Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 27, 1947, p. 1

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ihfcr ikztn ttt tt s kct vui tt acion ontahkthuh fc i iulu homeprint panes five cents tanners take first game of series from elora 62 grant gillespie notched tare of th home team counters while qulnn for elort spoiled evans chanced for a shutout tanners jro to elora tonight and if third game necessary ii be waved jn saturday nim the crowd which the arenn corutum od on tuesday night may hnve dlsap painted team officials but the per formance the tanners exhibited more than made up for the extra vox popula w hlch wits lacking in the seating sections an the ideals tan ned elora hides by a 62 count gloom- cast its ley mantle over the legion naires from the rocks of elora prin clpally in the shape of a trio of thin ners who modest as they arc pushed j h singing quartette of pucks behind a bewildered wnlser stationed as if i with sword and shield smack in front of the elora net three times did the gillespie called grant bewilder the guard at the elora bastion and it was thrice he penetrat ed the crease committing the unpard onable crime so little heard of in group 5 circlet the hat trick as sisted la hit meandering by two as sociates who incidentally were the persons responsible for the pill reach ing- ihe shllellah of grant sonny cae4 heard in supreme court in mjiteirlast week an nssute court jury inst wednes day found cecil lloyd peters mar ried of etoblcoko not guilty on n charge of attempted rape of an 18 enr old port credit girl i hnve no criticism of your find ing declared mr justice rt v trelenven uho presided dismissing the jury axcrmifnr to the defendants -wife- peters was home on the night in question she told the court she hnl given birth to n child two days earlier and hnd asked him to stny nt home to assist with the work that evening other defense witness corraborfttd her evidence w e macdonald appeared for peters while waiter m johnston was special prosecutor a civil action between bogg and francis over property dispute was settled out of court three divorce pet ions were heard and decree nisi was granted each palermo and acton junior farmer teams wiii fridav night in 581 houses survey shows towntley and illo marto a fourth goal bulging the cord in the elori goal was another of the game named puck pass the rubber disc trav elling twixt one plryer to another un til townsley made the final grasp to worm his way to nn tmpty net and cause the goal judges index to flicker the red lamp yea the- tanners took the first game in the best of threescries with n four goal lead and it could hnvi been more than the four if qulnn elora r heligerent pivot hndn t broken nu ny tw ice shattering t he hopes of doom evans for a sbut out cillespii it was who tallied th first acton marker nl the 10 00 minute mark in the opening session again at 14 10 11 una grant each of th hrae being nn aftermath of ilio marzn s swoops through the opposit ion stick handling such as onl sonn lownslev can fashion tickled the responsive chords behind wnlser and the tanners 1 d by three goals with the first periods finish only dude i indsax could linv mtidevnlerwlnk hihefthlnmprf he did whin the rnngv prowler of the left clnshtr let fly his bullet ilk thot after receiving from morton to make it four to nought at the tven cloven mark in the second stanza blonde ci ntre star norm morton with his fnnrv poke check and tiro if ss hark checking created quitt t stir in the ranks of the legionnaire s during t hi middle twentv even hinrd pljalni v hen n h m did the intih that until man puff puff hardest checker ivt ivii ploved against with only a mlnuu of plav remaining in the second pi r tod qulnn banged home tlu first of the leglonnaln s two mungtnforotiml tntu srnair w i of the opposition dlllcspie biol e precedi nt lite rnllv snatching the puck from undtr the nom s of thi fraternal l glonnalres brining t o quint u pi unkths tlu tanmr tallies i9zeamiliesjlh ned for new homes in acton revealed by survey to housing questionnaire the questionnaire which was