Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 20, 1947, p. 7

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1941 the acton free press acton tanners eliminate last years champions onkvjnv junior c entry who flaunt m tuch tin imnoulng record wr eliminated by victoria square on frltlay night the lakenhoro club were beaten by one goal in their llrst iota of the ren con tylmz the first met with stoufvlllo victoria square oiikvlllc lost the second in ttgoalfi loount round ybt 1ft is too bad the oka enn tjot devise some meant by which tcam who definitely ore superior to the run-of- themill material might be given n better chance to prove their worth ah me such la hockev georgetown took the first round of the interwedlme a plav downs by defeating stratford ist on monday night the tenm from our neighbor ing town had uon the opener by 02 on their home ice only to be laced by stratford 95 in the second mew played on the latter a arena in the final clash on monday the pnner- makers clinched the series by scoring tanners put out preston in first round of playoils condaame on saturday niffht clinched flrei round of way offd as acton tartnera take another sop ner chmmploii- hhip reonvetfl last years champion go out in two straight zam ghnuiby it th team for the next round with series played thb week preston was erased from the 10i hockey picture lait saturday oe by the ovorshnrp xcton tannery tucking the best lb thywitcrles in two nt rat a lit gnmes completely smashing the vets inminnted hopes by 51 in the second meet at gaitarena in front of ovei two thousand payees coming up with n much better brand of hockey than they exhibited in wnterloo thi prcs- ton club checked unmercifully nnd managed to rnck up three goali on the fluridden local kquad mnny of whom should hnve been confined to a ived instead of flushing the- icelane of vets adding thlk lctory to the othei triumphs in the plnvoff games the tanners have now notched seven coal in the last three minutes of straight wins with nary ji loss in n play barely eeklng out n win un- plnyoff merles as clow ns the scoie fohunately the legion crew did not might imply it doesnt do justice to present a complete picture of a the efforts- of the fast breaking tor- hockey to the georgetown fans main- i ward trios whoemadeuaey around ly because the majority of players i the preston net wan nil during the hall trom a houseleague maintained ft period the efforts of dewaitz in the precincts of stratford whoev- er the mercnntilcs meet net will probably hand out an exhibition of brnnd a we wish you thebet by your net series georgetown nnd con tinued success we cnnl give rondet s anv insight into the hamplonship picture stelig as evcrv b squad is playing off in some sort of n wn nnd with our ef forts to collect n summir of remain ing irnm wt onk n titled to the con fusion nmshv nnd markhnm np- peni to he th tenm- to bent hnch of the forementloned cjuhs nre sweeping thtir resptctive merits loan hnhdlng i difcn between the pipes saved the face of vet supporters who incidentally w erent attending in ns inrge n number ns those from ac ton dew art bouncert post to post stopping pucks here there and ev r where while local marksmen pelted ruhbt r nt him from i vcrv nngle it wnsnt until the middle twent that the tanners tlnnllj pushed the puck behind dew art nnd thev did it four times while the vets hnd ol- tt eti d a goal in each onto both of the preston mnrkers up to the third p i ind wete hangid in b the heft crariuni nnd- rtmrttni-hftm- out defeats in ever game the pln the peach king nie a formidable ag gregation nnd aft en eliminating brnntford nie tussling with t lit tan- h rs in a total goal series two tnecs on tin trimsh ilub might strike a responsive note in mnn fans mnt- tlson nnd hale both of these were memhi rs of