Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 27, 1947, p. 8

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v3n pace eight the acton freeress thuhsday febituaily 3tth 147 nollcaa o birth hurkio j r fowled in tbla columaj withoor m can additional for potr m l tkanlia- born symon mr and mra mnc syroon nee paulino bakor nro happy to announce tho nrrlvnl or barbara jean nt the matorojty homo gucsjph street acton on tuesday febru ary 25th 1947 bolh dolntf well med duby suddenly on the result of an accident on tuesday february 25 1947 thoma leslie tides son of ajlcc and xeillo duby in hi 7th year maferlfkd joeantayloil on friday febru ary 21st 1947 at the united church parsonage byrev a wal ter foabury ada inabel taylor to howard dean both of acton watson in lovlnj memory of a dear wife and mother mrs thornas watson who departed this life pb- ruary 28th 1945 loves choicest eltt is remembrance ever remembered by husband and iamlly htsieny th iftulng mnmnry nfm dear daughter- nd sister barbara guthrie cornell who died suddenly fbruary7th 1944 not till the loom is silent and the shuttles cease to fly shall cod unroll the canvas and explain the reason why the dark threads are as heedful in the weavers skillful hand as the threads of gold and silver in the pattern he has planned father mother and brother jlsx cwrajlaui- i want to thank all those who so kindly remembered me by sending cards fruit flowers and candy and for the kind enquiries also dr waller and the nurses of guelph canoral hospital during my illness mrs f crewcon mrs leonard liambert i -vate- laocharltonpastorotuiai church of christ dlnclples everton conducted funeral services tuesday afternoon for mrs ljonard lambert ti1l 4 ilockwood mrs lambert died saturday evening in the guelph gen eral hospital following a 10weevs ill ness born in enftland s4 years ago she cmc to canada in 1020 nnd resided for some time near islington before coming to kpckwood in 1940 she was a member of the church of christ disciples- formerly barbara frederick mrs lambert is survived by her husband three sons leonard jr of george town ceorgo of guelph and herbert at home two daughters mrs frank jefferson hilda of brampton and eva at home one brother geo of hamilton two sisters in eng1ahrrwnr- elghi grandchildren funeral services were conducted at three oclock at the johnstone and rtumley funeral home acton pall bearer were will black will rob ertson archie lasby nick ematiyk los hill and art death and flowor- bearers richard hill dan hlndley herman bessem amtken slubblng- ton interment was in roekwood cemetery cucasonc auction sale in the township of eramqsa of live rtock munjeftkntn iiav grain ietc the undersigned has received in structions from fbkd clow to sell by auction at his farm lot 18 5th line eramosa township sit uated on the county road 4 miles north of roekwpodqn tw1sdav march 4c 147 a goodye to fbruhry tomorrow o lie wpnrom fcrffusn th first pi nyoft gam bv 8 a fine new olectrlc slfin has been erected on mr earl coopers new store on mill street mont ofim willhcanklqua to- note the coming of march will it be lamblike orllonake acton scouts cubs and brownies tot tended service in the baptist church on sunday morning contributions to the chinese re lief fund in acton may bemade commencing at 1 oclock the follow ing horses black mare g y did 1400 lbs rood in all harness ibay mare 4 yrs old 1300 lbs good in all harnoss brown marc rising 3 yrs old aged marc r cows roan cow 5 yrs old due about time of sale red cow 7 yrs old due apr 5th red cow 5 yrs old frefihwithaltatixoot roan heuciv rhwithill yrs old due apr 10 red cow 7 yrs old due apr 10 roan cow 8 yrs old due may 1 roan cow 4 yrs old due june 15 holstcln cow 8 yrs old in full flow of milk bred sept 3 3habov kw- areallhandmilked young cattle 2 fat steers about 1100 lbs 3 fat heifers about 900 lbs fat steer about 800 lbs fnt heifer about 700 lbs fed calf about 500 lbs 2 red heifers ready to breed 5 steers and 4 heifers 1 yr old 3 young calves hereford bull rising 2 yrs old pics york sow due apr 1 york sow due apr 3 young york kxtenhivk auction sale fafcm vkscni htack fkactott kqljiimeant pkki etc under instruction from miriyrracftoion lot 10 and 11 con 1 nansngnweya 3 miles south of moffat 5 mltcu west of cfimpbllvlle on thursday matftcij lh at jo bm