Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 6, 1947, p. 2

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jage two r the acton free lkess i iii him ay maiu ii hill 1mt iilllirl lvrf m ir t v ut a lou onurlo aulkftru o 1 1 u i l j uk h rl iimiimi mai v ttllin i i mnil mill new ullr i till i utvni h i lrr lu riui i yar lit ftlvan h i ii lit ii whfji iltmiu i h advhttislni uaii s itl tfiiit 1 vu lmu l i ii atl i m i bi ulvcn will i r muii to v i u lvn uli u hi in tnhlium wtu i i i iini i y i iihi r i imrrumur ulllwm lltr u ivcrllait allh null vry t r ill h rror h if h i u oil ll mi itmixii tti u ll mi il s lliir i li i wrumll 11 inly lu rl i hi ivnuit il will iijli rrnr ii ui i llly hi wrlltau rlic r l llul llu my rr r i i i i nnl rrtl ly til lr il lullllly 11 il rmtkirluui ol lit riillrc i i i at i ivrriuinriu u ll spac iw ruru1 i ile n iwl rl r i fur i ll wliol iir mril la i y ucl alvrrllariuri i ablwr dills kdllor tki itphonkh- klllull iij i nil uillttca ecrfldrjaj mid summer m a result of a contract aijenet hy the hon 1 thlli hluckwtll representing tho provintiiil government nnd hy offlcfalk of canadian general fliclnc co i id rirst of itn kind in canada nnd one of tin i u i c s t mill mom modornon the continent the system will employ tho lulcnt electionic iliipimnl mul will eost almost hull n milium dollnih i hiotlli il e it 1 1 ii i eontiol stiilion inai allium nil i n miwnrk ol 10 in 40 incut stations oonimissionir vt it stimuli h nl tho 1iovliieiiil pullet will lii nlik 10 tlmel llie movciiieih of jim to km pnliei mdui liii tin helmut nil pill is of smith in ontiiri vi lililsoi in oltnvya nnd hh fni nnitli as i sound i hi npml mul ilcpi njiihillly ol tins tiintrol u ill mv a irw illfitiik to luw mfniu mint hy nvuil in il sllmuk thin nit now inst in lint lilt phone m whklt toniiiuinithtinii i lit ntw s ate in will hi litqiitne motlnltilinn i ml lllll it is pllllllli illo npellllt on tlllii lu tiiineits hilwttn is m nliiiev tits hit spttiul nlei it nl i m is mint il piovulfs i km nutl tli pi mliihli ip e tptimi thnl is nlnuist ttitilil fin nl stnlie mul in itlltttlhi wtlleh will help to instill thllt t llllllll 11 111 iiiinii mill ht iniiintuintil nl nil tunts iuh in the etllllt ot n sevtlt tleelllllll slonn i hi inininus use nf hie tlutt luiiit nuts will punnt moihuies lo how siniuliuneouitly btlwcuti hiikihii tulitnik htlwot niocuitutiontud httwtcii- mnbile units dunys in pnssinij important mtssnij s will he reduced rrcnlly in llns way provision will lie made in the future lor an incrcauinr use- of tie iici s which will niiloinntienlly reuvor rceord mis sbkcs and so riduee iho manpower required to oper ate the system tito need ik firat beginning march 1 the canadian ked crn society stated its lirst mnjor nalionnl appoul loi funds unee the tnd of the miir uith an ohieetive nl 5 xx xv tor i ii 17 this represents the misimum amount required to liunnce a peacetime projtnm in canada true to thcohteets r tlu kodcrohk churtvi in time ol pence or war to eniry on nnd assist in work for the improvement ol health the picvenlion of disense and the mitiation of sulfermk this peacetime plea lor funds represents to the people of can id a an opportunity to voite np preciation in terms ol dollnrs nnd cents foroutsianl inr service rendered our likhtnir men hv llie can mhitn red c during the war years now i he sooicty is turning to the needs ot pence and the nl leviation of humnn suffering in cnnadn surplus wartime funds under the xur thnrilies act e n marked for and being spentonwlr reliet cannot he used for this purpose d with the monc to hl raised in the next few weeks the red cruss plans to provide iird to vetei nns more outpost hospitals on the frontiers ol canada a free national blood transfusion ser vice crippled children s work n strong r junior red cross and extend such services as first aid home nursing suimminfip instruction nutrit ion ana facilities tor distaster relief in the spirit of winston churchill s unforgtjable words every man and every moman will have the chance to show the finest qualities of their rac- and render the highest service to their cause this paper wholeheartedly recommends full communitv support to the canadian red cross societ s plea for funds to undertake this important peacetime pro gram toreed labor some three months ago mr herbert morrison nssured the people of britain that the socialist gov eminent would not impose forced labor on the nat ion although no official reversal of