Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 20, 1947, p. 6

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iae the acton free press tiiunsnay-rrnnuany-aoth-iimt- ttoboiy if nobody s noticed- you you mus be mlufll if nobody sllahlrd you you mutt lw tall if nobody k lowed to you you must be low if nobody s klsed you you re uwly u litidurv ix nobody s envied you you re a ioor elf if nobody s ftnlteted you ifiilrrr yoln wlf if nobody fi cheated you you art a khnve if nobody s hnted you you are a ftlnv if nobody s called you n fool to yom face snmflwwly s wuhed for oui hntk in its pine if nobody known of your fnults but n friend nobody ii mlns t hi m rtt tlw world i end if nobody chprs to your nuise like n fnun nobody 11 run like n jiound ulion it s konn if nobody s onlrji your broad from yout store nobody ii call you n miserly boro if nolwml h slnnherod you here is our pen slrti youimlf nobody quick ns you can report of the jftimicjffieallk nursing service mine o chnnt gica dcibiih her work in acton dunne img of follmwfir is the report of the al ton public health nurxinr service for lojfi the following is a reord of rome of the more interesting pioc s of work carried out b tlip acton puh lie health nursing ericc in 191g the service which ih riven in acton is one third of tin total seivice riv n as a simllii amount of time is the follow rtr calls were ninth in acton school 101 adult s pre school lfi infant r tuberculosis con tact 2 caui to medical 4 officer ind hildron s aid etc 1s total calls 171 immunization dipthenn toxiod 111 t luldreh ceived diptherin toxoid 17 children received the full course of hint doses 114 childrt n received one re inforcinp dose vaccinntion 12 hildun received smallpox vaccination all 12 of tli vaccination wire positive the follow inr is i iecoid of the ph sicnl defects found during t h phsical examinations ision 22 17 torn tied henrmr 2 2 under treat- mint abnormal tonsils is 12 cor iected 1 subsidi d speech defects 5 1 improves skin disease 2 orthop nedic dt fects 21 8 improved postuml defects 10 5 impiovcd dtntnl defects 8 59 corrected 1 crippled children nnd j dialetic children received spec- lal supervision durinp the year high school llealth tfervtm phvxicil examinations were tjen to nil pupils in rrnd s n inri 11 nnd also to ns mnn other pupils ns time allowed a iiumb r or hirii school pupils wire included in the toxoid cli nic nnd will nlso he included in the v lecination clinic a home nursing i lass was hi i foi pirlx in rndcs 11 ihu iiris show id i definite in lerist and should be n neat help during illness in thtir own horn s tnrhihrtltklrssrvii pn school ex imination was lull at the public school in june for nil i hildn n who would be smarting to sc hool in s ptember 12 children wire nmlned b tin i ubllc hiallh tmxxo recollections of acton ma i hi ilmli islklicd lilivp utruuioiiiiirqiii back in 1897 1 ram tht ihtmtl if ulr i r l of tfhruuy ihth 1897 a joiipte lqj yuk people mr meo acnew nnti mt if sili pestoby wr nl quietly to guej ph lnrt ilmrdny itjienlnb nnd wort united in tin bond i of wpdlocv nt st jnmes church rittnry rev a j bilt ma tied tho nuptlnl knot x very pleasant event toou plnco nt the reddei co of 1 homn i w i nird uurhson street hnmllton last wednoiflny loth inst when rev ii 7v macplitrson of acton and mlsit mnrrie lnirl weie united in holv wedlock jtev ir fruser tisjistftl lyy