sharp- iv horses matr4ti team of dark knrty horses 4 yr old tjulet and well broken cows 1 hod heifer fgeslfwhbhut u fjfst and second time for tho purpose 2 weoks 1 hejfor imhlk lncd- prohlbitlngthr mumping r refuse through any- of the churches of the i d thrifhunks community help acton to do its about j25 lbt j thrifty chunks share toward saving lives nboul do lbs 8 thrifty chunks about bqlbo the presence ofmcmbersof the acton fire brigade ot the hockey games has helped at the arena to keep down the smoking nuisance and mny avoid an unnecessary fire the boys aria girls bond has been nn appreciated feature of the hockey games in acton this year acton is the only arena in the group illqv gives band selections with its games bud locnf fans and outside visitors appreciate it poultry and equipment 75 hybrid hens leghorn and rock laying well brooder house 10xl2 nearly new jnmesway brooder stove cool burner 1000 chick size feeders fattening crates etc hay and grain 18 tons of good mixed hay 1000 bus of heavy mixed grain 30 bus or fall whent 2tt bus of feed turnips 30 bags of 1 potatoes i harness brass mounted crotch breeching team harness set of bock i hand hifrncss set of single driving humes a col 2 llumg l blankets i implements mh 13run seed i drill mh- binder 7 ft cut cock- itojsidrnjind mis elinor grif- j ssztk dsseisl erk4mdvjw friends hny ljm mccormick deering isjrtf il4liv rnke n pood oniu-ml- cornitck lriwsr f ft cut mccormick cedarvafce heifer due time of sale brlndlo cow duo tlmq of sale 1 lied cow due mar 20 1 iloan helfetduc mar 20 1 hereford cow due apr 1 i jersey cow due apr 7 1 guernsey cow due apr 20 i black holfcr due in may the above are a rood dual- purpose herd fat cattle ifflrf young cat tle 13 choice fat cnttle 7001000 lbs 12 yr old heifer 71niit sprlna r i i i ii sheep 11 choicer dorset horn ewes with lamo pigs 8 fnt hoes about 200 lbs ii shoals about iso lbs 10 sttpmn nbout 100 lbs 8 plea g weeks old 1 yorkshire sow 1 boar harness 1 set breeching harn ess new 1- set back band hojmoss- odd co and other harness grkinani feetjs00 bus pure erfaan jdats cleaned for seed from 1st prize halton seed fair 1945 50 bags katadln pota from certlf- t53 seedrbft ershajte 12 mrsltot quantity corn on the cob tractor equipment model d case tractor on rubber nearly new fully equipped 1 int double disc 16plme 1 int3ccton spring tooth har4ws 13 furrow john deer plow in excellent condition 12 fur row case blow on rubber good as new 1 case 10 hammer milt new fltnisa l tooth culuvator new 1 mh- 7 ft cut binder in good condition 1 int g ft cut mower 1 mh hay rake 1 mh steel roller 1 manure spreader 1 mh spring tooth cultiv ator 1 mh 2row corn cultivator lmh13dlcseed drill 1 set sloop sleighs 2 sets diamond harrows 1 rubber tired wagon new 1 flat hay rack 1 preston fertilizer ror mh drill new 1 grass seeder for mh drill new mh spring tooth scuf- fler ncw 9 cream separat or corn marker stewart clipping machine 3 heads root pulper 1 twwyrrlps new 1 powerem cry potato shutc 2 good gas bar rels 300 feed bags 12 row turnip sower 1 farm wagon 1 electric drill and 1001 ot articles found on olloqulnpodfarmr e3ctra 1 w c woods milking mnehlne 2 units 1 yr old less mot or with 5 unit pump 55 ft ii pipe and fittings the farm also nt thesnmn time and placetliere will be offered the valuable fnrm of 150 ncres about 120 under cultivation balance bush and pasture modern all steel barn 5gxg with water bowls nnd litter carrier cement silo 12x30 new hen house and drive shed and other out buildings good fnrm house of 7 rooms with new roof this fnrm is in an exceptionally fine stnte of cul- tivntion and will stnnd tho closest of inspection ample water supply by 2 wells nnd spring creek nil newly hydro equipped if you nrc looking foragood formaeelhls one- terms dfrenlcstatemnde knownohdnyor snle terms on chntlels cash on dny of sale sale held rain or shine ns this will be one of the best nil nround offer ings of the season dont miss it and please attend enrly both stock nnd implements in excellent conditions lunch will be served nt modernte cost erin council to purchase a new caterpillar tractor by pamed to trohibit dump ing of refuse on road allowance r- the ertn townsidp council niol on fibrilnry at 10 oclock a byiitw was lntrodrced ajid read xit any description on tfib road