Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 20, 1947, p. 2

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pade two the acton pree press thursday mauc11 20th 1b4t ufa arimrjfare jlrrsh ufejihej rvry ttiuruy l acto qlmt aurul k tond tji trinil im cwhc lomrtthntt ottftws tidd m aw mhoum be given km el advertising bafes on pfllctun and utf ivm l vflou column livtdlngl although vry ptfciutloh will w tab to- fcvoiil mroc tba prc praii ccu dvr lining in it oftldntna i the iuulrttndlik that it will not u labl lor fcity rrtu- 1h aay rdvrtuntil published battvimd unlet trwl ol ui4h kdvorluvment u rwjuild id wrltltuf by tb kdvrtlar bnd return to thm frm bu4m tutfedulltrud bjnhdvrttr ind with ocl rir or mrrctluii plainly noted in writlug tltcroi hud l tkt ck if nay rror io notd li not correct d by tb fr lr ui uftbillty alia11 hot cd uich a proportlo bt ti entire cot ol inch idvertutneitt the mpc ooetlbud by th h0d rror hfan to tha whole must oeemplwiby flchd verti rrtvnr g ahlop dills editor tclephones- edltowavl arid ruilnti office ucajdetio izcd from transfer fees tsi fee is charged when n hotel holding an authority from the liquor ijccnsc board changes ownership and is levied on the basin of gallonagti handled by the authorityholder lsxmfc ommunfli responsibility public commendation of the canadian red cross societys campaign for funds now in progress has been made by many of qnnndas leading citizens in their statements they all emphasized the peacetime aims of the society and our individual responsibility to contribute to the limit of our means at li recent nnnual meeting of the hamilton ontario branch of the society the distinguished canadian soldier general h g d crcrar cm c b d s q interpreted our responsibility to the red crss 1v1 n new light that of commun lty effort wc hove definite need in this conntr said general cret7ir nrr icsb emotional oratory on freedom and n lot more consideration and develop ment of the essential requirements of a democracy the sense of general communal responsibility in the importnnt contribution to human welfare which is the best record of red cross we have a practical demonstration of the essentials required fo a democracy a real sencof communcl responsibility community effort on a national scale with eve- man and woman lending moral and financial support to insure the continuation of a necessar peacetime program is the true life blood of the cnnadian rd cross your support is needed now another viewpoint fr the past few months we have had a most interesting exchange of letters and papers with a member of the editorial staff of the acton england gazette weve enjoyed the exchange and particu larly a letter received this week from which we quote very mtiny thnnkt for the coplfn of your paper which 1 continue to receive ntvauinr infer valu i would like totuiy how much i onjoy your oflltoilnlh although x do not nlwnyu ngro with them although i nm not by nny moana fully behind this labour govornmont horo i do con- nultv thnt it has done much for the coup try tho fuel crisis it not tho fnult of flic political pnrty in power it could have occurredjukt as enaily with i the tories 01 my own tlibornlh the pnpcrtt i receive from toronto mnnttvat nnd new york nil htrike the uimo theme tlutt since the conl indumryhn hnnfttlonnii4h fhesewilkmnnnrrr menls have occurred nnd it in therefore the fault at ht kovfinment the thlnrn thnt the- govern ment can be blamed fox are the failure to jnke adequate steps emergency ntepi to kee hat coal wai transported to tho south when the firstslfmh of impending pouer cuts wero manlfestel nnl secondly in my opinion at nny rate its failure to inform tho people just how serious the situation help the reef cross salada tea xrnirntrhtrmjttot i cnnnoi aijrct with the cx- treme right ulng view that the labour party alone ir rt sponsible because it hai nnlionalised he industry nor can i identify myself with the ex iretnt left winj view that the government did not natlonallr efflclc ntiy enouch however i jueis that ou have your own very definite vlewh on the mnttei we here in acton have sctn m6w sis and seven inches deep and the good cit izens are comparing this to the blizzard of 94 when eipht inches fell i bet this brines n smile to your face what is youi average winter snow fall over theie we feel that our friend on the e newspaper will not