald of toronto wax home tor the yeekend mmw john culver of uppr can- adacollcjre- spent the wrouond with mr symon mr and mru jim ford toddy and judy of guclpli vmumi acton friends on- saturday mlw dorothy cinylon and mr bill clayton of toronto were honv for the weekend mlm ena vaniktcrllton of tor onto vlaltcd friends in town during the weknd mr nnd mrs wm kalcy of bar- rte visited with mr and mrs james massey durintf the weekend 1 mr and mr clarence kentner of toronto vlnltwwlth mr and mrs f mr mcnally of glepwllllamn vis ited thl week with her suters mr fred mcmillan and mrs philips miss catherine rnmshaw and kr wm isryce of toronto spent sun day with mr and mrs j j stewart mr and mrs joseph kalcy of ham- htonvlslledwlthmniprod mcmillan- nnd attended the mcmlllanhamlll wedding on saturday contour farming takes advantage of soil quality irip rnftpp hpt fft to hjjlit ertwlon ty judicious planting of various crops peterborough onl qp strip cropping or contour farming sets a new pattern of agriculture for nmnrn fnrmo wrested from the wilderness by pioneers and tur- vcyed alone rectangular dv crown surveyors ift upper canada days agricultural experts claim the plan prevents erosion maintains fertility and enables farmers to judge what crops are best suited to their land to prove it profcsspr gerald ruhnko nnd leonard r webber of the soils department of the ontario abrictiltur- al college at cuclph ont- turned harry -blcwctts- farnv four miles north of here into a demonstration project peterborough county agricultural commi and he ontario depart ment or agriculture cooperated with the oac men and mr blcwett who had previously expressed keen interest in soil prohlems lent hla support using results of soil tests and surveys he made inst year mr web ber drew a soil mnp of the farms 150 acres and n sketch of the layout of the fields up to inst year then ho produced a planned land uscrnnp with precise dctnlls of recommended crop- plngs for four years llaju water flow this summer the plan went into effccc it called for plnnlirig fields in alternnle 80foot strips of hay and grain following the contour of knolls to form harriers against the flow of water that usually washes away the fertile layer of top soil in this way said mr webber lulirlliat does not soak into the grain ground is trapped in the nny strips and has a longer time to be absorbed because it is retarded speed of water running down the hill is greatly reduced that lessens tl mnttrb ghptrrl at tfanafea aoteti ontario the friendly church ftrv a waiter foftbuhv a- im mlnutor parsonak bower avenufl sunday february 23rd 1047 1100am momlnjf worship ser mon ftuibjoct the grace of glv- liifcf ottering to canadian aid to chirm fund j215 pm church school 700 pa evening worship sor- mon subject christian peaceful- new thp tord lovath a cheerfu river everybody welcome knox cutlkclt aotom sunday february 23rd 1017 1100 am rev w a young of toronto first minister of the new leet 300 pm sunday school and junior bible class 700 pm rev w a- yung they that wait upon tli lord shall renew their atiorth ffltwrtlj at 0l altmu tljtr mxttqt sunday february 23rd 1947 the first sunday in lent 830 am holy communion 3100 am mnttlns litany nnd serm on beginners class 1205 pm- church school 700 pm- evensong medltnhon on the temptntlon of c with slides t7 wednesday february 2fi 1917 1000 nm holy communion 800 pm- first office of instruction and address acton rkv w ii wallace pastor sunday february 23rd 1917 1100 amboy scouts brownies and t cubs will parade to church for service 1215 pm sunday school no evening service a welcome to all spending strength jnc expenditure of energy which you may not have to spare is even more foothnrdy thnn letting money burn a hole in your pocket say the doctors etravngnnce is never more dnng- rous thnn when it wears out reserves of physical strength the medical authorities say that with health as with money you cant pay out all thetime you must put something to your account if bolli eruls are to canadians are urged to live wisely and moderately in order to build health they can bank on risen from the dead ability of the water to vnluttlrte topsntl removal or fences to combine fields for strip cropping eliminates loss of time in turning tractors pn idfnshloned short fields the fields fall in long curving sweeps over ground previously divided into two or ihree fields it is too early yet to assess results of the eximrlment on the blewett i farm a full npprntsntmust await completion of the plnn nnd qomparu- j on with the lands yield ovp prev- lous yenrs but with one season he- hind them mr