Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 6, 1947, p. 8

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u page eight theactqnfree press thursday march 6u it hollo blrtll mrru dth r tomtcj u hl column without chant la wwmiiiii wnllrfl tt mm 44iuomi fo potry crd of ulaih hajuuit to ml- will mr llnirol i linnla main si on tueulay march 4th 1947 n hon mcdonairio mr and mr a chin mcdonnld unvhnilm- on mindn march ird 1di7 nl ii juelph non- mffl hospital n son mornnilvml mid ml krnt mr- i nviy nco ultm i arly nfnd nrn kipi t announce in hfrtn of llnr m wllllnm 1jm rt olcl jn tltium jlnipluil hotmwt mr and m k hoi ni ai fuilpu i ac ion w tfctr to an nounce tlrt- nirlmil or their so ond son robert anthnn on pohruni fth 1017 nt the- nmsink honu gvielph succl a brother for pol or hrurr lvirnnto 71 h it ntko rilank at ouclph fnnl hojlt- m on sunday march i 1w w frwl frank heaved son of edith anil joneph frnnk of u n no 2 rocltuooil in hln 2fltn ear miuer at hl lalo residence 1 nl x seventh une esqueilnn town- ship on sumlny march jnil 1917 john minor denrb l of ahble snvsyor in hl stuj year the funeral wan held on rueidnv aflemoon with intel men nt uood cemeler geometow n hughes in nnuaciuca township at tho horno of hla niece mrs ste phen coxe on wednesday march 5th 1947 vllunm b hukhes his 80th year restlno at mncnab funeral chapel for service frldaj march 71 ll nt 2 m interment evcrcrcon cemcterj illton juinmtlllm xi her resldtnco 111 pnrk st waterloo ont on inum- da march kth 1917 sarnh lane workmiln widow of the lute i ho workman in hi r rslh rni resttnc at iht srhreitci snndimk funeral ilomi kitihenei for sen hi on sntuiilnv at ito i m internum m fnlnten omrterv aeton on arrival nbout r orloik mrphfrsos at tin guelph goner nl ilopltnl on sundm manh jnd 1947 mrs flln mipherson widow of ihe 111 mnlcolm mophi rson and niolhor of mrs ji nnle mckiown arton and william mrb lonwll- llims in her bird uu the funeral will h lu id on fiicln afternoon with strvlre nl the tohn x1one nuniltv funlnil homo acton at two oilock inlii tnnnr ntbniln mills cemolorv in mkmor1am wright fraydon chester john 1- bxctrld wnl john bollboddy intcr- nitnt tnok pine in hlllcrt comtl- ry jorval surviving to mourn hlu lou nnd cherish the memory of a devoted fnlher ari one daughter iioim mi- 5 k ilrookoil of noiwooflit wnil one son i ruy wilson ashrovc nn i sw uriilidchlldtvn nlwo ono brother tohn wilson of ioifdn ontario mid thrie sisters ilnntmlt fmrs john bus- soil 1iironln i il7nlielli mrs itobt iiis mlunii nnd illllnn mrs rims 1 islioi l of unrielvijijf iiogii black it wiu a shock lo his friends to learn of the death of hush black well- known district fnrmei who pauiod away in peel moniorlal hospital driimptnn lust thuisdnj mr illaok had beeif taken to hospital only tho dn before nflir suffering n woik spell from which ho failed to rnll horn vont slif soars alio on tho fnfm on tho lib line scnuh block whore lie lind lived nil ills life ho wk a son of the late gooigo w illnck and lam t moore he n tiled horn nellvo fnimlmt after suffoilnt a stroki tlvo ears oko but continued to make ms homt on tho farm a memherpf mnnsowood prosb tor- ian cluneli hcnmnsfeifredhls rnoni- berahlp to knot prctliytoi lartchur li in 1917 when the mnnsowood churili wnslosed hd was oloctiid an oldoi in llfi nnd held hint office slllo then bolnc clerk of session for sev- oral voars as well as ropiesenlatlve nnlhlpaud ho told the student that ekleo- he also held one of the ihro there would bo n urcaly increased board of trustee offices in the cliur i insocllcldes throujtout ii survlvlne are his wife formerly rw o contiol insects that carry evn clnrrldko and one daunhter mrs diseases of man and animals to u ar campbell mar if bettor protection to crops nnd ncroaso plnlnfleart he also leaves a brother production to reduce or eliminate dr mnjlnck shortr hills n j 4 insvi poms fromlwollln nnd ajil- and twx slstera mrs william storey mnl quart rs and to piesent or re- annie of guelph and mrs g a dure ihe chances ot spreading pests henderson marlon of geor ilrcnift nnd other modern means theie are two rrnndchlldren he was trnnsiwrt predeceased by ono sister- mrs john i in klvinr details suriat progrtss in iiiseclicitle research dun is an i m ouruunk llvhl fi furlhi l iisenuh in the lhonilstty of lnuitlililt wild pi c it ntlni division of lnloinolok blunt