re quired to go with the application for wartime housing in acton brought i to light many focts about acton whrch nr not generally known the sur v shout d there art 797 families re siding in acton and there an 581 dw tilings rht re are 216 buildings in which two or more families are now living there are tin dwellings which are condemned os unfit for living qunttt rs there nrt js dwellings nt pn sent under construction i hi fllurt s li in this suive in t ludi only tin coipoiotlon boundnr it s and noni of that nren which s outside t hi boundaries suchas a larc- pnit of crtsetnt strut in aclon s seventeen industr s thin art a total of 1068 employed k35 malt ompluvies and 233 femoh mploeis tlu nniklpated emplov mint rolls in the ntvt twelve months nu pint id nt 111 persons it is revinled thtn nie about ifl nu n and wonu n n sitlink in alton nm who sirved in t hi arnu d form pnh rmo tunlor maimers irept into a muond plnro til with the norval tunloht lv defontlng them 1 1 in the first anme of a doublniend r tilt in milton arena friday night the myiooth skating acton team shut out the milton juniors to to further strengthen their lead over the othor three teams for palermo john gnlhralth and vernon prldgemnn had tw o each with dave pellotteilo accounting for the other grant heslnp hacked up hv n strong defence let onlv onu puck slip b him although norval were minus three of their best plavers they put up a good fight w itll their star centre lc man john mcclure scoring the lone tall acton imrmlltoriicnms played a scoreless draw for quite some time hctfbrc the acton tenm started to click nround the goal mouth bob marsh nil ndded another two goals to his list to give htm sevtm to dnte for the season ken allan nccounted for the third acton tally the milton boys had several good chances around the acton net but just coulrtn t hltnk thnt red light however the score rrt1ght have been more onesided if it hadnt been for the sensational goalkeeping of miltons snmmy harrop eddie robertson the referee des erves n lot of credit for the efficient manner in which he handled both gamps tji hpp thnt thl tlinm- duhlin branch marks fiftieth v anniversary wi dublin women s institute met nt tin home of mrs x bnuwr for tin it tihrunri nuotlng invitations hnd ixtn hint lo e momhorn and others to join with thtm nt thin meeting n order to ttlthrnte tho votm annlvei- sary of womens institutes in ontar io mrs barber conducted the bu- ifietth pnrt of the meeting 5 wnn utnt to ilnlton musical fesllvnl and the county ftes were to lw sent mimj minnie somervlllc n chnrtei memlwr of dublin w i gnve n very cnmlse account and history of dublin wi miss fll7obeth appleby of georgi town hnd orgnnl7ed duhlln w i and was present as guest shukir on this occasion mlsssom ervllle named the past presidents nnd sccietaries jdni committee to consider increase ol councillorsfee life memiiersiiip absented y the united wms njr lilul told of the vnrlouh activities which they linve undei taken slmo thnt ttmt holj cnll was nnswereil hv telling the time and place of joining i hi rigulnr montltl huslntss mi t ing of tin woman s missionary soil tty of t hi unit id church uns held i nt tin honu of mrtr i svmoi on i uesdny whin mis i caldwell i resided and t hi d v nt innal pi rlod j was taken b mrs s hi id i mrs jk lardlntr tontilhutid a vocal solo ihe study hook wot given hy mrs h arnold assisted by mr- t3 mownt mrs ll l johnston mrs mncdonald miwi i simmons rgiuil2auon ln qur misjilunhi for spuinl prayers for tlu jnr is miss i dulse toutir na west china a llfi membinihlp ceitifhotl hv miss m bmnett and wms pin by mis wm wntu tin institute greetings were sent by house wire presented to miss dorothy day night february 27th the palermo juniors will make it hot for the actdh team nnd the milton juniors can nt last pull out a win over the norval bos scientifically we have piogresstd far enough tospllt the atom now we must progress spiritually far en ough to handle it some unable to be presenf miss appleby who for mnny years was convenor 6f historical research for the county told many stories of