mimtour quoting from his letter we have views on the labor government of england they may not be correct and wc arc therefore glad to pass on this viewpoint to our readers from n man who is closer to the situation than wc are whether it coincides with our viewpoint or not only by getting all viewpoints can readers form their own conclus ions and we re glad to pass this opinion along the trend for power we don t unnt the mounties to take ocr nil the police forces of canada as maor mcgrecr of van couer suggests declares the ottawa journal it thnt uas done there uould be created a huge n it tonal police rorut under the direct control of the dominion government like the ogpu or the ges tapo it uould he a most potent weapon in the ban ib ol the administration uhich happened to be in power on parliament hill it might be a definite st p along the rond to the police state discussing the snmc trend as seen in ontario wc might add that we drfn t approve of the province securing full control of all police rn the province and the move to have provincial police supplant the municipal police especially when municipalities must kv in their taxes lor maintaining a policing force under the jurisdiction of the province the trend to central control by anv government can re overdone and enn take nva manv of the host things in a democracy a complete optical service by april 3rd at a t browns next door to free press office act o n mill street 206vv r first thuhsdateach month hours ii g evcmngs bj appointment head office- 149 itnthurot su toronto repairs promptly mailed business directory medical dr w g c kenney kbysliatf umi 8ureb succethor to dr j a 14cnlvn order ih symoh clock mill stmt acton ofrlcw photo lftjtmldemm ctiarab fit pbom ih dr d a garrett frederick street acta formerly 13r neliona kffl office phone 238 knldertc 34s dental dr a j buchanan dontej burcem office lebhmul block mill street office hour 0 hm to 8 pm xhav gab telephone 148 dr george a s1rrs kmmal burgeea mill street comer f redorlck- actaev office hour 0 00 am to 5 jo pj telephone 10 kwjai c f leathekland b a acttjn barruter am bsllcitor noury ntuu issuer of marriage licenses registrar of births mttrrlafiea deaths office it ihoiuv resueaee 1u s guinmt nnd tor the war jil ideas is being waged tola more ficreclv than people realize materialistic groups ot the extreme right and cuicme lelt deliberate divide the nation it ou pieee together all the islo if uprest whether in the canadian and trade hultoklal notes lated incidents or briti p in ihe lacto the little green shamrock was much in cwdcncc on mond n ind with the advent of spring scheduled for tu niorrt w most folks hope it won t be long miil kreen fields ire tg un in cvuhmt on t r unions at the docks m the mining areas in transport and in housing iicv iorm i-definite- pattcrntfd s order one taction thei anti deinotrittc toices is to discredit national itadeis whom thc cannot tontiol ihev ti to s ht tlilin tiom their irienjs their fol low ers and the ii t um lit s hv i o get rid l t them and put in their pliets men who ire hostile i the christian basis 1 deiio itic jtte illt w he tl the suhv 1 1 sie eu lie nts uhlk l against mo ml uuleiship tluv tre deteiittd lluv cannot biowhieir i hi i tie nun w ho put then kountiv betou then tun mttrtsts he 1 me power afiihiti m and reputation in this liht the 1 1 is ui netd to tv agin ist am countrv am class am i ia we must be tor i erc it positive idea and we must unite ill the positive force- in the world to get the idea across there will t new hope foi a 1 1 ec deinoci an ideologv when we all light upon this battk lint tit t tuuld and back moral leadership which puts tlu whou of the nation be fore anv peisn tier ump mtt rt st j licrcite sound tuinilv hit as tlu batkhjm ot a dvnamu qinstian idtololv o erect a new industri il stnuturt whttt 1 thor and management work umtodlv with a new spirit tor the good of all t4 to mspi international unitv not on evpedicncv hut hv the pattern ot unitv we have at home and b the hat- frot fear free greed free spirit wc bring into th councils ot tlu nations i e tte rs i rom f ru nds ind re iders w ho ire spell 1 mil this inter in the sunnv south haven t sharpened our appreci ition ot tins can idi in winter and one milht he torljvcn tl i little env entered tlu thoiilhts is iht umds blow strong noith we t i u ii m u unlill dulv