flov ft f cameron of north eoflt hope performed ttie mnrrtnre cert j mony tlie bilde uns nupportod by her sister miss arpio mini nnd lie w m mckay of norval assisted the rroom after their honeymoon trip to the west ttwy will take up th lr residence nt tlie mnnne here i the council lutk hutlittr sub bridpe over the strenm from mnln street to cookn survey on aenes street 1c ndeis me asked for supply of timber of the structure moored oft the nt w residence- of mr nnd mis ii p moore nt the tomer of church nnd frederick st whl h has be n undtr cnjietiuctlon foi ntarly a year pnst has been com pleti d nnd mr antl mrs moore nro now ptttlnf rrntlunlly settled in their new home tho pinna nnd spccillcnt ions ofjhe bmldinr were prepared by i a rilis architect toronto marrifd atni w nuscouy at st inmes church rectory t uelph on ihuis dn 1 1 hi f hi u try b rev a j irahino auction sale in cm uh pownmiip um mtm k imkijmknth i d in j k iiruhon lo at ii ly puhua niullnn nt bis fnrm lot 11 l con jb uelpb kii uiited 1 xnw w of hlrhwny no ht 1 mile n or no 7 j mill n 1 nt mmy hill on monav fki1ki1auv 21th commenelnjt lit 1 m o t lot k shin p fl fouowlnu torsksdioiart ptruitibn mnro 9 yi- jry portheton mnrt b yis blttlk ptirelieon mure r yr blnek percheion mnro 3 yrs blnrk inli orori mnre yrs porehero l percheron mm onl a ma i nrt hob 1 1 anr w atn to it ssie dnurhter of c w 13 seony of hnmilton macphfrson i aird at the resl dint of i linmns w i nird i sq hnmllton on wednesdnv 10th tib ruai by ri munjo jf r d d nssisttd by rev it l cnnu nu north i nsthojh it v ii a mm pht rson of knox chuich acton to miss miirrii i niitl of hamilton back int92t i rom the issiip of tlir iee tliunuuy itbruary ui rci of tun wi vi hnd oi r two months of veiv vood sicirhtnr saw lqqs art still i omiiir in to lit nd rson s null in tonsldtiable qunntitus i he miniature five ct nt silver piece that has bt n in renernl ujc for the p st sixty three years in cnnndn is to hi withrdnwn from ciiculation and n pi iced hy the larpe coin tir hairy dntlnin of acton fnr hnd k -sendinr- n shield bearing the to it of arms to be presanttd to acton onl irlo field secretary jones toronto at- tt nded the weekly meeting of the bo scouts thursday evening rorn avoon to mr and mis tohn wo hi acton on moncinv fi v ills 1027 a ihompsn difd at his unmi qih in strei t t or town on sunday frihrunry 1 uh l lohn albeit i h tmpson in his f7th ear caiu ii 1 at the homi lot 21 con nxmon 2 nnsminweyn on iu s dav ft hruai y 22nd 1127 andi ew jimus carrill in his fgth year mnie 5 yrt otty n yr supposed to be nue lqj of rooh honti cows gray cow 5 yrs dut may lfith brindle cow n yrs due april 5th rl shorthorn cow a yis due mny 6th red shorthorn cow 4 yrs titie apr 5th rod shorthorn cow 5 yrh due ape lit ilonn he fei due ft- 2nd hereford cow fresh feb 10th rer houtun cow due the end of feb 2 fat cows hereford steor aboutaftooo ijis g anpus cnttle 2 yr old 1 short hoi n heifers 4 bnby beeves hocts yntk sow due apr 11th yoik sow fnt york sow due miiv 1g 11 shonts eouilily sojjybij pulhts hi plymouth rock pulleis farm implfmenis m ii binder 7 ft cut in rood lepnir iii c mower s ft cut in ood r pnii cikkshutl side delivery rnke iii c lo ft dump hake nt w mil 10 ft dump raki tilll plow lilisi 11 1 drum rollei no 7 m ii plow cockshutt 2 fuirow ititlinr plow no 21 i ituty plow 1 mttlon harrow 17 tooth pouei lift c tittivatoivm ii 11 ho