allow ance within the towiwhlp nnd- also that punishment- will bo meted out for any infrlnremcnt of the bylaw in accordance with the law governing 4tio nnture of the offence bylaw to come into effect with the pnsilng thereof nnd to remnln in force until rescinded a bylaw providing expenditure on the township roads for- 1047 waa paused nnd numbered g amount 4000000 david douglas wns appointed as sessor nnd harvey dealing school attendance officer for the year the following resolutions wcre passed thehopllftlnceountfor indigent patients from the township ofefcin for 1946 be paid to the county of wellin half cost yc4337 1500 wns donated to tho hamilton branch of the salvation army the road superintendent was in structed- to advertise for renders for the supplying of gravel to the town ship for 1947 thecoliector was instructed to collect all tax arrears nnd return rolls by april 1 1047 that the coundl consider the pur chase of a new caterpillar tractor and equipment and authorize the road superintendent to advertise in the commercial news for same thatthff council subscribe for nine copies of the municipal world for the use of members of couftcitand offic ials accounts were passed and ordered paldforthefollowlngamounu gen eral accounts 8307 relief accounts 8285 rond necounts 43267 counciladjourned to meet athhia burg on monday march 3rd at 10 oclock am or at the call of the reeve i- mcmillan clerk a it linn auctioneer phone 485 gnlt tin shnt th in toronto ot mr burt inmeh acton visit ed the home qf mr smith griffin the monthly nueting of theced- arnle vv i vo held at the home of mrs w cunninuhnm on friday afternoon february 19th roll call wa answered by n homemade valen- j s tine after the business the follow ing program was given siripture by mrs cunningham paper the leg end of st valentine by eleanor griffin misses blanche mckinnon nnd doris fines who vere guests gave nn interesting demonstration on sain rit the year nround with veger tables nnd fruit a cent eon test wns given nnd miss mckinnon wns win ner- the hostess served a dainty lunch mid nn enjoyable hall hojr i wns sjmiit milton at n eongrogational meeting ihijj li ktu 1resbyteriun thurehon mon day evening february lotli a eml unanimously eotiiurtvd in l tlir ron- givgntion was evtfmided lo the ha e j phlnn of hamilton on thurstlny morning fehrunry o the milton fire brigiid was ealled to bells school nnd were no doubt tho means of saving hv school from total ions mr h a lever and treasurer a s sprout were present at milton coun cil meeottng to g over ihe auditor refvort or the year 1946 there wns a surplus last year jof 149gl on the years otwratioh mr ilever went over the general audit then he toitk the individual rtuirts ami explained them to council and anwerd quest ions a bylaw was introducrd h wlw well and higgins set ting the vau of jtaxes for the year 1947 at 4 mills leu 1 mill provincial sulwidy can- adlan champion j f ft dering nil steel 1- tooth cultivator stuffier nearly new low fnrm wo- kn flat hay hack bench sleighs wngon box 5shtion harrows dump hake turnip sower nlmost ntnv oliver 2furrow tractor plow boat pig crate walking plow potato plow true tor tongue for binder cowboy elect ric fence j iasoline barrels cutter hay fork 2ih ft of hay fork rope nearly new slings pulleys logging chain stewart hand power horm chpimts grain bags 3 selffeeders for pigs forks shovels mil pulp- er lvx ih sales wheelbarrow barrel hunches of steel shingles lmk it of snow ponce doublet ret whiffletrees nivkyokes mh film flow ovum sepurator 9tx lbs neaiiy rtv and mnn other art ides toonumerous to mention alitioneers ntyie if ou want good livestock jst impkmtnt do not fail to attend this sale the cattle are well bred and well fed the implements arc in real gktd shape please come earl terms cash no animal or article to b until settlel for no reset ve as ttie farm- is sold and the proprietor is giving up fa mi tug m a gibson auctioneer phone uelph 74 w auhm im clerk farnworth memorials monuments at cemetery aladaimta prlaaa lettering elerm kal at camatery guelph ont iiii milton9 welding elrrtrlc and actylan wauunt hvpalr wrldlns ot all typ portabl equipment phonb s4s st milton jw with heads we win et voir ireeastbk lptm and avoh the rush pol4 beaufy salon phone acton 343 for apfointmtt we sp4tetuliee in heaf