Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 20, 1947, p. 3

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jtitjhsday maitcti 20th 1947 0 the acton free press page thmpt limehouse intended for last wok the umelioim wi mot nl the home of mm a h johnson inst thursday afternoon the ttoll call was uiiworra by naming a stnln and telling how to remove it nd each was to hand in an apron to be lifted ns part if a bazaar currant events wero rend by mrt itouliby the motto too mahycookirhpol th broth wai takenniivmrw klrkpjt- r rick the program wasth charge of thcrhiiitnrknnomle eonvenorrtwra wright a donation of 5 wns voted towards festival work nteftdamett guby nnd klrknntrlclc wore named for thi committee in charge of- fall fair display and mwaurte wright and roughley wr appointed lobon school gardens com mittee an invitation to attend georgetown w i birthday was accepted iw6ellchrcs wore planned thi month to provide fundi for plirchnt- lng articled for the bazanr and for the fall fnlr dliptay of childrens clo- thing it was decided to donnto the display of ahleleii to the italton chil drens aid society the meeting op ened with there la no plnce like home and closed with the nntlonnl anthem tlie hostess wrved refresh ments nt the clow congratulations to our local music timyher miss marlon hepburnnnd her pupils who were nil successful in plnno conservatory examinations held in guelph four out of ilk obtained honor standing we nlto congratulate our l tcn- cher n ss no 9 in her hlrh stand ing in history of music grade t she obtained first class honors and lbn papllof mlhrlynifcr stewnrt we wish mr thoa konnedy satis factory progress following ills opera tion in totonto general hospital congratulations to mr nnd mrs a macdonntd on the recent arrival of a son in guelph general hospital mrs spltzer returned from a trip to vancouver saturday mr thos packar mr and mrs ted morrow nnd elaine of toronto and mr and mrs bob lane nndchtu ren of georgetown wore sunday visi tors with mrs r lane mrs r lane spent monday in tor onto mrs mitchell nnd mrs e snnfod attended the annual glee club con- oert nt tnmntn nnimnl schoulwhere ague recollections pf a back in 1897 frafti th imuc of tts frmi trm of thuradmy maffh lntk k91 the government liajt iwen advised that her majesty s government has selected tuesday june 22nd ns the day on widely to liold the official cel ebration of the diamond jubilee tlie nuptmt bonds by which a hap py couple were united were securely tied by itov ii a mncphcraon inst wednesdny when miss bertha ryder daughter of the late james ryder and mr andrewynnce of chelten ham w rejoined in wedlock thi bride was attended ly miss alice chlshulm wnd her brother mr frd ryder acted n i groomsman tlie bri and groom leave tills week for the northwest the ixodus to the tvorthwest from this district continues last week loguooftek ani alr hea oeht3vk the r a f u likely to make full use of hellcopiers in future air mm rescue 0m ration the helicopter ixrlng bulk will incorporate a number of the fenttlmj which raf research has shown to be necessary it is rec ommended that accommodation should be provided for two passenger as for n pilot and an observer that it should he equipped with a jljhd ly ing panel and adequate radio equip ment including auk to navigation a radius or actlonof 150 mile pt a spe ed of nt leaat 115 m ph it considered necetwary and for the actunl rescue operation the aircraft should carry hoisting near capable of jlftlng from tlve water at least tvo survivors br flying kit clearing auction sale pnrmimplmttenu isowae hay grain t and furniture the undersigned have received ini fitructlons from john cattr to sell by public auction nt his farm iot 10 con 2 trafalgar township miss doris mitchell lb n student mrs orr spent part of the week end with the nobles appij jviw hymip in the fruit products lnborntor at the dominion rxperimentnl station nt