Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 27, 1947, p. 3

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thursday february 2tth 104t thfe acton free press pac1e nthw of interest to women the bowl tfsr hello- harnorruiki ru whan a long afoumt commodity flndu uu way hack writhe btocm ahalvai it r- celveu fin imjhuulautlc woloorrio so it lu not uurprlulng that with the tarppaavan of rlr homomakani hm writing to um for way to una it soma find thtf price high nnd want to know wayu to uu k vvhudy othrmt have thrown away pn win ilee raclpnu today therefore we refteih your mamory with rhft roclpau for uoup main couma or dfiuaort hlea lu a atarchy fond whh lluhould btf cooked in plenty of hoi lltjuld quickly lo wide selection big stock hooks a uplomlld ranee of kll th moat recant banks office 81jpp1j1es pewi penolu memo piftu blank ilulod pnwu und many of the moat uud lupplls oxra on of tha flnoit showing t l btopuofnylwln woslern onlnilo youll t ulile choice from our bis itock stationikby and liinumornhle items gift cunin etc f yo find it at chappies bookstore 13fi wyadham 8l gurlph anflvh kknmkpy proprietor tirvnjl hw fdtirlrtf 0meky mfuu during cooking p inkle rlea lowly into rapidly boillntf water cook without a covai keeping tho food ronntntly hoi liny until rice lu uoft mhout 40 mlnu then drain and pom n tup of cold walei through the ilco in a ulevo and place in h pintlully fovorad iihii in n warm pint e lu fnio him vine art until rm ink li quint of brown or white htot k mm 2 limp lien nnk one tmlf hmu in o rum til i utotk oi wntor to co vi i it dilng lomnlndoi of utotk lo hlnumu ing point add nnu d 1 1 i and nlmmtr in i lom d mum pan oik half linui fuuiurd ki v 1 i iip i hi j tlmpt fat 1 tup hop ped on pin id dipm i mi lint wall t t lo j thupa juy powdf i thhpb null w up popptu wash tin rle woll place fnt and onion in n atewpon mnd took ilmii until tho onion ih yellow add the ilia nnd mtli tin whnh ever n hot elorni fin flw mlnutta imw the jmn of mm in at hiuuin with i hi tuiry pow- cfni imlt and pi pp i hiii unll and poui in tin hnllitik wait i t oi i the jutow- nntl hnll rn len mlnuli thon ciwik t i miu l foi 10 mlnuteu pthsmmt-yhh-lt-otptiphft4- kind of moat dluh that hns tbt rn if iai i il villv a tfain i uhv iuoun with aihkots i ml i it t in mill and put in u htil h ltd lint mold u hi n tool tiint into a f i ult dish look diittl npilivtih and 1 hit hakt s ni i thi top nf the chronicles oi ginger farm i9w wdtua hpmially tfc aotort kn iprafa fcy awendounk r oljwlit wi t hhiif 7kat strawberry profits with vigoro town simiin titi 1 1 maipdt r of tii ft nil i lilt ui it a fl in stivt anil puui in hi hullou nf llu loun if his tllsti i di in d hnl nt tin niol i n hit tfvttt ft it fw ttilihilt i ih foti ti lintnltii it u lili tin apili ids uu i mill i ins up il iii 1 mill hiilltil hi i 1 u1 j i sli i it nmj up jllll i tijih linlvlilk poudfi i i ujih fl mi 1 tip salt mk j iiim iioiiki thi i kf nn hid shot l iiiiil and milk sift haklnj ptnidii salt find flour tnciitiir und add ifiilu tn iniawd muffin panu in ihitlli mm 1h ctt us to li kis tin 10 mln kfamv iu f rinmin t thps rltt j hup huiror 1 qunrl milk j thp wilt j tup cinnamon or nutnit u wuah thl iill thorouchb nddjll nthpi lnrii dh nts and poui into a rinmd hnklnj dihh ilukt from lj to j hours in olottrh ovi n 2s0 dprj to km drc l htlrrintr miveral tlmea nt mlxtun should not tiolt i hln ih thi old fnahionrd mimy puddlnu uhlcti ha suth a dcllclouu flavoi in riiuw of thi lone low conk- ini om half tup of raisins muv ho nddnri if itulrtd si i m hot or rold takk a tip fxptricntc i proint iliaui p the prow trwh to ftcj