pioneer days nnd roads miss appleby presented dublin wi with miss row- ells book history of institutes sh nlo told the story of how mrs ad elaide hpodless came to organize the women s institutes mrs george robertson sang a solo the last time i saw parish and also led ln singing several old time songs mrs a near am dil n mnlwl un w wm-k- whlch was won by miss appleby a bounteous lunch won served by the committee which included n birthday enko with v candles miss appleby cut the cake little jena moffat and anne watklns youngest members of the group helped serve lunch about fifty members e- members quests nnd children enjoyi d this enjoynhle afternoon fatal accident on mill st when sixlearoid killed simmons 6orothy thanked the ind les for this honor a very henrty vote of tbonks wns given lo mrs syrtion for her borne which i spillways aynunblo for thf society j little ttomas ixshe dubv in col lision with construction truck when goinp home from school on tuesday noon whole com munity shocked b trajred which brenks a little tamilv i ofthrce hardlv a go seiond hn ak until mor ton cashed in on the effort of undsa i oast in i along thr port side lnardi well with a fast first nnd second session past thi lo nls sat hmk and waittml for quit ksilvt i qulnn plus cohort to hrt nk thilr se mlnslv un penetrahh ranks lt rhaps t hi v un derefctimntitl no 10 qulnn f i hi was awa m a f 1 ish ot splash of in ilepoitink th pill in tlu vt n in t i rftnnirdoni fnlltd to taki sirf f u u nt ndvantak f itombouuh jtnlttntlul nummls ami furthr i unts uii n j hfctbh ifii tinus was it i sln i ui oi uj i wth lci t w ilsh and talmi i nfor ing st uttvt dlillln in r snt 1 knth n d rhargwis liwor th tilt featurfl s f tit lust ust ho h ihttk m liavt mi n t this flm duns kcnintr r ninled u f buiki m donald imhm kooria s4ininulry 1st p nod i11in u aden hnn lllespie actnn 14 10 lowtci alton li pnaltli ti llni steffler inters nd h n h i it da v ion 1- 01 qulnn i floral lotv ivnaltles um tumjh rahu ini itltnl tl1pie acton t on morton ait n 1 00 qulnn iflori 14 00 penalties bav hvi i msrto xetmev townilrv fl r waurr goal runnelu stef ler drfitita mlllir entre nelme quinn w ln alti mates groe mc vmm kunm ms h mhough ynt em acton v vans ki ntner rid itall defend tlletple t entre i mario tounslev wtngs altfrnalts undsaj morton l marzo go r marto basils 1 rferee walsh t tnesman palmer 1 hi n art 25 war hridt s looking ovi r tlu s fnuri s it t an insilv be set n that tlu r houses plan nt d will not miit prtsint rtitune menl- hv a toyig wa belt ihiv w 11 n t hipr st nt sit imt i lu stittisti s kutltntt do not takt into tlu pututi tli bus 1 iad and tn loads of woiktrs who find ll nms siirv to rt idl 1 1st win n nnd unit to adoo for i mplo nn nt it dots not slow thom tmploid in otht r vonit litis outsidi tlu mriusirui and in netd j housing m 1 1 riimndallnn tu rt it tlu so mi ds aie nut anil tin ui j mink miiimt of hind tnjovlns mun 1 it il fiuilltus nit nnm xi i to alton tin 1 1 st nt ouluti n if 400 to m will iia 1 thi iooo fnun in tit ours f ui m or so jitth life was i tushed out in suintl on 1 ui sela at noon when i omm duh t hi si v i at old son of mr and mis i a she dub was in collision with a onstiuctlon truik on mill stnit hit vihlch was own id h c g huldill of mtltoh nnd dm i n hv hni old h agm w also jf milton agi 10 jmis and with twintj jitiri tirivmjf vpnrlt nrp aitordint to particulars sei urnl from t hit f r hairop who invistl kiilid the aeddtnt tommy wns goinj home fiom acton hublh sthool and with him in the group were fat sma liurl ilitclijt donnld v iltl md fflfltlu jmkt tluy unr lo tin wilbur stnit erossing of mill strut and tomm started atrou fa i ink to not in tin approach of th tiuik ihe impact thnw the llttlt lad alkiut 16 f ih t to the roadwq and tit tru k was stopped in unotht r r fut fiom wtun he fell hi sustain d an injurv to the left hide of his hi ad an i deith was instnntnneous di d a urritt attended und the boily w is nmovtd hv ambulanct to the lohn stoiu ke ftumli tuneral ilomi s n in i tan tu asitrtalned tht llttlt i hip w is ihoul cllnt feet out on the roach