last enrs milton entrx fnch of these stalwarts bnrnstormi d ins path through the locnl squad lay ing right and left tin n stt nungk i in iging w it li the pill smnt k in fi ont nf thtfc alton in t oo m v hii dldnt hne a chan tin hiimi nf i thns two talhi s on the other hand actons four lonls wire hitwrlv fought mil iiiu into rtroup you rememhi r the maio biukhnnded the initial muni oountv town s ace trio mcmunn mnt- tlson nnd hale well then perhnps it glvts ou nn idea of the strength of the fruit belt sextette iolo tin tords nfter n lovelv rjush through a slnk opposition showing ftttskatis again ilio flashed tloin slniboaid dasher hipped a pais lu i sonn piiw nsle toasting t iom on taking tin first round of the pln- t hi port hi 1m sonn made it no downs from preston couldn t be j ensilv drawing out p wnrt7 classified ns ensv for the vi ts lam- lindsnv morton ind uno mnrzu ortd for fnst hecking hockt in the fi tounthss rushes which n uli d gait edifice relentltssl endeavoring uiem little finnlh i ime into tin u to break up the passing attacks of the own as n loose putk rolled lail icommujvityj is unity 4 ull a syndpite of vahous sport jjjj and athletic aaivlllefl x mr o it stnltpr assistant direct or of the ontario adult education board ims plnnned a mries of yine- aweek clnsses in citizenship nt the lome school there nre live meet ings in the series the llrst wns lipid inst tuesday march 11th when mr staplok ipoko on the subject of fed eral and provincial overnment these meetings provide nn excel lent oppoi t unity for nnyono nnd everyone in this a ten in nnd around alton to attend i he acton y m c a badmlntqn club hnve two major tournaments to piny before the season i loses and of course their own club ahamplonshlps as well last mondny night they were guests of the guelph y club hut since this column was written before the tournament was played i can t give you the results the acton club final dut of town tourney will be played in hamilton ngalnstj the dominion foundries club it will he plnyed in the hamilton vmca the dnte tuesday march 2sth tlhim111 ihu i i the air wokxj and a m a news i ii i i j net tannefytown bridge lour nnmont will be held in the on friday march ilst at h04 pm this pni titular fouiney should be an int eresting one since the store on tin stasons piny is tr i lose iwtwom un two teams intended for last week sirty letnr in air tnvl ahcraft nccldentu hov loomed wry lnrjie in world news recently nnd the safely of flight is much dlscuuied af ter each nccldeiit however the nat ional safety council of ihe united states has released the following fig ures for 104k which give a belter idea of the safety of airline travel in com parison with other modes of travel automobile krcldonts vio0 killed hallway accidents ho killed airline accidents 7 killed airline fatalftles avcrugod 1 2 fni every 100 million passenger milcn flown railroad fatalities for the same distance for the first eleven months of 1010 averaged 15 with the de signers nnd engineers of nernplnnes bending every effort to produce more efficient nnd safer products the safe ty factor for airline travel should show mdeh improvement next yenr t hockey results o ii a intermedial a georgetown 5 stratford 1 georgetown wins series 21 o ii a intermediate it acton preston 1 acton 5 preston 1 acton wins series 2 0 o ii a junior c onkvllle 1 victoria so i victoria so r onklle 7 victoria square wins scries 1 jll aefcon industrial lr4ueiir t4j5nxtei g8 mhuonainti 1- baxters wins sei u s 12 5 hsjton junior larmrr league pijkrmo 1 ai ton 1 anotlui big ihin agfjts pro- giam is in the making and this will tnke tin form of n big llm down night moaning of ioursi that eve locnls until the final hell catastrophe resulted from the hard checks of tlm prestonians dude i lndsn su tnlned strnmt d ligaments