iirawhtrnti vilh viporo commercial grower intnaud icld taru matufu full flavor and vxttrlleol shipping tpimuv are lew ol hc jdwntaj num urowen are attributing to igoro commcriial gjrower 1 heir are advntage thai jpcll 1x1 ra profit investigate i to makt hrolli d cutu tt uks juu can list pit hi t round ult ok or tender loin tut into individual tcuic pioc- ih lo tt nth rlt if pound cnt h ploce ultlru woodtn mullt t ol potato masht i pnhi at tin broiling tlrm rnt llnrp tpaknirllrtitlj gtrtahpd rm k of hinllltil pan two liu iips t kiw tin hot lummi hi own foi u niktin thtn urn and inoil on nth r si th sprlnkli w it h sail unit p pm r and ht r j mint saiidvt it in s an nttinctiv cut tanni d mint in thltk riuis hpn ari om sltlp w itii pi i pan d mus t nd in thill smut whip mnshotl po- tntths with milk utid put in tittwtin 11 ot nn nt hi ut in a tow r 1 tliss wl 1 a suiffli tan h iiui ip on top it tin stmt i ut stiuu s ihotoluti with 1 tup milk in top of 1 uhlt poili i t oi k mi i 1 i link watt i until t hot iai nn its nt until smthilh with itk h att i tultl i ui sukai dnsti f silt 1 is uillla nnd 1 un h utt n t kk ih a ijoriuisk tint niuiiji cmir and i ook i miuuti s wtthiut pitpn imoi fr m 1 t n i i it mi nt sit m ni pli 1 1 1 am i milk i ft i 1 uul s il 1 1 111 s lis stuitlditl i it tot 1 sitiall mm id on m in 1 u s di id jipph mix vsith ll 1 1 lit ssltlk just tit f hi i 1 v lllk spi mklt w it li i ipi ik i wort lu onrt for tlif rpioivi a faimpr nfiar horo hough i a ivw a l sho wan to ai tivp nt hor iipw hnnu thi npitt day that ik on a salindn ilowpvor hlotkid roailn and othor ikivpihp woathpr pontlltlonh di i rood olhiiului tlio tow au if ihurmlnpd lo rnakp tin iant of fam iliar mil roiindlnuh on sunday pi n ttinid n pnlf mothor and rhlld niun iiioiltl tlnp puoudav mnrailng tho 4iw andtalfuoip laududon a tmcklljtawhulahtaiipd pnclornpippnl and d llvi rt d at tluli m w f honu iviijthing u i m i to hi qulh not mal hut on wt dm uday mnrnlnu whtn thp fai mi r wint nut to ftu barn ho found noi oni alf hut tito not twhj t alt h hut two iilvpu wlthw thyit dajw in hitwiin and all nro ii portt d doluk ii and luu k tin tnntluhlon of liu othi r tit 1 1 sioihn hf hi glnnlnu of whhh i told viu iffiu wiikii ago shortly nftt i chiltnuin if ou ip mi mhrr 1 bpiii n good inrm coat awuv tp a fi it nd of mint in i ngland lu tnu i kni w it win ur tml- it and that hik hml no on panu with uhlili lo gpt one it wan i a tasp n krulnnil monp w nf loan lniorlancl ihtiai dnya than coup ons widl flu othir dfty i n rolvpd a h tti i of thanku and hidh vp nu that hllti uns all i uantid juttt to know tht out and a ft w nllur uni uhlth thnt i mit iilum wllli ii hal ituthitl ihtii dthtlnalloii nnd in nmitoneiri uttli rvnn unrmth and i miifut l to llu w i nn i in l his uorut of all w inti is mint is aditliil o murli to llu haidshlp of mil ftlt nrts in niltalu t hop i u w 111 not nilhiindi stand mi m divi in tilling ou nhoiit thlh i don i nsiiuh m rf tnv mi to ndvpilliii ihtfnm whin i kt sonn ihliil avtn tml in mils t a i 1 thought m tilling nn nilkjil gh othi i folk hlmllar id as if wt mild oiih it alki in di hpi nth mid of nut frlpnds in tin old country i am sun ut would nil try to do mon to jnp tin in it mnkrx pnilntrand i just iilmut hl k to think of conditions ovi r tht it amiiough ui rpnll7p that to ha gloomy wnnt help anybody it is a time foi in hon not brooding pity without rpllpf ih llkp mutnrd ullhnut hopf and now for the tnnduntnn of my his ond utory hi cjium of nome awful tea wp bought i wrote n utttr about il to the tra rompanyh had offlep iltrnprnber well that lcltpr wjs very eourtenuily received an i hoped