a whin thi lollislon octurreil ihe dilver nnd mrs fred clrove who witmsmvl the accident from her horn stn then wa no cha to swerv on aetount of other children on the stnit ot tin time the brakes which were tisttd nftor the accident were reported in good condition nnd t hn drivir istimatts his speed at thi time il fifteen miles per hour harold agnew drlvi r of thl vehicle w as ov t rt ome by t he shock of t he accident nnd lequlred medjcnl ntten tlon and asslstance before leaving the set ne irovincinl constable ray mason ossistexl in investigating the ac lident the hlkh snow banks on the roadside no doubt obs cu rt d the vision luf thi utile lnd whin heattempn d the irosslng ihe whole community was shocked hv tlu trnktdv that has tome to this acton home in their deep trouble mr and mrs duby and their children lawnnce ntd five and leslie anne nrert two enrs and the relatives have thi sympathy of the whole commun ity lommy was in his second yetr at atton public school a pupil in nutc i he was a bright active little ft how and hi loved by his school malfs hi j mhtr served with the it t a f in thf lost war and spent thiei mrs ovtrseas it has not yet imh n di clde d if any inquest will bi held lit fuiuinl wns hi id this iliuis dav i nfti rnoon with service at st alhnn s cliuirli and int iri 1airvlt w c t mett ry sccim ot tuedav fatal ccidnt legion carnival drew big crowd on friday night icelandia group from toronto ave many llrw races hockey cohlumea and many evenu one of the largest crowds to attend suth nn event in acton wire present when acton branch of the canadian 1 eg presented their li e 1 njwlvalr- it wns a piogram that hod everything on it and insted forever three- hours a group of about twenty five skat eis from tielnndlnn toronto gave n variety of fancy skntlng numbers whieh drew rounds nf applause i here were solo skntlng evmts pairs trios uartttin and the whole ensi mble folks saw mldj1 1 hockey in nctlon that night whin the blues won from the reds by i 0 tlu re was n clown band thnt filled in any moments that might have lagged and provided los nt fun the icelnndin pins for bent couple skating wire won hy norma mono and chns landsborough cwmdn hoffman won tlu ioco for girls under 7 years iotroln pylcr for glils undei 10 yiars nnd carol tylir for kirls under 15 years miss patsy chiw won j hi ladies open race in the boyh races grant withers took the und r 10 vears ev nt nnd fdwnrd mcgllloway the under t years ilass harold lownsh v won the gents open rnce best girls comic tostumi wm won b ftu fcnrshorough hw tostume doris pnlmi r hi st hoy i comic pat smith and best m nt s cos tume mr chns lnndshorough bed ndvertlsuig costume mrs klrhy ail vertlslng mason knitting co i id daredevil wilson gnve an i xhlbltlon of bai n 1 jumping w hen in clented hurdles of tilinnd six barrels and put n thrill in spectators with his performance phi arena wns in carnival dress for the occasion and the ixgion are to hi congratulated on ihe sucei ss of tin event programs were distributed lo nil visitors giving nnmis of the ice lnndin artists in inch of thilr elghtniu events nnd r m aylsworth nt the miirophone kept tin nudhiue posted on thi events and winners luho door prlzis wen won in lohn fftord nnd mrs stuart iintz limifdld not permit staging ntl thi itims pvinned for thi carnival tht broombnsl ft nture nnd the mosossln dunce hnd to in withdrawn owing to hn k of time fxiluslvely for the canadian champion nnd rue acton fnu pslss r wlilli most memlhrs romnlnel mum on thi suggestion thnt couneil- loi h fiiw be increased from 5 per day to jh ilnlton county council re fined it back to the flnnnce com- mlltit for consldi ration nt a poitpon- h nwellng heldnt the court ivoutu inst iriftny ti4p regular meeting was to havo been hi id on lucsdav but owing to n sitting of the supremo court it wns held over several days flowing a motion presented oy a e whltnker reive of oakvllle asking thnt the fees be lncraasod wnrden noxpmn craig suggested that j llhe limine of the county rest on tha a finnnee committee and any such in crease meet its approval before being