kentvltle ns n method has bun devised bv whkh nn eellble syrup can be prepared from appk juice tlie syrup wns us d tonimcrclnllj as n sweetening ai nl foi soft drinks tht process is undi rolng trinl on a com mercinl scalt wide selection big stock hooks a splendid range of all the most recent books ofrice supplies pens pencils memo pads blnnk ruled forms and many nf the mnitmfft auppllm wallpaper q th finest showlngo- and largest stock of any store in w stern ontario youll fel vv ule choice from our big stock stationery and tnnfiftiernblc itcnuu gift curds etc youll find it at chapplesbookstore its wyndbjun hl goelpti angiir kennedy proprietor messrs philip knlcy james mcdoifu file south of m all dnnald nnd alexander mccrer ratimnay march 22ml i alt xandir nnd wnldk ir i f t on ommi nclnp ntltpo clock sharp i m sday mr j p worden ii ft for portage ljaprnirl tlier nn others to follow i the bonrd of trustei s of acton i public school met on monday even ing nt the hom of the secretory mr h p moore i he property committee n ported hnvlng attended to the stay ing of tht floon with iron suppors tin rrmmlttee wns instructed to have necessary refmlra effected tin following horses x percheron mnre d vrt old 1- plrchornn itam jiged i xtrti pood workers i arm implfmt2nts m h grain rind r fi ft in excellent condition de ring mnwt r r ft deerlnp mow- i r g f t jm h dump rnke dcerlng side delivery rnke cnrkshutt gndn drill ltwjist m i disc irplntc noav wnlklnr plow m h disc plow new steel i nnd roller 17 tooth save the exterior walls of the old building which is at present not in use also to have the floor in the basement of new building recem ented nonv macmillan in esqueslng on thurs day 11th march to mr and mrs j a macmlllan a son married vancfrydfr at the residence of 1 the brides mother on wednesdny 1 mnrch 10th by rev h a marpher- son andrew vnnceqf cheltenham to berthn daughter mmrs jnmes ryder of acton twenty years ago i mm the- usur of the iviw pwnw of thursday march mut 1027 of ltverharrows ttootpuipertsr nnn neitherf these conditions rt v i a m belt of st georpe i church guelph conducted the sen ices of st albans chunk on sunday evening mr alht rt 1 it t it wo d of drnvton tins bought tin furm known as the cirnm hnn farm nem knnti hhull nnd has mow d and settled theri thi competition etrrjsyl on b tin attondnh tirpo torsbe past t months lost 1 on trklnv venlng nn i uu troup of which mi i sit wart is the cnptnln won after the romphtlon of the dthtalj urvt of puhlli school thiklren the pupils pul on n pln tlie bad bnb molni in tin town hnll it drew a capncltj houst and was en jovi d b all mr u r lnshhnx k of tlorn ha- k n id tin store and dw tllng now oi of seod harrows windmill pump deep well pump binder fore car- rlnse windmill head brantford oil drums number of wagon wheels buggy set of double harn ess odd col i am set or good single hnrness forks hoes chnlns etc hay and grain 15 ton tim othy hay 300 bus ajax oats furniture electric washing machine electric iron electric toaster shdebonrd mason and rlsch piano in excellent condition pine cupboard extension- table nnd a chairs to match 2 iron beds springs and mattresses old fashioned bed and springs couch wicker chnlr 8 day black marhle mantel clock kitchen clock dresser 2 washstands cook stove quebec lrnler j oil inmps flectrle i ght r ixtures for dining room and kltch- f n hall ijimp inwn mower and othei smnll household ef ft cts terms cnsb slttlcment with ck rk da of sale no reservi as the proprietor has sold his farm nnd dair herd hindlfy and i i liott auctioneers rin 2 phone trln or milton i faring auction sale oi iarm imtlemests miiui- ino eqiiitment iiiac khmitii wjiiipmevt toous iiav grain avd ilirntttlke nipii ft h will mow oni fnrnit unci mik i mi i iialbnt hnrckvtti ih i upli l b ml tlllllkl tl tl till vvoralli ill chronicles oi ginger farm z iwffii- z written hpoouuy for timi a4u krtmt hiw by owenpouink