it would ht ii agrwyl thnt the ten was dellnlltli off flavor nltlmujth tin tompan win at a iohi to know why stmkn of the titfwert- luting nulalltul frum um t4or where tupfr had bpi n purchauwl and to tompei- intt for our iora they iunl un two halfpound pat ki th of tea inside two nice little runlhters wp llkpd that cesture bernusp wp hadn t aukm for anthlm at all it looked nw if the a business of my own 1 liat u the thetnty of a lltlla hook ipi foi wturan wliltb hail jut htxtu jutuod by tho uhnk of montreal it hi mltd whavtt the ucor on thew votornm loan a and u alvout tha ntw votiiranu huulnnu and rofuu initnl iutnu act tn it tne liank nn- tfwpiw in tho utialghtforwird wonlu of one of ttutlr manngarti a utrlaa of uuokttniui put by a veteran who wanu to know tho star foi hlmualf nnd foi hiu filaiuu copum hw we un detsitatulvfrdfdy avallahlo at tho lmtl offlctt of th hank num htm tiaon a ctrtlnamouiu of doubt and mluapprtihenitlkn an to what tho valeranm lana act would nablo lianloi to do in tjio way of mnklng loans to voteianii who havo iitartod or who wluh to start a iuuiiipbh of their own an unfortunate ovlay in tho uupplylng of tho governments lpi illlfiil foi ma ampdetnlls of the reg ulntlonu did not help matters now the hank of monfranj had nought out thlt athnttlvp llttl volume width really ammna trut tluihllon put on iu tovpi ii dispell inn any idea that the hank lu low than enthuulatdlt alumt ndvatu log mntp y tindf the termk nf the act tttinnlng through ihv fori wind ami in aiihwtmh to dip vt it i nn h tpn htlonn if th w hit upload dphlie for a huslneiik if mj own hut tin hank dm u noi litsltntn to impri nh vitttatih with tin fait i hat 4hey must hnvp a noun 1 inihlnohh propohltlon with ihhi wo ui e p midis theli money i terana ait invmllng their ttnu effort nntl thitlr viny future in theuo new iiiih ininhthflnd the governmi nt and tin hanku would not l serving these ell lt m will if tlmy aohlsted in venturin whhh hml no lenuonalih chanro ot httt t ohm a long hut of hiifclnt sm ti nnd profrs nloiih lu whlrh the hank nfmonlrpiil dan lusifithhthtlhg veterans ev3r hiiiii tht fliht vttpiaiih pot bin k into civ pt in a vnrltnhh dlrjivtory of w hal mn iiinslkltitc n hokiiui mt t tls pinpohltlon for tht amhltioiih v inn wt ti ust the nraluilnn of niwhpapir pdlilluhhik dopft not iuimi au upi t hi hlgnlfhaiiii nnd an ton soled h i hi lmlilslin f printing i uslm h soon nftt i v 1 day thin hame hnnk hmugtit tint n wiluatli hnl hool foi mliranh tallid ittlng off on tin i htht foot llu m nut 1 jufit publish d mljlil widl hni hi en ealh d sinndlnu on our own utli nn i ate it tpilti llvt up to its i redecps sor and will we think makt worth whlh rtnrtlngfni thovi rnnn veter ans whosi and iii m is a 1 uslm ss c f m owti ivm t gui ui n hurt you nn right and tin n j 1 ad salada in iimrnt1 lawnmowers oil heaters if yon lire in neej of u niw lnwn mower place your order early while they inst wc have a limited niimher lo dinpost of owiiik l mul shortttri mowers nre likhiy to in in hhoft supply wt liuvi a siniill nnd a midiuui oil dialer in stink got in touch with us for 01111k delivery if liitvn med alto u hrondlr ollslovcs usl 111 nv d i irst hire llrnt siued these nn in vrfjt short supply so 111 1 1 lutrn llrocidiis mi please he udvisid aiurdliily milton district cooperative ihonk 12j milton soint nu 11 fmr ramimlhllily more than llu y fi ar hungt r ti majtl b kendricks mac111nk hairdressing i ok aiiointmi nts ihonr 274 acton machinkijws coi jl wave permanents priced to suit your iockcthook solutions rlnidod to suit your hair x1dutkoiih anihkxikiukntu hkiivick we invito your iotroruuje r a