brou befo the council ihe council endorsed a resolution from victoria county asking tha pro vincial government to pass legislat ion for destroying useless document a contained in county registry offices members felt thnt such a move would auditorf ee ih facreaed and iermihi4ion granted to fcrect aerial on county building kiwolutlon from wellington county filed other itenw at fridays seaalon of halton county council odd greatly to available filing spnc i for permnncnt documents irrlhe dif ferent offices throughout the prov ince clerk wjlllnm denns wns author ed to pnpnre a by law increasing the nuditors fee from 300 to 400 it vjas pointed out thnt the fee ha rimnlnd the same for 15 years appixnal wns given to n recom mendation of the rond commlttit ns thnt nil roads in front cf schools in thi county be sanded alex wilson bronte was appoint ed weed inspector for 1m7 nt- n snlnxy or fi per dny with n rider tint his exihhscs not to eve ed 100 whl h would include mtlenge for his car mi mhi rs gnvt approval to n ic- tuist by iheontnilo provincial police asking permission to instnll an ncrlil on top of the county buildings in the nt ni future n shortj wnve rndlo sysh m will he installed in all pro- vlm inl iollte offices in the province to facilitate law enforcement a contrnc t to paint certain rooms in the county buildings was awardad to j d fnrlow nt 9i nnd a grant of 100 wat made to the halton music v estiva association council agreed to file a resolution from wellington county who weo seeking to ask the department of highways to assume 75 per cent of thi cost of snow removal membeis f t h thnt when the department wee nlrendy paying 50 per cent town i miulpmcnt they should be sntlsoed accounts for the different oommlt es ap and passed included county buildings 7t7 47 prlntlnk 164 13 hospitalization 933 25 sthool health 10 i- duration 11000 00 c ounly roods 5 051 08 finance r3b0ttv the greenhiinter 1 wedding in toronto chapel tonkhts game lotj decide finals in intermediate series on tht fimi cuund of thi roup inttrnudlnt i lay offs orangtvllle has ihmlnnttd frerguin two straight gnmi s tht fust me hy nn k fi scon and tin siiond knnu lust tiirht in trrkus hy f 1 alton has won tht first kintetrom flora f 2 and plays the set ond jmi to night in flora a win would mean tlu group finals next weelc between orangiville and acton a lous will mean another game on saturday with flora place wilt depend on the goal scoring on satuidav february 15th in st michaels chujiel toionto the wed dlnu wns soh mnized of june eltxabalh betty hunter daughter of mr and mrs f rt d hunter of acton and eu- gi nt rein son of mrs s keith of i oi onto rt v fr 1 mccann offic iated i hi hridt won a blue suit with hint k at 1 1 sspi les und corsage of ros es hi r attendant miss gejaldine li rs wore a grey suit with bin k nirtssoilis and rorxbk f pink ross mr ajiwit gagnon was groomsman a widdlng reception was held aft r i hi t iremony nt tht eaton hotel ihe young couple will take up n i lint e in lorgitown coniinp events i umi n fvrnm unhrr r i m m charge lor i part job ihoto shows ihe seine of i uewlay accident i i alton when sis yearold tommy duby was inhtantly killed shown 1s the truck involved in tit vcujent whr it was stopped after the impact and provincial constahhr rnv mason points to th m at which the body va picked up after the impact i hi tntirsntion of wllhur and mills irf m just a few feet beyond f on man fmployee f oreman time fmployee wher hava you lin getting my hair cut on ths companys jt grew on the comp any s time duln t it foreman not all of it employ well i dldn l get all of it cut either si patrkks dance friday march hih lown hall acton bob martin and hit orchestra admission uv auspices scout and fuide mothers acton ieen agcri club first big nhjht friday february 38th at the y v c a liobbtk arut spadal inter est groups start 7 vi pm dancing starts 9 00 p m acton junior farmra hockey club are holding a prograwive euchrv in lomv school rrtday j marrji 7 lucky tloor prhw luoah 1 s42 uerved admission 3sc

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