webber nnd his ns- soclates say they believe productivity from this method- pi conservation farming in ontario should at least equal results obtained where it has leen used successfully in the united states i a rising from the dend bordering n the miraculous lias been success fully brought about by a london i otratc7tr7mtgto illi tile wilis of science one of his patients had died- his heart had censed to bent sun nil signs of life were evlinct after 12 mmutes had elapsed the doctor enrry nwnyi hamilton bailey begun to mass dje the best game of season when actonelora met continued from pe one osited neatly behind waliusr giving the tanners n ohe goal tendelora in tholr oagerness to even up accounts wer whacking away itt pucks and men until qulnn spit a mouthful of dentistry atop the ice and n- womler- ing hackfleld made the discovery that woods had ijoen the target of n round of sticks and pucks just above his rljrltt eye woods wasforcfttl tp leave for medical treatment tor his blinker while evans was hastily dressed for the temnlnlng five minutes hardly had phiy resumed when goy sub stantiated the lead by another twine bulgcr on a pass out from morton a couple or so minutes afterwards the final- busier rang in our own peculiar way we predict iwlfll dpfrr of accuracy that ei- rrr7 ornore the nqund to ellminnto in the group finals tlie leclonnnlres or rocks whatftver you prefer are a fast aggregation and they promise n fight t the finish incidentally da houston refereed one of his finer gnmes catching off sides with nn engle eye consistency is the word they use and d- a did a good job rerihjfcbimhrwu 1st perlwl townsloy facton 500 qulnn elorn g00 morton actoi 700 gillespie acton 000 2nd period nolmos elorn 1200 3rd period mcdonald elorn 800 bnyllss acton 1400 goy acton 1800 lineups elor wn goal itunneljs stefrier defense m liber centre nelmes qulnn wings- alternates orosre mcdonnld runnells rom- hough yontus acton- woods evans gonl bay- liss e marzo defense gillespie centre i marzo townsley wings alternates goy morton l mnrzo hlddnll referee d ar houstont women as buyers it is n commonly expressed opinion hint women are aisunlly more skilful buyers of home and personal supplies thnn men mnny men it is said will buy the first nrtlcle ofrered nnd some or them do not even ask the prlco of thin gs women are said to be more inclin ed to 3hop around and mako a real effort to get the very best thing on the mnrket they arc keen to make the family money go as mr as pba- sible the- women are almost always excellent judges of quality they are quick to see defects and aro familiar with the signs indicating whether anything is well made the men who put the family purse in their hnnds rarely make any mistake the air worm and am a7news ukb32 wbkhhikirrhttrm it setmin that at last the aeroplane designers fcire considering the pocket book of the working man up until how it has been practically impossible to purchase a new aircraft in canada for less thnn 1000 soon there should he many now ptfines on the market which will compare favorably with hie price of a new car ross air cinft of the usa plans to produce n two passenger tandem llkhtplaue pow ered by n- os up lycoming enable to sell in the usa for 1500 they also intend tp build a 40 hp sport plane for much le but it jvlllonltf carry one person piper aeroncn cub alr- craft globe and the other lending manufacturers in the lowprice field nre all working on plafis to producer hircfalt within the reach of the nor- mnl working mnn there are several planes in opera tlpn which cnnlie driven on the high way with whigs folded backvand much experiment is going into designs nlong this line the lntest design is hint of consolidated vultee whose plami call for n four passenger plane with de tachable wings motor and propeller tlie ownjr wvll bo able to drive into tntervl tsewmetopfl m tedbyconso 1 dntod nnd hnve his motor nnd propel- er mounted his wings bolted on nnd fly nwny after his flight the motor wings nndpropelor may he detached nnd he will continue his trip along the highway the acton model aeronnuts are very busy these dnys and nights de signing and bulltunn models t c away the prizes- in the contest to be held at our next meeting on febru ary 28th bml kentner has nlready had some good rilglitswltli his rog and ross morton jerry white ron holslon jack pink nnd ron cole man nre building the same type of model wnrold smith says he is going to surprise everyone with his cnl avkktlhlfj inb0kmat1vn r 1 numlnetm people iwtfore buying the stocks they are to utll to the public don lot of reading of markot reporhj iti trade