business of my own ahtoouctof tttttt sttukoi i1n htolllr a t k 1 f funin st 1 o s 1 mild lo i ih a ki t ass i f r a i ui in spi ak r u nls lu ip- 11 p iv n til mk kritt i in pin itt t ohm rs4ition s um sjm ak i t rs and somt peo it in ord narv tlilk ma tt 11 tin sunn storus to tin ir audiemc or limnur th man timts w hk h is not so good ih nnitdv foi that would s t n tn ih lo kt tp gtttinn somt nt w toitts nnd fithh aiis- art in inp lilnttd tvtiv d v in mwsiiitrs ami inakntrufi t- iuh tu ris of hit m t a i ht 1 urt iwim d f r a small sum j he mhikt 1 who tun iniriuluih hii re- minkm nn nii ropnnu bit of humor wins tin atttmiioii and hvmpathv of tiih ht at t rs mm tjt start i he uniutv lo it 1 1 o d st in htlps to makt a ihtsoii popular and pi o pie njov hiu h u pehion woch t 1 compnnv wah really anxious to please the bu lng public apropoh of thai i nntl tht other da that the nollt r s markt t is di llnlti iv ovir and it will hi n buveru marltt t from now on i hut stiunds llkt j lod news but i still think tt ih pi ndh on thi gem nil public as lonn ns wp fnll over nur- htuts tn ji i what wp want it gnrd it ss of pi it i and iialltv nn rt handist isn t likt l tt imitovi vr njui h i wish sonu ut would till rm whv ban anus art n it llkt thtv ustd if lie so oftt n tln luok himf ret n on tht oulsldt and it art sonn tlmps half i ritten in tin middh kip full mm on t hm inns st ni to im a hint f tin ast iln i ask hv i arrin rs of ouist an natui alls intt rt stt d in tin intt st jump in w i i at i n t s on tin surfatt it links rnttv k d in f i t pirtiitt list ii tnn in smsidi i it k what hi w uihl do with till llttl i it fttlll it tl it wt i i t i ft ui uul wl i i w ut r ht 1 uni f r fi ui ur i h di nl d m at would hi h lis nuniitakt to s 11 th win at and fi i 1 m r 1 imi mnsl and mind i nun to tht inns i am ifi ii i t dtdn t ki t as fit us t inkliikjh tiims tf what was lw st fur the tin maiktt intnust thit would he tht um hint wt hnvt w iuld just at out thjual n ki rm 1 f w 1 at in an ilivuttr llnwur nt t da wp nt pdt d koit hiving mash ind wliit do ou kn wi it i jumpi d tt n tints a hundnd si thtn ounn what v tu niakt tn tht mints ou i on tin rnun 1 iki ut an ini n ist m tin pi i i at wlnat naturalu pit ans tin imn ist in 1 ho tit of f 1 1 tl iik h ns ml thnt should nn in in in reaw in tht prut jf t kk ch hi i mt ss i i id ht tt dutk h fun oui t liv nadirs c om ift i im nutuit is w mil rul a million mrs iiko sht tlidn t know wi wire i tln t weir i ltihas 1 1 1 wik at t h wa sht bus plutt d our tan you can find the answer o hc one in this very booklet we have published it for f- veterans who liavc the urge to itart up xur tjicui tclvck uipy if your i for he aal trig at any liranch j of the bank nf muntrcil u hcli you call l r your tupt ol whata the score on theic vetcram ioan ha vc a v ltd with our nuiukir he lnow he detail of the new rtcrans luiuicn anl vi dcin iul uum act recently xaicj ly iarliaiurnt for uur benefit and he it inn i i r help k ihra i veteran v wh i wttn vtt t in 1 ui r fur thcniiclvc i inijrnctli irjrcv nr cf i or to g int i jitt cnhij w ith a tier f uur 1 1 vii mono f i r ju at the il remember when you i m jumdj jv pt donltaakafaiour bltl batk of jmontheat working uttt canadian tu wry uajt a uuc wry jicton branch v h clayton manager t another ihlx booklet for vetcraat off on th right foot la a booklet wc pubhihed ihortly after vj day to help rs eriteajn in thair rchab4 ution probiemi thtmaaodt of veterans hav been glad they rwad it if you woqid like a cupy a tic for ooe when you get vluii th sooreon thca veteran t taint

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