v 1akkic owenim mew last wednevlny bob nn1 i drove to mnlton airport nnd we were just in time to see tht buck of barbara ann scott s fur conl disappear through he doorway of a waiting trans canada plane en route to ot tawa it was a very nice coat what n difference a few minutes con make just fwc minutest more nnel we woultf have hnd plenty of op portunity of seeing barhnrn ann ns 11m r wirt vry few people nltkv airport there wnk of course an of ficial sendoff committee but we were not particularly interested in it so lniu not inquire ns to who the gentlemen mlnht be we did so want to ree barbara ann i think her greatest charm lies in her naturalness and i wnnted to s i if she were renll ns unnffttted ns sly appears in pn ss photographs and rf ports so of course we wen disap pointed hul iljuslcouldn i behtlped wi k ft horn in lots of time that is foi normal driving conditions i he trouble wax we dldn t rtnluc how far fiom normnl ilrivlnj eonditions would ik ri ally the roads wcr- ti rrihle in places the snowbnnks were so hljh it wns more like driving through n tunnel then there were rkat- good tirrn boy scouts of london ont as a community good turn recently made plastic windshield ucinptrs anil pre- xtnted thlm to ilellvery men grocers and milkmen who must drive in all kinds of weather 1 t patterson ro hfxvolajut rf by rjtafniitaaloi- orthopilst 10s 1vvndiiam rt qvklbft completely equipped offlcea biow mahef sho storv kk issblfflwi w nmod uted tht n the rond wns so full of pot holes it would have made our bones rattle had they not been so well cov creel hnd we driven fait enough to reach mnlton on time i nm sure the old model a would have disintegrated on the way and we couldn t take a chance on thnt not even to see the worlds chnmplon sknter not these days we couldnt however it was a lovely day and weyhnd a nice drive home ns this jhrie wc stuck to the highway on the theory thnt in this case the longest wn r6urul would be the shortest wn home you see on the way over we had driven across country may jbt excus iljmv and how all tht sldi ronds we pnssi el were open but the plows must sun ly havi hnd snmi awful shoving to do n plnres our own lane is still hlot k- td up ni ar tin house it wouldn1 bt on that the snow piled up until it was liljh r than the snow fenc of eoursi it tolild hi duj out hut iartnii has n thiory thnt the smw m ts nwn quicktr whin it thaws in tht drifts have been left nl nt ho v ovir soon there won t im nn snow to worrj nhom spring is coming the trows wen out in tlrovts todiy nnd tht little grej birds tin singing bj tht way we nre renlh disco- ering the benefit of ualnj snow fenro it not onl keeps tht snov back but 11 also prmnts flooding in n thaw the wnti r stays he hind tht snow bank and gits away underneath without an bothi r ou know i ran hnrdh htlievt that spiing is almost upon us i hi winter has seemed unhelitnbl sin rt 1 w is i telling pnrtntr tht olht i da that i i i 1 ii mir j lit in hisnd r in t 1 im b him 1 lh m it ti w intt or th i l tl 70 e mol i- l oil i 1 u s ui 1 i m ir i an nnd r irln tin untk rsignttl have rereived in struttlons from i u thomson io sill b pulilk auction nt his farm ini gn i rw p or rrnfal- gnr i mih smith or omngh ston on ufinksda march 20th 1047 at 110 oc link the following implrmtn is mass hm i is w ujon m w last t at mi i section hairows with dinwbui new ntvr itjiki m n mhir j wnjkjni plow lurnlp drill se t t l r n w rnrrkyokr like nrw gvclon istedtr r ton stink seal v i ft silo j in no 1 pine painted who owns tlir typical mvnnr i a wnnurt klw livo in canada ami alio owns aliklitlyjnorjs than tm ftharm inlhn ihuineaa at thn eml of 1916 them wern 2jut0 ownmi rfwml total ninety fiv otit of evnry imntlriml live in canada tlwy enme from all walk of hf front evwry province and own more tlian thrr quarter of all the aliarm of tock today aflnr aixtyarven ynara of ahrvirv mnoi of the rnll tflrplionn company