Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 13, 1947, p. 6

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jack 8tx the acton pree press thoksday march uln 1mt you can rata the lrlc of liquor but the only squeal you hear la from a thirsty public which demand more gin and beer the eame way with tobacco they will tpay without a neon and amblce at leant an heavy av they did whon it wy cheap you can put a tax on movie they will ante up and go they will paya rlae with pleauure on the things they woar for how but raise the price of milk oh boy theyll fight i with all their breath they have a bfowlii youngaler who la bound to atarve to death the family allowance can never stand so knuch its nice to keep that windfall for nylon and mich they dont ak jof blfcior waeeu just to kpend it all on milk they will ahow thoaewleked rarmoni and their scheming thieving ilk thejrwnrrnarcrrwithhoutedbannela jchey will cable write or wire they win drag the local member by hla whlakera through the mire they dohfmlnd paying rises on their whutkey umokot and stllk but not the ullghteat fraction will they tolerate on milk k t recollections of acton the sunday sohool u jlesson iminoav majuht lath back in 1897 tkn trvmn thr nuiio oru ftpjt rv or muuoh nth i7 according to the last report of tho inspector of prisons the overnce coal pr prisoner to the county for food clothlnc etc wns 75c and the total expense per prisoner was 400 th average coat per day for each prison er wiui 752 cents while the avernge cost throughout the province was 2028 cents the skating rink business is over for the season the school report for llnlchouse has the following names mamie nick- oil alice lepoldevln olive marsh nil wary dccmejt carrie meredith lcnnle garvin charlie lane robert arch all willie mcdowell vernon swackhamer john hnlncr james mc dowell henry lepoldevln suslc- dwmort eva mredith hattle cow nn willie dohhle burville merrill harvey mcdowell earl marshall idn a ford teacher messrs john a henderson george hynds james mclam w l worden sr and john kinnalrd were at milton on monday as jurors greece vs turkey the war cloud jias been heavy the past week owing lo greeces nttitudc king george is defiant c f goodevc advertises prints fast colors 5c a yard musllni lntest designs 10c a yard ducks extra leavy 15c a yard acton union exhibition to be held october 4 and 5 the following were elected as officers and directors for 1897 president thos wilson vice- president t h harding sccretary- tro usurer geo hynds udttox jas matthews directors acton j h mat thews john williams robt agnew wm hemstreet adam cook wm kemtyrgeoravh the house of lords have refused to mpmr hill annfftrrlnj piu lnmentary franchise on women until thomoasuro has boon-docided- in- the ti house of commons born bek9ey in georgetown on wednes day march 3rd to mr and mrs john w beaaey a son married butleilhall at the residence of the brides father on wednesday 3rd march by rev geo lounds edward butler of erin to elizabeth daughter of joseph hall of grand valley back in 1927 from the ban of hie free press of thursday march 17th it1 new crop maple syrup was sold in walkerton but week mrs ethel flowers who came to acton from iroquois falls has pur chased the brick house and lotat the corner of elgin and agnes streets the united church choir concert in the town hall last wednesday even ing was a delightful event the choir of thlrty-uirp- voices sang six choruses there were a number of solos duetts by members of the choir and visitors misses bertie smith jean kennedy and ruth gibson each con tributed splendid numbers miss eoll of toronto university contributed el- ccuuonacy numbers h p moore jp who has been editor of the acton free press tor nearly fifty years has sold hla entire interest to mr dills five years ago mr dills became business manager in 1878 mr moore and nu brother purchased the paper from joseph h hacking and- a year later mr hp moot took over the sole control psllants maple leaf economy store la having a grand opening sale enfriday tills new store is on mill street opposite the windsor cafe sunday was the warmest march day in seven years the mercury reached 56 degrees above sero intimate- kkujlowsmi with christ golden text ye are my friend if- ye do the thinu which 1 command you jno lbljlij lesion text jnp h 1fi 131h is l time tuesday night april 4ad ao plncepjerusalem exposition i i will