iwperu and eluewhere they talk to kiilesnidn and they mnkoall poioilhle effort to learn what the pub lic wants and will buy in that way they are nblo to buy intelligently and meet the deftlrewnftho people newspaper advertising should be looked at as a market report telling ahontthe goods that nre being of fered for snle the prices people will have to pay for them tho person who reads the advertising cnrefully before going- out to buy household or personal supplies gets jdcs nlwut merchandise- aliout current prices and bargains aftd thin is very hiilpfutpin making rfttljrvclory purchases twfc editors dxtcvcmma a floyd smith jeweler watches tjlockb fewkumy 75 quobc street wtat guelph ontv hzi so wntcli out for a super model with retractable landing gear n 1blnded prop and possibly no tail flying wing in nny ense it promises to hen grent contest nnd future champions may be getting their stnrt in this meet m following victory vl dny none of uswill ever tor- et jlwckncw itjvjia cornijicjuit six w or crack the dbclors insist hint modern people must learn to relax no one they nrgue enn keep in a flurry of xcitement and bustle nil the time without an extended crnck up drawing on resources of vitality caa harm one ir its overdone experts assert that the moderntelycnergelc person rather than the plunger nnd pusher will go further in the long run hell have more to draw upon reserve they advise living at a sershfeptcyo geftttemott mil of lire longer furniture sale tlie pntlents heart with ills hand heart began to function again iwats became regular once more dead man is now back at work lin without knowing anything nit it tlie details were not ro iled to him but tiie facts have been en in tlie wellknown medical null the lancet modern jfc antique klirnitllre eucctiuc refrigerator el- hisrlnlin kctuit imih fj-kctkic- stove i v jf disc nhn seuhui machine etc t god which was democracy s 0r- r tglnal idea could hardly believe it when it camo the relief was so grent but how do you feel now arter over a year or victory secure happy about tho future a realistic picture of the world wetrt living in- shows us a rising crescendo of strikes and crime wnves at home abroad boiling political unrest violence civil war nnd discord between the great powers behind it all is the ruthless march of tyran nous forces with a strategy for con quering the world nnd every pnrt of it including your nation your city yourstreot thlk-throws- upon the screen the everpresent shadow of a third world war a statesman said recently unless we win the war of ideas we shnll have to fight nnother warof nrms he was right our one hope is to accept this ract and net accordingly two things nre needed to know how to live nnd right for our own great idea arid how to recognize under stand nnd fight against the idea of the onimy men said william icnn mllst bs governed by god or they will be ruled by tyrants this is the heart of the war of idens men guided at hearts by their own wishes always fnll into the confusion and chaos that invites dictatorship but menwholet god speak to them in thnlr henrts rind he freedom un- getting out a newspriper is fun but its no picnic if weprint jokes people say were ully if we dont they any were too seri ous if we clip things from other news papers we are too lazy to write them ourselves if we dont wbre to fond of our own stuff if wo dont print contributions wo w appreciat truo genius if we do print them the pnge la filled with junk now like as not some one will say we swiped this from some other newspnper we did aj we take pride in taking care ot your cxothks phone 272 vv u m 1 m vauwyck cleaners acton you cant afford to buy a newcheflterfleld jf you hnvc an old one your preocnl rulte can be re- upholfltercd to compare favor- nhlv with new oncfl dick the upholsterer phone 87- one weeks delivery wm notice to owners ofttgeons notice is hereby given that pigeons found in the town nre liable to be shot by the specinl police who have been duly appointed for this purpose if you value your birds keep them shut up e e harrop chief of police no export illttelt it has been reported frequently that canada 1ms exported important tlfimthteir6f tothe united kingdom that l not correct stated 1 f singleton associate director marketing senice dairy products j lkmlnlon department of agriculture and chalramnn dnlr products board in an address at the recent convention j of the ontario creamery association j at niagara falls ont no butter he salt had been exported to the united 1 kingdom although no doubt relatively small quantities of canadian butter haye been provided for ships stores 