of canada i ownivl by canadian than at any timr in it huttory the iell telephone company of canada owimi ay c ow aparatot by commasm ta real estate insurance j in i nil tllll rtl uilmsliv mm 1 ti fl mnmr tlnv 11 t 112 i tinlon r i lis w liking plow nt ilaix- ear would n alk t njo thu winter if wtn not foi t lit weather if onl then wtn a few moi t hours in eat h da i would be still hitter satisfied oh dear the rzitlhtis jusl ti illng usfy about tht drejidful floods rajinj in g amli we kn w ho wi ii w hat those flood can tlo and the rapuhtj with wlnih housing the housing que stlon remains acute the same ns elsewhere vacant possessions arc few nnd far between in spite of the difficul ties of supply it has been our privilege to help people to secure ac commodations both through the war industrial perrod and since tha st r ice men returned no charge has been made to either owner ir ten apt for this service other than properties that we managed often it looked as if we hnd reached the saturation point but there la- al ways something turning up through removals and other cauua we are olwns anxious to help people whose work bring themijl the community and ot lers tbat have no accommodation whntcverjvfour ad vice is to all that are accommodated to stay put and put up with what ou have even though conv ink nets are scant and crowded the rental controls whkh ni vi r created n new dwelling protects you nnri nniy nnu hulldlnps u pventmlllv cnthc sltunllon we have n few dwellings for sale some owner tenanted others wel ten tha cou be bought for future nculs wchavesome ii gooovfai mtfor wltrnolwimiaujdproimirtitiihantiiouc in d k ph m rfn- mink h hnsplkii uioij crin pkoditcts tht nutritional iliit- tnntalneei in while m uu nn lis anel whole w hint lu id in vital to hialth it is tm phasiid h miss m irtnru f smith dir t tii of tin health i e aput of t in td i nutriti n di isum hits uli lt win u pr ducts in is mi un itl rtl iiuantitus of n ij pr du mj si ir lies m ut of the iiiifortint r it mutts sonn nttes t sap mlneials and a fiir amount of prott in tn supplement tint obtained fr m mini il pr ducts miss smith i mt out th it must if the minerals and vitamins u pus t nt in th bran i iv i mil m mi of tht gi mi 1 e im 1 she sivs that m th mining nt lniinirv nn tn end joint li n tli and rotl made hnrness double brass mount mgs new condition j long straw col lais blacksmith s blower tin pdet al anvil sprivn nnd fire e- tinkuishe i rt ladder em b u id as 0 ft evstt nslnn long handled l re e prune i t slush srrnpers like in w imnjlkis r ft 1 ondon ct mi nt mixer with liis engine on 1 hanl tubbtr tins hkt new stte 1 cement u he t ibain w duro fit trli pumi with tank nt w n vti usi d 2 5f t w ittrint host ijiwn mowt r i iium tarpaulins h st n w tatks efir f u litil up buildings like n w iimntlt angle iron wlndm ii tuimei tvuantitv u in cement i il s t ft long m ci 10 rthis a tight i k inui hi mui jo r d rolls 00 ft sttl 1 om with lugs new t roll bnrb- rrr ke j stai le s u in smith i inrj i knrt i post holt liklii mt i p t driver quintltv i i tl ir psts tiumtitv vmhor t e da i lists 1 i it e v ind th she of roll tl n ktl vht it brtatl al bnw n rt win 1 1 rloui limt nl ind whit ts r al the brtn i t mi in n move tl dvis us if mb nil quantities evit m il rolle el and w tn it wh nt g mi shnei u i kr iham a id w holt v he it il o rv nnd imrl v bread in 1 kntm for upnihts full iln rise 1 nmemhei whin i was mpkle st t haiulj about ten viirs old guim to sei the i floods ahoui tw mile s from home w hilt i kaeti m fast ination at the sweilltn waters of tht siemr rivtt flo dnil tlie 1 ih king houst s op its banks tht stints behind me sudden iv win fl oded t o and i hid to w nt until a ttmptni bridge was erettt 1 in f r i mid jt home i p t th it was quilt tn like nuin in thost d ivs mi in w i fit n think tf those him s and the pt l iiviiil m hum lui aft i vt u the stour would ov- i i flow ii