come again 13 the hlli chapter of john is the rlohest vein in the moat remarkable gold mine in the worlt the b1si5 tjie first clause of v 1 is the keynote to the chapter especially of vs 127 vst37 ahditajrv 1 begins let- not your heart be troubled and all in between might fitly be entitled thoughts for the comfort and en couragement of believers during the luscncc of their lord tho remain- lar of v 1 contains josus infallible prescription for heart trouble the one who truly believes in god and bellovcs in jesus christ will- never be troubled in heart llna 2g 3 wo can tnlce our cljolce between bellovlne henrtsjand tro hen faith comet in jinxlely rock our a numlwr of kjwcillc iomfortlnc thouehts follow the first is that henven tho fnthora house is n lnrce place with room cnouuh for us all ok well ns for jesus llic second ik thnt jesus is eomtnu hack personally- to lake uk ti that place the temp orary separation l to be fiucceetlcrtby elernnl reunion iv 1 uerloos not kcnd for us he comes himself any one who has learned lo interpret scripture by scripture can enslly sat isfy himself th ln coming here spoircn of is the personal coming i clirlkt- kijorjm eacrosvr whoat dour how rnnfcs high amonu he products exixirlod by canada t otlur countries itclng exceeded in value during the lst year only by nrwaprlnt jii and whoat- ii the way of the father 4g tlie third comforting thought is that they knew the place where he was going and how to get there v g is one of the mountain peaks of scripture it tells us the way to god josus himself ik the way there is no other wny it is open to all ch 10t 9 g 37 how jesus is the way the bible makes it very plain 1 eph 2 13 18 heh 1 13 he is not o the hut so he istruth incarnate other messengers of god tench the uulh jftsus is tho truth ix then we are toknow the truth we mustknow him col 2 3 jno 17 3 he is also the life he not meroly gives life hut is the life if you wish life you must take him as soon as you have taken jesus you have life 1 jno 5 11 12 dispersal sale andyawm kltttik v- yhv brnry will b nad by public auction at hti frtrij lot l cvw 1 kmmmn ltuatd orno ai hlihwy ml the four ctornftra fchout 4 mllr yevf gu1ph on haktrday march iwii oamwmclnffcit 2 oclock hh tau lows xi cows 16 heifers all dueinuld of 1 month 1 cows carrying their shdcalcdub in mhr 7 cws mllwttcau young and du next fall til hflrd bull norvl sylvius lad sarn brj hy w v latdlaw and sonnnrvfi ont 15 hlfr oalvws vaccinated thla is a hlghinwluelno herd of cows the blgroomy kind divmandd by export trade pure hred iilron have lmhn used for ueveral gen erations from hitch herds ns the oa c ontario itoformntory and other noted ilolsteln hreoden this herd has lmen tb tokted every yenr wltli no rcactlonr term cash jiogs 10 very choirs lvfteon typo york sown due irimnr hnd apr bollor hottle washer and small hot up filler tho mllklnjr machine lean easy milker will nlso lw sold all rows kuhjert o blood et the karm at the snmn tlmo the i format end rontnlnlnc 115 niro more or ipks will lw offered for snlo sub ject lo n rtwrvr bid a modern dwfillnc hoiiw- was- oreotwl in in1fl with nil the lirtest oqulpment and ronvrnlenres runnlnc water hath room hydro etc hnrd wood floors throuchout the harn 5fi by 80 with two ls was hullt in 1337 and is one of tho flnetwns of welllncrton county the farm is well fenced and in a vry hidtitateofuhlvatlon it-is- well wnatered by nn artesian well and spring creeks there is also a good wood lot with hardwood- and cedar this is no of the best equipped farms offered to the public for some time call and look it ovr also come and inspect these cows before the sale terms on farm made known at lime of sale or apply to the aowner fred lnnjjdon r ii 1 guelph sole under cover ill the works tluit i do shnll ho d also 1218 verso 12 contains another of the comforting thoughts they do not describe the experience of the aver age christian today but wc must not bring gods word down to the level of our experience we must bring our experience up to ahe level of gods word jesus metmt what he snld we nre now by our faith un ited to the risen and ascended christ the one who possesses all authority in heaven and on earth matt 28 18 and by reason of this unioniwe have power to do greater things than jesus did during the days of his kum- tltnmonrthose to- rh s first those words saw three thousand canroctod in n tlnglo- day tae 3r