1 and those would le classified as ex- ports to the countries to which the ships were sailing total quotas es tahllshed aniounteil to fi million pounds of which million pounds was cooking butter of such low quality that there was no market for the product in canada quotas of j table butter totalled 2fi million pounds lhe quantity exported will amount to ahqut 17per cint of tot al production of creamery and dairy nutter gregory theatre tliurv and lri 1vb 20 and tl s boys ranch iluuh jmkins jjinus crnik in-ti- kmllli iluyiiit ly kari curtuui suddin irioi cliiikin tlmpltr i kiiik of tlu fin est ilnntiv sltik6ay ltjjuialtv si matinee at 9 cuban pete- ivsi arnn ktln1 smith voice of the whistijsk iliihnrd dlx iynn mirrick kox new monijay 1 kltltl aiiv j paithkui is my fash ion lon- brnkf donna kitl muiunl hot nnd lli-i-tlc- shikliik or anjnmls ioat- wni km lynvlltulk ovfixas to ludfuiit tlu- undtrsiknod have ri-riivi-dflln- striutldns from mil jamks ijljvcuoi to soil liy pdhlit- auction on j sattituav maluil lt at rjttl olloikshnrp at tin- vll- iuki- of killirut- tlu- following 1 1-piix-i- clkstirfitld suite 1 will- nut cabiiut 1 walnut ctuna cntiinol i i iluss iloois 1 drop lat -tutil- til lavulnuliiuiusyitli kstinion riildi land uutft to niath numliir o ejiovntthnstmliti orni a commrinl re- tanks fin- old liand iiirvtd cup- i mlnjlr tin- sukkcstion comes that tionril nimtt of ilcctiic flotir people can think of the opportunities lamps and tanhi lamps several k hy all those 3b5 days to come its- 7i unrevery man must flrht out in himself and round 1 roes to the enemy unless you nnd i decide to start lliiitfikht today the days of the year as one receives a calendar as a gift kockers iin odd oiairs 1 fiveilor waittro couch hall seal hall tree 1 secretary telephone i ek 1- hand woven throw 1 electric fngerator i mayflower lscatter itugj carpet 1 hirge rug 1 electric stove iveshnghouse 2 electric ba- i may choose and whatever dlos 1 elect ric uuloinatic toaster nf kitehtn range 1 vlctrola and rr- tliere is of course the uncertalntyof life to he considered some will not be able to see all those dnys for the vast majority those days are to he theirs for whatever activity they plans of they may cherish orris rrdtsonv t coal and wood ilea- p in o far as these days will be used ter 2 box stoves 1 bedroom suit- odd dressers odd wash stands 1 odd bed bedding toilet sets 1 sin ger sewing machine drop luad 1 violin nnd case 1 cyitar and case like new no end of clime book stand books vases ornament- cltkks mirrors- quantity of brass- ware fire ironi tbrnssi pictures paintings childs tricycle oiild cot baby carriage aladdin i jimp hanging iinip very large quantity of dishes claswwnre arul plated goods including complete dinner set of iimoges china 02 pieces 2 tea sets quantity of cutlery 2 iawn mower- 1 crindstpne 1 rifle jl winchester number of cream cans 1 stone churn alv choice family jersey cow due 1st week in april alnrge amount of small articles not lifted tkrsts cash settlement with clerk day of side no ivmtvi s the proprietm sold- his huminss and hme and i ing up imiafsinn immedintelv ale will he held unci mainly for work nn labor people should feel glad for whatever they i have been able to contribute to the needs of the community those many days will offer counties opportunity for recreation and entertainment for scenes of happiness and pleasure theyalio give the chance for self improvement for reading and study and the effort to know- more about the world people con accomplish a great deal in those days and may hope that when the yenr is ended they shall have made some progress in knowledge and experience the dominion entomological itib- hiiiory vlnehind ont has isued a spray calendar for nursery stock hrrrpuv if overv ippv budded mock k i apple seedhnj jdums penrs sweet and sueelieriies nuiziird tock a ihndlky ann fliiorr peaches currants and knimlitrl auctlonets witi recipe fnr polsnn halt for ci i- m itadliead clerk hm2 worm iontrol cut your cleaning time in half with a new eurfkh home cleaning system the miracle wav of cleaning house buy no vacuum cleaner until you bee thee new eurekas with titnehiivink workttavinu featurm that make all other cleanefh ohkolcle theyre poutwar modem miraclen and what they mean in a new kind of freedom for you wait till you see how they clean rup and carpets dutit sweep control motiti hpray puint and even poliuh floors betterljeaster eatuer come in toduy for free demonntrtition and uee whats happened to hoiisecleanini manning electric phone 20oj mill street adon

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