stud idlll 2 hor tntt coikshutt ig plati disc with fon tniruire m rnke bnr i oader tanniiir mill i ubbt r tired wnron rtkklfl 2 wnpon boxes bench skirhs rint rink 14 compli ti tut tliir box mcti wheil cnrl lolt n root pulpt r blndi r i ore cnn inct 2 stone bonts del nvnl st pnrntor f ed boces 1 i let trie tenets frork n s to aid in improving soil in vlt w of tin hut that solf nit hirvnlimt htitl of i hhd will in hi mahr toplt at tin 107 tonvintion of tin ariit ultitrrtl lustltuti of can nth hllluluuilluyjllaalu q british ids too nuiyifinus to nu ntion harness 1 sets of i enm limn t ks several rood collnrs frain nnd ua 171 c 1200 but mlxtd crnln l bus wlient 1 tons liny vso bus manroids 100i bus tut nips f rnin bniv sai ks a qunntilv of tcnti posts hohsi hoi d iurniuiri 2 kitihi n lnhlts imiis i sc rt t i d inrs morris chair 1 rot kin t halis 2 wash stnnds ood c hit i kitchen rani t cupbo ml h ii rms cash no nrlith jtf b nmovitl until m lilt d f r no r st i v t us the fmni is sold hindi i m i i i ion vtit tlom t i phom i rin or milt n i ihhnst cltik h ivatlon in nmidi by dr f s hopkins a knot littt flr tor i xperi mtntiit fria st rvic- make nn ppportum nppeiirnnti in tin tjimmry i sut tf tin acrtrulturnl tn titute re vlfw soil conservation he stnted impllwl more thnn its nnmt expnssetl it linpli a lmprovemunt in the pro ductivity pt the ivoll nnd iittmnerely mnhittmnte of its precnt condition oririnnlly work in this field wns con fined eksciitjally to the control of soil e roslon now soil conservation included n wide held of activities ih his aiticle dr hopkins states t hat cnnndn beinr uch n lareo touptry rrtorraphlcnlly and hnvlne srt many differenct solln nnd cllmntes that n cnnntllan hvernre included many dissimilnr rcjlons there were nevei i he less two prlnclpnl nrruail turni areas the cub jiumld to semi nrld prairie provinces nru hhe hum lepion of enstcrircanndn willi its dairy nntl mlxtd fnrminr nrriculluri i nth of these inrre territories in eluded many smnlkr qrens where tontjltmns were mmli different not win mnnid lire thrst rrenr rttfferenrr in soil nntl cllmnlt theie was not stnmke to iav ns much difference tn iht various provincial nvernc yield of snmt of tlie principal lelrl crops ns njht h expected i onr lime pro vintinl nverngc ylt ids showetw little t limine mln ftihlilv of i he soil wns some liniffc t omj net with n bank account to whit h di posits or from which withdrawals mlfjit be mntle it wns also ompnrcd with o mine hie term soli mint r bdnr used to desrrlbe n fnrmer who iepleted the fertility of his soil however the proeessi s involved in t rop prmluctlon were much more involved than those it ml hor uf umjicompnrisnns in hip krromnieihl tomato ainvag al 50600 j in luif tin totnl nc-rciilt- planted iu anadn to tomato wim 13 7g0 of whith 14 770 acren were in ontario t vtumbln for1947thvdamlrilon provincial arrlruiturnl conference which mi t in ottawn in decemlier vyi ennsidt rttl that nn ncrt ne of 00 in aw7 would meet nil the demands for domestic and export meds while thn total tonnnrt of tomtntoes proceiud wns preqler in 191g fhnn in previous yenrn t he nnck of cnnnetl tomatoes wns consldernhlv retluced in compnrkon with previous yenn ihe pnek of tomnto juice wns hdwevr up to a record level i h ren on for the hip pnek of juice wns thnt it can 1e done principally by milch in while canjilnp tomatoes requires con siderable hand