thnt was n far greater work than any hatjonus did on earthctherijb en lord was the real doer of il works in the domain of the spiritual are greater than works in the domain of the physical to raise one dead in trespasses and sins is greater than to raise one physically dead it is fop each of us to claim our measure of this power vs 13 and 14 tell us how these verses tell us of prayer of those who are united to jesus christ by o living faith v 12 that shows itself in nn evident love vs 117 and it is the prayer that is offered in the name of christ what is it to pray upon the ground of christs claims upon god knowing that we ourselves have no claim whatever upon god it is far more than to adtjto your petition all this i ask in jesus name we may say that and still not be praying in je sus name but in our ow nam thinking that we have some claims upon god jesus has given us a light to approach god on the grounds of his claims upon him and when we do it jesus himself will do what we ask of the father in his name iv frultbearlng j5 16 it would be difficult to find in the uuljword of god a passage that has more comfort and encouragement in it for those who are really in christ and also solemn warning for those who have a mere outward formal con nection- with christ and into whose live thnre is no real flow of the life of cnrlst showing itself in fruitage our life our power to bear fruit is from christ our training into highest frultfulness is from the father un ion with christ brings life and power to bear fruit glad submission to the fathers pruning and training brings larger measure of frultfulness hqw glad we ought to he that lt is the father who is the husbandman he will make no mistakes far he is per fect in wisdom and he is wonderfully tender and kind if any true disciple of jesus will meditate long and deep ly on his words my father is the husbandman he will find them fill ing his heart with regt and joy a church in brockvlllc ontario hindijey ant elliott w r anctlonrirt- nldtq nmll flnnnrlnlly in ifhfi ihltl it granted the minister and other phone erin or mulpn clkaring auction sale farm stock impiementk itirmthre etc the undersigned have reeelved in structions from a o freeman to sell- by public nuctjon at farm lot 0 con 2 nassncaweya mile n e of morfat station on friday march mth commcnclne at 100 o sharp the following horses 1 dark grey percheron filly rising 5 yrs 1 bay percheron filly rising 3 yrs 1 percheron mare 10 yrs old 1 percheron geld ing nged cows and young cattle 1 roan durham cow due time of sale 1 red durham cow due time of sale 4ninnlr innry qiiv riiif llrne nf myi 1 red durham cow due march 28 1 black holstetn holfer due march mf ulnck holilllh cow fresh 8- weeks 1 durhojn cow fresh 7 wee 2 red durham cows in full flow nol bred 1 kuun durhamcow jn full flow not bred 1 ronn durham cow milking 4 durham steers 2 yrs old 3 durham heifers 2 yrs old 2 durham and pouangushnlfprs 3 yrs old 6 durham steers 1 yr old 1 white durham heifer 1 yr old 1 holstein heifer 2 yrs old 5 durham last summer calves 1 white durham bum 2 yrs old good stock hull any one looking for good grass cattle would do well to attend this sale hogs sheep hay and potat- oes 1 york sow with 12 pigs 5 week old 5 york sows due in april 1 york hog 9 mas old 4 suffolk ewes heavy in lamb fcmall quantity or timothy hay 10 bags potatoes kataddlns farm implements mh bin der 6 ft deerlng mower 6 ft m h drum hny loader outthrow disc mh side delivery make re versible mh manure spreader farm wagon 2 mh cultivators walking plow 21 2ectlon drag cul tivator gravel box mh 13hoc grain drill flat hay rack mh 12hoe grain drill sloop sleighs 4- scctlonsved harrows 2 dump rakes low truck wagon fanning mill melottp cream svpararorttwy font stone boat new gas engine 5 hp- stewart hand clippers cutter small bench cream separator hal ters brooder stove coal 500 chick capacity rubber tired buggy single harness set of heavy breeching brass mounted harness in good shape odd collars hack band harn ess bridles etc single harness 4 high topped collars utile palls strainer palls forks hoes shovels bars chains etc household firrntture solid oak extension table lance daven port dresser odd tables 2 lawn mowers 1 childs crib wringer brats bd wash stand odd chairs daisy churn small sbte dishes etc butter bowl and ladle terms cash settlement with clerlt day of sale no reserve as the