Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 27, 1947, p. 3

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t thursday larch 27th 1947 h the acton free press page threm the ml bowl hallo homemnkort there nr plenty of bk on th market in puo of commitments to ahlp largo quant ities to urjtain in 6tkci oountrifeu whoro eggfl hav boon a stand d main dish women have found it nec essary to do without thorn or um a substitute- hostesses in capetown south africa have n simple solution they serve one ostrich og whlth provides a good meal for twelve or more people the people of capetown have only recently taken to eating ostrich eggs but they have long been a favorite with african bushmen and hottentot irthlshould-bff- come a prohtablo commercial ven ture the ostrich will be transferred from the millinery store to the gro cery hero arc roclpob made with on tario grade a medium eggs since grade a large are only used for poaching at out house scrambled eggs with hetibs 4 beaten eggi cup cream tsp salt dnsh of fto pper t tbsp chopped parsley 1 tbap chopped onion 18 tsp thyme 2 tbsps fat combine eggs cream nnd season ings hent fnt in heavy pan pour in egg mixture and cook slowly until partially set stirring lightly add horbs cook until sot serve with little- pork sausages garnish with pnrsle sjirvonf 5 pour off the water wash in ho soapy water nndlrjj thdufclily instead of an aluminium tuttt a granite pan may be used in which an aluminium strip or plate is placed each piece of allvor must touch the aluminium gttanltewarti 1 scour fetalns with flric scouring powder 2 to not scrape food from granlto as it chips 1 soak well if dish contains milk or eggs soak in cold water if it contains fat or sugar soak in hot water botrtnadtshpan of water containing 3 or a tbsps of washing soda tflnse and dry aluminium chronicles oi ginger farm budget omelette 1 cup soft brnnrl crumbs 1 cup milk a eggs separated salt ami pepper to tnste mix milk and crumbs let stand then beat smooth beat yos to bread mixture beat whllou jttirf and fold into mixture pour into hot greased pan nnd cook slowly until ilrm 25 10 mlns cook in the oven preheated to t7 riegt for the last 10 mlns to brawn on top tills four- ogg omelette will st rve 1 to r people the same mixture may bo cooked 1 scrambled eggs eggs baked in cheese u lb canndlnn cheese grated 1 tsp salt 18 tsp pepper 1 tbap tut b egffs 1 tsp dry iuui- tnrd cup thin cream oil n shallow linking dish sprinkle the grated choose on the bottom dust with snlt nnd popper sprinkle with fill each alumflnlum kettle witji water to which you add wi cup vine gar bring to a boll hub with atcel- wool if jiceasary nfter boiling for 10 mlnc bake boajid scrape with the hnck of a knife and remove loose material scrub with cle cold wate followin th written hpcielatly for th acton ptcmb iryf by owknooijnk i cuutklr c11ajun auction sale krlmttxht ivorwht uvm htock implo- hurnu may ormjn iairnit6r and mwmm grnln ulnsc with wnrm water arid dry th6roughly 1 bread boxes wash in sonpy water scald with vinegar nnd holllng water nickel and chromium polish with bon ami nppircpwilti n soft cloth dampened with nmmon- in or water let dry and rub hlne bsjry equipment irm impli mmta itosd vmrntr hay grain anil llonus i lit undersigned have received in structions frojn maixtoijm mrraddfv to sell by public auction nt his farm i ot r can 1 township of trnfnlgar 1 miles south of milton on tuesday april 1st 1047 commencing nt 1330 o clock shnrp the follpwlng