l inks nnd t ndnnjt r th lift and topertv if lh ist who liv d n ir it 1 ht p ni it kn w it i ut vt t a o a a th waters had sub ldt d th v win i at kin thiirhinu aja n u h it m ikt s p ij i j t ti at w i is it indiflt ie nt r love of liking i i nnr m imi w all h ie a h t of hi amhlitil s irit in mt i i ind one m mi i w t tikin insurance 1 vowls thetltne to review jour lnsutanct needs while values have gone up fiic insurance raters on properties are down and neaw benefits nddtd sucli as miscellaneous coverages in fait thfe whole insurance business like otht r busine sses is being brought scientifically up to date to inform with piestnt nt tfjs i make n special study of our busmi ss and alwas pleastd to give help and advice when osk- eel ocen tickets while wt have im t n sun vsful in obtaining cxt lit nt accommod- nliinsfot out i lie nts sti fat in the t lasse s nnd t line s dt s ri d due to the hirm backlog of the waiting list thi re aie mon tppllratlons thnn shipping ir nn ig will accommodate put ships an being converted from their waitime standing tt face time service nnd new ships are helngjiuilt if vou aie thinklnj of travelling overseas keep in touch wdb ut and wt w 11 k r vou infitmtd ir ou have an urgevnt prob lem wt will do our best for vou whether it is business or family reasons ce nt i nl tounst tiaff is not solicit d until condltlon re turn to normal tl j il hnr enialiii your eyes should i examined at regular intervals robt r hamilton ro fur appointment nhvoim j i 2 st georges sq guelph ont punt end in ne dillon quintitv vvhi lain sol jniuqi c ie o he o i e tc lvols i gj nt t ham n it h t i sjw fork mi nt is 11 it 1 like s t nil like hew h i is l arm qu intitv h lfnlf i c 1 v r ind iim tin ftd truiis ais mil li irk v split lea m kmh if li in d mhh diatn i ml sink wit i at k aid frung imvv still in r it i mnrbk i- ti t 1 la t haul arv t v ilnut nil toi tisk i it iu v h di n sun w t nnj fil ti m ltti s n k nj hair ml numl r f other ct airv t ihint 1 iri i n i i all y ur uolu s mans hot t hi it t a tslte u oi iii k 1 1 1 s siinn n 1 r c i i ir shliult iiiiniltv if n halt shin les mil t in r qutntitv ne v kilvmiut 1 i vistnun iihk nimv otl r itm t i nunurous t nu ntion i h ms cat s ttk m n wltl ltrk dav of s ih s rt se rv ns the farm is s lid hinpi i wi i 1 1 ion u tl uiin s 1 i i n 1 1 ink 11 uv li iru tl s d j- mil u i siipj k nv thu hv tt r 1 k lv tt hi living win i c rt ilnlv it st tt t tx ut we iiiii w t nr mtvri ti hw are te e mvu j o immhrvtion ill i aliens f r hnnunt out 1 rim h let h 1 d im fstins i fafwnlng- k it ulit t 1 ll e s to hllv nr i kn w im t ujsi tin rn intt i ikt kn w ni siii h w a some un m i nnal it str in i 1 c ar t a j it st i avt h it it ine l 1st i lilt fl i did n t m rrpi nj nml i umj fr m pei t bo an we 1 stat lishi d and can lake r s onslt ii tv r a n m d itun tl t ir ie lativi s s tt ml m rvlce ti r in ir ru ii i ut t t ir fuuiee s assi time e vlth jssports free utomoihle insl rlnf m fin wcim 1 uv wtnt t t i tint if i h i mlton rut if w tupirt vou f wh i v hit in t si w fr and s ow t r and thin tomes t nst ip and u ijavt to mini 1 jevun out f gjis and dt u kn w what i mi ju t ti tut frtt mil txenust i tok i than t rf nit f kim after tin fu na t until i wa throuj h w t ihl sit d t inj iu irt i if i lis i nll ts ins of n i u wi nd nt silt vt ii not drive vour ear without insurance havi t wait until vou are involved in an occident i eaci of mind do it 11 n hrkt i io lm nig it i kl atttird c hat facilities to finance our car or truck uith all in surance wnerajres and if iou suffer iokh we are on the pot to help ou arranjrmjrthw tfiroiurlr f i ncw insurance ajrent ou obtain all cxnerajje including public ijabilit and prop er damage and not coliimon fire and theft onh o endorserh ctnfidenttal check unmdiatel see f l wright realtor and insurance williur street phone 95 hub

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