labor processors hnve found it difficult in recent yenrs lo obtain labor for cnnnlnir tomntoes 4 r npvvv jrij optical service at a t browne next door lo the pree prlt office acton mill st mffiy first friday each month hours 116 fvcnlnk by appointment u l i t akini auction sale in iu sliath m nsh1p list place k was impossible to know the amount of fertility in the virgin soil width mlfjit beromi nvnllnhle to crtips the rate of loss brourht about lv varit us fnt tors wns dlffiiult to mtnsui whili vnrinhle wontht r con ditlnns t at h season ndth rt to the difritullv of siudyinr nn possible trehtls i hi n wt k thousands of differi nt soil types and innumbernble climntic conditions vthich torether with prtvioils fninutir mot hods created n i mipl xilv of oil conditions diffitult lo undi istnnd it wns well known limuvir thnt in mnnv nylons nn i i s c irilly in he sub humid nnd humid hrions that th productivity of th soil hid become rrenlly impniiid soil onsirntlon piaclicts wir ntiessnrv to infprov these con tlliions stltntifit methods must be vovid lo m rei e yitlds nnd nt the snmt limt improvt the soil phis vtnrs cnnatlmp red cvoss society hudret is explained by kwta winter 0rtjs ilonoiftiv prenhuror oftboociotyto mlw ht it n f mcartlmrm a rtrtntlv nooointe vilionnl llirertor of rt d cioss nursing services allierta born miss mrarfhur wan dintioi of jhibhi ht ilth nurst s frtr lb rt i pni u 1 she was on tin fie ult y of tl i st hool of n irsine it hi j ilm i m id i ih t nivi is itv of albtrtn ht r jires nt dutws tnki hi r to ill pirtsof canada mr wind r now honnriry i ri nsun r wns h mor irv comt roller from ion to phfi group 5 junior c schedule i vrm sttm k impi fmi ti 1ia firi kt 1 1 u untl rsiiud buvi nteivid in structions from wii ham pimiir ani so lo sill b public auction it tlulr farm i ots mid 10 con 7 pusunrh bituntid on the iowei line 1st ron 1 s w of ham ill on hilhwny on dks1ay i v i1ri k imtt comment inr nl 1 oil o c lot k sh irp the follow j ttoni ti m t bllirkr mitp tldinr 10 ms a hantlv w 11 lro kin ttnm fium ti am ibout 10 lhs c iloktuui- carry in jnjj uilx flllc mai t h s holsti in cow tlue mnich 21st htlsttm cow du mnrch isth avrshire cow dut mi l avisluri cow dut mar 2hth holsttin heifer dup mat 20th 2 shorthorn cows due apill 1th ii i sm cow fitshmed inn 11th ht ifoi admiital jnki hcks monaitreakmament 1 hi r tils nviry of our n lionnl f ut h is mon imp rt mt th in any thlnj i mn find on hit n w t xplorntions in anini rti a it is ibout i vi irs sum i re tuinttl from m inst tup to th ant trrnt from thr qtltet wtiutoi of snow ind rock and itt to n strife t irn i ivilint ion ofti n nmid the rrf hit hnttle itiish inil fruilty frtfiiis or in he lilt t r striilpie on in dustrtnl fronts i hive wished the i art it ip ints t uld lo ns i nm roini lo tin nil of t ht world nntl look fioni tl it pirpitivt on tlu p ty bif m wrick our plnnet i dnte i rltlny jnnunry 1 pridny january 1 mond ly jnnunry r morony jnnerary g wednesday jnnunry 8 wednesday jnnunry 8 monday jnnunry 11 mondny january 11 wednesday january 15 wednesday 3nnunryib fridny january 17 monday tnnnnry 20 r wtdnesday janunry 22 wednesday january 22 fridny january 21 friday jnnuiry 24 wetln sdny january 20 fri lay tnnirary 11 montlny fehrunry 3 monthy ft hrurry 1 thursdny february 6 tucsdiy february 11 friday fenruary 11 visitinrtenm score homi team scor milton t n atton oi orj town