ioiues 1porrhjjron loamr-o-und- 10 vr old about luximhs gnod quid workers dair1 cows and young cat ne lfi grade guernsov cows f n sh within past month 1 reg lorscy cow fut brgnkthr r ato4fioi4wokt ltindtuornwygow extenuve cijbawng auction sale flumdrr ami halsteln cattle trac- ttie undersigned have leeelvefl in- tit ructions from mkryin wiliwtn x hon to by public auction nt hit farm lot 21 con 2 nnssngawpyn jttuntod on the aberfoylo and dajrbyvuu county road 2 miles east of corwhhi and 2 miles north of moffat saturday alttil ttth commencing at 1 oclock shnrp the following horses matched team ol grey percherons g yr old marcs weighing about 1500 lb and good in nil har ness dnrk brownmnre g yrs old about 1600 lbs wagon typo grey mare rlblnjfx y wngon type tenm of grey gcliimgs rising 3 yrn n team of good colts that will develop to good wrtgon horses those horses will be offered harnessed and hltclicd blnck filly rlflhlf yrs bny filly rising 1 yr a particularly good lln tff porch crnnhorftebr 11 cows rod cowrrohaunl foot red cow milking well bred feb 10th red cow milking well bred fob 15th red cow milking well bred feb 1st ited helfor bred mar 12th roan cow milking bred doc 15th red cow milking well roan cow milking well heifer bred in mnrch cow fresh nbout snli dnti cow due in april cows hand milked young cattle 1 yenrllng hei fers 1 yenrllng steer 4 wlntei calves heifers 1 baby beof a fat s tcors yonrs sheep 10 very choice oxford twos supposed to be in lamb to reg oxford rnm 1 reg oxford rnm pigs 1 york sows due thl- spring 1 chunks poultry 10 b r hens farm implfments mh bind er g ft out r w mower fi ft rut mh 11 hoe seed drill mh 10 ft rake mil 11 tooth cultivator 1 uf- rc by our gate old enrsjew enrs ner a s floury harrows mh j and how is everybody overywherv just floating around i suppose the same as we axe of courso there is still jots of snow ve co4nlnly had our share of it but t is melting rapidly now and making little rivulets down to the flats and on to the creek the creek water as it forces its way through the miowbnnks creates a miniature waterfall whose rushing sound is particularly pleasing to thn oar i wondor why tho ound- vf rushing walor- is ahuays so fasclnatj- ing i love to open a door or wlnddw at the back of the house just to listen to il narfure is really a wonderful snow- shoveller yesterday the snow wna just soft and that was all except fcr n trickle here and there but by five o clock it wafl a different story when the men wont to tho barn the flftts were really awash nnd for a few hnurn the water hacked up into the rtobterasler than they cout3 shovel it out things are better now nnd wo do not anticipate any neriou trouble- unless it starts to rnln cam rinu rruolcson the road rum kg idong so noisily nt this time of year it sounds as if each one was rommg jp the inno in low gear but they are not i ran see them as they vkrvtxma sate offl or said the swet young thing i loft myttir parked hero a few minutes ago nnd how it is gontf it mut have been stolon miss said the policeman oh no it could nt bo that she axplaincd earnestly it was lniiured agnlnst theft w t pattersoh bo ortbp4fat lu wvndium mr aislelru um um completely equipped office belonv 1 mahei sho store a j lawnmowers oil heaters if you nre in need of a new lawn jdjower place your order early wnilo tlcy loir we have a limited numbor to dispose of owing to steel shortage mowers are likely to be in styort supply vce have a small and a medium oil heater in stock pt in