policv has been announced the present industrinl crisis has rien nsi to so mnn rumors thnt the remarks of mr harold laski in a recent newspaper article are par ticularh interesting mr laski sns we need a planned distribution of mnnpow lo fit the kind ol society toward which itntllellne no 1 a resolntt campaign is being i ought lo scvei the links which hnd the united slates and rntain together the main inspirtis ol ilus campaign diteimiiu 1 at any cnt to split britain and amcjiea apart ni those who aie nlso ttying to fasten a mntennlrstic- ideology on ihewohd 7 his is not sui pi ismg fni tht iwo countries shine great spiiitual liaditions in both n duply rooted he lief ul human heednni spungs liom the same seed of moral conviction at the moment american british unity can be the stiongesi bulwark defending thtst moral and spiiitual values against the onsweeping tide of godless materialism if america and britain ateseparattn thenthewhtvleconeepttmrifc hrtttm licedom may vanish from this eaith but the real threat to democracy eomes from within not without i or democracy is not a mere system of votes economics or politics it is a way o life freedom is possible only when millions of pcopk think and live selllessly for their community rather thiln selfishly for themselves and nowadayiwclhl democratic peoples do not always live in the w iy which makes the birth or survival or freedom pos sihle fnemies of democracy pick upon these wcaknis es it was so with hiller he knew materialism was the maggot in the apple of freedom he used ex nmples of materialism in american and british lite in his attempts to discredit democracy to the world he struggled to separate america from britain recognizing how strong a bastion ol liberty that combination could be the urgent need is for the peoples of the demoe racies to accept and live their own inspired ideology they wjll not then need to fear the materialistic id eologies of race or class rule for the ideology nl notice dog tags ook lags foi tht yt at 1 1 1 1 v are now availahli nl tin llydio olllcc and dogs niny lliir inn he itigislciid hum this dam unwind llu iiiiiiiiiil pnynhlt in jhw loi u innln nnd jsim for a itinnlt a spuyttl tumui itgisliih ah a mult i hi iithiniiiiny ihtikup of all ilogh will he niide com ni il tin k n a pi ll i hi poll tax 1 mnyiilsn lu pin i or iii llydio ollim now ill any tun ht stun js jmui mul applit s in i vi i y mule pi isnii n 21 yiiim or vi mill mi ll ml yiaisol agi lb is mil iximpt f i on pi liiiiiing stiitin tihui c is not mhtiwisi assissed in llie municipality or uhn is asst si d and whusi liuis an it ss iii in hit poll ln lt i llns in i lilt d with tin ii ik n it i iiii s nig thnt fit has hi i n assisstd in pufoimid statuti labni m vnnl poll ink ilsiwlnu in iniiulu poll lax will be thttkihi upon ii mini in nig apnl 1st ill noii male p i suns whn ait mini nil an liulj lot pay men of poll ax nnless ihey aie llsesell loi the yeai iim7 as owuei in itirtittiii tin busimss tax in this or nny olhei niiin eipality within tin provinet of ontario i lit amotint ot the taxis the y pliy must he niort than the poll tax oi poll lav only shall lie paid 2 nil furtlitiejtejiipuun iimliikniuiiiupuulylui bun grunted foi hit eiiuent year to ex seiviee pirsoniul o llu 2nd real war k h iiarkol miinicipa1 okiichii j acton ont buhinebb directory huhiiai lr w a c kenn y ihyilrikl uul iiurkswl huiieiir to lr j a menlvxn oltl in hyiiiini lllitk mill htrmt at loll llll illull it itmbuho- i hlllrtjv hi riiiu- im lk i a fauimtt ifiytlnuui tuul muycvom kliliilu ilnul acton inrimlly lr ntilunivu ofli l nil i i i urn j ih ltnimiiiis dvl iikn1ai carrolls it belongs to nil cibssls nnd all ructs it belongs to till frtl people tlrwhtrc it nlont liin fcndkt- tht rulfs whilh to du uppt it to be widening betulln the nations it is ns univlrsil ns humun nnturtand it mtnns chnngt in nil hum in nature it is tht one iden btr enough to unite nil the peoples of the world we are rmmug it is loolish not to realize that in thib realm the dtis ot tht free nnd casual market for labor hint gont forever sport lovers m purtn ular will shuddei at his hint i statement it is fnntast le that entertainment and sport should bt nllowta to draw oft so nuim who louu otheiwise ht doing useful woi k although not n memhti ot the govtinnitnt m laski has bttn n booster of lutfor tor nuinv en and ht must ttrtainlv bt on lost terms with punv leaders mortivti smtt iiin urittnj is rtgaided as authoritative bv kutons his would be