nnd t charh hotse in one of hfs lecr hobbling around la the cane method hnsn t nnv rvmsnlatlnn for ciaton n we wouldnt hi surprised lo s e the i i trip r ntup t tie a hore or nn horse in the next gim tf thi dudi k benched for injuries frtr ust nf jhe t hf arton wlll suffir another jolt to the mid lie foi i think nn thitt according to statistics hi up among llu lends 1vrk vau yolks fidng ititniints with ban i hoik pull k it th domini n i im i mtntil stat in h n row on hae shown thit din to thi nituie f th du t ijuantiti nf su t ulent green fud tin i ut mil sttvptd tlfnlfu hn hav i ittitlri to int nnifx the iolor of uk v iks rigs rlth itch i ol r d tilks ir now fioied in tin oversj is in ii kit tei me i d u k r olk is k ilt knrripthl as in irulu ntion f satisf ctor di t mt the prtmineif lluahle food tailors not ihl itnmtn a over the red une morton grasped i hnndtd ii to dude w ho mnde the nipds strain from ot rwork t about 17 jo tjnd pei lod 1 eno mnri push d liijhe fourthwith nssistm t frtni i indsiv and morton tnd the i period i nded nt i w ith at ton on i tin up and up i ouldn 1 quiti di i id win tin i dn ssi d ns i fuimer nn 1 farmtiette 1 lie plan is to invite n roup f the tuilph iitn amhs ut for tlu night whom wo expict will likiwisi diess foi mn ittnsion our verv off it lent commit ti e undir don i nmh is pn sldent all h ive specilli jobs to do and nre now hard at work planning this lug affair i in dei or nting onimitttt undi l the capable h adership of lohn agar will ti v to mike thu jm look as niut h llkt a hain ns possible even to the extent of sonn imv shh ley unlston nnd i enn t iw in w ill plan the inline st ssion and loan colts and cmmn cht w will pi in a projr im sullabe rnr the ocrtjtnn since this is going to be n hoe down it wouldnt he lomplttt without n utile square tl mt ing md iim spiel vogel will ni rangi the mush ntttssarv for his with sonuone to do the calling our i oi in arbic hnsn t vit got a job on tlu panning i nd hut sinn he s one of the commit tie in will get pit nt to do om11im tion to uhtu pec e wc should watch ft7 lie or t hi smnll sc ih stnqi d in the hit nt hi 1 battle cm tin i blit7kiu g ht ing i is dining mils mnm v kill t i f s o lilting i look in tlu opinion scoring summary lh folios in is u sumniti of ioau iml iviii s on 1 d urn k the pli off n nt up to iul in i udi k mi i twt pn ston game p nnu v plavel ts iklfll imrini a asviils pts loti htnts gp gs aplv lindsav 7 9 7 ifi illo mivrzo 7 7 6 n gillespie 7 0 4 n morton 7 5 lo tbwnslev 7 5 t s 1eno maiti 7 t 4 7 ov- 7 4 j o eto marro 7 0 j j uiddnll 7 0 j kentner 7 1 0 1 brush j 0 bylu 7 0 0 i doonev fvans the local net mind er has only had 1 2 goals m ored gainst him in the seven play off games lru than two goals a game quite a ret oru what middh s ssion all hiwi broke loot in tin faith st end of mil odlilu is funs iesistd the tffoits f h ndarnn s to in ik up tin kir room rumpus ont ah iholn ill ovi i mihsi i ihin spi i i ittu hit tlu low r slips like i in u iitun intlslul iftt r gnflhir hil i rh ips ur os 1 piistit d m ti n tin infmist f tlu wits knkinl tlow n t he mii f u t in i hi 1 m ptiiod irtsien m uii ii v inn il uhm mi ml shot ind w is m for lh lehiunl bunking tin it h tin t pi k irh in the tin il twntv pr i mi sdil i i oil in t uli n risutit p 1 1 ds onl ihh toiitiss th it t r ii thru e i ins in 1 it h mano st u id t h m tiff with i u ik ling plus i w t hit of lotvi tossing until it npp mil that mn tin t url tian smim w is w r of ippr m lung mis i tn up maro and doom nothing dnunttml hi i mai zt fioni adding to his tlrst ko il fur no s on r hnd lownsbv juggui the putk t his shiltllih than ht hntl mlded hu miond i ion s tiflh iownse brain t hibht plavs thai blossom nntifull all through the g ime tut this was the tirst instamt w tu re ought hul come f it