i stivloe nonnilon dopnrlmont of vkikulluro in an nddresi klvon ocntl on chemisiry in inseetl- tides iulhemlstrv sunlertts at iht nathiliql ltesonrih council it wis yi ii nlcolson melvlna rev c c cochrane conducted the funernl service from tho mcdue funeral home on snturdav afternoon with interment follow inu in green wood cemcteiv georgetown pall bearers wore gilbert enallsh denn loll ilovrl nn j van fleet goo ivais i ho l i i 111 1 if of the ariou3 hemicalti dr iv inn rcvievod the uelopments in connection with in- sectitldfs lurink nrul since the war pointing out thnt insecticide chem istry had developed to some extent as n si lent e duiin tlw inst 100 ears nnd cspeninlly during the inst 50 intrensd population of h ol- pecinilzid menns of henderson nnd wllfrtmcijonntil w l frlendi from out of tovn attended 1nr the dt velopnient of tho funernl from guelph milton ncrlciiture nnd improved iirampton nnd roronto gooi irnnspoitntlon had require the tulop h turn of more tffectie materials nnd nn t hods foi di st ro mjr rnsect psts uinnivlieknonn in tli pnst ioh mil uhu i nsttliiide situntton hnd bten milki n lirllonc usultnt of nu or lev tstnhllslud prior to d iuct7navaf liutui map0 loving jnemoi of mv dear sistti hizel who pinufil nwnv mntth 3rd 1012 her mtmor l afc set to dn as in the hour slit passed ni 1 ottie 11bbons in rwmon f i tol n ibbons ktlud in anion on mnnh kth 1d45 not just tdn but eti d i in siltnttive itmlrntitr tr nmimbtrtvi b mr an 1 mis lot watt is and famil ibbons in proud and loving nn m oi v of m dial son w ho was kilhd marih mh vm in timanv nol new but in tin nonilng it nun h in tin bettt r land i 11 nnd tin nit lining of tin tuns and tit it inu unit v 11 uiid isia 1 1 i i t nu ml it 1 b m nn john i squtsing lovrnslup pa his homt ujt jk sivnth lim uirh sundn nioinlng tin itkult of a sii i din stizun s ituidav morning i lu dtmised had suffertd n tluki ihout si uirs ago nd i stioml one sonu time lattr whuli had lift him un abli to umk and nquml muili uik hv his devoted uifi tin formei abbu nwotnvhahitsziietn jilaiillstaiil nnipnnion for 17 nus tohn mill i wni a lupentr bv tiadi and mini homes in this distrii t aie u stimonv to his tine workmanship lit was a bnptrt ih m onu an iulu i membt r and attt ndant at his home church in torgitovvn until ill htnlth prevertttd him being tluie ills home situ ned hoith of n 7 hlghwa on thi stentti uine well known ns millers corner was a spot w hurt friends and nt ighbori win nlwnvs weliomi whete tht tt av i lit r pnusetl for informal ion or to met t frii nds the ihttoi m til that disti in hnvi known tin ir homt as huh polling subdivimon fti m m wm liahbroughi of the most wideh time when the shorlngt s of som ust d niatlrfls nt hied fm them wns niver greater not onlj to prot crops in order to i nsure adequate tood supplies hut also to piottrt the armed forces from d i sense turning jnsetts arsenk supplies were diverted to n con riiurnlloovt for- ankjfyas mr coo blerne lint tho mu- fordnio to fracture bin rljht wtiltle and is in the oncrnl honpltnl in fuetplv no dally paptrni vur- thhvt nd hi own tm pulny all mi mm if binding ihim in wr tut off hy tin hlw vfc 11 le l ti wok ifnuetl thin week fm theiinllon count sml vlr fuid hiuon sumwtlobe inlt at milton jn mnnih 1 tth and uth illiu ki d ronds hlndi n d mnn of ouit ont spmult nt rolling in their usual budeetof new i iteillt we mtul- d tin m and we know n nf rs will too lmlts h vvtather intprerto ngnln acton vt ill go to ornngcvtllu tontght with ornngevllle plnylng jn at ton on snturdny night in the third riime of ihe lwrt ihrtc of five serv fdward n bride u u i atton wns fined 10 nnd costs or two montlu when he appeared liofore mnglstrntt frederic wntt kc in guelph polite court on a drunk charge it was his setonil offense police testified five tonlt slants representing the high st hoots of onlcvlue acton an- t aster nnd dundna will compete in the uons internal lonnl public sneaking cantet for zone g at the onkvlllc high school nuthtorlum on tuesdiy evening- march 11th baroarn flem ing who won the local contest is the onkville competitor the winner of the competition will receive the chal lenge cup now held by atton and i t ish award modern trkd i hope thnt s a nice book for you to read dnrling said n conscientious motht r to her t ngrossed schoolgirl daughter oh its mommv said miss jjurtcen it fl a lovely