touch with us for quick delivery if interested also 6 brooder oil stoves just arrived first here brst served these nre in very short supply so are electric brooders so pleaso be advised accordingly milton district cooperative pmone 127 milton l dm time of nnh 1 grade guexnsty cows clue liisich 1 viiks 1 grade gut rnsey cow bn d sept 10 1 grade gut rnsn cow hud oct obi r 11 1 im i guornse and vrshiri cow fn sh 1 pari guornsi v and hoist i in cow dut time of voh 1 hnntein cow s f n sh 1 durhnm cow fresh 1 minth 1 holsttin cow in full flow not liid 1 holstein hufir j yrs fn sh 1 holstun hilftrs 1 r oj n 1 k hdsttln bulls of si r rouble i 1 ri g xiiiornst bull 2 s old no unhttin ami guernoy utop i llms i his is n i hole i bird of rommor t ml cows nil vounf tscipt 1 with nn l t ptlonalk hii h list and tin guorn- i sts 1i vncilnnttd as hnftrs r iractou and implrmtnts 1 time over the cheese combine the mustortt and en nm pour over tho eggs bnke in oen nt t0 dogs until the whites of tht eggs are set nbout ii mlns serve hot with potato puffs sorves g baked maim r custards 2 iggb 1 to 2 tlibp grnnutnttd sugar tip snlt j cups mill scalded tsp vunitlu extract fi tbsps rnnph iyt up beat egg sliukhy add sugar to tasti nnd salt and stir until well rnlxtd add scnldt d milk grndunllj whlk stirilnj tonstantly add van illa mix ingn hunts thoxoughl grenst or oil g ustnrd cups put 1 thsp mnpu srup in bottom of ench cart fill l pour m ustnrd niktun plnti iiistnid in shnllow biking pin hnuh d j l insi snnsjn s ft ivntior f d ti n irv xv l contnlnink wnrm wntoi bnke in iisi cost with powtr lift mh avimi of ti di us f i l mlns or until i on w 1mm pi itt t ultipnclvi r 5i knlf iimrtt in ntie of i us i fm in ilou isition bissl f ndi rs than in thor wives 1 ookng i irb kt h sikti knlft msrtml in ot ius in nrmin criut nu partner said good con h s j tnrd conn s out t it nn t hill iusxnrus 1jli r in n fngirntor i hen tuin topsidu m hn down into shoibert gin r trailers nnd trucks yes nnd there- goes n tractor drawing n manure spreader twenty yenrs ngo i watch ed from thlnrnmo window looked on nlhe same rond and knw plenty of horse drawn buggies and wagons go u lulling u but 1m lit ve mo i nti not going to sny those wore the days because tho only means of transportation we hnd ourselves nt that time was n steel tyred buggy drawn by prince our prancing clydes dale work horse prince wns a splen did beast oven now t can see his sleok hrvn cont as it glistened in the sun and several times i wns stopped on the rond by inquiries as tctwheth- er he hnppened to he for sale the rtiyttrmtrcturnpclump ofhishoovtrr uns renli something to henr but those dnys i think the purr of n smooth running motor is infinitely more preferable bui don t get the irion thntwe hnvi n enr thnt purrs that of course is what we would like what we have got is nnv thing but and we arc lu ginning to despnir of getting nny- thing better every time we hoar of a enr that sounds worth buying we are nlwnvs n lititle too late and of rourse wo won t huv on tho blnck mnrket nnd we enn t nfford n 1047 modi i jo i suppose there is nothing for it but to go chugging along with tho old modi a and come homo with a ford nnd a prayer as to thit it is something 1o even come home isn t it ijst sntuidnv i wns ft i ling n little 1 hkkshing machint w10 int mon t nerri tic thnn usunl nnd gnve iimlni on riibhtr with power tile- tix house an trn spec ml redding off ro in 11 nr and n t amplt ltjvt i- xw u ht n pnrtnt r ninic in ho