i think me ihnt from lure on in the tanners were victims of putk fever i get hl fvcjv ihnnfi thev had t score wn muffed b overanxious hickory anil thev had countless op i portunttlrs but thev carried the plnv like youngsters of ten it was onlv fate that rescued preston from a number of goals no one else vould have arranged it thus way we might aild that one of the vet a tallies was registered while llndsa was up tne river for n minor breai h of the rules only four penalties were handed out two to either o the tluhs by the way a special train curried most of the acton supporters to gait we understand 400 crowded the cars fnrt from we would nrdkwaufti chief srout t lhu i j4 hiitisb t qinnmnwt alth nnd fmplre in i r n nt iddr ss hi sild 1 n m inv f us the s ml hive hi en just i lit th ho s hi mi 1 1 ion holdiin mlv hilil i found it ion ill th m u sun 1 iu lis tin bnv sn nt re lh f d nn whit i di m i i i th light th anil toh rant mn woild s s hit n laid b nt h is snint h ti m h stahih ohona spkakkit at mkictinc junior farmers club why do uo have government what forms tif government pree4eled deiu- ni mey in canada wjio hppolntn the htioruor ceneral fho lleutonnnt nvenior have thoy nnyi power i fas ihe fedeiil i ovommwit jxtwei to dwuige the piovlm iul governtnentti coiiktllutlon on what ran the federal government levy ihhi h co what enn the provlnrial government levy tak es under wlmt cln unhtanceu tan the govirnment pnss laws without n vote of parliament how re politic al leaders appointed tln werexwune nf the quentlnns mr m h staples of orono nuked dlu uislng kettnriil nnd provtnrinl gov ernment nt the junloi farmers clt- 1enshlp meeting ttuesdny mnrclulllh nt lome school an intelligent wellin formed pub- lit is ess ntlnl to the stictcmi of depn- oc iimy mr staple said con a vvunliy in which onlv samo 10 jwr tent of the mople vote be said to he irulv dmo rntlc unlesi cnnadlan youth show n genuine interest in dem ocratic government i evpett to see s ime form of dutntorshlp in cnnada in mi llfi time otbet idioiogiesnte using eirv opiwrtunlty to inform tin cnnhdlan vottlb uf their creeds in milt r thill they nwiy thoose wbwly we must iw equally ntnhlmou in keep ing them informed on the virtues of democ rncy it it toward thlw eml tlmt be hnlton julnor farmers u uikmi- sorlng tin cltuensblp meellngs mr ii moirls of mlttori will fcpeak nn tuxes nnd banking nt the next mut ing no suit is better than its cleaning that well ifrootncd well- suited look depend on met iculous denning we rive your suit fnmcdious treat- incnt removinc all dirt and odor we areat you service alwayh vanwyck cleaners main st acton duilng mnny months of the v u more vnter evaporntts from mu in u i ikes than flows ovei niagnin halls i fu auction sale iioitsfs okaite iioistiin 1 ihtsi- s asil s iiass xtt1k i al km tuaitoi v i arm imiikmevts ioi itih ta ii 1ia icain i iititsii x m rii trutti und 1 i n c ins from 1 lin d in 1 vamibtrr id 11 l puhlic atulion il ins firm lot 1j cn r lsiusink lup hallt n n l ip vviu rloo si hoiil nn riema aiiui itul comnicnrini lu 1 ml oilmk shmii tin follow int hoits 1 mn he il ii ini nf lirnun pt man iumi workers hiiikl or iloublu jin idial fami ham i ivnlit ion flll j m- lil in oiloli r cows 1 ilolslin tows fnsh not bull 1 ulark co fr sh nol briii 1 moist in cow due tlnu of sali- 1 blink cow llu time of sub 1 1 rs ow fr sb not brttl 1 1 i s cow dm lime if sab 1 hoist in low in full flow hriil die j1 1 iliii st in cow itup autl ii 1 jcrs i ow line mav n i nim nw mill mi not bud j holslt in hifcrs du luni 1- holsli in ii ifms 1 r old onn llu is i un pbisinu lot if a avil cia is 1l m 1- st r ah il h iam1 ami rs md ii ifis 1 i n-i- c i bftl- biokipi for n i r lo ntlind ibis ould 11 is an rlwlu i iatii informcsd uji that 1 u h il l dt im i i lu h impi n w w ill