farm is for sale and the proprietor is giving up fartn- j ing natiagaweya womenf institute will serve refreshments hindley and elliott auctioneers phone erin or mlltnn 352 george currle clerk auction sales coming dmlr foluxl th dales nf thote uili in lv lil shortly lriu msnh mlh a 0 fkkk- man moffat clearing farm salt iviurttay marnk i bin kuril 1ano- ln hour corner- jcrwmosa pjntponad saletts rhnhv urad llnlsloln cows ktiil york sows mooday man i till antrtrt altn- huk oo the hamilton highway at aber- foylehclaarlngfarm sale tuesday murh lath j tiuatbon paisley black cualph just 1 mile north of kitchener highway lare rlearmg farmal a good- una of horus ahd implements this in o postponed sal halunlay man itad litel me uuiaiiun guelph twp clearing farm sale inndleyani elliott auctioneers phono erin or- milton milton niiifrty ruilrhun1red pnrrnts and fwervts jammed the high school aud itorium last friday night fnr tho nn- juyal junior grade program presented hy hie pupils nnd touchers for being the most effective and outstanding players for their cluhs in the game between onkyllle and mil ton inst frftayrierrvsulivnj ml- tmsheft- winger and blilgalbraltn oakvillck centre man were prowmtod with leather revcrulhle wlndhreakera by archie grant manager of crozlfrr mpnswear fctore which is operated by jack fraser the canadian cuih met nt the mil- ton inn ihsltliuffidnyovenlnirwhen rev gray eaklns rector or grace anglican church was guest spenkor mr ratlins who for a time was padre of the royal canadian nai- ment of canada outlined the plans which were made for the raid on di eppe canadian champion t njciwtc wools our v tit lota woltf11 of canadian grown hteei wool uradod in 20 regutirtd wool wtuttdioutfoat in 104ft was approvl- miimy hvaw iminl- iiiim u a ifwluellon of about 15s per cnt trevnx the utiinuia unified in ltma ti ciiuhdtitn woo hoard ltd tmt took over all ttwo wool in 11ua at ht prlrvs wr trade hs hon xjon dona ulnoa 1043 undtr wartime r4ilttloni tho hoard howevin cihwj huylntf njmthtlona on domlwtir list hufl- klvmcaok onion bulbs mitt okjrjhuvnt at the domin ion kxmnlmtmlftl statloh mordn man indleult hint continuously cool u tlicrcffti v and dry conditions ax the heul foiv nutoh hnllw uuht trwex- inu did not injur the bulb but inv rreatuwl thttlr punuvtiry iluit kept aliwlry bill allowod tobcom altr- natftly froaen apd thawed aovcral tlmef luoue down with rot quickly when hiought into room- tmpbmtur of 70 tlrfareen mnmrthnchiirhfi honus- es for the year and pny increases for 1d47 sir walter scotts hrother tom served ip cnntutn ns n paymaster with a british regiment died in this coun try and is buried in si matthews anglican church in quebec city v leave acton standard time totouonto al31 nm b74g ajn 91 g nrn hjil am 206 pjit xto klthnr only a rxopt kun 146 pm 626 pm 906 pm bll11 pm to london ifjik am 7m pj vllllam bsuspjit ism pm a923 pjm ysllpnt sllih pjt- j to hlrsafard aaky h iiun and llol only bus connections at toronto fob north hay montreal ottawa at london for detroit chicago uxs angeles fares are ixw round trip tax included 200 chlcakusisujol toronto- jmontrtal 175 detroit 51005 um- anifeleh sx925 niirth lioy sh63 tickctu and information at harold wiles phone 58 a to uti tba lii ol our c aibdni- bh ia actloo duriac iba war thrximmvl at rffflifw civilians as thair blood to tka had cmu bot ia peace too ci dia wkaa a blood traasuioa would sew tbess wbole blood and plauas are la abort suppl ia aork pangt of canada tbere are ao hdllrue at all for aa snermaer traailusioa ia order un the uea of rin asea woaiea aad caildiwa the red crou ia estab lishing a givllisa blood traatfutioa service bf a eratem of voluatstr blood doastioas the had croat will tupplr every hoipital ia caaada nanatlane ta be reeelved at the baiib of maatreau aad the beak of neva testis with whole blood aad plasau aar aatieat la need of a treat fa lip a will receive oas free of charea yomhalpltniiilidtosudbortthiiaadother vslnsble bed croee krvicea the mad cross aeedt azoaey roar autaey moaef to auiatsta ooipost haebiesle r ohelbcorraa the detormiuee of little criaexed children to basiatsia bad crosi lodiee where nen-of- kia of disabled vemrsaa asav visit their loved oaea to brief relief ia tlaie of d all these thlaai the bed crou does waaft voa help them beep ep the food wock canadian fi red cross

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