hook but i itke don t think you would so mid nt the end how is it sad darling v ell she dies nnd he has to hm k to his wife its iht ihonts inttrftied striously with the shipnunt of pvrethrum from british fast africa nnd the invnsion of malnvn nnd the dutch east indies the in7 tn pff a jnrp p ilu initid staits sptnds mnn thin vvarpurposeaq oqci 000 doluusannujh f miqvv removal from btghwnvs of ihe soune ofrotenone becnusi of thnt there was n grent intunse in resenixh on insecticides hv i ntomologists themlsts nnd other scientific workers which had resulted r in the divtlopment of many new i ompoifnds some of w hlch in lm- poitant itspeits were better insecti- i idt s than thost pieviouslv available mieton welding kit ctrlc and acetylene waldlnj iv pair woldlnc of all types portable equipment cup and savp exhibitors of ladies wotrk georgetown fall fair september 12tli and 13th 19 it open to residents ot ilnlton countv and ldjtuninr ownships ool ah i hihits imisi lnwoik f okhigiirr linbitir will b allow id on entr only jn neh sictmn onhlsi of nuvnml up tttlati work made wltliln nsi of no tonipetitlort unites work is worthv prirs will be lhibits must hist two enrs in wit lu id ludgt s in tills dopnrtment nre authorized hv th sotuty to disenrd all soiled defnttd or old workj ptu lsth oojnd go its ixcept in kitchen work whorft it will he 1st fro tts nt iocih in classes where there nre 4 or more evhlhlts there will iwa ird prlie of 25 cts hoaid of tin- utiino room bofa cushion modern chestereld set crochet cnral table cover bridge set dmmi room luncheon set bxenktast cloth set of place mats lunners nnd i mats buffelstt embroidered 3 pieces ioil t rochet 31 15 tf 37 3h 39 fillow i nses i pair tnitlnl- itd pillow iitts 1 pair t rot het ed pillow cases l pan iut work pillow chii 1 pulrlanci low els guts sue i tliffct- housecoat cotton dres apron prncticnl apron fnncv love knit mitts fancy knit sockees knit sweater pullover swealer cardigan menn uear slitvettss pullover knit irdium knit mitls i jinir famy knit sinks l pair diamond knit 1 7 xnr irsrrrrrh rn tenit n t nt dt signs lovfl rfnefl emhroitlered- b isig 1 lovfl nn bed f nstmbli pillow lases t f ns mhlt pillow i ases to colored pit sst i srnrf prismi set t pieces kit11en kitehe curlainji rmde it i towels 3 fnncv pot holder pish cloth own mitts shut an i to match sheet and to match pvjamns m n s sport shirt hidkenn ukar knitted suit sweat i knit c oton dn ss pi im priss hnnrt mot kid pltrv suit mitts fnncv knit pvjanns or sh ers in vts ukar i push hand romp mrs lit kit bum t knit jacket bunnet booties booties mistfi lantol s tiinun shnll nmnn n tlnisli article jnmplt i hind bag new stle i- vehing purse afghan knitted or cioihet sppcimt n crosstltrh best i olh ctlon of fnncv irk u pleu s isptt ill d trot het t 1 c arnage cover t shiwl i nightgown riant 1 tte jjurts avliwflh i i quilt pieced ic quilt applique quill fnncv quilling n quilt pie ed mil applique is bt ilsprtvid i rochet t b dsprt id i nndlewli 0 comforter 1 cot quilt plnm y cot quilt fancy hinrth rug hooked heirth rug hojked braid rug t oil it ion r 1 block uhvrent designs t mi and mit i su puhv uul turn ii wish to hi ink tlutr innnv fn nu ielitive nnd neighbor toi thit kind i viueajtions o tvmptithv and lor thi ii be mllful 11 ii nl ffi rin t in lis thanking ri mr pujkei uordnux t mplovtfs niul i- mplow of wool ctmibing coiioiotion for thi i kind during iiuir nunt bt u inunt indlaru tulloe tfint when a man i smoking nnd the unoke mows in n streak to on xlde tt will rain within iwentvfour hour a rohln sitting in the vf rv top of a tree and singing li sign a rain northern light in urate that the weather will b dr ami cold i 1 1 si lint f r squ sing akruultural so lei hi was a nit nib r of st john s e dun h f fn gland of slew- art town hut of inti war had at tend d ahiiov i mud thunh mtie funrial s rvu ia w i hi hi m iiititnv 1eh lsth at p m from the mc lure v un ral h mu torgetown nd were tonduitid bv th hi v e f pugsiej if noiwood i nttetl church mn c lrtikbwoith of tihrge- town ivrfnvred a oi at the wrvlt- ihe floral titbuteand the large number of fiiindu and rttativcri pre- m nt imhitiitd ihe vktifm n whlih mr wilson wa h id pall hen ror vwi former n i miun frtm mon uoa m alexandi t pan e p head uhmlllhi oitomeiiusi 0 ml umarmm hiuajr ulklpii

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