inn n it d pi w b un in i misid i d i ip ho islnik oi pn in i hi hut u i n i b in llu bnst snii ns tl t tin i nnin i i ip hi it u fro pi w i bull tialn siriii simiiuar hirst i ik1 ir st n i iiiiiiiiiki un un is sivtdi in n ull s nil s oml p nod alton iii i i ii atlon fownsll v iii i117 il pnston ctui nirii ismithi- a ton i ind in i1 nloiii atton itni m ir ilintlsii morton ptnitltns liuiiura ilripiuik sa mouhinii rinrd pitlrxl pnston brvant aton illo mnrzo i riwnill prmlties oi irl mil i lndsa tiuuruni ulno uis pjxston rvvmiil jiortl clulurn cmnnlnrhnm dpfni smith rrntr- oad talt wlnj nit wnnblen charil 1 intlck jncqufi scully rri- nnt ilcwiirtz lub noil alton evnns coal lljdilall ktmt- ner defn cilleepl ientr hit lano towiifti i w injrs alts morion ii no marxa llndsa eilo marzo uallss druih gay hrfsts dill town nf hamilton llnmnian curl inarnmbb o ham- lllon i tl 111 11 11 11 ir r hi i in i for pol 11 11 fqfipmfr 2 cm illo id is ii link rip nil- 1 i i il hiondir inoil rlntk lapai in j ilro d r llous ukij 1 hioobr hinist sln 1 thlk n sb it r llantitv 1 in i k dt rs mtl rounliihs n 1 nt i milk i r it 1- im no i kacmit impiim i s is ii pi it llisll intor hi n l sh ip h nn i i ictor pin i fni i in k in i h i p mil ninlt r ft mi i mow r p fl m ii mow i fl ii i lor iul h hani llm iml i i ubb i tin it u iion and ii i p i k with li ntnr hit b lim ft riru itill m ii 11 rain nnd i likt ii w il ft 1 dm li it pr in w j low corn cultii ilor dump p ik m 11 si i d n dis m h ultli il r with sid r sot nf sloo i si iijis miiod sltnp fit ui i u ilkiln plow j s ts imirtws jin i 1ulpr 111 hunt fanntnl mill h i liu f lun iii folk wilh ir s uffl r li fl nn- in h hm hopt tor pump plitform scil s jiti hospitalization surgical benefits income protection now at wm r bracken life fiiie aiul alitomonluc inhuhanfw ii1ij bt actom piionk if lawnmowers oil heaters 11 inn iri in u id of n niw lim n jvtowr place your order mrl ihile tbi inst wc have a limitid number o dispose of owtnk o mul shortiike mowers in likely totnjn short suppl xe hni a sninll and n medium oil heater in stock got in touch muh us for quick delivery if interested olso 0 brooder oil stnves just arrived first here first sered these are in erv short suppl so arc flietric brooders so please be ndxisid accordingly milton district cooperative phone 127 milton ihs b1t ksmith vnvil dei p w ii iump rolls snnw fence crt im s pjtrator steel nti r lank j hog fullers speh jai k in tru k i w ht is ladder juantitv of 1 pip i ing he t harrow unntltv of pint i umber 1 and j qtiantltv of wn kenring and barb wire set of dteething humtss odd hurntxs 1 llu khnnd ihrmv dd rnllnrs hud wwer spriver extra h u traitor 4 t 1 ocglng chain and odd chains kork- t 14 hoes shtwels dart eti i iia rain and potatoes is ton mixed hav f40 bus nustul craln iv hua oats juantltv of fn allaire hai cohblir potatoes fvrmtvrf kitchen range fmi pire dlvanette 2 rockers irftther uphouterv dining uoom tobu ih1 chairs 2 red and spring box stove drenser vilk pails strainer other small houihold effectv reilms cash settleruitf with ihtk duv of tale o rewrve as the proprietor has sold his farm and u giving up farm ing hinplfy anr hlaaolt auctlonihts phone erin or milton i currle clerk bt fomfcfyo lkvve vrro standard tim totokoyro to london afil am 116 pm b746 ajn g26 pm 9ig am 90fi p m 1i am hllil pm 206 pjn l to klt4hnrr onl ft lxorpt un mnd lol ijw a m 7j3 pj xll 11 am bhj8pl ism pm xa9 pja ii pm xll8 pjt- j to tlratlanl akr k sun and hot aly bls connections at tokovto for north ba montreal ottaw a at london for detroit chicago los angkles pares arb low round trip tax included toronto 200 montreal 1755 detroit 1095 chlcako 1910 in anjreua sm9j5 north bay lt5 tickets and information at harold wiles phone 68

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