and cold wflvp jermanent halton presbytery has many items att947 meeting the first regular mcetlnb for h17 of halton presbytery of the united church of canndn wns held recently in st pauls united church milton with rev a w fosbury in tin chnlr the members were favored espec ially in hearing n messare from dr r c chnlmers who is the associate cjrelaiofliiebqanljitvanjffl nndsocial service when he spoke on behalf of the crusade committee on the subject the evangelical use of the christian pulpit the speaker remlffltptr his hearers that the living word christ must be at the center of preaching if it is to be eynngellcnl and thnt preaching is the chief means by which christianity has spread there must be n note of urgency about preaching with its setting in the proclamation of the word it is pro- per n w to- emo w as to the intellect doctrinal preach ing has the most lasting results prenching must be related to people in this ngeand it needs to come from the heart strangely warmed rev b w hnll the new minister at trafalgar wns introduced and welcomed to the fellowship of the presbytery rev gordon porter as convenor of the crusade committee stressed the need nnd effectiveness of communic ant classes nnd visitation evangelism lis menns of winningpeople to- the kingdom emphasis wns placed on religion in the home by the convenor of the committee on chrlstlnn education rev r c todd the local churches cannot do their beat work without the aid and cooperation of the home three galloping stnndard training schools are being held within the presbytery at the pievent time and many tif our people are taking advan tage of the opportunity to prepare for leadership one school is travelling around the northern area of the presbytery one around the westen nnd one- around the southern areas the total gjvlngs of tho chnrges to tjie missionary and maintenance eund for hmo are almve the 104t givings by stsh rev is r hare on behalf of the committee on evangelism nnd social service presented resolutions which were adopted relating to the promot ion of more effective tern p ranee ed ucation in the sunday schools by the iuu of- films posters etc nnd th conservation of food- and grnut in j view of the world food shortag presbytery reconlwl its disapproval j of fretpuent drinking scenes in mov- ies the discrepancy in tuxes on her j anil stft drinks wherhiv beer drlnk- f are- taxed lesthan those who twe soft drinks rspjutlon- was passed ur ging wider education in relation o the control of and reducljon pf ven- i erxol diseases actori junior farmers invite you to a citizenship course sponsored by the halton junior farmers nt lome school acton startin tucs- day march 4th at 815 pm nnd continuing every tuesday night till apfit 1st a recreation leader fronvthc department of adult education will also be on hnnd scvervbody welcome get ready for spring suits coats dresses drapes slip covers bed spreads curtains rugs cushion covers sweat ers winpbreakers parkas for tho beat in thydeanlng photic mrs neat hairdresser weekly service thurflday to thuraday pirknp nnd hivry nnywrmnmntwn protecl yourself jgml accident happen without warning and they- may happen toanyone can you afford an accident which might- keep- you from work for two or utre months an accident policy will pay yo ho a doctor bills plus a regular weekly income while disabled in case of permanent disability income la guaranteed for life protect your earning power accidenlh are expensive insurance 1b not milton e downes dominon bank bldg guelph ont telephone 3007 9gietwest life assurance commnv ta e wmuu litt insurnncc annuities accident health insurance the principal men who stand out today are those who stand out fur principle cut your cleaning time in half with alew f home cleaning system the miraele way of cleaning ilouse buy nil vacuum cleaner untilyou see thene new eurekas with timehaving workwiving features that make all other cleanen obsolete theyre poatwar moalern mirarlea and what they mean is a new kind of freedom for you wait till you aee how- they clean rugh and carpets dust sweep control motha spray paint and even polish floors retter faster easier come in tolay for free demonstration and see whats happened to housedeaning manning electric phone 206j mu1 street atlm

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