otkville millon alton f eortetnwn oikvill fen oakville milton acton oi i town onkvlll ctoreetown milton eorpetow n ikvill a din milton oikv i a t m milt m 3 f i dunnr the enr tin public health nursi spokt nt n mttlnr of tlu io df nnd to the rid cross home mirsmjr clftssv disiritiution tjf tlnu tlnl spent in s hool 2t 1 liours tinn skit in off let woik c hours tim spmt in clinics if jiours time spmt visiting 19t hours time sm til it nit t tines tlc 1 hnns out an 1 n h ilf days w ik nri spent in at h town with tiidny nftirnom free to use whrt vi i il is net ded most ilus uir most of tin thlldren have 1 oki a wi 11 fed and are warmlyeloth- l a hilh pt n nlirt itceive cod livir oil daily it would appear that mnnv jwrents an fnutlnr tin family allowance n ln at ht lp and are uslne it wlatly rtspntfully nurs ouavia ii chant publii htnlth nur foot ailments treated miss allan rc cldroptuust treats foot ailments for both ladies and gentlemen opan mon thura and 8t- evenlnss till 0 oclock all by appointment rbone 1swj 27 ahfeor fit guelph r butth r shoi tho n irl want plenty egs for shipment to v k shipnunts f f n sh i krs to britnbi b the sph inl products board from sipnmhr 1 1mb to the t nd of jnn ujiin 1047 totttii lb i10o00 dozin r 2 910 000 dozen mon thnn wan sttmatetl uates the dominion de i irtmnt of auritultun dqrinr tht in xt- six month th i ind expects to use ontthlrd of ill i mudlan erri offtred for export to bniain fr convitslon to suar c kr 1 wder nnd tht remainder for shit nn nt to brltiin ns freih shell rrs w tth goo 000 c ns s or 14 0000 000 clocren roinr into torake for shu ment pext fall iht board has fir its objiilivi f i tht bntiah contrutt 1 wlootlo mws cr 4sthmio0i ilown trt ikli in itil u he d between sepl mb r 1st 117 and jjinpnrv 1ut vmm the lattt r dntn inlne tht lny down duti of ship mmts nt an ullan matuinrtl your eyes a proper eye examination lb moat important consult r m bell registered optometrist phone 22rl2 ehn milton welding ucriric and acetylene welding repair weldlnu of all type portable i- qulpment phone 348 mux ht melton al u toot you cat i i sd i rs fi vounl slot k bull is months hcm s vnk sow hnd inn york sow bred nov ird uk sow in el inn mil oiksov hr ti d i 17th mk sow bred nov 111 1 i irs in ii k u ulv for mm kit sill i p 1 tnuli suffolks supp i tl t i ht m 1 mill pol 1 ir 7 hvhrid his pmim imiiimims lewkshutt binder b ft jo id as iu w m il mower t ft tut 11 fl dump ruk mil 2 dlse plow single walking plow iiic furiow wnlkinv i low i se lion hniiow isiition ilnnow iiic spiuik 1 oth t ultlvatoi mil ii disc dull i umbi r wiiions irni nlon with flnt hn rack unrin box stock rack sprint looth scuffhi iurnip sown 2 cutttis oak iti lit h sh ilbs renin w scales tunniiir mill mil pulpt 1 new crinilsuitu chev 2k coup riiitrtc knit vnh the usuu lint of small aim tfluipment such as chains lux s forks 11 rain and ita flc ux bus oatt 00 bui mlxtd l rain 15 bus tall win it 100 bus buckwheat u bus lurnij 100 bus munjoids r birs potatoes iiarnkss set of unikhand itiun tlarntxj st t of siiil1 hutmvs ojld harm xs collins etc housniol d mlrnilltri- ijic cnnni separator milk 1 nils itc 10 sap pats 1 iron sap kttthh 1 water tountaliis talv inul chit k tied ktiurhs sourkraut cut te 1 sy rup c nns aluminium i a keith howef iot bene hi s 0 riil roc k aladdin 1amp ii inknt i amps hall iimi s 5 spiall 1 am s butuv radio kitthn immslk su h ns p