pnss- quebec sulky plow mh 7b wnlkmg plow 2 truck wngons 2 flnt liny racks bench sleigh cut tor demo crat with shafts buggy fanning mill pulpor new stone boit silo rods cross cut saw wheel barrcav bag holder hand drill cyclon hnny uhirnl lender rrrnvel krrr fnrlr shov els neckv okos nnd t he smnll tools harness set of backbond har ness nenrlv now sot of bnckhnnd harness collnrs blankets twin nockyokes ftc grain fred etc 10 ton good mixed hay 100 bus newmnrkc onts tit for seed iso bus wheat go bus russian rye the farm at the snme time the tnrm contninlng 100 ncres more or less will be offered for snlot- subject lnnrfsrtric hidlf il-iu-not- nrcuouciv- sold fhoxo is n eomfortnhle s room brn k dwelling house hnnk bnrn v it h slot 1 roof hog pens etc there is about t acres under cultlvitton r urn s of fail wlunt 1 ncrojf ie hiere is a goid voil nt hout house nnnd ham also j springs tftls fmm is well sit untod on a oounl road and conven ient to stations nnd churches i ormsin of purchnse price nt timt of s ile balance w in n posst sslr n is gutn oi n pnrt n l it ft on n morgace if n ire foils nt rnngtment is mnde furniture gerlnrd helt7m in pinno walnut cose an excellent in st rum nt o ik buffi i with mil mr small bool cnse walnut wilting di sk 1 wu ki i rt ckor courh hint k it nhtr uphoutv wnlnut sidobonitl with mirror j oak rocking chniis 2 aim chairs 2 iarge rocking chiirs 1 b droom chair 1 small btdroom roclti 1 oild dining poem chair 1 pair pillows walnut spo il t disk 1 small lahhs n w wu hams drop hi ndi sowing mnrhlm 6mtu gah mauu bmautipjjfai kendricks 4fcardi for appointments phone 274 acton machine mach1neless permanermts coldwavfe priced to suit your pocketbook solutions blended to suit your hair courteous attn experienced service wo invite yonrpatronaee- mlihwiitf hhiilltf hmnariililllluihbhbiihmhiii real estate insurance am sltvo tht ninph svrup forms sauce ov i tistnid strvts t if mot con t lu h h fn i mwm i th llairows int ft i ut cist thrishmi v ilh u nn throw llaihi ht n i inen cupboard j oak f h will prohablvbe i njl i in g 1 innninu nrdt r kit in n stool 1 snnll i npitdniid in m gontl man kt n amri wlth f rh tnmnh inhl 2 kitchen j it n b ds w ith sprin j so clean nnd tldv j nd mutnw 1 antniu so i b t j j spi inns and m ilttt ss 1 set of spri lrrd hie hou it isn t til to om vtnlnt tlu iiistiiids m i vkm mini mi mn as st the rtnv lufor s rv ing and stnn d in iji r htltnt c llpp rs ci isidi h il f nil hath i i ht hair w and all clovot ittm hint ills i s m fr n e n r w llik ll l l 1 run clmppti 1- plan l0 ft u s daughti r pxinirr mlirn in um rl slp pnv hu indh s 7 loo ft dnv 1rmwf om wih n rnr lon1 of m- churn cm mi blnrk nnd rjn fi tmi friends m hidi a ttvldlinir infnnt nidi iiim mrinm ennl nn 1 wm i housing i lie housing qui st ion remnlns acute the snme us elsewhere vacant possessions are ftw and far botwicn in spite of the difficul ties of supply it has betn oui privilege to help people to secure ac- nmmodntlons both through t lie war industrinl p riod and slnco the stivlti men nlurnul no ihnrge has bten made to cither owner r tenant for tins serviti other thnn propertks that we mnnnged often it looked ns if we hnd naehed the saturation point but there is al- vsajs something turning up through rtmovnls and other causes wo an uhvnvs anxious to help piople uhost work bring them to the i himunit nnd ot iers th it have no an immodntlon vvhntevcr our ad vice is to ail th it nn at t ommoiuiii d to stay put nnd put up with w h it you haw