rtjtrts i i tlu khit t tlu tint irn lishittiit puhltition should htl itiliminut tlu iciisili us i i ht iii u ronjl ljuotnl itij trhip m ikt nilinhirn i littl nuir uuitious in rhtir uttti ma u hith h ic in ht hi to print niiu don t upi tist ul ii itr iinjtrsiind iht rt iso i in hthind thu u lutkt fins uho tinsidlt it n mi io tumim so intik hlj ulun k l l kami th it th din t knou an thin uhout iht unit whilt thtrt md thoost milii a bis auditntt htlirt uhith rt m ikt tion ot thtnithts langdon aylsworth barrlsten bolwlors tcie offices acton cooper building r maclnlyre aylsworth ba acton obloe hsw ihonee iuslileaee llsj georgetown gregory theatre bulldg phono usw lever hoskin chsurtered aocountsufts suicesors to jknkinh jl iiajtdv 1305 mctropolllan bidb 41 vicloiln st ioionto llg u1j1 fthtlnab uasasamro chekstles pbetzbl stix nl wansoown cakk rtoim nav quick quajtsb oat u m its hkinz 7 tavci an lfe bitmz hdita1d e uvan nawimi mtxm hot kidney beans titvs cocoa i f hat tichft cljukx utobtooh soup io aylitxa nura tew rm xie roft ovojzasv- lack rtom lb- ayu4e1 dkss bctts mt carrots roi he lc u5 e b h awes aluttl veottaile ffsfs fish cakes cleaner rto ioc soup union high ami mng higher the net revenue to the province from the sale of liquor for the fiscuil vear jum ending will yeach a record sjti 800 sir provincial treasurer leslie fro t revealed in his budget uddress he forecast it will be even higher during the coming i2 months ufuri it is expected to reach 27 1xx001 v this yeai s total is 2 800 e higher than the pre vious years figure or 24 000 000 and it is t hoo soo more than was estimated in addition to sales being up shoqsoo was feal- toronto teachers placed advertisements m th pipers st iting their case tor htghtr wages and thev puktd the galleries a- the board of fducntion dis cussed the matter hut the board was adamant and refused jo lrant sulurv rcquest totalling hhv km for the first time onrveord teachers are making l concerted eftorj to break the sulurv schedules uhich thev accepted iustseptember to run for a vear c hcsjcv fnterpnse svifts not en old cleanser 2 25c kleen 29t roi fimi ruauiusi ui uhi25 orange juice to 12 blended juice c llc jionelftcta ti i9 ousl boma coftee i he lit 39c snowflake ammonia 5c chan speed coat n sejt 6107 wheat obbm clecai brex 24c crapmurr juice xh ioc muffts i7c lorster r rineaptle u crapefkuiy r 37a slaltxs uliid m4labkh- ouvesirsriitrshc bbdcb s eucuajrosp batiom birdseeds 17c oaunuj pajrmt flour m he at0iz euobtaou lattl but row palmou c z oaju mc there- should be no difficultv for police and court officials in determining iubt hen a person is guiltv of being intoxicated while having care and contfol of an automobile the law is not vague it decrees thar the cur need not be in motion ifi the person in control when apprehended is drunk all that is nec esarv is to prove that thjr automobile is capable of betg driven thib clear interpretation should r move much of the uncertainty from these cases whicn are so important to public sjifeiv the mindsor stui ltm aix y at wax b i hung v b b sc rtrrinarj surnron office hioukv 1 1 io ontario i hone mill n 1 h r 4 i j oakeb b b be ftrrlnarj suraron offitt and ktsidiint knox avrnup at ton 1hont 138 uk a i instate i uillouguby i akm aghno i iirst nnd oltkt agency in canad i lit ad office kent lllclcr toronto gt j r 1 1 own i jiresentatlve rin ilruton ilionrt ijeorcetowb s3 2 time tables kvy coach links l a llls i lav t acixjn i a i iii1t swing timk tjitlmund t 11 a in h 11 n m 9 1g ajn 1 1 1 a in ob p m 4 46 psn 6 3s i flh p bll 11 pm westlkiund rk is m jlhl nm 2m bl j 1 l i if 7 11 pjn bs3o pjn 1 i in til k i in io slrnifunl i 1 i ml n i simliis ind lloliliis only lnl r j i sun invs anil uoll liis in kltrl intr t ll n tlftjiai uuiuays i l ii in mid i n t ii i in c n m fi 46 pun s ii li nl b 1 i m daily flyer at ii ictlo tn 10 11 m k i si hound ii i h i j i monitny 1 17 am vi niln o 1mk am dstly exceat nm 1 it li un is in saturtlio onlv 2 in pm flyer at u iph ttit saturday and sunday r j pm rhfbarb hothouse i lb bunrh c rrots ne califortiia urpe bunrhen oranges mel sir 2yz doz simmsh onions ijirge mild 15c rhcj 2 17c 35c j 2 lb 19c nicol bros monuments and cemetery lettering associated with a j corbett houtit forest onf knqintn vv coles at anri coal office piiove it acsmn

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