its i hi dlkhi s p ruit jars unsh stand lollies ts small tabl cs kitchen iublts inn be istc id splines id sette nnd 2 chairs wilt iu smnll s tt nnti ju mon is 1 hnlr it i mond iaewmr mil bin pi inn clare lew el kit lun uanii w 1 1 ti wmmiur e lose t ii rms sh n i r se rc as th farm is ii puiltm h loads nr jl tot b in kept plowed hindi i ani i i i iotl u tl nitfs t v llltuni cltik ii 11 ions philoso hit s nhr md in tlv w ill t d iv aim t c ure t h world s ills l 111 m 1 iniimeni of the exlbt iiir ml r but w nt 1 tl a nt w fnc tor we need n new pirttui human natui itself ii t n fori we should tive sp eial i ri iritv to am iili nt v which shows promist in i world scali ot hnnlinr this nb mt in if is conn ct 1 n i would lik t thaw tht mntrv s nt unti n to a w irj i forte wluth trom m 1 1 rsnnal ohsiivntion i h lue s butldini nn 01 l ml life within and httwein th i nitttl notions i nfr lo th work f iht nn n nntl wonu n in moral r armament lle nit mnkini th old truths of christ inni t militant for millions n nn iiilo1olu nl t rn i he ir fiht 1 the flrht of tii iruin who wnnts o save fr exlom not ivivont of us tin sp nd five months alone but each of us can spend at itnst five mlnutt s a day to allow the presume of events and self concern to rive nwav to the guidance of cm1 in this way the ordinary man and the btatesman can supply the insplid thinkinr that will fulfill the aspirations of democracy rrar admiral richard e bvrds final nusiili beforx h sailed to join bis ntait tie t vpedltlon at dm n ikvill l n mirtnn milt 1 3 r i 0 li mil ii tow 1 mill n mt n el m 1 mn ik ii group 5 intermediate b schedule 11iijrkn n to se hool tin li n nr not in any parttv ultr hurry w he n tlu v hat to l 1 to si hool but in somt puts of africa tlv l bv 1111 ti thili t hisse s not ixaetlr out of enthusijism tun fir the simph i u mi that t liin is n other form of irunsjiort availabh appre i rial rrfre raft are used an ouwif tl wnv dmrieis when tlu farm rs ijvt a hundreel miles ir more from th n mrsi school a united kinr d m all 1 ruft mnnufai tui iiir iiith is iiiakmi n jitt i illtv of siipplviiir he j u t ii small stat mnihifies j date 1 mint i turn sc m e ii nu ii im stow itiursdav jnnunry 2 c txirretown 15 omnrovhle eu- fridny january 1 fergus d milton 7 montlny january 6 acton 8 i lora monday january 6 orangeville i eortetwn ihursdny january 9 elora s oranaovlb0 riiursday january 9 milton acton 3 h riday january 10 georgetown t fergus 1 montlay january 13 fergus b elora l ills jan 11 peb vt ton s t ore town 4 tuesday january 11 orancevlllc mlhon mx ihundny january 16 r lora 3 acton 5 friday january 17 ornnaeville 3 fergus friday jan uary 17 eoruetown t millon 1 monday january 20 ttorretown 4 elora t wednesday january 22 milton c ierrlut i thursday january 23 acton 11 oranfftwlbe t fridny january 24 elora f corrotown ft monday january 27 h eikus 2 eorr town 0 tuesday january 28 oranrevllle 7 acton thursday january 30 icrru oranseyllle thurwlay january 30 torretown 3 acion friday january 31 milton 1 7 lora il monday february 3 ornntfevillc i elora 3 fuesday february atton 11 mtku n thursday ttbruarv 6 milton a oraiikeville 19 friday february 7 1 1 ru 3 rru 9 montlay february 10 alton 4 h e trus v 3 tut winy fribrunry 11 i lora 3 miltiyii ihursdny f bruarv 13 li rus 0 at t n h b riday tebruary 1t miliun 4 tt hli i im 11 h

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