a logical pen to stll tht idtu ol uinunutt lab ir bttoit imposing tt lvtn it i l iskts at title is not iov t rnnttri mii spired it ollus an insight nti oiahst thinking i rtedom of tht imlividutl is ltituilv at an end i it is to bt jiaoontj b the tate into whattvtr jol is stletltd tt r him llu thtutit less uid ort ks sotittv pojostd bv tlu v tur uid tht n tc mlv i anti liiiii i lditokial nlills it wont require unv weather prophet to prtdt a vtr wtt spring a look at the snou bunks make that a tti taiutv tht first ftu davstf marth have k variti of weather similar to htbruaiv uid there s smut ar uiiient is to whtthtr it has bttn lamb likt c r li i like in fnet it s bttn like both i 1 tilst id nci in pnut thtrniiit nttxer cvti household is tht nu bttt pritt kut there n is bettint abuut thtm it s just p irt ot tht tllt t iituhti iius that sttms nttes arv t o throih and save cawad h 1 ohtatlo p4iaoes it lb as 139 ws abb diia1lb to diuv 10i or fotatou chicken hadd1e tt ji ioc javex javbs urruai to cutou a ajjb kurr trppliu availabui om f4q palmouvc seautt fcoar old mmin cleanser to habb iob obbam frosty mix x 19c olabbb mushroom t loc ayuuut vegetable diahovd bodbbd walnuts it lb u 9c 57c r ise whch aai1cb xtbml ro ifc tic cbsh ro in tf b b v t na at inc mmm imhis iv tot apeciali zlc rmtnrb nkctab wasio urmm ivadh a c k ib oatsixi noobum 14 our u111wh oari rioul la hffi m b1ck rioi e xsa uibo 0 o auce e ia doo oijiu ok meal m it t in v nsolition i iipatis ths tir u h iv t n i i th it jt i st it h is t lbhshtd u 1 t i v iite i 0 ir mkk tsscsvnittu x c h i e ii ii 11 r i hitttr th it ittjrd l idi vstem in tht itpmt tt tlu last mtttnil t hilt n countv c ountil i small nm itttitd uhih s t t thut cou nl 1 1 iivt pi rm s n to instil m m i i tht couutv luildiiil in v iiij h nut with a itiuet fruni tht ontauo lioviuiil h l hut wis bit part of a widt provintial mstuu a svstun ot two wav iadio cimnmunit ition t qnturio yovmuul pohtt will b m optrtnion iv i nte l i tht almost un m m m i th i wb h tve ih tn t j i r th it i li tt w tm i t m tli n to d iittt i h t v ik hr tlth lu 1 1 tits u li l in id i ins to km busv t kee i 1 hi d it t r s in t tht v uuign toj k tt tkink i t t it i tt i rtji w i kink d iv v in ii tht v drt im tb i c tht time when thev v 11 be able to jjt ip m lnnd nnd sittlt htuk in idlttits it isn t tun ti av to h iv t uothmt to do bran flakes quaker oats cabrou co free m k i in l i lttl i lirkt si 10- kill i mil i in die m nmsf oi f 221 s do kkllooo lo tko 15c 19c k ma out was beans ullrriu fibh cakes ti xt arlwks cmoick nut plums ti 7 jseilhjvb otmfw s ym v 9 d1ano ll a j huciianan llnill 1 hurbtui uleui iilllilnall illn u mlll mlrmi dili ifoura u am to 8 iu h itav uah ii i fcliioni hh ijh oeohdb a sinus iimvui hurgaau mill strett 1 01 in r irailariek aaiott oiiuu iluui0ooum to ftso ba- i lixpi ionic 19 hki1ai c i u atllliklani i1a atrron urrlaur mul huot naury pumu laauer of manlaua uabu lloulytrar of illrllm wftirrl cxatiu irfuva 1 ihmiiui iangdon aylswohth barruuric hallrjuh kta oki en a ion l inpi r liullillnu it matlnlyre aylnworlh da a ton olfliva ilbw ilionra ilmotuaca i1a uiruutdwn cruuory i htiatre ouud b i ioiiu hww i lvlk hobkin 1ihrml acrminuuiu sui i unborn o jknhinh ai iiaicd 1 103 mittropnlllun hldg u vlclurlu si iotsato ll j131 vkti kiunauv if younc v s b vsc vrtnrlnary hurgnaa odin urookvllle qnlarla il in- milton 140 r4 h c oakus v s b vsc vrttrrlaary hurgnaji gitlcr unil itimltlenn knox avrnu acton lhon 11 tleai khtatb willoughby farm agency ijirumt nnd oldnt agency in caba- llrad office kant uldg toru coorgatown rteprasantativa tom llawaan ihona oaorgataw u time tables oiiay coach linbb foacuks leave acton navitriit bavtnfi ny xfl 31 am b7 ifl o m iu us il 51 om 2 00 pm 4 16 pjtt i p m ofl p m btl 11 pjn wtuumd olotb urn yi143 mjn 3js ats n pm 733 pm b88 xyl il pm yl 1 ib p m i lo stratford u ra xondon h sundayi ami holiday only x oelly ekci pt sundayi and ul days y to kitrtiner aaian ntiomal hailwayr i- iistlv und ijjii y mf b in 9 4b a ra 0 4fl up sunrj i ml tljpm pally hitit f f rt t- wn io 11 j m stlounfl ui i rxrrpt monday 1 17 aj m ndi oi li 2fj am dally akttpt sumim vi am mfl pm t4 p in saturdn only ui pm ply at t untpnptcrrprs siw f j i m 65c 15c 19c 43c nicol bros i monuments and cemetery lettering k a h m j j th a i orb hn 1 fin i m r mil ihkm advertising- it always gets results w coijus ai lar a i tial ottire n piiosr ia acton i i u

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