evtn though convinhnjos are r and crowded the rental cmitiok whhh nivtr crattd ji new dw llmg prollcts you mi n wm l llin titnnmnn wt hnvt a fewdwellinls for snk some ow nt i ttninteil othen tl tftlgtntir until nn nitimt -iaufc-a-xll- of vi ni wht n etr sit t m ik iu in d i his is tin ttm i un household ut tlioroin hh sll i u 1 its an alumlnlunrpi t tirn ishlhl s ilt uid imwjnp soda in ifm n h nuart of 1 tsp ilt and 1 tsp 1 ii pi w i i w iii hi iliuvu cjl til nnth dump ruhb i lutd wiip w a 1km i st t 1 imd n on uulim l ot ksliutt milium s j ii tit and motoi i it tru mot i riuimim mill onm drill 2 put w ut i into tin p w it l i us sod i t pino muei should h it 1 plat i pan oi stmt and hint until tht t iintsh dls ippmrs in tin in niuij h itlr t ttu n lot 1 di i se ilt s ih lb 2 tow s ufil i i mu ijitlihrs p wt r ila lift i aw n m w r shwi sh i lis luttil hi 1 lu k anil mi u in lolhim imk s hmw hit i litiij llniiivi s t of b u khn ul ii it n s od i c oil u hi hint is n ktik w h ffh mis hiun sh v 1 hats lools juantitv of k i lni uuf lu ul rill fot st ibluil and mini i us jthtr farm i fft i ts ii i q ipmi 1 t dl ix 1 m luiit ti milkt i iiftv with pipinr i m in it i ls i i i tru milk huv wide selection big stock hooks a splantlul rnnre bf all the most attnl booki obfice sitpues pins i pencils memo pads blank kuud forms and many ot the most used supplies wallpaper one of tht finest showings and inrktst stock of any store in western ontario ou 11 fft wide choice from our big stock stationery- and tnnumarahlo items gift cnnls etc youiyind h at charples bookstore 2 uyudlim sl tluelph angus kennedy proprietor i i uli r 11 tio lull c v irtn s pin to stiamti stniii m ik ptuu i ti i in fli u vi 10 li n mi ttl hav u ion u ilt d str iw 1 khl lu hit 10 rt i nsilnt mai ilall at tht nk tinn mil jilt tin ii will in ufl nil f m sih suhiit t t n i i iv hid tin arm tonsistnik of li0 a r of n h tin louu nuvorkibl u it rt s f ill wht it fill plwhi all don and tht imiiiiii in hn and istuu on th said fnnu is is td i barn r with st ibluij m voiumoit ition to tit up li htmil uittle limning wnttr in t ibl iriiiik slwul r nihk hous wllli vnt i o dnv niding to pirtmrs stnnd- int tin housi i tiuitt fit to com into m nr i vvttt to get stuck in tin jan one of tli l11k was it nrnjng to drive nnd the nun had no nioi e si its thnn to lot lit 1 ilnvt or trv to up our sni w rutttd ian now lisk vou who wns u- hlnmt thi girl hr tht jnim cnnit supp r time anil dauehtt r w is h lj mj nn git tin mill wh t is tht rt fir stiipi r mum slu asked 1 was niv laconic nnswir i tks but wt had t gjs inst timi s mui hi m iv hint tluni nt t tinit t in if i hii ns 111 in track d o it s around as i hav now ui tan t ht m f 1 1 d poneln d scrnmbltd kai j i t hi rninmi toi ipd res rv n 1 llkt ni w f rav il w ashing mnehlm mutli r howl iood moid lb nti 1 wood 11 ui id hd child s crndl rl 1 nnird ik frifnt ttttnttrv irons papi 1 kik k 1 mini i ijiw n mow 1 1 al lddm ilanjin 1 uii h i h hh u 1 nt ind nth u i ii tl oil out nut ht ttlo he 1111 a ci t t 1 ii nt i i iss s ah 1 ii d pi tun i 1 1 i hms sii s 1 v t t 1 iim 1 iintit an 1 in ving ti tl 1 r ii v l s if st lit 11 oil k hii i i i ion au limn 1 t ui oiam mil 1 rk j wall tenanted that could ht bought for future n eds have come tk forni fu tal n properttes lnnllrl insurance lilt f lr t 1 in imc r nn n 1 f um 1 1 iiiii 11111 01 in in 0111 1 u i but t gj s it is tin ci t jk wns tin t holt 1 and so n jlatttr of iwntv t ggs was soon on th tahlt surplus k dit inti a prohum on mauv farms i jit quilt a few iwav with np lnit s aftt r will k wj ks art a p irt of our living the hirrtwan mm do sn t givj iu nmls or tht but 1 hex a rout of mint but vtt thin ar p spl who think that t uj an whit wt pick up for nothing inn t give our living awnyi eonnwtiihl s romm d nui vv hi n visitors conn we can sure with bath ind running wntor fmil thim egs lun partmrs hnrdwihxi flixirs and ebitruitv mothtr vmis stovin ht r mo tnra tin oil hou t all buildings 1 his turn tt d on kim1 rnjiel coiintv koiui milt fiom hlghwnv 5 anc 1 nulis lr im town of milton ymoni mtiesttd in bifvimg 11 aim ind h ni sh iuhv infv i thtij prop rtv pis ltus t s ib i i ms v ash st ttu mmt with th k 1 on lw of sih n thijn l hl rimini i lint i sit ft 1 for ro itiiu no 1 s j as tlu firii is f r sal- nnrt ri prorietr i mu t nivi ut farming t tt 11 1 at ctiom h s nmi ago sin sjttcl one dav w hat eggs iikam oull s on havt nn look 1im an 1 k make it kijunf dint 1 two t g pitas buttt r insti ml of m irgnrlqe pan s t that the olks nrt hroken ion t turn thrm over 1 n t fiv ilum n v tonii nft use in the no nna the now is lti7tunt to nvliw juuftiisui um nmtls wlittp vlilues hni hone up fiie insurnnet inteson prop 1 tits are down and new b iu fits ft3dt cl such as hum c uaneous tovtragts in f nt t tht whole instil am husim s hkt otln 1 1 usint ss s is bi ing brought si it ntlflcally up to ditt l anfoim willi pn s tit tut is m ik n sjms ul study of our busim ss and ulw is pluist d to hivi in lp mil advl i uhtn ask- 1 el otevn tit klfs uhlk ttl lnvi bun suiivful in olitiiiiiini e hint nocommod- ti ns fui uui 1 in his so fm in hi 1 lass s anil tiim s ill nil ilm lo the liirii limit 1 of ii11 uninni list ui i mnn iiplkntlons than shippni limn 111 ill nn mnioilali but slil s ins lilnt converted fnim ttu ir uiulime mnndinir in iiiihmi si r ic nmi nits ships are i 1 inn built if nu nn thlnklni of trnvi lllnn otirsias keep in touch tttrh ik mill i m11 k ep miu infurni il if sou haw un urgent prob- lini m tvlll tin mil listfnrj u ttbitlurit is tmsln ss or nmily nusiins finiitl tuuist tinffli is not siihutil until oindltlons re turn to noi mi at riom h s nmi ii s is vvf re ctkkd jut small pinch ilt titniliiii s 1 ti 1 n in of nuu n nut nlinv1 itt l iluiltv hit i a on pnrh no ppiii- well mi 1 1 aim st ti tt anil 1 i imliv hit i i 1 mm n lnl t jittli 11 suit to nil ul this sale d hindi i s ml i i i 10 ri k 1 koiit ci rk am tl nut is hat art vou waiting for wnltnis th in n that lavsthse kgs- is nijittd ihttv is that all ibt sir j s to qv immkuation u nr 1 11 mm u pliiiilliins fur lrliilni out ilisplnint n rsntu umkr lcrtuui iimdllioiis in mini to k i ii ntmns sui h us furmlni imnlnh uiul ilium fri in pi 1 it in nr tt 11 stiilillshiil and can take tin ri si onslt liny f mioinnii latin llil itlaluf sp i ml si rvlco tititi ins iniii mi out hull ii nu assutnnci itifh pissports fro jdltomoitlle insurint ni pinanclnt do not ilriti juur car ttllhnui insuiunn lijtomuhice 6f mind do nit unit until tou tin intuit 1 in nn ncmjlnt we have facilities o finance your car or truck vvilli all in surance coveniceh and if jou xuffer iohh e are on the npot lo help you arriuikinjr oiih uloukh v l wnchl insurance arenti you obtain all eov enured includinu isibllc liability and iroj erty damage and not colluitin fire and theft only j no endorsera confidential check immediately see f l wright iteallor and insurance wilbhrslrwl phone 95

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